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Organic Law of the People's Procuratorates of the People's Republic of China (1979) [Revised]
中华人民共和国人民检察院组织法(1979) [已被修订]

Organic Law of the People's Procuratorates of the People's Republic of China 


(Adopted at the Second Session of the Fifth National People's Congress on July 1, 1979, promulgated by Order No. 4 of the Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress on July 5, 1979, and effective as of January 1, 1980)
(1979年7月1日第五届全国人民代表大会第二次会议通过 1979年7月5日全国人民代表大会常务委员会委员长令第四号公布 1980年1月1日起施行)

Contents 目录

Chapter 1: General Provisions 第一章 总则

Chapter 2: Procedures for People's Procuratorates in Exercising Their Functions and Powers 第二章 人民检察院行使职权的程序

Chapter 3: The Organizational Structure and the Appointment and Removal of Personnel of People's Procuratorates 第三章 人民检察院的机构设置和人员的任免

Chapter 1: General Provisions 

第一章 总则

Article 1 The people's procuratorates of the People's Republic of China are state organs for legal supervision.   第一条 中华人民共和国人民检察院是国家的法律监督机关。

Article 2 The People's Republic of China shall establish the Supreme People's Procuratorate, the people's procuratorates at various local levels and the special people's procuratorates.   第二条 中华人民共和国设立最高人民检察院、地方各级人民检察院和专门人民检察院。

People's procuratorates at various local levels shall be divided into:

(1) people's procuratorates of provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government; (一)省、自治区、直辖市人民检察院;

(2) branches of the people's procuratorates of provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government, and people's procuratorates of autonomous prefectures and cities directly under the provincial governments; and (二)省、自治区、直辖市人民检察院分院,自治州和省辖市人民检察院;

(3) people's procuratorates of counties, cities, autonomous counties and municipal districts. (三)县、市、自治县和市辖区人民检察院。

People's procuratorates at the provincial or county level may, according to work requirements and upon the approval of the standing committee of the people's congress at the corresponding level, set up people's procuratorates as their agencies in industrial and mining areas, agricultural reclamation areas, forest zones, etc.

Special people's procuratorates shall include: military procuratorates, railway transport procuratorates, waterway transport procuratorates and other special procuratorates.

The establishment, organization and functions and powers of special people's procuratorates shall be stipulated separately by the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress.

Article 3 People's procuratorates at all levels shall each have a chief procurator, a number of deputy chief procurators* and procurators. The chief procurator exercises unified leadership over the work of the procuratorate.   第三条 各级人民检察院设检察长一人,副检察长和检察员若干人。检察长统一领导检察院的工作。

People's procuratorates at all levels shall each set up a procuratorial committee. The procuratorial committee shall apply the system of democratic centralism and, under the direction of the chief procurator, hold discussions and make decisions on important cases and other major issues. In the case of the chief procurator disagreeing with the majority's opinion over a decision on an important issue, the matter may be reported to the standing committee of the people's congress at the corresponding level for final decision.

Article 4 The people's procuratorates shall, through exercising their procuratorial authority, suppress all treasonous activities, all activities to dismember the state and other counterrevolutionary activities and strike at counterrevolutionaries and other criminals, so as to safeguard the unification of the country, the system of proletarian dictatorship and the socialist legal system; to maintain public order and order in production, education, scientific research and other work and in the life of the people; to protect the socialist property owned by the whole people and by the collectives of the working masses, and the private property lawfully owned by citizens; to protect the citizens' rights of the person and their democratic and other rights; and to ensure the smooth progress of the socialist modernization.   第四条 人民检察院通过行使检察权,镇压一切叛国的、分裂国家的和其他反革命活动,打击反革命分子和其他犯罪分子,维护国家的统一,维护无产阶级专政制度,维护社会主义法制,维护社会秩序、生产秩序、工作秩序、教学科研秩序和人民群众生活秩序,保护社会主义的全民所有的财产和劳动群众集体所有的财产,保护公民私人所有的合法财产,保护公民的人身权利、民主权利和其他权利,保卫社会主义现代化建设的顺利进行。

The people's procuratorates, through procuratorial activities, educate the citizens to be loyal to their socialist motherland, to consciously observe the Constitution and the laws and to actively fight against illegal activities.

Article 5 People's procuratorates at all levels shall exercise the following functions and powers:   第五条 各级人民检察院行使下列职权:

(1) to exercise procuratorial authority over cases of treason, cases involving acts to dismember the state and other major criminal cases severely impeding the unified enforcement of state policies, laws, decrees and administrative orders; (一)对于叛国案、分裂国家案以及严重破坏国家的政策、法律、法令、政令统一实施的重大犯罪案件,行使检察权。

(2) to conduct investigations on criminal cases directly handled by themselves; (二)对于直接受理的刑事案件,进行侦查。

(3) to review cases investigated by public security organs and determine whether to approve arrest, to prosecute or to exempt from prosecution; and to exercise supervision over the investigatory activities of public security organs, to determine whether they conform to the law; (三)对于公安机关侦查的案件,进行审查,决定是否逮捕、起诉或者免予起诉;对于公安机关的侦查活动是否合法,实行监督。

(4) to initiate public prosecutions on criminal cases and support such prosecutions; to exercise supervision over the judicial activities of people's courts, to determine whether they conform to the law; and (四)对于刑事案件提起公诉,支持公诉;对于人民法院的审判活动是否合法,实行监督。

(5) to exercise supervision over the execution of judgments and orders in criminal cases and over the activities of prisons, detention houses and organs in charge of reform through labor, to determine whether such execution and activities conform to the law. (五)对于刑事案件判决、裁定的执行和监狱、看守所、劳动改造机关的活动是否合法,实行监督。

Article 6 People's procuratorates shall, in accordance with the law, protect the citizens' right to lodge complaints against state functionaries who break the law and shall investigate the legal responsibility of those persons who infringe upon other citizens' rights of the person and their democratic and other rights.   第六条 人民检察院依法保障公民对于违法的国家工作人员提出控告的权利,追究侵犯公民的人身权利、民主权利和其他权利的人的法律责任。

Article 7 People's procuratorates must, in executing their work, persistently seek truth from facts, follow the mass line, heed the opinions of the masses and subject themselves to the supervision by the masses; make investigation and study, laying stress on evidence rather than readily giving credence to oral statements, and strictly forbidding the obtainment of confessions by compulsion; and correctly differentiate and handle contradictions between the enemy and the people, and those among the people themselves.   第七条 人民检察院在工作中必须坚持实事求是,贯彻执行群众路线,倾听群众意见,接受群众监督,调查研究,重证据不轻信口供,严禁逼供信,正确区分和处理敌我矛盾和人民内部矛盾。

The functionaries of the people's procuratorates at all levels must pay high regard to actual facts and the law, be faithful to the socialist cause and serve the people wholeheartedly.

Article 8 In the exercise of procuratorial authority by people's procuratorates at all levels, the law shall be applied equally to all citizens, and no privileges shall be allowed.   第八条 各级人民检察院行使检察权,对于任何公民,在适用法律上一律平等,不允许有任何特权。

Article 9 People's procuratorates shall exercise procuratorial authority independently, in accordance with the provisions of the law, and shall not be subject to interference by any administrative organ, public organization or individual.   第九条 人民检察院依照法律规定独立行使检察权,不受其他行政机关、团体和个人的干涉。

Article 10 The Supreme People's Procuratorate shall be responsible and report on its work to the National People's Congress and its Standing Committee. The people's procuratorates at various local levels shall be responsible and report on their work to the people's congresses and their standing committees at corresponding levels.   第十条 最高人民检察院对全国人民代表大会和全国人民代表大会常务委员会负责并报告工作。地方各级人民检察院对本级人民代表大会和本级人民代表大会常务委员会负责并报告工作。

The Supreme People's Procuratorate shall direct the work of the people's procuratorates at various local levels and of the special people's procuratorates; the people's procuratorates at higher levels shall direct the work of those at lower levels.

Chapter 2: Procedures for People's Procuratorates in Exercising Their Functions and Powers 

第二章 人民检察院行使职权的程序

Article 11 If a people's procuratorate finds and confirms that a criminal act has been committed, it shall place the case on file for investigation in accordance with the procedure provided by law, or transfer it to a public security organ for investigation. If upon conclusion of the investigation, the people's procuratorate deems it necessary to investigate criminal responsibility, it shall initiate a public prosecution in the people's court, or it shall rescind the case, if it deems it unnecessary to investigate criminal responsibility.   第十一条 人民检察院发现并且认为有犯罪行为时,应当依照法律程序立案侦查,或者交给公安机关进行侦查。侦查终结,人民检察院认为必须对被告人追究刑事责任时,应当向人民法院提起公诉;认为不需要追究刑事责任时,应当将原案撤销。

Article 12 The arrest of any citizen, unless decided on by a people's court, must be subject to the approval of a people's procuratorate.   第十二条 对于任何公民的逮捕,除人民法院决定的以外,必须经人民检察院批准。

Article 13 A people's procuratorate shall review the cases for which a public security organ requests prosecution and decide whether to initiate prosecution, to exempt from prosecution or not to initiate prosecution. It may remand a case to the public security organ for supplementary investigation, if the main facts of the crime are not clear or the evidence is insufficient.   第十三条 人民检察院对于公安机关要求起诉的案件,应当进行审查,决定起诉、免予起诉或者不起诉。对于主要犯罪事实不清、证据不足的,可以退回公安机关补充侦查。

If a people's procuratorate discovers violations of the law in the investigatory activities of a public security organ, it shall instruct that public security organ to rectify them.

Article 14 If a public security organ considers that there is an error in a decision of a people's procuratorate to disapprove arrest, not to initiate prosecution or to grant exemption from prosecution on the cases transferred by it to the people's procuratorate, it may request reconsideration by the people's procuratorate, and may also request review by the people's procuratorate at the next higher level. The higher-level people's procuratorate shall make a timely decision and instruct the lower-level people's procuratorate and the public security organ to execute it.   第十四条 人民检察院对于公安机关移送的案件所作的不批准逮捕的决定、不起诉或者免予起诉的决定,公安机关认为有错误时,可以要求人民检察院复议,并且可以要求上级人民检察院复核。上级人民检察院应当及时作出决定,通知下级人民检察院和公安机关执行。

Article 15 In legal proceedings instituted by a people's procuratorate, the chief procurator or a procurator shall attend the court session, in the capacity of state prosecutor, to support the prosecution and exercise supervision over the court proceedings, to determine whether they conform to the law.   第十五条 人民检察院提起公诉的案件,由检察长或者检察员以国家公诉人的身份出席法庭,支持公诉,并且监督审判活动是否合法。

Article 16 If a people's court considers that the main facts of a crime are not clear or the evidence is insufficient or there are violations of the law in a case in which the people's procuratorate has initiated prosecution, it may remand the case to the people's procuratorate for supplementary investigation or notify it to make corrections.   第十六条 人民检察院起诉的案件,人民法院认为主要犯罪事实不清、证据不足,或者有违法情况时,可以退回人民检察院补充侦查,或者通知人民检察院予以纠正。

Article 17 If a local people's procuratorate discovers any error in a judgment or order of a people's court at the corresponding level in a case of first instance, it shall lodge a protest in accordance with the procedure of appeal.   第十七条 地方各级人民检察院对于本级人民法院第一审案件的判决和裁定,认为有错误时,应当按照上诉程序提出抗诉。

Article 18 If the Supreme People's Procuratorate discovers some definite error in a legally effective judgment or order of a people's court at any level, or if a people's procuratorate at a higher level discovers some definite error in a legally effective judgment or order of a people's court at a lower level, it shall lodge a protest in accordance with the procedures of judicial supervision.   第十八条 最高人民检察院对于各级人民法院已经发生法律效力的判决和裁定,上级人民检察院对于下级人民法院已经发生法律效力的判决和裁定,如果发现确有错误,应当按照审判监督程序提出抗诉。

People's procuratorates must send personnel to appear in court when cases are heard, in accordance with procedures of judicial supervision.

Article 19 If the people's procuratorates discover violations of the law in the execution of judgments or orders in criminal cases, they shall notify the executing organs to correct them. If the people's procuratorates discover violations of the law in the activities of prisons, detention houses or organs in charge of reform through labor, they shall notify the organs responsible to correct them.   第十九条 人民检察院发现刑事判决、裁定的执行有违法情况时,应当通知执行机关予以纠正。

Chapter 3: The Organizational Structure and the Appointment and Removal of Personnel of People's Procuratorates 


第三章 人民检察院的机构设置和人员的任免

Article 20 The Supreme People's Procuratorate shall establish procuratorial departments in charge of criminal, legal and disciplinary, prison and reformatory, and economic affairs, and may also establish other professional agencies as needed. 

People's procuratorates at various local levels and special people's procuratorates may establish corresponding professional agencies.
   第二十条 最高人民检察院设置刑事、法纪、监所、经济等检察厅,并且可以按照需要,设立其他业务机构。

Article 21 The Procurator-General of the Supreme People's Procuratorate shall be elected and removed by the National People's Congress. 

The Deputy Procurators-General, members of the procuratorial committee and procurators of the Supreme People's Procuratorate shall be appointed and removed by the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress upon the recommendation of the Procurator-General of the Supreme People's Procuratorate.
   第二十一条 最高人民检察院检察长由全国人民代表大会选举和罢免。

Article 22 The chief procurators of the people's procuratorates of provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government and their branches shall be elected and removed by the people's congresses of provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government; the deputy chief procurators, members of procuratorial committees and procurators shall be appointed and removed by the standing committees of the people's congresses at corresponding levels upon the recomendation of the chief procurators of the provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government. 

The appointment and removal of the chief procurators, deputy chief procurators and members of the procuratorial committees of the people's procuratorates of provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall be reported to the Procurator-General of the Supreme People's Procuratorate for submission to the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress for approval.
   第二十二条 省、自治区、直辖市人民检察院检察长和人民检察院分院检察长由省、自治区、直辖市人民代表大会选举和罢免,副检察长、检察委员会委员和检察员由省、自治区、直辖市人民检察院检察长提请本级人民代表大会常务委员会任免。

Article 23 The chief procurators of people's procuratorates of autonomous prefectures, cities directly under the provincial governments, counties, cities and municipal districts shall be elected and removed by the people's congresses at corresponding levels; the deputy chief procurators, members of procuratorial committees and procurators shall be appointed and removed by the standing committees of the people's congresses at corresponding levels upon the recommendation of the chief procurators. 

The appointment and removal of the chief procurators, deputy chief procurators and members of the procuratorial committees of the people's procuratorates of autonomous prefectures, cities directly under the provincial governments, counties, cities and municipal districts shall be reported to the chief procurators of the people's procuratorates of provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government for submission to the standing committee of the people's congress at the corresponding level for approval.
   第二十三条 自治州、省辖市、县、市、市辖区人民检察院检察长由本级人民代表大会选举和罢免,副检察长、检察委员会委员和检察员由自治州、省辖市、县、市、市辖区人民检察院检察长提请本级人民代表大会常务委员会任免。

Article 24 The chief procurators, deputy chief procurators, members of procuratorial committees and procurators of people's procuratorates set up in industrial and mining areas, agricultural reclamation areas and forest zones by people's procuratorates at the provincial or county level shall be appointed and removed by the standing committee of the people's congress at the corresponding level upon the recommendation of the chief procurators of the dispatching people's procuratorates. 

   第二十四条 省一级人民检察院和县一级人民检察院设置的工矿区、农垦区、林区人民检察院检察长、副检察长、检察委员会委员和检察员,均由派出的人民检察院检察长提请本级人民代表大会常务委员会任免。
Article 25 The term of office of the chief procurators of people's procuratorates at all levels shall be the same as that of the people's congresses at corresponding levels. 

   第二十五条 各级人民检察院检察长的任期,与本级人民代表大会每届任期相同。
Article 26 The Standing Committee of the National People's Congress and the standing committees of the people's congresses of provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government may, upon proposals put forward by the Procurator-General and chief procurators of people's procuratorates at the corresponding level, replace the chief procurators, deputy chief procurators and members of the procuratorial committees of people's procuratorates at lower levels. 

   第二十六条 全国和省、自治区、直辖市人民代表大会常务委员会根据本级人民检察院检察长的建议,可以撤换下级人民检察院检察长、副检察长和检察委员会委员。
Article 27 People's procuratorates at all levels shall have a number of assistant procurators and clerks. With the approval of the chief procurator, an assistant procurator may act in the function of a procurator. The clerks shall be responsible for keeping case records and other related matters. 

The assistant procurators and clerks shall be appointed and removed by the chief procurators of people's procuratorates at all levels.
   第二十七条 各级人民检察院设助理检察员和书记员各若干人。经检察长批准,助理检察员可以代行检察员职务。书记员办理案件的记录工作和有关事项。

People's procuratorates at all levels may install judicial police as needed.

Article 28 The organizational structure and staff size of the people's procuratorates at all levels shall be stipulated separately by the Supreme People's Procuratorate. 
   第二十八条 各级人民检察院的人员编制由最高人民检察院另行规定。
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