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Programme for China-Africa Cooperation in Economic and Social Development

Programme for China-Africa Cooperation in Economic and Social Development



The Forum on China-Africa Co-operation - Ministerial Conference 2000 was held in Beijing, China from 10 to 12 October 2000. Ministers from China and 44 African countries exchanged views and are convinced of the imperatives for a dynamic, new strategic partnership between Africa and the PRC. The Ministers commit them selves to co-operating in all fields, especially social and economic development, on the basis of equality and mutual respect with a view to renewing, developing and expanding China-Africa co-operation in the 21st century. 2000年10月10日至12日,中非合作论坛-北京2000年部长级会议在北京召开。与会的中国和44个非洲国家的部长们交流看法,坚信在中华人民共和国与非洲之间,有必要建立起一种充满活力的新型战略伙伴关系。部长们决心在平等和相互尊重的基础上,在各个领域,尤其是经济和社会发展领域进行合作,以振兴、发展并扩大中非在21世纪的合作。
1. Foreword   1.序言
1.1 The Ministers reviewed with satisfaction the results of the co-operation between China and African countries over the past 50 years. The Ministers believe that such co-operation, not only directly benefits their peoples, but also enhances friendship and mutual understanding. The Ministers note that China and African countries have made great efforts in recent years to explore new forms of co-operation, particularly between enterprises. They, however, note that both Africa and China still have great potential, which should be properly managed and strategically directed for their mutual benefit. 1.1部长们满意地回顾了中非双方半个世纪以来合作的成果。部长们认为,这一合作不仅直接有益于双方人民,而且进一步巩固了中非友谊和相互了解。部长们注意到,近年来,中非双方为探讨新形式的合作,尤其是企业间的合作作出了很大努力。同时,部长们还注意到,中非间还有巨大潜力,应为双方的共同利益而予以妥善利用和战略性引导。
1.2 The Ministers also agree that, in view of the present unjust and inequitable world order. China and African countries should position themselves to influence the establishment of a new world order which will reflect their needs and interests. To this end, they agree to adopt a workable programme towards the creation of a new strategic partnership for sustainable development in the 21st century. 1.2部长们还一致认为,考虑到当前不公正和不平等的世界秩序,中国和非洲应协调立场,在建立世界新秩序中发挥影响,使之反映双方的需要和利益。为此,部长们同意通过一个可行的纲领,为在21世纪实现可持续发展,建立新型战略伙伴关系。
1.3 The Ministers further observe that globalization currently presents more challenges and risks than opportunities to the vast number of developing countries and therefore express their determination to strengthen the existing co-operation between China and African countries in all fields. They also agree to earnestly explore new ideas and strategies to develop their respective economics and enhance their capabilities to participate in globalization. 1.3部长们还注意到,目前,全球化给广大发展中国家带来的挑战和风险大于机遇。为此,部长们决心加强中国和非洲在各个领域中已有的合作,认真探讨新思路和新战略,发展各自经济,增强参与全球化能力。
1.4 In pursuit of the foregoing objectives the Ministers reiterate that China and African countries will honor the following principles of co-operation for their future development: 1.4为实现上述目标,部长们重申,中非将在未来发展中遵循以下合作原则:
1.4.1 equality and mutual benefit 1.4.1平等互利;
1.4.2 diversity in form and content 1.4.2形式与内容多样化;
1.4.3 emphasis on practical results 1.4.3注重实效;
1.4.4 pursuit of common progress 1.4.4实现共同发展
1.4.5 amicable settlement of differences 1.4.5以友好方式消除分歧。
2. Inter-governmental Co-operation   2.政府间合作
2.1 The Ministers maintain that the two sides should use and improve the existing bilateral consultation mechanisms to strengthen inter-governmental links, explore new areas of co-operation, closely monitor the progress in their existing co-operation and share experiences in order to enhance their mutually beneficial partnership. In light of the development and changes in their bilateral economic and trade relations, the two sides agree to continue to review and conclude agreements as necessary, with a view to encouraging preferential market access for products from African countries into China. 2.1部长们主张,双方应利用并完善现有的双边磋商机制,以加强政府间联系,探索新的合作领域,密切关注双方现有合作的进展,分享经验,以加强互利伙伴关系;根据中非双边经贸关系的发展和变化,双方同意如有必要,继续审议和签订协定,以鼓励非洲国家产品优惠进入中国市场。
2.2 The Ministers agree to promote the exchange of high-level visits and conduct regular inter-governmental dialogue and co-operation, so as to create a favorable climate for business contacts and trade between China and Africa. In addition, they undertake to promote positive interaction with relevant trade and commercial organizations and assist in the establishment of effective communication links between such organizations in China and Africa, in order to ensure that they play an active role in the development of our economies. 2.2部长们同意推动高层互访,并进行经常性的政府间对话与合作,为中非间商业联系和贸易创造有利环境。此外,部长们承诺促进有关贸易和商业组织间的积极互动,帮助中国和非洲的这类组织之间建立起有效联系渠道,以确保其在经济发展中发挥积极作用。
2.3 The Chinese government undertakes to continue to co-operate with and provide development assistance to African countries, focusing on the promotion of local industries, sourcing of local materials and the creation of employment. Such development assistance should support national policies of African countries and be awarded in consultation with national governments. Projects will be aimed at the utilization of local expertise and materials, the creation of local employment and the development of human resources of African countries. 2.3中国政府承诺,继续与非洲国家合作并向其提供发展援助,重点在于促进当地工业、使用当地材料、增加就业。提供这种发展援助应符合非洲国家政策并与其磋商,旨在使用当地专门技术和材料,创造当地就业和开发当地人力资源。
2.4 To support African countries in their economic and social development, the Chinese side undertakes to continue providing assistance to African countries, within its capacity, in light of specific economic conditions of the recipient countries and within the framework of South-South co-operation. This support will mainly take the form of aid grants, concessional loans and interest-free loans to be mainly used in areas determined by both sides. 2.4为支持非洲国家的经济和社会发展,中国方面承诺,根据非洲国家的具体经济状况,在力所能及的范围和南南合作的框架内继续向非洲国家提供援助。上述援助将主要采取无偿援助、优惠贷款、无息贷款的形式,其主要用途由双方商定。
3. Trade and Investment   3.贸易和投资
3.1 The Ministers acknowledge progress in the area of trade and investment promotion and express their readiness to develop a strategy by creating an enabling legal and business environment, so that such co-operation will gradually play a leading role in the China-Africa economic partnership. 3.1部长们注意到在促进贸易和投资方面取得的进展,并表示愿通过创造有利的法律和商业环境,制订促进投资和贸易的战略,以使这一合作在中非经济伙伴关系中逐渐发挥主要作用。
3.2 The Ministers agree to conclude an appropriate legal framework on: 3.2部长们同意就以下问题制定适宜的法律框架:
3.2.1 trade promotion and capacity building; 3.2.1促进贸易和增强能力;
3.2.2 encouragement, protection and guarantee of investments; 3.2.2鼓励、保护和保障投资;
3.2.3 avoidance of double taxation; 3.2.3避免双重征税;
3.2.4 enhancement of co-operation in marine shipping and air transportation 3.2.4加强在海运和空运方面的合作。
3.3 The Ministers agree to undertake joint efforts to improve trade and investment environment through such measures as granting each other preferential treatment in conformity with existing national laws, equitable treatment to all investors together with investment guarantees and just settlement of eventual disputes, in accordance with internationally accepted rules and practices. 3.3部长们同意共同努力,通过根据现行国家法律相互给予优惠待遇、平等对待所有投资者、提供投资保障、依照国际上公认的规则和做法公正解决可能产生的争议等措施,改善贸易和投资环境。
4. Trade   4.贸易
4.1 The Ministers note the necessity to move towards balanced and enhanced trade and acknowledge the need to assist in improving the production capacity in Africa and in diversifying the composition of African exports. They pledge to collaborate and share experience in overcoming Africa's export dependence on primary commodities, single products and raw materials. 4.1部长们注意到有必要努力实现贸易的平衡与扩大;认识到需要帮助非洲提高其生产能力,实现非洲出口多样化;决心进行合作,分享经验,以改变非洲出口依赖初级产品、单一产品和原料的状况。
4.2 The Ministers stress the need to harmonize their trade policies and to participate actively in trade negotiations, including within the framework of the WTO, in order to ensure that the multilateral trading system contributes to enhanced competitiveness, economic growth and sustainable development of their countries. 4.2部长们强调有必要协调贸易政策,积极参与贸易谈判,包括在世界贸易组织框架中的谈判,以确保多边贸易体制有利于中国和非洲各国增强竞争力、实现经济增长和可持续发展。
4.3 The Ministers express the readiness of their business communities to vigorously explore and benefit from all opportunities offered by their respective markets, in an enterprising spirit, while complying with internationally accepted norms and quality standards in their exported products. 4.3部长们表示,双方企业界愿意以一种进取精神,在产品出口方面依照国际公认的准则和质量标准积极拓展双方市场提供的一切机遇,并从中获取效益。
4.4 Noting with concern the imbalance in the two-way trade and the need to address it as soon as possible, the Chinese side undertakes to: 4.4关切地注意到双向贸易不平衡以及尽早解决这一问题的必要性,中方允诺:
4.4.1 encourage its enterprises to give preference to the import of African products in the light of market demand and conditions; 4.4.1鼓励中国企业根据市场需求和条件,优先进口非洲产品;
4.4.2 strive to make its investment and trade centers in Africa a success, and to facilitate the establishment of similar centers of African countries in China, so that these centers will play an effective bridging role in facilitating exchanges and communications between enterprises of the two sides;

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