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Joint Declaration of the Seventh Japan-China-ROK Trilateral Summit

Joint Declaration of the Seventh Japan-China-ROK Trilateral Summit



We, the leaders of the People's Republic of China, Japan and the Republic of Korea met in Tokyo, Japan on May 9, 2018, on the occasion of the Seventh Trilateral Summit. 2018年5月9日,我们,中华人民共和国、日本国和大韩民国的领导人,在日本东京举行第七次中日韩领导人会议。
We appreciate the positive developments in various areas of trilateral cooperation as envisioned in the Joint Declaration adopted at the last Summit in November 2015 in Seoul. We also note that trilateral cooperation has contributed to building a regional platform for peace and cooperation in this region. In this regard, we renew our commitment to making further efforts towards deepening and broadening such cooperation. 我们赞赏2015年11月首尔第六次中日韩领导人会议发表联合宣言以来,三国各领域合作取得的积极进展。我们认识到三国合作有利于构建地区和平合作平台。鉴此,我们重申将致力于进一步深化和拓展三国合作。
We acknowledge the responsibility we share in ensuring peace and stability in the region and the world, and as the three major economies with the total Gross Domestic Product amounting to more than 20% of that of the world, we recognize the important role we play in demonstrating a path for world prosperity. 我们认识到三国对确保地区及世界和平稳定肩负共同责任。三国国内生产总值之和超过世界总量的20%,应为增进世界繁荣发挥重要作用。我们重申携手应对地区和全球挑战。
We therefore reiterate our commitment to working together to address both regional and global challenges. Appreciating and reaffirming the Trilateral Cooperation Secretariat (TCS)'s role in advancing trilateral cooperation, we express support for the capacity-building of the TCS and its broader participation in the trilateral cooperation mechanisms. In addition, we reaffirm that the launching of the Trilateral Cooperation Fund will be instrumental for the development of trilateral cooperation projects. 我们赞赏并重申中日韩合作秘书处对推进三国合作的作用,支持秘书处加强能力建设并更广泛地参与三国合作。我们重申启动三国合作基金有助于实施三国合作项目。
Trilateral Cooperation 三国合作
We concur on the significance of holding the Trilateral Summit on a regular basis to lend political impetus to trilateral cooperation and dialogue in a wide variety of areas, including political, economic, social, and sustainable development fields. Reaffirming that the three countries share everlasting history and infinite future, we will continue to cooperate according to the common recognition reached at the 2015 Trilateral Summit. 我们一致认为,定期举行三国领导人会议意义重大,将为三国政治、经济、社会和可持续发展等各领域合作与对话提供政治动力。我们重申三国之间有着过去的历史和长久的未来,将基于2015年三国领导人会议达成的共识继续合作。
We highly value the holding of trilateral Ministerial meetings since the last Summit, including by the Ministers in charge of health, education, environment, finance, transport and logistics, culture, sports, economy and trade, and disaster management, which demonstrate the political will to coordinate our policies and collaborate in these areas. We also welcome the Eighth Trilateral Foreign Ministers' Meeting held in August 2016 in Tokyo to lay the groundwork for the Trilateral Summit by exchanging views on strategic issues of our common interest and concerns. 我们高度评价上次领导人会议以来三国举办卫生、教育、环境、金融、交通、物流、文化、体育、经贸和灾害管理等各领域部长级会议,这些会议显示了我们在各领域协调政策、开展合作的政治意愿。我们欢迎2016年8月在东京举行的第八次三国外长会,会议就共同关心的战略问题交换了意见,为三国领导人会议奠定了基础。
We will strengthen our cooperation by noting the importance of regularizing trilateral meetings between the Foreign Ministries of our three countries. 我们注意到定期举行三国外长会议对促进三国合作的重要性。
We recognize the importance of promoting people-to-people exchanges in broadening and consolidating the foundation of trilateral cooperation. 我们认识到促进人员往来对扩展和巩固三国合作基础至关重要。
With this in mind and referring to the PyeongChang Declaration, we look forward to developing trilateral cooperation in various fields including cultural and sports exchanges on the occasion of the Olympic and Paralympic Games held in the three countries, namely the successful PyeongChang 2018 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games, as well as the Olympic and Paralympic Games to be held in Tokyo in 2020 and the Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games to be held in Beijing in 2022. 为此,并根据《平昌宣言》,我们期待以三国举办奥运会和残奥会为契机加强文化、体育等领域交流合作,即已成功举办的2018平昌冬季奥运会和残奥会,将要举办的2020东京奥运会和残奥会及2022北京冬季奥运会和残奥会。
Reaffirming the importance of expanding tourism exchanges among our countries, we will continue to strive to reach the goal of 30 million people-to-people exchanges among the three countries by 2020 and will further disseminate the attractiveness of our countries through the Visit East Asia Campaign. We strongly support promotion of youth exchanges, and encourage further development of our programs including the Trilateral Youth Summit. 我们重申三国扩大旅游交流的重要性,将努力实现到2020年三国人员往来达到3000万人次的目标,并通过“游历东方”活动进一步提高三国吸引力。我们大力支持青年交流,鼓励三国青年峰会等合作项目。
Acknowledging the importance of trilateral cultural exchanges through the East Asian Cultural Cities Program, we congratulate the designation of 2018 East Asia Cultural Cities and expect that cultural exchanges among the present and previous cultural cities will be promoted. Recognizing the significance of education cooperation in deepening mutual understanding, we also praise the trilateral commitment to promoting student exchanges in the field of higher education through the expansion of Collective Actions for Mobility Program of University Students in Asia (CAMPUS Asia), and expect the discussion would continue to further promote the program. 我们认识到“东亚文化之都”项目对三国文化交流具有重要意义,祝贺当选2018年“东亚文化之都”的城市,期待历年当选城市加强文化交流。我们认识到教育合作对加深相互了解的重要意义,赞赏三国致力于通过扩展“亚洲校园”项目促进高等院校学生交流,期待进一步提升该项目。
Considering the significance of public diplomacy in enhancing understanding and friendship among the people of the three countries, we welcome the continued consultations on the trilateral forum on public diplomacy. 考虑到公共外交对三国民众增进了解、深化友谊的重要作用,我们欢迎继续就中日韩公共外交论坛进行磋商。
We support the efforts to reinvigorate various personal and cultural exchange programs among the three countries, such as the Future Leaders Forum, and the Trilateral Cultural Shuttle. 我们支持三国人文交流项目,如青年领导人圆桌会议和中日韩文化巴士。
Underlining the importance of cooperation among the three countries in the field of consular affairs, we will look into establishing the Trilateral Consular Consultation in order to strengthen the institutional framework for long-term cooperation by sharing best practices and exploring cooperative initiatives. 我们重视开展三国领事合作,愿研究建立三国领事磋商机制,通过分享最佳经验、探索合作计划,加强长期机制性合作。
We are committed to building an open world economy. We recognize the importance of free and open trade and investment in achieving growth. We remain committed to liberalizing our economies, fighting all forms of protectionism, and improving business environment through our standstill and rollback commitment. We will work together to strengthen the rules-based, free and open, transparent, non-discriminatory and inclusive multilateral trading system underpinned by the WTO. We welcome discussions in the WTO on today's challenges of international trade including e-commerce, investment facilitation, and Micro, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (MSMEs). We emphasize the importance of bilateral, regional, and plurilateral trade agreements which complement and strengthen the multilateral trading system. We reaffirm that the Trilateral Free Trade Agreement is an important way to deepen our economic and trade cooperation and promote trade and investment liberalization and facilitation in East Asia, and will serve the common interests of the three countries. We reaffirm that we will make greater efforts to accelerate the negotiations on the Trilateral Free Trade Agreement aiming at realizing a comprehensive, high-quality and mutually beneficial FTA with its own value. We also reaffirm our strong commitment to making greater efforts to accelerate negotiations on the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) towards swift conclusion in achieving of modern, comprehensive, high-quality and mutually beneficial agreement, noting that significant progress on market access and rules is necessary. We will work together to realize high-quality and commercially meaningful outcomes in all areas. 我们致力于构建开放型世界经济。我们认识到自由开放的贸易和投资对于经济增长的重要性,将坚守承诺,继续致力于经济自由化,反对一切形式的保护主义,改善营商环境。我们将共同努力,加强基于规则、自由开放、透明、非歧视、包容和以世界贸易组织为基础的多边贸易体系,欢迎世界贸易组织就电子商务、投资便利化和中小微型企业等当今国际贸易挑战进行的讨论。我们强调双边、区域和诸边贸易协定对补充和强化多边贸易体系的重要性。我们重申三国自由贸易协定是深化经贸合作、推动东亚地区贸易投资自由化与便利化的重要路径,符合三国共同利益。我们重申将进一步加速三国自由贸易协定谈判,力争达成全面、高水平、互惠且具有自身价值的自由贸易协定。我们也重申加快《区域全面经济伙伴关系协定》谈判,以期尽快达成现代、全面、高质量和互惠的协定,注意到市场准入和规则方面的谈判需取得进展。我们将共同努力在各个领域取得高质量并具有商业意义的成果。
We recognize the need to build an intellectual property (IP) system which values creative ideas and enables fair competition with a view to achieving continued economic growth and prosperity. We also acknowledge the important role of the trilateral IP cooperation, including the Trilateral IP Office Heads Meeting, in improving the regional IP system, and look forward to further development of trilateral cooperation. 我们认识到为保持经济持续增长繁荣,有必要建立重视创意、促进公平竞争的知识产权体系。我们认为三国知识产权合作,包括知识产权局长政策对话,对推进区域知识产权体系建设具有重要作用,期待三国就此进一步加强合作。
Recognizing the negative impacts of excess capacity in industrial sectors, we will work together to address this issue. 我们认识到工业部门产能过剩的负面影响,将共同应对这一问题。
We recognize the importance for this region to be better connected and are committed to pursuing trilateral dialogue and consultation in order to enhance regional connectivity and infrastructure cooperation to benefit the East Asian region as a whole. We will further strengthen economic and trade relations and deepen the convergence of interests. In this regard, we will enhance economic cooperation in areas such as supply chain connectivity, e-commerce, content industry, and standardization in order to boost competitiveness. We reaffirm the necessity of cooperation in energy between the three countries for the realization of sustainable development and shared prosperity in Northeast Asia. In this regard, we decide to conclude a LNG cooperation MOU between the three governments on an appropriate occasion in order to improve the transparency and liquidity of the Northeast Asian LNG market. 我们认识到加强区域联通的重要性,决心通过三方对话磋商加强区域互联互通和基础设施合作,促进东亚整体发展。我们将进一步加强经贸关系,深化利益融合。为此我们将在供应链互联互通、电子商务、内容产业和标准化等领域加强经济合作,提升竞争力。我们重申三国能源合作对实现东北亚可持续发展和共同繁荣的必要性。我们决定适时达成三国合作谅解备忘录,以增进东北亚液化天然气市场透明度和流动性。
In light of the importance of e-commerce in the generation of new economic value, we share the view that the pragmatic cooperation on e-commerce on the basis of mutual benefit is in the interest of three countries. 考虑到电子商务对创造新经济价值的重要性,我们一致认为在互利互惠的基础上开展电子商务合作对三国有利。
We also acknowledge the value of the ongoing cooperation among the three countries in the fields of customs and transport for ensuring trade facilitation and security. In particular, being the host-countries of the large-scale international events in the coming years such as the Olympic and Paralympic Games, we reaffirm the significance of protecting the border, while facilitating the legitimate flow of goods and passengers, and welcome the decision at the Tripartite Customs Heads' Meeting held in Tokyo in November 2017 to continue to exchange relevant information and share experiences. 我们认识到,三国在海关和交通领域的合作对确保贸易便利化和安全具有重要意义。作为未来几年奥运会和残奥会等大型国际活动的主办国,我们特别重申在促进货物和人员合法流动的同时加强边境保护的重要性,欢迎2017年11月在东京举行的三国海关领导人会议关于加强信息交流、分享经验的决定。
Against the background of uncertainty of global economy with risks posed by a retreat from cross-border integration and faster-than-expected tightening in global financial conditions, we will continue a high degree of communication and coordination among the three countries to cope with possible financial instability. We will strengthen the regional financial cooperation by increasing the readiness and, effectiveness of Chiang Mai Initiative Multilateralisation (CMIM), further enhancing ASEAN+3 Macroeconomic Research Office (AMRO)'s surveillance and organizational capacity to fulfill its mandate as an independent, credible and professional international organization, and advancing the Asian Bond Market Initiative (ABMI). In this regard, we welcome the successful progress of the first CMIM Periodic Review and look forward to its successful completion, which contributes to stronger CMIM as a regional financial safety net by reinforcing the financing assistance including extended supporting periods in the case of IMF Linked Portion, establishing a better coordination process with the IMF to facilitate co-financing, and enhancing communication with all relevant parties to secure market confidence when CMIM is activated. We commend AMRO for its continued efforts to support CMIM implementation and to establish and expand regional and global partnership, and its attainment of UN Permanent Observer status. We also welcome the decision on capital increase of the Credit Guarantee and Investment Facility (CGIF) by its contributors in December 2017. 当前全球经济面临着跨境一体化进程倒退、金融环境超预期收紧等风险,在这种不确定性下,中日韩三国将继续通过深度交流与协调应对可能的金融波动。我们将加强区域金融合作,提高清迈倡议多边化(CMIM)的可用性和有效性,加强东盟与中日韩宏观经济研究办公室(AMRO)的监控和组织能力建设,以充分发挥其作为独立、可信、专业的国际组织的使命,促进亚洲债券市场倡议(ABMI)的发展。为此,我们欢迎CMIM首次定期评估取得的积极进展,并期待其顺利完成。这将有助于通过延长与国际货币基金组织(IMF)贷款挂钩部分的贷款支持期限,强化融资支持;与IMF建立更好的协调机制,促进联合融资;以及在启动CMIM时加强与有关方沟通,维护市场信心,加强CMIM作为区域金融安全网的作用。我们赞赏AMRO继续为CMIM运行提供支持,以及在建立和扩展与地区、全球伙伴关系上取得的成就,祝贺其获得联合国大会永久观察员地位。我们欢迎各方2017年12月决定向“区域信用担保与投资基金”增资。
We emphasize the importance of jointly addressing common challenges related to human security, such as health and ageing society. Recognizing the importance of strengthening public health emergency preparedness and response, tackling antimicrobial resistance, and of achieving Universal Health Coverage, we assert the importance of our continuous cooperation in these fields. We will also reinforce collaboration on quarantine at point of entry. 我们强调携手应对卫生和老龄化等关乎人类安全的共同挑战具有重要意义,认识到强化公共卫生事件紧急预案和应对、解决抗菌素耐药性、实现全民健康覆盖的重要性,将持续在这些领域开展合作。我们还将加强入境检验检疫合作。
In addition, we will expand our cooperation in the health service industry and telemedicine, and promote the exchanges of relevant information and personnel with a view to reducing non-communicable diseases such as cancer, as well as infectious diseases, which pose a serious threat to human health. We will actively share information and policies to cope with an aging population and to promote healthy aging, while striving to host the Trilateral Policy Dialogue on Aging on an ongoing basis. We will promote exchange and resource sharing in the area of assistive devices, physical and ICT accessibility and explore ways to enable persons with disabilities to participate in the rapidly developing internet economy and upgrade significantly the level and quality of their participation in all aspects of regional, economic and social activities. We will strive to make maximum use of science as well as Information and Communication Technology (ICT), such as brain science, technology for responding to climate change, technology for overcoming disability, Internet of Things (IoT), Big Data, and Artificial Intelligence (AI) to promote economic growth and social welfare, and to address global issues. In addition, we recognize the importance of collaboration in the field of communications, including 5G mobile communications and global roaming for promoting mutual exchanges and cooperation. We will facilitate joint research, technology cooperation, information sharing and human resources exchanges under Trilateral ICT Ministers' Meeting. We also welcome and further encourage cooperation among corporate sectors, academia, think-tanks and related entities in this field. 此外,我们将扩大在卫生服务产业和远程医疗方面的合作,加强相关信息和人员交流,减少严重威胁人类健康的癌症等非传染性疾病和传染性疾病。我们将积极分享信息和交流政策,应对人口老龄化,推动健康老龄化,致力于持续开展三国老龄化政策对话。我们将推动辅助器具、物理和信息通信技术(ICT)可用性和资源分享,使残障人士参与快速发展的互联网经济,显著提升他们参与经济和社会活动的水平和质量。我们将努力充分利用科学与ICT的优势,如脑科学、应对气候变化的技术、残疾辅助技术、物联网、大数据和人工智能等,促进经济增长和社会福利发展,应对全球性问题。此外,我们认识到在5G移动通信、全球漫游等通信领域加强协作有助于促进相互交流合作。我们将在三国信息通信部长会议机制下推动该领域的联合研究、技术合作、信息共享和人力资源交流。我们也欢迎并鼓励企业界、学术界、智库等相关实体在这一领域进行合作。
We are committed to further strengthening trilateral policy consultation on cyber affairs including countering cybercrime, as well as on countering terrorism and violent extremism. We are committed to ensuring a secure ICT environment in which all sectors are able to enjoy its benefits and reaffirm the importance of collectively addressing issues of security in the use of ICTs. We welcome and support the cumulative reports of the UN Group of Governmental Experts (UNGGE) in the Field of Information and Telecommunications in the Context of International Security, which affirm that international law, in particular the UN Charter, is applicable and essential to maintaining peace and stability and promoting an open, secure, stable, accessible and peaceful ICT environment. In light of security challenges in the region, we will improve trilateral communication and cooperation on disarmament and non-proliferation. We will also continue the nuclear safety cooperation in the framework of Top Regulators' Meeting.

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