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Procedures for Liquidation of Foreign-Funded Enterprises [Expired]
外商投资企业清算办法 [失效]

Order of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation of the People's Republic of China 


(No. 2, 1996)


The Procedures for Liquidation of Foreign-Funded Enterprises, which were approved by the State Council on June 15, 1996, are hereby promulgated, and shall come into force as of the date of promulgation.


Minister Wu Yi


部长 吴仪

July 9, 1996




(Approved by the State Council on June 15, 1996 and Promulgated by the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation MOFTEC on July 9, 1996)
(1996年6月15日国务院批准 1996年7月9日对外贸易经济合作部发布)



第一章 总则

Article 1 This set of procedures are formulated in accordance with relevant laws to ensure the smooth progress of the process of liquidation of the foreign-funded enterprises (FFEs), protect the rights and interests of the creditors and investors and safeguard the social and economic order related to the liquidation.   第一条 为了保障外商投资企业清算的顺利进行,保护债权人和投资者的合法权益,维护社会经济秩序,根据有关法律的规定,制定本办法。

Article 2 This set of procedures apply to the liquidation of the Sino- foreign equity and contractual joint ventures and wholly foreign-owned enterprises (hereinafter referred to as FFEs) set up within the People's Republic of China. The liquidation of FFEs which have been declared bankrupt according to law shall be handled in line with relevant laws and administrative regulations on liquidation due to bankruptcy.   第二条 在中华人民共和国境内依法设立的中外合资经营企业、中外合作经营企业、外资企业(以下简称企业)进行清算,适用本办法。企业被依法宣告破产的,依照有关破产清算的法律、行政法规办理。

Article 3 FFEs that are competent to organize by themselves liquidation committees for their own liquidation may proceed their liquidation in accordance with the stipulations on the general liquidation of this set of procedures. But for FFEs that are incompetent to do so or which that have met with difficulties in general liquidation processes, their power organs such as the board of directors or joint management committee (hereinafter referred to as power organ), investors or creditors may apply to departments in charge of examining and approving the FFEs for a special liquidation. If approved, the liquidation of a FFE concerned may be proceeded in accordance with stipulations on special liquidation in this set of procedures. The liquidation of a FFE which has been closed according to law should be proceeded in accordance with the stipulations on special liquidation in this set of regulations.   第三条 企业能够自行组织清算委员会进行清算的,依照本办法关于普通清算的规定办理。企业不能自行组织清算委员会进行清算或者依照普通清算的规定进行清算出现严重障碍的,企业董事会或者联合管理委员会等权力机构(以下简称企业权力机构)、投资者或者债权人可以向企业审批机关申请进行特别清算。企业审批机关批准进行特别清算的,依照本办法关于特别清算的规定办理。企业被依法责令关闭而解散,进行清算的,依照本办法关于特别清算的规定办理。

Article 4 Liquidations of FFEs should be proceeded in accordance with relevant State laws and administrative regulations, on the basis of the FFEs' approved contracts and articles of association under the principles of being fair, reasonable and protecting the rights and interests of the enterprise, investors and creditors.   第四条 企业清算应当依照国家有关法律、行政法规的规定,以经批准的企业合同、章程为基础,按照公平、合理和保护企业、投资者、债权人合法权益的原则进行。


第二章 普通清算


第一节 清算期限

Article 5 Liquidation of a FFE should be begun at the date of expiration of the operation term of the FFE, the date of the closure of the FFE as permitted by the examining and approving department, or the date of the termination of the contract of the FFE judged by the people's court or arbitrated by the arbitration agency.   第五条 企业清算开始之日为企业经营期限届满之日,或者企业审批机关批准企业解散之日,或者人民法院判决或者仲裁机构裁决终止企业合同之日。

Article 6 The duration of a liquidation cannot exceed 180 days beginning from the starting day of the liquidation ending with the submission of the liquidation report by the FFE to the examining and approving department of the FFE. When there is the need to extend the duration of the liquidation due to special reasons, the liquidation committee should apply to the examining and approving department of the FFE 15 days before the end of the duration, and the extension cannot exceed 90 days.   第六条 企业清算期限自清算开始之日起至向企业审批机关提交清算报告之日止,不得超过180日。因特殊情况需要延长清算期限的,由清算委员会在距清算期限届满的15日前,向企业审批机关提出延长清算期限的申请。延长的期限不得超过90日。

Article 7 FFEs should not engage in any new business activities during the duration of the liquidation.   第七条 企业在清算期间,不得开展新的经营活动。


第二节 清算组织

Article 8 The power organ of a FFE should organize a liquidation committee for the liquidation of the enterprise and the committee should be set up within 15 days beginning from the date of beginning of the liquidation.   第八条 企业进行清算,应当由企业权力机构组织成立清算委员会。清算委员会应当自清算开始之日起15日内成立。

Article 9 A liquidation committee should be made up of at least three people selected by the power organ or among members of the organ or employed from related professionals.   第九条 清算委员会至少由3人组成,其成员由企业权力机构在企业权力机构成员中选任或者聘请有关专业人员担任。

The liquidation committee should have a head member appointed by the power organ of the FFE. With the approval of the power organ the liquidation committee may employ staff to do the routine work of liquidation.

Article 10 Members of the liquidation committee should be changed in one of the following cases during the liquidation period: (1) The member violates laws; (2) Creditors ask to change under just reasons; and (3) The member dies or loses ability to act.   第十条 清算期间有下列情形之一的,应当更换清算委员会成员:(一)清算委员会成员有违法行为;(二)债权人请求并确有正当理由;(三)清算委员会成员死亡或者丧失行为能力。

Article 11 The liquidation committee exercises the following terms of power during the liquidation period: (1) clearing enterprise's property, making of the balance sheet and detailed list of property and formulation of liquidation plan; (2) announcement to unknown creditors and notifications to known creditors in written form; (3) handling and clearance of the unfinished business of the enterprise; (4) working out of principles of evaluation and of computation of property; (5) clearing and payment of overdue taxes; (6) clearing of credits and debts; (7) handling of the property surplus after clearing and payment of the debt of the enterprise; and (8) participation in civil lawsuits on behalf of the enterprise.   第十一条 清算委员会在清算期间行使下列职权:(一)清理企业财产,编制资产负债表和财产清单,制定清算方案;(二)公告未知债权人并书面通知已知债权人;(三)处理与清算有关的企业未了结的业务;(四)提出财产评估作价和计算依据;(五)清缴所欠税款;(六)清理债权、债务;(七)处理企业清偿债务后的剩余财产;(八)代表企业参与民事诉讼活动。

Article 12 The balance sheet, detailed list of property, the basic principles for property evaluation and computation and the liquidation plan, proposed by the liquidation committee, shall be reported to examining and approving department of the FFE for record after appraisals by the enterprise's power organ.   第十二条 清算委员会编制的资产负债表和财产清单、提出的财产评估作价和计算依据、制定的清算方案,须经企业权力机构确认后,报企业审批机关备案。

Article 13 After the liquidation committee is set up, staff of the enterprise concerned should hand in accounting statements, financial books, list of property, name list of creditors and debtors, and other written materials related to the liquidation committee within a set deadline.   第十三条 清算委员会成立后,企业有关人员应当在清算委员会指定的期限内将企业的会计报表、财务帐册、财产目录、债权人和债务人名册以及与清算有关的其他资料,提交清算委员会。

Article 14 The liquidation committee should perform its duty of liquidation according to law and handle related affairs under consulting principles.   第十四条 清算委员会应当依法履行清算义务,并按照协商原则处理有关清算的事务。

Members of the liquidation committee perform according to their duties and should not take bribes by abusing their power, seek illegal income, or defalcate the property of the FFE.

Article 15 During the liquidation, the examining and approving department of the FFE and other competent departments may send people to attend the meetings about the liquidation of the enterprise and supervise upon the work concerned.   第十五条 清算期间,企业审批机关和其他有关主管机关可以派人参加企业有关清算的会议,监督企业清算工作。


第三节 通知与公告

Article 16 Within 7 days beginning from the date of the start of the liquidation the FFE should notify the examining and approving department of the FFE, the department in charge of the enterprise, the customs, the foreign exchange administrative department, the enterprise registration department, taxation department and the bank where the FFE opens its account, of the name and address of the enterprise to be liquidated, the reason and the beginning date of the liquidation; FFEs with State-owned assets should also notify the competent State assets administrative department.
   第十六条 企业应当自清算开始之日起7日内,将企业名称、地址、清算原因和清算开始日期等以书面通知企业审批机关、企业主管部门、海关、外汇管理机关、企业登记机关、税务机关和企业开户银行等有关单位;企业有国有资产的,还应当通知国有资产管理行政主管部门。

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