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Beijing Cultural and Creative Industries White Paper 2016
  • Date issued: 11-01-2016

Beijing Cultural and Creative Industries White Paper 2016



(Published by State-Owned Cultural Assets Supervision and Administration Office of the People's Government of Beijing Municipality and Culture Development Institute of Communication University of China in November 2016) (北京市国有文化资产监督管理办公室、中国传媒大学文化发展研究院 2016年11月)

Contents 目录
A.Development Status 一、总体态势
1.Overall Strength Continues to Increase (一)总体实力持续增强
2.The Industry Develops Steadily (二)行业发展稳中有进
3.Capital Markets Are Active (三)资本市场表现活跃
B.Industrial Innovation and Development 二、产业创新发展
1.The Effective Supply of Culture Is Continuously Expanding (一)文化有效供给不断扩大
2.Cultural and Technological Innovation Trend Is Obvious (二)文化科技创新趋势明显
3.“Cultural and Creative +” Is Effectively Promoted (三)“文化创意+”有效推进
4.The Vitality of Cultural Consumption Market Is Strengthened (四)文化消费市场活力增强
C.Spatial Development Pattern 三、空间发展格局
1.Significant Improvement of Agglomeration Effect of Functional Zones .. (一)功能区集聚效应显著提升
2.The Construction of Major Projects in an Orderly Manner (二)重大项目建设有序推进
3.The initial results of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei cooperation development (三)京津冀协同发展初见成效
D.The Market Players 四、市场主体
1.The Pace of Reform and Development of State-owned Cultural Enterprises Have Been Accelerated (一)国有文化企业改革发展步伐加快
2.The Non-public Economy and Mass Entrepreneurship and Innovation Enterprise Develop Actively (二)非公经济与“双创”企业发展活跃
E.Development Environment 五、发展环境
1.The Policy Environment Has Been Optimized (一)政策环境不断优化
2.The Investment and Financing Service System of CCI Has Been More Sound (二)投融资服务体系更加健全
3.A Series of Service Platform Has Been Constructed. (三)系列服务平台创新搭建
F.Situations and Development Ideas 六、面临形势与发展思路
1.Situations and Challenges (一)面临形势与挑战
2.Future Development Ideas (二)未来发展思路
The Cultural and Creative industries (CCI) is an important pillar industry in Beijing. Under new circumstances, vigorously developing the Cultural and Creative industries (CCI) is the internal requirements and an important starting point of accelerating the implementation of the strategic positioning of the capital city, promoting the dispersal of non-capital function, constructing the “sophisticated” economic structure and building world-class harmonious livable capital. 文化创意产业是北京市的重要支柱性产业。大力发展文化创意产业,是新形势下加快落实首都城市战略定位、推进非首都功能疏解、构建“高精尖”经济结构、建设国际一流和谐宜居之都的内在要求和重要抓手。
During 2015, the final year of “the 12th Five-Year Plan”, the Beijing Cultural and Creative industries (CCI) continued to develop well with more stable pillar position, effectively improved quality, better spatial distribution and more complete market system. All these developments further highlighted its role of driving the capital economic growth, promoting the transformation and upgrading, and speeding up the construction of the national cultural center. 2015年是“十二五”收官之年,北京文化创意产业发展持续向好,支柱地位更加稳固,发展质量有效提升,空间布局更加优化,市场体系不断完善,在拉动首都经济增长、推动经济转型升级、加快全国文化中心建设中的作用进一步凸显。经过“十二五”时期的持续健康快速发展,北京的文化创意产业已经站在了一个新的历史起点上。
Going through sustainable, healthy and rapid development during the period of "12th Five-Year Plan", Beijing Cultural and Creative industries (CCI) had been standing on a new historical starting point. The central government promoted the structural reform of the supply side, the public entrepreneurship and innovation, Collaborative Development of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei Province, “One Belt, One Road” and other major strategies. “Internet +” and “Culture+” were the new circumstances and new environment. Based on the strategic positioning of the capital city in the new period, Beijing Cultural and Creative industries (CCI) adapted to the new normal economic development, ushering in a new strategic opportunity and more broad prospects for development. 适应经济发展新常态,立足新时期首都城市战略定位,在中央推进供给侧结构性改革、大众创业万众创新、京津冀协同发展、“一带一路”等重大战略以及“互联网+”、“文化+”等新形势、新环境下,北京文化创意产业迎来了新的战略机遇期,发展前景更加广阔。
Beijing Cultural and Creative Industries White Paper (2016) objectively reflects the overall development of Cultural and Creative industries (CCI) in Beijing in 2015. Through the analysis of the new features and new trends of Cultural and Creative industries (CCI), the paper puts forward the goal of development for “the 13th Five-Year plan” and the future development ideas for Beijing Cultural and Creative industries (CCI). 《北京文化创意产业发展白皮书(2016)》客观反映2015年北京文化创意产业发展的总体情况,分析研判文化创意产业发展的新特点新趋势,针对“十三五”时期的发展目标,研究提出未来一段时间北京文化创意产业的发展思路。
A.Development Status 


Under the macro background of strengthening the construction of the national cultural center, alleviating the non-capital function and constructing the "sophisticated" economic structure, Beijing Cultural and Creative industries (CCI) achieved remarkable results in 2015. The industrial scale continued to expand and the contribution to the economy was further enhanced. The proportion of added value, cultural consumption index, foreign trade and other indicators maintained the leading position in the country. The development of the industry made progress while maintaining stability, and the cultural and technological integration had vigorous development. Culture and capital were integrated and further promoted, helping the Cultural and Creative industries (CCI) in good shape. 在加强全国文化中心建设、疏解非首都功能、构建“高精尖”经济结构的宏观背景下,2015年,北京文化创意产业发展成效显著,产业规模不断扩大,对经济的贡献作用进一步提升,增加值占比、文化消费指数、对外文化贸易等多项指标在全国领先;行业发展稳中有进,文化科技融合业态发展强劲;文化与资本接轨深度推进,助力文化创意产业发展态势良好。
1.Overall Strength Continues to Increase   (一)总体实力持续增强
In 2015, Beijing Cultural and Creative industries (CCI) realized an added value of 317.93 billion yuan, accounting for 13.8% of the region's GDP. It's 0.6% higher than the previous year. According to the statistics standards of national cultural and related industries, the value added of Beijing cultural and related industries accounted for 8.5% of the region's GDP, occupying the highest proportion in the country in 2015. 2015年,北京市文化创意产业实现增加值3179.3亿元,占地区生产总值的比重达到13.8%,比上年提高0.6个百分点,按照国家文化及相关产业统计标准,2015年北京文化及相关产业增加值占地区生产总值的比重8.5%,在全国占比最高。
The city's Cultural and Creative industries (CCI) totaled 1587.78 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 13.6%; the total assets reached 3189.39 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 20.6%; employees were 2.023 million, a year-on-year increase of 5.6%. Among them, the revenue of above-scale Cultural and Creative industries (CCI) totaled 1345.13 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 14.0%; assets amounted to 2014.02 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 20.6%; employees were 1.223 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 6.2%. 全市文化创意产业收入合计15877.8亿元,同比增长13.6%;资产总计31893.9亿元,同比增长20.6%;从业人员202.3万人,同比增长5.6%。其中,规模以上文化创意产业收入合计13451.3亿元,同比增长14.0%;资产总计20140.2亿元,同比增长20.6%;从业人员122.3万人,同比增长6.2%。
In the past five years, Beijing Cultural and Creative industries (CCI) had maintained a relatively fast growth momentum. The industrial added value increased from 169.77 billion yuan in 2010 to 317.93 billion yuan in 2015, an annual growth rate of 13.4 percent at current prices. It's higher than a growth rate of 3.1 percentage points of current price of the regional gross domestic products, accounting for the proportion of 13.8% of GDP in 2015 increased from 12.0% in 2010. It had increased by 1.8 percentage points during the five years. The strategic pillar industry status of Cultural and Creative industries (CCI) became more prominent, having more significant pulling effect on the capital economic growth. 五年来,北京市文化创意产业保持较快发展势头,产业增加值由2010年的1697.7亿元增长到2015年的3179.3亿元,按现价计算,年均增长13.4%,高于地区生产总值现价增速3.1个百分点,占地区生产总值的比重由2010年的12.0%提高到2015年的13.8%,5年间提高1.8个百分点。文化创意产业作为战略性支柱产业的地位更加突出,对首都经济增长的拉动作用更为显著。
Investment in fixed assets increased steadily. In 2015, the investment in fixed assets by Beijing Cultural and Creative industries (CCI) totaled 35.3 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 9.2%. 110.3% of the annual investment plan of 32.0 billion yuan was completed. The growth and progress were higher than the overall level of the city. Investment focused on the field of industrial integration development, Internet information services, software development and other cultural and technological integration industries. The investment amounted to 12.4 billion yuan, accounting for 35.1% of the total investment. The investment in amusement parks, scenic management and other cultural tourism industries reached 8.7 billion yuan, accounting for 24.6% of the total investment. 固定资产投资稳中有增。2015年北京文化创意产业固定资产投资共计完成投资353亿元,同比增长9.2%,完成全年320亿元投资计划的110.3%,增速和进度均高于全市整体水平。投资热点集中在产业融合发展领域,互联网信息服务、软件开发等文化与科技融合产业完成投资124亿元,占总投资的35.1%,游乐园、游览景区管理等文化旅游融合行业完成投资87亿元,占总投资的24.6%。
The potential of cultural consumption sustained release. Beijing cultural consumption index and cultural consumption capacity indicators ranked first. In 2015, the city's per capita cultural and entertainment consumer spending totaled 2,592 yuan, a year-on-year increase of 11.1% and higher than 2.4 percentage points of total consumption expenditure growth rate. Film, tourism and other cultural markets continued to heat up. the revenue of city's film box office created a record of 3.15 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 38.1% and ranking the first in the major cities of the country; The number of audience amounted to 71.642 million, a year-on-year increase of 38.2%. According to the resident population, per capita annual viewing times were up to 3.3 times, ranking the highest in the country. The total number of tourist reception of the city reached 273 million, a year-on-year increase of 4.3%; the total income of tourism reached 460.71 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 7.6%. 文化消费潜力持续释放。北京文化消费综合指数和文化消费能力指标位居全国首位,2015年全市居民人均文化和娱乐消费支出2592元,同比增长11.1%,高于总消费支出增速2.4个百分点。电影、旅游等文化市场持续升温,全市电影票房收入再创新高,达到31.5亿元,同比增长38.1%,居全国各大城市之首;观影7164.2万人次,同比增长38.2%,按常住人口计算,人均年观影次数达到3.3人次,为全国最高。全市旅游接待总人数达2.73亿人次,同比增长4.3%;实现旅游总收入4607.1亿元,同比增长7.6%。
Foreign cultural trade was continuously expanding. As a national cultural center and international communication center, Beijing's foreign trade had been at the forefront of the country all the time. In 2015, Beijing's cultural trade volume increased from US $ 1.265 billion in 2006 to US $ 3.028 billion, with an average annual growth rate of 10.2%. The exports of animation games, book copyrights, and films ranked the forefront of the country. All though the year of 2015, among the national key cultural export enterprises (projects) in Beijing, 70 enterprises and 37 projects were selected. The number accounted for 19.9% and 26.6% respectively of the national total number, ranking the first in China. 对外文化贸易不断扩大。作为全国文化中心和国际交往中心,北京对外文化贸易一直走在全国前列。2015年,北京市文化贸易额从2006年的12.65亿美元提高至30.28亿美元,年均增长10.2%;动漫游戏出口、图书版权输出和电影出口位居全国前列。2015至2016年度国家文化出口重点企业(项目)中,北京共有70家企业、37个项目入选,在全国占比分别为19.9%和26.6%,数量均居全国省市首位。
The enterprise competitiveness had an obvious superiority. The enterprise competitiveness of Beijing cultural and creative enterprises continued to be enhanced, forming a group of leading enterprises with high visibility and influence in the country. In the 7th “Top 30 National Cultural Enterprises” in 2015, 10 Beijing enterprises were shortlisted, including Poly Culture Group Co., Ltd., Beijing Wanda Cultural Industry Group Co., Ltd. and Perfect World (Beijing) Network Technology Co., Ltd. The number accounted for one-third of the country, of which Scenery Culture Co., Ltd.,and Beijing HualuBaina Film & Tv Co.,Ltd., the two Beijing enterprises, were newly selected for the year 2015 annual list. 企业竞争力优势明显。北京的文化创意企业竞争力不断增强,已经形成一批在全国具有较高知名度和影响力的骨干龙头企业。2015年评选的第七届“全国文化企业30强”中,保利文化集团股份有限公司、北京万达文化产业集团有限公司、完美世界(北京)网络技术有限公司等10家北京地区企业入围,数量占到全国的三分之一,其中,山水盛典文化产业有限公司、北京华录百纳影视股份有限公司两家北京企业新入选2015年度榜单。
In the situation when overall economy stepped into the new normal, the Beijing Cultural and Creative industries (CCI) were transformed from scale expansion to improved quality and efficiency when the quantitative indicators was still in the growth. These industries paid more attention to enhance the quality and content of development, expand the quality of cultural supply, and transform the force of industrial development. The city's Cultural and Creative industries (CCI) had entered a period of speed-up shift from high-speed growth. 在整体经济步入新常态的形势下,北京文化创意产业在数量指标增长的同时,也从规模扩张向提质增效转变,更加注重提升发展质量和发展内涵,扩大文化供给品质,转换产业发展动力,全市文化创意产业已由高速增长期进入增速换挡期。
2.The Industry Develops Steadily   (二)行业发展稳中有进
In 2015, the development of Cultural and Creative industries (CCI) in Beijing was generally stable, and the leading role of cultural and technological integration was more obvious. At the same time, due to the macroeconomic situation, industrial transformation and upgrading, market adjustment and other factors, the development of various industries showed an uneven trend and the internal structure of the industry were further adjusted. 2015年,北京市文化创意产业行业发展总体稳中有进,文化科技融合业态的引领作用更加明显,同时,受宏观经济形势、产业转型升级、市场调整等因素影响,各行业发展呈现出不均衡态势,产业内部结构进一步调整。
Cultural and technological integration, whose leading role was highlighted, developed powerfully. In 2015, the scale of the software, network and computer service industry, characterized by Cultural and technological integration, was expanding continuously. The annual income of above-scale reached 561.69 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 20.4 percent and accounting for 41.8% of the total income of the above-scale enterprises; Total assets amounted to 948.21 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 28.7% and accounting 47.1% of the city's total assets of the above-scale enterprises; 667,000 employees occupied 54.5% of the total number of employees, a year-on-year increase of 13.1%. 文化科技融合业态发展势头强劲,引领作用凸显。2015年,以文化科技融合为特征的软件、网络及计算机服务业规模和增速不断扩大,全年实现规模以上收入5616.9亿元,同比增长20.4%,占全市规模以上产业总收入的比重41.8%;资产总计9482.1亿元,同比增长28.7%,占全市规模以上产业总资产的比重47.1%;从业人员66.7万人,同比增长13.1%,占全市规模以上产业从业人员总数的54.5%。
The rapid development of cultural and technological integration of industry reflected the "sophisticated" development trend of Cultural and Creative industries (CCI) themselves. Meanwhile, the rapid development further propelled "two-wheel drive" strategy for cultural and technological innovation, promoting economic transformation and upgrading of the capital to lay a good foundation. 文化科技融合业态的快速发展,体现了文化创意产业自身的“高精尖”发展态势,也为进一步推进文化创新、科技创新“双轮驱动”战略,促进首都经济转型升级打下良好基础。
Four major industries, including advertising and exhibition, tourism and entertainment, radio and television movies, and other ancillary services developed robustly, which served as a strong support for the development of Beijing Cultural and Creative industries (CCI). 广告会展、旅游休闲娱乐、广播电视电影、其他辅助服务四大行业发展稳健,有力支撑北京文化创意产业发展。
In 2015, above-scale income of Beijing advertising and exhibition industry reached 158.13 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 19.2%; total assets amounted to 130.87 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 28.6%; employees were 67,000, down 2.8% year on year. The full application of high-tech promoted the integration and development of advertising and exhibition industry and science and technology, which were important driving forces for industrial transformation and upgrading. 2015年,北京市广告会展业规模以上收入1581.3亿元,同比增长19.2%;资产总计1308.7亿元,同比增长28.6%;从业人员6.7万人,同比下降2.8%。高新技术的充分应用,促进了广告会展业与科技的融合发展,成为产业转型升级的重要推动力。
In 2015, above-scale income of Beijing tourism and leisure and entertainment industry was 114.02 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 15.1%; total assets amounted to 129.75 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 18.1%; employees were 92,000, an increase of 2.1% than the previous year. With the function dispersal of non-capital and the contentiously increased efforts for protection of ancient capital style and tourism resources in-depth development, Beijing furthered to highlight its charm as “World Tourism City”. 2015年,北京市旅游、休闲娱乐业规模以上收入1140.2亿元,同比增长15.1%;资产总计1297.5亿元,同比增长18.1%;从业人员9.2万人,同比增长2.1%。随非首都功能疏解、古都风貌保护和旅游资源深度开发力度不断加大,北京“世界旅游城市”的魅力进一步凸显。
In 2015, the above-scale income of Beijing's other auxiliary service industry reached 181.19 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 24.1%; total assets amounted to 162.13 billion yuan, up 13.3% year on year; employees were 91,000, down 1.0% year on year. Although a slight decline in employees, the revenue and asset growth were maintained at a faster rate. 2015年,北京市其他辅助服务业规模以上收入1811.9亿元,同比增长24.1%;资产总计1621.3亿元,同比增长13.3%;从业人员9.1万人,同比下降1.0%。虽从业人员略有下降,但收入和资产增长均保持较快速度。
In 2015, the above-scale income of Beijing radio and television film industry totaled 83.0 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 5.4%; total assets amounted to 246.73 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 17.6%; the number of employees reached 52,000, an increase of 1.1% than the previous year. In recent years,the industry had maintained steady growth, but the growth rate slowed down because of the impact of new media, such as the Internet and mobile Internet. 2015年,北京市广播电视电影业规模以上收入830.0亿元,同比增长5.4%;资产总计2467.3亿元,同比增长17.6%;从业人员5.2万人,同比增长1.1%。近年来该行业一直保持稳步增长态势,但在互联网、移动互联网等新媒体冲击下,发展增速有所放缓。
The four industries, including news publishing, art trading, design services and culture and arts, were faced with great growth pressure and stepped into the period of market adjustment. 新闻出版、艺术品交易、设计服务以及文化艺术四类行业增长压力较大,进入市场调整期。
In 2015, the above-scale income of Beijing press and publication industry reached 84.79 billion yuan, down 0.8% year on year; total assets amounted to 175.82 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 8.3%; the number of employees 10.3 million, down 2.3% year on year. Under the impact of the rapid development of new media, It was extremely urgent for the traditional press and publishing industry to promote the digital transformation and upgrading and cross-industry integration development. 2015年,北京市新闻出版业规模以上收入847.9亿元,同比下降0.8%;资产总计1758.2亿元,同比增长8.3%;从业人员10.3万人,同比下降2.3%。受新兴媒体快速发展影响,传统新闻出版行业推动数字化转型升级和跨行业融合发展迫在眉睫。
In 2015, the turnover of the Beijing artwork industry was 95.51 billion yuan, down 6.9% year on year; the total assets amounted to 81.95 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 8.5%; employees reached 1,3000, down 9.6% year on year. Under the impact of art market heat reduction, price overdraft and other factors in recent years, industry income and employees were on the decline. Now they entered a rational return period and the market adjustment period and the downward pressure would further increase. 2015年,北京市艺术品交易业规模以上收入955.1亿元,同比下降6.9%;资产总计819.5亿元,同比增长8.5%;从业人员1.3万人,同比下降9.6%。受近几年艺术品市场热度降低、价格透支等因素影响,行业收入和从业人员出现下滑,目前已进入理性回归期和市场调整期,下行压力还将进一步加大。
In 2015, the above-scale income of Beijing design service industry was 42.81 billion yuan, down 4.1% year on year; total assets amounted to 77.31 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 6.8%; employees were 98,000, down 1.2% year on year. Influenced by the real estate investment, real estate sales decline and other factors, the industry market was correspondingly narrowed. Layoffs and savings appeared in large and medium-sized design enterprises; the survival pressure of small business increased and industry revenue and employees decreased. 2015年,北京市设计服务业规模以上收入428.1亿元,同比下降4.1%;资产总计773.1亿元,同比增长6.8%;从业人员9.8万人,同比下降1.2%。受房地产投资、商品房销售下滑等因素影响,该行业市场也相应收窄,大中型设计企业出现裁员节支现象,小型企业生存压力加大,行业收入下降,从业人员减少。
In addition, the above-scale income of Beijing arts and cultural industry totaled 24.0 billion yuan, down 2.2% year on year. The number of employees was 41,000, down 1.4% year on year; the industry's total income reached 42.18 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 2.9%; the employees of the industry amounted to 126,000, a year-on-year increase of 12.7%. In the premise of the decline of above-scale income and employees, the active degree and contribution rate of small micro-enterprises and individual employees was on continuous increase. 此外,2015年北京市文化艺术业规模以上收入240.0亿元,同比下降2.2%,从业人员4.1万人,同比下降1.4%;而该行业总收入421.8亿元,同比增长2.9%,从业人员12.6万人,同比增长12.7%,在规模以上收入、从业人员双下降的前提下,小微企业、个体从业者的活跃度和贡献率不断提升。
3.Capital Markets Are Active   (三)资本市场表现活跃
Culture and capital were integrated in depth, which was an important support and motivation to boost the development of Cultural and Creative industries (CCI) and also the important manifestation of the growth and improved quality and efficiency of the industries. As a national cultural center, Beijing owns rich resources in film and television, the media and the Internet. The policy environment had been improved day by day. Cultural and Creative industries (CCI) had a good momentum of development. Culture and capital were integrated deeply, helping the rapid development of the industry. These altogether became a significant trend of the Beijing Cultural and Creative industries (CCI) in 2015. According to incomplete statistics, the capital market of Beijing Cultural and Creative industries (CCI) was active in 2015, a number of data indicators far more than other regions in the country in a leading position. 文化与资本深入接轨,是助推文化创意产业发展的重要支撑和动力,也是文化创意产业发展壮大、提质增效的重要表现。作为全国文化中心,北京拥有丰富的影视、传媒、互联网等资源优势,政策环境日益完善,文化创意产业发展势头良好,文化与资本深度接轨、助力产业快速发展,成为2015年北京文化创意产业的一大显著态势。据不完全统计,2015年北京文化创意产业在资本市场表现活跃,多项数据指标远超其他地区,在全国处于领先地位。
Equity financing: in 2015, the equity financing of Beijing Cultural and Creative industries (CCI) was 50.156 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 50.3%. The capital scale and the number of cases relevant to equity financing ranked the first in the country. “Internet + culture” was a hot spot for equity financing. 股权融资情况:2015年北京文化创意产业股权融资规模501.56亿元,同比增长50.3%,股权融资涉及的资金规模和案例数量均居全国首位,“互联网+文化”是股权融资热点。
Merger and acquisition (M & A): in 2015, the mergers and acquisitions of Beijing Cultural and Creative industries (CCI) reached 86.934 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 125.2%. The number of mergers and acquisitions increased to 66 cases from 55 in 2014. In 2015, in the wave of mergers and acquisitions among Cultural and Creative industries (CCI), Beijing Wanda Cultural Industry Group developed a school of its own, as it acquired Australia's second largest cinema line operator, Hoyts, and 18 chain cinemas subordinated to Shimao Group. 并购情况:2015年北京文化创意产业并购规模达到869.34亿元,同比增长125.2%,并购案例数量由2014年55起增至66起。北京万达文化产业集团在2015年先后收购澳大利亚第二大电影院线运营商Hoyts、世茂股份旗下18家连锁影院,在文化创意产业并购浪潮中表现独树一帜。
Listing situation: In 2015, six new cultural and creative enterprises were listed in Beijing. Financing scale of a total of 62 listed companies reached 51.826 billion yuan. The number of listed companies and financing scale maintained the leading position in the domestic market; listed companies were mainly distributed in 31 culture and information transmission services, 11 cultural creativity and design services, as well as 6 radio and television film service industry. The financing scale of each industry was 26.667 billion yuan, 9.593 billion yuan and 3.921 billion yuan respectively. In 2015, there were 99 “new three board” listed cultural and creative enterprises in Beijing, accounting for 27.27% (the highest) of the total number of national “new three board” cultural enterprises. 上市、挂牌情况:2015年北京新增上市文化创意企业6家,总数达到62家,上市企业融资规模达518.26亿元,上市企业数量和融资规模在国内市场保持领先地位;上市企业主要分布在文化信息传输服务、文化创意和设计服务以及广播电视电影服务行业,数量分别为31家、11家、6家,融资规模分别为266.67亿元、95.93亿元和39.21亿元。2015年北京新三板挂牌文化创意企业有99家,占全国新三板上市文化企业总量的27.27%,占比最高。
Crowd funding: in 2015, there were a total of 487 Crowdfundings of Cultural and Creative industries (CCI) in Beijing. 284 million yuan was raised, a year-on-year increase of 855.2%. The number of cases and the amount of raised funds ranked the first in the country. 众筹情况:2015年北京地区共发生文化创意产业众筹事件487起,募集金额2.84亿元,同比增长855.2%,案例数量及募集金额居全国首位。
B.Industrial Innovation and Development 


In 2015, the Beijing Cultural and Creative industries (CCI) made efforts to create new supplies, converse new impetus, develop new models, and expand new demands. Industrial innovation and development was actively promoted; effective supply of cultural products continued to be expanded; science and technology innovation played a more prominent role in industrial development; the integration and development of industries was significantly enhanced; the potential cultural consumption was further released; new types of cultural consumption, such as online consumption and cross-regional linkage consumption, were rapidly developed. 2015年,北京文化创意产业从创造新供给、转换新动力、拓展新模式、扩大新需求等多方面发力,积极推动产业创新发展,文化产品有效供给不断扩大,科技创新在产业发展中的引擎作用更为突出,产业融合发展态势明显增强,文化消费潜力进一步释放,网上消费、跨区域联动消费等新型文化消费快速发展。
1.The Effective Supply of Culture Is Continuously Expanding   (一)文化有效供给不断扩大
At present, Cultural and Creative industries (CCI) developed rapidly. However, as the supply of cultural products continued to be enriched, the supplies of low-end and homogeneous products were exceeded. The supplies of high-end, characteristic and boutique cultural products were inadequate to meet the growing cultural needs of residents. Under the new circumstance of high-quality, personalized and diversified cultural consumption, the development of Beijing Cultural and Creative industries (CCI) focused on the supply side, vigorously improved the quality of cultural products and services, and launched a number of cultural boutiques with Beijing characteristics and the capital standard. 当前,文化创意产业发展势头迅猛,但在文化产品供给不断丰富的同时,低端化、同质化产品供给过剩,高端、特色、精品文化产品供给不足,难以满足居民日益升级的文化消费需求。围绕文化消费高品质、个性化、多样化的新形势,北京文化创意产业发展聚焦供给侧,大力提升文化产品及服务品质,推出了一批具有北京特色和首都水准的文化精品。
Build activities platform and promote cultural quality creation. In 2015, collection assessment work for “the 2015 Beijing Key Projects of Cultural Quality Engineering” was held twice, covering a total of six categories of 57 selected projects. There were a series of cultural activities for the people of the capital, such as "Dancing Beijing" and "Artistic Beijing". The activities fully inspired the public to participate in the culture, enjoy the culture and create the culture vigorously and vitally. 搭建活动平台,推动文化精品创作。2015年北京市先后两次进行《2015年度北京市文化精品工程重点项目》征集评审工作,共有涵盖六大门类的57个项目入选。举办“舞动北京”、“艺韵北京”等首都市民系列文化活动,充分激发广大市民参与文化、享受文化、创造文化的生机与活力,成为众多文艺精品的展示舞台。
Guide the industry focus and improve the quality of cultural products. Film industry had an eye-catching performance in 2015. Beijing produced 291 films, accounting for 42% of the national total; in the top 20 domestic films at the box office, Beijing produced 13, accounting for 65%; Among the 5 domestic films, whose box office was more than 1 billion, Beijing produced four. Anti-Japanese war movie the Hundred Regiments Offensive made 420 million yuan at the box office, which brought the movie social benefits and excellent economic efficiency. The war-themed TV drama Surge, played on Beijing TV, had the highest audience rating among the same kind of TV dramas. And the network click broke through 300 million times. Beijing Cultural and Creative Industry Investment Fund Management Co., Ltd. participated in the cast of the TV series the Ordinary World, which had good ratings and reputation and accessed to “Flying Goddess Award” for outstanding TV awards and many other awards. 引导行业聚焦,提升文化产品质量。影视行业表现抢眼,2015年,北京生产影片291部,占全国总数的42%;在票房前20名的国产影片中,北京出品13部,占65%;票房超过10亿的5部国产影片中,北京出品4部。抗战题材电影《百团大战》取得4.2亿元票房,社会效益、经济效益俱佳。北京卫视播出的抗战题材电视剧《巨浪》在同类题材电视剧中收视率排名第一,网络点击突破3亿次。北京市文化创意产业投资基金管理有限公司参与投拍的电视剧《平凡的世界》收视、口碑良好,获得“飞天奖”优秀电视剧奖等多个奖项。
The quality of animation films was enhanced obviously. The box office of Monkey King: here is back and Monster Hunt amounted to nearly 3.4 billion yuan. In addition to achieving good social and economic benefits, the quality of the creation was on increase at the same time. New modes of operation, such as “Crowdfunding” and “Water Marketing”, were opened up, highlighting the industrial quality precursor and narrowing the gap with the international advanced level. 动漫类电影产品质量提升明显,《大圣归来》、《捉妖记》合计票房收入近34亿元,在取得良好社会和经济效益的同时,编创质量明显提升,开辟了“众筹”、“自来水营销”等运作新模式,彰显了产业质变先兆,缩小了与国际先进水平的差距。
In the field of press and publication, there were 12,630 kinds of books published in 2015. Six books, including War Revelation, were selected for the key books in 70th anniversary of Victory of the Anti-Japanese War. 109 kinds of themed publications, such as Peking Anti-Japanese War Record, and 36 kinds of electronic publications, such as Red Letter, were selected as recommended directory of National Press and Publication. The main themed books were brought into the mainstream market in Europe and America and new breakthroughs were achieved. The English version of Chinese Dream had become the largest Chinese copyright books in the United States in recent years. 新闻出版领域,2015年共出版图书12630种,《战争启示录》等6部图书入选纪念抗战胜利70周年重点图书,《北平抗战实录》等109种主题出版物、《红色家书》等36种电子出版物入选国家新闻出版广电总局推荐目录。主旋律图书进入欧美主流市场取得新突破,《中国梦》英文版成为近年来美国本土销量最大的中国版权图书。
As for cultural performances, 24,238 performances were held in the city's 135 commercial performance venues throughout the year of 2015, attracting 10.36 million audiences. The performance income reached 1.55 billion yuan, up 4% over the previous year. Beijing Opera Zheng Kaofu and Qiu Shengrong, Kunqu Opera Li Qingzhao and Confucius into the Wei Ming, and Hebei Clapper Opera Zhang Juzheng were listed as the Beijing cultural projects. 文化演出方面,2015年全市135家营业性演出场所全年演出达到24238场,吸引观众1036万人次,演出收入15.5亿元,比上年增长4%。京剧《正考父》、《裘盛戎》,昆曲《李清照》、《孔子之入卫铭》,河北梆子《张居正》被列为北京市文化精品项目。
2.Cultural and Technological Innovation Trend Is Obvious   (二)文化科技创新趋势明显
Scientific and technological innovation is a powerful engine and internal driving force to promote the development of Cultural and Creative industries (CCI). It also provides strong support for the change, development, quality and efficiency of Cultural and Creative industries (CCI). In 2015, under the guidance of the State Council's Directive on Actively Propelling the Internet + Action and the Action Plan for Promoting the Development of the Big Data, Beijing Cultural and Creative industries (CCI) and technology integration development were further promoted; the Internet +, Big data, virtual reality technology had been widely used. Scientific and technological innovation promoted Cultural and Creative industries (CCI) to flourish. 科技创新是推动文化创意产业发展的强大引擎和内在动力,为文化创意产业的变革发展、提质增效提供有力支撑。2015年,在国务院颁布的《关于积极推进“互联网+”行动的指导意见》、《促进大数据发展行动纲要》等系列文件指引下,北京文化创意产业与科技融合发展深入推进,“互联网+”、大数据、虚拟现实技术等得到广泛应用,科技创新带动文化创意产业蓬勃发展。
In 2015, Beijing's software, network and computer services industry developed strongly. the industry's total revenue accounted for 40.6% of the city's cultural and creative industry's total revenue;the industry's total assets accounted for 43.0% of the total assets of the city's Cultural and Creative industries (CCI);industry employees accounted for 50.1% of the city's total employees of Cultural and Creative industries (CCI). All these fully embodied the integration of cultural and technological industry, especially the "Internet + Culture" development of the dominant trend. 2015年,北京市软件、网络及计算机服务业发展强劲,行业总收入占全市文化创意产业总收入的比重40.6%,行业总资产占全市文化创意产业总资产的43.0%,行业从业人员数占全市文化创意产业从业人员总数的50.1%,充分体现出文化科技融合类业态,特别是“互联网+文化”发展的主导趋势。
The commercial activities of emerging cultural and technological integration had a rapid development. In 2015, a number of commercial activities of emerging cultural integration, including digital new media, animation and games and digital publishing developed soundly. Animation and game industry in particular developed well. In 2015, the output value of animation games in Beijing reached 45.5 billion yuan, accounting for one third of the country's total output value. The datum was up 22.3 percent from 37.2 billion yuan in 2014, 250 percent higher than the growth of 13 billion yuan in the early period of the “12th Five-Year Plan”. Exports reached 5.87 billion yuan, ranking the first in the country. Compared with 4.2 billion yuan in 2014, exports had increased by 39.7%; compared with 1.2 billion yuan in 2011 (the early year of “12th Five-Year Plan”, it achieved a growth of 389%. Especially innovative games, represented by mobile games, developed rapidly. In 2015, the output value of the city's mobile game enterprises reached 28.76 billion yuan, accounting for 65% of the output value of national mobile games. In the field of animation games, Beijing has formed an integrated industrial chain of creation, research and development, publication, operation and distribution, which made Beijing the center of the national cartoon game industry. 新兴文化科技融合业态发展迅猛。2015年,数字新媒体、动漫游戏、数字出版等一批新兴文化融合业态发展势头良好,特别是动漫游戏产业发展迅猛。2015年北京市动漫游戏产值达455亿元,产值占全国三分之一,比2014年的372亿元增长22.3%,比“十二五”初期2011年的130亿元增长250%;出口额达58.7亿元,居全国首位,比2014年的42亿元增长39.7%,比“十二五”初期2011年的12亿元增长389%。特别是以移动游戏为代表的创新类游戏高速发展,2015年全市移动游戏企业产值287.6亿元,占全国移动游戏产值的65%。在动漫游戏领域,北京市形成集创作、研发、出版、运营、发行一体化的产业链,成为全国动漫游戏产业的中心。
Cultural and technological integration helped to boost the innovation of business model. Cultural and technological innovation not only led the rapid development of Cultural and Creative industries (CCI), but also gave birth to business model innovation in the field of Cultural and Creative industries (CCI). New business models, including “IP”, chain operation of digital publishing industry, and precision marketing of big data continued to emerge, providing an important support for the innovation and development of Beijing Cultural and Creative industries (CCI). 文化科技融合助推商业模式不断创新。文化科技创新在引领文化创意产业快速发展的同时,也催生文化创意产业领域商业模式创新,“IP化”、数字出版全产业链运营、大数据精准营销等新型商业模式不断涌现,为北京文化创意产业创新发展提供了重要支撑。
3.“Cultural and Creative +” Is Effectively Promoted   (三)“文化创意+”有效推进
In April 2015, Beijing launched the Action Plan for Promoting the Integration of Cultural Originality and Design Services and Related Industries in Beijing (2015-2020). Based on the objectives of the transformation and upgrading of the capital economy and the construction of “sophisticated” industrial structure, the paper proposed “10 activities of integrative development” of Cultural and Creative industries (CCI) to actively construct “creativity +” economic development mode; to promote cultural creativity and design services to become a powerful impetus for accumulating and enhancing the energy development of the real economy; to accelerate the transformation and upgrading of related industries. 2015年4月,北京市发布《北京市推进文化创意和设计服务与相关产业融合发展行动计划(2015-2020年)》,围绕首都经济转型升级要求和构建“高精尖”产业结构的目标,提出了文化创意产业“十大融合发展行动”,积极构建“文化创意+”经济发展新模式,推动文化创意和设计服务成为蓄积和增强实体经济发展能量的强大动力,促进相关产业转型升级。
New local standards lead the development of industry integration. In December 2015, Beijing issued Local Standards for Cultural and Creative Industries (CCI) and related Industries. Compared with the old standard of CCI, the new standard absorbed some of the contents of the national cultural industry standard. It would include the industries with strong correlation with the functional orientation in the cities of national cultural center. Thus, industry categories that were focused to be eased in old standard were deleted in the new one, which particularly reflected the new trends of the integrative development of Cultural and Creative industries (CCI) and other industries. The new standard strengthened the concept of “industrial cluster”, emphasizing the deep integration of culture, technology and economy. It covered not only the whole content of cultural industry, but also the content of science and technology innovation and investment management. The characteristics of financial and other industries integrative development were well manifested in the new standard. 新地方标准引领产业融合发展。2015年12月北京市发布《文化创意及相关产业分类》地方标准。与《文化创意产业分类》旧标准相比,新标准吸收、增加了国家文化产业标准中的部分内容,将与全国文化中心的城市功能定位相关性较强的行业纳入其中,删减了旧标准中我市重点疏解行业类别,特别是体现了文化创意产业与其他产业融合发展的新趋势。新标准强化“产业集群”概念,强调文化、技术和经济的深度融合,其范围既包括文化产业的全部内容,也包括科技创新、投资管理等新兴融合业态内容,体现出文化与科技、旅游、金融等产业融合发展特征。
Series of theme activities to promote "cultural and creative +" had substantial advance. In 2015, Beijing International Design Week showcased the innovative achievements of Beijing's cultural creativity and design services and related industries through the theme of “City of Design, Smart City and Industry Convergence”. The “China Design Festival” held in Daxing District, built platform of innovation and exchange for brand-new design industry. It further promoted the integration of creative design and other areas, such as urban, people's livelihood, and science and technology. In 2015, in the Tenth China Beijing International Cultural and Creative Industry Fair, more than half of the projects were "culture +" emerging commercial activities. “A series of projects, including 40 Scenic Spots Interactive Media of the Summer Palace” and “Wenchuang Inclusive loan” launched by Bank of Beijing, all made good results. In 2015, the “Cooperative promotion event of Beijing Cultural Integrative Development Project” covered culture and technology, digital non-heritage, cartoon games, cultural tourism, online education, culture and sports, etc. The total value of the contracted projects amounted to 1.125 billion yuan. 系列主题活动促进“文化创意+”实质推进。2015年,北京国际设计周以“设计之都·智慧城市·产业融合”为主题,展示了北京文化创意和设计服务与相关产业融合发展的创新成果,落户大兴区的“中国设计节”搭建全新设计产业创新交流平台,进一步推动创意设计和城市、民生、科技等领域融合。2015年第十届中国北京国际文化创意产业博览会中,半数以上项目属于“文化+”新兴业态,“圆明园四十景互动媒体”、北京银行推出的“文创普惠贷”等系列项目都取得良好成效。2015年举办的“北京市文化融合发展项目合作推介会”涉及的项目涵盖文化科技、数字非遗、动漫游戏、文化旅游、网络教育、文化体育等多个行业,签约项目总额达11.25亿元。
The integrative characteristics of various district industries began to emerge. In 2015, relying on their own resources, these districts vigorously promoted the integrative development of Cultural and Creative industries (CCI). Dongcheng District, relying on a wealth of cultural tourism resources and key enterprises, as well as a number of influential brand of cultural tourism, promoted the integration of tourism commercial activities, cultural and creative design and design services. In 2015, the above-scale of income of regional tourism, leisure and entertainment industry amounted to 23.02 billion; Yanqing District vigorously developed the sports tourism and leisure culture industry by hosting series of sports events, including the Beijing International Polo Open. In 2015, the above-scale income of regional tourism and leisure and entertainment industry totaled 820 million yuan.

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