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Guidelines on the Bylaws of Listed Companies (2014 Second Revision) [Expired]
上市公司章程指引(2014年第二次修订) [失效]

Announcement of the China Securities Regulatory Commission 


(No. 47 [2014])


The Guidelines on the Bylaws of Listed Companies (2014 Revixion) are hereby issued, and shall come into force on the date of issuance. 现公布《上市公司章程指引(2014年修订)》,自公布之日起施行。
China Securities Regulatory Commission 中国证监会
October 20, 2014 2014年10月20日
Guidelines on the Bylaws of Listed Companies (2014 Revision)

Contents 目录
Chapter I General Provisions 第一章 总  则
Chapter II Purposes and Scope of Business 第二章 经营宗旨和范围
Chapter III Shares 第三章 股  份
Section 1 Issue of Shares 第一节 股份发行
Section 2 Increase, Decrease and Repurchase of Shares 第二节 股份增减和回购
Section 3 Transfer of Shares 第三节 股份转让
Chapter IV Shareholders and Shareholders' Meeting 第四章 股东和股东大会
Section 1 Shareholders 第一节 股  东
Section 2 General Provisions on the Shareholders' Meeting 第二节 股东大会的一般规定
Section 3 Convening of Shareholders' Meetings 第三节 股东大会的召集
Section 4 Proposals and Notices for Shareholders' Meetings 第四节 股东大会的提案与通知
Section 5 Holding of Shareholders' Meetings 第五节 股东大会的召开
Section 6 Voting and Resolution at Shareholders' Meetings 第六节 股东大会的表决和决议
Chapter V Board of Directors 第五章 董事会
Section 1 Directors 第一节 董  事
Section 2 Board of Directors 第二节 董事会
Chapter VI Managers and Other Officers 第六章 经理及其他高级管理人员
Chapter VI Board of Supervisors 第七章 监事会
Section 1 Supervisors 第一节 监  事
Section 2 Board of Supervisors 第二节 监事会
Chapter VIII Financial Accounting Rules, Profit Distribution and Audit 第八章 财务会计制度、利润分配和审计
Section 1 Financial Accounting Rules 第一节 财务会计制度
Section 2 Internal Audit 第二节 内部审计
Section 3 Engagement of an Accounting Firm 第三节 会计师事务所的聘任
Chapter IX Notices and Announcements 第九章 通知和公告
Section 1 Notices 第一节 通  知
Section 2 Announcements 第二节 公  告
Chapter X Combination, Division, Capital Increase, Capital Decrease, Dissolution and Liquidation 第十章 合并、分立、增资、减资、解散和清算
Section 1 Combination, Division, Capital Increase and Capital Decrease 第一节 合并、分立、增资和减资
Section 2 Dissolution and Liquidation 第二节 解散和清算
Chapter XI Amendment of Bylaws 第十一章 修改章程
Chapter XII Supplemental Provisions 第十二章 附  则
Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总  则

Article 1 For purposes of maintaining the lawful rights and interests of companies, shareholders and creditors and regulating the organization and conduct of companies, these Bylaws are developed in accordance with the Company Law of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the “Company Law”), the Securities Law of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the “Securities Law”), and other relevant provisions.   第一条 为维护公司、股东和债权人的合法权益,规范公司的组织和行为,根据《中华人民共和国公司法》(以下简称《公司法》)、《中华人民共和国证券法》(以下简称《证券法》)和其他有关规定,制订本章程。
Article 2 The Company is a joint stock company formed in accordance with [the titles of legislation] and other relevant provisions (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”).   第二条 公司系依照【法规名称】和其他有关规定成立的股份有限公司(以下简称公司)。
The Company is formed by [way of formation], has been registered with the Administration for Industry and Commerce of [location of the company registration authority], and has obtained a business license, with the number of [business license number]. 公司【设立方式】设立;在【公司登记机关所在地名】工商行政管理局注册登记,取得营业执照,营业执照号【营业执照号码】。
Note: If the formation of the Company must be subject to approval under any law or administrative regulation, the name of the approval authority and the title of the approval document shall be stated. 注释:依法律、行政法规规定,公司设立必须报经批准的,应当说明批准机关和批准文件名称。
Article 3 The Company's initial public offering of [number of shares] RMB common shares was approved/confirmed by [full name of the approval/confirmation authority] on [date of approval/confirmation], and the shares have been listed on [full name of stock exchange] since [date of listing]. The Company's offering of [number of shares] preferred shares was approved/confirmed by [full name of the approval/confirmation authority] on [date of approval/confirmation], and the shares have been listed on [full name of stock exchange] since [date of listing]. The [number of shares] B-shares issued by the Company to overseas investors, which are subscribed for in a foreign currency and listed within China, have been listed on [full name of stock exchange] since [date of listing].   第三条 公司于【批/核准日期】经【批/核准机关全称】批/核准,首次向社会公众发行人民币普通股【股份数额】股,于【上市日期】在【证券交易所全称】上市。公司于【批/核准日期】经【批/核准机关全称】批/核准,发行优先股【股份数额】股,于【上市日期】在【证券交易所全称】上市。公司向境外投资人发行的以外币认购并且在境内上市的境内上市外资股为【股份数额】,于【上市日期】在【证券交易所全称】上市。
Note: The term “preferred shares” as mentioned in these Guidelines mean another class of shares other than the common shares, as prescribed by the Company Law, the holders of which have priority over the holders of common shares in the distribution of profits and residual assets but have restricted rights to participate in the decision-making and management of the Company. 注释:本指引所称优先股,是指依照《公司法》,在一般规定的普通种类股份之外,另行规定的其他种类股份,其股份持有人优先于普通股股东分配公司利润和剩余财产,但参与公司决策管理等权利受到限制。
If the Company has not issued (or planned to issue) preferred shares or B-shares, it need not make any statement on preferred shares or B-shares under this article. The same applies hereinafter. 没有发行(或拟发行)优先股或者境内上市外资股的公司,无需就本条有关优先股或者境内上市外资股的内容作出说明。以下同。
Article 4 The registered name of the Company: [full name in Chinese] [full name in English].   第四条 公司注册名称:【中文全称】【英文全称】
Article 5 The domicile of the Company: [complete address of the domicile of the company, including postal code].   第五条 公司住所:【公司住所地址全称,邮政编码】。
Article 6 The registered capital of the Company is [amount of registered capital] yuan.   第六条 公司注册资本为人民币【注册资本数额】元。
Note: If the total amount of registered capital changes due to any increase or decrease of registered capital, the Company may, after a resolution on the increase or decrease of registered capital is adopted at the shareholders' meeting, have another resolution adopted on relevant amendments to these Bylaws, specifying that the board of directors is authorized to specifically handle the registration procedure for modification of registered capital. 注释:公司因增加或者减少注册资本而导致注册资本总额变更的,可以在股东大会通过同意增加或减少注册资本的决议后,再就因此而需要修改公司章程的事项通过一项决议,并说明授权董事会具体办理注册资本的变更登记手续。
Article 7 The duration of the Company is [number of years] or [the Company is a perpetual joint stock company].   第七条 公司营业期限为【年数】或者【公司为永久存续的股份有限公司】。
Article 8 [Chairman of the board of directors or manager] is the legal representative of the Company.   第八条 【董事长或经理】为公司的法定代表人。
Article 9 The entire assets of the Company are divided into equal shares, shareholders shall be liable to the Company with the number of shares they have subscribed for, and the Company shall be liable for its debts with all its assets.   第九条 公司全部资产分为等额股份,股东以其认购的股份为限对公司承担责任,公司以其全部资产对公司的债务承担责任。
Article 10 From the effective date of these Bylaws, these Bylaws are legally binding documents to regulate the organization and conduct of the Company and the relations of rights and obligations between the Company and shareholders and between shareholders, and are legally binding upon the Company and its shareholders, directors, supervisors and officers. Under these Bylaws, shareholders may institute actions against other shareholders, against the directors, supervisors, managers and other officers of the Company, and against the Company, while the Company may institute actions against its shareholders, directors, supervisors, managers and other officers.   第十条 本公司章程自生效之日起,即成为规范公司的组织与行为、公司与股东、股东与股东之间权利义务关系的具有法律约束力的文件,对公司、股东、董事、监事、高级管理人员具有法律约束力的文件。依据本章程,股东可以起诉股东,股东可以起诉公司董事、监事、经理和其他高级管理人员,股东可以起诉公司,公司可以起诉股东、董事、监事、经理和其他高级管理人员。
Article 11 The term “other officers” as mentioned in these Bylaws means the deputy managers, the secretary of the board of directors and the chief financial officer of the Company.   第十一条 本章程所称其他高级管理人员是指公司的副经理、董事会秘书、财务负责人。
Note: The Company may, according to the actual circumstances, determine the scope of officers in these Bylaws. 注释:公司可以根据实际情况,在章程中确定属于公司高级管理人员的人员。
Chapter II Purposes and Scope of Business 

第二章 经营宗旨和范围

Article 12 The purposes of the Company are: [purposes of business].   第十二条 公司的经营宗旨:【宗旨内容】
Article 13 The legally registered scope of business of the Company is: [scope of business].   第十三条 经依法登记,公司的经营范围:【经营范围内容】
Note: Where any item in the scope of business must be subject to approval under any law or administrative regulation, approval shall be legally obtained. 注释:公司的经营范围中属于法律、行政法规规定须经批准的项目,应当依法经过批准。
Chapter III Shares 

第三章 股  份

Section 1 Issue of Shares 

第一节 股份发行

Article 14 Shares of the Company are in the form of share certificates.   第十四条 公司的股份采取股票的形式。
Article 15 Shares shall be issued under the principles of openness, fairness and impartiality, and each of the shares of the same class must carry the same rights.   第十五条 公司股份的发行,实行公开、公平、公正的原则,同种类的每一股份应当具有同等权利。
Each of the same class of shares in the same issue shall carry the same issue terms and price, and entities or individuals shall pay the same price for each of the shares subscribed for by them. 同次发行的同种类股票,每股的发行条件和价格应当相同;任何单位或者个人所认购的股份,每股应当支付相同价额。
Note: If the Company has issued preferred shares, it shall specify the following in these Bylaws: (1) Whether a fixed or adjustable dividend rate is adopted for preferred shares, and the calculation basis for the dividend rate adopted. (2) Whether dividends must be distributed to preferred shareholders when there are distributable profits after taxation. (3) When dividends are not paid to preferred shareholders in full amount due to insufficiency of distributable profits in the current fiscal year, whether the outstanding dividends shall accumulate to the next fiscal year. (4) After dividends are distributed at the agreed rate, whether preferred shareholders may participate in the distribution of residual profits with common shareholders, the percentage of residual profits distributed to preferred shareholders, the conditions they shall satisfy to participate in the distribution of residual profits, and other relevant matters. (5) Other matters concerning preferred shareholders' participation in the profit distribution of the Company. (6) Whether there are other different terms set for preferred shares, in addition to terms on the distribution of profits and residual assets. (7) When the voting rights of preferred shares are restored, the specific method for calculating the voting right carried by each preferred share. 注释:发行优先股的公司,应当在章程中明确以下事项:(1)优先股股息率采用固定股息率或浮动股息率,并相应明确固定股息率水平或浮动股息率的计算方法;(2)公司在有可分配税后利润的情况下是否必须分配利润;(3)如果公司因本会计年度可分配利润不足而未向优先股股东足额派发股息,差额部分是否累积到下一会计年度;(4)优先股股东按照约定的股息率分配股息后,是否有权同普通股股东一起参加剩余利润分配,以及参与剩余利润分配的比例、条件等事项;(5)其他涉及优先股股东参与公司利润分配的事项;(6)除利润分配和剩余财产分配外,优先股是否在其他条款上具有不同的设置;(7)优先股表决权恢复时,每股优先股股份享有表决权的具体计算方法。
In particular, if preferred shares are offered to the public, the Company shall specify in these Bylaws that: (1) a fixed dividend rate is adopted; (2) dividends must be distributed to preferred shareholders when there are distributable profits after taxation; (3) when dividends are not paid to preferred shareholders in full amount, the outstanding dividends shall accumulate to the next fiscal year; and (4) after dividends are distributed at the agreed rate, preferred shareholders shall not participate in the distribution of residual profits with common shareholders. For a commercial bank offering preferred shares to replenish capital, subparagraphs (2) and (3) may provide otherwise. 其中,公开发行优先股的,应当在公司章程中明确:(1)采取固定股息率;(2)在有可分配税后利润的情况下必须向优先股股东分配股息;(3)未向优先股股东足额派发股息的差额部分应当累积到下一会计年度;(4)优先股股东按照约定的股息率分配股息后,不再同普通股股东一起参加剩余利润分配。商业银行发行优先股补充资本的,可就第(2)项和第(3)项事项另作规定。
Article 16 The face value of the shares issued by the Company shall be denominated in RMB.   第十六条 公司发行的股票,以人民币标明面值。
Article 17 The shares issued by the Company shall be centrally deposited at [name of the securities depository institution].   第十七条 公司发行的股份,在【证券登记机构名称】集中存管。
Article 18 The promoters of the Company are [name or title of each promoter, the number of shares they subscribe for are respectively [number of shares], and the mode and time of capital contribution are [specific mode and time].   第十八条 公司发起人为【各发起人姓名或者名称】、认购的股份数分别为【股份数量】、出资方式和出资时间为【具体方式和时间】。
Note: If it has been one year or more since the formation of the Company, and a promoter has transferred its shares, the number of shares held by the promoter need not be entered. 注释:已成立1年或1年以上的公司,发起人已将所持股份转让的,无需填入发起人的持股数额。
Article 19 The total shares of the Company are [number of shares], and the equity structure of the Company is: [number] common shares and [number] other classes of shares.   第十九条 公司股份总数为【股份数额】,公司的股本结构为:普通股【数额】股,其他种类股【数额】股。
Note: If the Company has issued preferred shares or any other class of shares, it shall be stated. 注释:公司发行优先股等其他种类股份的,应作出说明。
Article 20 The Company or its subsidiary companies (including enterprises affiliated to it) may not, in the form of grants, advances, guarantees, compensations or loans, among others, provide any financial aid to any person purchasing or intending to purchase the shares of the Company.   第二十条 公司或公司的子公司(包括公司的附属企业)不以赠与、垫资、担保、补偿或贷款等形式,对购买或者拟购买公司股份的人提供任何资助。
Section 2 Increase, Decrease and Repurchase of Shares 

第二节 股份增减和回购

Article 21 In light of its operational and development needs, upon resolution of the shareholders' meeting, the Company may increase capital in the following ways in accordance with laws and regulations:   第二十一条 公司根据经营和发展的需要,依照法律、法规的规定,经股东大会分别作出决议,可以采用下列方式增加资本:
(1) Public offering of shares. (一)公开发行股份;
(2) Non-public offering of shares. (二)非公开发行股份;
(3) Issue of stock dividends to existing shareholders. (三)向现有股东派送红股;
(4) Issue of bonus shares out of the paid-in surplus reserve. (四)以公积金转增股本;
(5) Other ways permitted by laws and administrative regulations and approved by the China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC). (五)法律、行政法规规定以及中国证监会批准的其他方式。
Note: If the Company has issued preferred shares, it shall include the following matters concerning the offering of preferred shares in these Bylaws: the number of preferred shares offered by the Company may not exceed 50% of its total number of common shares, and the funds raised from the offering of preferred shares may not exceed 50% of its net assets prior to the offering, but repurchased and converted preferred shares are not included. 注释:发行优先股的公司,应当在章程中对发行优先股的以下事项作出规定:公司已发行的优先股不得超过公司普通股股份总数的百分之五十,且筹资金额不得超过发行前净资产的百分之五十,已回购、转换的优先股不纳入计算。
The Company may not offer convertible preferred shares. However, a commercial bank may, in accordance with the provisions on capital supervision of commercial banks, non-publicly offer preferred shares which will be forcibly converted into common shares upon occurrence of a trigger event, provided that the relevant provisions are complied with. 公司不得发行可转换为普通股的优先股。但商业银行可以根据商业银行资本监管规定,非公开发行触发事件发生时强制转换为普通股的优先股,并遵守有关规定。
If the Company has issued convertible corporate bonds, it shall also specify, in these Bylaws, matters concerning the offering of convertible corporate bonds, the conversion procedures and arrangements, and changes in the total shares of the Company resulting from the conversion. 发行可转换公司债的公司,还应当在章程中对可转换公司债的发行、转股程序和安排以及转股所导致的公司股本变更等事项作出具体规定。
Article 22 The Company may decrease its registered capital. To decrease its registered capital, the Company shall undergo the procedures in accordance with the Company Law, other relevant provisions, and these Bylaws.   第二十二条 公司可以减少注册资本。公司减少注册资本,应当按照《公司法》以及其他有关规定和本章程规定的程序办理。
Article 23 Under the following circumstances, the Company may purchase its own shares in accordance with laws, administrative regulations, departmental rules, and these Bylaws:   第二十三条 公司在下列情况下,可以依照法律、行政法规、部门规章和本章程的规定,收购本公司的股份:
(1) The Company decreases its registered capital. (一)减少公司注册资本;
(2) The Company is combined with any other company holding shares of the Company. (二)与持有本公司股票的其他公司合并;
(3) The Company uses the shares to reward its employees. (三)将股份奖励给本公司职工;
(4) Against a combination or division resolution of the shareholders' meeting, any shareholders of the Company request the Company to purchase their shares. (四)股东因对股东大会作出的公司合并、分立决议持异议,要求公司收购其股份的。
Except under the aforesaid circumstances, the Company may not trade its own shares. 除上述情形外,公司不进行买卖本公司股份的活动。
Note: If the Company has issued preferred shares, it shall also specify, in its Bylaws, whether the option to repurchase is exercised by the issuer or shareholders and the conditions, price and percentage requirements for repurchase. If the issuer requests the repurchase of preferred shares under the Bylaws, it must pay off all outstanding dividends, unless preferred shares are offered by a commercial bank for replenishing capital. 注释:发行优先股的公司,还应当在公司章程中对回购优先股的选择权由发行人或股东行使、回购的条件、价格和比例等作出具体规定。发行人按章程规定要求回购优先股的,必须完全支付所欠股息,但商业银行发行优先股补充资本的除外。
Article 24 The Company may select one of the following methods to purchase its own shares:   第二十四条 公司收购本公司股份,可以选择下列方式之一进行:
(1) Auction on stock exchanges. (一)证券交易所集中竞价交易方式;
(2) Tender offer. (二)要约方式;
(3) Any other method recognized by the CSRC. (三)中国证监会认可的其他方式。
Article 25 Where the Company purchases its shares for a reason specified in subparagraphs (1) to (3) of Article 23 of these Bylaws, the purchase shall be subject to a resolution of the shareholders' meeting. After the Company purchases its own shares under Article 23, it shall, under subparagraph (1), cancel the shares within ten days after purchase; or under subparagraph (2) or (4), transfer or cancel the shares within six months.   第二十五条 公司因本章程第二十三条第(一)项至第(三)项的原因收购本公司股份的,应当经股东大会决议。公司依照第二十三条规定收购本公司股份后,属于第(一)项情形的,应当自收购之日起10日内注销;属于第(二)项、第(四)项情形的,应当在6个月内转让或者注销。
The shares purchased by the Company under subparagraph (3) of Article 23 shall not exceed 5% of the total number of outstanding shares of the Company; the capital used to purchase shares shall be paid from the after-tax profits of the Company; and the shares purchased by the Company shall be transferred to its employees within one year. 公司依照第二十三条第(三)项规定收购的本公司股份,将不超过本公司已发行股份总额的5%;用于收购的资金应当从公司的税后利润中支出;所收购的股份应当1年内转让给职工。
Note: After repurchasing preferred shares under this article, the Company shall write down the total number of outstanding preferred shares accordingly. 注释:公司按本条规定回购优先股后,应当相应减记发行在外的优先股股份总数。
Section 3 Transfer of Shares 

第三节 股份转让

Article 26 The shares of the Company may be transferred according to the law.   第二十六条 公司的股份可以依法转让。
Article 27 The Company shall not accept the shares of the Company as the subject matter of pledge.   第二十七条 公司不接受本公司的股票作为质押权的标的。
Article 28 The shares of the Company held by the promoters may not be transferred within one year after the formation of the Company. Shares issued before the public offering of shares of the Company may not be transferred within one year after the stock of the Company is listed and traded on a stock exchange.   第二十八条 发起人持有的本公司股份,自公司成立之日起1年内不得转让。公司公开发行股份前已发行的股份,自公司股票在证券交易所上市交易之日起1年内不得转让。
The directors, supervisors and officers of the Company shall report shares (including preferred shares) of the Company held by them and changes thereof to the Company, and the number of shares allowed to be transferred by them during their terms of office may not exceed 25% of the total number of shares of the same class of the Company held by them; and the shares of the Company held by them may not be transferred within one year after the stock of the Company is listed and traded on a stock exchange. Within half a year after they leave office, they may not transfer the shares of the Company held by them. 公司董事、监事、高级管理人员应当向公司申报所持有的本公司的股份(含优先股股份)及其变动情况,在任职期间每年转让的股份不得超过其所持有本公司同一种类股份总数的25%;所持本公司股份自公司股票上市交易之日起1年内不得转让。上述人员离职后半年内,不得转让其所持有的本公司股份。
Note: If these Bylaws have other restrictions on the transfer of the shares (including preferred shares) of the Company held by its directors, supervisor and officers, they shall be stated. 注释:若公司章程对公司董事、监事、高级管理人员转让其所持有的本公司股份(含优先股股份)作出其他限制性规定的,应当进行说明。
Article 29 Where any director, supervisor or officer of the Company, or any shareholder holding 5% or more of the shares of the Company, sells any shares held in the Company within six months after buying them, or purchases any shares of the Company within six months after selling them, the income therefrom shall belong to the Company and be taken back by the board of directors of the Company. However, where a securities company holds 5% or more of the shares of the Company as a result of purchasing unsold shares in standby underwriting, its selling of such shares shall not be subject to the six-month period.   第二十九条 公司董事、监事、高级管理人员、持有本公司股份5%以上的股东,将其持有的本公司股票在买入后 6个月内卖出,或者在卖出后6个月内又买入,由此所得收益归本公司所有,本公司董事会将收回其所得收益。但是,证券公司因包销购入售后剩余股票而持有5%以上股份的,卖出该股票不受6个月时间限制。
Where the board of directors of the Company fails to comply with the preceding paragraph, a shareholder shall have the right to require the board of directors to comply within 30 days. If the board of directors fails to comply within the time limit, a shareholder shall have the right to directly institute an action in the people's court in the name of the shareholder for the sake of the Company. 公司董事会不按照前款规定执行的,股东有权要求董事会在30日内执行。公司董事会未在上述期限内执行的,股东有权为了公司的利益以自己的名义直接向人民法院提起诉讼。
Where the board of directors of the Company fails to comply with paragraph 1, the liable directors shall be held jointly and severally liable. 公司董事会不按照第一款的规定执行的,负有责任的董事依法承担连带责任。
Chapter IV Shareholders and Shareholders' Meeting 

第四章 股东和股东大会

Section 1 Shareholders 

第一节 股  东

Article 30 The Company shall create a register of shareholders based on the documents provided by the securities depository institution, and the register of shareholders is sufficient evidence of shareholders' holding of shares of the Company. Shareholders shall have rights and obligations according to the class of shares held by them; and shareholders holding the same class of shares shall have the same rights and obligations.   第三十条 公司依据证券登记机构提供的凭证建立股东名册,股东名册是证明股东持有公司股份的充分证据。股东按其所持有股份的种类享有权利,承担义务;持有同一种类股份的股东,享有同等权利,承担同种义务。
Note: The Company shall enter into a share depository agreement with the securities depository institution, and inquire about major shareholders and changes in their shareholdings (including the pledge of equities) on a regular basis to be informed of the equity structure of the Company in a timely manner. 注释:公司应当与证券登记机构签订股份保管协议,定期查询主要股东资料以及主要股东的持股变更(包括股权的出质)情况,及时掌握公司的股权结构。
Article 31 Where the Company needs to identify shareholders in an event such as the holding of a shareholders' meeting, dividend distribution, or liquidation, the board of directors or the convener of the shareholders' meeting shall determine the date of record, and registered shareholders after the market is closed at the date of record shall be shareholders owning the relevant rights and interests.   第三十一条 公司召开股东大会、分配股利、清算及从事其他需要确认股东身份的行为时,由董事会或股东大会召集人确定股权登记日,股权登记日收市后登记在册的股东为享有相关权益的股东。
Article 32 The shareholders of the Company shall have the following rights:   第三十二条 公司股东享有下列权利:
(1) Obtaining dividends and other forms of profit distribution according to the numbers of shares held by them. (一)依照其所持有的股份份额获得股利和其他形式的利益分配;
(2) Requesting, convening, presiding over, and attending in person or by proxy the shareholders' meetings and exercising their corresponding voting rights, according to the law. (二)依法请求、召集、主持、参加或者委派股东代理人参加股东大会,并行使相应的表决权;
(3) Overseeing the operations of the Company and offering recommendations or making inquiries. (三)对公司的经营进行监督,提出建议或者质询;
(4) Transferring, donating or pledging their shares in accordance with laws, administrative regulations and these Bylaws. (四)依照法律、行政法规及本章程的规定转让、赠与或质押其所持有的股份;
(5) Consulting these Bylaws, the register of shareholders, the stubs of corporate bonds, the minutes of shareholders' meetings, the minutes of the meetings of the board of directors, the minutes of the meetings of the board of supervisors, and the financial accounting reports of the Company. (五)查阅本章程、股东名册、公司债券存根、股东大会会议记录、董事会会议决议、监事会会议决议、财务会计报告;
(6) Participating in the distribution of residual assets of the Company according to the numbers of shares held by them when the Company is terminated or liquidated. (六)公司终止或者清算时,按其所持有的股份份额参加公司剩余财产的分配;
(7) Requiring the Company to purchase their shares if they are against a combination or division resolution of the shareholders' meeting; and (七)对股东大会作出的公司合并、分立决议持异议的股东,要求公司收购其股份;
(8) Other rights as set out by laws, administrative regulations, departmental rules, and these Bylaws. (八)法律、行政法规、部门规章或本章程规定的其他权利。
Note: If the Company has issued preferred shares, it shall also specify, in these Bylaws, that preferred shareholders shall not attend shareholders' meetings, and their shares carry no voting rights, except for: (1) amendments to the Company's Bylaws related to preferred shares; (2) a single or the cumulative decrease of the Company's registered capital by more than 10%; (3) combination, division or dissolution of the Company or change in the form of organization of the Company; (4) offering of preferred shares; or (5) other circumstances as set out in the Company's Bylaws. 注释:发行优先股的公司,应当在章程中明确优先股股东不出席股东大会会议,所持股份没有表决权,但以下情况除外:(1)修改公司章程中与优先股相关的内容;(2)一次或累计减少公司注册资本超过10%;(3)公司合并、分立、解散或变更公司形式;(4)发行优先股;(5)公司章程规定的其他情形。
If the Company has issued preferred shares, it shall also specify, in these Bylaws, that: if the Company fails to pay dividends on preferred shares as agreed for three fiscal years cumulatively or for two fiscal years consecutively, preferred shareholders are entitled to attend a shareholders' meeting, with each preferred share carrying a voting right as specified in these Bylaws. For preferred shares on which dividends may accumulate to the next fiscal year, the voting rights of preferred shareholders are restored until the Company has fully paid all dividends owed. For preferred shares on which dividends do not accumulate, the voting rights of preferred shareholders are restored until the Company has fully paid the dividends owed in the current year. The Company may specify, in these Bylaws, other circumstances under which the voting rights of preferred shareholders are restored. 发行优先股的公司,还应当在章程中明确规定:公司累计3个会计年度或者连续2个会计年度未按约定支付优先股股息的,优先股股东有权出席股东大会,每股优先股股份享有公司章程规定的表决权。对于股息可以累积到下一会计年度的优先股,表决权恢复直至公司全额支付所欠股息。对于股息不可累积的优先股,表决权恢复直至公司全额支付当年股息。公司章程可以规定优先股表决权恢复的其他情形。
Article 33 To consult the relevant information as mentioned in the preceding article or request the relevant materials, a shareholder shall provide the Company with written documents proving the class and number of shares of the Company held by it, and the Company shall provide the information or materials as requested after verifying the shareholder's identity.   第三十三条 股东提出查阅前条所述有关信息或者索取资料的,应当向公司提供证明其持有公司股份的种类以及持股数量的书面文件,公司经核实股东身份后按照股东的要求予以提供。
Article 34 Where the contents of a resolution of a shareholders' meeting or a meeting of the board of directors of the Company violate any law or administrative regulation, shareholders shall have the right to request the people's court to hold it void.   第三十四条 公司股东大会、董事会决议内容违反法律、行政法规的,股东有权请求人民法院认定无效。
Where the convening procedure or voting method of the shareholders' meeting or the meeting of the board of directors violates any law or administrative regulation or these Bylaws, or the contents of a resolution thereof violate these Bylaws, shareholders shall have the right to, within 60 days after the resolution is made, request the people's court to revoke the resolution. 股东大会、董事会的会议召集程序、表决方式违反法律、行政法规或者本章程,或者决议内容违反本章程的,股东有权自决议作出之日起60日内,请求人民法院撤销。
Article 35 Where a director or an officer violates any law or administrative regulation or these Bylaws in executing his or her office in the Company, causing losses to the Company, a shareholder holding or the shareholders aggregately holding 1% or more of the shares of the Company for 180 consecutive days or more shall have the right to request in writing the board of supervisors to institute an action in the people's court. Where the board of supervisors violates any law or administrative regulation or these Bylaws in performing its functions in the Company, causing losses to the Company, shareholders may request in writing the board of directors to institute an action in the people's court.   第三十五条 董事、高级管理人员执行公司职务时违反法律、行政法规或者本章程的规定,给公司造成损失的,连续180日以上单独或合并持有公司1%以上股份的股东有权书面请求监事会向人民法院提起诉讼;监事会执行公司职务时违反法律、行政法规或者本章程的规定,给公司造成损失的,股东可以书面请求董事会向人民法院提起诉讼。
Where the board of supervisors or the board of directors refuses to institute an action after receiving a written request from shareholders as mentioned in the preceding paragraph or fails to institute an action within 30 days after receiving the written request, or under urgent situations, a failure to immediately institute an action will result in irreparable damage to the interests of the Company, the shareholder or shareholders as mentioned in the preceding paragraph shall have the right to directly institute an action in the people's court in the name of the shareholder or shareholders for the sake of the Company. 监事会、董事会收到前款规定的股东书面请求后拒绝提起诉讼,或者自收到请求之日起30日内未提起诉讼,或者情况紧急、不立即提起诉讼将会使公司利益受到难以弥补的损害的,前款规定的股东有权为了公司的利益以自己的名义直接向人民法院提起诉讼。
Where any other person infringes upon the lawful rights and interests of the Company, causing losses to the Company, the shareholder or shareholders as mentioned in paragraph 1 of this article may institute an action in the people's court under the preceding two paragraphs. 他人侵犯公司合法权益,给公司造成损失的,本条第一款规定的股东可以依照前两款的规定向人民法院提起诉讼。
Article 36 Where a director or officer violates any law or administrative regulation or these Bylaws, causing damage to the interests of any shareholder, the shareholder may institute an action in the people's court.   第三十六条 董事、高级管理人员违反法律、行政法规或者本章程的规定,损害股东利益的,股东可以向人民法院提起诉讼。
Article 37 The shareholders of the Company shall have the following obligations:   第三十七条 公司股东承担下列义务:
(1) Abiding by laws, administrative regulations and these Bylaws. (一)遵守法律、行政法规和本章程;
(2) Paying for the shares subscribed for in the agreed mode of contribution. (二)依其所认购的股份和入股方式缴纳股金;
(3) Not withdrawing contributions for shares, except as permitted by any law or regulation. (三)除法律、法规规定的情形外,不得退股;
(4) Not damaging the interests of the Company or other shareholders by abusing a shareholder's rights; and not damaging the interests of creditors of the Company by abusing the Company's independent corporate status and a shareholder's limited liability. (四)不得滥用股东权利损害公司或者其他股东的利益;不得滥用公司法人独立地位和股东有限责任损害公司债权人的利益;
Any shareholder causing losses to the Company or other shareholders by abusing a shareholder's rights shall assume compensatory liability according to the law. 公司股东滥用股东权利给公司或者其他股东造成损失的,应当依法承担赔偿责任。
Any shareholder causes serious damage to the interests of creditors of the Company by abusing the Company's independent corporate status and a shareholder's limited liability to evade debts shall be jointly and severally liable for the debts of the Company. 公司股东滥用公司法人独立地位和股东有限责任,逃避债务,严重损害公司债权人利益的,应当对公司债务承担连带责任。
(5) Other obligations as set out by laws, administrative regulations, and these Bylaws. (五)法律、行政法规及本章程规定应当承担的其他义务。
Article 38 Where a shareholder holding 5% or more of voting shares of the Company pledges its shares, it shall submit a written report to the Company on the day when the event occurs.   第三十八条 持有公司5%以上有表决权股份的股东,将其持有的股份进行质押的,应当自该事实发生当日,向公司作出书面报告。
Article 39 The controlling shareholder or actual controller of the Company may not damage the interests of the Company by taking advantage of its affiliation. Where it violates the relevant provisions and causes losses to the Company, it shall assume compensatory liability.   第三十九条 公司的控股股东、实际控制人不得利用其关联关系损害公司利益。违反规定的,给公司造成损失的,应当承担赔偿责任。
The controlling shareholder or actual controller of the Company shall have a duty of good faith to the Company and the holders of the publicly traded shares of the Company. The controlling shareholder shall exercise its investor's rights in strict accordance with the law, and may not damage the lawful rights and interests of the Company and the holders of the publicly traded shares by taking advantage of profit distribution, asset restructuring, foreign investment, funds appropriation, and loan guarantee, among others or damage the interests of the Company and the holders of the publicly traded shares by taking advantage of its controlling status. 公司控股股东及实际控制人对公司和公司社会公众股股东负有诚信义务。控股股东应严格依法行使出资人的权利,控股股东不得利用利润分配、资产重组、对外投资、资金占用、借款担保等方式损害公司和社会公众股股东的合法权益,不得利用其控制地位损害公司和社会公众股股东的利益。
Section 2 General Provisions on the Shareholders' Meeting 

第二节 股东大会的一般规定

Article 40 As a power body of the Company, the shareholders' meeting shall perform the following functions according to the law:   第四十条 股东大会是公司的权力机构,依法行使下列职权:
(1) Deciding the business policies and investment plans of the Company. (一)决定公司的经营方针和投资计划;
(2) Electing and replacing directors and supervisors who are not employee representatives and deciding matters concerning the remuneration of directors and supervisors. (二)选举和更换非由职工代表担任的董事、监事,决定有关董事、监事的报酬事项;
(3) Deliberating and approving the reports of the board of directors. (三)审议批准董事会的报告;
(4) Deliberating and approving the reports of the board of supervisors. (四)审议批准监事会报告;
(5) Deliberating and approving the annual financial budget and final accounting proposals of the Company. (五)审议批准公司的年度财务预算方案、决算方案;
(6) Deliberating and approving the profit distribution plans and loss coverage plans of the Company. (六)审议批准公司的利润分配方案和弥补亏损方案;
(7) Making resolutions on the increase or decrease of registered capital of the Company. (七)对公司增加或者减少注册资本作出决议;
(8) Making resolutions on the issue of corporate bonds. (八)对发行公司债券作出决议;
(9) Making resolutions on the combination, division, dissolution, liquidation, or change of the form of organization of the Company. (九)对公司合并、分立、解散、清算或者变更公司形式作出决议;
(10) Amending these Bylaws. (十)修改本章程;
(11) Making resolutions on the appointment and dismissal of accounting firms. (十一)对公司聘用、解聘会计师事务所作出决议;
(12) Deliberating and approving the guarantee matters as mentioned in Article 41. (十二)审议批准第四十一条规定的担保事项;
(13) Deliberating matters concerning purchases or sales of major assets in a year that exceed 30% of the Company's audited total assets of the last period. (十三)审议公司在一年内购买、出售重大资产超过公司最近一期经审计总资产30%的事项;
(14) Deliberating and approving matters concerning the changes of uses of the funds raised. (十四)审议批准变更募集资金用途事项;
(15) Deliberating equity incentive plans. (十五)审议股权激励计划;
(16) Deliberating other matters subject to the decision of the shareholders' meeting under any law, administrative regulation or departmental rule or these Bylaws. (十六)审议法律、行政法规、部门规章或本章程规定应当由股东大会决定的其他事项。
Note: The aforesaid functions of the shareholders' meeting may not be performed by the board of directors or any other body or individual in the form of authorization. 注释:上述股东大会的职权不得通过授权的形式由董事会或其他机构和个人代为行使。
Article 41 Under the following circumstances, the external guarantees of the Company must be deliberated and adopted at the shareholders' meeting:   第四十一条 公司下列对外担保行为,须经股东大会审议通过。
(1) Guarantees provided after the total amount of external guarantees provided by the Company and its controlled subsidiary companies reaches or exceeds 50% of the Company's audited net assets of the last period. (一)本公司及本公司控股子公司的对外担保总额,达到或超过最近一期经审计净资产的50%以后提供的任何担保;
(2) Guarantees provided after the total amount of external guarantees provided by the Company reaches or exceeds 30% of the Company's audited net assets of the last period. (二)公司的对外担保总额,达到或超过最近一期经审计总资产的30%以后提供的任何担保;
(3) Guarantees provided for a party whose debt-asset ratio exceeds 70%. (三)为资产负债率超过70%的担保对象提供的担保;
(4) A single guarantee which exceeds 10% of the Company's audited net assets of the last period. (四)单笔担保额超过最近一期经审计净资产 10%的担保;
(5) Guarantees provided for shareholders, the actual controller, and the affiliates thereof. (五)对股东、实际控制人及其关联方提供的担保。
Article 42 Shareholders' meetings include annual shareholders' meetings and special shareholders' meetings. The annual shareholders' meeting, which is convened once every year, shall be convened within six months after the end of the last fiscal year.   第四十二条 股东大会分为年度股东大会和临时股东大会。年度股东大会每年召开1次,应当于上一会计年度结束后的6个月内举行。
Article 43 Under any of the following circumstances, the Company shall convene a special shareholders' meeting within two months of the occurrence of the fact:   第四十三条 有下列情形之一的,公司在事实发生之日起2个月以内召开临时股东大会:
(1) The number of directors is less than the number specified by the Company Law or two thirds of the number specified by these Bylaws. (一)董事人数不足《公司法》规定人数或者本章程所定人数的2/3时;
(2) The uncovered losses of the Company reach one third of the total paid-in capital. (二)公司未弥补的亏损达实收股本总额 1/3时;
(3) The meeting is requested by a shareholder holding or shareholders aggregately holding 10% or more of the shares of the Company. (三)单独或者合计持有公司10%以上股份的股东请求时;
(4) The board of directors deems it necessary. (四)董事会认为必要时;
(5) The holding of the meeting is proposed by the board of supervisors. (五)监事会提议召开时;
(6) Any other circumstances as set out by any law, administrative regulation or departmental rule or these Bylaws. (六)法律、行政法规、部门规章或本章程规定的其他情形。
Note: The Company shall specify, in these Bylaws, the number as mentioned in subparagraph (1) of this article. When calculating the percentage of shares held as mentioned in subparagraph (3) of this article, only common shares and preferred shares with voting rights restored are included. 注释:公司应当在章程中确定本条第(一)项的具体人数。计算本条第(三)项所称持股比例时,仅计算普通股和表决权恢复的优先股。
Article 44 The venue of the shareholders' meetings of the Company is: [detailed address].   第四十四条 本公司召开股东大会的地点为:【具体地点】。
A shareholders' meeting shall be held in a conference room in the form of on-site meeting. The Company will also provide shareholders with [online voting or any other manner of voting] to facilitate shareholders' attending the shareholder's meeting. Shareholders attending the shareholders' meeting in the aforesaid manners shall be deemed present. 股东大会将设置会场,以现场会议形式召开。公司还将提供【网络或其他方式】为股东参加股东大会提供便利。股东通过上述方式参加股东大会的,视为出席。
Note: The Company may specify, in these Bylaws, that the venue of shareholders' meetings is the domicile of the Company or any other specific place. Where any other way is adopted for shareholders to attend the shareholders' meeting, the Company must specify it in these Bylaws, as well as the legal and valid methods for identifying shareholders. 注释:公司章程可以规定召开股东大会的地点为公司住所地或其他明确地点。召开股东大会公司采用其他参加股东大会方式的,必须在公司章程中予以明确,并明确合法有效的股东身份确认方式。
Article 45 Where a shareholders' meeting is held, the Company shall retain lawyers to issue legal opinions on the following matters, and publish such opinions:   第四十五条 本公司召开股东大会时将聘请律师对以下问题出具法律意见并公告:
(1) Whether the procedures for convening and holding the meeting comply with laws, administrative regulations, and these Bylaws. (一)会议的召集、召开程序是否符合法律、行政法规、本章程;
(2) Whether the qualifications of persons present at the meeting and the qualification of the convener of the meeting are legal and valid. (二)出席会议人员的资格、召集人资格是否合法有效;
(3) Whether the voting procedures and results at the meeting are legal and valid. (三)会议的表决程序、表决结果是否合法有效;
(4) Other relevant matters as requested by the Company. (四)应本公司要求对其他有关问题出具的法律意见。
Section 3 Convening of Shareholders' Meetings 

第三节 股东大会的召集

Article 46 Independent directors shall have the right to propose a special shareholders' meeting to the board of directors. For such a proposal, the board of directors shall, in accordance with laws, administrative regulations and these Bylaws, issue a written affirmative or negative opinion within ten days after receiving the proposal. If the board of directors agrees to hold the meeting, it shall issue a notice of holding a shareholders' meeting within five days after a resolution is made at a meeting of the board of directors; or if the board of directors disagrees to hold the meeting, it shall explain the reasons and announce it.   第四十六条 独立董事有权向董事会提议召开临时股东大会。对独立董事要求召开临时股东大会的提议,董事会应当根据法律、行政法规和本章程的规定,在收到提议后10日内提出同意或不同意召开临时股东大会的书面反馈意见。董事会同意召开临时股东大会的,将在作出董事会决议后的5日内发出召开股东大会的通知;董事会不同意召开临时股东大会的,将说明理由并公告。
Article 47 The board of supervisors shall have the right to propose a special shareholders' meeting to the board of directors, but shall propose it in writing. The board of directors shall, in accordance with laws, administrative regulations and these Bylaws, issue a written affirmative or negative opinion within ten days after receiving the proposal.   第四十七条 监事会有权向董事会提议召开临时股东大会,并应当以书面形式向董事会提出。董事会应当根据法律、行政法规和本章程的规定,在收到提案后10日内提出同意或不同意召开临时股东大会的书面反馈意见。
If the board of directors agrees to hold the meeting, it shall issue a notice of holding a shareholder's meeting within five days after a resolution is made at a meeting of the board of directors, but any modification to the original proposal in the notice shall be subject to the consent of the board of supervisors. 董事会同意召开临时股东大会的,将在作出董事会决议后的5日内发出召开股东大会的通知,通知中对原提议的变更,应征得监事会的同意。
If the board of directors disagrees to hold the meeting or no feedback is provided within ten days after the proposal is received, it shall be deemed that the board of directors is unable to perform or fails to perform the duty of convening the shareholders' meeting, and the board of supervisors may convene and preside over the meeting on its own initiative. 董事会不同意召开临时股东大会,或者在收到提案后10日内未作出反馈的,视为董事会不能履行或者不履行召集股东大会会议职责,监事会可以自行召集和主持。
Article 48 A shareholder holding or shareholders aggregately holding 10% or more of the shares of the Company shall have the right to file a request for the holding of a special shareholders' meeting with the board of directors, but shall request it in writing. The board of directors shall, in accordance with laws, administrative regulations and these Bylaws, issue a written affirmative or negative opinion within ten days after receiving the request.   第四十八条 单独或者合计持有公司 10%以上股份的股东有权向董事会请求召开临时股东大会,并应当以书面形式向董事会提出。董事会应当根据法律、行政法规和本章程的规定,在收到请求后10日内提出同意或不同意召开临时股东大会的书面反馈意见。
If the board of directors agrees to hold the meeting, the board of directors shall issue a notice of holding a shareholder's meeting within five days after a resolution is made at a meeting of the board of directors, but any modification to the original request in the notice shall be subject to the consent of the relevant shareholder or shareholders. 董事会同意召开临时股东大会的,应当在作出董事会决议后的5日内发出召开股东大会的通知,通知中对原请求的变更,应当征得相关股东的同意。
If the board of directors disagrees to hold the meeting or no feedback is provided within ten days after the request is received, the shareholder holding or shareholders aggregately holding 10% or more of the shares of the Company shall have the right to propose the holding of a special shareholders' meeting to the board of supervisors, but shall request it in writing. 董事会不同意召开临时股东大会,或者在收到请求后10日内未作出反馈的,单独或者合计持有公司10%以上股份的股东有权向监事会提议召开临时股东大会,并应当以书面形式向监事会提出请求。
If the board of supervisors agrees to hold the meeting, it shall issue a notice of holding a shareholder's meeting within five days after receiving the request, but any modification to the original proposal in the notice shall be subject to the consent of the relevant shareholder or shareholders. 监事会同意召开临时股东大会的,应在收到请求5日内发出召开股东大会的通知,通知中对原提案的变更,应当征得相关股东的同意。
If the board of supervisors fails to issue a notice of holding a shareholders' meeting within the prescribed time limit, it shall be deemed that the board of supervisors fails to convene and preside over the shareholders' meeting, and a shareholding holding or shareholders aggregately holding 10% or more of the shares of the Company for 90 consecutive days may convene and preside over the meeting on its or their own initiative. 监事会未在规定期限内发出股东大会通知的,视为监事会不召集和主持股东大会,连续90日以上单独或者合计持有公司10%以上股份的股东可以自行召集和主持。
Note: When calculating the percentage of shares held as mentioned in this article, only common shares and preferred shares with voting rights restored are included. 注释:计算本条所称持股比例时,仅计算普通股和表决权恢复的优先股。
Article 49 After deciding to convene a shareholders' meeting on its or their own initiative, the board of supervisors or a shareholder or shareholders must notify the board of directors in writing, and undergo the recordation procedure with the CSRC office at the place where the Company is located and the stock exchange.   第四十九条 监事会或股东决定自行召集股东大会的,须书面通知董事会,同时向公司所在地中国证监会派出机构和证券交易所备案。
Before the resolution of the shareholders' meeting is announced, the shares held by the convening shareholder or shareholders may not be less than 10%. 在股东大会决议公告前,召集股东持股比例不得低于10%。
When issuing the notice of holding a shareholders' meeting and announcing the resolution of the shareholders' meeting, the convening shareholder or shareholders shall submit the relevant evidentiary materials to the CSRC office at the place where the Company is located and the stock exchange. 召集股东应在发出股东大会通知及股东大会决议公告时,向公司所在地中国证监会派出机构和证券交易所提交有关证明材料。
Note: When calculating the percentage of shares held as mentioned in this article, only common shares and preferred shares with voting rights restored shall be included. 注释:计算本条所称持股比例时,仅计算普通股和表决权恢复的优先股。
Article 50 The board of directors and the secretary of the board of directors shall cooperate with a shareholders' meeting convened by the board of supervisors or a shareholder or shareholders on its or their own initiative. The board of directors shall provide the register of shareholders at the date of record.   第五十条 对于监事会或股东自行召集的股东大会,董事会和董事会秘书将予配合。董事会应当提供股权登记日的股东名册。
Article 51 The expenses needed for a shareholders' meeting convened by the board of supervisors or a shareholder or shareholders on its or their own initiative shall be assumed by the Company.   第五十一条 监事会或股东自行召集的股东大会,会议所必需的费用由本公司承担。
Section 4 Proposals and Notices for Shareholders' Meetings 

第四节 股东大会的提案与通知

Article 52 The contents of a proposal shall be within the scope of functions of the shareholders' meeting, have specific topics for discussion and matters for resolution, and comply with laws, administrative regulations and these Bylaws.   第五十二条 提案的内容应当属于股东大会职权范围,有明确议题和具体决议事项,并且符合法律、行政法规和本章程的有关规定。
Article 53 At a shareholders' meeting of the Company, the board of directors, the board of supervisors, and a shareholder holding or shareholders aggregately holding 3% or more of the shares of the Company shall have the right to submit proposals.
   第五十三条 公司召开股东大会,董事会、监事会以及单独或者合并持有公司3%以上股份的股东,有权向公司提出提案。

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