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Regulation on the Administration of Permitting of Pollutant Discharges [Effective]
排污许可管理条例 [现行有效]

Order of the State Council of the People's Republic of China 


(No. 736) (第736号)

The Regulation on the Administration of Permitting of Pollutant Discharges, as adopted at the 117th executive meeting of the State Council on December 9, 2020, is hereby issued, and shall come into force on March 1, 2021. 《排污许可管理条例》已经2020年12月9日国务院第117次常务会议通过,现予公布,自2021年3月1日起施行。
Li Keqiang, Premier 总 理  李克强
January 24, 2021 2021年1月24日
Regulation on the Administration of Permitting of Pollutant Discharges 排污许可管理条例
Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总  则

Article 1 For the purposes of strengthening the administration of permitting of pollutant discharges, regulating the discharge conduct of enterprises, public institutions, and other producers and operators, controlling the discharge of pollutants, and protecting and improving the ecology and environment, this Regulation is formulated in accordance with the Environmental Protection Law of the People's Republic of China and other relevant laws .   第一条 为了加强排污许可管理,规范企业事业单位和其他生产经营者排污行为,控制污染物排放,保护和改善生态环境,根据《中华人民共和国环境保护法》等有关法律,制定本条例。
Article 2 An enterprise, a public institution, or any other producer or operator (hereinafter referred to as the "pollutant discharger") which is subject to the administration of permitting of pollutant discharges under the law shall apply for a pollutant discharge permit under the provisions of this Regulation; and may not discharge a pollutant, if a pollutant discharge permit fails to be obtained.   第二条 依照法律规定实行排污许可管理的企业事业单位和其他生产经营者(以下称排污单位),应当依照本条例规定申请取得排污许可证;未取得排污许可证的,不得排放污染物。
A pollutant discharger shall be subject to the administration of permitting of pollutant discharges by classification according to the factors including the volume of pollutants generated, the volume of discharge, and the impact on the environment: 根据污染物产生量、排放量、对环境的影响程度等因素,对排污单位实行排污许可分类管理:
(1) The pollutant discharger shall be subject to the key administration of permitting of pollutant discharges, in case of a relatively considerable volume of pollutants generated, volume of discharge, or impact on the environment. (一)污染物产生量、排放量或者对环境的影响程度较大的排污单位,实行排污许可重点管理;
(2) The pollutant discharger shall be subject to the summary administration of permitting of pollutant discharges, in case of a relatively marginal volume of pollutants generated, volume of discharge, and impact on the environment. (二)污染物产生量、排放量和对环境的影响程度都较小的排污单位,实行排污许可简化管理。
The ecology and environment authority of the State Council shall formulate, and issue for implementation, with the approval of the State Council, the scope of pollutant dischargers that are subject to the administration of permitting of pollutant discharges, implementation steps, and a list of administrative classes. To formulate the scope of pollutant dischargers that are subject to the administration of permitting of pollutant discharges, implementation steps, and a list of administrative classes, comments shall be requested from relevant authorities, industry associations, enterprises, public institutions, and the public, among others. 实行排污许可管理的排污单位范围、实施步骤和管理类别名录,由国务院生态环境主管部门拟订并报国务院批准后公布实施。制定实行排污许可管理的排污单位范围、实施步骤和管理类别名录,应当征求有关部门、行业协会、企业事业单位和社会公众等方面的意见。
Article 3 The ecology and environment authority of the State Council shall be responsible for the unified supervision and administration of nationwide permitting of pollutant discharges.   第三条 国务院生态环境主管部门负责全国排污许可的统一监督管理。
The ecology and environment authorities of local people's governments at or above the districted city level shall be responsible for the supervision and administration of permitting of pollutant discharges in their respective administrative areas. 设区的市级以上地方人民政府生态环境主管部门负责本行政区域排污许可的监督管理。
Article 4 The ecology and environment authority of the State Council shall strengthen the construction and management of the National Pollutant Discharge Permits Administration Information Platform, and improve the level of online permitting of pollutant discharges.   第四条 国务院生态环境主管部门应当加强全国排污许可证管理信息平台建设和管理,提高排污许可在线办理水平。
Examinations and decisions related to pollutant discharge permits and the public disclosure of information, among others, shall be handled on the National Pollutant Discharge Permits Administration Information Platform. 排污许可证审查与决定、信息公开等应当通过全国排污许可证管理信息平台办理。
Article 5 Local people's governments at or above the districted city level shall include the funds required for the administration of permitting of pollutant discharges in the budget at the same level.   第五条 设区的市级以上人民政府应当将排污许可管理工作所需经费列入本级预算。
Chapter II Application and Approval 

第二章 申请与审批

Article 6 A pollutant discharger shall apply for a pollutant discharge permit to the ecology and environment authority of the local people's government at or above the city level (hereinafter referred to as the "approval authority") in the place where its production and operation venue are located.   第六条 排污单位应当向其生产经营场所所在地设区的市级以上地方人民政府生态环境主管部门(以下称审批部门)申请取得排污许可证。
If a pollutant discharger discharges pollutants from two or more production and operation venues, it shall apply for a pollutant discharge permit for each production and operation venue. 排污单位有两个以上生产经营场所排放污染物的,应当按照生产经营场所分别申请取得排污许可证。
Article 7 To apply for a pollutant discharge permit, a pollutant discharge permit application form may be submitted on the National Pollutant Discharge Permits Administration Information Platform, or by mail or any other means.   第七条 申请取得排污许可证,可以通过全国排污许可证管理信息平台提交排污许可证申请表,也可以通过信函等方式提交。
The pollutant discharge permit application form shall include the following: 排污许可证申请表应当包括下列事项:
(1) Information such as the name, domicile, legal representative or main person in charge, place of the production and operation venue, and unified social credit code of the pollutant discharger. (一)排污单位名称、住所、法定代表人或者主要负责人、生产经营场所所在地、统一社会信用代码等信息;
(2) The approval document for the environmental impact report (form) for the construction project, or filing materials under the environmental impact registration form. (二)建设项目环境影响报告书(表)批准文件或者环境影响登记表备案材料;
(3) The types of pollutants discharged, the concentration of discharge, and the volume of discharge applied for according to pollutant discharge outfalls, main production facilities or workshops, and plant boundaries; and the applicable pollutant discharge standards and the quota for the control of the total volume of key pollutants discharged. (三)按照污染物排放口、主要生产设施或者车间、厂界申请的污染物排放种类、排放浓度和排放量,执行的污染物排放标准和重点污染物排放总量控制指标;
(4) The locations and quantity of pollution prevention and control facilities and pollutant discharge outfalls and information on pollutant discharge methods, the destination of discharge, and the self-monitoring plan, among others. (四)污染防治设施、污染物排放口位置和数量,污染物排放方式、排放去向、自行监测方案等信息;
(5) Information on the main production facility, main products and capacity, main raw and auxiliary materials, and the step generating and discharging pollutants, among others, and an explanation of whether there is involved a trade secret or any other circumstance rendering public disclosure inappropriate. (五)主要生产设施、主要产品及产能、主要原辅材料、产生和排放污染物环节等信息,及其是否涉及商业秘密等不宜公开情形的情况说明。
Article 8 Under any of the following circumstances, corresponding materials shall also be submitted for a pollutant discharge permit application:   第八条 有下列情形之一的,申请取得排污许可证还应当提交相应材料:
(1) In the case of the exercise of key administration of permitting of pollutant discharges, explanatory materials that the pollutant discharger has publicly disclosed its basic information and the permitting matters to be applied for on the National Pollutant Discharge Permits Administration Information Platform before submitting the application. (一)属于实行排污许可重点管理的,排污单位在提出申请前已通过全国排污许可证管理信息平台公开单位基本信息、拟申请许可事项的说明材料;
(2) In the case of a centralized treatment facility for municipal and industrial sewage, explanatory materials on the scope of receiving pollutants, layout of the pipeline network, and final destination of discharge of the pollutant discharger. (二)属于城镇和工业污水集中处理设施的,排污单位的纳污范围、管网布置、最终排放去向等说明材料;
(3) In the case of a construction, conversion, or expansion project that discharges key pollutants, or a project implementing technological improvement, explanatory materials that the pollutant discharger obtains the quota for the control of the total volume of key pollutants discharged replacing the reduction in the volume of pollutants discharged. (三)属于排放重点污染物的新建、改建、扩建项目以及实施技术改造项目的,排污单位通过污染物排放量削减替代获得重点污染物排放总量控制指标的说明材料。
Article 9 An approval authority shall process a received pollutant discharge permit application according to the following circumstances:   第九条 审批部门对收到的排污许可证申请,应当根据下列情况分别作出处理:
(1) If the law does not require a pollutant discharge permit to be applied for, the approval authority shall immediately give notification of the non-requirement. (一)依法不需要申请取得排污许可证的,应当即时告知不需要申请取得排污许可证;
(2) If the application falls outside the purview of the approval authority, it shall immediately make a decision to decline to accept, and so notify as to enable the pollutant discharger to apply to the ecology and environment authority with approval power. (二)不属于本审批部门职权范围的,应当即时作出不予受理的决定,并告知排污单位向有审批权的生态环境主管部门申请;
(3) If the application materials contain an error which can be corrected on the spot, the pollutant discharger shall be allowed to make corrections on the spot. (三)申请材料存在可以当场更正的错误的,应当允许排污单位当场更正;
(4) If the application materials are incomplete or not in the statutory form, the approval authority shall issue a notification form on the spot or within three days, notifying the pollutant discharger of all necessary supplements and corrections at one time; or shall be deemed to accept on the date of receipt of the application materials, if no notification is given within the time limit. (四)申请材料不齐全或者不符合法定形式的,应当当场或者在3日内出具告知单,一次性告知排污单位需要补正的全部材料;逾期不告知的,自收到申请材料之日起即视为受理;
(5) If the application falls within the purview of the approval authority, and the application materials are complete and in the statutory form, or the pollutant discharger makes supplements and corrections to all the application materials as required, the approval authority shall accept. (五)属于本审批部门职权范围,申请材料齐全、符合法定形式,或者排污单位按照要求补正全部申请材料的,应当受理。
The approval authority shall publicly disclose its decision to accept, or decline to accept, the pollutant discharge permit application on the National Pollutant Discharge Permits Administration Information Platform, and issue to the pollutant discharger a written document bearing the special seal of the approval authority and dated. 审批部门应当在全国排污许可证管理信息平台上公开受理或者不予受理排污许可证申请的决定,同时向排污单位出具加盖本审批部门专用印章和注明日期的书面凭证。
Article 10 An approval authority shall examine the application materials submitted by a pollutant discharger, and may conduct an on-site inspection of the production and operation venue of the pollutant discharger.   第十条 审批部门应当对排污单位提交的申请材料进行审查,并可以对排污单位的生产经营场所进行现场核查。
The approval authority may arrange for a technical institution to conduct a technical assessment of the pollutant discharge permit application materials, and bear the corresponding expenses. 审批部门可以组织技术机构对排污许可证申请材料进行技术评估,并承担相应费用。
The technical institution shall be responsible for the technical assessment opinion it gives, and shall not charge the pollutant discharger any fee. 技术机构应当对其提出的技术评估意见负责,不得向排污单位收取任何费用。
Article 11 A pollutant discharge permit shall be issued to a pollutant discharger which meets the following conditions:   第十一条 对具备下列条件的排污单位,颁发排污许可证:
(1) Obtaining an approval document for the environmental impact report (form) of the construction project in accordance with the law, or having initiated filing procedures for the environmental impact registration form. (一)依法取得建设项目环境影响报告书(表)批准文件,或者已经办理环境影响登记表备案手续;
(2) The discharge of pollutants shall comply with the requirements of the pollutant discharge standards, and the discharge of key pollutants shall comply with the requirements of the technical standards for applying for and issuing pollutant discharge permits, the approval document for the environmental impact report (form), and the requirement for the control of the total volume of key pollutants discharged; and if the production and operation venue of the pollutant discharger is located in a key area or river basin which fails to meet the national environmental quality standards, the pollutant discharger shall also comply with the special requirements of the relevant local people's government for improving ecological and environmental quality. (二)污染物排放符合污染物排放标准要求,重点污染物排放符合排污许可证申请与核发技术规范、环境影响报告书(表)批准文件、重点污染物排放总量控制要求;其中,排污单位生产经营场所位于未达到国家环境质量标准的重点区域、流域的,还应当符合有关地方人民政府关于改善生态环境质量的特别要求;
(3) The use of a pollution prevention and control facility may result in the compliance with the requirements for permitted concentration of discharge or conformity with the feasible technology for pollution prevention and control. (三)采用污染防治设施可以达到许可排放浓度要求或者符合污染防治可行技术;
(4) The monitoring loci, indicators, and frequency, among others, of the self-monitoring plan comply with the national self-monitoring standards. (四)自行监测方案的监测点位、指标、频次等符合国家自行监测规范。
Article 12 For a pollutant discharger that is subject to the summary administration of permitting of pollutant discharges, the approval authority shall make an approval decision within 20 days from the date of acceptance of its application, and issue a pollutant discharge permit, if the conditions are met, or deny permission, with the reasons explained in writing, if the conditions are not met.   第十二条 对实行排污许可简化管理的排污单位,审批部门应当自受理申请之日起20日内作出审批决定;对符合条件的颁发排污许可证,对不符合条件的不予许可并书面说明理由。
For a pollutant discharger that is subject to key administration of permitting of pollutant discharges, the approval authority shall make an approval decision within 30 days from the date of acceptance of its application, or within 45 days from the date of acceptance of its application, if an on-site inspection is required, and issue a pollutant discharge permit, if the conditions are met, or deny permission, with the reasons explained in writing, if the conditions are not met. 对实行排污许可重点管理的排污单位,审批部门应当自受理申请之日起30日内作出审批决定;需要进行现场核查的,应当自受理申请之日起45日内作出审批决定;对符合条件的颁发排污许可证,对不符合条件的不予许可并书面说明理由。
The approval authority shall generate a unified pollutant discharge permit number on the National Pollutant Discharge Permits Administration Information Platform. 审批部门应当通过全国排污许可证管理信息平台生成统一的排污许可证编号。
Article 13 A pollutant discharge permit shall contain the following:   第十三条 排污许可证应当记载下列信息:
(1) The name, domicile, legal representative or main person in charge, place of the production and business venue, among others, of the pollutant discharger. (一)排污单位名称、住所、法定代表人或者主要负责人、生产经营场所所在地等;
(2) The validity period, issuing authority, issuing date, serial number, and QR code, among others, of the pollutant discharge permit. (二)排污许可证有效期限、发证机关、发证日期、证书编号和二维码等;
(3) The step generating and discharging pollutants and pollution prevention and control facilities, among others. (三)产生和排放污染物环节、污染防治设施等;
(4) The location and quantity of pollutant discharge outfalls, pollutant discharge method, and destination of discharge, among others. (四)污染物排放口位置和数量、污染物排放方式和排放去向等;
(5) The types of pollutants discharged, permitted concentration of discharge, and permitted volume of discharge, among others. (五)污染物排放种类、许可排放浓度、许可排放量等;
(6) Requirements for the operation and maintenance of pollution prevention and control facilities, and requirements for standardized construction of pollutant discharge outfalls, among others. (六)污染防治设施运行和维护要求、污染物排放口规范化建设要求等;
(7) Requirements for prohibiting or restricting the discharge of pollutants during special periods. (七)特殊时段禁止或者限制污染物排放的要求;
(8) Requirements for the content and frequency of self-monitoring, environmental management records, and pollutant discharge permit compliance reports. (八)自行监测、环境管理台账记录、排污许可证执行报告的内容和频次等要求;
(9) Requirements for the public disclosure of environmental information by the pollutant discharger. (九)排污单位环境信息公开要求;
(10) Fugitive emission control requirements in the case of the fugitive emission of atmospheric pollutants. (十)存在大气污染物无组织排放情形时的无组织排放控制要求;
(11) Other requirements for the control of the discharge of pollutants which the laws and regulations require the pollutant discharger to comply with. (十一)法律法规规定排污单位应当遵守的其他控制污染物排放的要求。
Article 14 The validity period of a pollutant discharge permit shall be five years.   第十四条 排污许可证有效期为5年。
If the pollutant discharge permit expires, and the pollutant discharger needs to continue discharging pollutants, it shall apply to the approval authority 60 days before the expiration of the pollutant discharge permit. The approval authority shall complete examination within 20 days from the date of acceptance of the application, and grant renewal, if the conditions are met, or deny renewal, with the reasons explained in writing, if the conditions are not met. 排污许可证有效期届满,排污单位需要继续排放污染物的,应当于排污许可证有效期届满60日前向审批部门提出申请。审批部门应当自受理申请之日起20日内完成审查;对符合条件的予以延续,对不符合条件的不予延续并书面说明理由。
If a pollutant discharger changes its name, domicile, or legal representative or main person in charge, it shall, within 30 days from the date of the change, apply to the approval authority for initiation of the procedures for changing the pollutant discharge permit. 排污单位变更名称、住所、法定代表人或者主要负责人的,应当自变更之日起30日内,向审批部门申请办理排污许可证变更手续。
Article 15 Where a pollutant discharger falls under any of the following circumstances before its pollutant discharge permit expires, it shall reapply for a pollutant discharge permit:
   第十五条 在排污许可证有效期内,排污单位有下列情形之一的,应当重新申请取得排污许可证:

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