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Law of the People's Republic of China on Administrative Discipline for Public Officials [Effective]
中华人民共和国公职人员政务处分法 [现行有效]

Order of the President of the People's Republic of China 


(No. 46) (第四十六号)

The Law of the People's Republic of China on Administrative Discipline for Public Officials, as adopted at the 19th session of the Standing Committee of the Thirteenth National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China on June 20, 2020, is hereby issued, and shall come into force on July 1, 2020. 《中华人民共和国公职人员政务处分法》已由中华人民共和国第十三届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第十九次会议于2020年6月20日通过,现予公布,自2020年7月1日起施行。
President of the People's Republic of China: Xi Jinping 中华人民共和国主席 习近平
June 20, 2020 2020年6月20日
Law of the People's Republic of China on Administrative Discipline for Public Officials 中华人民共和国公职人员政务处分法
(Adopted at the 19th session of the Standing Committee of the Thirteenth National People's Congress on June 20, 2020) (2020年6月20日第十三届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第十九次会议通过)
Contents 目  录
Chapter I General Provisions 第一章 总  则
Chapter II Types and Application of Administrative Discipline 第二章 政务处分的种类和适用
Chapter III Violations of the Law and Administrative Discipline Applicable Thereto 第三章 违法行为及其适用的政务处分
Chapter IV Procedure for Administrative Discipline 第四章 政务处分的程序
Chapter V Review and Reexamination 第五章 复审、复核
Chapter VI Legal Liability 第六章 法律责任
Chapter VII Supplemental Provisions 第七章 附  则
Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总  则

Article 1 For the purposes of regulating administrative discipline, strengthening the supervision of all public officials who exercise public power, and prompting public officials to perform their duties according to the law, impartially exercise power, be of integrity in politics and practicing, and observe ethical standards, this Law is enacted according to the Oversight Law of the People's Republic of China.   第一条 为了规范政务处分,加强对所有行使公权力的公职人员的监督,促进公职人员依法履职、秉公用权、廉洁从政从业、坚持道德操守,根据《中华人民共和国监察法》,制定本法。
Article 2 This Law applies to activities in which oversight agencies impose administrative discipline on public officials who violate the law.   第二条 本法适用于监察机关对违法的公职人员给予政务处分的活动。
Chapters II and III of this Law apply to the imposition of disciplinary action by public officials appointment and removal agencies and entities on public officials who violate the law. Disciplinary procedures and appeals, among others, shall be governed by the other laws, administrative regulations, rules of the departments of the State Council, and relevant provisions issued by the state. 本法第二章、第三章适用于公职人员任免机关、单位对违法的公职人员给予处分。处分的程序、申诉等适用其他法律、行政法规、国务院部门规章和国家有关规定。
For the purposes of this Law, "public official" means any person specified in Article 15 of the Oversight Law of the People's Republic of China. 本法所称公职人员,是指《中华人民共和国监察法》第十五条规定的人员。
Article 3 Oversight agencies shall strengthen the supervision of public officials and impose administrative discipline on public officials who violate the law according to the law, in accordance with their management authority.   第三条 监察机关应当按照管理权限,加强对公职人员的监督,依法给予违法的公职人员政务处分。
Public officials appointment and removal agencies and entities shall, in accordance with their management authority, strengthen the education, management, and supervision of public officials and take disciplinary action against public officials who violate the law. 公职人员任免机关、单位应当按照管理权限,加强对公职人员的教育、管理、监督,依法给予违法的公职人员处分。
If an oversight agency discovers that any public officials appointment and removal agency or entity fails to take disciplinary action as required, or takes illegal or improper disciplinary action, the oversight agency shall promptly put forward oversight recommendations. 监察机关发现公职人员任免机关、单位应当给予处分而未给予,或者给予的处分违法、不当的,应当及时提出监察建议。
Article 4 For the imposition of administrative discipline on public officials, the principles of Party management of officials and collective discussion and decisions shall be adhered to; equality before the law shall be adhered to, facts shall be based on, the law shall be regarded as the criterion, and the administrative discipline imposed shall fit the nature, circumstances, and degree of harm of violations of the law; and the combination of discipline and education and tempering justice with mercy shall be adhered to.   第四条 给予公职人员政务处分,坚持党管干部原则,集体讨论决定;坚持法律面前一律平等,以事实为根据,以法律为准绳,给予的政务处分与违法行为的性质、情节、危害程度相当;坚持惩戒与教育相结合,宽严相济。
Article 5 Administrative discipline shall be imposed on any public official with clear facts, conclusive evidence, accurate determination of nature, proper discipline, lawful process, and complete procedures.   第五条 给予公职人员政务处分,应当事实清楚、证据确凿、定性准确、处理恰当、程序合法、手续完备。
Article 6 Any public official shall be given protection by law when performing his or her duties in accordance with the law, and shall be not subject to administrative discipline unless for a statutory cause, or by statutory procedures.   第六条 公职人员依法履行职责受法律保护,非因法定事由、非经法定程序,不受政务处分。
Chapter II Types and Application of Administrative Discipline 

第二章 政务处分的种类和适用

Article 7 The types of administrative discipline are:   第七条 政务处分的种类为:
(1) warnings; (一)警告;
(2) demerits; (二)记过;
(3) serious demerits; (三)记大过;
(4) demotion; (四)降级;
(5) removal from office; and (五)撤职;
(6) expulsion. (六)开除。
Article 8 The period of administrative discipline is:   第八条 政务处分的期间为:
(1) six months, in the case of a warning; (一)警告,六个月;
(2) 12 months, in the case of a demerit; (二)记过,十二个月;
(3) 18 months, in the case of a serious demerit; or (三)记大过,十八个月;
(4) 24 months, in the case of demotion or removal from office. (四)降级、撤职,二十四个月。
A decision on administrative discipline shall take effect on the date of decision, and the period of the administrative discipline shall commence to run from the effective date of the decision on administrative discipline. 政务处分决定自作出之日起生效,政务处分期自政务处分决定生效之日起计算。
Article 9 Not less than public officials who jointly violate the law shall respectively be subject to administrative discipline based on their respective roles in the violation of the law and the legal liability required to be imposed.   第九条 公职人员二人以上共同违法,根据各自在违法行为中所起的作用和应当承担的法律责任,分别给予政务处分。
Article 10 Where a relevant agency, entity, or organization collectively makes an illegal decision, or commits a violation, administrative discipline shall be imposed on any public official among responsible leaders and directly responsible persons according to the law.   第十条 有关机关、单位、组织集体作出的决定违法或者实施违法行为的,对负有责任的领导人员和直接责任人员中的公职人员依法给予政务处分。
Article 11 Where a public official falls under any of the following circumstances, light or mitigated administrative discipline may be imposed:   第十一条 公职人员有下列情形之一的,可以从轻或者减轻给予政务处分:
(1) Voluntarily accounting for his or her violation of the law punishable by administrative discipline. (一)主动交代本人应当受到政务处分的违法行为的;
(2) Cooperating in the investigation and truthfully stating the facts of his or her violation. (二)配合调查,如实说明本人违法事实的;
(3) Reporting another person's violation of the discipline or law, which is established by verification; (三)检举他人违纪违法行为,经查证属实的;
(4) Voluntarily taking measures to effectively avoid or recover loss or eliminate adverse effects; (四)主动采取措施,有效避免、挽回损失或者消除不良影响的;
(5) Playing a secondary or auxiliary role in a joint violation. (五)在共同违法行为中起次要或者辅助作用的;
(6) Voluntarily surrendering or restoring illegal income. (六)主动上交或者退赔违法所得的;
(7) Other light or mitigating circumstances specified by any law or regulation. (七)法律、法规规定的其他从轻或者减轻情节。
Article 12 Where a public official commits a violation of the law with minor circumstances and falls any of the circumstances specified in Article 11 of this Law, he or she may be interviewed and reminded, criticized and educated, ordered to make self-criticism, or admonished, and be exempt from or immune from administrative discipline.   第十二条 公职人员违法行为情节轻微,且具有本法第十一条规定的情形之一的,可以对其进行谈话提醒、批评教育、责令检查或者予以诫勉,免予或者不予政务处分。
If a public official is involved in his or her innocence or under coercion in illegal activities, and shows repentance after being criticized and educated, he or she may be subject to mitigated, exempt from, or immune from administrative discipline. 公职人员因不明真相被裹挟或者被胁迫参与违法活动,经批评教育后确有悔改表现的,可以减轻、免予或者不予政务处分。
Article 13 Where a public official falls any of the following circumstances, aggravated administrative discipline shall be imposed on him or her:   第十三条 公职人员有下列情形之一的,应当从重给予政务处分:
(1) Intentionally committing another violation, punishable by administrative discipline, within the period of administrative discipline. (一)在政务处分期内再次故意违法,应当受到政务处分的;
(2) Obstructing another person from making a report and providing evidence. (二)阻止他人检举、提供证据的;
(3) Making a false confession in collusion, or forging, withholding, or destroying evidence. (三)串供或者伪造、隐匿、毁灭证据的;
(4) Harboring any person in the same case. (四)包庇同案人员的;
(5) Coercing or inciting another person to commit a violation. (五)胁迫、唆使他人实施违法行为的;
(6) Refusing to surrender or restore illegal income. (六)拒不上交或者退赔违法所得的;
(7) Other aggravating circumstances specified by any law or regulation. (七)法律、法规规定的其他从重情节。
Article 14 Any public official who commits a crime and falls under any of the following circumstances shall be expelled:   第十四条 公职人员犯罪,有下列情形之一的,予以开除:
(1) Sentenced to control, criminal detention, fixed-term imprisonment, or a heavier punishment (including announced probation) for an intentional crime. (一)因故意犯罪被判处管制、拘役或者有期徒刑以上刑罚(含宣告缓刑)的;
(2) Sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment with a term of more than three years for a negligent crime. (二)因过失犯罪被判处有期徒刑,刑期超过三年的;
(3) Deprived of political rights for a crime, only or in addition. (三)因犯罪被单处或者并处剥夺政治权利的。
If a public official is sentenced to control, criminal detention, or a fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years for a negligent crime, he or she shall generally be repelled; and if the circumstances of the case so special that removal from office is more appropriate, he or she is not required to be expelled, but approval shall be requested from the agency at the next higher level. 因过失犯罪被判处管制、拘役或者三年以下有期徒刑的,一般应当予以开除;案件情况特殊,予以撤职更为适当的,可以不予开除,但是应当报请上一级机关批准。
If a public official is only fined for a crime, or the crime is of minor circumstances, the people's procuratorate makes a decision not to prosecute according to the law, or the people's court grants exemption from criminal punishment according to the law, he or she shall be removed from office, or expelled, if adverse effects are caused. 公职人员因犯罪被单处罚金,或者犯罪情节轻微,人民检察院依法作出不起诉决定或者人民法院依法免予刑事处罚的,予以撤职;造成不良影响的,予以开除。
Article 15 Where a public official commits not less than two violations of the law, administrative discipline shall be determined respectively. If not less than two types of administrative discipline are warranted, whichever administrative discipline is heavier or the heaviest shall be imposed; and if several pieces of the same administrative discipline not heavier than removal from office are warranted, the period of administrative discipline may be determined as not less than the period of one piece of administrative discipline nor more than the sum of the periods of the several pieces of administrative discipline, but shall not extend beyond 48 months.   第十五条 公职人员有两个以上违法行为的,应当分别确定政务处分。应当给予两种以上政务处分的,执行其中最重的政务处分;应当给予撤职以下多个相同政务处分的,可以在一个政务处分期以上、多个政务处分期之和以下确定政务处分期,但是最长不得超过四十八个月。
Article 16 For the same violation of the law by a public official, neither the oversight agency nor the public officials appointment and removal agency or entity shall repeatedly impose administrative discipline and disciplinary action.   第十六条 对公职人员的同一违法行为,监察机关和公职人员任免机关、单位不得重复给予政务处分和处分。
Article 17 Where a public official commits a violation of the law, and the relevant agency imposes organizational discipline on him or her as required, the oversight agency may impose administrative discipline concurrently.   第十七条 公职人员有违法行为,有关机关依照规定给予组织处理的,监察机关可以同时给予政务处分。
Article 18 Where a public official holding a leadership post is dismissed, discharged, or removed from, or resigns the leadership post for a violation of the law, the oversight agency may impose administrative discipline in addition.   第十八条 担任领导职务的公职人员有违法行为,被罢免、撤销、免去或者辞去领导职务的,监察机关可以同时给予政务处分。
Article 19 A civil servant, or a person managed under the Civil Servant Law of the People's Republic of China mutatis mutandis, shall not be offered a promotion in position, position level, rank, or grade within the period of administrative discipline; and if a demerit, serious demerit, demotion, or removal from office is imposed, no pay grade increase may be offered. In the case of removal from office, a reduction in position, position level, rank, or grade shall be made as required, in addition to a reduction in pay and fringe benefits.   第十九条 公务员以及参照《中华人民共和国公务员法》管理的人员在政务处分期内,不得晋升职务、职级、衔级和级别;其中,被记过、记大过、降级、撤职的,不得晋升工资档次。被撤职的,按照规定降低职务、职级、衔级和级别,同时降低工资和待遇。
Article 20 A person working in public service in an organization which manages public affairs with the authority of any law or regulation, or as delegated by a state agency in accordance with the law, or a person engaged in management in a public education, scientific research, cultural, medical, health, sports, or other entity, shall not be offered a promotion in position, post, or employee level, or professional title within the period of administrative discipline; and if a demerit, serious demerit, demotion, or removal from office is imposed, no remuneration grade increase may be offered. In the case of removal from office or a reduction in position, post or employee level, a reduction in remunerations shall be made concurrently.   第二十条 法律、法规授权或者受国家机关依法委托管理公共事务的组织中从事公务的人员,以及公办的教育、科研、文化、医疗卫生、体育等单位中从事管理的人员,在政务处分期内,不得晋升职务、岗位和职员等级、职称;其中,被记过、记大过、降级、撤职的,不得晋升薪酬待遇等级。被撤职的,降低职务、岗位或者职员等级,同时降低薪酬待遇。
Article 21 A member of the management of any state-owned enterprise shall not be offered a promotion in position, post level, or title within the period of administrative discipline; and if a demerit, serious demerit, demotion, or removal from office is imposed, no remuneration grade increase may be offered. In the case of removal from office or a reduction in position or post level, a reduction in remunerations shall be made concurrently.   第二十一条 国有企业管理人员在政务处分期内,不得晋升职务、岗位等级和职称;其中,被记过、记大过、降级、撤职的,不得晋升薪酬待遇等级。被撤职的,降低职务或者岗位等级,同时降低薪酬待遇。
Article 22 Where a person engaged in management in a basic mass self-governance organization commits a violation of the law, the oversight agency may give a warning, demerit, or serious demerit.   第二十二条 基层群众性自治组织中从事管理的人员有违法行为的,监察机关可以予以警告、记过、记大过。
If a person engaged in management in a basic mass self-governance organization is subject to administrative discipline, the county or township (town) people's government shall reduce or withhold his or her subsidies and bonuses according to the specific circumstances. 基层群众性自治组织中从事管理的人员受到政务处分的,应当由县级或者乡镇人民政府根据具体情况减发或者扣发补贴、奖金。
Article 23 Where any person specified in Article 15(6) of the Oversight Law of the People's Republic of China commits a violation of the law, the oversight agency may give a warning, demerit, or serious demerit. If the circumstances are serious, the entity with which he or she works shall directly impose discipline such as reduction in remunerations, transfer from the post, and termination of the personnel relation or labor relation, or the oversight agency shall recommend the relevant agency or entity to do so.   第二十三条 《中华人民共和国监察法》第十五条第六项规定的人员有违法行为的,监察机关可以予以警告、记过、记大过。情节严重的,由所在单位直接给予或者监察机关建议有关机关、单位给予降低薪酬待遇、调离岗位、解除人事关系或者劳动关系等处理。
For any person specified in Article 15(2) of the Oversight Law of the People's Republic of China, or any person, public institution employee, or state-owned enterprise employee not serving as a civil servant, managed under the Civil Servant Law of the People's Republic of China, discipline shall be imposed for his or her violation of the law according to the provisions of the preceding paragraph.

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