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Guiding Opinions of the General Office of the State Council on Innovating on Rural Infrastructure Investment and Financing Systems and Mechanisms [Effective]
国务院办公厅关于创新农村基础设施投融资体制机制的指导意见 [现行有效]

Guiding Opinions of the General Office of the State Council on Innovating on Rural Infrastructure Investment and Financing Systems and Mechanisms 


(No. 17 [2017] of the General Office of the State Council) (国办发〔2017〕17号)

The people's governments of all provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government; all ministries and commissions of the State Council; and all institutions directly under the State Council: 各省、自治区、直辖市人民政府,国务院各部委、各直属机构:
Rural infrastructure is important content of the building of new socialist rural areas and an important support to rural social and economic development. Over recent years, the construction of road, water supply, sewage and waste treatment, power supply, telecommunications and other infrastructures in rural areas in China has been accelerating, and the living and work conditions have gradually improved, however, as there are many problems left through history, the investment is insufficient and the financing channels are not impeded, among others, overall rural infrastructure is still poor and falls far short of the requirement of finishing building a moderately prosperous society in all aspects. For purposes of innovating on rural infrastructure investment and financing systems and mechanisms and accelerating rural infrastructure construction, with the approval of the State Council, the following opinions are hereby offered. 农村基础设施是社会主义新农村建设的重要内容,是农村经济社会发展的重要支撑。近年来,我国农村道路、供水、污水垃圾处理、供电、电信等基础设施建设步伐不断加快,生产生活条件逐步改善,但由于历史欠账较多、资金投入不足、融资渠道不畅等原因,农村基础设施总体上仍比较薄弱,与全面建成小康社会的要求还有较大差距。为创新农村基础设施投融资体制机制,加快农村基础设施建设步伐,经国务院同意,现提出以下意见。
I. General requirements   一、总体要求
(1) Guiding ideology. We shall comprehensively implement the spirit of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China ("CPC") and the Third, Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Plenary Sessions of the 18th CPC Central Committee, carry out in depth the spirit of a series of important speeches and new concepts, thoughts and strategies of managing state affairs of General Secretary Xi Jinping, conscientiously implement the decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, advance the overall layout for "economic, political, cultural, social, and ecological progress" in an overall manner and the Four-Pronged Comprehensive Strategy in a coordinated manner, firmly develop and implement the concept of innovative, coordinated, green, open and shared development, set the acceleration of fixing the shortness of rural infrastructure and advancement of urban-rural integration as objectives, make the innovation on investment and financing systems and mechanisms as a breach, specify the powers and responsibility for investment of governments at all levels, expand investment and financing channels, optimize investment and financing modes, make more investment in construction, improve the maintenance mechanism, and comprehensively improve rural infrastructure construction and management. (一)指导思想。全面贯彻党的十八大和十八届三中、四中、五中、六中全会精神,深入贯彻习近平总书记系列重要讲话精神和治国理政新理念新思想新战略,认真落实党中央、国务院决策部署,统筹推进“五位一体”总体布局和协调推进“四个全面”战略布局,牢固树立和贯彻落实创新、协调、绿色、开放、共享的发展理念,以加快补齐农村基础设施短板、推进城乡发展一体化为目标,以创新投融资体制机制为突破口,明确各级政府事权和投入责任,拓宽投融资渠道,优化投融资模式,加大建设投入,完善管护机制,全面提高农村基础设施建设和管理水平。
(2) Basic principles. (二)基本原则。
The government shall take the lead, and society shall participate. The orientation of public products of rural infrastructure shall be specified, the government's responsibility for investment and taking the lead shall be enhanced, overall planning for urban and rural infrastructure shall be strengthened, and more policy support shall be provided. System and mechanism obstruction shall be removed, private capital shall be guided and encouraged to make investment in rural infrastructure, and market orientation and specialization of construction and maintenance shall be improved. 政府主导、社会参与。明确农村基础设施的公共产品定位,强化政府投入和主导责任,加强城乡基础设施统筹规划,加大政策支持力度。破除体制机制障碍,引导和鼓励社会资本投向农村基础设施领域,提高建设和管护市场化、专业化程度。
Farmers shall benefit and decision making shall be democratic. Farmers shall be allowed to play their role as the direct beneficiaries of rural infrastructure, farmers and rural collective economic organizations shall be guided in vigorously participating in project construction and management, democratic decision making shall be promoted, the right to know, right to participate and right to supervise of farmers shall be ensured. 农民受益、民主决策。发挥农民作为农村基础设施直接受益主体的作用,引导农民和农村集体经济组织积极参与项目建设和管理,推动决策民主化,保障农民知情权、参与权和监督权。
Measures suitable to local conditions shall be adopted, and policies shall be implemented based on classification. The local governments and investors shall be fully motivated, and investment and financing mechanisms suitable for the characteristics of different regions and various infrastructures shall be explored. Consideration shall be given to both fairness and efficiency, differentiated investment and financing policies shall be carried out, and more support shall be provided to poverty-stricken regions. 因地制宜、分类施策。充分发挥地方政府和投资主体的积极性,探索适合不同地区、不同基础设施特点的投融资机制。兼顾公平与效率,实施差别化投融资政策,加大对贫困地区的支持力度。
Equal attention shall be paid to construction and maintenance, and overall advancement shall be effected. Developing mechanisms first and constructing projects second shall be adhered to, and rural infrastructure investment and financing and operation modes shall be reasonably determined. The organic integration of innovation on investment and financing systems and mechanisms and innovation on maintenance mechanisms and the reform of rural collective property rights system, among others, shall be advanced, and sustainable development shall be realized. 建管并重、统筹推进。坚持先建机制、后建工程,合理确定农村基础设施投融资模式和运行方式。推进投融资体制机制创新与建设管护机制创新、农村集体产权制度改革等有机结合,实现可持续发展。
(3) Main objectives. By 2020, an energetic investment and financing system with diversified entities will have basically formed, a specialized and efficient construction and maintenance mechanism featuring market-oriented operation will have gradually developed, the integration of urban and rural infrastructure construction and maintenance will have been significantly improved, rural infrastructure conditions will have prominently bettered, outstanding progress will have been made in the building of a beautiful and livable countryside, and the fulfillment of farmers by sharing the achievements in reform and development shall be further enhanced. (三)主要目标。到2020年,主体多元、充满活力的投融资体制基本形成,市场运作、专业高效的建管机制逐步建立,城乡基础设施建设管理一体化水平明显提高,农村基础设施条件明显改善,美丽宜居乡村建设取得明显进展,广大农民共享改革发展成果的获得感进一步增强。
II. Developing a new pattern of diversified investment and financing and improving the permanent investment mechanism   二、构建多元化投融资新格局,健全投入长效机制
(4) Improving the grade and class-based investment system. The powers and responsibilities for investment of governments at all levels shall be specified, and a rural infrastructure investment system featuring well-defined powers, consistency between powers and duties, support by the Central Government, overall arrangements by provinces, and counties in charge shall be established. Infrastructure generating no profit such as rural road shall be mainly constructed and invested in by the government, and private capital and farmers shall be encouraged to participate. Rural water supply, sewage and waste treatment and other infrastructure generating particular profit shall be mainly constructed and invested in by the government and private capital, and farmers shall be vigorously guided in making investment. Rural power supply, telecommunications and other infrastructure mainly used for commercial business operations shall be constructed and invested in mainly by enterprises, and the government shall provide subsidies to poverty-stricken and key regions. (The National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Finance shall take the lead and be responsible) (四)健全分级分类投入体制。明确各级政府事权和投入责任,构建事权清晰、权责一致、中央支持、省级统筹、县级负责的农村基础设施投入体系。对农村道路等没有收益的基础设施,建设投入以政府为主,鼓励社会资本和农民参与。对农村供水、污水垃圾处理等有一定收益的基础设施,建设投入以政府和社会资本为主,积极引导农民投入。对农村供电、电信等以经营性为主的基础设施,建设投入以企业为主,政府对贫困地区和重点区域给予补助。(国家发展改革委、财政部牵头负责)
(5) Improving the fiscal investment steady growth mechanism. Fiscal investment in agriculture and rural areas shall be ensured in priority, corresponding spending shall be included in fiscal budgets at all levels, it shall be adhered to that agriculture and rural areas are taken as the key fields of fixed assets investment made by state, and it shall be ensured that the support are not be weakened and total quantity is to increase. Proceeds of the government from land granting and other various appropriations shall be arranged in an overall manner, and rural infrastructure construction shall be supported. The local governments shall be supported in, with plans as basis, integrating appropriations allocated from different channels but featuring similar construction content so as to join forces. (The Ministry of Finance and the National Development and Reform Commission shall take the lead and be responsible) (五)完善财政投入稳定增长机制。优先保障财政对农业农村的投入,相应支出列入各级财政预算,坚持把农业农村作为国家固定资产投资的重点领域,确保力度不减弱、总量有增加。统筹政府土地出让收益等各类资金,支持农村基础设施建设。支持地方政府以规划为依据,整合不同渠道下达但建设内容相近的资金,形成合力。(财政部、国家发展改革委牵头负责)
(6) Innovating on the method of government investment and support. The guidance and leverage role of government investment shall be used, and rural infrastructure construction shall be supported through direct investment, investment subsidies, capital fund injection, fiscal interest subsidization, substituting reward for subsidies, construction before subsidies, free supply of construction materials, and other various methods. The local governments and private capital shall be encouraged to establish investment funds for rural infrastructure construction. A local government debt financing mechanism shall be established a regulated, the transformation and re-structuring of local financing platforms and market-oriented financing shall be promoted, and rural infrastructure construction shall be better prioritized. The local governments shall be allowed to issue general bonds to support the construction of rural road and special bonds to support the construction of rural water supply and sewage and waste treatment facilities, and collective bonds for county-level rural infrastructure construction projects shall be explored and issued. Qualified enterprises shall be supported in issuing corporate bonds to construct rural power supply and telecommunications facilities. The local governments shall be encouraged to raise funds through fiscal appropriation, franchise, authorized business operation, and other channels, and government-background rural infrastructure repair and maintenance funds levied not on society shall be established. Regions with good conditions shall be encouraged to bundle rural infrastructure and industries, parks and rural tourism, among others, for integrated development and construction so as to realize mutual promotion, reciprocity and win-win. (The National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Finance, the People's Bank of China, the China Banking Regulatory Commission and the China Securities Regulatory Commission shall be responsible) (六)创新政府投资支持方式。发挥政府投资的引导和撬动作用,采取直接投资、投资补助、资本金注入、财政贴息、以奖代补、先建后补、无偿提供建筑材料等多种方式支持农村基础设施建设。鼓励地方政府和社会资本设立农村基础设施建设投资基金。建立规范的地方政府举债融资机制,推动地方融资平台转型改制和市场化融资,重点向农村基础设施建设倾斜。允许地方政府发行一般债券支持农村道路建设,发行专项债券支持农村供水、污水垃圾处理设施建设,探索发行县级农村基础设施建设项目集合债。支持符合条件的企业发行企业债券,用于农村供电、电信设施建设。鼓励地方政府通过财政拨款、特许或委托经营等渠道筹措资金,设立不向社会征收的政府性农村基础设施维修养护基金。鼓励有条件的地区将农村基础设施与产业、园区、乡村旅游等进行捆绑,实行一体化开发和建设,实现相互促进、互利共赢。(国家发展改革委、财政部、人民银行、银监会、证监会等负责)
(7) Establishing a public-private partnership mechanism. All regions shall be supported in guiding private capital in making investment in the field of rural infrastructure through public-private partnership. It shall be encouraged to follow the concept of "public-welfare projects and market-oriented operation," government procurement of services shall be vigorously advanced, and rural infrastructure construction and operation modes shall be innovated on. The local governments shall be supported in bundling rural infrastructure projects, improving profitability and establishing an operation compensation mechanism so as to ensure that private capital acquires reasonable returns on investment. Power, land and other aspects used for rural infrastructure projects shall be ensured in priority. (The National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Land and Resources, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, the Ministry of Water Resources, the Ministry of Agriculture, the State Forestry Administration and the National Energy Administration shall be responsible)

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