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1. Preamble 1.序言

1.1 Ministers in charge of foreign affairs and economic cooperation from China and 49 African countries (hereinafter referred to as "the two sides") met in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt, on 8-9 November 2009 for the Fourth Ministerial Conference of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC).   1.1 2009年11月8日至9日,中非合作论坛第四届部长级会议在埃及沙姆沙伊赫召开。来自中国和 49个非洲国家(以下简称“双方”)的外交部长和负责经济合作事务的部长出席了会议。
1.2 The two sides spoke highly of the FOCAC Beijing Summit and the Third Ministerial Conference held in Beijing in November 2006, recognizing that the new type of China-Africa strategic partnership featuring political equality and mutual trust, economic win-win cooperation and cultural exchanges, which was defined at the historic summit, opened broad prospects for deepening China-Africa cooperation, and set an example of South-South cooperation.   1.2 双方高度评价2006年11月召开的中非合作论坛北京峰会暨第三届部长级会议,认为这一历史性盛会确立的政治上平等互信、经济上合作共赢、文化上交流互鉴的中非新型战略伙伴关系,为深化中非合作开辟了广阔前景,树立了南南合作的典范。
1.3 The two sides reviewed with satisfaction the implementation of the follow-up actions in the three years after the Beijing Summit, and were generally pleased with the comprehensive and effective implementation of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation Beijing Action Plan (2007-2009) adopted at the Beijing Summit. They reiterated their firm goal of further developing the new type of China-Africa strategic partnership.   1.3 双方满意地回顾了中非合作论坛北京峰会召开3年来各项后续行动落实情况,对论坛北京峰会通过的《中非合作论坛-北京行动计划(2007至2009年)》得到全面、有效执行普遍感到高兴,重申进一步发展中非新型战略伙伴关系是坚定不移的目标。
1.4 In keeping with the purposes of deepening the new type of China-Africa strategic partnership to seek sustainable development, and in order to implement the outcomes of the conference and chart the course for cooperation in all fields in the next three years, the two sides jointly worked out and adopted this Action Plan.   1.4 为落实会议成果,规划今后3年中非在各领域的合作,本着“深化中非新型战略伙伴关系,谋求可持续发展”的宗旨,双方共同制定并一致通过本行动计划。

2. Political Affairs, and Regional Peace and Security 2.政治与地区和平安全

2.1 High-level Exchanges   2.1 高层交往
The two sides noted that since the FOCAC Beijing Summit, there have been more frequent exchanges of visits and meetings on multilateral occasions between leaders of the two sides. The two sides agreed to maintain the momentum of high-level exchanges with a view to increasing mutual understanding and friendship, and deepening mutual trust and cooperation. 注意到中非合作论坛北京峰会召开以来,中非领导人互访和多边场合的会晤更加频繁。同意继续保持双方高层交往势头,增进了解与友谊,深化信任与合作。
2.2 Dialogues and Communication in Various Forms   2.2 不同形式的对话与交流
2.2.1 Recognizing the importance of increasingly diverse dialogue mechanisms to the deepening of the new type of China-Africa strategic partnership, the two sides resolved to give full play to the existing mechanisms, such as the bilateral commissions, strategic dialogues, foreign ministries' political consultations, and joint/mixed commissions on economic and trade cooperation, so as to enhance planning and guidance for the relations between the two sides. 2.2.1 认识到日益多样化的对话机制对深化中非新型战略伙伴关系发挥着重要作用,决心充分发挥中国与非洲国家双边委员会、战略对话、外交部政治磋商、经贸联(混)合委员会等机制的作用,加强对中非关系的规划和指导。
2.2.2 The two sides appreciated the smooth launch of the mechanism of regular political dialogue between foreign ministers of the two sides set up at the Beijing Summit and the success of its first round. The two sides agreed to hold, under this mechanism, the second round in 2010 on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly. 2.2.2 赞赏论坛北京峰会确立的中非外长级定期政治对话机制顺利启动并成功举行了首次对话。同意根据这一机制于2010年联合国大会之际举行第二次中非外长级政治对话。
2.3 Contacts Between Political Parties, Legislatures and Local Governments   2.3 政党、立法机构、地方政府等交往
2.3.1 The two sides will further strengthen exchanges between political parties and enhance experience sharing on governance. 2.3.1 进一步加强党际交往,扩大治国理政经验交流。
2.3.2 The two sides will continue to expand friendly contacts between the National People's Congress of China and parliaments of African countries as well as the Pan-African Parliament to promote mutual understanding and deepen their relations. 2.3.2 继续扩大中国全国人民代表大会与非洲国家议会及泛非议会间的友好交往,增进了解,推动双方关系深入发展。
2.3.3 The two sides noted that increasingly active local exchanges have become an integral part of China-Africa relations. They resolved to further promote exchanges and cooperation between governments at provincial and other local levels and to actively support twinning arrangements between the two sides. 2.3.3 注意到日趋活跃的地方交往已成为中非关系的重要组成部分,决心继续推动中非省级和地方政府交流与合作,积极支持双方建立友好省市。
2.4 Consular and Judicial Cooperation   2.4 领事、司法合作
2.4.1 Recognizing the need to strengthen personnel exchanges, the two sides agreed to increase cooperation in handling consular cases concerning their citizens in a proper and timely manner. 2.4.1 认识到加强人员往来的必要性,双方同意在及时妥善处理涉及双方公民的领事案件方面加强合作。
2.4.2 The two sides agreed to further promote exchanges and cooperation between their respective judiciaries and law enforcement departments, and to jointly improve the capability to prevent, investigate and combat crimes. The two sides also agreed to intensify cooperation between their immigration authorities to resolve the issue of illegal migration through consultation. 2.4.2 同意进一步促进双方司法、执法部门的交流与合作,共同提高防范、侦查和打击犯罪的能力。密切中国与非洲各国移民管理部门的合作,通过协商解决非法移民问题。
2.4.3 Noting the importance of legal exchanges, the two sides agreed to hold a FOCAC Legal Forum at an appropriate time. 2.4.3 注意到中非法律交流的重要性,决定适时举办“中非合作论坛-法律论坛”。
2.5 Cooperation Between China and the African Union and Sub-regional Organizations in Africa   2.5 中国与非洲联盟及非洲次区域组织的合作
2.5.1 The two sides applauded the important contributions made by the African Union (AU) and sub-regional organizations in Africa to actively resolving African issues and promoting the African integration process as well as sub-regional economic integration and peace and development in Africa. 2.5.1 高度评价非洲联盟和非洲次区域组织在积极解决非洲问题,努力推动非洲一体化进程和次区域经济融合,促进非洲和平与发展方面做出的重要贡献。
2.5.2 The two sides noted with satisfaction that China and the AU have set up and launched the Strategic Dialogue Mechanism and agreed to exchange views on China-Africa relations and other major issues through this mechanism. They support the AU in playing a bigger role in regional and international affairs. 2.5.2 满意地看到,中国与非盟已建立并启动战略对话机制,同意继续通过这一机制就中非关系和重大问题交换意见,支持非盟在地区和国际事务中发挥更大作用。
2.5.3 To facilitate the development of relations, China expressed welcome to the establishment of an AU representative office in Beijing at an appropriate time. 2.5.3 为促进双方关系,中方欢迎非盟适时在北京设立代表处。
2.5.4 The two sides noted that the FOCAC and the New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD) share the objective of promoting peace and development in Africa, and agreed to continue exploring flexible and practical ways to enhance exchanges and cooperation between the two mechanisms. 2.5.4 注意到中非合作论坛与“非洲发展新伙伴计划”(NEPAD)在促进非洲和平与发展方面目标相同,同意继续积极探讨以灵活、务实方式进一步加强两机制交流与合作。
2.5.5 The Government of China will reinforce its partnership with African regional organizations in the field of institutional capacity building necessary to conceive and execute regional projects. 2.5.5 在设计和实施地区项目所必要的机制能力建设领域,中国政府将加强与非洲区域组织的伙伴关系。
2.5.6 To support African countries in their efforts to strengthen themselves through unity, China will enhance dialogues and exchanges with sub-regional organizations in Africa to exchange views with them on ways to better promote African integration and enhance cooperation between the two sides, and to actively explore the possibility of cooperation under the FOCAC framework. 2.5.6 为支持非洲国家联合自强,中方将加强与非洲次区域组织的对话与交流,就如何更好地促进非洲一体化建设和加强双方合作交换意见,积极探讨在论坛框架下开展合作的可行性。
2.6 Cooperation in the Fields of Peace and Security   2.6 和平与安全领域合作
2.6.1 The Chinese Government will continue to support the United Nations Security Council in playing a constructive role in solving conflicts in Africa and continue to support and participate in UN peacekeeping missions there. It will strengthen cooperation with countries concerned in the UN Peace Building Commission and support countries in their post-war reconstruction processes. 2.6.1 中国政府将继续支持联合国安理会在帮助解决非洲地区冲突问题上发挥建设性作用,继续支持并参与联合国在非洲的维和行动。加强与有关国家在联合国建设和平委员会的合作,支持有关国家战后重建进程。
2.6.2 The Chinese Government appreciates the concept and practice of "Solving African Problems by Africans". It will continue to support the efforts of the AU, other regional organizations and countries concerned to solve regional conflicts, and will intensify cooperation with African countries in peacekeeping theory research, peacekeeping training and exchanges and in supporting the building of peacekeeping capacity in Africa. 2.6.2 中国政府赞赏“由非洲人解决非洲问题”的理念与实践,将继续积极支持非盟等地区组织及相关国家为解决地区冲突所做的努力,并在维和理论研究、开展维和培训与交流、支持非洲维和能力建设等方面加强与非洲国家的合作。
2.6.3 The African side expressed appreciation of the appointment of the Special Representative for African Affairs by the Chinese Government, as well as China's efforts to enhance communication and dialogue with African countries in peace and security affairs and its active participation in efforts to resolve issues of instability and insecurity in Africa. 2.6.3 赞赏中国政府设立非洲事务特别代表,努力加强同非洲国家就有关和平与安全事务的沟通与对话,积极参与非洲不稳定和不安全问题的解决。
2.6.4 The African side welcomed China's counter-piracy efforts in the Gulf of Aden and off the coast of Somalia in line with the spirit of relevant UN Security Council resolutions, which the two sides believed are conducive to security of the shipping routes in the waters concerned and peace and security in the region. 2.6.4 欢迎中方根据联合国安理会有关决议精神在亚丁湾和索马里海域打击海盗的努力,相信此举有助于维护相关海域的航道安全及该地区的和平与安全。

3. Cooperation in International Affairs 3.国际事务中的合作

3.1 The two sides expressed the view that the international situation is undergoing the most profound changes and adjustment after the end of the Cold War. The international financial crisis has led to a world economic recession and has brought about profound and complex changes to the international political and economic landscape. Therefore, it is of even greater importance to strengthen China-Africa cooperation in international affairs.   3.1 认为国际形势正经历冷战结束以来最深刻的变化与调整。国际金融危机导致世界经济衰退,并引发国际政治经济格局深刻而复杂的演变。加强中非在国际事务中的合作具有更加重要的意义。
3.2 The two sides reaffirmed that Africa should be fully represented in the arrangements related to the world economy. The African side stressed the urgent need to enlarge the G20 and other existing mechanisms for international economy. The Chinese side expressed its full understanding for this request and stressed that existing mechanisms for international economic order must be balanced to ensure the fair representation of Africa.   3.2 重申非洲在所有涉及世界经济安排中应有充分代表性。非方强调扩大二十国集团等现有国际经济机制具有迫切需要。中方对此要求表示理解,并强调现有国际经济秩序机制应更加平衡,以保证非洲的代表性得到公正体现。
3.3.1 The two sides reaffirmed their respect for the Charter of the United Nations, the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence and other universally recognized norms governing international relations. 3.3.1 重申尊重《联合国宪章》、和平共处五项原则及其他公认的国际关系准则。
3.3.2 The two sides will work together to uphold the important role of the United Nations in international affairs and promote multilateralism and democracy in international relations. 3.3.2 共同维护联合国在国际事务中的重要作用,促进多边主义和国际关系民主化。
3.3.3 The two sides supported reform aimed at improving the authority and efficiency of the United Nations. Such reform should be based on democratic consultations and be conducive to upholding solidarity among member states, and should fully accommodate the concerns of developing countries. 3.3.3 支持通过改革提高联合国的权威和效率,主张改革应坚持民主协商,有利于维护会员国团结并充分照顾发展中国家的关切。
3.3.4 The two sides reiterated that developing countries should play a greater role in the United Nations, including its Security Council, and priority must be given to increasing the representation of developing countries, particularly African countries, in the Security Council. 3.3.4 重申发展中国家应在联合国、包括安理会发挥更大作用;应优先增加发展中国家特别是非洲国家在安理会的代表性。
3.3.5 The two sides stand for reforms in the international financial system, and will work to increase the representation and say of developing countries and build an international financial system that is fair, just, inclusive and orderly. 3.3.5 主张国际金融体系改革,增加发展中国家的代表性和发言权,推动国际金融体系不断朝着公平、公正、包容、有序的方向发展。
3.4 The two sides noted that achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) remains an urgent and arduous task. The two sides hold that the current international financial crisis has made the realization of the MDGs more difficult, particularly for African countries which face bigger challenges. The two sides call on the international community, developed countries in particular, to promptly deliver their pledges of assistance and debt relief, continue to step up assistance and investment, and help African countries in particular to overcome the difficulties and realize the MDGs at an early date. China will exert its effort in this regard.   3.3 注意到实现千年发展目标时间紧迫,任务艰巨。认为当前国际金融危机给千年发展目标的实现增加了困难,特别是非洲国家面临的挑战更为严峻。呼吁国际社会特别是发达国家尽快兑现援助、减债等承诺,并继续增加援助和投资,特别是帮助非洲国家克服困难,尽早实现千年发展目标。中国将为此做出自己的努力。
3.5 In tackling climate change, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and its Kyoto Protocol should be taken as the main channel, and the mandate of the "Bali Roadmap" should be observed. Efforts should be made to seek a comprehensive solution within the framework of sustainable development. The international community should make active efforts to tackle climate change under the principle of "common but differentiated responsibilities". China recognized the urgent need of African countries to enhance their capacity to adapt to climate change, took note of the vulnerability of small island nations and the states of river deltas prone to flooding, and stressed that combating climate change is not an excuse to reduce attention to Africa's development. China supports Africa's legitimate demands, including those for more financial support and necessary technological transfer from developed countries to Africa. China stands ready to strengthen cooperation with Africa in tackling climate change.   3.4 应对气候变化应坚持《联合国气候变化框架公约》和《京都议定书》的主渠道地位和“巴厘路线图”的授权,在可持续发展框架内综合解决,国际社会应本着“共同但有区别的责任”原则,为应对气候变化做出积极努力。中国认识到非洲国家对提高适应气候变化能力的迫切需要,并注意到小岛屿国家与河流三角洲易遭洪涝灾害国家的脆弱性,强调不能因为应对气候变化而减少对非洲发展问题的关注,支持非方提出的合理诉求,包括发达国家应向非洲提供更多资金支持和加大必要技术转让力度的要求,并愿进一步加强在气候变化领域的合作。
3.6 The two sides will further coordinate position and continue to work for a successful conclusion of the Doha round negotiations within 2010 on the basis of respecting the negotiation mandate of the Doha development agenda and locking in the progress already made. The negotiations must address the concerns of developing countries, particularly least developed countries, in real earnest and realize the Development Round's goals. The negotiations should also address the specific concerns of Small and Vulnerable Economies to facilitate their full integration into the multilateral trading system.   3.5 进一步协调立场,在尊重多哈发展议程的谈判授权与锁定现有成果的基础上继续推动多哈回合谈判在2010年内成功结束。谈判必须真正解决发展中国家特别是最不发达国家的关切,实现发展回合目标。谈判也要解决弱小经济体的特殊关切,帮助其全面融入多边贸易体制。
3.7 The two sides reaffirmed their respect for the principle of universality of human rights, with no prejudice to the cultural and social particularities with regard to perceiving and applying the concept, and with priority on the right to development. The two sides oppose politicization and double standards in the field of human rights.   3.6 重申尊重人权的普遍性原则,对各国在理解和运用人权概念时面临的文化和社会特殊性不持偏见,优先关注发展权。反对人权领域的政治化和双重标准。
3.8 The two sides condemned terrorism in all its forms and manifestations. The international community should make every effort to combat terrorism in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations and other universally recognized international law and norms governing international relations. The two sides will strengthen counter-terrorism cooperation in order to safeguard their own national security and promote new progress in international counter-terrorism cooperation.   3.7 谴责一切形式的恐怖主义。国际社会应按照《联合国宪章》及其他公认的国际法和国际关系准则,全力打击恐怖主义。双方将在反恐问题上加强合作,维护各自国家安全,并推动国际反恐合作不断取得新进展。

4. Economic Cooperation 4.经济领域合作

4.1 Agriculture and Food Security   4.1 农业与粮食安全
4.1.1 The two sides commended Africa's efforts in embracing a growth-oriented agricultural agenda through the Comprehensive African Agricultural Development Program (CAADP) aimed at increasing agricultural growth rates. 4.1.1 赞赏非洲为提高农业生产水平,在“非洲农业全面发展计划”框架下实施以增长为中心的农业规划。
4.1.2 The two sides noted that food security is a major challenge facing the international community and it is particularly serious for African countries. Agricultural development holds the key to food security in Africa, and is essential for Africa's endeavor to eradicate poverty, ensure people's livelihood and develop the economy. The two sides decided to prioritize agriculture and food security in their cooperation.
 4.1.2 认为维护世界粮食安全是国际社会当前面临的重要挑战,注意到非洲国家面临的粮食安全问题更为突出,强调农业发展对保障非洲粮食安全至关重要,是非洲消除贫困、保障人民生活和实现经济发展的基本要素。双方决定将农业和粮食安全作为合作的优先领域。

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