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Notice of the State Council on Issuing the National Major Marine Functional Zoning Plan [Effective]
国务院关于印发全国海洋主体功能区规划的通知 [现行有效]

Notice of the State Council on Issuing the National Major Marine Functional Zoning Plan 


(No. 42 [2015] of the State Council) (国发〔2015〕42号)

The people's governments of all provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government; and all ministries and commissions of the State Council and all institutions directly under the State Council: 各省、自治区、直辖市人民政府,国务院各部委、各直属机构:
The National Major Marine Functional Zoning Plan is hereby issued for your compliance and implementation. 现将《全国海洋主体功能区规划》印发给你们,请认真贯彻执行。
State Council 国务院
August 1, 2015 2015年8月1日
National Major Marine Functional Zoning Plan 全国海洋主体功能区规划
Ocean is an important base of national strategic resources. Improving the marine resources development capabilities, developing marine economy, protecting the marine ecological environment, and protecting the marine rights and interests of the state is of great significance for implementing the strategy of marine power, expanding opening up, promoting the construction of ecological civilization, and promoting the sustained and sound economic development, and for the realization of the “two centenary” goals and the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese Nation. This Plan is developed for further optimizing the development pattern of the ocean space. 海洋是国家战略资源的重要基地。提高海洋资源开发能力,发展海洋经济,保护海洋生态环境,维护国家海洋权益,对于实施海洋强国战略、扩大对外开放、推进生态文明建设、促进经济持续健康发展,对于实现“两个一百年”奋斗目标和中华民族伟大复兴中国梦具有十分重要的意义。为进一步优化海洋空间开发格局,编制本规划。
As an important part of the National Major Functional Zoning Plan, this Plan is the fundamental basis for the formation of the major marine functional zones and the fundamental and binding plan for the marine space development. The planning area includes the inland waters, territorial waters, exclusive economic zones, continental shelves, and all other sea areas of China (excluding Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan regions). 本规划是《全国主体功能区规划》的重要组成部分,是推进形成海洋主体功能区布局的基本依据,是海洋空间开发的基础性和约束性规划。规划范围为我国内水和领海、专属经济区和大陆架及其他管辖海域(不包括港澳台地区)。
I. Planning Background   一、规划背景
1. Marine natural conditions. (一)海洋自然状况。
Physical geography. Flanked by the Bohai, Yellow, East China and South China seas in sequence from north to south, China boasts a mainland coastline of more than 18,000 km, such three peninsulas as Liaodong, Shandong, and Leizhou, such three straits as Bohai Sea, Qiongzhou, and Taiwan, as well as 17 major rivers that empty into the sea and numerous harbors; and boasts more than 7,300 sea islands whose area exceeds 500 square meters, including more than 400 inhabited sea islands, which is characterized by more uninhabited islands and less inhabited islands, more costal islands and less distant islands, and more Southern islands and less Northern islands. With a wide range of sea island creatures, China has relatively independent ecosystems and special habitats. 自然地理。我国由北向南依次濒临渤海、黄海、东海和南海,拥有大陆岸线1.8万多公里,有辽东、山东、雷州三个半岛,渤海、琼州、台湾三个海峡,以及17条主要入海河流和众多港湾;拥有面积大于500平方米的海岛7300多个,其中有居民海岛400多个,总体呈无人岛多、有人岛少,近岸岛多、远岸岛少,南方岛多、北方岛少的特点。我国海岛生物种类繁多,具有相对独立的生态系统和特殊生境。
Natural resources. China has more than 20,000 kinds of marine organisms, including more than 3,000 kinds of marine fishes; and has respectively around 24 billion tons and 16 trillion cubic meters of offshore petroleum and natural gas, more than 3 billion tons of littoral placers deposit resource reserves, 630 million kilowatts of theory reserves of marine renewable energy, more than 400 kilometers of natural deep-water coastline, more than 60 deep-water ports, and more than 38,000 square kilometers of tidal flats. 自然资源。我国拥有海洋生物2万多种,其中海洋鱼类3000多种;海洋石油和天然气资源量分别约240亿吨和16万亿立方米,滨海砂矿资源储量超过30亿吨,海洋可再生能源理论蕴藏量6.3亿千瓦,自然深水岸线400多公里,深水港址60多处,滩涂面积3.8万平方公里。
Natural environment. Sea areas of China have such three climate zones as temperate zone, subtropical zone, and tropical zone from north to south, and the temperature difference between the north and the south is around 30℃ in winter and around 4℃ in summer; and annual rainfall is 500-3000 mm. The monsoon feature of the sea areas of China is significant, and tropical cyclone has great influence. The annual average seawater surface temperature is 11℃-27℃. The sea surface along the northern coastline of the Bohai Sea and the Yellow Sea freezes in winter. The types of coastal tide are complex and the tidal range varies significantly. The tides of the offshore areas are complex and varied. 自然环境。我国海域自北向南纵跨温带、亚热带和热带三个气候带,南北温差冬季约为30℃,夏季约为4℃;年降水量500-3000毫米。我国海域季风特征显著,热带气旋影响大。海水表层水温年均11℃-27℃,渤海和黄海北部沿岸冬季海面有结冰。沿海潮汐类型复杂,潮差变化显著。近岸海域潮流状况复杂多变。
Ecosystem. China has most of the world's marine ecosystems, including estuaries, coastal wetlands, coral reefs, mangroves, sea grass beds, and other shallow sea ecosystems and island ecosystems, with different environmental characteristics and biological communities. 生态系统。我国拥有世界海洋大部分生态系统类型,包括入海河口、滨海湿地、珊瑚礁、红树林、海草床等浅海生态系统以及岛屿生态系统,具有各异的环境特征和生物群落。
Natural disasters. China suffers many kinds of marine disasters, including tsunamis, storm surges, sea waves, sea ice, red tide, green tide, sea level rise, salt water intrusion, soil salinization, and intrusion of tidal saltwater, among others. Since 2011, China has suffered a total of more than 470 times of storm surges, sea waves, sea ice and other marine disasters, and an average of 7 tropical cyclones each year, leading to direct economic losses of around 13 billion yuan. 自然灾害。我国海洋灾害种类多,包括海啸、风暴潮、海浪、海冰、赤潮、绿潮,以及海平面上升、海水入侵、土壤盐渍化和咸潮入侵等。2011年以来,我国共发生风暴潮、海浪、海冰等海洋灾害470多次,平均每年有7个热带气旋登陆,直接经济损失约130亿元。
2. Problems and challenges. The current and future periods which are critical for China's comprehensive building of a well-off society are an important stage for the construction of a maritime power. With the expansion of the sea use scale and the enhancement of the intensity of sea use, while meeting the needs of the rapid development of industrialization and urbanization for marine space, protecting the safety of the marine space is faced with many problems and severe challenges. (二)问题和挑战。当前和今后一个时期,是我国全面建成小康社会的关键时期,也是建设海洋强国的重要阶段。随着用海规模扩大和用海强度提高,在满足工业化、城镇化快速发展对海洋空间需求的同时,保障海洋空间安全面临诸多问题和严峻挑战。
Extensive development mode. The marine industry is dominated by resource development and production of primary products and characterized by relatively low added value of products, low-quality structure, and homogeneity of layout. The sea reclamation scale of offshore areas is relatively large. From 2002 to 2014, the confirmed land area of sea reclamation land reached 1,339 square meters. 开发方式粗放。海洋产业以资源开发和初级产品生产为主,产品附加值较低,结构低质化、布局趋同化问题突出。近岸海域围填海规模较大,2002年至2014年,围填海造地确权面积达1339平方公里。
Unbalanced development. Marine development activities are concentrated in offshore areas, available coastlines, space of tidal flats, and biological resources in shallow marine water gradually decrease, most commercial fishes in offshore areas have been unable to form fishing season, and the problem of over-development in offshore areas is prominent. Importance shall be attached to the problem of underdevelopment in the deep waters and high seas. 开发不平衡。海洋开发活动集中在近岸海域,可利用岸线、滩涂空间和浅海生物资源日趋减少,近海大部分经济鱼类已不能形成渔汛,近岸过度开发问题突出。深远海开发不足问题需要重视。
Prominent environmental pollution. With large total amount of pollutant discharge of rivers that empty into the sea, the deterioration trend of water quality in offshore areas has not been contained, and pollution in some areas is serious, mainly distributed in the Liaodong Bay, the Bohai Bay, the Jiaozhou Bay, the Yangtze River Estuary, the Hangzhou Bay, the Minjiang River Estuary, the Pearl River Estuary, and the offshore areas of most medium and large-sized cities. 环境污染问题突出。入海河流污染物排放总量大,近岸海域水质恶化趋势没有得到遏制,局部海域污染严重,主要分布在辽东湾、渤海湾、胶州湾、长江口、杭州湾、闽江口、珠江口及部分大中城市近岸海域。
Seriously damaged ecosystems. Affected by global climate change and unreasonable development activities, in the offshore areas, the ecological functions degrade, biodiversity reduces, the problem of seawater eutrophication is prominent, red tide and other marine ecological disasters take place frequently, some typical marine ecosystems are badly damaged, and the special habitats of some islands are difficult to be maintained. 生态系统受损较重。受全球气候变化、不合理开发活动等影响,近岸海域生态功能有所退化,生物多样性降低,海水富营养化问题突出,赤潮等海洋生态灾害频发,一些典型海洋生态系统受损严重,部分岛屿特殊生境难以维系。
Resource supply faces challenges. With the rapid development of the economic society in coastal areas, the production, life and ecological sea use needs gradually becomes diversified, which raises new challenges to the supply method of the traditional marine resources. 资源供给面临挑战。随着沿海地区经济社会的快速发展,生产、生活、生态用海需求日趋多样化,对传统海洋资源供给方式提出新的挑战。
II. General Requirements   二、总体要求
1. Guiding thought. You shall fully implement the spirit of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the Second, Third and Fourth Plenary Sessions of the 18th CPC Central Committee; according to the decisions and the deployment of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, the natural law, as well as the resources and environment carrying capacity of different sea areas, the existing development intensity, and the development potentiality, reasonably determine the main functions of different sea areas, make plans for ocean development in a scientific manner, adjust the development contents, standardize the development order, improve the capacity and efficiency of development, and spare no efforts to promote the transition of the ocean development mode towards the mode of cyclic utilization, to realize sustainable development and utilization and establish an ocean space development pattern which enables coordination between land and sea and harmony between human and ocean. (一)指导思想。全面贯彻党的十八大和十八届二中、三中、四中全会精神,按照党中央、国务院决策部署,遵循自然规律,根据不同海域资源环境承载能力、现有开发强度和发展潜力,合理确定不同海域主体功能,科学谋划海洋开发,调整开发内容,规范开发秩序,提高开发能力和效率,着力推动海洋开发方式向循环利用型转变,实现可持续开发利用,构建陆海协调、人海和谐的海洋空间开发格局。
2. Basic principles. (二)基本原则。
Overall planning for land and marine development. Overall planning shall be developed for the pattern of ocean space and the development layout of land area, the economic and social development in coastal areas and the development and utilization of the ocean space, prevention of land-based pollution and the protection and restoration of the marine ecological environment. 陆海统筹。统筹海洋空间格局与陆域发展布局,统筹沿海地区经济社会发展与海洋空间开发利用,统筹陆源污染防治与海洋生态环境保护和修复。
Respect for nature. The concept of regarding ocean with reverence and protecting ocean shall be established, a more prominent position shall be given to the construction of marine ecological civilization, the development activities shall be strictly limited within the scope of the marine resource and environment carrying capacity, the natural conditions of sea areas, sea islands, and coastlines shall be effectively protected, and the marine biodiversity shall be effectively protected. 尊重自然。树立敬畏海洋、保护海洋理念,把海洋生态文明建设放在更加突出的位置,把开发活动严格限制在海洋资源环境承载能力范围内,维护好海域、海岛、海岸线自然状况,保护好海洋生物多样性。
Optimizing the structure. According to the basic requirements of economic development, sound ecological environment, and safety guarantee, the transformation of the marine economic development mode shall be accelerated, and the marine economic layout and industrial structure shall be optimized. The development intensity and scale of the offshore areas shall be controlled and the moderate development of deep waters and high seas shall be promoted. 优化结构。按照经济发展、生态良好、安全保障的基本要求,加快转变海洋经济发展方式,优化海洋经济布局和产业结构。控制近岸海域开发强度和规模,推动深远海适度开发。
Intensive development. The utilization efficiency of the maritime space shall be improved, the timing of development shall be grasped, overall planning shall be developed for town development, the construction of infrastructure and the coastal industrial parks, and other development activities, and the standards for sea use shall be strictly implemented to control the size of sea use. In areas with obvious regional advantages, rich resources, and other better development conditions, the key points shall be highlighted and point-like development shall be implemented. 集约开发。提高海洋空间利用效率,把握开发时序,统筹城镇发展和基础设施、临海工业区建设等开发活动,严格用海标准,控制用海规模。对区位优势明显、资源富集等发展条件较好的地区,突出重点,实施点状开发。
3. Function division. The major marine functional zones may be divided into such three functions as construction of industries, cities and towns, agriculture and fishery production, and ecosystem environment services according to the development contents. According to the major functions, the marine space is divided into the following four areas: (三)功能分区。海洋主体功能区按开发内容可分为产业与城镇建设、农渔业生产、生态环境服务三种功能。依据主体功能,将海洋空间划分为以下四类区域:
“Optimized development areas” means sea areas whose development and utilization intensity is relatively high, environment and resource restriction is relatively strong, and industrial structure needs to be adjusted and optimized. 优化开发区域,是指现有开发利用强度较高,资源环境约束较强,产业结构亟需调整和优化的海域。
“Key development areas” means sea areas that have an important position in the coastal economic and social development, whose development potentiality is relatively large, whose resources and environment carrying capacity is relatively strong, and where high-intensity concentrated development may be conducted. 重点开发区域,是指在沿海经济社会发展中具有重要地位,发展潜力较大,资源环境承载能力较强,可以进行高强度集中开发的海域。
“Restricted development areas” means sea areas whose main function is to providing marine aquatic products, including sea areas used for protecting the marine fishery resources and the functions of the marine ecosystems. 限制开发区域,是指以提供海洋水产品为主要功能的海域,包括用于保护海洋渔业资源和海洋生态功能的海域。
“Prohibited development areas” means the sea areas that play an important role in protecting the marine biodiversity and the typical marine ecosystems, including the marine natural reserve areas, and the islands where the base points of territorial waters are located, among others. 禁止开发区域,是指对维护海洋生物多样性,保护典型海洋生态系统具有重要作用的海域,包括海洋自然保护区、领海基点所在岛屿等。
4. Major objectives. According to the general requirements of basically forming the major functional areas by 2020, the major objective of the Plan is: (四)主要目标。根据到2020年主体功能区布局基本形成的总体要求,规划的主要目标是:
The ocean space use pattern shall be clear and reasonable. Point-based development and surface-based protection shall be insisted on, and the marine development pattern of “one belt, nine districts, and multiple points,” the marine ecological security pattern of “one belt, one chain, and multiple points,” the marine aquatic products guarantee pattern dominated by traditional fishery and mariculture zones, and the marine oil and gas resources development pattern of reserving close resources and using distant resources shall be formed. 海洋空间利用格局清晰合理。坚持点上开发、面上保护,形成“一带九区多点”海洋开发格局、“一带一链多点”海洋生态安全格局、以传统渔场和海水养殖区等为主体的海洋水产品保障格局、储近用远的海洋油气资源开发格局。
The ocean space utilization efficiency shall be improved. The intensification degree, the three-dimensional and diversification degree of use of sea areas, and the port utilization efficiency, among others of the construction of the coastal industries and construction of cities and towns shall be improved significantly, the per unit yield cultivation level of the marine aquatic products shall be steadily improved, and the industrial added value of unit coastline and sea area shall be substantially increased. 海洋空间利用效率提高。沿海产业与城镇建设用海集约化程度、海域利用立体化和多元化程度、港口利用效率等明显提高,海洋水产品养殖单产水平稳步提升,单位岸线和单位海域面积产业增加值大幅增长。
The sustainable development capacity of ocean shall be enhanced. The health condition of the marine ecosystems shall be improved, the marine ecological service functions shall be enhanced, the retention ratio of mainland natural coastlines shall not be lower than 35%, the proportion of the marine reserve areas to the sea areas under jurisdiction shall be increased to 5%, and the damaged ecology along the coastline shall be restored and renovated. The total amount of major pollutants emptied into the sea shall be effectively controlled and the water quality of offshore areas shall be maintained stable on the whole. The ocean disaster warning and forecasting as well as disaster prevention and reduction capacity shall be obviously enhanced and the capacity of tackling climate change shall be further enhanced. 海洋可持续发展能力提升。海洋生态系统健康状况得到改善,海洋生态服务功能得到增强,大陆自然岸线保有率不低于35%,海洋保护区占管辖海域面积比重增加到5%,沿海岸线受损生态得到修复与整治。入海主要污染物总量得到有效控制,近岸海域水质总体保持稳定。海洋灾害预警预报和防灾减灾能力明显提升,应对气候变化能力进一步增强。
III. Major Functional Areas of Internal Waters and Territorial Waters   三、内水和领海主体功能区
The 380,000-square kilometer internal waters and territorial waters that China has explicitly proclaimed are the core areas for the marine development activities as well as the critical areas for adhering to the overall planning of land and sea and for the realization of the coordinated development of population, resources and environment. 我国已明确公布的内水和领海面积38万平方公里,是海洋开发活动的核心区域,也是坚持陆海统筹、实现人口资源环境协调发展的关键区域。
1. Optimized development area. It includes the surrounding sea areas of the Bohai Bay, the Yangtze River Estuary and its two wings, the Pearl River Estuary and its two wings, the Beibu Gulf, the west of the Taiwan Strait and the Liaodong Peninsula, the Shandong Peninsula, northern Jiangsu, and the Hainan Island. (一)优化开发区域。包括渤海湾、长江口及其两翼、珠江口及其两翼、北部湾、海峡西部以及辽东半岛、山东半岛、苏北、海南岛附近海域。
The development direction and development principles of the area is optimizing the spatial layout of the offshore areas, rationally adjusting the development size and timing of the sea areas, controlling the development intensity, and strictly implementing the rules on controlling the total amount of sea reclamation; promoting the technical transformation, optimization, and upgrading of the traditional marine industry, vigorously developing the marine high technology industry, actively developing the modern marine service industry, and promoting the transition of the marine industrial structure towards the high end, high efficiency, and high added-value direction; promoting the green development of the marine economy, raising the access threshold for the industry, actively developing and utilizing the renewable marine energy sources, and enhancing the carbon sink function of ocean; strictly controlling the discharge of the land-sourced pollutants, strengthening the renovation and ecological restoration of important estuaries and bays, and regulating the setting of the discharging outlets into the sea; and effectively protecting the natural shorelines and typical marine ecosystems, and improving the marine ecological service functions.

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