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Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Minors (2012 Amendment) [Revised]
中华人民共和国未成年人保护法(2012修正) [已被修订]


Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Minors 


(Adopted at the 21st Session of the Standing Committee of the Seventh National People's Congress on September 4, 1991, and revised by the Standing Committee of the Seventh National People's Congress at its 25th Session on December 29, 2006; amended in accordance with the Decision on Amending the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Minors at the 29th Session of the Standing Committee of the Eleventh National People's Congress on October 26, 2012; Order No. 65 of the President of the People's Republic of China)
(1991年9月4日第七届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第二十一次会议通过 2006年12月29日第十届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第二十五次会议修订 根据2012年10月26日第十一届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第二十九次会议《关于修改<中华人民共和国未成年人保护法>的决定》修正 主席令第65号)

Contents 目录

Chapter I General Provisions 第一章 总则

Chapter II Protection by the Family 第二章 家庭保护

Chapter III Protection by the School 第三章 学校保护

Chapter IV Protection by the Society 第四章 社会保护

Chapter V Protection by the Judicial Organ 第五章 司法保护

Chapter VI Legal Responsibility 第六章 法律责任

Chapter VII Supplementary Provisions 第七章 附则


Chapter I General Provisions 第一章 总则

Article 1 This Law is enacted in accordance with the Constitution for the purpose of protecting the physical and mental health of the minors, safeguarding their lawful rights and interests, promoting their all-around development--morally, intellectually and physically, and training them to be builders of and successors to the socialist cause with lofty ideals, sound morality, better education and a good sense of discipline.   第一条 为了保护未成年人的身心健康,保障未成年人的合法权益,促进未成年人在品德、智力、体质等方面全面发展,培养有理想、有道德、有文化、有纪律的社会主义建设者和接班人,根据宪法,制定本法。

Article 2 For the purposes of this Law, minors mean citizens under the age of eighteen.   第二条 本法所称未成年人是指未满十八周岁的公民。

Article 3 Minors shall enjoy the right to life, the right to development, the right to being protected and the right to participation, and the State gives them special and preferential protection in light of the characteristics of their physical and mental development and ensures the inviolability of their lawful rights and interests.   第三条 未成年人享有生存权、发展权、受保护权、参与权等权利,国家根据未成年人身心发展特点给予特殊、优先保护,保障未成年人的合法权益不受侵犯。

Minors shall enjoy the right to education, and the State, society, schools and families shall respect and protect such right.

Minors shall, regardless of their sex, ethnic status, race, family property background and religious belief, enjoy their rights equally in accordance with law.

Article 4 The State, society, schools and families shall conduct education among minors in ideals, morality, culture, discipline and legal system as well as in patriotism, collectivism and socialism, foster among them the social ethics of loving the motherland, the people, labour, science and socialism, and fight against the corrosive influences of bourgeois, feudal and other decadent ideologies.   第四条 国家、社会、学校和家庭对未成年人进行理想教育、道德教育、文化教育、纪律和法制教育,进行爱国主义、集体主义和社会主义的教育,提倡爱祖国、爱人民、爱劳动、爱科学、爱社会主义的公德,反对资本主义的、封建主义的和其他的腐朽思想的侵蚀。

Article 5 In the protection of minors the following principles shall be followed:   第五条 保护未成年人的工作,应当遵循下列原则:

(1) respecting the personal dignity of minors; (一)尊重未成年人的人格尊严;

(2) following the laws which govern the minors' physical and mental development and the characteristics of such development; and (二)适应未成年人身心发展的规律和特点;

(3) combining education with protection. (三)教育与保护相结合。

Article 6 To protect minors is the common responsibility of State organs, armed forces, political parties, public organizations, enterprises and institutions, self-governing organizations of a mass character at grass-roots level in urban and rural areas, guardians of minors and other adult citizens.   第六条 保护未成年人,是国家机关、武装力量、政党、社会团体、企业事业组织、城乡基层群众性自治组织、未成年人的监护人和其他成年公民的共同责任。

Any organization or individual shall have the right to discourage a person from infringing upon a minor's lawful rights and interests, stop such infringement, or report or make an accusation against it to the department concerned.

The State, society, schools and families shall teach and help minors to safeguard their lawful rights and interests, enhance their awareness of the need and their ability to protect themselves and their sense of social responsibility.

Article 7 State organs at the central and local levels shall, within the scope of their duties, ensure the protection of minors.   第七条 中央和地方各级国家机关应当在各自的职责范围内做好未成年人保护工作。

The State Council and local people's governments at various levels shall provide leadership over the successful protection of minors; and they shall include the work of protection of the minors in their national economic and social development plans and annual plans and include the funds needed for the work into their budgets.

The State Council and the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall adopt organizational measures to coordinate the efforts made by the departments concerned to ensure the protection of minors. The specific organizations in this regard shall be prescribed by the State Council and the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government.

Article 8 The Communist Youth League organizations, women's federations, trade unions, youth federations, students' federations, young pioneers' organizations and other public organizations concerned shall assist the people's governments at various levels in ensuring the protection of minors and safeguarding their lawful rights and interests.   第八条 共产主义青年团、妇女联合会、工会、青年联合会、学生联合会、少年先锋队以及其他有关社会团体,协助各级人民政府做好未成年人保护工作,维护未成年人的合法权益。

Article 9 The people's governments at various levels and the departments concerned shall commend and give awards to organizations and individuals that have achieved outstanding successes in the protection of minors.   第九条 各级人民政府和有关部门对保护未成年人有显著成绩的组织和个人,给予表彰和奖励。


Chapter II Protection by the Family 第二章 家庭保护

Article 10 The parents or other guardians of minors shall create a good and harmonious home environment and, according to law, fulfill their responsibility of guardianship and their obligations to bring up the minors.   第十条 父母或者其他监护人应当创造良好、和睦的家庭环境,依法履行对未成年人的监护职责和抚养义务。

Domestic violence against minors is prohibited. Maltreating or forsaking of minors is prohibited. Infanticide by drowning, brutally injuring or killing of infants is prohibited. No female or handicapped minors may be discriminated against.

Article 11 The parents or other guardians of minors shall pay close attention to the minors' physiological and psychological conditions and their behavioral habits, cultivate and influence the minors in sound ideology and conduct by appropriate means, give them guidance for their participation in activities that are conducive to their physical and mental health, prevent and stop them from smoking, excessive drinking, leading a vagrant life, being given to internet addiction, gambling, drug-taking or prostitution.   第十一条 父母或者其他监护人应当关注未成年人的生理、心理状况和行为习惯,以健康的思想、良好的品行和适当的方法教育和影响未成年人,引导未成年人进行有益身心健康的活动,预防和制止未成年人吸烟、酗酒、流浪、沉迷网络以及赌博、吸毒、卖淫等行为。

Article 12 The parents or other guardians of minors shall study knowledge about home education and correctly perform their duty of guardianship, in order to bring up and educate the minors.   第十二条 父母或者其他监护人应当学习家庭教育知识,正确履行监护职责,抚养教育未成年人。

Relevant State organs and public organizations shall provide guidance to the parents or other guardians of minors in respect of home education.

Article 13 The parents or other guardians of minors shall respect the minors' right to receive an education, must ensure that school-age minors go to school to receive and complete compulsory education, as provided for by law, and shall see that the minors receiving such education do not drop put of school.   第十三条 父母或者其他监护人应当尊重未成年人受教育的权利,必须使适龄未成年人依法入学接受并完成义务教育,不得使接受义务教育的未成年人辍学。

Article 14 When making decisions concerning the rights and interests of minors, the parents or other guardians of the minors shall, on the basis of the minors' age and intellectual development, inform the minors of the decisions and hear their opinions.   第十四条 父母或者其他监护人应当根据未成年人的年龄和智力发展状况,在作出与未成年人权益有关的决定时告知其本人,并听取他们的意见。

Article 15 The parents or other guardians of minors may not permit or force the minors to marry, nor may they make marriage contracts on behalf of the minors.   第十五条 父母或者其他监护人不得允许或者迫使未成年人结婚,不得为未成年人订立婚约。

Article 16 Where parents who work in other places and thus cannot perform their duty of guardianship with respect to minors, they shall entrust other adults who have the ability to act as guardians with such duty.   第十六条 父母因外出务工或者其他原因不能履行对未成年人监护职责的,应当委托有监护能力的其他成年人代为监护。


Chapter III Protection by the School 第三章 学校保护

Article 17 Schools shall comprehensively implement the State policy on education, conduct education aimed at all-round development, enhance the quality of education, pay special attention to cultivating minor students' ability of independent thinking, innovation and practice, and promote their development in an all-around way.   第十七条 学校应当全面贯彻国家的教育方针,实施素质教育,提高教育质量,注重培养未成年学生独立思考能力、创新能力和实践能力,促进未成年学生全面发展。

Article 18 Schools shall respect the minor students' right to receive an education, show concern for and take good care of the students, and give patient education and help to those who have shortcomings in conduct or difficulties in study, and they shall not discriminate against them, or expel any minor student from school in violation of laws or State regulations.   第十八条 学校应当尊重未成年学生受教育的权利,关心、爱护学生,对品行有缺点、学习有困难的学生,应当耐心教育、帮助,不得歧视,不得违反法律和国家规定开除未成年学生。

Article 19 Schools shall, in light of the characteristics of minor students' physical and mental development, give them guidance in social life and mental health as well as education in puberty.   第十九条 学校应当根据未成年学生身心发展的特点,对他们进行社会生活指导、心理健康辅导和青春期教育。

Article 20 Schools shall cooperate with the parents or other guardians of the minor students to guarantee the minor students time for sleeping, recreational activities and physical exercises and may not increase their burden of study.   第二十条 学校应当与未成年学生的父母或者其他监护人互相配合,保证未成年学生的睡眠、娱乐和体育锻炼时间,不得加重其学习负担。

Article 21 Teaching and administrative staff in schools, kindergartens and nurseries shall respect the personal dignity of the minors, and may not subject them to corporal punishment or corporal punishment in disguised form, or commit any other act that humiliates the personal dignity of the minors.   第二十一条 学校、幼儿园、托儿所的教职员工应当尊重未成年人的人格尊严,不得对未成年人实施体罚、变相体罚或者其他侮辱人格尊严的行为。

Article 22 Schools, kindergartens and nurseries shall establish a safety system, improve education in safety among the minors and adopt measures to guarantee their personal safety.   第二十二条 学校、幼儿园、托儿所应当建立安全制度,加强对未成年人的安全教育,采取措施保障未成年人的人身安全。

Schools, kindergartens and nurseries may not conduct education or teaching among minors in such school buildings or places or with such facilities as are dangerous to their personal safety or health.

Collective activities organized by schools and kindergartens for minors, such as rallies, cultural and recreational activities and social practices, shall be conducive to the healthy growth of minors, and attention shall be paid to preventing accidents endangering their personal safety.



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