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Measures for the Administration of Child Welfare Organizations [Effective]
儿童福利机构管理办法 [现行有效]

Order of the Ministry of Civil Affairs of the People's Republic of China 


(No. 63) (第63号)

The Measures for the Administration of Child Welfare Organizations, as adopted by the executive meeting of the Ministry of Civil Affairs on October 25, 2018, are hereby issued, and shall come into force on January 1, 2019. 《儿童福利机构管理办法》已经2018年10月25日民政部部务会议通过,现予公布,自2019年1月1日起施行。
Minister: Huang Shuxian 部长:黄树贤
October 30, 2018 2018年10月30日
Measures for the Administration of Child Welfare Organizations 儿童福利机构管理办法
Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总则

Article 1 These Measures are developed in accordance with the General Provisions of the Civil Law of the People's Republic of China and the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Minors and other applicable laws and regulations for the purposes of strengthening the administration of child welfare organizations and protecting the lawful rights and interests of children.   第一条 为了加强儿童福利机构管理,维护儿童的合法权益,根据《中华人民共和国民法总则》、《中华人民共和国未成年人保护法》等有关法律法规,制定本办法。
Article 2 For the purpose of these Measures, the term “child welfare organizations” means the organizations established by the civil affairs departments with a focus on accepting and supporting children under the age of eighteen whose guardians are the civil affairs departments.   第二条 本办法所称儿童福利机构是指民政部门设立的,主要收留抚养由民政部门担任监护人的未满18周岁儿童的机构。
Child welfare organizations include child welfare centers registered as public institutions, and social welfare institutions with the department of children's affairs. 儿童福利机构包括按照事业单位法人登记的儿童福利院、设有儿童部的社会福利院等。
Article 3 The civil affairs department under the State Council is responsible for directing and supervising the administration of child welfare organizations throughout the country.   第三条 国务院民政部门负责指导、监督全国儿童福利机构管理工作。
The civil affairs departments under the people's governments at or above the county level are responsible for the administration of child welfare organizations within their respective administrative regions, and for the supervision and inspection of such organizations in accordance with relevant laws and regulations as well as the provisions of these Measures. 县级以上地方人民政府民政部门负责本行政区域内儿童福利机构管理工作,依照有关法律法规和本办法的规定,对儿童福利机构进行监督和检查。
Article 4 Child welfare organizations shall insist on maximizing the benefits of children, guarantee children's right to life, right to development, right to protection, and right to participation, and continuously provide better living standards, medical services, rehabilitation services, and education to children.   第四条 儿童福利机构应当坚持儿童利益最大化,依法保障儿童的生存权、发展权、受保护权、参与权等权利,不断提高儿童生活、医疗、康复和教育水平。
Child welfare organizations and their staff shall not discriminate against, humiliate or maltreat children. 儿童福利机构及其工作人员不得歧视、侮辱、虐待儿童。
Article 5 The construction of child welfare organizations shall be incorporated into the economic and social development plans of local people's governments at or above county level, and be commensurate with local economic and social development.   第五条 儿童福利机构的建设应当纳入县级以上地方人民政府国民经济和社会发展规划,建设水平应当与当地经济和社会发展相适应。
Article 6 Expenses required by child welfare organizations shall be guaranteed by the public finance departments of local people's governments at or above county level according to the relevant provisions.   第六条 儿童福利机构所需经费由县级以上地方人民政府财政部门按照规定予以保障。
Article 7 Natural persons, legal persons or other organizations shall be encouraged to participate in relevant services of child welfare organizations by giving donations, establishing public welfare and charity projects, and providing volunteer services.   第七条 鼓励自然人、法人或者其他组织通过捐赠、设立公益慈善项目、提供志愿服务等方式,参与儿童福利机构相关服务。
Article 8 Any entity or individual that has made prominent achievements in the services and administration of child welfare organizations shall be given recognition and rewards according to the relevant regulations of the state.   第八条 对在儿童福利机构服务和管理工作中做出突出成绩的单位和个人,依照国家有关规定给予表彰和奖励。
Chapter II Service Recipients 

第二章 服务对象

Article 9 Child welfare organizations shall accept and support the following children:   第九条 儿童福利机构应当收留抚养下列儿童:
1. Children whose parents or other guardians cannot be found; (一)无法查明父母或者其他监护人的儿童;
2. Children whose parents are dead or declared missing and who have no other legally qualified guardian; (二)父母死亡或者宣告失踪且没有其他依法具有监护资格的人的儿童;
3. Children whose parents have no ability to act as guardians and who have no other legally qualified guardian; (三)父母没有监护能力且没有其他依法具有监护资格的人的儿童;
4. Children whose guardians are the civil affairs departments designated by the people's courts; (四)人民法院指定由民政部门担任监护人的儿童;
5. Other children whose guardians should be civil affairs departments according to the law. (五)法律规定应当由民政部门担任监护人的其他儿童。
Article 10 Child welfare organizations that accept and support the children referred to in subparagraph 1 of Article 9 of these Measures shall register and keep the following materials according to specific conditions:   第十条 儿童福利机构收留抚养本办法第九条第(一)项规定的儿童的,应当区分情况登记保存以下材料:
1. For abandoned children whose parents or other guardians cannot be found, such materials as certificate of picking up abandoned children whose parents or other guardians cannot be found as determined by the public security organs through relevant procedures, bulletin looking for parents issued by child welfare organizations, and acceptance opinions of the civil affairs departments shall be registered and kept; (一)属于无法查明父母或者其他监护人的被遗弃儿童的,登记保存公安机关出具的经相关程序确认查找不到父母或者其他监护人的捡拾报案证明、儿童福利机构发布的寻亲公告、民政部门接收意见等材料。
2. For children who are rescued from abduction and whose parents or other guardians cannot be found, such materials as notice of providing provisional care for children rescued from abduction, DNA comparison results, and certificate of not finding biological parents or other guardians issued by the public security organs, bulletin looking for parents issued by child welfare organizations, acceptance opinions of the civil affairs departments, and other children-related information shall be registered and kept; (二)属于无法查明父母或者其他监护人的打拐解救儿童的,登记保存公安机关出具的打拐解救儿童临时照料通知书、DNA信息比对结果、暂时未查找到生父母或者其他监护人的证明,儿童福利机构发布的寻亲公告,民政部门接收意见以及其他与儿童有关的材料。
3. For children who roam around begging and whose parents or other guardians cannot be found for more than three months, such materials as DNA comparison results issued by the public security organs, bulletin looking for parents issued by relief agencies for minors, acceptance opinions of the civil affairs departments, and other children-related information shall be registered and kept. (三)属于超过3个月仍无法查明父母或者其他监护人的流浪乞讨儿童的,登记保存公安机关出具的DNA信息比对结果、未成年人救助保护机构发布的寻亲公告、民政部门接收意见以及其他与儿童有关的材料。
Article 11 Child welfare organizations that accept and support the children referred to in subparagraph 2 of Article 9 of these Measures shall register and keep such materials as proof of death or verdict of declared death or disappearance for children's parents, and report of having no other legally qualified guardians submitted by the township people's government (sub-district office) of the places where the children's permanent residences are registered, as well as acceptance opinions of the civil affairs departments.   第十一条 儿童福利机构收留抚养本办法第九条第(二)项规定的儿童的,应当登记保存儿童户籍所在地乡镇人民政府(街道办事处)提交的儿童父母死亡证明或者宣告死亡、宣告失踪的判决书以及没有其他依法具有监护资格的人的情况报告,民政部门接收意见等材料。
Article 12 Child welfare organizations that accept and support the children referred to in subparagraph 3 of Article 9 of these Measures shall register and keep such materials as report of parents having no ability to act as guardians and report of having no other legally qualified guardians submitted by the township people's government (sub-district office) of the places where the children's permanent residences are registered, as well as acceptance opinions of the civil affairs departments.   第十二条 儿童福利机构收留抚养本办法第九条第(三)项规定的儿童的,应当登记保存儿童户籍所在地乡镇人民政府(街道办事处)提交的父母没有监护能力的情况报告、没有其他依法具有监护资格的人的情况报告,民政部门接收意见等材料。
For any child whose mother or father is dead or missing, such materials as proof of death or verdict of declared death or disappearance for the dead or missing party shall be registered and kept. 父母一方死亡或者失踪的,还应当登记保存死亡或者失踪一方的死亡证明或者宣告死亡、宣告失踪的判决书。
Article 13 Child welfare organizations that accept and support the children referred to in subparagraph 4 of Article 9 of these Measures shall register and keep such materials as valid verdict of the people's court and acceptance opinions of the civil affairs departments.   第十三条 儿童福利机构收留抚养本办法第九条第(四)项规定的儿童的,应当登记保存人民法院生效判决书、民政部门接收意见等材料。
Article 14 Child welfare organizations may accept the entrustment of relief agencies for minors in accepting and supporting children who are under the temporary guardianship of the civil affairs departments. In this case, child welfare organizations shall sign an entrustment agreement with relief agencies for minors.   第十四条 儿童福利机构可以接受未成年人救助保护机构委托,收留抚养民政部门承担临时监护责任的儿童。儿童福利机构应当与未成年人救助保护机构签订委托协议。
Child welfare organizations shall accept children under the age of sixteen who are in extreme poverty and need concentrated support. 儿童福利机构应当接收需要集中供养的未满16周岁的特困人员。
Chapter III Service Contents 

第三章 服务内容

Article 15 After accepting children, child welfare organizations shall promptly send them to medical institutions for physical checks and infection screening; and in case of being unable to send them to medical institutions, they shall be subjected to isolation for caring.   第十五条 儿童福利机构接收儿童后,应当及时送医疗机构进行体检和传染病检查。确实无法送医疗机构的,应当先行隔离照料。
Article 16 Child welfare organizations that accept and support the children referred to in subparagraph 1 of Article 9 of these Measures shall keep the objects that are carried by the children and can mark their identities or be of memorable significance.   第十六条 儿童福利机构收留抚养本办法第九条第(一)项规定的儿童的,应当保存儿童随身携带的能够标识其身份或者具有纪念价值的物品。
Article 17 Child welfare organizations that accept and support the children referred to in Article 9 of these Measures shall apply for residence registration at the local public security organs.
   第十七条 儿童福利机构收留抚养本办法第九条规定的儿童,应当及时到当地公安机关申请办理户口登记。

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