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Human Rights Record of the United States in 2017 & Chronology of Human Rights Violations of the United States in 2017

Human Rights Record of the United States in 2017 & Chronology of Human Rights Violations of the United States in 2017



The report, titled "Human Rights Record of the United States in 2017 & Chronology of Human Rights Violations of the United States in 2017", was released by the Information Office of the State Council on April 24, 2018. Following is the full text of the report: 国务院新闻办公室4月24日发表《2017年美国的人权纪录》和《2017年美国侵犯人权事记》,全文如下:
Human Rights Record of the United States in 2017 2017年美国的人权纪录
State Council Information Office of the People's Republic of China 中华人民共和国国务院新闻办公室
April 2018 2018年4月
Contents 目录
Foreword 导言
I. Serious Infringement on Civil Rights 一、公民权利遭受严重侵犯
II. Systematic racial discrimination aggravates social split 二、系统性种族歧视加剧社会撕裂
III. Severe flaws in American-style democracy 三、美式民主存在严重弊端
IV. Rich-Poor Divide Continues Widening 四、贫富分化现象持续恶化
V. Special Groups Suffer Discrimination and Physical Assault 五、特定群体遭受歧视和人身侵犯
VI. Continued Violations of Human Rights in Other Countries 六、继续粗暴侵犯他国人权
Foreword 导言
On April 20 local time, the State Department of the United States released its country reports on human rights practices for 2017, posing once again as "the guardian of human rights" and a self-styled "human rights judge." It continued to point fingers and cast groundless blame on the domestic affairs and human rights situation of other countries as if it had the most perfect human rights condition in the world. However, looking back on the year of 2017, even those with the slightest sense of righteousness will find that the human rights record of the United States itself remained tarnished and showed a continued deterioration tendency. 当地时间4月20日,美国国务院发布《2017年国别人权报告》,继续扮演“人权卫士”,以道德裁判官自居,对他国国内事务和人权状况横加指责,妄言谬评,似乎在这个世界上只有美国的人权状况是最完美的。回顾2017年,稍有正义感的人们都会发现,美国自身的人权纪录依旧劣迹斑斑,并呈持续恶化的趋势。
-- On the evening of October 1, 2017, almost 60 people were killed and over 800 injured in a mass shooting in Las Vegas, the deadliest mass shooting in modern U.S. history. --2017年10月1日晚,拉斯维加斯发生美国现代史上最为严重的枪击案,造成近60人死亡、800余人受伤。
-- In August 2017, some white supremacists rallied in Charlottesville, chanting Nazi slogans in the "largest hate gathering in decades". --2017年8月,一些白人至上主义者聚集夏洛茨维尔市,高呼纳粹口号,举行被称为“几十年来最大的仇恨聚会”。
-- According to reports on The Atlantic website and New York Times website, several polls of American scholars revealed that most of the respondents believed that quality of democracy in the United States had been plateauing for decades, and that American democracy is drowning in money. --美国《大西洋》月刊网站和《纽约时报》网站等报道,多项对美国学者的调查显示,大多数受访者认为近几十年来美国民主一直停滞不前,美国的民主正在被金钱淹没。
-- A research from Martin Gilens, a politics professor at Princeton University, showed that American economic policies over the last 40 years “strongly reflect the preferences of the most affluent, but bear virtually no relationship to the preferences of poor or middle-income Americans.” --普林斯顿大学政治学教授马丁·吉伦斯的研究表明,过去40年来美国的经济政策“强烈反映了最富有者的偏好,而与贫困人口和中等收入群体的偏好几乎没有任何关系”。
-- A study from the U.S. National Registry of Exonerations released on March 7, 2017 showed that black Americans were about seven times more likely to be wrongfully convicted of murder than white Americans. When it comes to drug crimes, black Americans are about 12 times more likely to be wrongfully convicted than innocent white people. Black male offenders received sentences on average 19.1 percent longer than those of “similarly situated” white male offenders. --美国全国免罪记录中心2017年3月7日发布的研究报告显示,非洲裔美国人被误判谋杀罪的可能性比白人高7倍,被误判毒品犯罪的可能性是白人的12倍。针对同样罪行,非洲裔男性罪犯的刑期比白人男性罪犯平均高19.1%。
-- The Economic Policy Institute released a report on February 13, 2017, saying that the average wealth for white families is seven times higher than average wealth for black families and that median white wealth is twelve times higher than median black wealth. More than one in four black households had zero or negative net worth. --美国经济政策研究所2017年2月13日发表的报告显示,白人家庭的平均财富比非洲裔家庭高7倍以上,白人家庭财富中位值比非洲裔家庭财富中位值高12倍以上,超过四分之一非洲裔家庭的净资产为零或负数。
--According to websites of The Guardian and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights in December 2017, 52.3 million Americans lived in “economically distressed communities” and 18.5 million were living in deep poverty. --据英国《卫报》网站和联合国人权高专办网站2017年12月报道,美国有5230万人生活在“经济贫困社区”,约1850万人处于极度贫困状态。
-- A report of BBC on December 11, 2017 said that of those living in poverty in the United States, there were about 13.3 million children – 18 percent of those under the age of 18. The U.S. Urban Institute statistics revealed that nearly 9 million children in the United States (11.8 percent of American children) would grow up in persistently poor families. --英国广播公司网站2017年12月11日报道,美国有1330万贫困儿童,占儿童总人口的18%;美国城市研究所的数据显示,美国有近900万儿童在持续贫困的家庭中成长,占儿童总人口的11.8%。
I. Serious Infringement on Civil Rights 一、公民权利遭受严重侵犯
Violent crime was on the rise in the United States, the government exercised no effective control over guns which caused continuous growth of gun incidents, power abuse by American police sparked mass protests, and government surveillance infringed individual privacy. As a result, civil rights of the American people, especially the right to life and freedom, were seriously threatened. 美国暴力犯罪攀升,枪支泛滥问题依然难解,枪击案件持续高发,警察暴力执法引发广泛抗议,政府肆意侵犯个人网络隐私权,人民的生命和自由受到严重威胁。
Violent crime was on the rise in the United States. According to the FBI's annual report on national crime statistics released in September 2017, there were an estimated 1.2 million violent crimes in the United States in 2016, an increase of 4.1 percent from 2015. It showed the estimated rate of violent crime was 386.3 offenses per 100,000 inhabitants, up 3.4 percent compared with the 2015 rate. The estimated number of aggravated assaults, murders and rapes in the nation in 2016 increased 5.1 percent, 8.6 percent and 4.9 percent, respectively, when compared with the 2015 estimate (www.fbi.gov, ucr.fbi.gov, September 2017). 暴力犯罪居高不下。美国联邦调查局2017年9月发布的《2016年美国犯罪报告》显示,2016年美国共发生暴力犯罪约120万起,较2015年增加4.1%;平均每十万居民中发生386.3起,较2015年增长3.4%。与2015年相比,严重暴力伤害案增加5.1%,谋杀案增加8.6%,强奸案增加4.9%。(注1)
Ineffective gun control has caused continuous growth of gun violence in the United States. A Pew Research Center survey showed that at least two-thirds of the surveyed Americans had lived in a household with a gun at some point in their lives (www.pewsocialtrends.org, June 22, 2017). Seventy-three percent of the homicides for which the FBI received weapons data in 2016 involved the use of firearms, according to the FBI's annual report on national crime statistics released in September 2017(www.ucr.fbi.gov, September 2017). According to the Gun Violence Archive of 2017, as of December 25, the total number of incidents in the United States was 60,091, which killed 15,182 and injured 30,619. Among the incidents, 338 were mass shooting (www.gunviolencearchive.org, December 25, 2017). On October 1, 2017, a gunman, named as 64-year-old Nevada resident Stephen Paddock, opened fire from the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay Hotel in Las Vegas towards an open-air music festival attended by 22,000. Nearly 60 people were killed and about 500 injured in the mass shooting, the deadliest in modern U.S. history (www.bbc.com, October 2, 2017). The police found 42 guns, thousands of bullets, and explosives in Paddock's hotel room and his home. On November 5, 2017, at least 26 were dead and 20 were injured after a man dressed in black entered First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs, Texas armed with a rifle and opened fire on its congregation. Those shot ranged from 5 to 72 years old. 枪支泛滥导致枪击事件持续高发。皮尤研究中心调查显示,至少三分之二的被调查者称他们的家庭有过枪支。(注2)美国联邦调查局《2016年美国犯罪报告》显示,2016年73%的凶杀案涉枪。(注3)美国枪支暴力档案室《2017年枪支暴力伤亡统计》显示,截至12月25日,2017年美国共发生枪击事件60091起,共造成15182人死亡、30619人受伤,其中大规模枪击事件338起。(注4)2017年10月1日晚,64岁的白人男子史蒂芬·帕多克在拉斯维加斯从曼德勒海湾宾馆32层的房间向楼下露天演唱会2万多名观众开枪扫射。枪击持续了10至15分钟,造成近60人死亡、500余人受伤。这是美国现代史上最为严重的枪击案。(注5)事后,警察在其酒店房间与家中共搜出42支枪、数千发子弹及爆炸物。11月5日,得克萨斯州萨瑟兰泉镇发生恶性枪击案,至少造成26人死亡、20人受伤,死伤者的年龄从5岁到72岁不等。
U.S. police abused their law enforcement power. According to statistics released by the FBI, law enforcement made an estimated 10,662,252 arrests nationwide in 2016. (Note: the UCR Program does not collect data on citations for traffic violations.) Thearrest rate for the United States in 2016 was 3,298.5 arrests per 100,000 inhabitants (ucr.fbi.gov, September 2017). According to The Washington Post's Fatal Force database, 987 people were shot by police in 2017. The Washington Post reported on July 26, 2017, that American police shot and killed a man while trying to serve a warrant at the wrong house. The man didn't have a warrant out for his arrest or a criminal record. Statistics released by Pew Research Center on January 11, 2017, showed that since 2015, almost 500 blacks had been fatally shot by police (www.pewsocialtrends.org, January 11, 2017). Huffington post reported on November 7, 2017, that two American detectives Eddie Martins, 37, and Richard Hall, 33, were arrested on charges including raping a woman in a police van in New York after finding her in possession of marijuana and anti-anxiety pills. 警察滥用执法权力。美国联邦调查局2017年发布的数据显示,2016年美国执法部门共实施10662252次逮捕(不包括违反交通规则的逮捕),平均每十万居民中有3298.5人被逮捕。(注6)据《华盛顿邮报》网站统计,2017年美国有987人被警察枪击致死。(注7)《华盛顿邮报》网站2017年7月26日报道,两名警察在执行逮捕令的过程中走错地址,枪杀了一名无辜者,而受害人并无任何犯罪记录。皮尤研究中心2017年1月11日披露,在过去两年中有近500名非洲裔美国人被警方枪杀。(注8)《赫芬顿邮报》网站2017年11月7日报道,纽约两名警员在搜查毒品的过程中,将一名藏有大麻的女子扣留在警车里并实施了轮奸。
Violent law enforcement by American police sparked mass protests in the United States. On February 22, 2017, hundreds of people took to the streets of Anaheim, Calif., for a sprawling protest that was sparked by video footage showing an off-duty Los Angeles police officer firing his gun during a confrontation with teenagers a day earlier. Police said they had arrested 23 people during the protests that followed (www.washingtonpost.com, February 23, 2017). Protesters in St. Louis on the night of September 15, 2017, blocked highways, damaged public and private property, broke windows, threw rocks at the mayor's house and threw bricks at police officers after a white former police officer earlier in the day was acquitted in the 2011 fatal shooting of a black man. Thirty-two protesters were arrested. “Time and time again, African-American men are killed by police, and nobody is held accountable,” said one protester (abcnews.go.com, September 16, 2017). 警察暴力执法引发广泛抗议。2017年2月22日晚,数百人走上加利福尼亚州阿纳海姆市街头,抗议一天前一名不当值的洛杉矶警员在与几名青少年的争执中开枪。警方逮捕了23名抗议者。(注9)9月15日晚,因枪杀非洲裔男性的前白人警察杰森·斯托克利当日被无罪释放,圣路易斯市发生了严重的暴力抗议事件,32名示威者被捕。抗议者表示,“一次又一次,非洲裔美国人被警察杀害,但没有人对此承担责任。”(注10)
Online surveillance by the U.S. government infringed individual privacy. According to a report by Daily Mail on April 6, 2017, Twitter refused a government demand to reveal who was behind an account opposed to President Donald Trump's tough immigration policies. The company filed a federal lawsuit to block the order, citing freedom of speech as a basis for not turning over records about the account. The New York Times reported on September 13, 2017, that there were nearly 15,000 forced searches of phones and laptops in the United States from October 2016 to March 2017, compared with 8,383 in the same period a year before. According to a report by the Independent on September 27, 2017, the American government quietly announced that it was planning on continuing to collect social media information on immigrants in America, a policy that has experts worried about privacy abuses and inefficiency. César Cuauhtémoc García Hernández, an associate professor of law at the University of Denver's Sturm College of Law, said that monitoring social media accounts could have a chilling effect on free speech. The U.S. Department of Justice was investigating protesters who exercised their First Amendment rights of free assembly at Donald Trump's inauguration in January 2017. The Justice Department has demanded the company DreamHost turn over some 1.3 million IP addresses of people who visited a website coordinating Inauguration Day protests(edition.cnn.com, August 17, 2017). 网络监控侵犯个人隐私。英国《每日邮报》网站2017年4月6日报道,推特公司2017年3月收到行政命令,要求其提供反对美国总统强硬移民政策的账户使用者的信息,政府并未给出任何理由。该公司认为,政府是在滥用法律。《纽约时报》网站2017年9月13日报道,2016年10月至2017年3月,美国边检强制搜查手机和电脑近15000次,比2015年同期的8383次大幅提升。英国《独立报》网站2017年9月27日报道,美国政府宣布将继续收集移民的社交媒体信息。丹佛大学法学副教授塞萨尔·赫尔南德斯认为,监控社交媒体账户会对言论自由产生可怕的影响。美国司法部对发生在总统就职日的抗议活动展开调查,要求“梦的主人”公司交出负责协调抗议活动网站130万访问者的IP地址。(注11)
(注2) 皮尤社会趋势网站(http://www.pewsocialtrends.org),2017年6月22日。
(注3) 美国联邦调查局网站(https://ucr.fbi.gov),2017年9月。
(注5) 英国广播公司网站(http://www.bbc.com),2017年10月2日。
(注6) 美国联邦调查局网站(https://ucr.fbi.gov),2017年9月。
(注10) 美国广播公司网站(http://abcnews.go.com),2017年9月16日。
(注11) 美国有线电视新闻网(http://edition.cnn.com),2017年8月17日。
II. Systematic racial discrimination aggravates social split 二、系统性种族歧视加剧社会撕裂
The existing problems of racial discrimination in the United States have not been eased, but racial relations continue to worsen. Social antagonism has been intensified and racial conflicts frequently occurred. 美国既有的种族歧视问题未见缓解,种族关系进一步恶化,社会对立加剧,种族冲突频发。
Systematic racial discrimination exists in law enforcement and judicial organs. According to the website of the Huffingtong Post on November 18, 2017, a report of the U.S. Sentencing Commission released in November said that black male offenders received sentences on average of 19.1 percent longer than those of “similarly situated” white male offenders. According to the study from the National Registry of Exonerations, which was released on March 7, 2017, and examined cases from 1989 to October 2016, African Americans are far more likely to be wrongfully convicted of crimes such as murder, sexual assault and illegal drug activity than white people. Of the 1,900 defendants convicted of crimes and later exonerated, 47 percent were African Americans -- three times their representation in the population (www.aljazeera.com, March 8, 2017). According to a report by the Stanford Open Policing Project released on June 19, 2017, based on analysis of more than 60 million police stops in 20 states, black and Latino drivers face a double standard and police require far less suspicion to search them than their white counterparts. Black and Latino drivers are about twice as likely to be searched compared with whites. After being stopped, black and Latino drivers are ticketed, searched and arrested more often than whites. For example, when pulled over for speeding, black drivers are 20 percent more likely than whites and Latino drivers 30 percent more likely than whites to be ticketed (www.latimes.com, June 19, 2017). According to statistics by the Mapping Police Violence released at its website on January 1, 2018, the U.S. police have killed 1,129 people in 2017, of whom 25 percent were black people, much higher than their population distribution of 13 percent. 执法司法领域存在系统性的种族歧视。《赫芬顿邮报》网站2017年11月18日报道,美国量刑委员会2017年11月的报告发现,针对同样罪行,非洲裔男性罪犯的刑期比白人男性罪犯平均高19.1%。据美国全国免罪记录中心2017年3月7日发布的研究报告,对1989年至2016年10月被改判无罪案例的分析发现,非洲裔美国人比白人更容易被误判犯有谋杀罪、性侵犯、非法毒品活动等罪行。在1900名被宣判有罪但后来改判无罪的被告人中,非洲裔占47%,是其人口比例的3倍。(注12)斯坦福大学“警务公开项目”2017年6月19日发布研究报告,对美国20个州6000万次警察交通拦截数据的分析显示,警察在执法中对非洲裔、拉美裔司机适用与白人不同的标准,对他们进行搜查所需要的怀疑理由要远少于白人。非洲裔、拉美裔司机被警察拦截检查的可能性是白人的两倍。一旦被拦截,他们更容易被罚款、搜查乃至逮捕。例如,当因超速行驶而被要求靠边停车后,他们被开罚单的可能性比白人分别高20%和30%。(注13)“警察暴力地图”网站2018年1月1日发布的统计数据显示,美国警察2017年共杀死1129人,其中非洲裔占25%,远高于其13%的人口比例。
According to a CNN report on September 1, 2017, a white police lieutenant Greg Abbott in the U.S. state of Georgia who has been an officer for more than 20 years stopped a white female driver. The woman said she was scared to move her hands and Abbott interrupted her and said, "You're not black. Remember, we only kill black people." On September 8, 2017, the AP reported that six black Philadelphia police officers filed complaints against their inspectors. Their complaints include referring to black civilians as “scum” and calling black civilian killings “thinning the herd.” 美国有线电视新闻网2017年9月1日报道,佐治亚州一名已有20年警龄的白人警官格雷格·阿伯特拦检一位白人女性司机,当被拦截的司机表示因担心警察开枪而不敢挪动双手时,阿伯特脱口而出:“你不是黑人。记住,我们只杀黑人。”美联社2017年9月8日报道,费城警察局6名非洲裔警察对上级警官提出涉及种族主义的投诉,称这些白人警官将非洲裔公民称为“人渣”,将杀害非洲裔公民称为“减少牲畜存栏数”。
Racist hate crimes hit record high in recent years. According to a new statistical report released by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) on November 13, 2017, a total of 6,121 hate crimes in the United States were reported to the FBI in 2016, to a point not seen in recent history. In the days after the November 2016 presidential election, an increase in racist slogans and hateful messages was reported, especially in schools. The Southern Poverty Law Center found 867 cases of hateful harassment or intimidation in the 10 days after the election (edition.cnn.com, November 13, 2017). According to a report by the website of Al Jazeera on June 10, 2017, white man Adam Purinton, 52, was accused of shouting "get out of my country" as he shot dead one Indian man and injured another at a bar in Kansas. According to the website of New York Post on October 31, 2017, in the summer of 2016, police arrested three men who smashed more than 40 headstones and spray-painted racial slurs and offensive phrases on many headstones that had Asian names on them at a Queens cemetery. 种族仇恨犯罪创近年新高。美国联邦调查局2017年11月13日公布的统计数据显示,2016年美国共发生6121起仇恨犯罪,达到了近年来未曾有过的高点。2016年11月美国总统选举后,种族主义口号和信息明显增长,特别是在学校中。南方贫困法律中心在选举日后的10天里发现了867起仇恨骚扰或恐吓事件。(注14)半岛电视台网站2017年6月10日报道,52岁的白人男子亚当·普林顿在堪萨斯州一个酒吧内高喊“滚出我的国家”,并对两名印度裔男子开枪射击,致一死一伤。《纽约邮报》网站2017年10月31日报道,3名男子涉嫌于2016年夏天在纽约皇后区公墓毁损40余块墓碑,并在带有亚裔姓名的墓碑上喷涂不堪入目的种族攻击性话语。
White nationalist protesters sparked violent confrontations. In August 2017, some white nationalists and right-wing protesters converged on Charlottesville, Virginia, shouting "blood and soil," a phrase invoking the Nazi philosophy (edition.cnn.com, August 12, 2017). White nationalist James Alex Fields Jr., 20, drove a car plowing into a group of protesters against white nationalists, killing one person and injuring 19 others (www.cbsnews.com, August 12, 2017). According to a report by the Telegraph on August 13, 2017, U.S. civil rights groups described the riot as America's "largest hate gathering in decades." On August 23, Anastasia Crickley, Chairperson of UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD), said that “We are alarmed by the racist demonstrations, with overtly racist slogans, chants and salutes by white nationalists, neo-Nazis, and the Ku Klux Klan, promoting white supremacy and inciting racial discrimination and hatred.” UN rights experts criticized U.S. government's failure to unequivocally reject racist violent events, and called on high-level politicians and public officials of the United States to unequivocally and unconditionally reject and condemn racist hate speech and crimes in Charlottesville and throughout the country (www.un.org, August 23, 2017). 白人至上主义游行引发暴力冲突。2017年8月,一些白人种族主义者和右翼抗议者聚集在弗吉尼亚州的夏洛茨维尔市游行示威,高喊着“鲜血与土地”的纳粹战斗口号。(注15)20岁的白人至上主义者詹姆斯·菲尔茨驾驶汽车高速撞向抗议白人至上主义游行的人群,致使1人死亡、19人受伤。(注16)英国《每日电讯报》网站2017年8月13日报道,美国民权团体将这次白人至上主义游行描述为“几十年来最大的仇恨聚会”。针对这一事件,8月23日联合国消除种族歧视委员会主席阿纳斯塔西娅·克里科里指出:“我们对白人民族主义者、新纳粹和三K党以公开的种族主义口号和仪式进行的种族主义游行感到极度震惊,这种行为助长了白人至上主义并煽动种族歧视和仇恨。”她对美国政府未能明确反对种族暴力行径提出了批评,并呼吁美国的政治家和政府官员对发生在夏洛茨维尔和全美国的种族仇恨演讲及犯罪予以无条件的、明确的谴责与抵制。(注17)
Racial relations worsened. According to a Gallup poll released on March 15 last year, 42 percent of Americans say they personally worry a "great deal" about race relations in the United States, up seven percentage points from 2016 and a record high in Gallup's 17-year trend. This is the third straight year worries about this issue have increased by a significant margin. A survey, conducted by Pew Research Center in August, 2017, showed that 58 percent of Americans say racism is a “big problem in our society,” up 8 percentage points in the past two years and having roughly doubled since 2011 (www.pewresearch.org, August 29,2017). According to a report by BBC website on September 26, 2017, in 2016, National Football League (NFL) player Colin Kaepernick refused to stand up and kneeled during the national anthem. "I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color," he said. A number of players have joined Colin Kaepernick since his demonstrations began. 种族关系恶化。盖洛普网站2017年3月15日发布的民意测验数据显示,42%的美国民众表示对美国的种族关系感到极度担忧,比2016年高7个百分点。这是该数据连续第三年大幅增加,也是盖洛普调查17年来的最高纪录。皮尤研究中心2017年8月的调查结果显示,58%的受访者认为种族主义是美国社会的一个大问题,比两年前增加了8个百分点,比2011年大约翻了一番。(注18)英国广播公司网站2017年9月26日报道,2016年美国职业橄榄球联盟非洲裔球星凯珀尼克在比赛现场播放美国国歌时拒绝起立,并以半跪的方式面对国旗。他表示:“我不会站起来去给一个压迫非洲裔和其他有色人种的国家的国旗致敬。”此后,许多美国职业橄榄球联盟球员纷纷加入他的行列。
Racial discrimination occurred frequently. According to a report by BBC website on May 31, 2017, NBA superstar LeBron James said that the "N-word" was spray painted on to his Los Angeles home. He said that racism will always be a part of America, and hate in America - especially for African-Americans - is living every day. The New York Post reported on September 15, 2017 that a volunteer firefighter in Ohio has posted racist remarks on Facebook, saying he'd save a dog from a burning house before a black man. “That's because one dog is more important than a million n——,” he said. According to a report by the website of New York Daily News on November 3, 2017, two Asian school board candidates in central New Jersey received a racist attack. Residents in Edison received postcards that had photos of the two with “deport” stamped over their faces. Pew Research Center survey showed that some minority groups more frequently encounter harassment that carries racial overtones. A quarter of black Americans and ten percent of Hispanic Americans say they have been targeted online due to their race or ethnicity (www.pewresearch.org, July 25, 2017). 种族歧视事件频繁发生。英国广播公司网站2017年5月31日报道,美国篮球职业联赛巨星勒布朗·詹姆斯在洛杉矶的住所被人喷涂了表示“黑鬼”的字母。他指出,种族主义永远是美国的一部分,在美国现实中,对非洲裔美国人的仇恨天天存在。《纽约邮报》网站2017年9月15日报道,俄亥俄州一名志愿消防队员在社交平台上发表种族主义言论,声称“在发生火灾的房子里,我宁愿选择先救狗而不是黑鬼”,“那是因为一只狗比一百万个(黑鬼)更重要”。《纽约每日新闻》网站2017年11月3日报道,新泽西州爱迪生市两名亚裔学校委员会候选人遭遇种族主义攻击,市民们收到印着这两位亚裔候选人照片的明信片,脸上被打上了种族主义口号。皮尤研究中心的调查显示,少数族裔群体更加频繁地遭遇带有种族歧视色彩的网络骚扰。四分之一的非洲裔和十分之一的拉美裔美国人表示因为种族或族裔的原因而在网络上受到骚扰。(注19)
Minority groups have lower employment rate and are paid less. According to a report by the website of Los Angeles Times on September 15, 2017, since the Labor Department began keeping track of unemployment by race in the early 1970s, the black unemployment rate is nearly double the white unemployment rate. In 1979, the average black man in America earned 80 percent as much per hour as the average white man. By 2016, that shortfall had worsened to 70 percent, according to research from the San Francisco Fed (www.washingtonpost.com, September 5, 2017). A report by the website of USA Today on December 16, 2017, said that nationwide, the typical black household earns just 61 percent of the money that the typical white household earns. In Erie, Pennsylvania, the unemployment rate for white people is four percent, while that for black people is up to 24.6 percent. The median income for black people is only 43.2 percent of that for white people. A report by the website of USA Today on October 3, 2017, said that representation of all minority groups is declining in technology companies. According to a report released on March 29, 2017, by a San Francisco-based HR tech company, black people make up only two to three percent of the white-collar workforce — significantly less than their total workforce participation rate of 12 percent. Only about 5 percent of Hispanic workforce contributes to white-collar jobs (www.ibtimes.com, March 31, 2017). 少数族裔群体在就业、薪酬等方面处于全方位的劣势。《洛杉矶时报》网站2017年9月15日报道,从美国劳工部20世纪70年代开始记录失业率以来,非洲裔的失业率一直接近于白人的两倍。旧金山联邦储备银行2017年9月5日发布的研究报告显示,1979年非洲裔的时薪是白人的80%,到2016年已经下降到70%。(注20)《今日美国报》网站2017年12月16日报道,在全国范围内,典型的非洲裔家庭的收入仅为普通白人家庭收入的61%。在宾夕法尼亚州伊利市,白人失业率为4%,非洲裔却高达24.6%,非洲裔收入的中位值仅为白人的43.2%。《今日美国报》网站2017年10月3日报道,所有少数族裔群体在高科技行业从业人员的比重都在下降。旧金山一家人力资源技术公司2017年3月29日发布的研究报告显示,虽然非洲裔和拉美裔劳动人口占美国劳动人口的比例都超过12%,但非洲裔在白领劳动力中仅占2%-3%,拉美裔仅占5%。(注21)
Racial wealth gap becomes larger. According to data released by the Federal Reserve in September last year, between 2013 and 2016, wealth gap between black and white families grew by 16 percent during that time, and by 14 percent between Hispanics and whites. In 2016, white families had a median net worth of 171,000 U.S. dollars, compared with 17,600 U.S. dollars for blacks and 20,700 U.S. dollars for Hispanics, accounting for 10.29 percent and 12.11 percent of that for white families respectively (www.washingtonpost, September 28, 2017). The report issued by the Economic Policy Institute on February 13, 2017, said that more than one in four black households have zero or negative net worth (www.epi.org, February 13, 2017). The median income for an African American household was 39,490 U.S. dollars in 2016, according to U.S. Census Bureau data released in September 2017, even 1,873 U.S. dollars less than that in 2000. African Americans are the only racial group the Census Bureau identifies that has been left behind than the year of 2000 (www.latimes.com, September 15, 2017). 种族间财富差距日益扩大。美国联邦储备委员会2017年9月公布的数据显示,2013年至2016年,非洲裔和拉美裔与白人之间的贫富差距分别增长了16%和14%。2016年美国白人家庭净资产中位值为171000美元,而非洲裔仅为17600美元,拉美裔为20700美元,分别为白人家庭的10.29%和12.11%。(注22)美国经济政策研究所2017年2月13日发表的报告显示,超过四分之一非洲裔家庭的净资产为零或负数。(注23)美国人口普查局2017年9月公布的数据显示,2016年非洲裔美国家庭收入中位值是39490美元,比2000年还低1873美元,是唯一收入低于2000年水平的种族群体。(注24)
Muslims suffered from discrimination and assaults. On January 27, 2017, the U.S. government issued an order to ban on the entry of citizens from seven Muslim-majority countries: Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen. The order was labeled as "Muslim ban" as countries involved were mainly Muslim population, and aroused protests in the United States and the world. In a Pew Research Center survey conducted in early 2017, three-quarters of Muslim American adults say there is “a lot” of discrimination against Muslims in the United States, a view shared by 69 percent adults in the general public. In addition, half of U.S. Muslim adults say that in recent years it has become more difficult to be a Muslim in the United States. According to a Pew Research Center analysis of hate crimes statistics from the FBI, the number of assaults against Muslims in the United States rose significantly between 2015 and 2016, surpassing the modern peak reached in 2001, the year of the September 11 terrorist attacks (www.pewresearch.org, November 15, 2017). 穆斯林遭受歧视与攻击。2017年1月27日,美国政府发布一项行政命令,禁止伊朗、伊拉克、利比亚、索马里、苏丹、叙利亚和也门等7个国家的公民进入美国。由于禁令所涉国家均以穆斯林人口为主,因此该行政令也被普遍解读为“穆斯林禁令”。这一禁令在美国国内和世界各地都引发了广泛抗议。皮尤研究中心2017年初的一项调查显示,75%的美国成年穆斯林表示美国社会存在大量对穆斯林的歧视,69%的普通公众也持相同观点。50%的穆斯林表示,近年来在美国做一名穆斯林变得更加困难。皮尤研究中心对美国联邦调查局仇恨犯罪统计数据的分析显示,2015年至2016年,在美国针对穆斯林的攻击事件数量显著增长,超过了2001年“9·11”事件后的峰值。(注25)
(注14) 美国有线电视新闻网(http://edition.cnn.com),2017年11月13日。
(注16) 哥伦比亚广播公司新闻网(https://www.cbsnews.com),2017年8月12日。
(注17) 联合国网站(http://www.un.org),2017年8月23日。
(注18) 皮尤研究中心网站(http://www.pewresearch.org),2017年8月29日。
(注19) 皮尤研究中心网站(http://www.pewresearch.org),2017年7月25日。
(注23) 经济政策研究所网站(http://www.epi.org),2017年2月13日。
III Severe flaws in American-style democracy 三、美式民主存在严重弊端
Money politics in United States has gone further in 2017, as the wealthy groups controlled the political development; the disadvantaged groups faced more barriers in voting; and continuous scandals of political figures happened. 美国金钱政治持续发酵,富人主导政治走向,弱势群体行使投票权面临更严苛的限制,政治人物丑闻频发。
Money politics made inequality worse. The Financial Times website said on July 15, 2017 that the U.S. political system has been so warped by big money. According to Federal Election Commission data, dozens of political action committees collected tens of millions of dollars in the first season of 2017. Individual donors contributed 236.4 million U.S. dollars to political action committees and related political entities, roughly 30 percent more than the recorded contribution during the same span following the 2012 presidential election (www.bizjournals.com, May 8, 2017). The website of the Center for Responsive Politics on December 27, 2017, presented data which showed the lobbying spending in 2017 was the highest in the past five years(www.opensecrets.org, December 27, 2017). The New York Times website said in its commentary on September 20, 2017 that “American democracy is drowning in money”. The money politics has made American economic policies over the last 40 years “strongly reflect the preferences of the most affluent, but bear virtually no relationship to the preferences of poor or middle-income Americans.” 金钱政治加剧不平等。英国《金融时报》网站2017年7月15日指出,“美国的政治体系已经被巨额资金所扭曲。”美国联邦选举委员会的数据显示,数十个政治行动委员会在2017年第一季度共筹集数千万美元的资金。个人捐助者向政治行动委员会和有关政治实体捐助了2.364亿美元,与2013年第一季度相比增加了约30%。(注26)美国政治响应中心网站12月27日的数据显示,美国2017年的政治游说支出达到近五年来的最高值。(注27)《纽约时报》网站2017年9月20日的评论称,“美国的民主正在被金钱淹没。”金钱政治使得美国过去40年的经济政策“强烈反映了最富有者的偏好,而与贫困人口和中等收入美国人的偏好几乎没有任何关系”。
Democratic politics went weakening. An expert survey on American democracy showed that 89 percent of respondents believed the democratic quality in the United States had declined over the last 10 years (www.authwarningsurvey.com, June 28, 2017). The Atlantic website reported on June 21, 2017 that most interviewees of a survey on U.S. democracy disagreed that the U.S. met standards for granting citizens an equal opportunity to vote, stopping officials from exploiting their public office for private gain, and conducting politics and formulating policy. 民主政治走向衰退。一项对专家的调查显示,89%的受访者认为过去10年来美国民主质量一直在下降。(注28)美国《大西洋》月刊网站2017年6月21日报道,一项关于美国民主状况的调查显示,大多数受访者认为,在给予公民平等的投票机会、阻止官员利用公职谋取私利以及民主决策等方面,美国政府是失败的。
Low-income voters faced more severe barriers. A report on November 21, 2017 from the website of Newsweek magazine said that hundreds of thousands of Americans were being denied the right to vote because they are poor. In nine states, legislators have enacted laws that disenfranchise anyone with outstanding legal fees or court fines. In Alabama, more than 100,000 people who owe money – roughly 3 percent of the state's voting-age population – have been struck from voting rolls. The report commented that preventing people from voting because they owe legal fees or court fines muzzle low-income Americans at a time in the nation's history when the rich have more political power than ever. 低收入者的投票权受到更严苛的限制。美国《新闻周刊》网站2017年11月21日报道,成千上万的美国人因贫穷而被剥夺了投票权。已有9个州通过立法,剥夺任何未付律师费或法院罚款者的投票权。仅在亚拉巴马州,就有超过10万名欠费者被剔除出选民名单,约占该州选民人口的3%。文章评论道,“我们国家正处于有史以来富人比以往任何时候都更有政治权力的时代,不让欠律师费或法庭罚款的人投票,更是封住了低收入群体的口。”
Older and physically challenged voters encountered more barriers. The New York Times website reported on November 24, 2017 that voting machines at polling places made it difficult for the elderly and disabled citizens of any age to vote. A survey of 178 polling places showed that the great majority still had impediments outside — like steep ramps or inadequate parking — or inside that could discourage or exclude disabled voters. 老年人、残疾人行使投票权面临更多障碍。《纽约时报》网站2017年11月24日报道,美国投票站设置的投票机器很难被老年人或残疾人使用。一项针对178个投票站使用情况的调查显示,绝大多数投票站内外都存在通行障碍,如坡道过陡或车位不足,使残疾选民无法参与投票。
The media was suppressed. In 2017, a number of news organizations were rejected by the U.S. government in press conferences and other official activities and the CNN, New York Times, and other media organizations were barred from White House briefings. Press freedom in the United States is at its lowest point in 13 years, according to a report in 2017(www.cnn.com, April 28, 2017). Another survey from the Pew Research Center on April 4, 2017 showed that 73 percent of adult respondents believed the tensions between the government and the news media were getting in the way of access to important national political news and information(www.journalism.org, April 4, 2017). 新闻媒体受到压制。2017年,多家媒体在参加政府新闻发布和官方活动报道时受到政府排斥,美国有线电视新闻网和《纽约时报》等一些媒体甚至被禁止参加白宫新闻发布会。2017年的一项调查报告显示,美国的新闻自由度跌至13年来最低点。(注29)皮尤研究中心2017年4月4日调查显示,73%的成年受访者认为美国现任政府与新闻媒体之间的紧张关系阻碍了他们获取国家的政治新闻和信息。(注30)
Corruption scandals broke out. A survey in 2017 showed that nearly six in 10 Americans believed the level of government corruption has risen in 2017, and nearly seven in 10 people said the government was doing a bad job at combating corruption. The website of CBS News reported on March 14, 2017 that nine military officers including the retired Navy admiral Bruce Loveless were indicted in a bribery scandal as they accepted the services of prostitutes, lavish meals and fancy trips from a defense contractor. The case has charged more than 20 former or current Navy officials.

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