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Notice of the People's Bank of China on Issuing the Implementation Measures of the People's Bank of China for Protecting Financial Consumers' Rights and Interests [Expired]
中国人民银行关于印发《中国人民银行金融消费者权益保护实施办法》的通知 [失效]

Notice of the People's Bank of China on Issuing the Implementation Measures of the People's Bank of China for Protecting Financial Consumers' Rights and Interests 


(No. 314 [2016] of the People's Bank of China) (银发[2016]314号)

Shanghai Head Office of the People's Bank of China (“PBC”); all branches and business management departments of the PBC; and all central sub-branches of the PBC in capital cities of provinces (autonomous regions) and sub-provincial cities; all state-owned commercial banks and joint-stock commercial banks; Postal Savings Bank of China; and China Unionpay: 中国人民银行银行上海总部,各分行、营业管理部,各省会(首府)城市中心支行,各副省级城市中心支行;各国有商业银行、股份制商业银行,中国邮政储蓄银行;中国银联:
For purposes of implementing the Guiding Opinions of the General Office of the State Council on Strengthening the Protection of Financial Consumers' Rights and Interests (No. 81 [2015], State Council), further regulating the conduct of financial institutions, and effectively protecting the lawful rights and interests of financial consumers, the People's Bank of China (PBC) has developed the Implementation Measures of the People's Bank of China for Protecting Financial Consumers' Rights and Interests, which are hereby issued to you for your compliance and implementation. Please report the new circumstances and new problems encountered in implementation to the Financial Consumer Protection Bureau of the PBC in a timely manner. 为贯彻落实《国务院办公厅关于加强金融消费者权益保护工作的指导意见》(国办发[2015]81号),进一步规范金融机构行为,切实保障金融消费者合法权益,中国人民银行制定了《中国人民银行金融消费者权益保护实施办法》,现印发给你们,请遵照执行。执行过程中遇到新情况、新问题,请及时告知中国人民银行金融消费权益保护局。
The PBC Shanghai Head Office, all branches and business management departments of the PBC, and all central sub-branches of the PBC in capital cities of provinces (autonomous regions) and sub-provincial cities shall forward this Notice to relevant financial institutions, non-banking payment institutions and credit investigation agencies within their respective jurisdictions. 请中国人民银行上海总部,各分行、营业管理部,各省会(首府)城市中心支行,各副省级城市中心支行将本通知转发至辖区内有关金融机构、非银行支付机构和征信机构。
People's Bank of China 中国人民银行
December 14, 2016 2016年12月14日
Implementation Measures of the People's Bank of China for Protecting Financial Consumers' Rights and Interests 



Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总 则

Article 1 For purposes of protecting the lawful rights and interests of financial consumers, regulating financial institutions' provision of financial products and services, maintaining a fair and impartial market environment, and promoting the sound and stable operation of the financial market, these Measures are developed in accordance with the Law of the People's Republic of China on the People's Bank of China, the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Consumers' Rights and Interests, the Law of the People's Republic of China on Commercial Banks, the Cybersecurity Law of the People's Republic of China, and the Guiding Opinions of the General Office of the State Council on Strengthening the Protection of Financial Consumers' Rights and Interests (No. 81 [2015], State Council).   第一条 为保护金融消费者合法权益,规范金融机构提供金融产品和服务的行为,维护公平、公正的市场环境,促进金融市场健康稳定运行,根据《中华人民共和国中国人民银行法》、《中华人民共和国消费者权益保护法》、《中华人民共和国商业银行法》、《中华人民共和国网络安全法》、《国务院办公厅关于加强金融消费者权益保护工作的指导意见》(国办发[2015]81号)等,制定本办法。
Article 2 These Measures shall apply to banking financial institutions legally formed within the territory of the People's Republic of China which provide financial products and services to financial consumers, other financial institutions that provide cross-market and inter-sector financial products and services as well as non-banking payment institutions (hereinafter collectively referred to as “financial institutions” in these Measures).   第二条 在中华人民共和国境内依法设立的为金融消费者提供金融产品和服务的银行业金融机构,提供跨市场、跨行业交叉性金融产品和服务的其他金融机构以及非银行支付机构(本办法统称金融机构)适用本办法。
For the purpose of these Measures, “financial consumers” mean natural persons who purchase and use financial products and services provided by financial institutions. 本办法所称金融消费者是指购买、使用金融机构提供的金融产品和服务的自然人。
Article 3 The PBC and its branches shall adhere to the principle of fairness and impartiality, and protect the lawful rights and interests of financial consumers in accordance with the law.   第三条 中国人民银行及其分支机构坚持公平、公正原则,依法保护金融消费者合法权益。
Article 4 The PBC and its branches shall protect financial consumers' rights and interests within the scope of functions in accordance with the law.   第四条 中国人民银行及其分支机构依法开展职责范围内的金融消费者权益保护工作。
Article 5 The PBC and its branches shall establish the coordination mechanism for the protection of financial consumers' rights and interests with other financial regulatory departments and relevant departments of local governments, and strengthen information sharing and communication and cooperation among departments.   第五条 中国人民银行及其分支机构应当与其他金融管理部门、地方政府有关部门建立金融消费者权益保护工作协调机制,加强信息共享和部门间沟通协作。
Chapter II Codes of Conduct of Financial Institutions 

第二章 金融机构行为规范

Article 6 Financial institutions shall improve regulations and rules, and carry out the relevant requirements of laws, regulations and relevant regulatory provisions on the protection of financial consumers' rights and interests.   第六条 金融机构应当完善规章制度,落实法律法规和相关监管规定中关于金融消费者权益保护的相关要求。
Financial institutions shall include the protection of financial consumers' rights and interests in corporate governance, the building of corporate culture and business development strategies, and develop their overall strategies and specific work measures for the protection of financial consumers' rights and interests. 金融机构应当将金融消费者权益保护纳入公司治理、企业文化建设和经营发展战略,应当制定本机构金融消费者权益保护工作的总体战略和具体工作措施。
Article 7 Financial institutions shall establish and improve the work mechanism for the protection of financial consumers' rights and interests, establish the special department for or designate the leading department for the protection of financial consumers' rights and interests, specify the functions of departments and personnel, and ensure that they are able to conduct work independently.   第七条 金融机构应当建立健全金融消费者权益保护工作机制,建立金融消费者权益保护工作专职部门或者指定牵头部门,明确部门及人员职责,确保其能够独立开展工作。
Article 8 Financial institutions shall establish and improve all internal control rules for protecting financial consumers' rights and interests, including but not limited to:   第八条 金融机构应当建立健全金融消费者权益保护的各项内控制度,包括但不限于以下内容:
(1) mechanism for the protection of individuals' financial information; (一)个人金融信息保护机制;
(2) mechanism for the disclosure of information on financial products and services; (二)金融产品和服务信息披露机制;
(3) mechanism for the inquiry of information on financial products and services; (三)金融产品和服务信息查询机制;
(4) mechanism for the assessment of risk degrees of financial consumers; (四)金融消费者风险等级评估机制;
(5) mechanism for the acceptance and handling of complaints filed by financial consumers; (五)金融消费者投诉受理、处理机制;
(6) mechanism for the popularization of financial knowledge and education of financial consumers; (六)金融知识普及和金融消费者教育机制;
(7) mechanism for the assessment and evaluation of protection of financial consumers' rights and interests; (七)金融消费者权益保护工作考核评价机制;
(8) mechanism for the internal supervision and accountability with respect to the protection of financial consumers' rights and interests; and (八)金融消费者权益保护工作内部监督和责任追究机制;
(9) mechanism for emergency response to major events on financial consumption disputes. (九)金融消费纠纷重大事件应急机制。
Article 9 Financial institutions shall provide education and training on the protection of financial consumers' rights and interests for their employees, and enhance employees' awareness and capability to protect financial consumers' rights and interests.   第九条 金融机构应当开展金融消费者权益保护员工教育和培训,提高员工的金融消费者权益保护意识和能力。
Financial institutions shall provide special education and training on the protection of financial consumers' rights and interests at least once each year, and trainees shall fully cover middle and senior executives and grassroots business personnel. 金融机构应当每年至少开展一次金融消费者权益保护专题教育和培训,培训对象应当全面覆盖中高级管理人员及基层业务人员。
Article 10 Financial institutions shall establish and improve the advance coordination, interim management and control and ex post supervision mechanism on the protection of financial consumers' rights and interests, and ensure the effective implementation of provisions on and requirements for the protection of financial consumers' rights and interests in all business links such as the design and development, marketing, recommendation and after-sale management of financial products and services.   第十条 金融机构应当建立健全涉及金融消费者权益保护工作的事前协调、事中管控和事后监督机制,确保在金融产品和服务的设计开发、营销推介及售后管理等各个业务环节有效落实金融消费者权益保护工作的相关规定和要求。
Article 11 Financial institutions shall, according to the features of financial products and services, assess their appropriateness for financial consumers, rationally divide the degree of financial product and service risks and the degree of risk tolerance of financial consumers, and provide appropriate financial products and services to appropriate financial consumers. Financial institutions shall not recommend high-risk financial products to financial consumers with low risk tolerance.   第十一条 金融机构应当根据金融产品和服务的特性评估其对金融消费者的适合度,合理划分金融产品和服务风险等级以及金融消费者风险承受等级,将合适的金融产品和服务提供给适当的金融消费者。金融机构不得向低风险承受等级的金融消费者推荐高风险金融产品。
Article 12 Financial institutions shall, in accordance with the law, guarantee the property safety of financial consumers in the purchase and use of financial products and services, and shall not illegally misappropriate or occupy the funds and other financial assets of financial consumers.   第十二条 金融机构应当依法保障金融消费者在购买、使用金融产品和服务时的财产安全,不得非法挪用、占用金融消费者资金及其他金融资产。
Article 13 Financial institutions shall, according to relevant regulatory provisions, disclose the business information, information on financial products and services and other information relating to the protection of financial consumers' rights and interests.   第十三条 金融机构应当按照相关监管规定披露与金融消费者权益保护相关的经营信息、金融产品和服务信息以及其他信息。
Financial institutions shall, before launching products on financial and technical innovation, conduct external safety assessment, and disclose the features and risks of financial products to financial consumers in a timely and accurate manner. 金融机构推出金融科技创新产品前,应当开展外部安全评估,并及时向金融消费者准确披露金融产品的特点和风险。
Article 14 Financial institutions shall, according to the features of financial products and services, disclose the following important content to financial consumers:   第十四条 金融机构应当依据金融产品和服务的特性,向金融消费者披露下列重要内容:
(1) Rights and obligations of financial consumers on such financial products and services, and the methods of entering into, modifying, suspending and rescinding contracts and restrictions. (一)金融消费者对该金融产品和服务的权利和义务,订立、变更、中止和解除合同的方式及限制;
(2) Rights, obligations and legal liability of financial institutions regarding such financial products and services. (二)金融机构对该金融产品和服务的权利、义务及法律责任;
(3) Expenses and liquidated damages that shall be borne by financial consumers, including the determination of amount, payment time point and methods. (三)金融消费者应当负担的费用及违约金,包括金额的确定、支付时点和方式;
(4) Whether financial products and services are guaranteed by deposit insurance or other relevant guarantee mechanisms. (四)金融产品和服务是否受存款保险或者其他相关保障机制的保障;
(5) Handling of disputes arising from financial products and services and channels for filing complaints. (五)因金融产品和服务发生纠纷的处理及投诉途径;
(6) The matters that shall be disclosed on a periodical basis or from time to time as required by other laws, regulations and regulatory provisions on all kinds of financial products and services and other matters that shall be stated. (六)其他法律法规和监管规定就各类金融产品和服务所要求的应当定期或者不定期披露或者报告的事项及其他应当说明的事项。
Financial institutions shall remind financial consumers not to use financial products and services to conduct illegal activities. 金融机构应当提示金融消费者不得利用金融产品和服务从事违法活动。
Article 15 Financial institutions shall disclose the information on financial products and services by the methods that are conducive for the receipt and understanding of information by financial consumers. For important information relating to financial consumers' vital interests such as those involving interest rate, expenses, profits and risks, key technical terms shall be explained and stated based on the degree of complexity and risk degree of financial products and services, and the information shall be provided to financial consumers in an appropriate form so as to confirm that they have received complete information.   第十五条 金融机构对金融产品和服务进行信息披露时,应当使用有利于金融消费者接收、理解的方式。对涉及利率、费用、收益及风险等与金融消费者切身利益相关的重要信息,应当根据金融产品和服务的复杂程度及风险等级,对其中关键的专业术语进行解释说明,并以适当方式供金融消费者确认其已接收完整信息。
Article 16 Financial institutions shall respect the true will of financial consumers to purchase financial products and services, shall not handle businesses for financial consumers as the agent without approval, and shall not amend financial consumers' business orders without approval.
   第十六条 金融机构应当尊重金融消费者购买金融产品和服务的真实意愿,不得擅自代理金融消费者办理业务,不得擅自修改金融消费者的业务指令。

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