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Request for Public Comments on the Basic Healthcare and Health Promotion Law (Draft)

Request for Public Comments on the Basic Healthcare and Health Promotion Law (Draft) 


(December 29, 2017, to January 27, 2018) (2017年12月29日至2018年1月27日)

The Basic Healthcare and Health Promotion Law of the People's Republic of China (Draft), as deliberated at the 31st Session of the Standing Committee of the Twelfth National People's Congress, is hereby published on the website of the National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China. The public may post their comments by directly logging onto the website of the National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China (www.npc.gov.cn), or mail their comments to the Legislative Affairs Commission of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress (at 1 West Qianmen Dajie, Xicheng District, Beijing, 100805. Please indicate “Request for Public Comments on the Basic Healthcare and Health Promotion Law (Draft)” on the envelop). Comments may be submitted until January 27, 2018. 第十二届全国人大常委会第三十一次会议对《中华人民共和国基本医疗卫生与健康促进法(草案)》进行了审议。现将《中华人民共和国基本医疗卫生与健康促进法(草案)》在中国人大网公布,社会公众可以直接登录中国人大网(www.npc.gov.cn)提出意见,也可以将意见寄送全国人大常委会法制工作委员会(北京市西城区前门西大街1号,邮编:100805。信封上请注明基本医疗卫生与健康促进法草案征求意见)。征求意见截止日期:2018年1月27日。
Basic Healthcare and Health Promotion Law of the People's Republic of China (Draft) 中华人民共和国基本医疗卫生与健康促进法(草案)
Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总则

Article 1 For the purposes of implementing the provisions of the Constitution on the state's development of the cause of healthcare and protection of people's health, materializing the access of everyone to basic healthcare services, and improving the health level of citizens, this Law is enacted.   第一条 为了落实宪法关于国家发展医疗卫生事业、保护人民健康的规定,实现人人享有基本医疗卫生服务,提高公民健康水平,制定本法。
Article 2 The cause of healthcare is a cause for public benefit, and the people-oriented approach shall be adhered to in the development of the cause of healthcare. The health work guidelines of prioritizing the primary level, regarding reform and innovation as the driving force, focusing on prevention, attaching equal importance to traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine, integrating health into all policies, and joint development and sharing by the people shall be adhered to.   第二条 医疗卫生事业是社会公益事业,发展医疗卫生事业要以人民为中心。坚持以基层为重点,以改革创新为动力,预防为主,中西医并重,将健康融入所有政策,全民共建共享的卫生与健康工作方针。
Article 3 Health is a fundamental entitlement of human beings. The state implements a healthy China strategy. The people's governments at all levels shall put people's health in a strategic position for priority development, develop the cause of healthcare, and provide citizens with comprehensive full-circle basic healthcare and health services. The whole society shall share common concerns for and jointly support the development of the cause of healthcare and health.   第三条 健康是人的基本权益。国家实施健康中国战略。各级人民政府应当把人民健康放在优先发展的战略地位,发展医疗卫生事业,为公民提供全方位全周期的基本医疗卫生与健康服务。全社会应当共同关心和支持医疗卫生与健康事业的发展。
Article 4 The state establishes a basic healthcare system to provide citizens with basic healthcare services that are fairly enjoyed by citizens and adapted to the level of economic and social development and maintain and protect the health of citizens. The improvement of the multilevel care regime, modern hospital management regime, universal basic medical insurance regime, medicinal product supply guarantee regime, and comprehensive supervision and administration regime shall be prioritized.   第四条 国家建立基本医疗卫生制度,为公民提供公平享有、与经济社会发展水平相适应的基本医疗卫生服务,维护和保障公民健康。重点完善分级诊疗制度、现代医院管理制度、全民基本医疗保险制度、药品供应保障制度、综合监管制度。
The state establishes and improves a public health service system and a medical service system covering both urban and rural areas. 国家建立健全覆盖城乡的公共卫生服务体系、医疗服务体系。
Article 5 Under the principles of hierarchical administration and division of labor and responsibilities, the State Council and the local people's governments at all levels lead and coordinate the healthcare and health promotion work.   第五条 国务院和地方各级人民政府根据分级管理、分工负责的原则,领导和协调医疗卫生与健康促进工作。
The health department of the State Council is responsible for the overall planning and coordination of the healthcare and health promotion work across the country. The other relevant departments of the State Council undertake the relevant healthcare and health promotion work according to the functions prescribed by this Law and the State Council. 国务院卫生主管部门负责统筹协调全国医疗卫生与健康促进工作。国务院其他有关部门依照本法和国务院规定的职责,承担有关的医疗卫生与健康促进工作。
The health department of a local people's government at or above the county level is responsible for the overall planning and coordination of the healthcare and health promotion work within its administrative region. The other relevant departments of a local people's government at or above the county level are responsible for the relevant healthcare and health promotion work within the administrative region according to their respective scopes of functions. 县级以上地方各级人民政府卫生主管部门负责统筹协调本行政区域内的医疗卫生与健康促进工作。县级以上地方各级人民政府有关部门在各自职责范围内负责本行政区域内有关的医疗卫生与健康促进工作。
Article 6 The people's governments at all levels shall integrate the health concept into the process of developing various policies, organize the implementation of their comprehensive plans and actions to promote health, establish a health impact assessment system, and include the improvement of major health indicators of citizens within their respective regions in the target responsibility assessment of the governments.   第六条 各级人民政府应当将健康理念融入各项政策制定过程,组织实施促进健康的规划和行动,建立健康影响评估制度,将本地区的公民主要健康指标的改善情况纳入政府目标责任考核。
Article 7 A people's government at or above the county level shall annually report the healthcare and health promotion work to the people's congress at the same level or its standing committee, and accept supervision.   第七条 县级以上各级人民政府应当每年向本级人民代表大会或者其常务委员会报告医疗卫生与健康促进工作,接受监督。
Article 8 Healthcare practitioners are guardians of the health of citizens, and have the mission of curing diseases and saving patients. The whole society shall respect healthcare practitioners, maintain a sound order of healthcare services, and jointly develop a harmonious doctor-patient relationship.   第八条 医疗卫生人员是公民健康的守护者,担负着治病救人的使命。全社会应当尊重医疗卫生人员,维护良好的医疗卫生服务秩序,共同构建和谐医患关系。
Article 9 The state encourages and supports the participation of citizens, legal persons, and other organizations in the cause of healthcare in accordance with the law to satisfy the basic healthcare needs of the people.   第九条 国家鼓励和支持公民、法人和其他组织依法参与医疗卫生事业,满足人民群众基本医疗卫生需求。
Article 10 The state attaches importance to and supports research on medical sciences, encourages and popularizes appropriate technologies for healthcare and medical research achievements, and promotes the improvement of the quality of healthcare services.   第十条 国家重视和支持医学科学研究,鼓励和推广医疗卫生适宜技术和医学研究成果,促进医疗卫生服务质量的提高。
The state encourages healthcare institutions and their personnel to continuously improve their technologies and services in prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation and develop healthcare technologies suitable for the primary level and remote areas. 国家鼓励医疗卫生机构及其人员不断改进预防、治疗和康复的技术与服务,开发适合基层和边远地区应用的医疗卫生技术。
Article 11 The state vigorously develops the cause of traditional Chinese medicine, adheres to inheriting and carrying forward traditional Chinese medicine, and maximizes the role of traditional Chinese medicine in the cause of healthcare and health in China.   第十一条 国家大力发展中医药事业,继承和弘扬中医药,充分发挥中医药在我国医疗卫生与健康事业中的作用。
Article 12 The state assists ethnic minority areas in carrying out the healthcare and health promotion work, based on the characteristics and needs of ethnic minorities.   第十二条 国家根据各少数民族的特点和需要,帮助各少数民族地区开展医疗卫生与健康促进工作。
The state supports and promotes the healthcare and health promotion work carried out in remote and poverty-stricken areas. 国家扶持和促进边远贫困地区开展医疗卫生与健康促进工作。
Article 13 The state commends and rewards organizations and individuals that have made outstanding contributions to the healthcare and health promotion work according to the applicable provisions.   第十三条 国家对在医疗卫生与健康促进工作中做出突出贡献的组织和个人,按照规定给予表彰奖励。
Article 14 The state encourages and supports the international exchange and cooperation in healthcare and health promotion.   第十四条 国家鼓励和支持医疗卫生与健康促进对外交流合作。
The international exchange and cooperation in healthcare and health promotion shall be carried out in compliance with the laws and regulations of the state and by maintaining the national sovereignty and security and public interest. 医疗卫生与健康促进对外交流合作应当遵守国家法律法规,维护国家主权、安全和社会公共利益。
Chapter II Health Rights and Obligations of Citizens 

第二章 公民的健康权利与义务

Article 15 Citizens of the People's Republic of China have the right to health in accordance with the law, regardless of nationality, race, gender, occupation, property status, or religious belief.   第十五条 中华人民共和国公民,不分民族、种族、性别、职业、财产状况、宗教信仰,依法享有健康权。
The state and society materialize, protect, and respect the right of citizens to health in accordance with the law. 国家和社会依法实现、保护和尊重公民的健康权。
Article 16 Citizens are entitled to receive basic healthcare services from the state and society in accordance with the law.   第十六条 公民依法享有从国家和社会获得基本医疗卫生服务的权利。
Article 17 Citizens are both entitled and obligated to participate in basic medical insurance in accordance with the law.   第十七条 公民有依法参加基本医疗保险的权利和义务。
Employers and employees shall pay premiums of basic medical insurance for urban employees according to the provisions issued by the state. Urban and rural residents shall pay premiums of basic medical insurance for urban and rural residents according to the applicable provisions. 用人单位和职工按照国家规定缴纳城镇职工基本医疗保险费。城乡居民按规定缴纳城乡居民基本医疗保险费。
Article 18 Citizens have the right to receive health education.   第十八条 公民有获得健康教育的权利。
Citizens shall proactively gain health knowledge, improve their own health literacy, strengthen self-health management, and form their healthy lifestyles. 公民应当主动学习健康知识,提高自身健康素养,加强自我健康管理,形成健康生活方式。
Article 19 Citizens have both the right and the obligation to be inoculated under the comprehensive plan on immunization of the state.   第十九条 公民有接受国家免疫规划疫苗接种的权利和义务。
Citizens shall, in accordance with the law, cooperate on any medical examination, treatment and observation in isolation, and other emergency response measures adopted by the government or healthcare institutions to prevent, control, and eliminate harm caused by infectious diseases. 公民应当依法配合政府或者医疗卫生机构为预防、控制和消除疾病危害所采取的医学检查、隔离治疗观察等应急措施。
Article 20 When a citizen receives healthcare services, the citizen has the right to informed consent regarding medical condition, diagnosis and treatment options, medical risks, medical expenses, and other matters related to his or her own health and disease prevention and treatment, except as otherwise provided by a law or regulation.   第二十条 公民在接受医疗卫生服务时,对病情、诊疗方案、医疗风险、医疗费用等与自身健康和疾病防治有关的事项享有知情同意的权利。法律法规另有规定的,依照其规定。
Citizens have the right to voluntarily participate in clinical trials and other experimental medical research on pharmaceuticals and medical devices in accordance with the law and the right to informed consent. 公民有依法自愿参与药物及医疗器械临床试验和其它试验性医学研究并享有知情同意的权利。
Article 21 The state protects individual privacy related to the health of citizens, and ensures the security of personal health information. Any organization or individual shall not acquire, use, or disclose to the public any personal health information of a citizen, except as otherwise provided by a law or regulation or with the consent of the citizen.   第二十一条 国家保护与公民健康有关的个人隐私,确保个人健康信息安全。除法律法规规定或本人同意外,任何组织和个人不得获取、利用和公开公民个人健康信息。
Article 22 Citizens receiving medical services shall be respected.   第二十二条 公民接受医疗卫生服务时,应当受到尊重。
Medical institutions and their personnel shall treat equally their patients, and respect the personal dignity of their patients. 医疗机构及其人员应当平等对待患者,尊重患者的人格尊严。
Any organization or individual shall not discriminate against a patient suffering from a special disease such as an infectious disease or mental disease. 任何组织或个人不得歧视患有传染病、精神疾病等特殊疾病的患者。
Article 23 During the process of receiving medical services, citizens shall honestly provide information pertaining to his or her medical condition, cooperate in the diagnosis and treatment activities, comply with the diagnosis and treatment rules, maintain the order of medical services, and respect medical personnel.   第二十三条 公民在接受医疗服务过程中,应当如实提供与病情有关的信息,配合诊疗活动,遵守诊疗制度,维护医疗秩序,尊重医务人员。
Article 24 Citizens shall respect the health rights of others, and shall not damage the public interest and health rights and interests of others.   第二十四条 公民应当尊重他人的健康权利,不得损害公共利益和他人健康权益。
Chapter III Major Measures for Promoting Health 

第三章 促进健康的主要措施

Article 25 The state organizes investigation and statistics of the health status of residents, carries out physical fitness surveillance, and evaluates health performance; and develops and improves laws, policies, and comprehensive plans relating to health according to the evaluation results.   第二十五条 国家组织居民健康状况调查和统计,开展体质监测,对健康绩效进行评估;国家依照评估结果制定、完善与健康相关的法律、政策和规划。
Article 26 The state establishes a system of surveillance, investigation, and risk assessment of disease and health risk factors. The people's governments at or above the county level and their relevant departments organize and carry out research on health risk factors, and optimize the comprehensive prevention and control strategies and intervention measures, for the main issues that affect health.   第二十六条 国家建立疾病和健康危险因素监测、调查和风险评估制度。县级以上人民政府及其有关部门针对影响健康的主要问题,组织开展健康危险因素研究,优化综合防治策略和干预措施。
Article 27 The state carries out patriotic health campaigns, builds healthy cities and healthy villages and towns, and develops healthy communities and healthy families.   第二十七条 国家开展爱国卫生运动。创建健康城市、卫生城镇,建设健康社区、健康家庭。
Article 28 The state establishes a health education system to improve the level of health literacy of citizens.   第二十八条 国家建立健康教育制度,提高国民的健康素养水平。
Healthcare, education, publicity, and other institutions, self-governing mass organizations at the basic level, and social organizations shall carry out the publicity and popularization of health knowledge. 医疗卫生、教育、宣传等机构、基层群众性自治组织和社会组织应当开展健康知识的宣传和普及。
Healthcare institutions and their personnel shall, when providing healthcare services, carry out health education of patients. 医疗卫生机构及其人员在提供医疗卫生服务时,应当对患者开展健康教育。
The people's governments at all levels shall establish a system of releasing core information on health knowledge and skills. 各级人民政府建立健康知识和技能核心信息发布制度。
Releasing and communicating health knowledge by the different types of media are encouraged and supported. The health information released by media shall be scientific and accurate. 鼓励和支持各类媒体发布传播健康知识。媒体发布健康信息应当科学、准确。
Article 29 The state includes health education in the national education system. Schools shall conduct health education in various forms, popularize health knowledge, scientific fitness knowledge, safety knowledge, and first aid knowledge and skills, raise the formation rate of healthy behavior and sense of proactive prevention of diseases of students, and foster the healthy psychological quality of students. The occurrences of myopia, obesity, and other adverse health conditions of students shall be reduced. Child care providers shall attach importance to the fostering of good living and hygienic habits of young children.   第二十九条 国家将健康教育纳入国民教育体系。学校应当利用多种形式实施健康教育,普及健康知识、科学健身知识、安全知识、急救知识和技能,提高学生的健康行为形成率和主动防病意识,培养学生健康的心理品质。减少中小学生近视眼、肥胖等不良健康状况的发生。幼儿园应注重培养幼儿良好的生活与卫生习惯。
Child care providers and schools shall, according to the relevant provisions, establish and improve infirmaries. 幼儿园和学校要依照有关规定建立和完善卫生室。
Article 30 The state develops the cause of national fitness, improves the public service system of national fitness covering both urban and rural areas, and organizes, implements, and supports national fitness activities.   第三十条 国家发展全民健身事业,完善覆盖城乡的全民健身公共服务体系,组织开展和支持全民健身活动。
Article 31 The state establishes a nutrition surveillance system of residents, releases dietary guidelines, implements nutrition intervention plans in poverty-stricken areas and for priority populations, and carries out nutrition improvement actions for students and seniors.   第三十一条 国家建立居民营养状况监测制度,发布膳食指南,实施贫困地区、重点人群营养干预计划,开展学生、老年人群营养改善行动。
Article 32 An employer shall create an environment and conditions favorable to the health of employees, arrange suitable working space and time according to the age and physical condition of employees, set up necessary places and facilities for health promotion, and protect the health of employees.   第三十二条 用人单位应当为职工创造有益于健康的环境和条件,根据职工年龄和身体状况,安排合适的工作空间和时间,设立必要的健康促进场所和设施,保护职工健康。
Employers shall appoint health guidance personnel, and effectively carry out health promotion work. 用人单位应当设立健康指导人员,落实健康促进工作。
The state advocates that employers provide employees with health examination on a regular basis, except as otherwise provided by a law or regulation. 国家提倡用人单位为职工定期开展健康检查。法律法规另有规定的,依照其规定。
Article 33 The state adopts publicity, educational, administrative, and other measures to raise citizens' awareness of harm caused by smoking and drinking alcohol and reduce harm to the national health.   第三十三条 国家采取宣传、教育、管理等措施,提高公民对吸烟、饮酒危害的认识,减少对国民健康的危害。
Smoking shall be controlled at public places, and a province, an autonomous region, or a municipality directly under the Central Government develops the specific measures. 公共场所控制吸烟,具体办法由省、自治区、直辖市制定。
Warnings depicting the specific harm caused by the use of tobacco shall be printed on the packages of tobacco products. 烟草制品包装应当印制带有说明烟草使用具体危害的警示。
Sale of tobacco and alcohol products to minors is prohibited. 禁止向未成年人出售烟酒。
Chapter IV Organizations and Provision of Public Health and Medical Services 

第四章 公共卫生和医疗服务组织与提供

Article 34 The state supports the establishment of a basic healthcare service system composed of specialized public health institutions, primary healthcare institutions, hospitals, and other healthcare institutions and featuring urban and rural coverage, functional complementation, and continuity in collaboration   第三十四条 国家支持建立由专业公共卫生机构、基层医疗卫生机构、医院和其他医疗卫生机构组成的覆盖城乡、功能互补、连续协同的基本医疗卫生服务体系。
The different types of healthcare institutions at different levels shall, according to their division of labor and in cooperation with one another, provide citizens with comprehensive and full-circle public health and medical services including but not limited to prevention, health maintenance, treatment, rehabilitation, nursing, and hospice care. 各级各类医疗卫生机构应当分工合作,为公民提供预防、保健、治疗、康复、护理、安宁疗护等全方位全周期的公共卫生和医疗服务。
Public healthcare institutions play a leading role among healthcare institutions. The general layout of not-for-profit healthcare institutions as the main body and for-profit healthcare institutions as supplement shall be adhered to. The private sector is encouraged to found healthcare institutions. 医疗卫生机构以公立医疗卫生机构为主导。坚持非营利性医疗机构为主体、营利性医疗机构为补充的总体布局。鼓励社会力量举办医疗卫生机构。
Article 35 A people's government at or above the county level shall develop a comprehensive plan on the healthcare service system, rationally allocate healthcare resources, and guarantee the basic conditions for healthcare services to citizens in the region.   第三十五条 县级以上人民政府应当制定医疗卫生服务体系规划,合理配置医疗卫生资源,保障区域内公民基本医疗卫生服务的基础条件。
A local health department at or above the county level develops a comprehensive plan on the layout of public healthcare institutions in accordance with the comprehensive plan on the healthcare service system and in light of the population, economic and social development, medical resources, health risk factors, morbidity, prevalence rate, and demand for emergency care, among others, within the administrative region. 县级以上地方卫生主管部门根据医疗卫生服务体系规划,结合本行政区域人口、经济社会发展状况、医疗资源、健康危险因素、发病率、患病率以及紧急救治需求等情况,制定公立医疗卫生机构布局规划。
The conditions and configurations to be satisfied by healthcare institutions shall meet the basic standards for healthcare institutions. 医疗卫生机构的条件和配置应当符合医疗卫生机构基本标准。
The health department of the State Council develops the basic standards for healthcare institutions. 医疗卫生机构基本标准由国务院卫生主管部门制定。
Article 36 Public healthcare institutions are not-for-profit institutions founded by a people's government at any level to guarantee that basic healthcare services are fairly available.   第三十六条 公立医疗卫生机构是各级人民政府举办的、保障基本医疗卫生服务公平可及的非营利性机构。
A people's government at or above the county level shall found public healthcare institutions in accordance with the comprehensive plan on their layout. 县级以上人民政府应当按照布局规划举办公立医疗卫生机构。
Article 37 Basic healthcare services, as the institutional arrangements of the state for protecting the health of citizens, are the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of acute and chronic diseases, nursing, rehabilitation, and other services provided by adopting appropriate pharmaceuticals, appropriate technologies, and appropriate equipment.
   第三十七条 基本医疗卫生服务是国家保障公民健康的制度安排,是采用适宜药物、适宜技术、适宜设备提供的急慢性疾病预防、诊断、治疗、护理和康复等服务。

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