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Rules for the Supervision over Civil Proceedings by the People's Procuratorates (for Trial Implementation) [Expired]
人民检察院民事诉讼监督规则(试行) [失效]

Announcement of the Supreme People's Procuratorate 


The Rules for the Supervision over Civil Proceedings by the People's Procuratorates, as adopted at the 10th meeting of the 12th Procuratorial Committee of the Supreme People's Procuratorate on September 23, 2013, are hereby issued, and shall come into force on the date of issuance. 《人民检察院民事诉讼监督规则(试行)》已于2013年9月23日由最高人民检察院第十二届检察委员会第十次会议通过,现予公布,自即日起施行。
Supreme People's Procuratorate 最高人民检察院
November 18, 2013 2013年11月18日
Rules for the Supervision over Civil Proceedings by the People's Procuratorates (for Trial Implementation) 人民检察院民事诉讼监督规则(试行)
(Adopted at the 10th meeting of the 12th Procuratorial Committee of the Supreme People's Procuratorate on September 23, 2013) (2013年9月23日最高人民检察院第十二届检察委员会第十次会议通过 高检发释字[2013]3号)
Chapter I General Provisions 第一章 总则
Chapter II Jurisdiction 第二章 管辖
Chapter III Disqualification 第三章 回避
Chapter IV Acceptance 第四章 受理
Chapter V Examination 第五章 审查
Section 1 General Rules 第一节 一般规定
Section 2 Hearing 第二节 听证
Section 3 Investigation and Verification 第三节 调查核实
Section 4 Suspension and Termination of Examination 第四节 中止审查和终结审查
Chapter VI Supervision over Effective Judgments, Rulings, and Consent Judgments 第六章 对生效判决、裁定、调解书的监督
Section 1 General Rules 第一节 一般规定
Section 2 Retrial Procuratorial Recommendations and Requests for Appeal 第二节 再审检察建议和提请抗诉
Section 3 Appeal 第三节 抗诉
Section 4 Appearance in Court 第四节 出庭
Chapter VII Supervision over Illegal Acts of Judges in Trial Proceedings 第七章 对审判程序中审判人员违法行为的监督
Chapter VIII Supervision over Enforcement Activities 第八章 对执行活动的监督
Chapter IX Case Management 第九章 案件管理
Chapter X Other Provisions 第十章 其他规定
Chapter XI Supplemental Provisions 第十一章 附则
Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总则

Article 1 To guarantee and regulate the lawful performance of civil procuratorial duties of the people's procuratorates, these Rules are developed in accordance with the Civil Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China, the Organic Law of the People's Procuratorates of the People's Republic of China, and other relevant provisions and in consideration of the practices of the people's procuratorates.   第一条 为了保障和规范人民检察院依法履行民事检察职责,根据《中华人民共和国民事诉讼法》、《中华人民共和国人民检察院组织法》和其他有关规定,结合人民检察院工作实际,制定本规则。
Article 2 The people's procuratorates shall independently exercise procuratorial powers according to the law and, by handling cases arising from supervision over civil proceedings (hereinafter referred to as the “supervision cases”), maintain judicial impartiality and judicial authority, protect national interests and public interests, protect the lawful rights and interests of citizens, legal persons and other organizations, and guarantee the unified and correct implementation of national laws.   第二条 人民检察院依法独立行使检察权,通过办理民事诉讼监督案件,维护司法公正和司法权威,维护国家利益和社会公共利益,维护公民、法人和其他组织的合法权益,保障国家法律的统一正确实施。
Article 3 The people's procuratorates shall exercise legal supervision over civil proceedings by way of filing appeals or offering procuratorial recommendations.   第三条 人民检察院通过抗诉、检察建议等方式,对民事诉讼活动实行法律监督。
Article 4 In the handling of cases arising from supervision over civil proceedings, the people's procuratorates shall regard facts as the basis and the law as the yardstick, adhere to the principles of openness, fairness, justice, honesty and creditworthiness, respect and protect the procedural rights of the parties, and oversee and support people's courts in lawfully exercising judicial powers and enforcement powers.   第四条 人民检察院办理民事诉讼监督案件,应当以事实为根据,以法律为准绳,坚持公开、公平、公正和诚实信用原则,尊重和保障当事人的诉讼权利,监督和支持人民法院依法行使审判权和执行权。
Article 5 The accusation procuratorial department, the civil procuratorial department, and the case management department of a people's procuratorate shall be respectively responsible for the acceptance, handling, and management of supervision cases, and there shall be cooperation and checks among departments.   第五条 民事诉讼监督案件的受理、办理、管理工作分别由控告检察部门、民事检察部门、案件管理部门负责,各部门互相配合,互相制约。
Article 6 In the handling of supervision cases by the people's procuratorates, a case handling responsibility system of the procurators shall be implemented.   第六条 人民检察院办理民事诉讼监督案件,实行检察官办案责任制。
Article 7 The Supreme People's Procuratorate shall lead local people's procuratorates at all levels and specialized people's procuratorates in exercising supervision over civil proceedings, and the people's procuratorates at higher levels shall lead those at lower levels in exercising supervision over civil proceedings.   第七条 最高人民检察院领导地方各级人民检察院和专门人民检察院的民事诉讼监督工作,上级人民检察院领导下级人民检察院的民事诉讼监督工作。
The people's procuratorates at higher levels shall have the power to revoke or modify decisions made by the people's procuratorates at lower levels and, if discovering any mistake made by the people's procuratorates at lower levels, order them to correct. The people's procuratorates at lower levels shall execute decisions made by the people's procuratorates at higher levels. If having any dissent on a decision made by a people's procuratorate at a higher level, a people's procuratorate at a lower level may report it to the people's procuratorate at a higher level while executing the decision. 上级人民检察院对下级人民检察院作出的决定,有权予以撤销或者变更,发现下级人民检察院工作中有错误的,有权指令下级人民检察院纠正。上级人民检察院的决定,下级人民检察院应当执行。下级人民检察院对上级人民检察院的决定有不同意见的,可以在执行的同时向上级人民检察院报告。
Article 8 The chief procurator of a people's procuratorate may, when the judicial committee of a people's court at the same level deliberates a civil case appealed by the people's procuratorate or any other issue related to supervision over civil proceedings, observe the meeting according to the relevant provisions.   第八条 人民检察院检察长在同级人民法院审判委员会讨论民事抗诉案件或者其他与民事诉讼监督工作有关的议题时,可以依照有关规定列席会议。
Article 9 In the handling of supervision cases by the people's procuratorates, a disqualification system shall be implemented.   第九条 人民检察院办理民事诉讼监督案件,实行回避制度。
Article 10 In the handling of supervision cases, procurators shall lawfully and impartially handle cases and conscientiously accept supervision.   第十条 检察人员办理民事诉讼监督案件,应当依法秉公办案,自觉接受监督。
Procurators may not accept treats or gifts from the parties or the litigation representatives thereof, and may not meet the parties or the litigation representatives thereof in violation of rules. 检察人员不得接受当事人及其诉讼代理人请客送礼,不得违反规定会见当事人及其诉讼代理人。
Procurators who have committed acts such as accepting bribes or bending the law for personal gains shall be legally held liable. 检察人员有收受贿赂、徇私枉法等行为的,应当追究法律责任。
Chapter II Jurisdiction 

第二章 管辖

Article 11 Over a supervision case involving an effective civil judgment, ruling, or consent judgment, the Supreme People's Procuratorate and the people's procuratorates at the same level and at a higher level at the place of the people's court rendering the aforesaid legal instrument shall all have jurisdiction.   第十一条 对已经发生法律效力的民事判决、裁定、调解书的监督案件,最高人民检察院、作出该生效法律文书的人民法院所在地同级人民检察院和上级人民检察院均有管辖权。
Article 12 A supervision case involving a judge's illegal act in the civil trial proceedings shall be under the jurisdiction of the people's procuratorate at the same level at the place of the people's court conducting the trial.   第十二条 对民事审判程序中审判人员违法行为的监督案件,由审理案件的人民法院所在地同级人民检察院管辖。
Article 13 A supervision case involving any civil enforcement activity shall be under the jurisdiction of the people's procuratorate at the same level at the place of the enforcement court.   第十三条 对民事执行活动的监督案件,由执行法院所在地同级人民检察院管辖。
Article 14 Where a people's procuratorate finds that a supervision case accepted is not under its jurisdiction, it shall transfer the case to a people's procuratorate which has jurisdiction over the case, and the people's procuratorate to which the case is transferred shall accept the case. If the people's procuratorate to which the case is transferred holds that the case is not under its jurisdiction, it shall report to the people's procuratorate at a higher level for specification of jurisdiction, and may not transfer the case until specification.   第十四条 人民检察院发现受理的民事诉讼监督案件不属于本院管辖的,应当移送有管辖权的人民检察院,受移送的人民检察院应当受理。受移送的人民检察院认为不属于本院管辖的,应当报请上级人民检察院指定管辖,不得再自行移送。
Article 15 Where a people's procuratorate which has jurisdiction over a supervision case cannot exercise its jurisdiction for any special reason, the people's procuratorate at a higher level shall specify the jurisdiction over the case.   第十五条 有管辖权的人民检察院由于特殊原因,不能行使管辖权的,由上级人民检察院指定管辖。
Any jurisdictional dispute between the people's procuratorates shall be settled by both parties to the dispute through consultation; and if such consultation fails, shall be reported to their common people's procuratorate at a higher level for specification of jurisdiction. 人民检察院之间因管辖权发生争议,由争议双方协商解决;协商不能解决的,报请其共同上级人民检察院指定管辖。
Article 16 A people's procuratorate at a higher level may, as it deems necessary, handle a supervision case under the jurisdiction of a people's procuratorate at a lower level.   第十六条 上级人民检察院认为确有必要的,可以办理下级人民检察院管辖的民事诉讼监督案件。
A people's procuratorate at a lower level which deems it necessary for a people's procuratorate at a higher level to handle a supervision case under its jurisdiction may file a request with the people's procuratorate at a higher level for the latter to handle the case. 下级人民检察院对有管辖权的民事诉讼监督案件,认为需要由上级人民检察院办理的,可以报请上级人民检察院办理。
Article 17 The jurisdiction of military procuratorates and other specialized people's procuratorates over supervision cases shall be governed by the relevant provisions issued.   第十七条 军事检察院等专门人民检察院对民事诉讼监督案件的管辖,依照有关规定执行。
Chapter III Disqualification 

第三章 回避

Article 18 A procurator who falls under any of the circumstances as set out in Article 44 of the Civil Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China shall voluntarily disqualify himself or herself, and a party shall be entitled to request his or her disqualification.   第十八条 检察人员有《中华人民共和国民事诉讼法》第四十四条规定情形之一的,应当自行回避,当事人有权申请他们回避。
The preceding paragraph shall also apply to clerks, interpreters, identification or evaluation experts, and surveyors, among others. 前款规定,适用于书记员、翻译人员、鉴定人、勘验人等。
Article 19 A procurator may voluntarily disqualify himself or herself verbally or in writing, with reasons provided. If it is a verbal request, it shall be on the record.   第十九条 检察人员自行回避的,可以口头或者书面方式提出,并说明理由。口头提出申请的,应当记录在卷。
Article 20 To request disqualification of a procurator, a party shall file the request verbally or in writing before the people's procuratorate decides to file an appeal or offer procuratorial recommendations, among others, with reasons provided. If it is a verbal request, it shall be on the record. The relevant evidence shall be provided for a disqualification request filed under paragraph 2 of Article 44 of the Civil Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China.   第二十条 当事人申请回避,应当在人民检察院作出提出抗诉或者检察建议等决定前以口头或者书面方式提出,并说明理由。口头提出申请的,应当记录在卷。根据《中华人民共和国民事诉讼法》第四十四条第二款规定提出回避申请的,应当提供相关证据。
A procurator whose disqualification is requested shall, before the people's procuratorate makes a decision on his or her disqualification, suspend his or her participation in the handling of the case, unless any urgent measures need to be taken for the case. 被申请回避的人员在人民检察院作出是否回避的决定前,应当暂停参与本案工作,但案件需要采取紧急措施的除外。
Article 21 The disqualification of the chief procurator shall be decided by the procuratorial committee upon deliberation, while the disqualification of procurators and other personnel shall be decided by the chief procurator. A meeting of the procuratorial committee to deliberate the disqualification of the chief procurator shall be presided over by the deputy chief procurator, and the chief procurator may not attend the meeting.   第二十一条 检察长的回避,由检察委员会讨论决定;检察人员和其他人员的回避,由检察长决定。检察委员会讨论检察长回避问题时,由副检察长主持,检察长不得参加。
Article 22 A people's procuratorate shall, within three days, make a decision on a disqualification request from a party and notify the party of the decision. Against the decision, the party may apply for reconsideration once to the people's procuratorate after receiving the decision. The people's procuratorate shall, within three days, make a decision after reconsideration and notify the reconsideration applicant of the decision. Pending reconsideration, the person whose disqualification is requested shall not suspend his or her participation in the handling of the case.   第二十二条 人民检察院对当事人提出的回避申请,应当在三日内作出决定,并通知申请人。申请人对决定不服的,可以在接到决定时向原决定机关申请复议一次。人民检察院应当在三日内作出复议决定,并通知复议申请人。复议期间,被申请回避的人员不停止参与本案工作。
Chapter IV Acceptance 

第四章 受理

Article 23 The sources of supervision cases include:   第二十三条 民事诉讼监督案件的来源包括:
(1) requests for supervision filed by the parties with the people's procuratorates; (一)当事人向人民检察院申请监督;
(2) accusations and reports to the people's procuratorates from citizens, legal persons, and other organizations other than the parties; and (二)当事人以外的公民、法人和其他组织向人民检察院控告、举报;
(3) cases uncovered by the people's procuratorates in performing their functions. (三)人民检察院依职权发现。
Article 24 Under any of the following circumstances, a party may file a request with a people's procuratorate for supervision:   第二十四条 有下列情形之一的,当事人可以向人民检察院申请监督:
(1) An effective civil judgment, ruling, or consent judgment falls under the circumstances as set out in paragraph 1 of Article 209 of the Civil Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China. (一)已经发生法律效力的民事判决、裁定、调解书符合《中华人民共和国民事诉讼法》第二百零九条第一款规定的;
(2) The party believes that a judge has committed an illegal act in civil trial proceedings. (二)认为民事审判程序中审判人员存在违法行为的;
(3) The party believes that any civil enforcement activity has violated the law. (三)认为民事执行活动存在违法情形的。
Article 25 To request supervision by a people's procuratorate, a party shall submit a written request for supervision, the party's identification, the relevant legal instruments, and evidentiary materials. Evidentiary materials shall be accompanied with a list of evidence.   第二十五条 当事人向人民检察院申请监督,应当提交监督申请书、身份证明、相关法律文书及证据材料。提交证据材料的,应当附证据清单。
If the materials that shall be submitted for a supervision request are incomplete, the people's procuratorate shall require the requesting party to supplement during a specified period, and clearly inform the party of all the supplements needed. If the party fails to supplement the materials during the specified period, the supervision request shall be deemed withdrawn. 申请监督材料不齐备的,人民检察院应当要求申请人限期补齐,并明确告知应补齐的全部材料。申请人逾期未补齐的,视为撤回监督申请。
Article 26 The written supervision request as mentioned in Article 25 of these Rules shall state:   第二十六条 本规则第二十五条规定的监督申请书应当记明下列事项:
(1) the name, gender, age, nationality, occupation, employer, residence, and valid contact information of the requesting party or the name and domicile of the requesting party if it is a legal person or any other organization and the name, position, and valid contact information of its legal representative or primary person in charge; (一)申请人的姓名、性别、年龄、民族、职业、工作单位、住所、有效联系方式,法人或者其他组织的名称、住所和法定代表人或者主要负责人的姓名、职务、有效联系方式;
(2) the name, gender, employer, residence, and valid contact information, among others, of any other party or the name, domicile, person in charge, and valid contact information, among others, of any other party if it is a legal person or any other organization; and (二)其他当事人的姓名、性别、工作单位、住所、有效联系方式等信息,法人或者其他组织的名称、住所、负责人、有效联系方式等信息;
(3) the request for supervision and the facts and grounds on which the request is based. (三)申请监督请求和所依据的事实与理由。
The requesting party shall submit duplicates of the written supervision request according to the number of the other parties. 申请人应当按照其他当事人的人数提交监督申请书副本。
Article 27 The identification as mentioned in Article 25 of these Rules shall include:   第二十七条 本规则第二十五条规定的身份证明包括:
(1) resident identity card, identity card for military officer or soldier, passport, or any other valid certificate that can prove the identify of a natural person; or (一)自然人的居民身份证、军官证、士兵证、护照等能够证明本人身份的有效证件;
(2) the duplicate of the business license or the organization code certificate of a legal person or any other organization, the identification of its legal representative or primary person in charge, or any other valid certificate or license of it. (二)法人或者其他组织的营业执照副本、组织机构代码证书和法定代表人或者主要负责人的身份证明等有效证照。
A people's procuratorate shall, upon verification, retain a photocopy of the identification submitted by a party. 对当事人提交的身份证明,人民检察院经核对无误留存复印件。
Article 28 The relevant legal instruments as mentioned in Article 25 of these Rules shall include all the judgments, rulings, decisions, consent judgments, and other legal instruments issued by the people's courts in the litigation process of a case.   第二十八条 本规则第二十五条规定的相关法律文书是指人民法院在该案件诉讼过程中作出的全部判决书、裁定书、决定书、调解书等法律文书。
Article 29 A party requesting supervision may be represented in accordance with the Civil Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China.   第二十九条 当事人申请监督,可以依照《中华人民共和国民事诉讼法》的规定委托代理人。
Article 30 Where the supervision request of a party satisfies the following conditions, a people's procuratorate shall accept it:   第三十条 当事人申请监督符合下列条件的,人民检察院应当受理:
(1) Article 24 of these Rules is complied with. (一)符合本规则第二十四条的规定;
(2) The materials submitted by the requesting party comply with Articles 25 to 28 of these Rules. (二)申请人提供的材料符合本规则第二十五条至第二十八条的规定;
(3) The people's procuratorate has jurisdiction over it. (三)本院具有管辖权;
(4) It is not under any of the non-acceptance circumstances as set out in these Rules. (四)不具有本规则规定的不予受理情形。
Article 31 Where a party requests supervision by a people's procuratorate in accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 209 of the Civil Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China, the people's procuratorate shall not accept the request under any of the following circumstances:   第三十一条 当事人根据《中华人民共和国民事诉讼法》第二百零九条第一款的规定向人民检察院申请监督,有下列情形之一的,人民检察院不予受理:
(1) The party has not filed a petition with the people's court for retrial or the statutory period for filing a petition for retrial has passed when the party files a petition for retrial. (一)当事人未向人民法院申请再审或者申请再审超过法律规定的期限的;
(2) The people's court is examining a civil petition for retrial, unless it has not made a ruling on the petition after three months. (二)人民法院正在对民事再审申请进行审查的,但超过三个月未对再审申请作出裁定的除外;
(3) The people's court has decided to permit retrial but the retrial has not been closed. (三)人民法院已经裁定再审且尚未审结的;
(4) The judgment or consent judgment dissolves a marital relationship, unless a party refuses to accept the partition of property. (四)判决、调解解除婚姻关系的,但对财产分割部分不服的除外;
(5) The people's procuratorate has completed examination and made a decision. (五)人民检察院已经审查终结作出决定的;
(6) The civil judgment, ruling, or consent judgment was rendered by the people's court after retrial on the basis of an appeal or the retrial procuratorial recommendations from the people's procuratorate. (六)民事判决、裁定、调解书是人民法院根据人民检察院的抗诉或者再审检察建议再审后作出的;
(7) Any other non-acceptance circumstances. (七)其他不应受理的情形。
Article 32 Where a party may legally appeal but fails to appeal a civil judgment or ruling rendered by a people's court of first instance, and files a request for supervision with a people's procuratorate in accordance with paragraph 1 (1) or (2) of Article 209 of the Civil Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China, the people's procuratorate shall not accept the application, unless:   第三十二条 对人民法院作出的一审民事判决、裁定,当事人依法可以上诉但未提出上诉,而依照《中华人民共和国民事诉讼法》第二百零九条第一款第一项、第二项的规定向人民检察院申请监督的,人民检察院不予受理,但有下列情形之一的除外:
(1) the legal instrument based on which the original judgment or ruling was rendered has been revoked or modified; (一)据以作出原判决、裁定的法律文书被撤销或者变更的;
(2) any judge has committed a serious illegal act such as committing embezzlement, accepting bribes, practicing favoritism, or adjudicating by bending the law; (二)审判人员有贪污受贿、徇私舞弊、枉法裁判等严重违法行为的;
(3) The service of legal instruments by the people's court violates the law, which impedes the party from exercising the right to appeal; (三)人民法院送达法律文书违反法律规定,影响当事人行使上诉权的;
(4) the party is unable to exercise the right to appeal for any natural disaster or other force majeure; (四)当事人因自然灾害等不可抗力无法行使上诉权的;
(5) the party is unable to exercise the right to appeal for the deprivation or restriction of his or her personal freedom or for an objective reason such as a serious illness; (五)当事人因人身自由被剥夺、限制,或者因严重疾病等客观原因不能行使上诉权的;
(6) there is evidence that others have stopped the party from exercising the right to appeal by violence, intimidation, or fraud; or (六)有证据证明他人以暴力、胁迫、欺诈等方式阻止当事人行使上诉权的;
(7) the party fails to appeal for any other reason not attributable to the party. (七)因其他不可归责于当事人的原因没有提出上诉的。
Article 33 Where a party requests supervision by a people's procuratorate on the ground that a judge has committed any illegal act in civil trial proceedings or there is any violation of the law in enforcement activities, the people's procuratorate shall not accept the request under any of the following circumstances:   第三十三条 当事人认为民事审判程序中审判人员存在违法行为或者民事执行活动存在违法情形,向人民检察院申请监督,有下列情形之一的,人民检察院不予受理:
(1) The party may legally raise an objection, apply for reconsideration, or institute an action but fails to do so, unless with a good reason. (一)法律规定可以提出异议、申请复议或者提起诉讼,当事人没有提出异议、申请复议或者提起诉讼的,但有正当理由的除外;
(2) The party has raised an objection or applied for reconsideration, and a people's court has accepted and is examining and handling it, unless the people's court has not handled it after expiry of the statutory period. (二)当事人提出异议或者申请复议后,人民法院已经受理并正在审查处理的,但超过法定期间未作出处理的除外;
(3) Any other non-acceptance circumstances. (三)其他不应受理的情形。
Article 34 Where a party files a request with a people's procuratorate for procuratorial recommendations or appeal in accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 209 of the Civil Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China, it shall be subject to acceptance by the accusation procuratorial department of the people's procuratorate at the same level at the place of the people's court rendering the effective civil judgment, ruling or consent judgment.   第三十四条 当事人根据《中华人民共和国民事诉讼法》第二百零九条第一款的规定向人民检察院申请检察建议或者抗诉,由作出生效民事判决、裁定、调解书的人民法院所在地同级人民检察院控告检察部门受理。
Where a party requests supervision by a people's procuratorate on the ground that a judge has committed any illegal act in civil trial proceedings or there is any violation of the law in civil enforcement activities, it shall be subject to acceptance by the accusation procuratorial department of the people's procuratorate at the same level at the place of the people's court trying or enforcing the case. 当事人认为民事审判程序中审判人员存在违法行为或者民事执行活动存在违法情形,向人民检察院申请监督的,由审理、执行案件的人民法院所在地同级人民检察院控告检察部门受理。
Article 35 Where a party requests supervision by a people's procuratorate after a people's court rules to dismiss a retrial petition or fails to rule on a retrial petition during the statutory period, it shall be accepted by the accusation procuratorial department of the people's procuratorate at the same level at the place of the people's court rendering the original effective civil judgment, ruling, or consent judgment.   第三十五条 人民法院裁定驳回再审申请或者逾期未对再审申请作出裁定,当事人向人民检察院申请监督的,由作出原生效民事判决、裁定、调解书的人民法院所在地同级人民检察院控告检察部门受理。
Article 36 The accusation procuratorial department of a people's procuratorate shall handle a supervision request under the following different circumstances:   第三十六条 人民检察院控告检察部门对监督申请,应当根据以下情形作出处理:
(1) If it satisfies the conditions for acceptance, the accusation procuratorial department shall make a decision to accept the request according to these Rules. (一)符合受理条件的,应当依照本规则规定作出受理决定;
(2) If it is within the scope of accepted cases but is not under the jurisdiction of the people's procuratorate, the accusation procuratorial department shall notify the applicant of filing a supervision request with the people's procuratorate having jurisdiction over the case. (二)属于人民检察院受理案件范围但不属于本院管辖的,应当告知申请人向有管辖权的人民检察院申请监督;
(3) If it is beyond the scope of accepted cases of the people's procuratorate, the accusation procuratorial department shall notify the applicant of reporting the case to the appropriate authorities. (三)不属于人民检察院受理案件范围的,应当告知申请人向有关机关反映;
(4) If it does not satisfy the conditions for acceptance and has not been withdrawn by the requesting party, the accusation procuratorial department may decide not to accept it. (四)不符合受理条件,且申请人不撤回监督申请的,可以决定不予受理。
If the request should be accepted by a people's procuratorate at a lower level, the people's procuratorate at a higher level shall transfer the written supervision request and the relevant materials to the people's procuratorate at a lower level within seven days. 应当由下级人民检察院受理的,上级人民检察院应当在七日内将监督申请书及相关材料移交下级人民检察院。
Article 37 Within three days after deciding to accept a supervision request, the accusation procuratorial department of a people's procuratorate shall prepare a Notice of Acceptance, send it to the requesting party, and notify the party of its rights and obligations.   第三十七条 控告检察部门应当在决定受理之日起三日内制作《受理通知书》,发送申请人,并告知其权利义务。
If it is necessary to notify any other party, the duplicates of the Notice of Acceptance and the written supervision request shall be sent to the other party, and the other party shall be notified of its rights and obligations. The other party may submit a written opinion within 15 days of receipt of the duplicate of the written supervision request, and the party's failure to submit one shall not affect the examination of the case by the people's procuratorate. 需要通知其他当事人的,应当将《受理通知书》和监督申请书副本发送其他当事人,并告知其权利义务。其他当事人可以在收到监督申请书副本之日起十五日内提出书面意见,不提出意见的不影响人民检察院对案件的审查。
Article 38 Within three days after deciding to accept a supervision request, the accusation procuratorial department of a people's procuratorate shall transfer case materials to the civil procuratorial department of the people's procuratorate, and send a copy of the Notice of Acceptance to the case management department of the people's procuratorate.   第三十八条 控告检察部门应当在决定受理之日起三日内将案件材料移送本院民事检察部门,同时将《受理通知书》抄送本院案件管理部门。
Article 39 Where any citizen, legal person, or other organization, which is not a party to case, considers that a judge has committed any illegal act in civil trial proceedings or there is any violation of the law in civil enforcement activities of a people's court, the citizen, legal person, or other organization may file an accusation or report with the people's procuratorate at the same level. Such accusations and reports shall be subject to acceptance by the accusation procuratorial department of the people's procuratorate.
   第三十九条 当事人以外的公民、法人和其他组织认为人民法院民事审判程序中审判人员存在违法行为或者民事执行活动存在违法情形的,可以向同级人民检察院控告、举报。控告、举报由人民检察院控告检察部门受理。

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