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Measures for the Supervision and Administration of International Bidding Agencies of Electromechanical Products (for Trial Implementation) [Effective]
机电产品国际招标代理机构监督管理办法(试行) [现行有效]

Order of the Ministry of Commerce 


(No. 5 [2016]) (2016年第5号)

The Measures for the Supervision and Administration of International Bidding Agencies of Electromechanical Products (for Trial Implementation), as deliberated and adopted at the 82nd executive meeting of the Ministry of Commerce on August 28, 2016, are hereby issued, and shall come into force on January 1, 2017. The Measures for the Administration of Qualification of International Bidding Agencies of Electromechanical Products (Order No. 3 [2012], Ministry of Commerce) shall be repealed concurrently. 《机电产品国际招标代理机构监督管理办法(试行)》已经2016年8月28日商务部第82次部务会议审议通过,现予公布,自2017年1月1日起施行。《机电产品国际招标机构资格管理办法》(商务部令2012年第3号)同时废止。
Minister: Gao Hucheng 部长 高虎城
November 16, 2016 2016年11月16日
Measures for the Supervision and Administration of International Bidding Agencies of Electromechanical Products (for Trial Implementation) 机电产品国际招标代理机构监督管理办法(试行)
Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总则

Article 1 For the purpose of strengthening the supervision and administration of international bidding agencies of electromechanical products (hereinafter referred to as “bid invitation agencies”), these Measures are developed in accordance with the Bidding Law of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the “Bidding Law”), the Regulation on the Implementation of the Bidding Law of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the “Regulation on the Implementation of the Bidding Law”) and other laws, administrative regulations and the division of functions for the administrative supervision of bidding activities conducted by relevant departments of the State Council.   第一条 为加强机电产品国际招标代理机构(以下简称招标机构)监督管理,依据《中华人民共和国招标投标法》(以下简称招标投标法)、《中华人民共和国招标投标法实施条例》(以下简称招标投标法实施条例)等法律、行政法规以及国务院对有关部门实施招标投标活动行政监督的职责分工,制定本办法。
Article 2 These Measures shall apply to the supervision and administration of bid invitation agencies that provide international bidding agency services of electromechanical products within the territory of the People's Republic of China.   第二条 本办法适用于对在中华人民共和国境内从事机电产品国际招标代理业务的招标机构的监督管理。
Article 3 A bid invitation agency is a social intermediary organization that is formed in accordance with the law and provides international bidding agency services of electromechanical products and relevant services.   第三条 招标机构是依法设立、从事机电产品国际招标代理业务并提供相关服务的社会中介组织。
The bid invitation agency shall have the business premises and corresponding funds for providing bidding agency services, have corresponding professionals who are able to prepare bidding documents (in both Chinese and English) and organize bid evaluation, and have a certain number of bidding professionals. 招标机构应当具备从事招标代理业务的营业场所和相应资金;具备能够编制招标文件(中、英文)和组织评标的相应专业力量;拥有一定数量的招标专业人员。
Article 4 The Ministry of Commerce shall be responsible for the supervision and administration of bid invitation agencies nationwide, organizing and directing the supervision and inspection of bid invitation agencies nationwide, establishing credit archives of bid invitation agencies nationwide, releasing the credit information of bid invitation agencies, and offering guidance to industry associations on the international bidding of electromechanical products in their conducting of work.   第四条 商务部负责全国招标机构的监督管理工作;负责组织和指导对全国招标机构的监督检查工作;负责建立全国招标机构信用档案,发布招标机构信用信息;负责指导机电产品国际招标投标有关行业协会开展工作。
Competent commerce departments of all provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government, and cities under separate state planning, Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, open coastal cities and special economic zones and the administrative authorities of import and export of electromechanical products of relevant departments of the State Council shall be responsible for the supervision and administration of bid invitation agencies in their regions and departments, and the supervision and inspection of international bidding agency service of electromechanical products in their regions and industries. 各省、自治区、直辖市、计划单列市、新疆生产建设兵团、沿海开放城市及经济特区商务主管部门、国务院有关部门机电产品进出口管理机构负责本地区、本部门所属招标机构的监督管理工作;负责在本地区、本行业从事机电产品国际招标代理行为的监督检查工作。
The administrative authorities of import and export of electromechanical products at all levels (hereinafter referred to as “competent departments”) and their staff members shall perform their functions in accordance with the law. 各级机电产品进出口管理机构(以下简称主管部门)及其工作人员应当依法履行职责。
Chapter II Methods for the Registration of Bid Invitation Agencies 

第二章 招标机构注册办法

Article 5 A bid invitation agency which provides the international bidding agency services of electromechanical products shall register free of charge on the China International Bidding website (website: www.chinabidding.com, hereinafter referred to as the “bidding website”), and before registration, shall make a good faith commitment on the bidding website. At the time of registration, it shall faithfully enter the Registration Form of International Bidding Agencies of Electromechanical Products (hereinafter referred to as the “Registration Form”, Annex 1) and the List of Full-Time International Bidding Employees of Electromechanical Products (hereinafter referred to as the “List of Personnel”, Annex 2).   第五条 招标机构从事机电产品国际招标代理业务,应当在中国国际招标网(网址:www.chinabidding.com,以下简称招标网)免费注册,注册前应当在招标网作出诚信承诺;注册时应当在招标网如实填写《机电产品国际招标代理机构注册登记表》(以下简称《注册登记表》,附件1)和《机电产品国际招标专职从业人员名单》(以下简称《人员名单》,附件2)。
Article 6 A bid invitation agency shall be responsible for the truthfulness and legality of registration information entered in the Registration Form. The legal liability caused by the bid invitation agency since it enters erroneous information, omits information or enters false information, or provides false certification materials shall be borne by itself.   第六条 招标机构对《注册登记表》所填写的登记信息的真实性、合法性负责。因招标机构填写信息错误、遗漏、虚假,以及提供虚假证明材料引起的法律责任由其自行承担。
Article 7 In case of modification of registration information, a bid invitation agency shall amend the relevant information 30 days after the modification of relevant information.   第七条 注册信息发生变更的,招标机构应当在相关信息变更后30日内在招标网修改相关信息。
In case of change of registration information of the bid invitation agency surviving after business combination or division, modification of registration information shall be undergone according to the provisions of the preceding paragraph. A bid invitation agency dissolved after business combination or division shall undergo deregistration formalities on the bidding website in a timely manner. A new bid invitation agency formed after business combination or division shall undergo registration formalities anew on the bidding website in accordance with these Measures. 因合并、分立而续存的招标机构,其注册信息发生变化的,应当依照前款规定办理注册信息变更;因合并、分立而解散的招标机构,应当及时在招标网办理注销;因合并、分立而新设立的招标机构,应当依照本办法在招标网重新注册。
Article 8 A bid invitation agency that no longer provides international bidding agency services of electromechanical products shall deregister on the bidding website in a timely manner.   第八条 不再从事机电产品国际招标代理业务的招标机构,应当及时在招标网注销。
Where the bid invitation agency has undergone deregistration formalities at the administrative department for industry and commerce or its business license is revoked, its registration on the bidding website shall be automatically invalid as of the date when the business license is deregistered or revoked. 招标机构已在工商部门办理注销手续或被吊销营业执照的,自营业执照注销或被吊销之日起,其招标网注册自动失效。
Chapter III Codes of Conduct for the Agency Services of Bid Invitation Agencies 

第三章 招标机构代理行为规范

Article 9 A bid invitation agency shall abide by the provisions of the Bidding Law, the Regulation on the Implementation of the Bidding Law, the Measures for the International Bidding of Electromechanical Products and these Measures. In bidding agency activities, it shall conduct business operation in accordance with the law, have fair competition and good faith, shall not practice fraud, and shall not damage national interest, public interest or the lawful rights and interests of any other person.   第九条 招标机构应当遵守招标投标法招标投标法实施条例机电产品国际招标投标实施办法和本办法的规定;在招标代理活动中,应当依法经营、公平竞争、诚实守信,不得弄虚作假,不得损害国家利益、社会公共利益或者他人合法权益。
Article 10 A bid invitation agency shall enter into a written entrustment contract with the tenderee to indicate entrusted matters and the entrusted authority. The bid invitation agency shall provide bidding agency services within the scope entrusted by the tenderee, shall not accept the content illegally entrusted by the tenderee and the tenderee's illegal requirements, shall not bid or bid as an agent in the bidding project in which it serves as the agent, and shall not provide consulting services to the bidder of the bidding project in which it serves as the agent.   第十条 招标机构应当与招标人签订书面委托合同,载明委托事项和代理权限。招标机构应当在招标人委托的范围内开展招标代理业务,不得接受招标人违法的委托内容和要求;不得在所代理的招标项目中投标或者代理投标,也不得为所代理的招标项目的投标人提供咨询。
Article 11 The staff members of a bid invitation agency which provides international bidding agency services of electromechanical products shall be personnel who have legal labor contracts with the agency in accordance with the law, and have good knowledge of the legal provisions and policies on the international bidding of electromechanical products. The person in charge of a bid invitation agency as the agent of an international bidding project of electromechanical products shall be a bidding professional.   第十一条 招标机构从事机电产品国际招标代理业务的人员应当为与本机构依法存在劳动合同关系的员工,应当熟练掌握机电产品国际招标相关法律规定和政策。招标机构代理机电产品国际招标项目的负责人应当由招标专业人员担任。
Article 12 A bid invitation agency shall, as entrusted by the tenderee, legally organize bidding activities, and assist the tenderee in giving replies to objections in a timely manner. During the period when the department in charge of a bidding project handles a complaint, the bid invitation agency shall actively cooperate according to the requirements of the department in charge of the bidding project.   第十二条 招标机构应当受招标人委托依法组织招标投标活动,协助招标人及时对异议作出答复。在招标项目所属主管部门处理投诉期间,招标机构应当按照招标项目所属主管部门要求积极予以配合。
The bid invitation agency shall, as required, submit bidding-related materials to the department in charge of the bidding project in a timely manner, and within the prescribed time, upload the bidding information and relevant data to the bidding website, and the content released, publicized or archived on the bidding website shall be consistent with corresponding written materials. 招标机构应当按照规定及时向招标项目所属主管部门报送招标投标相关材料,并在规定的时间内将招标投标情况及其相关数据上传招标网,在招标网上发布、公示或存档的内容应当与相应书面材料一致。
The bid invitation agency shall, according to relevant provisions, appropriately preserve bidding-related materials, and strictly keep confidential the bid evaluation information and materials. 招标机构应当按照有关规定妥善保存招标投标相关资料,并对评标情况和资料严格保密。
Article 13 A bid invitation agency shall actively provide training on bidding-related legal provisions, policies and business, and strengthen industry self-discipline and internal management.   第十三条 招标机构应当积极开展招标投标相关法律规定、政策和业务培训,加强行业自律和内部管理。
Chapter IV Credit Supervision and Administration

第四章 信用监督管理


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