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Decision of the State Council on Amending Certain Administrative Regulations (2016) [Partially Invalid]
国务院关于修改部分行政法规的决定(2016) [部分失效]

Order of the State Council 


(No. 666) (第666号)

The Decision of the State Council on Amending Certain Administrative Regulations, as adopted at the 119th executive meeting of the State Council on January 13, 2016, is hereby issued, and shall come into force on the date of issuance. 国务院关于修改部分行政法规的决定》已经2016年1月13日国务院第119次常务会议通过,现予公布,自公布之日起施行。
Premier: Li Keqiang 总理 李克强
February 6, 2016 2016年2月6日
Decision of the State Council on Amending Certain Administrative Regulations 国务院关于修改部分行政法规的决定
To promote the reforms concerning the simplification of administrative procedures and delegation of powers to lower levels, the combination of delegation and control, and the optimization of services, the State Council has reviewed the administrative regulations involved in the cancellation and adjustment of administrative approval items, the price reform, and the implementation of general fee reduction measures. Upon review, the State Council hereby decides to amend certain clauses of 66 administrative regulations. 为了依法推进简政放权、放管结合、优化服务改革,国务院对取消和调整行政审批项目、价格改革和实施普遍性降费措施涉及的行政法规进行了清理。经过清理,国务院决定:对66部行政法规的部分条款予以修改。
1. In Article 16 of the Detailed Rules for the Implementation of the Metrology Law of the People's Republic of China, “before they may apply for business licenses” is deleted.   一、删去《中华人民共和国计量法实施细则》第十六条中的“后方可申请办理营业执照”。
In paragraph 1 of Article 29, “metrological administrative departments of the people's governments at and above the county level” is replaced with “metrological administrative departments of the local people's governments at and above the county level.” 第二十九条第一款中的“县级以上人民政府计量行政部门”修改为“县级以上地方人民政府计量行政部门”。
Article 50 is deleted. 删去第五十条。
2. Article 8 of the Regulation on the Administration of the Sanitation in Public Places is amended to read: “The operating entities of public places other than parks, stadiums (gymnasiums), and means of public transport shall, in a timely manner, apply to the administrative department of public health for sanitary permits. A sanitary permit shall be reviewed once every two years.”   二、将《公共场所卫生管理条例》第八条修改为:“除公园、体育场(馆)、公共交通工具外的公共场所,经营单位应当及时向卫生行政部门申请办理‘卫生许可证'。‘卫生许可证'两年复核一次。”
3. Paragraph 1 of Article 6 of the Regulation on the Administration of the Prevention of Environmental Pollution from Vessel Dismantling is amended to read: “For the establishment of a vessel dismantling factory, an environmental impact report (form) must be prepared, covering the geographical location, the ambient environmental conditions, the size of and conditions for vessels to be dismantled, the vessel dismantling technology, the anti-pollution measures, the expected control effect, and other respects of the vessel dismantling factory. The construction of a vessel dismantling factory which has not undergone the environmental impact assessment as legally required shall not be commenced.”   三、将《防止拆船污染环境管理条例》第六条第一款修改为:“设置拆船厂,必须编制环境影响报告书(表)。其内容包括:拆船厂的地理位置、周围环境状况、拆船规模和条件、拆船工艺、防污措施、预期防治效果等。未依法进行环境影响评价的拆船厂,不得开工建设。”
Item (1), paragraph 1 of Article 17 is deleted. Paragraph 2 is amended to read: “Where, in violation of this Regulation, a vessel dismantling factory is established in a region specified in paragraph 2 of Article 5 and dismantles vessels without permission, under the principle of hierarchical administration, it shall be ordered by the people's government at or above the county level to be closed or relocated during a specified period.” One paragraph is added as paragraph 3: “Where the construction of a vessel dismantling factory, which has not undergone the environmental impact assessment as legally required, is commenced without permission, it shall be punished in accordance with the provisions of the Environmental Protection Law of the People's Republic of China.” 删去第十七条第一款第一项。第二款修改为:“违反本条例规定,擅自在第五条第二款所指的区域设置拆船厂并进行拆船的,按照分级管理的原则,由县级以上人民政府责令限期关闭或者搬迁。”增加一款,作为第三款:“拆船厂未依法进行环境影响评价擅自开工建设的,依照《中华人民共和国环境保护法》的规定处罚。”
4. Article 26 of the Regulation of the People's Republic of China on the Administration of the Registration of Enterprise Legal Persons is deleted.   四、删去《中华人民共和国企业法人登记管理条例》第二十六条
5. In paragraph 1 of Article 57 of the Detailed Rules for the Implementation of the Frontier Health and Quarantine Law of the People's Republic of China, “after an entry or exit permit for a body or the remains is issued by the health and quarantine authority” is replaced with “after passing the heath and quarantine inspection.”   五、将《中华人民共和国国境卫生检疫法实施细则》第五十七条第一款中的“经卫生检疫机关签发尸体、骸骨入境、出境许可证后”修改为“经卫生检疫合格后”。
Item (2) of Article 107 is amended to read: “(2) The hotels in frontier ports of China accommodating foreign visitors and the departments providing catering services to the inward or outward conveyances must obtain the sanitary permits issued by the health and quarantine authorities.” Item (3) is amended to read: “(3) Employees providing food and drinking water in the hotels in frontier ports of China accommodating foreign visitors and in the inward or outward conveyances shall hold valid health certificates.” 第一百零七条第二项修改为:“(二)国境口岸内的涉外宾馆,以及向入境、出境的交通工具提供饮食服务的部门,必须取得卫生检疫机关发放的卫生许可证”。第三项修改为:“(三)国境口岸内涉外的宾馆和入境、出境交通工具上的食品、饮用水从业人员应当持有有效健康证明”。
6. In Articles 13 and 14 of the Measures of the People's Republic of China for the Supervision and Administration of the Import of Measuring Instruments, “metrological administrative department of the State Council” is replaced with “metrological administrative departments of the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government.”   六、将《中华人民共和国进口计量器具监督管理办法》第十三条、第十四条中的“国务院计量行政部门”修改为“省、自治区、直辖市人民政府计量行政部门”。
“Chapter IV Verification of Imported Measuring Instruments” (Articles 15, 16, 17, and 18) is deleted. 删去“第四章进口计量器具的检定”(第十五条、第十六条、第十七条、第十八条)。
Article 20 is deleted. 删去第二十条。
Article 25 is renumbered as Article 20 and amended to read: “An applicant for the model approval and design appraisal of the measuring instruments to be imported shall pay fees according to the relevant provisions issued by the state.” 第二十五条改为第二十条,修改为:“申请进口计量器具的型式批准和定型鉴定,应按国家有关规定缴纳费用。”
7. Paragraph 1 of Article 13 of the Measures of the People's Republic of China for the Administration of Foreign-Related Archeological Activities is amended to read: “Any visit by a foreigner, a foreign organization, or an international organization to a cultural relic site within China which is not open to public visitors may be conducted, if it is in an area open to foreigners, only after the visit plan has been submitted one month in advance by the administrative entity at the place where the cultural relic is located or by the central governmental department or an entity directly under it receiving visitors to the cultural relics administrative department of the people's government of the province, autonomous region, or municipality directly under the Central Government where the cultural relic is located and an approval has been obtained therefrom, or if it is in an area not open to foreigners, only after the visit plan has been submitted one month in advance by the administrative entity at the place where the cultural relic is located or by the central governmental department or an entity directly under it to the cultural relics administrative department of the people's government of the province, autonomous region, or municipality directly under the Central Government where the cultural relic is located, an approval has been obtained therefrom, and formalities with relevant departments have been undergone according to the relevant administrative provisions on foreign-related work.” Paragraph 2 is amended to read: “Any visit to an archaeological site under excavation shall be made only after the reception entity has consulted the entity in charge of the excavation and an approval has been obtained from the cultural relics administrative department of the people's government of the province, autonomous region, or municipality directly under the Central Government where the archaeological excavation site is located.”   七、将《中华人民共和国考古涉外工作管理办法》第十三条第一款修改为:“外国公民、外国组织和国际组织在中国境内参观尚未公开接待参观者的文物点,在开放地区的,需由文物点所在地的管理单位或者接待参观者的中央国家机关及其直属单位,在参观一个月以前向文物点所在地的省、自治区、直辖市人民政府文物行政管理部门申报参观计划,经批准后方可进行;在未开放地区的,需由文物点所在地的管理单位或者接待参观者的中央国家机关及其直属单位,在参观一个月以前向文物点所在地的省、自治区、直辖市人民政府文物行政管理部门申报参观计划,经批准并按照有关涉外工作管理规定向有关部门办理手续后方可进行。”第二款修改为:“参观正在进行工作的考古发掘现场,接待单位须征求主持发掘单位的意见,经考古发掘现场所在地的省、自治区、直辖市人民政府文物行政管理部门批准后方可进行。”
8. Paragraph 1 of Article 14 of the Regulation of the People's Republic of China on Urban Collectively-Owned Enterprises is amended to read: “The formation of a collectively-owned enterprise shall be subject to the approval of the approving department prescribed by the people's government of the province, autonomous region, or municipality directly under the Central Government.”   八、将《中华人民共和国城镇集体所有制企业条例》第十四条第一款修改为:“设立集体企业应当经省、自治区、直辖市人民政府规定的审批部门批准。”
In Article 15, “modification registration formalities shall be handled with the original registration authority according to the law” is deleted. 删去第十五条中的“依法向原登记机关办理变更登记”。
Item (1) of Article 56 is deleted. 删去第五十六条第一项。
9. Paragraph 2 of Article 7 of the Regulation of the Peoples' Republic of China on the Protection of Terrestrial Wild Animals is amended to read: “General surveys of the wildlife resources shall be conducted once every ten years.”   九、将《中华人民共和国陆生野生动物保护实施条例》第七条第二款修改为:“野生动物资源普查每十年进行一次。”
In paragraph 2 of Article 15, “local people's government at or above the county level” is replaced with “people's government at the county level.” 第十五条第二款中的“县级以上地方人民政府”修改为“县级人民政府”。
Article 19 is deleted. 删去第十九条。
Article 22 is renumbered as Article 21, and paragraph 1 is amended to read: “A domestication and breeding permit is required for the domestication and breeding of wildlife under priority protection by the state.” 第二十二条改为第二十一条,第一款修改为:“驯养繁殖国家重点保护野生动物的,应当持有驯养繁殖许可证。”
Article 26 is renumbered as Article 25 and paragraph 2 is deleted. 第二十六条改为第二十五条,删去第二款。
10. Article 7 of the Measures for the Administration of Foreign Investors' Participation in the Salvage of Sunken Vessels and Objects in Coastal Waters of China is deleted.   十、删去《关于外商参与打捞中国沿海水域沉船沉物管理办法》第七条
Article 9 is renumbered as Article 8 and amended to read: “The Ministry of Transport of the People's Republic of China is responsible for uniformly organizing negotiations with foreign investors on salvaging sunken vessels and objects in coastal waters of China, deciding salvaging projects, and arranging for Chinese salvage operators and foreign investors to enter into joint salvage contracts or contracts on Chinese-foreign contractual salvage enterprises according to the law. Salvage operations involving military restricted zones and military administrative zones shall comply with the relevant provisions of the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Military Installations.” 第九条改为第八条,修改为:“中华人民共和国交通部负责统一组织与外商洽谈打捞中国沿海水域沉船沉物的事宜,确立打捞项目,并组织中方打捞人与外商依法签订共同打捞合同或者中外合作打捞企业合同;涉及军事禁区、军事管理区的,应当符合《中华人民共和国军事设施保护法》的有关规定。”
Article 10 is renumbered as Article 9, and paragraph 1 is amended to read: “Foreign investors and Chinese salvage operators shall enter into joint salvage contracts in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Contract Law of the People's Republic of China. After signing joint salvage contracts, foreign investors shall apply to the administrative departments for industry and commerce for business registration as legally required and handle tax registration formalities with local tax authorities.” 第十条改为第九条,第一款修改为:“外商与中方打捞人签订共同打捞合同,应当符合《中华人民共和国合同法》的有关规定。共同打捞合同签订后,外商应当按照规定向工商行政管理部门申请营业登记,并向当地税务机关办理税务登记手续。”
Articles 11 and 12 are deleted. 删去第十一条、第十二条。
11. Article 13 of the Interim Regulation of the People's Republic of China on Value Added Tax is amended to read: “A taxpayer other than a small-scale taxpayer shall undergo registration with the appropriate tax authority. The specific registration measures shall be developed by the taxation department of the State Council.   十一、将《中华人民共和国增值税暂行条例》第十三条修改为:“小规模纳税人以外的纳税人应当向主管税务机关办理登记。具体登记办法由国务院税务主管部门制定。
“Where a small-scale taxpayer with adequate accounting is able to provide accurate tax data, it may undergo registration with the appropriate tax authority not as a small-scale taxpayer, and calculate the taxes payable according to the relevant provisions of this Regulation.” “小规模纳税人会计核算健全,能够提供准确税务资料的,可以向主管税务机关办理登记,不作为小规模纳税人,依照本条例有关规定计算应纳税额。”
12. In Article 9 of the Regulation on the Administration of Medical Institutions, “before handling other formalities with relevant departments” is deleted.   十二、删去《医疗机构管理条例》第九条中的“方可向有关部门办理其他手续”。
13. Article 55 of the Regulation of the People's Republic of China on the Administration of Company Registration is deleted.   十三、删去《中华人民共和国公司登记管理条例》第五十五条
14. In paragraph 1 of Article 9 of the Regulation on the Supply and Use of Electric Power, “A power supply operating division shall not begin operation until it has obtained a business license from the administrative department for industry and commerce upon application based on the Power Supply Permit.” is deleted.   十四、删去《电力供应与使用条例》第九条第一款中的“供电营业机构持《供电营业许可证》向工商行政管理部门申请领取营业执照,方可营业。”
Paragraph 2 of Article 37 is amended to read: “An entity that engages in the installation, repair, or testing of power supply and reception facilities must pass the examination by the power administration department, and obtain a Permit for Installing (Repairing) Power Facilities issued by the power administration department.” 第三十七条第二款修改为:“承装、承修、承试供电设施和受电设施的单位,必须经电力管理部门审核合格,取得电力管理部门颁发的《承装(修)电力设施许可证》。”
15. In the Regulation on the Administration of Blood Products, Article 46 is deleted.   十五、删去《血液制品管理条例》第四十六条
16. Item (4), paragraph 2 of Article 6, Article 10, and Article 15 of the Regulation on the Implementation of the Law of the People's Republic of China on Tobacco Monopoly are deleted.   十六、删去《中华人民共和国烟草专卖法实施条例》第六条第二款第四项、第十条、第十五条
Article 18 is renumbered as Article 16, in which “tobacco monopoly administrative department at the provincial level” is replaced with “tobacco monopoly administrative department at the level of a districted city.” 第十八条改为第十六条,将其中的“省级烟草专卖行政主管部门”修改为“设区的市级烟草专卖行政主管部门”。
Article 38 is renumbered as Article 36, in paragraph 1 of which “special tobacco monopoly business permits” is deleted. 第三十八条改为第三十六条,删去第一款中的“特种烟草专卖经营企业许可证”。
Article 42 is renumbered as Article 40 and amended to read: “The plan for the import of tobacco monopoly commodities shall be reported to the tobacco monopoly administrative department of the State Council for review and approval.” 第四十二条改为第四十条,修改为:“进口烟草专卖品的计划应当报国务院烟草专卖行政主管部门审查批准。”
Article 50 is renumbered as Article 48, in paragraph 1 of which “A bidder for foreign tobacco products shall hold a special tobacco monopoly business permit” is deleted. 第五十条改为第四十八条,删去第一款中的“参与外国烟草制品拍卖的竞买人,应当持有特种烟草专卖经营企业许可证”。
Article 53 is renumbered as Article 51, and item (1) is amended to read: “(1) Whoever procures leaf tobacco without authorization shall be fined not less than 20% nor more than 50% of the value of the leaf tobacco illegally procured, and the leaf tobacco illegally procured shall be procured at 70% of the average purchasing price of leaf tobacco in the previous year as documented by the tobacco monopoly administrative department at the provincial level at the place where the illegal procurement is discovered.” 第五十三条改为第五十一条,第一项修改为:“(一)擅自收购烟叶的,可以处非法收购烟叶价值20%以上50%以下的罚款,并按照查获地省级烟草专卖行政主管部门出具的上年度烟叶平均收购价格的70%收购违法收购的烟叶”。
Article 54 is renumbered as Article 52, and item (1) is amended to read: “Whoever consigns or transports tobacco monopoly commodities without a transportation permit or in excess of the quantity specified in the transportation permit shall be fined not less than 20% nor more than 50% of the value of the leaf tobacco illegally transported, the leaf tobacco illegally transported shall be procured at 70% of the average purchasing price of leaf tobacco in the previous year as documented by the tobacco monopoly administrative department at the provincial level at the place where the illegal transportation is discovered, and tobacco monopoly commodities illegally transported other than leaf tobacco shall be procured at 70% of the wholesale price in the market.” 第五十四条改为第五十二条,第一项修改为:“(一)无准运证或者超过准运证规定的数量托运或者自运烟草专卖品的,处以违法运输的烟草专卖品价值20%以上50%以下的罚款,可以按照查获地省级烟草专卖行政主管部门出具的上年度烟叶平均收购价格的70%收购违法运输的烟叶,以及按照市场批发价格的70%收购违法运输的除烟叶外的其他烟草专卖品”。
Article 57 is deleted. 删去第五十七条。
Article 64 is renumbered as Article 61, in which “Article 38” is replaced with “Article 36” and “special tobacco monopoly business permit” is deleted. 第六十四条改为第六十一条,将其中的“第三十八条”修改为“第三十六条”,删去其中的“特种烟草专卖经营企业许可证”。
Article 68 is deleted. 删去第六十八条。
17. In Articles 3, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 30, 31, and 35 of the Regulation on the Administration of Pig Slaughtering, “competent commerce department” is replaced with “competent administrative department of animal husbandry and veterinary.”   十七、将《生猪屠宰管理条例》第三条、第二十一条、第二十二条、第二十三条、第二十四条、第二十五条、第二十六条、第二十七条、第二十八条、第三十条、第三十一条、第三十五条中的“商务主管部门”修改为“畜牧兽医行政主管部门”。
In Article 4, “shall be developed by the competent commerce department of the State Council after consulting the competent department of animal husbandry and veterinary of the State Council” is replaced with “shall be developed by the competent administrative department of animal husbandry and veterinary of the State Council.” 第四条中的“由国务院商务主管部门征求国务院畜牧兽医主管部门意见后制定”修改为“由国务院畜牧兽医行政主管部门制定”。
In Article 5, “by the competent commerce department of the people's government of a province, autonomous region, or municipality directly under the Central Government in conjunction with the competent animal husbandry and veterinary department, the environmental protection department, and other relevant departments” is replaced with “by the competent administrative department of animal husbandry and veterinary of the people's government of a province, autonomous region, or municipality directly under the Central Government in conjunction with the competent environmental protection department and other relevant departments.” 第五条中的“由省、自治区、直辖市人民政府商务主管部门会同畜牧兽医主管部门、环境保护部门以及其他有关部门”修改为“由省、自治区、直辖市人民政府畜牧兽医行政主管部门会同环境保护主管部门以及其他有关部门”。
Paragraph 1 of Article 6 is amended to read: “The people's government at the level of a districted city shall, on the basis of the establishment plan, organize the competent administrative department of animal husbandry and veterinary, the competent environmental protection department, and other relevant departments to examine whether the pig slaughter plants (houses) to be designated satisfy the conditions specified in the Regulation, make a decision after consulting the competent administrative department of animal husbandry and veterinary of the people's government of the province, autonomous region, or municipality directly under the Central Government, and issue the certificates and plaques of designated pig slaughter plants (houses) to them.” Paragraph 3 is deleted. 第六条第一款修改为:“生猪定点屠宰厂(场)由设区的市级人民政府根据设置规划,组织畜牧兽医行政主管部门、环境保护主管部门以及其他有关部门,依照本条例规定的条件进行审查,经征求省、自治区、直辖市人民政府畜牧兽医行政主管部门的意见确定,并颁发生猪定点屠宰证书和生猪定点屠宰标志牌。”删去第三款。
Article 29 is amended to read: “Where an entity or individual that engages in the sale of slaughtered pig products or the production or processing of meat food, a catering service, or a canteen service provider sells or uses any slaughtered pig products from a non-designated pig slaughter plant (house), any slaughtered pig products that have not undergone the meat product quality inspection or have failed such inspection, or any slaughtered pig products that are injected with water or other substances, the food and drug administrative department shall confiscate the involved slaughtered pig products not sold or used and the illegal income from such sale or use, and impose a fine of not less than three times nor more than five times the value of goods on the violator or if it is difficult to determine the value of goods, a fine of not less than 50,000 yuan nor more than 100,000 yuan on the violator which is an entity or a fine of not less than 10,000 yuan nor more than 20,000 yuan on the violator which is an individual; if the circumstances are serious, the permit (license)-issuing authority shall revoke the permit or license of the violator; and if the violation is criminally punishable, the offender shall be held criminally liable according to the law.” 第二十九条修改为:“从事生猪产品销售、肉食品生产加工的单位和个人以及餐饮服务经营者、集体伙食单位,销售、使用非生猪定点屠宰厂(场)屠宰的生猪产品、未经肉品品质检验或者经肉品品质检验不合格的生猪产品以及注水或者注入其他物质的生猪产品的,由食品药品监督管理部门没收尚未销售、使用的相关生猪产品以及违法所得,并处货值金额3倍以上5倍以下的罚款;货值金额难以确定的,对单位处5万元以上10万元以下的罚款,对个人处1万元以上2万元以下的罚款;情节严重的,由发证(照)机关吊销有关证照;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。”
18. In Article 9 of the Regulation on the Administration of the Registration of Social Organizations, “the promoters shall apply to the registration authority for making preparations” is replaced with “the promoters shall apply to the registration authority for registration.” One paragraph is added as paragraph 2: “No activity other than preparation may be conducted during the preparation period.”   十八、将《社会团体登记管理条例》第九条中的“由发起人向登记管理机关申请筹备”修改为“由发起人向登记管理机关申请登记”。增加一款,作为第二款:“筹备期间不得开展筹备以外的活动。”
In Article 11, “To apply for making preparations for the formation of a social organization” is replaced with “To apply for the registration of a social organization,” and “A written application for making preparations” is replaced with “A written application for registration.” 第十一条中的“申请筹备成立社会团体”修改为“申请登记社会团体”,“筹备申请书”修改为“登记申请书”。
Article 12 is amended to read: “Within 60 days of receipt of all valid documents as listed in Article 11 of this Regulation, the registration authority shall decide whether or not to approve the registration. If the registration is approved, a Registration Certificate for a Social Organization as a Legal Person shall be issued; and if the registration is not approved, the reasons for the disapproval shall be explained to the promoters. 第十二条修改为:“登记管理机关应当自收到本条例第十一条所列全部有效文件之日起60日内,作出准予或者不予登记的决定。准予登记的,发给《社会团体法人登记证书》;不予登记的,应当向发起人说明理由。
“The registration matters for a social organization shall include: the name, address, vision, business scope, fields of activity, legal representative, funding, and supervising authority. “社会团体登记事项包括:名称、住所、宗旨、业务范围、活动地域、法定代表人、活动资金和业务主管单位。
“The legal representative of a social organization shall not concurrently act as the legal representative of any other social organization.” “社会团体的法定代表人,不得同时担任其他社会团体的法定代表人。”
In Article 13, “shall disapprove the preparations” is replaced with “shall disapprove the registration,” and “application for making preparations” is replaced with “application for registration.” 第十三条中的“不予批准筹备”修改为“不予登记”,“申请筹备”修改为“申请登记”。
Article 14 and Article 16 are deleted. 删去第十四条、第十六条。
Article 17 is renumbered as Article 15, and paragraph 1 is amended to read: “According to the law, a social organization that has the legal person status from the date of approval of its formation shall, within 60 days of the approval, submit the approval document to the registration authority to apply for a Registration Certificate for a Social Organization as a Legal Person. Within 30 days of receipt of the document, the registration authority shall issue a Registration Certificate for a Social Organization as a Legal Person to it.” Paragraph 2 is deleted. 第十七条改为第十五条,第一款修改为:“依照法律规定,自批准成立之日起即具有法人资格的社会团体,应当自批准成立之日起60日内向登记管理机关提交批准文件,申领《社会团体法人登记证书》。登记管理机关自收到文件之日起30日内发给《社会团体法人登记证书》。”删去第二款。
Article 19 is renumbered as Article 17, and paragraph 1 is deleted. 第十九条改为第十七条,删去第一款。
Article 20 is renumbered as Article 18, in paragraph 1 of which “recordation matters” and “modification recordation (hereinafter collectively referred to as “modification registration”)” are deleted. 第二十条改为第十八条,删去第一款中的“备案事项”和“变更备案(以下统称变更登记)”。
Article 21 is renumbered as Article 19, in which “cancellation recordation (hereinafter collectively referred to as “cancellation registration”)” is deleted. 第二十一条改为第十九条,删去其中的“注销备案(以下统称注销登记)”。
Article 24 is deleted. 删去第二十四条。
Article 27 is renumbered as Article 24, in which “or recordation” is deleted. 第二十七条改为第二十四条,删去其中的“或者备案”。
Article 28 is renumbered as Article 25, in item (1), paragraph 1 of which “application for making preparations” is deleted. 第二十八条改为第二十五条,删去第一款第一项中的“筹备申请”。
Article 33 is renumbered as Article 30, in item (5), paragraph 1 of which “Where a branch office or a representative office is formed without approval” is replaced with “Where a branch office or a representative office is formed in violation of the relevant provisions.” 第三十三条改为第三十条,第一款第五项中的“擅自设立分支机构、代表机构”修改为“违反规定设立分支机构、代表机构”。
Article 35 is renumbered as Article 32, in which “Where any preparations for the formation of a social organization are made without approval” is replaced with “Where any activity other than preparation is conducted during the preparation period.” 第三十五条改为第三十二条,将其中的“未经批准,擅自开展社会团体筹备活动”修改为“筹备期间开展筹备以外的活动”。
19. In paragraph 1 of Article 15 of the Regulation on the Administration of Feeds and Feed Additives, “To apply for the formation of an enterprise producing feeds or feed additives” is replaced with “An enterprise which applies for engaging in the production of feeds or feed additives.” Paragraph 2 is deleted.   十九、将《饲料和饲料添加剂管理条例》第十五条第一款中的“申请设立饲料、饲料添加剂生产企业”修改为“申请从事饲料、饲料添加剂生产的企业”。删去第二款。
20. In paragraph 1 of Article 28 of the Regulation on the Implementation of the Forestry Law of the People's Republic of China, “shall be reviewed by the competent forestry department of the State Council and then reported to the State Council for approval” is replaced with “shall be reported by the competent forestry department of the State Council to the State Council for approval.”   二十、将《中华人民共和国森林法实施条例》第二十八条第一款中的“由国务院林业主管部门审核后,报国务院批准”修改为“由国务院林业主管部门报国务院批准”。
In paragraph 2 of Article 35, “the competent forestry department of the State Council” is replaced with “the competent forestry department of the people's government of the province, autonomous region, or municipality directly under the Central Government.” 第三十五条第二款中的“国务院林业主管部门”修改为“省、自治区、直辖市人民政府林业主管部门”。
21. In Article 10 of the Interim Measures for the Risk Fund Management of Stock Exchanges, “A securities exchange must, when using the Fund, report it to the China Securities Regulatory Commission, which shall consult with the Ministry of Finance over the use, for approval.” is deleted.   二十一、删去《证券交易所风险基金管理暂行办法》第十条中的“证券交易所动用本基金时,必须报经证监会商财政部后批准。”
22. Article 16 of the Telecommunication Regulation of the People's Republic of China is amended to read: “The operator of a dedicated telecommunications network which intends to provide telecommunications services in the area where it is located shall file an application in accordance with the conditions and procedures as prescribed in this Regulation, and upon approval, obtain a permit for engaging in the telecommunications business.”   二十二、将《中华人民共和国电信条例》第十六条修改为:“专用电信网运营单位在所在地区经营电信业务的,应当依照本条例规定的条件和程序提出申请,经批准,取得电信业务经营许可证。”
23. In the Regulation on the Administration of the Printing Industry, one article is added as Article 7: “A printing enterprise shall submit annual reports to the publication administrative department as scheduled. The publication administrative department shall disclose the relevant content of the annual reports to the public in a timely manner according to the law.”   二十三、印刷业管理条例》增加一条,作为第七条:“印刷企业应当定期向出版行政部门报送年度报告。出版行政部门应当依法及时将年度报告中的有关内容向社会公示。”
Article 8 is renumbered as Article 9, in paragraph 1 of which “To form a printing enterprise” is replaced with “Where an enterprise engages in printing operations.” In paragraph 2, “In the approval of the formation of a printing enterprise” is replaced with “In the approval of an application for engaging in printing operations.” 第八条改为第九条,第一款中的“设立印刷企业”修改为“企业从事印刷经营活动”。第二款中的“审批设立印刷企业”修改为“审批从事印刷经营活动申请”。
Article 9 is renumbered as Article 10 and amended to read: “For the formation of an enterprise engaging in the printing of publications, an application shall be filed with the publication administrative department of the people's government of the province, autonomous region, or municipality directly under the Central Government where it is located. If the application is approved, the applicant shall obtain a printing business permit, apply for registration with the administrative department for industry and commerce on the basis of the printing business permit, and obtain a business license. 第九条改为第十条,修改为:“设立从事出版物印刷经营活动的企业,应当向所在地省、自治区、直辖市人民政府出版行政部门提出申请。申请人经审核批准的,取得印刷经营许可证,并持印刷经营许可证向工商行政管理部门申请登记注册,取得营业执照。
“To apply for engaging in the printing of printed matters for packaging and decoration and other printed matters, an enterprise shall file an application with the publication administrative department of the people's government at the level of the districted city where it is located on the basis of its business license, and if the application is approved, a printing business permit shall be issued to it. “企业申请从事包装装潢印刷品和其他印刷品印刷经营活动,应当持营业执照向所在地设区的市级人民政府出版行政部门提出申请,经审核批准的,发给印刷经营许可证。
“No individual may engage in the printing of publications or printed matters for packaging and decoration; and individuals engaging in the printing of other printed matters shall undergo the approval formalities in accordance with paragraph 2 of this article.” “个人不得从事出版物、包装装潢印刷品印刷经营活动;个人从事其他印刷品印刷经营活动的,依照本条第二款的规定办理审批手续。”
Article 10 is renumbered as Article 11, and paragraph 1 is amended to read: “The publication administrative department shall, within 60 days of receipt of the application filed under Article 10 of the Regulation, make a decision to approve or disapprove the application. If the application is approved, a printing business permit shall be issued to the applicant; or if the application is disapproved, the applicant shall be notified of the decision with an explanation of the reasons for the disapproval.” 第十条改为第十一条,第一款修改为:“出版行政部门应当自收到依据本条例第十条提出的申请之日起60日内作出批准或者不批准的决定。批准申请的,应当发给印刷经营许可证;不批准申请的,应当通知申请人并说明理由。”
Article 11 is renumbered as Article 12, and paragraph 2 is amended to read: “Where a printing business changes its name, legal representative or person in charge, domicile or business premises, or other main registration matter or terminates its printing operations, it shall report the change to the publication administrative department that approved its formation for recordation.”

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