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Opinions of the Supreme People's Court on Further Deepening the Reform of Modes and Working Mechanisms of Family Trials (for Trial Implementation) [Revised]
最高人民法院关于进一步深化家事审判方式和工作机制改革的意见(试行) [已被修订]

Opinions of the Supreme People's Court on Further Deepening the Reform of Modes and Working Mechanisms of Family Trials (for Trial Implementation) 


(No. 12 [2018] of the Supreme People's Court) (法发〔2018〕12号)

The higher people's courts of all provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government; the Military Court of the People's Liberation Army; and the Production and Construction Corps Branch of the Higher People's Court of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous: 各省、自治区、直辖市高级人民法院,解放军军事法院,新疆维吾尔自治区高级人民法院生产建设兵团分院:
For the purposes of put the people-centered thinking into practice, promoting the reform of family trials, and giving play to the functional role of family trials, the Supreme People's Court has selected some courts nationwide to conduct the pilot program of the reform of modes and working mechanisms of family trials since June 1, 2016. On the basis of summarizing the pilot program, the following opinions are hereby offered on further deepening the reform of manners and working mechanisms for family trials: 为贯彻以人民为中心的思想,推动家事审判工作改革,发挥家事审判职能作用,最高人民法院自2016年6月1日起在全国范围内选择部分法院开展家事审判方式和工作机制改革试点工作。在总结试点工作基础上,现就进一步深化家事审判方式和工作机制改革提出如下意见:
I. General requirements 一、总体要求
1. The direction and objectives of the reform shall be accurately grasped, the harmony and stability of marriage and family shall be maintained, the lawful rights and interests of minors, women and the elderly shall be protected according to the law, and core socialist values shall be developed and practiced, so as to promote the harmonious and healthy social development and constantly satisfy the people's ever-growing needs for a better life and new demand and expectations for family trials. 1.准确把握改革的方向目标,维护婚姻家庭和谐稳定,依法保障未成年人、妇女和老年人的合法权益,培育和践行社会主义核心价值观,促进社会和谐健康发展,不断满足人民日益增长的美好生活需要和对家事审判工作的新需求新期待。
2. A people-oriented adjudicative concept shall be firmly established, the protection of parties shall be extended from identity interests and property interests to personality interests, security interests, and emotional interests, the privacy of parties shall be protected, attention shall be paid to humanistic care, the role of family trials in diagnosing, repairing, and healing marriage relationships shall be maximized, civilized and progressive marital and family ethics and concepts shall be advocated, and the building of family tradition and family virtues shall be advanced. 2.牢固树立人性化的审判理念,对当事人的保护要从身份利益、财产利益延伸到人格利益、安全利益和情感利益,保护当事人隐私,注重人文关怀,充分发挥家事审判对婚姻关系的诊断、修复和治疗作用,弘扬文明进步的婚姻家庭伦理观念,推进家风建设和家庭美德建设。
3. Working styles shall be practically transformed, judges' inquiry, discretion, and appropriate intervention to parties' right of disposition shall be strengthened, attention shall be paid to distinguishing between marriage crisis and marriage breakup, the relationship between protection of marriage freedom and maintenance of family stability shall be correctly dealt with, and family investigation reports, psychological counseling reports, and the application of big data shall be given full play, so as to strive to combine the impartiality of adjudicative standards and the analysis and reasoning in adjudicative instruments. 3.切实转变工作方式,强化法官的职权探知、自由裁量和对当事人处分权的适当干预,注意区分婚姻危机和婚姻死亡,正确处理保护婚姻自由与维护家庭稳定的关系,充分发挥家事调查报告、心理疏导报告及大数据的应用,力求裁判标准客观化以及裁判文书说理情理法相结合。
4. Working mechanisms shall be continuously innovated, the support of party committees and governments at all levels shall be vigorously sought, the cooperation and coordination with relevant functional departments and entities shall be strengthened, all sectors of the community shall be mobilized and motivated to participate, and the establishment of a diversified dispute settlement mechanism combining justice, government administration, with community shall be promoted, so as to jointly create a social governance pattern featuring joint building, joint governing, and sharing. 4.不断创新工作机制,积极争取各级党委和政府的支持,加强与相关职能部门和单位的协调配合,动员和激励社会各界力量共同参与,推动建立司法、行政和社会相结合的多元化纠纷解决机制,共同打造共建共治共享的社会治理格局。
5. The building of professionalized organs and teams shall be energetically advanced, professionalized family trial organs or teams shall be formed, the establishment of special access mechanism, training mechanism and assessment mechanism for family judges shall be explored, and the provision of ancillary judicial personnel in courts specialized in family mediation, family investigation, psychological counseling, and other work shall be researched, the occupational safety guarantee of family judges shall be tightened, and the prevention and control measures against extreme events shall be enhanced. 5.积极推进机构队伍专业化建设,组建专业化家事审判机构或者团队,探索建立特别的家事法官准入机制、培训机制和考核机制,探索配备专门从事家事调解、家事调查、心理辅导等工作的司法辅助人员,加强家事法官的职业安全保障,完善极端化事件防控措施。
II. Family mediation 二、家事调解
6. When a people's court tries a family case, it shall heighten the awareness of mediation, expand manners for mediation, innovate mediation mechanisms, improve its mediation capabilities, and interweave mediation with trial for the whole process, except for cases concerning validity of marriage, confirmation of identity relationship, personal safety protection order, and other cases to which mediation cannot be applied due to their nature. 6.人民法院审理家事案件,应当增强调解意识,拓展调解方式,创新调解机制,提高调解能力,将调解贯穿案件审判全过程。婚姻效力、身份关系确认、人身安全保护令申请等根据案件性质不能进行调解的案件除外。
7. Mediation in family cases shall be effectively conducted by relying on specially invited mediation, and by appointing before case docketing, or entrusting after case docketing, the specially invited mediation organizations and specially invited mediators to conduct mediation according to the law, parties shall be promoted in reaching a mediation agreement on the basis of equal consultation to settle disputes. A family mediation committee may be established to establish the conditions for registration and to regulate the specially invited mediation procedures in the family field. 7.依托特邀调解做好家事案件调解工作,通过在立案前委派或者立案后委托特邀调解组织、特邀调解员依法进行调解,促使当事人在平等协商基础上达成调解协议,解决纠纷。可以设立家事调解委员会,设定入册条件,规范家事领域特邀调解程序。
8. People's mediation, administrative mediation, commercial mediation, industry mediation organizations, and other organizations with mediation functions formed in accordance with the law may apply for being added to the register of specially-invited mediation organizations of a family mediation committee. An individual who is of good character and conduct, fair and decent, enthusiastic about mediation, and strongly capable of communication and coordination may apply for being added to the register of specially-invited mediators of a family mediation committee. 8.依法成立的人民调解、行政调解、商事调解、行业调解及其他具有调解职能的组织,可以申请加入家事调解委员会特邀调解组织名册。品行良好、公道正派、热心调解工作并具有较强沟通协调能力的个人可以申请加入家事调解委员会特邀调解员名册。
A people's court may invite deputies to people's congresses, members of the committees of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, people's assessors, experts, scholars, lawyers, basic-level legal service professionals, arbitrators, retired legal professionals, basic-level professionals, and other individuals possessing expertise in society, humanities, law, education, psychology, marriage, family, and other aspects to be added to the register of specially-invited mediators of a family mediation committee. For ethnic minority areas, individuals familiar with local languages, customs, religious beliefs, and other circumstances may be invited to be added to the register of specially-invited mediators of a family mediation committee. 人民法院可以邀请人大代表、政协委员、人民陪审员、专家学者、律师、基层法律服务工作者、仲裁员、退休法律工作者、基层工作者以及其他具有社会、人文、法律、教育、心理、婚姻家庭等方面专业知识的个人加入家事调解委员会特邀调解员名册。少数民族聚居地区可邀请熟悉当地语言、风俗习惯、宗教信仰等情形的个人加入家事调解委员会特邀调解员名册。
9. For a dispute that is suitable for mediation, the people's court may, before the registration and case docketing, upon the consent of the parties or, although the parties have not submitted an application for mediation, if the people's court deems it necessary to mediate, assign a specially invited mediation organization or a specially invited mediator for mediation. 9.对适宜调解的纠纷,登记立案前,经当事人同意或者当事人虽未提出调解申请但人民法院认为有必要调解的,可以委派给特邀调解组织或者特邀调解员进行调解。
A case to which a party is seriously troubled emotionally or psychologically and cannot express his/her opinions regularly, or with respect to which emergency situation requires the initiation of relevant legal proceedings as soon as possible, shall not be assigned for mediation prior to case docketing and registration, unless parties file an application. 当事人情绪或心理受到严重困扰,无法正常发表意见,情况紧急需要尽快启动有关诉讼程序的案件,除双方当事人申请外,不得进行立案登记前委派调解。
10. For a dispute suitable for mediation, the people's court may, after registration and case docketing, mediate itself, or by entrusting a specially invited mediation organization or a specially invited mediator. 10.对适宜调解的纠纷,登记立案后,人民法院可以自行调解,也可以委托给特邀调解组织或者特邀调解员进行调解。
11. For mediation in a divorce case, the parties shall be present in person. If a party can not appear to participate in mediation under a special circumstance, he/she shall issue a written opinion, unless he/she cannot express his/her will. 11.离婚案件的调解,双方当事人应亲自到场。当事人确因特殊情况无法到场参加调解的,除本人不能表达意志的以外,应当出具书面意见。
12. The process of mediation in a family case shall not be disclosed, unless both parties so agree. 12.家事案件的调解过程不公开,但当事人均同意公开的除外。
A person who presides over or participates in mediation shall keep confidential any national secret, trade secret, individual privacy, or any other information inappropriate to be disclosed, which is known to him/her in the course of mediation. If a mediator causes damage to a party by breach of obligation of confidentiality, the mediator shall bear corresponding legal liability. 主持调解以及参与调解的人员,对调解过程以及调解过程中获悉的国家秘密、商业秘密、个人隐私和其他不宜公开的信息,应当保守秘密。调解人员违反保密义务给当事人造成损害的,应当承担相应法律责任。
13. Where, in the process of authorized mediation, a specially invited mediator deems it necessary to investigate a factual issue, he/she may apply to the people's court. The people's court shall, as needed by the circumstances of the case, decide whether to entrust family investigators to conduct an investigation. 13.委托调解过程中,特邀调解员认为有事实问题需要进行调查的,可以向人民法院提出申请。人民法院根据案情需要,决定是否委托家事调查员进行调查。
14. Other matters concerning mediation and specially invited mediation shall be governed by the Civil Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China, the People's Mediation Law of the People's Republic of China, the Provisions of the Supreme People's Court on Mediation Specially Invited by People's Courts, and other relevant provisions. 14.有关调解以及特邀调解的其他事项,适用《中华人民共和国民事诉讼法》《中华人民共和国人民调解法》《最高人民法院关于人民法院特邀调解的规定》等相关规定。
III. Family investigation 三、家事调查
15. During the trial of a family case, for matters necessary to be further ascertained, the people's court may conduct investigation and evidence collection itself, or entrust a relevant agency to conduct investigation, or entrust family investigators to investigate particular facts. 15.家事案件审理过程中,对于需要进一步查明的事项,人民法院可以自行调查取证,可以委托相关机构进行调查,也可以委托家事调查员对特定事实进行调查。
16. A people's court shall establish a register of family investigators. A court that has established such register shall issue certificates to the registered family investigators and manage the register. The registers established by superior courts may be used by subordinate courts. 16.人民法院应当建立家事调查员名册。建立名册的法院应当为入册的家事调查员颁发证书,并对名册进行管理。上级法院建立的名册,下级法院可以使用。
17. Family investigators shall be recommended by judicial administrations, educational authorities, women's federations, the Communist Youth League, communities, and other basic-level organizations, subject to selection by people's courts. 17.家事调查员由司法行政、教育部门、妇联、共青团、社区等单位及基层群众组织推荐,由人民法院选任。
A people's court may invite deputies to people's congresses, members of the committees of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, people's assessors, people's mediators, experts, scholars, lawyers, basic-level legal service professionals, arbitrators, retired legal professionals, baisc-level professionals, and other individuals possessing expertise in society, humanities, law, education, psychology, marriage, family, and other aspects to be added to the register of family investigators. 人民法院可以邀请人大代表、政协委员、人民陪审员、人民调解员、专家学者、律师、基层法律服务工作者、仲裁员、退休法律工作者、基层工作者以及其他具有社会、人文、法律、教育、心理、婚姻家庭等方面专业知识的人员加入家事调查员名册。
18. Family investigators shall be of good character and conduct, fair and decent, enthusiastic about mediation, and strongly capable of communication and coordination and have considerable social knowledge and experience, and individuals having basic-level work experiences and with professional backgrounds suitable for dealing with family disputes may be preferentially selected. For ethnic minority areas, individuals familiar with local languages, customs, religious beliefs, and other circumstances may be preferentially selected.

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