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Regulation on the Punishment of Civil Servants of Administrative Organs [Effective]
行政机关公务员处分条例 [现行有效]

Order of the State Council 


(No. 495)

The Regulation on the Disciplinary Actions against Civil Servants of Administrative Organs, which was adopted at the 173 executive meeting of the State Council on April 4, 2007, is hereby promulgated for effect as of June 1, 2007.

Premier Wen Jiabao
总 理  温家宝

April 22, 2007

Regulation on the Disciplinary Actions against Civil Servants of Administrative Organs

Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总则

Article 1 The present Regulation is formulated according to the Civil Servant Law of the People's Republic of China and theAdministrativeSupervisionLaw of the People's Republic of Chinafor the purpose of rigidly enforcing the disciplines of administrative organs, regulating the conduct of civil servants in administrative organs and ensuring administrative organs and their civil servants to perform their duties according to law.   第一条 为了严肃行政机关纪律,规范行政机关公务员的行为,保证行政机关及其公务员依法履行职责,根据《中华人民共和国公务员法》和《中华人民共和国行政监察法》,制定本条例。

Article 2 Where any civil servant in the administrative organ violates any law, regulation, rule, or decision or order of the administrative organ and thus should be subject to disciplinary liability, he shall be disciplined according to the present Regulation.   第二条 行政机关公务员违反法律、法规、规章以及行政机关的决定和命令,应当承担纪律责任的,依照本条例给予处分。

Where any law, other administrative regulation or decision of the State Council prescribes the disciplinary actions against civil servants in administrative organs, the provisions in such law, other administrative regulation or decision of the State Council shall prevail; where any law, other administrative regulation or decision of the State Council prescribes the illegal act or disciplinary breach for which the civil servants in administrative organs should be disciplined, but does not prescribe the extent of disciplinary action, the closest provisions on the extent of disciplinary action in Chapter III of the present Regulation shall apply.

A local regulation, ministerial rule or local government rule may additionally prescribe the illegal act or disciplinary breach which has not been prescribed in Chapter III of the present Regulation but for which the disciplinary action should be given as well as the extent of disciplinary action thereof. Any department other than the supervisory organ or the personnel department of the State Council shall formulate such disciplinary rules jointly with the supervisory organ or the personnel department of the State Council.

Except for the laws, regulations, rules or decisions of the State Council, no administrative organ may establish any disciplinary actions against the civil servants in administrative organs in any form.

Article 3 Civil servants in administrative organs shall be protected by law when performing their duties according to law, and shall not be subject to any disciplinary action without a statutory cause or without following statutory procedures.   第三条 行政机关公务员依法履行职务的行为受法律保护,非因法定事由,非经法定程序,不受处分。

Article 4 The principles of equity, fairness as well as the combination of education and disciplinary actions shall be observed for disciplining civil servants in administrative organs.   第四条 给予行政机关公务员处分,应当坚持公正、公平和教育与惩处相结合的原则。

A disciplinary action taken against the civil servants in administrative organs shall be suitable for the nature, circumstances and damages of their illegal acts or disciplinary breach.

To impose a disciplinary action against a civil servant in the administrative organ, the facts shall be clear, the evidence shall be irrefutable, the nature shall be accurately determined, the treatment shall be proper, the procedures followed shall be legal and the formalities shall be complete.

Article 5 Where any civil servant in the administrative organ is suspected of being involved in a crime, he shall be transferred to the judicial organ for criminal liabilities.   第五条 行政机关公务员违法违纪涉嫌犯罪的,应当移送司法机关依法追究刑事责任。

Chapter II Types and Application of Disciplinary Actions 

第二章 处分的种类和适用

Article 6 The disciplinary actions to be taken against civil servants in administrative organs can be:   第六条 行政机关公务员处分的种类为:

(1) a warning; (一)警告;

(2) a demerit; (二)记过;

(3) a gross demerit; (三)记大过;

(4) demotion; (四)降级;

(5) dismissal from office; and (五)撤职;

(6) expulsion. (六)开除。

Article 7 The duration of the disciplinary actions imposed on the civil servants in administrative organs shall be:   第七条 行政机关公务员受处分的期间为:

(1) 6 months for warning; (一)警告,6个月;

(2) 12 months for demerit; (二)记过,12个月;

(3) 18 months for gross demerit; (三)记大过,18个月;

(4) 24 months for demotion or dismissal. (四)降级、撤职,24个月。

Article 8 A civil servant in the administrative organ shall not enjoy any promotion in post or rank in the duration of disciplinary action. In particular, the civil servant who is given a demerit, gross demerit, demotion or dismissal from office shall not enjoy any elevation in his wage bracket. Anyone who is given the disciplinary action of dismissal from office shall be demoted according to relevant provisions.   第八条 行政机关公务员在受处分期间不得晋升职务和级别,其中,受记过、记大过、降级、撤职处分的,不得晋升工资档次;受撤职处分的,应当按照规定降低级别。

Article 9 Where a civil servant in the administrative organ is given the disciplinary action of expulsion, his employment relationship with his employer shall be removed and he shall no longer assume the civil servant post after the disciplinary decision takes effect.   第九条 行政机关公务员受开除处分的,自处分决定生效之日起,解除其与单位的人事关系,不得再担任公务员职务。

Where a civil servant in the administrative organ who is given any disciplinaryaction other than expulsion shows repentance in the duration of the disciplinary action and has committed no more illegal act or disciplinary breach, the disciplinary actions shall be removed when the term of disciplinary action expires. After a disciplinary action is removed, the elevation of wage bracket, promotion in rank and post shall no longer be affected by the former disciplinary action. However, the removal of such disciplinary action as demotion or dismissal shall not be deemed as a resumption of the original rank or post.

Article 10 Where a civil servant in the administrative organ commits two or more acts for which he should be given disciplinary actions, the disciplinary actions shall be determined respectively. Where he should be given different types of disciplinary actions, the most severe one shall be enforced; and if he should be given several disciplinary actions of a same type, unless the disciplinary action is expulsion, he shall be given the disciplinary action with a duration longer than that of the most severe disciplinary action but shorter than the aggregation of all the durations for all disciplinary actions.   第十条 行政机关公务员同时有两种以上需要给予处分的行为的,应当分别确定其处分。应当给予的处分种类不同的,执行其中最重的处分;应当给予撤职以下多个相同种类处分的,执行该处分,并在一个处分期以上、多个处分期之和以下,决定处分期。

Where a civil servant in the administrative organ is given a new disciplinary action within the duration of disciplinary action, the duration of disciplinary action for him will be the aggregation of the outstanding term of the former disciplinary action and the duration of the new disciplinary action.

The maximum duration of a disciplinary action shall be 48 months.

Article 11 Where two or more civil servants in the administrative organ commit an illegal act or disciplinary breach together, and should be subject to disciplinary action, they shall be given separate disciplinary actions according to the disciplinary liabilities they should separately assume.   第十一条 行政机关公务员2人以上共同违法违纪,需要给予处分的,根据各自应当承担的纪律责任,分别给予处分。

Article 12 Where it is under any of the following circumstances, a severer disciplinary action shall be given:   第十二条 有下列情形之一的,应当从重处分:

(1) Playing a principal role in an illegal act or disciplinary breach committed by two or more persons; (一)在2人以上的共同违法违纪行为中起主要作用的;

(2) Hiding, forging or destroying any evidence; (二)隐匿、伪造、销毁证据的;

(3) Acting in collusion to make each other's confessions identical, or preventing someone else from exposure, whistle-blowing or production of evidential materials; (三)串供或者阻止他人揭发检举、提供证据材料的;

(4) Covering up his or her accomplice; or (四)包庇同案人员的;

(5) Any other circumstance prescribed by any law, regulation or rule under which a severer disciplinary action should be given. (五)法律、法规、规章规定的其他从重情节。

Article 13 Where it is under any of the following circumstances, a lighter disciplinary action shall be given:   第十三条 有下列情形之一的,应当从轻处分:

(1) Voluntarily exposing one's illegal act or disciplinary breach; (一)主动交代违法违纪行为的;

(2) Voluntarily adopting measures to successfully avoid or retrieve losses; or (二)主动采取措施,有效避免或者挽回损失的;

(3) Reporting any major illegal act or disciplinary breach committed by someone else, and the reporting was found to be true. (三)检举他人重大违法违纪行为,情况属实的。

Article 14 Where a civil servant in the administrative organ voluntarily exposes his illegal act or disciplinary breach, and voluntarily adopts measures, if losses are effectively avoided or retrieved, he shall be given a mitigated disciplinary action.   第十四条 行政机关公务员主动交代违法违纪行为,并主动采取措施有效避免或者挽回损失的,应当减轻处分。

Where the disciplinary breach of a civil servant in the administrative organ is minor, and he has made correction after criticism and education, he may be immune from disciplinary action.

Article 15 Where a civil servant in the administrative organ is under any circumstance prescribed in Article 12 or 13 of the present Regulation, he shall be given a severer or lighter disciplinary action within the extent of disciplinary action as prescribed in Chapter III of the present Regulation.   第十五条 行政机关公务员有本条例第十二条、第十三条规定情形之一的,应当在本条例第三章规定的处分幅度以内从重或者从轻给予处分。

Where a civil servant in the administrative organ is under the circumstance prescribed in Article 14 (1) of the present Regulation, he shall be given a mitigated disciplinary action in the next disciplinary action level beyond the extent of disciplinary action as prescribed in Chapter III of the present Regulation. If he is given the disciplinary action of warning and is also entitled to a mitigated disciplinary action, he shall be immune from disciplinary action.

Article 16 Where an administrative organ commits any administrative violation or any other illegal act or disciplinary breach upon verification of the people's court, supervisory organ, administrative reconsideration organ or the administrative organ at the higher level, and should be subject to disciplinary liability, the leaders and other persons held to be directly responsible shall be disciplined.   第十六条 行政机关经人民法院、监察机关、行政复议机关或者上级行政机关依法认定有行政违法行为或者其他违法违纪行为,需要追究纪律责任的,对负有责任的领导人员和直接责任人员给予处分。

Article 17 Where a civil servant in the administrative organ who committed any illegal act or disciplinary breach has been given a criminal penalty, dismissed from post or removed from office or has resigned from his leading post before the administrative organ makes a disciplinary decision, if he should be disciplined, the administrative organ shall impose a disciplinary action on him according to his illegal act or disciplinary breach.   第十七条 违法违纪的行政机关公务员在行政机关对其作出处分决定前,已经依法被判处刑罚、罢免、免职或者已经辞去领导职务,依法应当给予处分的,由行政机关根据其违法违纪事实,给予处分。

Where a civil servant in the administrative organ has been given a criminal penalty, he shall be also given the disciplinary action of expulsion.

Chapter III Illegal Acts and Disciplinary Breach, and the Disciplinary Actions Applicable 

第三章 违法违纪行为及其适用的处分

Article 18 Where a civil servant in the administrative organ commits any of the following acts, he shall be given the disciplinary action of gross demerit; if the circumstances are relatively serious, he shall be given the disciplinary action of demotion or dismissal from office; and if the circumstances are serious, he shall be given the disciplinary action of expulsion:   第十八条 有下列行为之一的,给予记大过处分;情节较重的,给予降级或者撤职处分;情节严重的,给予开除处分:

(1) Spreading any expression that damages the state reputation, organizing or participating in such activities as assembling, procession and demonstration that aims to go against the state; (一)散布有损国家声誉的言论,组织或者参加旨在反对国家的集会、游行、示威等活动的;

(2) Organizing or attending any illegal organization, or organizing or attending any strike; (二)组织或者参加非法组织,组织或者参加罢工的;

(3) Violating the ethical or religious policies of the state, and causing unfavorable consequences; (三)违反国家的民族宗教政策,造成不良后果的;

(4) Interfering with elections by using violence, threats, bribes or graft; (四)以暴力、威胁、贿赂、欺骗等手段,破坏选举的;

(5) Damaging the state reputation or interests in foreign affairs; (五)在对外交往中损害国家荣誉和利益的;

(6) Illegally exiting the country, or staying overseas illegally; (六)非法出境,或者违反规定滞留境外不归的;

(7) Obtaining an overseas permanent residence qualification or the nationality of a foreign country without approval; or (七)未经批准获取境外永久居留资格,或者取得外国国籍的;

(8) Any other act in violation of political disciplines. (八)其他违反政治纪律的行为。

If a civil servant commits the act prescribed in Item (6) of the preceding paragraph, he shall be given the disciplinary action of expulsion; and if he commits any act prescribed in Item (1), (2) or (3) of the preceding paragraph, and he just did not know the truth and coerced to attend such activity, he may be given a mitigated disciplinary action or be immune from disciplinary action after he has made correction upon criticism and education.

Article 19 Where a civil servant in the administrative organ commits any of the following acts, he shall be given a warning, demerit or gross demerit; if the circumstances are relatively serious, he shall be given the disciplinary action of demotion or dismissal from office; and if the circumstances are serious, he shall be given the disciplinary action of expulsion:   第十九条 有下列行为之一的,给予警告、记过或者记大过处分;情节较重的,给予降级或者撤职处分;情节严重的,给予开除处分:

(1) A civil servant in a leading position violates the rules of procedure and decides an important matter by himself or with a small number of persons, or changes an important decision made by the collective; (一)负有领导责任的公务员违反议事规则,个人或者少数人决定重大事项,或者改变集体作出的重大决定的;

(2) Refusing to carry out the decision or order as made by the superior thereof; (二)拒绝执行上级依法作出的决定、命令的;

(3) Refusing to carry out the decision on exchange made by the administrative organ; (三)拒不执行机关的交流决定的;

(4) Refusing to carry out the judgment or ruling of the administrative case rendered by the people's court, or the decision made by the supervisory organ, audit organ or administrative reconsideration organ;

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