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Provisions on the Administrative Reconsideration Involving Natural Resources [Effective]
自然资源行政复议规定 [现行有效]

Order of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the People's Republic of China 


(No. 3) (第3号)

The Provisions on the Administrative Reconsideration Involving Natural Resources, as deliberated and adopted at the 2nd executive meeting of the Ministry of Natural Resources on July 16, 2019, are hereby issued and shall come into force on September 1, 2019. 《自然资源行政复议规定》已经2019年7月16日自然资源部第2次部务会议审议通过,现予公布,自2019年9月1日起施行。
Minister: Lu Hao 部长 陆 昊
July 19, 2019 2019年7月19日
Provisions on the Administrative Reconsideration Involving Natural Resources 自然资源行政复议规定
(Adopted at the 2nd executive meeting of the Ministry of Natural Resources on July 16, 2019) (2019年7月16日自然资源部第2次部务会议通过)
Article 1 For the purposes of regulating the administrative reconsideration related to natural resources, resolving administrative disputes over natural resources in a timely and efficient manner, safeguarding the lawful rights and interests of citizens, legal persons and other organizations, and promoting the rule of law in natural resources, these Provisions are developed in accordance with the Administrative Reconsideration Law of the People's Republic of China and the Regulation on the Implementation of the Administrative Reconsideration Law of the People's Republic of China.   第一条 为规范自然资源行政复议工作,及时高效化解自然资源行政争议,保护公民、法人和其他组织的合法权益,推进自然资源法治建设,根据《中华人民共和国行政复议法》和《中华人民共和国行政复议法实施条例》,制定本规定。
Article 2 These Provisions shall apply to the natural resources departments at or above the county level in handling administrative reconsideration cases in accordance with the law, implementing administrative reconsideration decisions, and directing and supervising the work of administrative reconsideration.   第二条 县级以上自然资源主管部门依法办理行政复议案件,履行行政复议决定,指导和监督行政复议工作,适用本规定。
Article 3 The Ministry of Natural Resources shall direct and supervise the nationwide administrative reconsideration involving natural resources.   第三条 自然资源部对全国自然资源行政复议工作进行指导和监督。
The natural resources departments at higher levels shall direct and supervise the administrative reconsideration of the natural resources department at lower levels. 上级自然资源主管部门对下级自然资源主管部门的行政复议工作进行指导和监督。
Article 4 For the purposes of these Provisions, “administrative reconsideration organ” means any natural resources department that performs the duties of administrative reconsideration in accordance with the laws and regulations.   第四条 本规定所称行政复议机关,是指依据法律法规规定履行行政复议职责的自然资源主管部门。
For the purposes of these Provisions, “administrative reconsideration department” means the legal work organ of any natural resources department. 本规定所称行政复议机构,是指自然资源主管部门的法治工作机构。
An administrative reconsideration organ may authorize one of its subordinate public institutions to undertake the routine work involving administrative reconsideration. 行政复议机关可以委托所属事业单位承担有关行政复议的事务性工作。
Article 5 Administrative reconsideration organs may, as needed in work, establish administrative reconsideration committees to review major, complex and difficult administrative reconsideration cases and study major issues in the work of administrative reconsideration.   第五条 行政复议机关可以根据工作需要设立行政复议委员会,审议重大、复杂、疑难的行政复议案件,研究行政复议工作中的重大问题。
Article 6 The administrative reconsideration staff members shall have the political quality, legal quality and professional ability commensurate with the performance of their duties, be loyal to the Constitution and the law, be honest and fulfill their duties.   第六条 行政复议工作人员应当具备与履行职责相适应的政治素质、法治素养和业务能力,忠于宪法和法律,清正廉洁,恪尽职守。
Persons who conduct administrative reconsideration for the first time shall pass the national uniform legal profession qualification examination and obtain the legal profession qualification. 初次从事行政复议的人员,应当通过国家统一法律职业资格考试取得法律职业资格。
Article 7 Administrative reconsideration organs shall, in accordance with the relevant provisions, shall be staffed with full-time administrative reconsideration personnel, and organize regular training to ensure that the professional training sessions are no less than 36 class hours per year.   第七条 行政复议机关应当依照有关规定配备专职行政复议人员,并定期组织培训,保障其每年参加专业培训的时间不少于三十六个学时。
Administrative reconsideration organs shall guarantee funds, equipment and other necessary working conditions for administrative reconsideration. 行政复议机关应当保障行政复议工作经费、装备和其他必要的工作条件。
Article 8 Administrative reconsideration organs shall regularly make statistics, analysis and report on the work of administrative reconsideration, the implementation of administrative reconsideration decisions and typical cases, and report the relevant information to the natural resources department at the higher level.   第八条 行政复议机关应当定期对行政复议工作情况、行政复议决定履行情况以及典型案例等进行统计、分析、通报,并将有关情况向上一级自然资源主管部门报告。
Administrative reconsideration organs shall establish a system for managing administrative reconsideration information to enhance the informatization level of case handling, file management, statistical analysis and public convenience services. 行政复议机关应当建立行政复议信息管理系统,提高案件办理、卷宗管理、统计分析、便民服务的信息化水平。
Article 9 The natural resources departments at or above the county level shall include the work of administrative reconsideration into their evaluation, and the evaluation results shall be taken as an important basis for the evaluation of leading groups, selection of the advanced and rewarding, and use of cadres.   第九条 县级以上自然资源主管部门应当将行政复议工作情况纳入本部门考核内容,考核结果作为评价领导班子、评先表彰、干部使用的重要依据。
Article 10 Administrative reconsideration organs shall accept administrative reconsideration applications in a unified way.   第十条 行政复议机构统一受理行政复议申请。
If any other organ of an administrative reconsideration organ receives an application for administrative reconsideration, it shall, within one working day of receiving the application, transfer the application materials to the administrative reconsideration department. 行政复议机关的其他机构收到行政复议申请的,应当自收到之日起1个工作日内将申请材料转送行政复议机构。
The administrative reconsideration department shall register the administrative reconsideration applications received. 行政复议机构应当对收到的行政复议申请进行登记。
Article 11 If the administrative reconsideration department receives public complaint requests from an applicant, such as criticism, opinions, suggestions, charges, reports, and complaints, it shall hand over the relevant materials to public complaints reporting, discipline inspection or other working institutions and inform the applicant and properly keep records.   第十一条 行政复议机构收到申请人提出的批评、意见、建议、控告、检举、投诉等信访请求的,应当将相关材料转交信访纪检等工作机构处理,告知申请人并做好记录。
Article 12 If an administrative reconsideration organ considers that the application materials for administrative reconsideration are incomplete, unclear or not in the statutory form, it shall, within five working days of receiving the application for administrative reconsideration, provide a one-time written notification to the applicant to make supplements and corrections.   第十二条 行政复议机构认为行政复议申请材料不齐全、表述不清楚或者不符合法定形式的,应当自收到该行政复议申请书之日起5个工作日内,一次性书面通知申请人补正。
The supplement and correction notification shall specify the following items: 补正通知书应当载明下列事项:
(1) Specific contents that need to be changed or supplemented; (一)需要更改、补充的具体内容;
(2) Materials and evidence that need to be supplemented and corrected. (二)需要补正的材料、证据;
(3) The rational time limit for making supplements and corrections; and (三)合理的补正期限;
(4) Legal consequences where supplements and corrections fail to be made within the prescribed time limit without justifiable reasons. (四)无正当理由逾期未补正的法律后果。
If an applicant fails to submit supplementary and correction materials within the time limit without any justified reason, it shall be deemed that the applicant has waived the administrative reconsideration application. The time required for supplementing and correcting the application materials shall not be included in the time limit for administrative reconsideration hearing. 无正当理由逾期未提交补正材料的,视为申请人放弃行政复议申请。补正申请材料所用时间不计入复议审理期限。
Article 13 Under any of the following circumstances, the administrative reconsideration organ shall refuse to accept the application for administrative reconsideration:   第十三条 有下列情形之一的,行政复议机关不予受理:
(1) Failing to provide supplementary and correction materials as required by the supplementary and correction notification specified in Article 12 of these Provisions; (一)未按照本规定第十二条规定的补正通知要求提供补正材料的;
(2) Applying for administrative reconsideration for refusing to accept the administrative reconsideration decision or notification made by the natural resources department at a lower level; and (二)对下级自然资源主管部门作出的行政复议决定或者行政复议告知不服,申请行政复议的;
(3) Other conditions that do not meet the statutory requirements for acceptance. (三)其他不符合法定受理条件的。
If an applicant repeatedly makes the same application for administrative reconsideration with basically the same facts and reasons, the administrative reconsideration organ shall not repeatedly accept such application. 对同一申请人以基本相同的事实和理由重复提出同一行政复议申请的,行政复议机关不再重复受理。
Article 14. Where application for administrative reconsideration is filed due to refusal to accept the reply to government information disclosure, under one of the following circumstances where the respondent has fulfilled the statutory obligation of notification or explained the reasons, the administrative reconsideration organ may deny the application for administrative reconsideration:   第十四条 对政府信息公开答复不服申请行政复议,有下列情形之一,被申请人已经履行法定告知义务或者说明理由的,行政复议机关可以驳回行政复议申请:
(1) The natural resources department deals with or responds to, according to the law, any request for the provision of government information that has been voluntarily disclosed, or request for the disclosure of government information already known to the applicant; (一)要求提供已经主动公开的政府信息,或者要求公开申请人已经知晓的政府信息,自然资源主管部门依法作出处理、答复的;
(2) The natural resources department deals with or responds to, according to the law, any request for the production and collection of government information and the subsequent summarization, analysis and processing of the existing government information; (二)要求自然资源主管部门制作、搜集政府信息和对已有政府信息进行汇总、分析、加工等,自然资源主管部门依法作出处理、答复的;
(3) When the applicant makes a public complaint, complaint, reporting or any other activity in the form of an application for public disclosure of government information, the natural resources department shall inform the applicant that such activities are not handled as an application for government information disclosure; (三)申请人以政府信息公开申请的形式进行信访、投诉、举报等活动,自然资源主管部门告知申请人不作为政府信息公开申请处理的;
(4) The applicant's application for government information disclosure complies with the provisions of subparagraphs (3), (5), (6) and (7) of Article 36 of the Open Government Information Regulation of the People's Republic of China, and the natural resources department deals with and responds to the application according to law; and (四)申请人的政府信息公开申请符合《中华人民共和国政府信息公开条例》第三十六条第三、五、六、七项规定,自然资源主管部门依法作出处理、答复的;
(5) Any other circumstance as provided by the laws and regulations. (五)法律法规规定的其他情形。
If the circumstances prescribed in the preceding paragraph are met, the administrative reconsideration organ may not require the respondent to provide written reply, evidence and basis. 符合前款规定情形的,行政复议机关可以不要求被申请人提供书面答复及证据、依据。
Article 15 With respect to refusal to accept the application for administrative reconsideration concerning any complaint, tip-off, accusation or report of problems or any other matter, under one of the following circumstances where the natural resources department notifies the disposal and such notification does not adversely affect the substantial rights and obligations of the applicant, the administrative reconsideration organ may refuse to accept the application or reject the application for administrative reconsideration after accepting the application:
   第十五条 对投诉、举报、检举和反映问题等事项的处理不服申请行政复议的,属于下列情形之一,自然资源主管部门已经将处理情况予以告知,且告知行为未对申请人的实体权利义务产生不利影响的,行政复议机关可以不予受理或者受理审查后驳回行政复议申请:

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