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Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Administration of Import and Export of Technologies [Revised]
中华人民共和国技术进出口管理条例 [已被修订]

Decree of the State Council of P. R. China 


(No. 331)

The Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Administration of Import and Export of Technologies have been adopted by the 46th Regular Meeting of the State Council and are hereby published. These Regulations shall be implemented starting from January 1, 2002.

ZHU Rongji Premier of the State Council
总理 朱镕基

December 10, 2001

Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Administration of Import and Export of Technologies


第一章 总则

ARTICLE 1 These regulations are formulated in accordance with the Foreign Trade Law of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter "Foreign Trade Law") and other relevant laws and regulations in order to provide rules for the administration of import and export of technologies, safeguard the order of import and export of technologies and promote national economic and social development.   第一条 为了规范技术进出口管理,维护技术进出口秩序,促进国民经济和社会发展,根据《中华人民共和国对外贸易法》(以下简称对外贸易法)及其他有关法律的有关规定,制定本条例。

ARTICLE 2 Import and export of technologies in these Regulations refer to the transfer of technologies from outside of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter "P.R.C.") into P.R.C. or from inside of P.R.C. to outside of P.R.C. by way of foreign trade, investment, or economic or technological cooperation.   第二条 本条例所称技术进出口,是指从中华人民共和国境外向中华人民共和国境内,或者从中华人民共和国境内向中华人民共和国境外,通过贸易、投资或者经济技术合作的方式转移技术的行为。

Such transfer includes assignment of patent rights or rights to apply for patents, licensing of rights to implement patents, assignment of technical know-how, technical service and etc.

ARTICLE 3 The State adopts a unified system for the administration of import and export of technologies in order to safeguard fairness and freedom of import and export of technologies.   第三条 国家对技术进出口实行统一的管理制度,依法维护公平、自由的技术进出口秩序。

ARTICLE 4 Import and export of technologies should be conducted in accordance with the industrial, technological and social development policies of the State and in the interest of the scientific and technological progress and the development of economic and technological cooperation between China and other countries, and of the protection of the economic and technological rights and interests of China.   第四条 技术进出口应当符合国家的产业政策、科技政策和社会发展政策,有利于促进我国科技进步和对外经济技术合作的发展,有利于维护我国经济技术权益。

ARTICLE 5 The State permits free import and export of technologies unless otherwise forbidden by laws and administrative regulations.   第五条 国家准许技术的自由进出口;但是,法律、行政法规另有规定的除外。

ARTICLE 6 The Director of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation under the State Council (hereinafter "the Director under the State Council") has the responsibility to administer the import and export of technologies of the whole country in accordance with the Foreign Trade Law and these Regulations. The directors in charge of foreign trade and economic cooperation under the People's Governments of provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities under the direct control of the Central Government have the responsibility to administer the import and export of technologies within their administrative areas.   第六条 国务院对外经济贸易主管部门(以下简称国务院外经贸主管部门)依照对外贸易法和本条例的规定,负责全国的技术进出口管理工作。省、自治区、直辖市人民政府外经贸主管部门根据国务院外经贸主管部门的授权,负责本行政区域内的技术进出口管理工作。

Other relevant authorities under the State Council shall also have the responsibility to administer projects of importing and exporting of technologies in accordance with regulations of the State Council.


第二章 技术进口管理

ARTICLE 7 The State encourages the import of advanced and useful technologies.   第七条 国家鼓励先进、适用的技术进口。

ARTICLE 8 Import of technologies which fall within the scope of Article 16 or 17 of the Foreign Trade Law shall be prohibited or restricted.   第八条 有对外贸易法十六条、第十七条规定情形之一的技术,禁止或者限制进口。

The Director under the State Council shall, together with other relevant authorities under the State Council, formulate, readjust and publish the Catalogue of Prohibited or Restricted Import Technologies.

ARTICLE 9 Technologies that are prohibited from being imported shall not be imported.   第九条 属于禁止进口的技术,不得进口。

ARTICLE 10 Technologies that are subject to restricted importation can be imported only with licenses.   第十条 属于限制进口的技术,实行许可证管理;未经许可,不得进口。

ARTICLE 11 To import technologies that are restricted in being imported, an application shall be submitted to the Director under the State Council together with supportive documents.   第十一条 进口属于限制进口的技术,应当向国务院外经贸主管部门提出技术进口申请并附有关文件。

In case a prior approval for import of technologies is needed, the approval documents of the relevant authorities shall also be submitted.

ARTICLE 12 Upon receiving the application, the Director shall review the application together with the relevant authorities under the State Council, and shall decide to approve or disapprove the application within 30 working days of receiving the application.   第十二条 国务院外经贸主管部门收到技术进口申请后,应当会同国务院有关部门对申请进行审查,并自收到申请之日起30个工作日内作出批准或者不批准的决定。

ARTICLE 13 If the application is approved, the Director under the State Council shall issue a Preliminary License for import of technologies.   第十三条 技术进口申请经批准的,由国务院外经贸主管部门发给技术进口许可意向书。

The importer of the technologies may enter into contracts of import of technologies upon obtaining the Preliminary License.

ARTICLE 14 Upon signing the contract of import of technologies, the importer shall submit copies of the contract, together with other supportive documents, to the Director under the State Council in order to apply for a License of Import of Technologies.   第十四条 进口经营者签订技术进口合同后,应当向国务院外经贸主管部门提交技术进口合同副本及有关文件,申请技术进口许可证。

The Director under the State Council shall, upon reviewing the authenticity of the contract, decide to grant or not to grant the License of Import of Technologies within 10 working days of receiving the above the documents.

ARTICLE 15 The importer may, when submitting the application to the Director under the State Council in accordance with Article 11 of these Regulations, also submit copies of the contract of import of technologies which are already signed.   第十五条 申请人依照本条例第十一条的规定向国务院外经贸主管部门提出技术进口申请时,可以一并提交已经签订的技术进口合同副本。

The Director under the State Council shall review both the application and the authenticity of the contract, and shall decide to grant or not to grant the License within 40 working days of receiving the above documents.

ARTICLE 16 If deciding to grant the License, the Director under the State Council shall issue the License of Import of Technologies. The contract of import of technologies shall be effective upon the date when the License is issued.   第十六条 技术进口经许可的,由国务院外经贸主管部门颁发技术进口许可证。技术进口合同自技术进口许可证颁发之日起生效。

ARTICLE 17 Technologies that can be imported freely may be imported only by registering the import contracts.   第十七条 对属于自由进口的技术,实行合同登记管理。

The contracts of import of technologies that can be imported freely shall become effective in accordance with the law and shall not be subject to the registration of the contracts.

ARTICLE 18 To import technologies that can be imported freely, the following documents shall be submitted to the Director under the State Council for purpose of registration of the contract of import of technologies:   第十八条 进口属于自由进口的技术,应当向国务院外经贸主管部门办理登记,并提交下列文件:

(1) An application letter, (一)技术进口合同登记申请书;

(2) Copies of the contracts of import of technologies, (二)技术进口合同副本;

(3) Documents evidencing the legal status of the contractual parties. (三)签约双方法律地位的证明文件。

ARTICLE 19 The Director under the State Council shall register the contract and issue registration certificate within 3 days of receiving the documents listed in Article 18.   第十九条 国务院外经贸主管部门应当自收到本条例第十八条规定的文件之日起3个工作日内,对技术进口合同进行登记,颁发技术进口合同登记证。

ARTICLE 20 The importer shall present the License or the registration certificate in order to go through the formalities at the authorities of foreign exchange, banking, taxation and customs.
   第二十条 申请人凭技术进口许可证或者技术进口合同登记证,办理外汇、银行、税务、海关等相关手续。

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