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Five-Year Plan of Action on Lancang-Mekong Cooperation (2018-2022) [Effective]
澜沧江-湄公河合作五年行动计划(2018-2022) [现行有效]

Five-Year Plan of Action on Lancang-Mekong Cooperation (2018-2022)



(January 11, 2018) (2018年1月11日)

I. Development Goals   一、发展目标
1.This Plan of Action is formulated in accordance with documents including the Sanya Declaration adopted at the first Lancang-Mekong Cooperation (LMC) Leaders' Meeting, which aims at contributing to the economic and social development of sub-regional countries, enhancing well-being of the people, narrowing the development gap within the region and building a Community of Shared Future of Peace and Prosperity among Lancang-Mekong Countries. By synergizing China's Belt and Road Initiative and the ASEAN Community Vision 2025 as well as the Master Plan on ASEAN Connectivity 2025 and visions of other Mekong sub-regional cooperation mechanisms, the LMC is moving towards a new sub-regional cooperation mechanism with unique features driven by internal strength and inspired by South-South cooperation, which will support the ASEAN Community building and regional integration process, as well as promote the implementation of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. 1. 本《行动计划》根据澜沧江-湄公河合作(简称澜湄合作)首次领导人会议通过的《三亚宣言》等文件制定,旨在促进澜湄沿岸各国经济社会发展,增进各国人民福祉,缩小本区域发展差距,建设面向和平与繁荣的澜湄国家命运共同体。对接“一带一路”倡议、《东盟2025:携手前行》、《东盟互联互通总体规划2025》和其他湄公河次区域合作机制愿景,致力于将澜湄合作打造成为独具特色、具有内生动力、受南南合作激励的新型次区域合作机制,助力东盟共同体建设和地区一体化进程,促进落实联合国2030年可持续发展议程。
II. Fundamental Principles   二、基本原则
2. This Plan of Action will take into account the development needs of the six LMC member countries and the regional integration process, reflect the framework established in the Sanya Declaration, highlighting the leaders' guidance, all-round cooperation and broad participation, and follow a government-guided, multiple-participation, and project-oriented model so as to further explore the most suitable cooperation model for the Sub-regional cooperation in line with the unique features and specificity of the six countries. The implementation of this Plan of Action will be based on the principles of consensus, equality, mutual consultation and coordination, voluntarism, common contribution and shared benefits, and respect for the United Nations Charter and international laws, as well as in accordance with domestic laws, rules, regulations and procedures of each member country. Years 2018 and 2019 will be the foundation-laying stage, when emphasis should be focused on strengthening sectorial cooperation planning and implementing small and medium-sized cooperation projects. The years 2020–2022 will be the consolidation and expansion stage, when member countries will further strengthen the cooperation in the five priority areas and may explore new cooperation areas that help respond to the development needs of member countries, optimize cooperation model and gradually explore cooperation on large projects. 2. 本《行动计划》将密切结合澜湄六国发展需求和区域一体化进程,体现《三亚宣言》中确立的“领导人引领、全方位覆盖、各部门参与”的架构,以政府引导、多方参与、项目为本的模式运作,积极探索符合六国特点的新型次区域合作模式。本《行动计划》的实施将建立在协商一致、平等相待、相互协商和协调、自愿参与、共建、共享的基础上,尊重《联合国宪章》和国际法,符合各成员国国内法律法规和规章制度。2018年至2019年为奠定基础阶段,重在加强各领域合作规划,推动落实中小型合作项目。2020年至2022年为巩固和深化推广阶段,重在加强五大优先领域合作,拓展新的合作领域,以呼应成员国发展需求,完善合作模式,逐步探讨大项目合作。
III. Working Structure   三、工作架构
3. Optimize the multi-layer framework comprising Leaders' Meeting, Foreign Ministers' Meeting (FMM), Senior Officials' Meeting (SOM) and Diplomatic and Sectoral Joint Working Group Meeting. 3. 完善领导人会议、外长会、高官会、外交和各领域联合工作组会组成的多层次机制框架。
4. Strengthen communication and coordination among the LMC National Secretariats or Coordination Units of the six member countries, and explore the possibility to set up the LMC International Secretariat. 4. 加强澜湄六国国家秘书处或协调机构间的沟通与协调,探讨建立澜湄合作国际秘书处。
5. Submit implementation progress report of this Plan of Action to the Foreign Ministers' Meeting through the Senior Officials' level Meeting annually. A list of projects proposed by the six member countries for the next year will be submitted to the FMM for adoption. 5. 每年通过高官会向外长会提交本《行动计划》落实进展报告,成员国将下一年度联合项目清单提交外长会审议通过。
6. Upon consensus of the six countries, gradually upgrade the Joint Working Groups on the priority areas to senior official's level or ministerial level. In parallel with enhancing cooperation in the key priority areas, cooperation in other areas are also encouraged. 6. 在六方共识基础上,逐步将优先领域联合工作组级别提升至高官级或部长级。加强优先领域合作的同时亦鼓励扩展其他领域合作。
7. Design LMC logos and other symbols for the LMC. 7. 设计澜湄合作徽标及其他澜湄标志。
8. Complement and develop in synergy with other Mekong sub-regional cooperation mechanisms. 8. 与其他湄公河次区域机制相互补充,协调发展。
9. Coordinate the LMC and ASEAN-China Cooperation by exploring communication with ASEAN-China Joint Cooperation Committee and strengthening cooperation with ASEAN-China Center and other ASEAN-relevant institutions on ad hoc basis. 9. 协调澜湄合作与中国-东盟合作的关系。主要通过探讨与中国-东盟联合合作委员会建立交流沟通,加强与中国-东盟中心合作。作为临时性安排,与其他东盟相关机构加强合作。
IV. Practical Cooperation   四、务实合作
4.1 Political and Security Issues 4.1 政治安全事务
4.1.1 Maintain High-level Exchanges 4.1.1 保持高层交往
10. Convene the LMC Leaders' Meeting once every two years to map out strategic planning for future LMC development and hold ad hoc Leaders' Meeting as necessary on the basis of consensus. 10. 每两年召开一次领导人会议,规划澜湄合作未来发展。如有必要,在协 商一致基础上召开临时领导人会议。
11. Hold Foreign Ministers' Meeting once a year to implement consensus reached at the Leaders' Meeting, review cooperation progress and provide suggestions for cooperation. 11. 每年举行一次外长会,落实领导人会议共识,评估合作进展,提出合作建议。
12. Maintain regular contacts among leaders of the six countries through bilateral visits or other international cooperation platforms. 12. 六国领导人通过双边访问或其他国际合作平台保持经常性接触。
4.1.2 Strengthen Political Dialogues and Cooperation 4.1.2 加强政治对话与合作
13. Hold Diplomatic Senior Officials' Meeting and Joint Working Group meetings in diplomatic and other sectors each year as needed. 13. 每年视情举行外交高官会、外交和各领域联合工作组会。
14. Support policy dialogues and official exchanges and visits among Lancang-Mekong countries. 14. 支持澜湄国家政策对话和官员交流互访活动。
4.1.3 Exchanges among Political Parties 4.1.3 政党交流
15. Promote dialogues and exchanges among political parties of Lancang-Mekong countries in line with the spirit of LMC. 15. 秉持澜湄合作精神,促进澜湄国家政党对话交流。
4.1.4 Non-traditional Security Cooperation 4.1.4 非传统安全合作
16. Deepen law enforcement dialogues and cooperation in combating non-traditional security issues on mutual interest. 16. 深化澜湄国家执法对话与合作,应对共同关心的非传统安全事务。
17. Jointly strengthen cooperation in the field of non-traditional security issues, such as combating drug trafficking, terrorism, organized illegal crossing of national border, human trafficking, smuggling and trafficking of firearms and ammunition, cyber crimes and other transnational crimes. 17. 共同加强非传统安全事务合作,如打击贩毒、恐怖主义、有组织偷越国境、贩卖人口、走私贩运枪支弹药、网络犯罪及其他跨国犯罪。
18. Promote exchanges among local/regional governments of border areas as well as border management departments of Lancang-Mekong countries, in line with the spirit of LMC and domestic rules and regulations of each member country. 18. 秉持澜湄合作精神,遵守各国国内法律法规,促进六国间边境地区地方政府和边境管理部门交流。
19. Strengthen cooperation among police agencies, judicial agencies and related colleges and universities among Lancang-Mekong countries. 19. 加强澜湄国家警察、司法部门及相关院校合作。
20. Enhance cooperation in the fields of disaster prevention and mitigation as well as humanitarian assistance, ensuring food, water and energy security. Explore various solutions for supporting people affected by disasters and the impacts of climate change. 20. 加强防灾减灾、人道主义援助合作,确保粮食、水和能源安全。探索向灾民和受气候变化影响的人们提供支持的多种方案。
4.2 Economy and Sustainable Development 4.2 经济与可持续发展
4.2.1 Connectivity 4.2.1 互联互通
21. Compose a plan on connectivity by synergizing with the Master Plan on ASEAN Connectivity 2025 and other sub-regional plans so as to promote comprehensive connectivity among Lancang-Mekong countries and explore the possibility to establish a Lancang-Mekong cooperation corridor. 21. 编制“澜湄国家互联互通规划”,对接《东盟互联互通总体规划2025》和其他次区域规划,促进澜湄国家全面互联互通,探索建立澜湄合作走廊。
22. Promote infrastructure upgrade and construction, such as railway, highway, waterway, ports, power grid, information network and aviation. Increase application of global satellite navigation systems, including the Beidou System, in Lancang-Mekong countries in areas such as infrastructure construction, transportation, logistics, tourism and agriculture.
 22. 推动铁路、公路、水运、港口、电网、信息网络、航空等基础设施建设与升级。增加包括北斗系统在内的全球卫星导航系统在澜湄国家基础设施建设、交通、物流、旅游、农业等领域的应用。

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