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Notice from the Supreme People's Procuratorate and the Ministry of Public Security regarding Issuing the Guiding Opinions on Strengthening and Regulating Supplementary Investigation [Effective]
最高人民检察院、公安部关于印发《关于加强和规范补充侦查工作的指导意见》的通知 [现行有效]

Notice from the Supreme People's Procuratorate and the Ministry of Public Security regarding Issuing the Guiding Opinions on Strengthening and Regulating Supplementary Investigation 


The people's procuratorates and the public security departments (bureaus) of all provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government; the Military Procuratorate of the People's Liberation Army; and the People's Procuratorate and the Public Security Bureau of Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps: 各省、自治区、直辖市人民检察院、公安厅(局),解放军军事检察院,新疆生产建设兵团人民检察院、公安局:
For the purposes of strengthening and regulating supplementary investigation, improving the quality and efficiency of handling cases, and ensuring fair justice, the Supreme People's Procuratorate and the Ministry of Public Security have jointly developed the Guiding Opinions on Strengthening and Regulating Supplementary Investigation, which are hereby issued to you for your implementation according to actual conditions. 为进一步加强和规范补充侦查工作,提高办案质效,确保公正司法,最高人民检察院、公安部共同制定了《关于加强和规范补充侦查工作的指导意见》,现予印发,请结合实际贯彻执行。
Supreme People's Procuratorate 最高人民检察院
Ministry of Public Security 公安部
March 27, 2020 2020年3月27日
Guiding Opinions of the Supreme People's Procuratorate and the Ministry of Public Security on Strengthening and Regulating Supplementary Investigation 最高人民检察院、公安部关于加强和规范补充侦查工作的指导意见
Article 1 These Guiding Opinions are developed to further improve the criminal prosecution system with evidence at its core, to strengthen and regulate supplementary investigation, and to increase the quality and efficiency of handling cases in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Criminal Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China, the Rules for Criminal Procedures of the People's Procuratorates, and the Provisions on the Procedures for Handling Criminal Cases by Public Security Organs, as well as based on practices in handling cases.   第一条 为进一步完善以证据为核心的刑事指控体系,加强和规范补充侦查工作,提高办案质效,根据《中华人民共和国刑事诉讼法》《人民检察院刑事诉讼规则》《公安机关办理刑事案件程序规定》等有关规定,结合办案实践,制定本指导意见。
Article 2 Supplementary investigation refers to prosecution activities conducted to further ascertain the facts of a case as well as supplement and improve evidence based on the original investigation according to statutory procedures.   第二条 补充侦查是依照法定程序,在原有侦查工作的基础上,进一步查清事实,补充完善证据的诉讼活动。
The relevant provisions of these Guiding Opinions shall be applicable to circumstances in which a people's procuratorate offers an opinion of supplementary investigation when examining an arrest, returns a case for further investigation or conducts further investigation by itself when examining prosecution, requires a public security authority to provide evidence, or requires a public security authority to explain the legality of evidence. 人民检察院审查逮捕提出补充侦查意见,审查起诉退回补充侦查、自行补充侦查,要求公安机关提供证据材料,要求公安机关对证据的合法性作出说明等情形,适用本指导意见的相关规定。
Article 3 Supplementary investigation shall comply with the following principles:   第三条 开展补充侦查工作应当遵循以下原则:
1. Principle of necessity: It shall be necessary to conduct supplementary investigation, and no case shall be returned for further investigation for a reason irrelevant to the facts and evidence of the case. 1.必要性原则。补充侦查工作应当具备必要性,不得因与案件事实、证据无关的原因退回补充侦查。
2. Principle of feasibility: It shall be feasible to gather and fix evidence for supplementary investigation. Supplementary investigation shall be operable and not be applicable to circumstances in which evidence cannot be gathered through supplementary investigation. 2.可行性原则。要求补充侦查的证据材料应当具备收集固定的可行性,补充侦查工作应当具备可操作性,对于无法通过补充侦查收集证据材料的情形,不能适用补充侦查。
3. Principle of reasoning: A supplementary investigation outline shall include the reasons for further investigation, consideration of the nature of the case, direction of supplementary investigation, purpose and reasons for each evidence to be supplemented, and appropriate clarification for a complicated issue or an issue in dispute, and, if possible, may indicate the channels, clues and methods of supplementary investigation. 3.说理性原则。补充侦查提纲应当写明补充侦查的理由、案件定性的考虑、补充侦查的方向、每一项补证的目的和意义,对复杂问题、争议问题作适当阐明,具备条件的,可以写明补充侦查的渠道、线索和方法。
4. Principle of cooperation: Before and during the process of supplementary investigation, a people's procuratorate and a public security authority shall strengthen face-to-face communication, collaboration and cooperation on problems in the facts, evidence and nature of a case as well as the conditions regarding supplementary investigation, and jointly ensure quality in handling cases. 4.配合性原则。人民检察院、公安机关在补充侦查之前和补充侦查过程中,应当就案件事实、证据、定性等方面存在的问题和补充侦查的相关情况,加强当面沟通、协作配合,共同确保案件质量。
5. Principle of effectiveness: A people's procuratorate and a public security authority shall work to improve the quality of evidence and solve evidence-related problems throughout the entire process from criminal investigation, examination of arrest, to examination of prosecution, with the aim of strengthening the effect of supplementary investigation. 5.有效性原则。人民检察院、公安机关应当以增强补充侦查效果为目标,把提高证据质量、解决证据问题贯穿于侦查、审查逮捕、审查起诉全过程。
Article 4 A people's procuratorate shall make a supplementary investigation outline in writing, which should be included in a procuratorial internal volume and an internal investigation volume respectively when conducting supplementary investigation.   第四条 人民检察院开展补充侦查工作,应当书面列出补充侦查提纲。补充侦查提纲应当分别归入检察内卷、侦查内卷。
Article 5 Where a public security authority requests a people's procuratorate to conduct examination and approval of an arrest, the people's procuratorate shall accept the request. If the arrest conditions are not met upon examination, the people's procuratorate shall make a decision to disapprove the arrest. If the people's procuratorate decides to disapprove the arrest based on insufficient evidence and requests further investigation, it shall produce a supplementary investigation outline, which should include the existing problems in the evidence system, direction of supplementary investigation, and requirements for evidence collection, among others. The public security authority shall conduct supplementary investigation according to the requirements of the people's procuratorate. After deeming that the arrest conditions are met after a supplementary investigation, the public security authority shall file a new request for approval of arrest. If the people's procuratorate fails to explain the reasons for disapproval, the public security authority may request the people's procuratorate to do so. After deeming that the disapproval decision is erroneous, the public security authority may file a request for reconsideration or review according to the law.   第五条 公安机关提请人民检察院审查批准逮捕的,人民检察院应当接收。经审查,不符合批捕条件的,应当依法作出不批准逮捕决定。人民检察院对于因证据不足作出不批准逮捕决定,需要补充侦查的,应当制作补充侦查提纲,列明证据体系存在的问题、补充侦查方向、取证要求等事项并说明理由。公安机关应当按照人民检察院的要求开展补充侦查。补充侦查完毕,认为符合逮捕条件的,应当重新提请批准逮捕。对于人民检察院不批准逮捕而未说明理由的,公安机关可以要求人民检察院说明理由。对人民检察院不批准逮捕的决定认为有错误的,公安机关可以依法要求复议、提请复核。
When necessary, a people's procuratorate may, according to the evidence of a case for which it decides to approve an arrest, offer post-arrest investigation opinions to a public security authority on items such as improving the evidence system, making corrections to ensure the legality of evidence, and ascertaining the facts of the case. The public security authority shall, after the arrest, conduct further investigation in a timely manner. 对于作出批准逮捕决定的案件,确有必要的,人民检察院可以根据案件证据情况,就完善证据体系、补正证据合法性、全面查清案件事实等事项,向公安机关提出捕后侦查意见。逮捕之后,公安机关应当及时开展侦查工作。
Article 6 Where, during the examination of prosecution, a people's procuratorate discovers that the facts of a case are unclear, evidence is insufficient, or there is an omitted crime or omitted criminal suspect in the same case, and that further investigation is required, it shall produce a supplementary investigation outline, return the outline along with the case file to a public security authority, and guide the public security authority to further check the facts and gather additional evidence.   第六条 人民检察院在审查起诉期间发现案件存在事实不清、证据不足或者存在遗漏罪行、遗漏同案犯罪嫌疑人等情形需要补充侦查的,应当制作补充侦查提纲,连同案卷材料一并退回公安机关并引导公安机关进一步查明案件事实、补充收集证据。
When returning the case for supplementary investigation for the first time, the people's procuratorate shall list all items that need to be added to the investigation for the public security authority. If the facts or evidence of the case undergo a change, the public security authority fails to conduct thorough supplementary investigation, or a contradiction or problem is discovered in the re-submitted materials, the people's procuratorate may return the case for supplementary investigation for a second time. 人民检察院第一次退回补充侦查时,应当向公安机关列明全部补充侦查事项。在案件事实或证据发生变化、公安机关未补充侦查到位、或者重新报送的材料中发现矛盾和问题的,可以第二次退回补充侦查。
Article 7 A returned supplementary investigation outline generally shall include the following content:   第七条 退回补充侦查提纲一般包括以下内容:
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