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Law of the People's Republic of China on Scientific and Technological Progress (2007 Revision) [Revised]
中华人民共和国科学技术进步法(2007修订) [已被修订]

Order of the President of the People's Republic of China 



The Scientific and Technological ProgressLaw of the People's Republic of Chinawas amended and adopted at the 31st Session of the Standing Committee of the Tenth National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China on December 29, 2007, and the amendedScientific and Technological ProgressLaw of the People's Republic of Chinais hereby promulgated and shall come into force as of July 1, 2008.

President of the People's Republic of China: Hu Jintao
中华人民共和国主席 胡锦涛

December 29, 2007

Scientific and Technological ProgressLaw of the People's Republic of China

(Adopted at the 2nd Session of the Standing Committee of the Eighth National People's Congress on July 2, 1993, and amended at the 31st Session of the Standing Committee of the Tenth National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China on December 29, 2007)
(1993年7月2日第八届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第二次会议通过  2007年12月29日第十届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第三十一次会议修订)

Table of Contents 目 录

Chapter I General Provisions 第一章 总则

Chapter II Scientific Research, Technological Development, and Application of Science and Technology 第二章 科学研究、技术开发与科学技术应用

Chapter III Technological Progress of Enterprises 第三章 企业技术进步

Chapter IV Scientific and Technological Research and Development Institutions 第四章 科学技术研究开发机构

Chapter V Science and Technology Personnel 第五章 科学技术人员

Chapter VI Protection Measures 第六章 保障措施

Chapter VII Legal Liabilities 第七章 法律责任

Chapter VIII Supplementary Provisions 第八章 附则

Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总则

Article 1 This Law is enacted according to the Constitution with a view to promoting scientific and technological progress, bringing into play the role of science and technology as the primary productive force, and promoting the transformation of scientific and technological achievements into real productive force and promoting science and technology to better serve our economic construction and social development.   第一条 为了促进科学技术进步,发挥科学技术第一生产力的作用,促进科学技术成果向现实生产力转化,推动科学技术为经济建设和社会发展服务,根据宪法,制定本法。

Article 2 The state will adhere to the scientific outlook on development, implement the strategy of rejuvenating the country through science and education, practice the science and technology guidelines of making independent innovations and “leapfrog” advances in key areas of science and technology as well as supporting and guiding future development, construct the national innovation system, and build an innovation-oriented country.   第二条 国家坚持科学发展观,实施科教兴国战略,实行自主创新、重点跨越、支撑发展、引领未来的科学技术工作指导方针,构建国家创新体系,建设创新型国家。

Article 3 The State will protect the freedom of scientific and technological research and development, encourage scientific exploration and technological innovation, and protect the legitimate rights and interests of science and technology personnel.   第三条 国家保障科学技术研究开发的自由,鼓励科学探索和技术创新,保护科学技术人员的合法权益。

The whole society shall respect labor, knowledge, talented people and innovation.

Schools and other educational institutions shall adhere to linking theory with practice, and cultivate the ability of educatees to think independently, to practice and to innovate as well as their scientific spirits of pursuing truth, advocating innovation and seeking truth from facts.

Article 4 The economic construction and social development shall rely on science and technology, and the scientific and technological progress shall serve economic construction and social development.   第四条 经济建设和社会发展应当依靠科学技术,科学技术进步工作应当为经济建设和社会发展服务。

The state will encourage scientific and technological research and development, and promote the application of science and technology to innovate traditional industries and develop high-tech industries and social undertakings.

Article 5 The state will promote the popularization of science and technology, popularize scientific and technological knowledge, and raise the scientific and cultural qualities of the whole citizens. The state will encourage government organs, enterprises, public institutions, social groups and citizens to participate in and support scientific and technological progress.   第五条 国家发展科学技术普及事业,普及科学技术知识,提高全体公民的科学文化素质。国家鼓励机关、企业事业组织、社会团体和公民参与和支持科学技术进步活动。

Article 6 The state will encourage the combination among scientific and technological research and development, higher education and industrial development; and encourage the integration and mutual promotion among natural science, human science and social science.   第六条 国家鼓励科学技术研究开发与高等教育、产业发展相结合,鼓励自然科学与人文社会科学交叉融合和相互促进。

The state will strengthen the scientific and technological cooperation among different regions, different industries and different fields; and support the scientific and technological progress of ethnic minority areas, remote areas and poor areas.

The state will strengthen the connection and coordination between science and technology plans for military and civilian purposes, promote mutual exchange between military and civilian scientific and technological resources and military and civilian technological development demands as well as the mutual transfer of technology, and develop the dual-use technology.

Article 7 The state will formulate and implement the intellectual property strategy, establish and improve the intellectual property system, create a social environment of respecting intellectual property, protect intellectual property according to law, and encourage independent innovation.   第七条 国家制定和实施知识产权战略,建立和完善知识产权制度,营造尊重知识产权的社会环境,依法保护知识产权,激励自主创新。

Enterprises, public institutions as well as science and technology personnel shall reinforce the awareness of intellectual property, strengthen the capability of independent innovation, and enhance the capability to utilize, protect and manage the intellectual property.

Article 8 The state will establish and improve the science and technology evaluation system that is good for independent innovation.   第八条 国家建立和完善有利于自主创新的科学技术评价制度。

The science and technology evaluation system shall implement classified evaluation in light of the characteristics of different scientific and technological activities and according to the principle of fairness, equity and openness.

Article 9 The state will add treasury money, formulate policies for industries, taxation, finance and government procurement, etc., encourage and guide the input of social funds, and promote the continuous and stable growth of science and technology research and development funds in the whole society.   第九条 国家加大财政性资金投入,并制定产业、税收、金融、政府采购等政策,鼓励、引导社会资金投入,推动全社会科学技术研究开发经费持续稳定增长。

Article 10 The State Council will lead the work of scientific and technological progress across the country, formulate the scientific and technological development plans, determine major national science and technology projects, major projects closely relating to science and technology, and guarantee the coordination among scientific and technological progress, economic construction and social development.   第十条 国务院领导全国科学技术进步工作,制定科学技术发展规划,确定国家科学技术重大项目、与科学技术密切相关的重大项目,保障科学技术进步与经济建设和社会发展相协调。

The local people's governments at various levels shall take effective measures to promote scientific and technological progress.

Article 11 The administrative department of science and technology under the State Council shall be responsible for the macro management and overall coordination of the work of scientific and technological progress across the country; and other relevant departments under the State Council shall be responsible for the work of scientific and technological progress within the scope of their respective duties.   第十一条 国务院科学技术行政部门负责全国科学技术进步工作的宏观管理和统筹协调;国务院其他有关部门在各自的职责范围内,负责有关的科学技术进步工作。

The administrative department of science and technology under the local people's government at or above the county level shall be responsible for the work of scientific and technological progress within its own jurisdiction; and other relevant departments under the local people's government at or above the county level shall be responsible for the work of scientific and technological progress within the scope of their respective duties.

Article 12 The state will establish the coordination mechanism of scientific and technological progress to study major problems existing in the work of scientific and technological progress, coordinate the establishment of the projects supported by national science and technology foundation or national science and technology programs and the relevant mutual connection work, and coordinate such significant matters as the allocation of scientific and technological resources for military and civilian purposes, the integration of scientific and technological research and development institutions, as well as the combination among scientific and technological research and development, higher education and industrial development.   第十二条 国家建立科学技术进步工作协调机制,研究科学技术进步工作中的重大问题,协调国家科学技术基金和国家科学技术计划项目的设立及相互衔接,协调军用与民用科学技术资源配置、科学技术研究开发机构的整合以及科学技术研究开发与高等教育、产业发展相结合等重大事项。

Article 13 The state will improve the scientific and technological decision-making rules and procedures, set up a normalized consultancy and decision-making mechanism, and promote the scientific and democratic decision making.   第十三条 国家完善科学技术决策的规则和程序,建立规范的咨询和决策机制,推进决策的科学化、民主化。

Opinions of the science and technology personnel shall be fully heeded and the scientific decision shall be made at the time of formulating scientific and technological development plans and significant policies or determining major science and technology projects or major projects closely relating to science and technology.

Article 14 The Government of the People's Republic of China will promote scientific and technological cooperation and exchanges with foreign governments and international organizations, and encourage scientific and technological research and development institutions, institutions of higher learning, science and technology personnel, social organizations of science and technology, enterprises and public institutions to carry out international scientific and technological cooperation and exchanges.   第十四条 中华人民共和国政府发展同外国政府、国际组织之间的科学技术合作与交流,鼓励科学技术研究开发机构、高等学校、科学技术人员、科学技术社会团体和企业事业组织依法开展国际科学技术合作与交流。

Article 15 The state will set up the science and technology awarding system to reward the organizations and individuals that have made outstanding contributions to scientific and technological progress. Specific measures shall be formulated by the State Council.   第十五条 国家建立科学技术奖励制度,对在科学技术进步活动中做出重要贡献的组织和个人给予奖励。具体办法由国务院规定。

The state will encourage domestic and overseas organizations or individuals to set up science and technology awards to reward those that have promoted scientific and technological progress.

Chapter II Scientific Research, Technological Development and Application of Science and Technology 

第二章 科学研究、技术开发与科学技术应用

Article 16 The state will establish the Natural Science Fund to subsidize the basic research and frontier scientific exploration, and train scientific and technological talents.   第十六条 国家设立自然科学基金,资助基础研究和科学前沿探索,培养科学技术人才。

The state will establish the Innovation Fund for Small and Medium S&T Businesses to subsidize technological innovation of medium and small-sized enterprises.

When necessary, the state may establish any other funds to subsidize the scientific and technological progress.

Article 17 An entity or individual may enjoy taxation preferences according to the relevant provisions of the state when:   第十七条 从事下列活动的,按照国家有关规定享受税收优惠:

1. Engaging in technological development, technology transfer, technological consultancy or technological services; (一)从事技术开发、技术转让、技术咨询、技术服务;

2. Importing the supplies for scientific research or technology development that can not be produced at home or the performances of relevant supplies produced at home can not meet the needs; (二)进口国内不能生产或者性能不能满足需要的科学研究或者技术开发用品;

3. Importing key equipment, raw materials, parts and components, which can not be produced at home, in order to enforce national major science and technology special projects or major projects supported by national science and technology programs; or (三)为实施国家重大科学技术专项、国家科学技术计划重大项目,进口国内不能生产的关键设备、原材料或者零部件;

4. Carrying out other kind of scientific research, technological development or application of science and technology as stipulated by the laws or the relevant provisions of the state. (四)法律、国家有关规定规定的其他科学研究、技术开发与科学技术应用活动。

Article 18 The state will encourage financial institutions to carry out the intellectual property pledge business, encourage and guide financial institutions to support the application of science and technology and the development of high-tech industries from the aspect of loans, etc., and encourage insurance institutions to develop new insurance products in light of the needs for the development of high-tech industries.   第十八条 国家鼓励金融机构开展知识产权质押业务,鼓励和引导金融机构在信贷等方面支持科学技术应用和高新技术产业发展,鼓励保险机构根据高新技术产业发展的需要开发保险品种。

Policy financial institutions shall, within the scope of their respective businesses, give the priority of financial services to the application of science and technology and the development of high-tech industries.

Article 19 The state will follow the principle of combining the scientific and technological services for national objects with the encouragement of free exploration, make advance arrangement for and develop basic research, frontier technological research and social welfare technological research, and support the continuous and stable development of basic research, frontier technology research and social welfare technological research.   第十九条 国家遵循科学技术活动服务国家目标与鼓励自由探索相结合的原则,超前部署和发展基础研究、前沿技术研究和社会公益性技术研究,支持基础研究、前沿技术研究和社会公益性技术研究持续、稳定发展。

Scientific and technological research and development institutions, institutions of higher learning, enterprises, public institutions and citizens shall be entitled to independently select topics for basic research, frontier technology research and social welfare technology research.

Article 20 With respect to the invention patent, computer software copyright, exclusive right to layout-design of integrated circuits and new variety right of plant that is formed through a project supported by the science and technology foundation or the science and technology program sponsored by treasury money, the project undertaker may obtain relevant intellectual property rights except those concerning national security, national interests or important public interests.   第二十条 利用财政性资金设立的科学技术基金项目或者科学技术计划项目所形成的发明专利权、计算机软件著作权、集成电路布图设计专有权和植物新品种权,除涉及国家安全、国家利益和重大社会公共利益的外,授权项目承担者依法取得。

The project undertaker shall implement the intellectual property rights stipulated in the preceding paragraph according to law, simultaneously adopt protective measures, and submit an annual report on implementing and protecting relevant intellectual property rights to the department in charge of the project; if the project undertaker fails to implement intellectual property rights, the state may implement them free of charge or may license others to implement them with charge or free of charge.

With respect to the intellectual property rights obtained by the project undertaker according to Paragraph 1 of this Article, for the purpose of national security, national interests or important public interests, the state may implement them free of charge or license others to implement them with charge or free of charge.

The interests produced by the project undertaker from implementing the intellectual property rights stipulated by Paragraph 1 of this Article shall be distributed according to relevant laws or administrative regulations, or according to the agreement if there are no relevant laws or administrative regulations.

Article 21 The state will encourage the use of intellectual property rights, which are formed through projects supported by science and technology foundations or science and technology programs sponsored by treasury money, firstly within the territory of China.   第二十一条 国家鼓励利用财政性资金设立的科学技术基金项目或者科学技术计划项目所形成的知识产权首先在境内使用。

The transfer of intellectual property rights stipulated in the preceding paragraph to overseas organizations or individuals, or the licensing of exclusive use right to overseas organizations or individuals shall be subject to the approval of the department in charge of the project; where any law or administrative regulation otherwise stipulates the approval organ, such law or administrative regulation shall prevail.

Article 22 The state will encourage the introduction of foreign advanced technologies and equipment according to national industrial policies and technology policies.   第二十二条 国家鼓励根据国家的产业政策和技术政策引进国外先进技术、装备。

With respect to the important technologies and equipment introduced by making use of treasury money or state-owned capital, the technological digestion, absorption and re-innovation shall be carried out.

Article 23 The state will encourage and support the basic research and applied research on agricultural science and technology, disseminate and popularize the agricultural scientific and technological knowledge, accelerate the transformation and industrialization of agricultural scientific and technological achievements, and promote agricultural scientific and technological progress.   第二十三条 国家鼓励和支持农业科学技术的基础研究和应用研究,传播和普及农业科学技术知识,加快农业科学技术成果转化和产业化,促进农业科学技术进步。

The people's government at or above the county level shall take measures to support nonprofit agricultural scientific and technological research and development institutions and agricultural technology promotion institutions to research, develop and apply new agricultural varieties and new agricultural technologies.

The local people's governments at various levels shall encourage and guide rural mass science and technology organizations to provide scientific and technological services for the development of farming industry, forestry, animal husbandry and fisheries, etc. as well as to train peasants in the aspect of science and technology.

Article 24 The State Council may approve the establishment of national high-tech industrial development zones when necessary, and give guidance and support to the construction and development of national high-tech industrial development zones, so that such national high-tech industrial development zones can form their own features and advantages and bring their combined effects into play.   第二十四条 国务院可以根据需要批准建立国家高新技术产业开发区,并对国家高新技术产业开发区的建设、发展给予引导和扶持,使其形成特色和优势,发挥集聚效应。

Article 25 With respect to the products and services independently innovated by domestic citizens, legal persons or other organizations, or the products and services the state needs to support with priority, if their performances or technical indicators, etc. can satisfy the requirements for government procurement, the government shall purchase them; if they are put into the market for the first time, the government shall purchase them with priority.   第二十五条 对境内公民、法人或者其他组织自主创新的产品、服务或者国家需要重点扶持的产品、服务,在性能、技术等指标能够满足政府采购需求的条件下,政府采购应当购买;首次投放市场的,政府采购应当率先购买。

Where the products of government procurement are to be researched and developed, the purchaser shall determine scientific and technological research and development institutions, institutions of higher learning or enterprises for research and development by way of bidding and tendering, and order such products.

Article 26 The state will promote the combination of the scientific and technological research and development with the formulation of product and service standards as well as the combination of the scientific and technological research and development with the product design and manufacturing; and guide scientific and technological research and development institutions, institutions of higher learning and enterprises to jointly promote the research, formulation and lawful adoption of the important national technological innovation product and service standards.   第二十六条 国家推动科学技术研究开发与产品、服务标准制定相结合,科学技术研究开发与产品设计、制造相结合;引导科学技术研究开发机构、高等学校、企业共同推进国家重大技术创新产品、服务标准的研究、制定和依法采用。

Article 27 The state will cultivate and develop the technology market, encourage the establishment of intermediary service institutions that engage in technology assessment and technology brokers, etc., guide the establishment of a social, professional and networking technology trading service system, and promote the spread and application of scientific and technological achievements.   第二十七条 国家培育和发展技术市场,鼓励创办从事技术评估、技术经纪等活动的中介服务机构,引导建立社会化、专业化和网络化的技术交易服务体系,推动科学技术成果的推广和应用。

Technology trade shall comply with the principle of free will, equality, mutual benefits, transaction non-gratis and good faith.

Article 28 The state will implement the science and technology confidentiality system, and keep confidential the scientific and technological secrets concerning national security and interests.   第二十八条 国家实行科学技术保密制度,保护涉及国家安全和利益的科学技术秘密。

The state will implement an exit management system to the precious, rare and endangered biological germplasm resources, genetic resources and other scientific and technological resources.

Article 29 The state will prohibit the scientific and technological research and development activities that will damage national security or public interests, or violate ethics.   第二十九条 国家禁止危害国家安全、损害社会公共利益、危害人体健康、违反伦理道德的科学技术研究开发活动。

Chapter III Technological Progress of Enterprises 

第三章 企业技术进步

Article 30 The state will establish a technology innovation system that takes enterprises as the principal body, is market-oriented, and combines the enterprises with the scientific and technological research and development institutions and the institutions of higher learning to guide and support the technological innovation of enterprises, and exert the principal role of enterprises in the technological innovation.   第三十条 国家建立以企业为主体,以市场为导向,企业同科学技术研究开发机构、高等学校相结合的技术创新体系,引导和扶持企业技术创新活动,发挥企业在技术创新中的主体作用。

Article 31 The scientific and technological plans regarding industrial development as formulated by the people's government at or above the county level or any relevant departments thereof shall embody the needs for industrial development.   第三十一条 县级以上人民政府及其有关部门制定的与产业发展相关的科学技术计划,应当体现产业发展的需求。

The people's government at or above the county level and any relevant departments thereof shall, when determining the projects supported by science and technology programs, encourage enterprises to take part in the implementation of such projects and compete equally; and shall encourage enterprises to implement the projects with clear market prospects jointly with the scientific and technological research and development institutions and the institutions of higher learning.

Article 32 The state will encourage enterprises to carry out the following activities:   第三十二条 国家鼓励企业开展下列活动:

1. Establishing an internal science and technology research and development institution; (一)设立内部科学技术研究开发机构;

2. Jointly establishing an internal science and technology research and development institution with any other enterprise, a science and technology research and development institution or institution of higher learning, or carrying out scientific and technological research and development by way of authorization; (二)同其他企业或者科学技术研究开发机构、高等学校联合建立科学技术研究开发机构,或者以委托等方式开展科学技术研究开发;

3. Training, absorbing and hiring science and technology personnel; (三)培养、吸引和使用科学技术人员;

4. Jointly training professional technicians and talents of high skills with a science and technology research and development institution, institution of higher learning, vocational school or training institution, and absorbing college graduates to work for it; (四)同科学技术研究开发机构、高等学校、职业院校或者培训机构联合培养专业技术人才和高技能人才,吸引高等学校毕业生到企业工作;

5. Establishing a postdoctoral workstation according to law; and (五)依法设立博士后工作站;

6. Carrying out science and technology popularization activities in combination with technological innovation and skill training of workers, setting up halls or facilities for the popularization of science and technology and opening them to the general public. (六)结合技术创新和职工技能培训,开展科学技术普及活动,设立向公众开放的普及科学技术的场馆或者设施。

Article 33 The state will encourage enterprises to increase investment into research, development and technological innovation, and freely determine research and development topics, and carry out technological innovation activities.   第三十三条 国家鼓励企业增加研究开发和技术创新的投入,自主确立研究开发课题,开展技术创新活动。

The state will encourage enterprises to digest, absorb and re-innovate the technologies as introduced.

The research and development expenses, which are incurred from the research and development of new technologies, new products, and new techniques by enterprises, can be listed before tax payment and be deducted in addition, and the depreciation of apparatuses and equipment for scientific and technological research and development by enterprises may be accelerated.

Article 34 The state will make use of treasury money to establish funds so as to provide interest discounts and security of loans to enterprises for their independent innovation and achievements' industrialization.   第三十四条 国家利用财政性资金设立基金,为企业自主创新与成果产业化贷款提供贴息、担保。

Policy financial institutions shall, within the scope of their respective businesses, give key support to the independent innovation projects of enterprises as encouraged by the state.

Article 35 The state will improve the capital market, establish and improve the independent innovation promotion mechanism, and support eligible high-tech enterprises to promote their own development by making use of the capital market.   第三十五条 国家完善资本市场,建立健全促进自主创新的机制,支持符合条件的高新技术企业利用资本市场推动自身发展。

The state will encourage the establishment of venture capital investment guidance funds, guide social funds to flow to venture capital investment enterprises, and support enterprises to establish businesses.

Article 36 The following enterprises may enjoy taxation preferences according to the relevant provisions of the state:   第三十六条 下列企业按照国家有关规定享受税收优惠:

1. Enterprises engaging in the development and production of high-tech products; (一)从事高新技术产品研究开发、生产的企业;

2. Venture capital investment enterprises that make investment into medium and small-sized high-tech enterprises; and (二)投资于中小型高新技术企业的创业投资企业;

3. Other enterprises concerning scientific and technological progress as stipulated in laws or administrative regulations. (三)法律、行政法规规定的与科学技术进步有关的其他企业。

Article 37 The state will support the construction of the public research and development platforms and science and technology intermediary service institutions.   第三十七条 国家对公共研究开发平台和科学技术中介服务机构的建设给予支持。

The public research and development platforms and the science and technology intermediary service institutions shall provide services for the technological innovation of medium and small-sized enterprises.

Article 38 The state will protect intellectual property rights obtained by enterprises through research and development. An enterprise shall continue to enhance its capability to utilize, protect and manage intellectual property rights, and reinforce its independent innovation capability and market competitiveness.   第三十八条 国家依法保护企业研究开发所取得的知识产权。企业应当不断提高运用、保护和管理知识产权的能力,增强自主创新能力和市场竞争能力。

Article 39 A state-owned enterprise shall establish and improve a distribution system good for technological innovation, and improve the incentive and restraint mechanism.   第三十九条 国有企业应当建立健全有利于技术创新的分配制度,完善激励约束机制。

The person in charge of a state-owned enterprise shall be responsible for the technological progress of the enterprise. The performance assessment of the person in charge of a state-owned enterprise shall contain the innovation investment, the innovation capacity construction as well as the innovation achievements, etc. of the enterprise.

Article 40 The local people's government at or above the county level and the relevant departments thereof shall create a market environment for fair competition, and promote the technological progress of enterprises.   第四十条 县级以上地方人民政府及其有关部门应当创造公平竞争的市场环境,推动企业技术进步。

The relevant departments under the State Council and the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall, through formulating policies for industries, finance, energy sources and environmental protection, etc., guide and urge enterprises to research and develop new technologies, new products and new techniques, make technological transformation and equipment upgrading, eliminate backward equipment and techniques, and stop the production of backward products.

Chapter IV Scientific and Technological Research and Development Institutions 

第四章 科学技术研究开发机构

Article 41 The state will make an overall planning for the layout of scientific and technological research and development institutions, build and improve the scientific and technological research and development system.   第四十一条 国家统筹规划科学技术研究开发机构的布局,建立和完善科学技术研究开发体系。

Article 42 Citizens, legal persons or other organizations have the right to establish scientific and technological research and development institutions according to law. Foreign organizations or individuals may independently establish scientific and technological research and development institutions within the territory of China, or may jointly establish scientific and technological research and development institutions with the organizations or individuals within the territory of China.   第四十二条 公民、法人或者其他组织有权依法设立科学技术研究开发机构。国外的组织或者个人可以在中国境内依法独立设立科学技术研究开发机构,也可以与中国境内的组织或者个人依法联合设立科学技术研究开发机构。

Scientific and technological research and development institutions that engage in basic research, frontier technological research or social nonprofit technological research may be established by making use of treasury money. The scientific and technological research and development institutions that are established by making use of treasury money shall be optimized and not be established repeatedly; and the scientific and technological research and development institutions established repeatedly shall be integrated.

Scientific and technological research and development institutions or institutions of higher learning may establish postdoctoral workstations according to law. Scientific and technological research and development institutions may establish branches abroad according to law.

Article 43 Scientific and technological research and development institutions have the following rights:   第四十三条 科学技术研究开发机构享有下列权利:

1. Lawfully organizing or participating in academic activities; (一)依法组织或者参加学术活动;

2. Independently determining the direction and projects of scientific and technological research and development according to the relevant provisions of the state, independently deciding internal management affairs such as the use of funds, institutional setup, hiring and reasonable flow of staff members; (二)按照国家有关规定,自主确定科学技术研究开发方向和项目,自主决定经费使用、机构设置和人员聘用及合理流动等内部管理事务;

3. Jointly carrying out scientific and technological research and development with other scientific and technological research and development institutions, institutions of higher learning or enterprises; (三)与其他科学技术研究开发机构、高等学校和企业联合开展科学技术研究开发;

4. Obtaining social donations and subsidies; and (四)获得社会捐赠和资助;

5. Other rights stipulated in laws and administrative regulations. (五)法律、行政法规规定的其他权利。

Article 44 A scientific and technological research and development institution shall carry out scientific and technological research and development according to the articles of association, and shall not practice fraud in scientific and technological activities, nor may it participate in or support superstitious activities.   第四十四条 科学技术研究开发机构应当按照章程的规定开展科学技术研究开发活动;不得在科学技术活动中弄虚作假,不得参加、支持迷信活动。

A scientific and technological research and development institution that is established by making use of treasury money shall carry out scientific and technological research and development for the purpose of national objectives and public interests; and an eligible science and technology research and development institution may open its hall or facilities to the general public for the popularization of science and technology, and carry out scientific and technological popularization activities.

Article 45 A scientific and technological research and development institution that is established by making use of treasury money shall build a modern system of research institutes which has specified duties, makes scientific judgment, is open and orderly, and has normative management, implement the dean-accountability or director-accountability system, build a science and technology committee advisory system and a staff representative conference supervisory system, etc. absorb external experts to participate in the management and be subject to public supervision; and the competitive mechanism shall be introduced for the hiring of the dean or director.   第四十五条 利用财政性资金设立的科学技术研究开发机构应当建立职责明确、评价科学、开放有序、管理规范的现代院所制度,实行院长或者所长负责制,建立科学技术委员会咨询制和职工代表大会监督制等制度,并吸收外部专家参与管理、接受社会监督;院长或者所长的聘用引入竞争机制。

Article 46 A scientific and technological research and development institution that is established by making use of treasury money shall build a mechanism good for the sharing of scientific and technological resources, and promote the effective utilization of scientific and technological resources.   第四十六条 利用财政性资金设立的科学技术研究开发机构,应当建立有利于科学技术资源共享的机制,促进科学技术资源的有效利用。

Article 47 The state will encourage social forces to independently set up scientific and technological research and development institutions, and protect their legal rights and interests from being encroached upon.   第四十七条 国家鼓励社会力量自行创办科学技术研究开发机构,保障其合法权益不受侵犯。

A scientific and technological research and development institution established by social forces has the right to participate in the enforcement of and fairly compete for the projects supported by science and technology foundations or science and technology programs sponsored by treasury money.

A nonprofit science and technology research and development institution that is established by social forces may enjoy taxation preferences according to the relevant provisions of the state.

Chapter V Science and Technology Personnel 

第五章 科学技术人员

Article 48 The science and technology personnel are an important force for the cause of socialist modernization construction. The state will adopt various measures to enhance the social status of science and technology personnel, train and bring up all kinds of specialized science and technology personnel through various means, create favorable environments and conditions, and bring into full play the role of science and technology personnel.   第四十八条 科学技术人员是社会主义现代化建设事业的重要力量。国家采取各种措施,提高科学技术人员的社会地位,通过各种途径,培养和造就各种专门的科学技术人才,创造有利的环境和条件,充分发挥科学技术人员的作用。

Article 49 The people's governments at various levels, enterprises and public institutions shall adopt measures to increase the wages and welfare treatments of science and technology personnel, and grant generous treatments to the science and technology personnel that have made outstanding contributions.   第四十九条 各级人民政府和企业事业组织应当采取措施,提高科学技术人员的工资和福利待遇;对有突出贡献的科学技术人员给予优厚待遇。

Article 50 The people's governments at various levels, enterprises and public institutions shall ensure that the science and technology personnel be entitled to continued education, create environments and conditions for the reasonable flow of science and technology personnel, and bring their advantages into play.   第五十条 各级人民政府和企业事业组织应当保障科学技术人员接受继续教育的权利,并为科学技术人员的合理流动创造环境和条件,发挥其专长。

Article 51 The science and technology personnel may select their own employers in light of their own academic levels and operational capabilities, compete for corresponding positions, and get corresponding posts or titles.   第五十一条 科学技术人员可以根据其学术水平和业务能力依法选择工作单位、竞聘相应的岗位,取得相应的职务或者职称。

Article 52 Where the science and technology personnel work in a harsh or remote region or in a bad or dangerous environment, their employer shall give subsidies to them according to the provisions of the state, and provide occupational health and hygiene protection that correspond to their posts or work places.   第五十二条 科学技术人员在艰苦、边远地区或者恶劣、危险环境中工作,所在单位应当按照国家规定给予补贴,提供其岗位或者工作场所应有的职业健康卫生保护。

Article 53 The young science and technology personnel, ethnic minority science and technology personnel and female science and technology personnel, etc. shall enjoy equal rights in the aspects of competing for professional and technical positions, participating in science and technology evaluation, undertaking scientific and technological research and development projects, and receiving the continued education, etc. The discovery, training and use of young science and technology personnel shall be taken as an important element for evaluating the scientific and technological progress.   第五十三条 青年科学技术人员、少数民族科学技术人员、女性科学技术人员等在竞聘专业技术职务、参与科学技术评价、承担科学技术研究开发项目、接受继续教育等方面享有平等权利。


Article 54 The state will encourage the science and technology personnel that work abroad to come back to the motherland for engaging in scientific and technological research and development. When a science and technology research and development institution or institution of higher learning that is established by making use of treasury money hires the outstanding science and technology personnel that work abroad to come back to the motherland for engaging in scientific and technological research and development, it shall provide convenience to their work and living.   第五十四条 国家鼓励在国外工作的科学技术人员回国从事科学技术研究开发工作。利用财政性资金设立的科学技术研究开发机构、高等学校聘用在国外工作的杰出科学技术人员回国从事科学技术研究开发工作的,应当为其工作和生活提供方便。

Where foreign outstanding science and technology personnel come to China for engaging in scientific and technological research and development, they may obtain the permanent residence permit in China with priority according to the relevant provisions of the state.

Article 55 The science and technology personnel shall promote scientific spirits, comply with academic standards, scrupulously abide by professional ethics, be honest and keep faith; and shall not practice fraud in the scientific and technological activities, nor may they participate in or support superstitious activities.   第五十五条 科学技术人员应当弘扬科学精神,遵守学术规范,恪守职业道德,诚实守信;不得在科学技术活动中弄虚作假,不得参加、支持迷信活动。

Article 56 The state will encourage the science and technology personnel to make exploration freely and undertake risks bravely. If the science and technology personnel have fulfilled the diligence duty in a science and technology research and development project, which is exploration-oriented and has high risks according to original records, but they still can not complete the said project, they shall not be held responsible.   第五十六条 国家鼓励科学技术人员自由探索、勇于承担风险。原始记录能够证明承担探索性强、风险高的科学技术研究开发项目的科学技术人员已经履行了勤勉尽责义务仍不能完成该项目的,给予宽容。

Article 57 The department in charge of the project supported by a science and technology foundation or a science and technology program sponsored by treasury money shall establish academic integrity files for the science and technology personnel that participate in the said project, and take the said files as the basis for hiring the science and technology personnel to professional and technical posts or titles and for examining and approving the scientific and technological research and development projects applied for by the science and technology personnel.   第五十七条 利用财政性资金设立的科学技术基金项目、科学技术计划项目的管理机构,应当为参与项目的科学技术人员建立学术诚信档案,作为对科学技术人员聘任专业技术职务或者职称、审批科学技术人员申请科学技术研究开发项目等的依据。

Article 58 The science and technology personnel have the right to establish or participate in social groups of science and technology.   第五十八条 科学技术人员有依法创办或者参加科学技术社会团体的权利。

The associations of science and technology and other social groups of science and technology shall, according to their own articles of association, bring into play their roles of promoting academic exchanges, pushing the construction of subjects, developing the cause of popularizing science and technology, training specified talents, providing consultancy services, strengthening the self discipline of science and technology personnel, and maintaining the legitimate rights and interests of the science and technology personnel.

The legitimate rights and interests of the associations of science and technology and other social groups of science and technology shall be under the protection of law.

Chapter VI Protection Measures 

第六章 保障措施

Article 59 The state will gradually enhance the overall level of science and technology expenditure; the growth extent of science and technology expenditure from treasury money shall be higher than that of the regular treasury revenue. The proportion of scientific and technological research and development expenditure for the whole society shall account for a suitable proportion of Gross Domestic Product, and the said proportion shall be gradually enhanced.   第五十九条 国家逐步提高科学技术经费投入的总体水平;国家财政用于科学技术经费的增长幅度,应当高于国家财政经常性收入的增长幅度。全社会科学技术研究开发经费应当占国内生产总值适当的比例,并逐步提高。

Article 60 The treasury money of science and technology shall be mainly used for the investment into the following matters:   第六十条 财政性科学技术资金应当主要用于下列事项的投入:

1. Construction of the basic conditions and facilities for science and technology; (一)科学技术基础条件与设施建设;

2. Basic research; (二)基础研究;

3. Frontier technological research, social nonprofit technological research and important common technological research that play strategic, fundamental and forward-looking roles in economic construction and social development; (三)对经济建设和社会发展具有战略性、基础性、前瞻性作用的前沿技术研究、社会公益性技术研究和重大共性关键技术研究;

4. Application of important common technologies, and modeling of high-tech industrialization; (四)重大共性关键技术应用和高新技术产业化示范;

5. Research and development of new agricultural varieties and technologies, application and dissemination of agricultural scientific and technological achievements; and (五)农业新品种、新技术的研究开发和农业科学技术成果的应用、推广;

6. Popularization of science and technology. (六)科学技术普及。

The state will support the scientific and technological research and development institutions, which are established by making use of treasury money, from the aspects of expense and experimental means, etc.

Article 61 The departments of audit and finance shall supervise and inspect the management and use of the treasury science and technology funds.   第六十一条 审计机关、财政部门应当依法对财政性科学技术资金的管理和使用情况进行监督检查。

No organization or individual may falsely report, claim under pretences, embezzle, misappropriate or detain the treasury science and technology funds.

Article 62 The determination of the project supported by a science and technology foundation sponsored by treasury money shall comply with the principle of macro guidance, independent application, equal competition, evaluation by peers, and support to the best; and the undertaker of the project supported by a science and technology program sponsored by treasury money shall be determined from the best ones according to the relevant provisions of the state.   第六十二条 确定利用财政性资金设立的科学技术基金项目,应当坚持宏观引导、自主申请、平等竞争、同行评审、择优支持的原则;确定利用财政性资金设立的科学技术计划项目的项目承担者,应当按照国家有关规定择优确定。

The department in charge of the project supported by a science and technology foundation or science and technology program sponsored by treasury money shall establish an appraisal expert base, establish and improve the expert appraisal system of the project supported by the science and technology foundation or the science and technology program as well as the systems for selection, withdrawal and accountability of appraisal experts.

Article 63 The state will follow the principle of overall planning and optimal allocation, integrate and set up national experimental bases for scientific and technological research.   第六十三条 国家遵循统筹规划、优化配置的原则,整合和设置国家科学技术研究实验基地。

The state will encourage the setup of comprehensive science and technology experimental service institutions to provide science and technology experimental services for the scientific and technological research and development institutions, institutions of higher learning, enterprises and the science and technology personnel, or authorize others to provide the said services.

Article 64 In view of the needs for scientific and technological progress, the state will formulate the plan for purchase of large-scale scientific apparatuses and equipment according to the principle of overall planning, giving prominence to the sharing, optimal allocation, comprehensive integration, leading by government and establishment by many sides, and carry out the joint deliberation of large-scale scientific apparatuses and equipment that are purchased mainly by treasury money.   第六十四条 国家根据科学技术进步的需要,按照统筹规划、突出共享、优化配置、综合集成、政府主导、多方共建的原则,制定购置大型科学仪器、设备的规划,并开展对以财政性资金为主购置的大型科学仪器、设备的联合评议工作。

Article 65 The administrative department of science and technology under the State Council shall, jointly with other relevant administrative departments under the State Council, establish the information system of scientific and technological research bases, scientific apparatuses and equipment, science and technology books, science and technology data, science and technology natural resources, resources for popularization of science and technology and other scientific and technological resources, and timely announce the layout and use of scientific and technological resources to the general public.   第六十五条 国务院科学技术行政部门应当会同国务院有关主管部门,建立科学技术研究基地、科学仪器设备和科学技术文献、科学技术数据、科学技术自然资源、科学技术普及资源等科学技术资源的信息系统,及时向社会公布科学技术资源的分布、使用情况。

The department in charge of scientific and technological resources shall announce the sharing and using system and the utilization situation regarding the scientific and technological resources under its charge, and arrange the use thereof according to the using system, unless the scientific and technological resources shall be kept confidential according to any laws or administrative regulations.

The department in charge of scientific and technological resources shall not encroach upon the intellectual property rights of scientific and technological resource users, and determine the charging rates according to the relevant provisions of the state. Other rights and obligations between the department in charge and the users shall be agreed upon by both parties.

Article 66 The state will encourage domestic and foreign organizations or individuals to donate properties to set up science and technology funds and to subsidize scientific and technological research and development as well as the popularization of science and technology.   第六十六条 国家鼓励国内外的组织或者个人捐赠财产、设立科学技术基金,资助科学技术研究开发和科学技术普及。

Chapter VII Legal Liabilities 

第七章 法律责任

Article 67 Where any institution violates this Law by falsely reporting, claiming under pretences, embezzling, misappropriating or detaining the treasury money for scientific and technological progress, it shall be ordered to make correction according to the provisions on punishments and sanctions against illegal financial acts, treasury money shall be recovered, illegal proceeds shall be confiscated, and administrative punishments shall be given according to law; and the principal leading personnel and other persons held to be directly responsible shall be punished according to law.   第六十七条 违反本法规定,虚报、冒领、贪污、挪用、截留用于科学技术进步的财政性资金,依照有关财政违法行为处罚处分的规定责令改正,追回有关财政性资金和违法所得,依法给予行政处罚;对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员依法给予处分。

Article 68 Where any institution violates this Law by failing to fulfill the obligation of sharing large-scale scientific apparatuses and equipment or other scientific and technological resources after having purchased them by making use of treasury money or state-owned capital, the relevant administrative department shall order it to make correction; and the principal leading personnel and other persons held to be directly responsible shall be punished according to law.   第六十八条 违反本法规定,利用财政性资金和国有资本购置大型科学仪器、设备后,不履行大型科学仪器、设备等科学技术资源共享使用义务的,由有关主管部门责令改正,对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员依法给予处分。

Article 69 Where any institution violates this Law by misusing authorities and restricting or oppressing scientific and technological research and development, the principal leading personnel and other persons held to be directly responsible shall be punished according to law.   第六十九条 违反本法规定,滥用职权,限制、压制科学技术研究开发活动的,对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员依法给予处分。

Article 70 Where any science and technology person violates this Law by copying or plagiarizing the scientific and technological achievements of any other or practicing fraud in the scientific and technological activities, his employer or the relevant administrative department shall order him to make correction, and the principal leading personnel and other persons held to be directly responsible shall be punished according to law. Where treasury money for scientific and technological progress has been obtained or there is illegal proceeds, the relevant administrative department shall recover treasury money and confiscate illegal proceeds. Where the circumstances are serious, his employer or the department in charge shall announce his illegal act to the general public, and ban him from applying for any projects supported by science and technology foundations or science and technology programs within a certain period of time.   第七十条 违反本法规定,抄袭、剽窃他人科学技术成果,或者在科学技术活动中弄虚作假的,由科学技术人员所在单位或者单位主管机关责令改正,对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员依法给予处分;获得用于科学技术进步的财政性资金或者有违法所得的,由有关主管部门追回财政性资金和违法所得;情节严重的,由所在单位或者单位主管机关向社会公布其违法行为,禁止其在一定期限内申请国家科学技术基金项目和国家科学技术计划项目。

Article 71 Where any entity or individual violates this Law by swindling the National Science and Technology Award, the department in charge shall cancel the Award according to law, recover the Award and give punishment according to law.   第七十一条 违反本法规定,骗取国家科学技术奖励的,由主管部门依法撤销奖励,追回奖金,并依法给予处分。

Where any recommending entity or individual violates this Law by providing false data and materials to assist any others in swindling the National Science and Technology Award, the department in charge shall circulate a notice of criticism; where the circumstances are serious, its or his recommendation qualification shall be suspended or cancelled, and it or he shall be punished according to law.

Article 72 Where the administrative department of science and technology, any other relevant department or any of its functionaries violates this Law by misusing authorities, neglecting duties, practicing favoritism or resorting to deception, the principal leading personnel and other persons held to be directly responsible shall be punished according to law.   第七十二条 违反本法规定,科学技术行政等有关部门及其工作人员滥用职权、玩忽职守、徇私舞弊的,对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员依法给予处分。

Article 73 Where any entity or individual violates this Law, and any other laws or administrative regulations provide for corresponding administrative punishments, such laws or administrative regulations shall prevail; where property loss or any other damage is caused, it or he shall assume civil liability; and where a crime is constituted, it or he shall be subject to criminal liability.   第七十三条 违反本法规定,其他法律、法规规定行政处罚的,依照其规定;造成财产损失或者其他损害的,依法承担民事责任;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。

Chapter VIII Supplementary Provisions 

第八章 附则

Article 74 Other matters concerning national defense science and technology shall be stipulated by the State Council and the Central Military Commission.   第七十四条 涉及国防科学技术的其他有关事项,由国务院、中央军事委员会规定。

Article 75 This Law shall come into force as of July 1, 2008.   第七十五条 本法自2008年7月1日起施行。(相关资料:修订沿革条文释义
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