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Notice by the Ministry of Natural Resources, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment and Other Departments of Issuing the Interim Measures for Unified Recognition and Registration of Rights in Natural Resources [Effective]
自然资源部、财政部、生态环境部等关于印发《自然资源统一确权登记暂行办法》的通知 [现行有效]

Notice by the Ministry of Natural Resources, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, the Ministry of Water Resources, and the National Forestry and Grassland Administration of Issuing the Interim Measures for Unified Recognition and Registration of Rights in Natural Resources 


(No. 116 [2019] of the Ministry of Natural Resources) (自然资发〔2019〕116号)

Natural resources departments, finance departments, ecology and environment departments, water departments, and forestry and grassland departments of all provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government; and Natural Resources Bureau, Finance Bureau, Ecology and Environment Bureau, Water Resources Bureau, and Forestry and Grassland Bureau of Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps: 各省、自治区、直辖市自然资源主管部门、财政主管部门、生态环境主管部门、水行政主管部门、林业和草原主管部门,新疆生产建设兵团自然资源局、财政局、生态环境局、水利局、林业和草原局:
For the purposes of implementing the decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council with respect to the construction of ecological civilization, establishing and implementing a unified recognition and registration system for rights in natural resources, advancing law-based recognition and registration of rights in natural resources, promoting the establishment of a property system for natural resource assets with clear ownership, determinate rights and obligations, strict protection, smooth circulation, and effective regulation, and achieving overall protection, systematic restoration, and comprehensive remediation of mountains, rivers, forests, farmland, lakes and grasslands, on the basis of a pilot program, we have developed the Interim Measures for the Recognition and Registration of Rights in Natural Resources, which are hereby issued to you for your conscientious implementation in light of the actual circumstances. 为贯彻落实党中央、国务院关于生态文明建设决策部署,建立和实施自然资源统一确权登记制度,推进自然资源确权登记法治化,推动建立归属清晰、权责明确、保护严格、流转顺畅、监管有效的自然资源资产产权制度,实现山水林田湖草整体保护、系统修复、综合治理,我们在试点工作的基础上,制定了《自然资源统一确权登记暂行办法》,现予以印发,请结合实际,认真贯彻落实。
Ministry of Natural Resources 自然资源部
Ministry of Finance 财政部
Ministry of Ecology and Environment 生态环境部
Ministry of Water Resources 水利部
National Forestry and Grassland Administration 国家林业和草原局
July 11, 2019 2019年7月11日
Interim Measures for Unified Recognition and Registration of Rights in Natural Resources 自然资源统一确权登记暂行办法
Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总 则

Article 1 These Measures are developed for the purposes of implementing the decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council with respect to the construction of ecological civilization, establishing and implementing a unified recognition and registration system for rights in natural resources, advancing law-based recognition and registration of rights in natural resources, promoting the establishment of a property system for natural resource assets with clear ownership, determinate rights and obligations, strict protection, smooth circulation, and effective regulation, and achieving overall protection, systematic restoration, and comprehensive remediation of mountains, rivers, forests, farmland, lakes and grasslands, in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations.   第一条 为贯彻落实党中央、国务院关于生态文明建设决策部署,建立和实施自然资源统一确权登记制度,推进自然资源确权登记法治化,推动建立归属清晰、权责明确、保护严格、流转顺畅、监管有效的自然资源资产产权制度,实现山水林田湖草整体保护、系统修复、综合治理,根据有关法律规定,制定本办法。
Article 2 The state shall implement a unified recognition and registration system for rights in natural resources.   第二条 国家实行自然资源统一确权登记制度。
For recognition and registration of rights in natural resources, the principles of public ownership of resources, numerus clausus, and unified recognition and registration of rights. 自然资源确权登记坚持资源公有、物权法定和统一确权登记的原则。
Article 3 These Measures shall apply to the unified recognition and registration of ownership of natural resources such as waters, forests, mountains, grasslands, wasteland, tidal flats, sea areas, uninhabited islands and proven mineral resource reserves and rights in all natural and ecological spaces.   第三条 对水流、森林、山岭、草原、荒地、滩涂、海域、无居民海岛以及探明储量的矿产资源等自然资源的所有权和所有自然生态空间统一进行确权登记,适用本办法。
Article 4 The unified recognition and registration of rights in natural resources shall clearly define owners of various natural resource assets in all national land and spaces and clearly delineate the boundaries between ownership by the whole people and collective ownership, between ownership by the whole people and ownership exercised by governments at different levels, between collective owners, and between different types of natural resources.   第四条 通过开展自然资源统一确权登记,清晰界定全部国土空间各类自然资源资产的所有权主体,划清全民所有和集体所有之间的边界,划清全民所有、不同层级政府行使所有权的边界,划清不同集体所有者的边界,划清不同类型自然资源之间的边界。
Article 5 The unified recognition and registration of rights in natural resources shall be based on realty registration, and a right in realty registered as required by the Interim Regulation on Realty Registration is not required to be registered repeatedly.   第五条 自然资源统一确权登记以不动产登记为基础,依据《不动产登记暂行条例》的规定办理登记的不动产权利,不再重复登记。
Any adjustment or limitation of a registered right in realty involved in the recognition and registration of rights in natural resources shall comply with the provisions of the laws and regulations and be entered in the realty register in a timely manner, with notice in writing given to the right holder. 自然资源确权登记涉及调整或限制已登记的不动产权利的,应当符合法律法规规定,依法及时记载于不动产登记簿,并书面通知权利人。
Article 6 The natural resources authorities, as agencies that undertake the unified recognition and registration of rights in natural resources (hereinafter referred to as the "registration agencies"), shall exercise jurisdiction over registration hierarchically and territorially.   第六条 自然资源主管部门作为承担自然资源统一确权登记工作的机构(以下简称登记机构),按照分级和属地相结合的方式进行登记管辖。
The natural resources department of the State Council shall be responsible for guiding and supervising the unified recognition and registration of rights in nationwide natural resources and, in conjunction with provincial people's governments, organizing the unified recognition and registration of rights in various protected areas of which the Central Government directly exercises ownership such as national parks, nature reserves, and natural parks, great rivers, great lakes, cross-border rivers, wetlands and grasslands with important ecological functions, key state forest areas determined by the State Council, sea areas of which the Central Government directly exercises ownership, uninhabited islands, oil and gas, precious and rare mineral resources, and other natural resources and ecological spaces. The national registration agency shall be responsible for the specific registration work. 国务院自然资源主管部门负责指导、监督全国自然资源统一确权登记工作,会同省级人民政府负责组织开展由中央政府直接行使所有权的国家公园、自然保护区、自然公园等各类自然保护地以及大江大河大湖和跨境河流、生态功能重要的湿地和草原、国务院确定的重点国有林区、中央政府直接行使所有权的海域、无居民海岛、石油天然气、贵重稀有矿产资源等自然资源和生态空间的统一确权登记工作。具体登记工作由国家登记机构负责办理。
Each province shall be responsible for organizing the unified recognition and registration of rights in natural resources and ecological spaces in its administrative area, of which the Central Government commissions the local government to exercise ownership. Registration agencies at or below provincial level shall be responsible for the specific registration work. 各省负责组织开展本行政区域内由中央委托地方政府代理行使所有权的自然资源和生态空间的统一确权登记工作。具体登记工作由省级及省级以下登记机构负责办理。
Each city or county shall, as required, effectively conduct the unified recognition and registration of rights in natural resources its administrative area. 市县应按照要求,做好本行政区域范围内自然资源统一确权登记工作。
The recognition and registration of rights in natural resources across administrative areas shall be handled directly by the common registration agency at the next higher level or by a designated registration agency. 跨行政区域的自然资源确权登记由共同的上一级登记机构直接办理或者指定登记机构办理。
Article 7 Funds for the unified recognition and registration of rights in natural resources shall be included in the budget of the governments at all levels, and no party shall be charged a registration fee or any other related fee.   第七条 自然资源统一确权登记工作经费应纳入各级政府预算,不得向当事人收取登记费等相关费用。
Chapter II Register of Natural Resources 

第二章 自然资源登记簿

Article 8 The layout of the register of natural resources shall be uniformly prescribed by the natural resources department of the State Council.   第八条 自然资源登记簿的样式由国务院自然资源主管部门统一规定。
For rights in realty registered under the Interim Regulation on Realty Registration, the linkage between the register of natural resources and the register of realty shall be achieved through unit numbers of realty and right holders. 已按照《不动产登记暂行条例》办理登记的不动产权利,通过不动产单元号、权利主体实现自然资源登记簿与不动产登记簿的关联。
Article 9 The register of natural resources shall record the following:   第九条 自然资源登记簿应当记载以下事项:
(1) Natural conditions of natural resources such as locations, limits, areas, types, quantities, and quality. (一)自然资源的坐落、空间范围、面积、类型以及数量、质量等自然状况;
(2) Ownership conditions of natural resources such as owners, representatives exercising ownership, agents exercising ownership, exercise methods, and contents of rights. (二)自然资源所有权主体、所有权代表行使主体、所有权代理行使主体、行使方式及权利内容等权属状况;
(3) Other related matters. (三)其他相关事项。
The register of natural resources shall record various natural resources in spaces on, above and below ground and relate them to information such as use specified in spatial plans, the red line for ecological protection delineated, and other control requirements and special protection provisions. 自然资源登记簿应当对地表、地上、地下空间范围内各类自然资源进行记载,并关联国土空间规划明确的用途、划定的生态保护红线等管制要求及其他特殊保护规定等信息。
Article 10 The natural resources department of the State Council shall be registered as the representative exercising ownership by the whole people of natural resources, and may exercise ownership either directly or by an agent.   第十条 全民所有自然资源所有权代表行使主体登记为国务院自然资源主管部门,所有权行使方式分为直接行使和代理行使。
If the central authorities commission a relevant department or local government to exercise ownership, the relevant department or local people's government shall be registered as the agent exercising ownership. 中央委托相关部门、地方政府代理行使所有权的,所有权代理行使主体登记为相关部门、地方人民政府。
Article 11 The plans annexed to the register of natural resources shall include boundaries and areas of natural resources, owners, representatives exercising ownership, agents exercising ownership, boundaries of registered rights in realty, boundaries and areas of different types of natural resources, and other information.   第十一条 自然资源登记簿附图内容包括自然资源空间范围界线、面积,所有权主体、所有权代表行使主体、所有权代理行使主体,以及已登记的不动产权利界线,不同类型自然资源的边界、面积等信息。
Article 12 The register of natural resources shall be under the management of the registration agencies at all levels responsible for registration and retained permanently.   第十二条 自然资源登记簿由具体负责登记的各级登记机构进行管理,永久保存。
The register of natural resources and annex plans shall be in electronic media, dedicated electronic storage facilities for registration of natural resources shall be assigned, information and cyber security protection measures shall be adopted to ensure the security of electronic data, and a backup shall be regularly made out of area. 自然资源登记簿和附图应当采用电子介质,配备专门的自然资源登记电子存储设施,采取信息网络安全防护措施,保证电子数据安全,并定期进行异地备份。
Chapter III Natural Resource Registration Units 

第三章 自然资源登记单元

Article 13 For the unified recognition and registration of rights in natural resources, natural resource registration units shall be basic units.   第十三条 自然资源统一确权登记以自然资源登记单元为基本单位。
Natural resource registration units shall be delineated by registration agencies, in conjunction with water resources, forestry and grassland, ecology and environment, and other authorities, to the extent of ownership of natural resources, taking into account different types of natural resources, their importance in ecology, economy, national defense, and other aspects, and their relatively complete ecological functions, concentration and contiguity, and other factors. 自然资源登记单元应当由登记机构会同水利、林草、生态环境等部门在自然资源所有权范围的基础上,综合考虑不同自然资源种类和在生态、经济、国防等方面的重要程度以及相对完整的生态功能、集中连片等因素划定。
Article 14 Various protected areas approved by the state such as national parks, nature reserves, and natural parks shall be given priority to be delineated as independent registration units.   第十四条 国家批准的国家公园、自然保护区、自然公园等各类自然保护地应当优先作为独立登记单元划定。
Registration units shall be delineated based on the boundaries for management or protection approval. When boundaries for management or protection approval in the same area overlap, a registration unit shall be delineated based on the boundaries for maximum management or protection. Collectively-owned natural resources within the boundaries, if any, shall be included in the registration unit, and owner, scope, area, and other information of the collectively-owned natural resources shall be entered in the register. 登记单元划定以管理或保护审批范围界线为依据。同一区域内存在管理或保护审批范围界线交叉或重叠时,以最大的管理或保护范围界线划定登记单元。范围内存在集体所有自然资源的,应当一并划入登记单元,并在登记簿上对集体所有自然资源的主体、范围、面积等情况予以记载。
Article 15 Waters may be delineated separately as natural resource registration units. In such case, registration units shall be delineated, on the basis of the results of national land surveys and those of special surveys of water resources, based on the management scope of rivers and lakes, in light of dike and shoreline. The main stem and tributaries of a river may be delineated as registration units separately.   第十五条 水流可以单独划定自然资源登记单元。以水流作为独立自然资源登记单元的,依据全国国土调查成果和水资源专项调查成果,以河流、湖泊管理范围为基础,结合堤防、水域岸线划定登记单元。河流的干流、支流,可以分别划定登记单元。
Wetlands may be delineated separately as natural resource registration units. In such case, registration units shall be delineated, on the basis of the results of national land surveys and those of special surveys of wetlands, according to the boundaries of natural resources. In the scope of rivers, lakes, reservoirs, and other waters, no wetland registration unit shall be separately delineated. 湿地可以单独划定自然资源登记单元。以湿地作为独立自然资源登记单元的,依据全国国土调查成果和湿地专项调查成果,按照自然资源边界划定登记单元。在河流、湖泊、水库等水流范围内的,不再单独划分湿地登记单元。
Article 16 A forest, grassland or wasteland registration unit shall, in principle, be delineated based on ownership of land, in accordance with the spaces enclosed by the boundaries of ownership of national land, and for a space enclosed by the boundaries of ownership of more than one remote tract of national land, registration units shall be delineated separately. For key state forest areas determined by the State Council, natural resource registration units shall be separately delineated on the basis of boundaries as approved by the state.   第十六条 森林、草原、荒地登记单元原则上应当以土地所有权为基础,按照国家土地所有权权属界线封闭的空间划分登记单元,多个独立不相连的国家土地所有权权属界线封闭的空间,应分别划定登记单元。国务院确定的重点国有林区以国家批准的范围界线为依据单独划定自然资源登记单元。
Forests, grasslands, wasteland, waters, wetlands, or the like in national park, nature reserve, natural park or other protected area registration units shall be no longer separately delineated as registration units. 在国家公园、自然保护区、自然公园等各类自然保护地登记单元内的森林、草原、荒地、水流、湿地等不再单独划定登记单元。
Article 17 Sea areas may be delineated separately as natural resource registration units, covering China's territorial waters and territorial sea. In such case, registration units shall be delineated by the boundaries of coastal administrative areas at county or city level, from coastline to the border of the territorial sea. Uninhabited islands shall, in accordance with the principle of "one island, one registration," be separately delineated as natural resource registration units, each registered in its entirety.   第十七条 海域可单独划定自然资源登记单元,范围为我国的内水和领海。以海域作为独立登记单元的,依据沿海县市行政管辖界线,自海岸线起至领海外部界线划定登记单元。无居民海岛按照“一岛一登”的原则,单独划定自然资源登记单元,进行整岛登记。
Protected areas, wetlands, proven mineral resource reserves or the like within a sea area shall be no longer separately delineated as registration units. 海域范围内的自然保护地、湿地、探明储量的矿产资源等,不再单独划定登记单元。
Article 18 Proven mineral resource reserves, solid minerals as mining areas, and oil and gas as oil and gas fields shall be delineated as registration units. If the combination of mineral rights covers or spans more than one mining area, the areas so affected by the combination of mineral rights shall be a registration unit. The boundaries of a registration unit shall be determined by spatially fitting the scope of the mining area exported from the existing reserves register and reserves statistics, the scope of mineral resource reserve estimates determined by the reserve review filing documents, and the scope of the mineral area identified by the review results of state-funded proven mineral areas. If any prospecting right or mining right exists in a registration unit, the register shall be related to information on the exploration or mining license.   第十八条 探明储量的矿产资源,固体矿产以矿区,油气以油气田划分登记单元。若矿业权整合包含或跨越多个矿区的,以矿业权整合后的区域为一个登记单元。登记单元的边界,以现有的储量登记库及储量统计库导出的矿区范围,储量评审备案文件确定的矿产资源储量估算范围,以及国家出资探明矿产地清理结果认定的矿产地范围在空间上套合确定。登记单元内存在依法审批的探矿权、采矿权的,登记簿关联勘查、采矿许可证相关信息。
Mineral resources in a national park, nature reserve, natural park or other protected area registration unit shall be no longer separately delineated, and the scope, type, reserves, and other contents of the proven mineral resource reserves shall be entered in the register of natural resources by means of layer-based marking. 在国家公园、自然保护区、自然公园等各类自然保护地登记单元内的矿产资源不再单独划定登记单元,通过分层标注的方式在自然资源登记簿上记载探明储量矿产资源的范围、类型、储量等内容。
Article 19 A natural resource registration unit shall be assigned a unique number by the rules of numbering as uniformly developed by the state.   第十九条 自然资源登记单元具有唯一编码,编码规则由国家统一制定。
Chapter IV Ordinary Procedures for Registration of Natural Resources 

第四章 自然资源登记一般程序

Article 20 The registration of natural resources may be the first registration, modification registration, deregistration or correction registration of natural resources.   第二十条 自然资源登记类型包括自然资源首次登记、变更登记、注销登记和更正登记。
"First registration" means that ownership of all natural resources in a registration unit by the state is registered for the first time within a certain period of time. 首次登记是指在一定时间内对登记单元内全部国家所有的自然资源所有权进行的第一次登记。
"Modification registration" means registration made because of any change in the contents of natural resources in the register of natural resources such as type, scope, and ownership boundaries. 变更登记是指因自然资源的类型、范围和权属边界等自然资源登记簿内容发生变化进行的登记。
"Deregistration" means registration made arising from the extinction of ownership of natural resources caused by factors such as force majeure. 注销登记是指因不可抗力等因素导致自然资源所有权灭失进行的登记。
"Correction registration" means registration that the registration agency makes to correct a matter erroneously entered in the register of natural resources. 更正登记是指登记机构对自然资源登记簿的错误记载事项进行更正的登记。
Article 21 The procedures for the first registration of natural resources shall consist of public statement, cadastral survey, review, announcement, and making an entry in the register.
   第二十一条 自然资源首次登记程序为通告、权籍调查、审核、公告、登簿。

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