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Interpretation (II) of the Supreme People's Court on Several Issues concerning the Application of Law in the Trial of Patent Infringement Dispute Cases [Revised]
最高人民法院关于审理侵犯专利权纠纷案件应用法律若干问题的解释(二) [已被修订]

Announcement of the Supreme People's Court 


The Interpretation (II) of the Supreme People's Court on Several Issues concerning the Application of Law in the Trial of Patent Infringement Dispute Cases, as adopted at the 1676th Meeting of the Judicial Committee of the Supreme People's Court on January 25, 2016, is hereby issued and shall come into force on April 1, 2016. 《最高人民法院关于审理侵犯专利权纠纷案件应用法律若干问题的解释(二)》已于2016年1月25日由最高人民法院审判委员会第1676次会议通过,现予公布,自2016年4月1日起施行。
Supreme People's Court 最高人民法院
March 21, 2016 2016年3月21日
Interpretation (II) of the Supreme People's Court on Several Issues concerning the Application of Law in the Trial of Patent Infringement Dispute Cases 最高人民法院关于审理侵犯专利权纠纷案件应用法律若干问题的解释(二)
(Adopted at the 1676th Meeting of the Judicial Committee of the Supreme People's Court on January 25, 2016, which shall come into force on April 1, 2016, Interpretation No. 1 [2016] of the Supreme People's Court) (2016年1月25日最高人民法院审判委员会第1676次会议通过,自2016年4月1日起施行 法释〔2016〕1号)
In order to correctly try patent infringement dispute cases, this Interpretation is developed in accordance with the provisions of the Patent Law of the People's Republic of China, the Tort Law of the People's Republic of China, the Civil Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China and other relevant laws, and in light of the judicial practice. 为正确审理侵犯专利权纠纷案件,根据《中华人民共和国专利法》《中华人民共和国侵权责任法》《中华人民共和国民事诉讼法》等有关法律规定,结合审判实践,制定本解释。
Article 1 Where there are two or more claims in a statement of claims, the patentee shall specify in the written complaint the claims based on which it initiates an action against the alleged infringer for infringement upon its patent right. Where there is no such record or the record is unclear in the written complaint, the people's court shall require the patentee to specify the relevant information. Where, after explanations, the patentee still fails to specify the relevant information, the people's court may rule to dismiss the action.   第一条 权利要求书有两项以上权利要求的,权利人应当在起诉状中载明据以起诉被诉侵权人侵犯其专利权的权利要求。起诉状对此未记载或者记载不明的,人民法院应当要求权利人明确。经释明,权利人仍不予明确的,人民法院可以裁定驳回起诉。
Article 2 Where the claims of a patentee in a patent infringement action is declared invalid by the Patent Reexamination Board, the people's court that tries the patent infringement dispute case may rule to dismiss the action which is initiated based on such invalid claims.   第二条 权利人在专利侵权诉讼中主张的权利要求被专利复审委员会宣告无效的,审理侵犯专利权纠纷案件的人民法院可以裁定驳回权利人基于该无效权利要求的起诉。
Where there is evidence proving that the decision of declaring the invalidationof the aforesaid claims is set aside by an effective administrative judgment, the patentee may initiate a separate action. 有证据证明宣告上述权利要求无效的决定被生效的行政判决撤销的,权利人可以另行起诉。
Where the patentee initiates a separate action, the limitation of action for patent infringement shall be calculated from the date when the written administrative judgment as mentioned in paragraph 2 of this Article is served. 专利权人另行起诉的,诉讼时效期间从本条第二款所称行政判决书送达之日起计算。
Article 3 Where any patent right is requested to be declared invalid because the specifications cannot be used to interpret the claims due to the evident violation of paragraphs 3 and 4 of Article 26 of the Patent Law, and the case does not fall within the scope of the circumstances as prescribed in Article 4 of this Interpretation, the people's court that tries the patent infringement dispute case shall generally rule to suspend the action; or where the patent right is not requested to be declared invalid during a reasonable period, the people's court may, according to the records in the claims, determine the scope of protection of the patent right.   第三条 因明显违反专利法二十六条第三款、第四款导致说明书无法用于解释权利要求,且不属于本解释第四条规定的情形,专利权因此被请求宣告无效的,审理侵犯专利权纠纷案件的人民法院一般应当裁定中止诉讼;在合理期限内专利权未被请求宣告无效的,人民法院可以根据权利要求的记载确定专利权的保护范围。
Article 4 Where any grammars, words, punctuations, graphics or symbols, among others, in the statement of claims, specifications or the attached diagramsare ambiguous, but the ordinary skill in the art can get the unique understanding by reading the statement of claims, specifications or the attached diagrams, the people's court shall make determination according to the unique understanding.   第四条 权利要求书、说明书及附图中的语法、文字、标点、图形、符号等存有歧义,但本领域普通技术人员通过阅读权利要求书、说明书及附图可以得出唯一理解的,人民法院应当根据该唯一理解予以认定。
Article 5 When a people's court determines the scope of protection of a patent right, the technical features recorded in the preamble andcharacterization of an independent claim, and thereference or definition of a subordinate claim shallall have the definitive roles.   第五条 在人民法院确定专利权的保护范围时,独立权利要求的前序部分、特征部分以及从属权利要求的引用部分、限定部分记载的技术特征均有限定作用。
Article 6 A people's court may interpret the claims of the patent involved in a case by using any other patent which has the divisional application relationship with the patent involved in the case and its patent examination archives or effective patent granting and confirmation judgment documents.   第六条 人民法院可以运用与涉案专利存在分案申请关系的其他专利及其专利审查档案、生效的专利授权确权裁判文书解释涉案专利的权利要求。
Patent examination archives include the written materials submitted by the patent applicant or patentee in the process of patent examination, reexamination and invalidation, the notice of examination opinions made by the patent administrative department of the State Council and its Patent Reexamination Board, meeting records, oral hearing records, effective written decision on the examination of patent reexamination request, and the written decision on the examination of request for declaring invalidation ofa patent right, among others. 专利审查档案,包括专利审查、复审、无效程序中专利申请人或者专利权人提交的书面材料,国务院专利行政部门及其专利复审委员会制作的审查意见通知书、会晤记录、口头审理记录、生效的专利复审请求审查决定书和专利权无效宣告请求审查决定书等。
Article 7 Where any alleged infringing technical solution is supplemented with other technical features on the basis of including all technical features of the claims for any enclosed composition, the people's court shall determine the alleged infringing technical solution does not fall within the scope of protection of the patent right, except when the added technical features do not fall within the scope of the conventional quantity ofinevitableimpurities.   第七条 被诉侵权技术方案在包含封闭式组合物权利要求全部技术特征的基础上增加其他技术特征的,人民法院应当认定被诉侵权技术方案未落入专利权的保护范围,但该增加的技术特征属于不可避免的常规数量杂质的除外。
The claims for the enclosed composition as mentioned in the preceding paragraph generally exclude the claims for traditional Chinese medicine composition. 前款所称封闭式组合物权利要求,一般不包括中药组合物权利要求。
Article 8 Functional features means the technical features which define the structures, components, procedures, conditions or the mutual relationship thereof, among others, through their functions or effects in invention and creation, except when the ordinary skill in the art can directly and explicitly determine the specific exploitation mode for achieving the aforesaid functions or effects only by reading the claims.   第八条 功能性特征,是指对于结构、组分、步骤、条件或其之间的关系等,通过其在发明创造中所起的功能或者效果进行限定的技术特征,但本领域普通技术人员仅通过阅读权利要求即可直接、明确地确定实现上述功能或者效果的具体实施方式的除外。
Where, in comparison with the indispensable technical features for achieving the functions or effects as mentioned in the preceding paragraph as recorded in the specifications and the attached diagrams, the corresponding technical features of the alleged infringing technical solution realizes basically the same functions and achieve basically the same results by basically the same means as the stated technical features, with which an ordinary skill in the art is able to associate without any creative activity when the alleged infringing act occurs, the people's court shall determine the corresponding technical features are identical with or equivalent to the functional features. 与说明书及附图记载的实现前款所称功能或者效果不可缺少的技术特征相比,被诉侵权技术方案的相应技术特征是以基本相同的手段,实现相同的功能,达到相同的效果,且本领域普通技术人员在被诉侵权行为发生时无需经过创造性劳动就能够联想到的,人民法院应当认定该相应技术特征与功能性特征相同或者等同。
Article 9 Where the alleged infringing technical solution cannot apply to the usage environment defined by the usage environment features in the claims, the people' s court shall determine the alleged infringing technical solution does not fall within the scope of protection of the patent right.   第九条 被诉侵权技术方案不能适用于权利要求中使用环境特征所限定的使用环境的,人民法院应当认定被诉侵权技术方案未落入专利权的保护范围。
Article 10 Where the technical features of any product is defined through preparation method in the claims, and the preparation method for the alleged infringing product is neither identical with nor equivalent to that of the said product, the people's court shall determine the alleged infringing technical solution does not fall within the scope of protection of the patent right.   第十条 对于权利要求中以制备方法界定产品的技术特征,被诉侵权产品的制备方法与其不相同也不等同的,人民法院应当认定被诉侵权技术方案未落入专利权的保护范围。
Article 11 Where the order of the technical steps is not explicitly recorded in the claims for the methods, but the ordinary skill in the art directly and explicitly deem after reading the statement of claims, specifications and the attached diagrams that the technical steps shall be exploited in a specific order, the people's court shall deem the order of such steps has a definitive role in determining the scope of protection of the patent right.   第十一条 方法权利要求未明确记载技术步骤的先后顺序,但本领域普通技术人员阅读权利要求书、说明书及附图后直接、明确地认为该技术步骤应当按照特定顺序实施的,人民法院应当认定该步骤顺序对于专利权的保护范围具有限定作用。
Article 12 Where a claim defines the numeric features with “at a minimum” or “not more than” or any other terms, and the ordinary skills in the art deem after reading the statement of claims, specifications and the attached diagrams that such technical solution specially emphasizes that the definitive role of the term in the technical feature, the patentee's claim that a different numeric feature is an equivalent feature shall not be supported by the people's court.
   第十二条 权利要求采用“至少”“不超过”等用语对数值特征进行界定,且本领域普通技术人员阅读权利要求书、说明书及附图后认为专利技术方案特别强调该用语对技术特征的限定作用,权利人主张与其不相同的数值特征属于等同特征的,人民法院不予支持。

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