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Notice by the Beijing Office of the China Insurance Regulatory Commission of Amending the Measures for the Administration of the Personal Insurance Business Operations in Beijing Area [Effective]
北京保监局关于修订《北京地区人身保险经营行为管理办法》的通知(2018) [现行有效]

Notice by the Beijing Office of the China Insurance Regulatory Commission of Amending the Measures for the Administration of the Personal Insurance Business Operations in Beijing Area 


(No. 81 [2018] of the Beijing Office of the China Insurance Regulatory Commission) (京保监发〔2018〕81号)

Beijing branches of all insurance companies, Tian'an Life Insurance Co., Ltd., Old Mutual-Guodian Life Insurance Co., Ltd., Shin Kong-HNA Life Insurance Company Ltd., Hong Kang Life Insurance Co., Ltd., New China Pension Co., Ltd., Aixin Life Insurance Co., Ltd., Beijing Life Insurance Co., Ltd., Hyundai Insurance (China) Company Limited, Generali China Insurance Co., Ltd., Union Property and Casualty Insurance Co., Ltd., China Railway Property Self-Insurance Co., Ltd., Anxin Property & Casualty Insurance Co., Ltd., professional insurance agencies in Beijing, Beijing Insurance Association and Beijing Insurance Intermediary Association: 各保险公司北京分公司,天安人寿保险股份有限公司、瑞泰人寿保险有限公司、新光海航人寿保险有限责任公司、弘康人寿保险股份有限公司、新华养老保险股份有限公司、爱心人寿保险股份有限公司、北京人寿保险股份有限公司、现代财产保险(中国)有限公司、中意财产保险有限公司、合众财产保险股份有限公司、中国铁路财产保险自保有限公司、安心财产保险有限责任公司,各在京保险专业代理机构,北京保险行业协会、北京保险中介行业协会:
To meet the needs for the development of the insurance market in Beijing, the Beijing Office of the China Insurance Regulatory Commission has amended the Measures for the Administration of the Personal Insurance Business Operations in Beijing Area (No. 213 [2014] of the Beijing Office, CIRC). The revised Measures for the Administration of the Personal Insurance Business Operations in Beijing Area are hereby issued to you. All personal insurance companies shall forward these Measures to concurrent-business insurance agencies as partnerships. All property insurance companies shall be governed only by the relevant provisions of Chapter 9 “Accident Insurance Business Management” of these Measures. 为适应北京保险市场发展需要,我局对《北京地区人身保险经营行为管理办法》(京保监发〔2014〕213号)进行修订。现将修订后的《北京地区人身保险经营行为管理办法》印发给你们。各人身保险公司应将本办法转发至有合作关系的保险兼业代理机构。各财产保险公司仅适用于本办法第九章意外险业务管理相关规定。
Beijing Office of the China Insurance Regulatory Commission 中国保监会北京监管局
July 17, 2018 2018年7月17日
Measures for the Administration of the Personal Insurance Business Operations in Beijing Area 北京地区人身保险经营行为管理办法
Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总 则

Article 1 For the purposes of regulating personal insurance business operations and safeguarding the interests of policy holders, the insured, and the general public, these Measures are developed in light of the actual conditions pursuant to the Insurance Law of the People's Republic of China, the Provisions on the Administration of Insurance Companies, and the Measures for the Administration of the Disclosure of Information on New-Type Personal Insurance Products, Measures for the Supervision and Administration of Insurance Sales Personnel, and other laws and regulations.   第一条 为了规范人身保险经营行为,维护投保人、被保险人和社会公众利益,根据《保险法》和《保险公司管理规定》《人身保险新型产品信息披露管理办法》《保险销售从业人员监管办法》等法律法规,结合北京市场实际,制定本办法。
Article 2 The personal insurance business operations of insurance companies and insurance agencies in Beijing shall comply with the laws, administrative regulations, and the relevant provisions of the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission and these Measures.   第二条 北京地区保险公司及保险代理机构的人身保险经营行为,应当符合法律、行政法规、中国银保监会的有关规定和本办法。
Article 3. The Beijing Insurance Association and the Beijing Insurance Intermediary Association shall, through information disclosure, information system management, and consumer education and other ways, maximize the industry's self-regulation, encourage more insurance sales personnel to act in good faith and strengthen compliance supervision and inspection of sales behavior to improve the industry's quality of sales.   第三条 北京保险行业协会和北京保险中介行业协会应通过信息披露、信息系统管理、消费者教育等多种方式充分发挥行业自律作用,加强对保险销售从业人员诚信引导,加强对销售行为合规性的监督检查,促进行业提升销售品质。
Chapter II Sales Process Management 

第二章 销售过程管理

Article 4 Personal insurance companies and insurance agencies shall strengthen the organization and control of sales training, and the training courseware, training handouts and other materials related to sales terms shall be subject to the compliance review by the company.   第四条 各人身保险公司和保险代理机构应加强销售培训的组织和管控,培训课件、培训讲义和销售用语等材料需经本公司或本机构合规审查后方可使用。
Article 5 Personal insurance companies shall properly keep training courseware, training handouts, sales terms sign-in forms and other materials for not less than five years.   第五条 各人身保险公司应按次妥善保存培训课件、培训讲义、销售用语和签到表等资料,保存时间不得少于5年。
Article 6 Personal insurance companies shall manage publicity materials in a centralized manner, and affiliates below branches, insurance agencies or individuals shall be prohibited from printing publicity materials by themselves or from using illegal publicity materials. Insurance agencies shall review and record the publicity materials provided by insurance companies, and shall not use the publicity materials printed by the head offices of non-insurance companies or their authorized branches.   第六条 各人身保险公司应统一管理宣传资料,禁止分公司以下分支机构、保险代理机构或个人自行印制宣传资料或使用违规宣传资料。保险代理机构应对保险公司提供的宣传资料进行审查并记录存档,不得使用非保险公司总公司或其授权的分公司印制的宣传资料。
Article 7 The relevant management information systems of personal insurance companies shall have the function of verifying the qualification of agencies, and as for the insurance agencies that fail to obtain the license issued by the insurance regulator or whose licenses expire, the core business systems shall conduct automatic control and shall not issue policies.   第七条 各人身保险公司相关管理信息系统应具备对代理机构资质信息进行校验的功能,对于未取得保险监管部门核发许可证或许可证过期的保险代理机构,核心业务系统应自动予以控制,不予出单。
Insurance companies operating the personal accident insurance business shall not be governed by this Article. 保险公司经营个人意外伤害保险业务不执行本条规定。
Article 8 As for personal insurance agent business, a personal insurance company shall state on the policies the names of insurance agencies and insurance sales personnel and other information.   第八条 对于人身保险代理业务,各人身保险公司应在保单上载明保险代理机构名称和保险销售从业人员姓名等内容。
Article 9 The brokerage business of personal insurance companies shall be governed mutatis mutandis by the provisions of the aforesaid Articles 7 and 8.   第九条 各人身保险公司经纪业务参照上述第七条至第八条要求执行。
Chapter III Product Presentation Management 

第三章 产品说明会管理

Article 10 For the purpose of these Measures, the product presentation is a type of business sales activity organized by insurance companies and their branches in the form of, among others, meetings and lectures in an attempt to publicize or sell insurance products. The activities designed to publicize or sell insurance products, such as customer clubs and customer appreciation events, shall also be governed by the provisions of this Chapter.   第十条 本办法所称产品说明会是指各人身保险公司及其分支机构组织的,以宣传或销售保险产品为目的,以会议、讲座等形式开展的业务销售活动。以宣传或销售保险产品为目的的客户联谊会、客户答谢会等活动也适用本章规定。
Article 11 The product presentation shall be managed in a centralized way by branches of personal insurance companies or the departments designated by their head offices in Beijing directly engaged in business.   第十一条 产品说明会应由人身保险公司分公司或在京直接经营业务人身保险公司总公司指定部门进行统一管理。
Article 12 Personal insurance companies shall make centralized management of all kinds of publicity materials and lecture handouts and courseware distributed and used in the product presentation. The above-mentioned publicity materials, handouts and lecture courseware shall be subject to compliance review before use. The hosts and lecturers of a product presentation and other staff attending the conference shall assume the corresponding liabilities for what they present at the product presentation.   第十二条 各人身保险公司应统一管理在产品说明会上所散发和使用的各类宣传品资料、讲解人员使用的讲义内容和讲课课件。上述宣传品资料、讲义内容和讲课课件需经公司合规审查后方可使用。产品说明会主持人、讲解人员及其他参会工作人员应对其在产品说明会上的宣讲内容承担相应责任。
Article 13 Personal insurance companies shall strengthen the management of product presentation lecturers and provide them with centralized training.   第十三条 各人身保险公司应加强对产品说明会讲解人员的管理,统一培训。
Article 14 The whole-process of video recording shall be conducted for the presentation of personal insurance products with a term of more than one year. And in the whole process of producing audio-visual materials, the lecturers and their courseware shall be recorded from the front, and cutting and editing shall not be allowed. Insurance companies shall adopt technical means to improve recording quality in order to ensure that the picture and sound of audio-video materials can clearly reproduce the product presentation.   第十四条 一年期以上人身保险产品的产品说明会应进行全程录像。声像资料应全程正面摄录讲解人及其讲解课件,不得剪接编辑。各人身保险公司应采取技术手段提高摄录质量,确保声像资料的画面及其声音可以清晰再现产品说明会讲解情况。
Article 15 The organizer of a product presentation shall, within 7 working days after the event, file the following information with the department designated by the branch of the personal insurance company. These filing information shall at least include:   第十五条 产品说明会举办单位应在会后7个工作日内将以下资料向人身保险公司分公司指定部门备案,备案资料至少包括:
(1) The time, place and organizer of the product presentation; 1.产品说明会召开时间、地点、举办方;
(2) The list of host and lecturers of the product presentation as well as other staff and branch or head office leaders; 2.产品说明会主持人、讲解人及其他参会工作人员、分公司或总公司参会领导名单;
(3) The agenda of the product presentation, the lecturers' courseware and handouts for presentation (such as PPT) and other publicity materials demonstrated and distributed in the venue; 3.产品说明会议程流程、讲解人员演示的课件讲义内容(如PPT)以及其他在会场演示和散发的其他宣传资料;
(4) The number of customers participating in the product presentation, list of marketing staff, and statistics of policies signed on the spot; 4.参加产品说明会的客户人数,营销员名单,现场签单情况统计;
(5) The audio-visual materials of the whole-process video recording for the presentation of personal insurance products with a term of more than one year; 5.一年期以上人身保险产品的产品说明会全程录像的声像资料;
(6) Other information which, in the opinion of personal insurance companies, shall be kept. 6.各人身保险公司认为应保存的其他资料。
Branches of personal insurance companies or their head offices in Beijing directly engaged in business shall properly keep the above information for not less than five years. 各人身保险分公司或在京直接经营业务人身保险公司总公司应妥善保存上述资料,保存时间不得少于5年。
Article 16 Personal insurance companies shall establish and improve their management systems and processes for product presentation to ensure the thorough implementation of policies.   第十六条 各人身保险公司应建立完善本公司有关产品说明会的管理制度和流程,确保政策执行到位。
Article 17 Personal insurance companies shall conduct centralized management of the business sales activities (including customer clubs and customer appreciation events that aim to publicize or sell insurance products) organized by the insurance sales personnel of these companies in the form of, among others, meetings and lectures with an intention to publicize or sell insurance products.   第十七条 各人身保险公司应对本公司保险销售从业人员组织的,以宣传或销售本公司保险产品为目的、以会议、讲座等形式开展的业务销售活动,包括以宣传或销售保险产品为目的的客户联谊会、客户答谢会等进行统一管理。
The business sales activities (including customer clubs and customer appreciation events that aim to publicize or sell insurance products), organized by insurance agencies in the form of, among others, meetings and lectures with a view to publicizing or selling insurance products, shall be managed in a centralized manner in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter.

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