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Notice by the Ministry of Justice, the Supreme People's Court, and the Ministry of Public Security of Issuing the Measures for the Selection and Appointment of People's Assessors [Effective]
司法部、最高人民法院、公安部关于印发《人民陪审员选任办法》的通知 [现行有效]

Notice by the Ministry of Justice, the Supreme People's Court, and the Ministry of Public Security of Issuing the Measures for the Selection and Appointment of People's Assessors 


(No. 6 [2018] of the Ministry of Justice) (司发〔2018〕6号)

The justice departments (bureaus), higher people's courts and public security departments (bureaus) of all provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government; the Justice Bureau of Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, the Production and Construction Corps Branch of the Higher People's Court of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, and the Public Security Bureau of Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps: 各省、自治区、直辖市司法厅(局)、高级人民法院、公安厅(局),新疆生产建设兵团司法局、新疆维吾尔自治区高级人民法院生产建设兵团分院、新疆生产建设兵团公安局:
For the purposes of implementing the Law of the People's Republic of China on People's Assessors and effectively conducting the selection and appointment of people's assessors, the Ministry of Justice, the Supreme People's Court, and the Ministry of Public Security have developed the Measures for the Selection and Appointment of People's Assessors, which are hereby issued to you for your conscientious implementation based on the actual circumstances. 为认真贯彻实施《中华人民共和国人民陪审员法》,进一步做好人民陪审员选任工作,司法部、最高人民法院、公安部研究制定了《人民陪审员选任办法》,现印发你们,请结合实际认真贯彻落实。
Any major situations and problems encountered during the implementation thereof shall be reported to the Ministry of Justice, the Supreme People's Court, and the Ministry of Public Security in a timely manner. 各地在执行中遇到重大情况和问题,请及时报告司法部、最高人民法院、公安部。
Ministry of Justice 司法部
Supreme People's Court 最高人民法院
Ministry of Public Security 公安部
August 22, 2018 2018年8月22日
Measures for the Selection and Appointment of People's Assessors 人民陪审员选任办法
Article 1 These Measures are developed in accordance with the Law of the People's Republic of China on People's Assessors (hereinafter referred to as the “Law on People's Assessors”) for the purposes of regulating the selection and appointment of people's assessors and ensuring the effective implementation of the system of people's assessors.   第一条 为规范人民陪审员选任工作,保障人民陪审员制度有效实施,根据《中华人民共和国人民陪审员法》(以下简称人民陪审员法),制定本办法。
Article 2 The selection and appointment of people's assessors shall adhere to the principles of compliance with the law, democracy, openness, fairness, coordination and efficiency.   第二条 人民陪审员选任工作应当坚持依法民主、公开公正、协同高效的原则。
Article 3 People's assessors shall be generated mainly by random selection. Due to needs of trial activities, people's assessors may be generated by means of application by individuals or recommendation by the employers or the basic-level self-governing mass organizations or people's organizations at the places of registered permanent residence or habitual residence (hereinafter referred to as “organizational recommendation”).   第三条 人民陪审员主要通过随机抽选方式产生。因审判活动需要,可以通过个人申请和所在单位、户籍所在地或者经常居住地的基层群众性自治组织、人民团体推荐(以下简称组织推荐)方式产生。
Article 4 The selection and appointment of people's assessors shall be arranged by the administrative organ of justice in conjunction with the basic-level people's court and the public security organ.   第四条 人民陪审员选任工作由司法行政机关会同基层人民法院、公安机关组织开展。
The administrative organ of justice at the provincial and districted-city level shall be responsible for the guidance and supervision of the selection and appointment of people's assessors, and the county-level administrative organ of justice shall be responsible for the specific implementation of the selection and appointment of people's assessors. 省级和设区的市级司法行政机关负责人民陪审员选任工作的指导监督,县级司法行政机关负责人民陪审员选任工作的具体实施。
The administrative organ of justice shall, in accordance with the requirements of its functions and duties, improve its working organ, equip itself with staff, and establish a sound working system. 司法行政机关应当按照职责需要,健全工作机构,配备工作人员,建立完善工作制度。
The administrative organ of justice, the basic-level people's court and the public security organ shall strengthen communication and contact and establish a coordination and cooperation mechanism. 司法行政机关、基层人民法院、公安机关应当加强沟通联系,建立协调配合机制。
Article 5 The basic-level people's court shall, based on the needs of trial of cases and other factors such as the population, geographical area, and ethnic status within its jurisdiction and taking into account the needs of the people's court at the next higher level to randomly select people's assessors, give an opinion on the quota of people's assessors which should not be lower than three times the number of judges of the people's court and submit it to the standing committee of the people's congress at the same level for determination.   第五条 基层人民法院根据审判案件的需要以及本辖区人口数量、地域面积、民族状况等因素,并结合上级人民法院随机抽取人民陪审员的需要,提出不低于本院法官数三倍的人民陪审员名额数的意见,提请同级人民代表大会常务委员会确定。
Article 6 Before submitting the opinion on the quota of people's assessors to the standing committee of the people's congress at the same level, the basic-level people's court shall first submit it to the people's court at the next higher level for review, and the people's court at the next higher level may appropriately adjust the quota of people's assessors within its jurisdiction. After the review and confirmation of the people's court at the next higher level, the opinion shall be reported to the higher people's court of the province (autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government) for recordation.   第六条 人民陪审员的名额数意见在提请同级人民代表大会常务委员会确定之前,基层人民法院应当先报上一级人民法院审核,上一级人民法院可以对本辖区内人民陪审员名额数进行适当调整。上一级人民法院审核确认后,报省(市、区)高级人民法院备案。
Article 7 The quota of people's assessors may be adjusted according to the actual circumstances. The adjustment shall be made by the basic-level people's court under the procedures for determining the quota of people's assessors.   第七条 人民陪审员的名额数可以根据实际情况进行调整。调整应当由基层人民法院按照确定人民陪审员名额数的程序进行。
Article 8 The people's assessors generated through individual application and organizational recommendation shall not exceed one fifth of the quota of people's assessors of the basic-level people's court.   第八条 通过个人申请和组织推荐产生的人民陪审员,不得超过所在基层人民法院人民陪审员名额数的五分之一。
Article 9 The basic-level people's court shall, in a timely manner, notify the administrative organ of justice at the same level of the quota of people's assessors. The basic-level people's court shall, in conjunction with the administrative organ of justice, respectively determine the quota of people's assessors to be selected randomly and the quota of those to be appointed through individual application and organizational recommendation.
   第九条 基层人民法院应当将人民陪审员名额数及时通报同级司法行政机关。基层人民法院应当会同司法行政机关分别确定随机抽选以及需要通过个人申请和组织推荐的拟任命人民陪审员数。

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