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Notice of the Supreme People's Procuratorate on Issuing the Guidelines for the Production of Evidence and Cross-Examination in Court by Public Prosecutors of the People's Procuratorates [Effective]
最高人民检察院关于印发《人民检察院公诉人出庭举证质证工作指引》的通知 [现行有效]

Notice of the Supreme People's Procuratorate on Issuing the Guidelines for the Production of Evidence and Cross-Examination in Court by Public Prosecutors of the People's Procuratorates 


The people's procuratorates of all provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government; the Military Procuratorate of the People's Liberation Army; and the People's Procuratorate of Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps: 各省、自治区、直辖市人民检察院,解放军军事检察院,新疆生产建设兵团人民检察院:
The Guidelines for the Production of Evidence and Cross-Examination in Court by Public Prosecutors of the People's Procuratorates (hereinafter referred to as the “Guidelines”), as adopted at the 1st session of the Thirteenth Procuratorial Committee of the Supreme People's Procuratorate on May 2, 2018, are hereby issued for your reference. The following work requirements are hereby offered. 《人民检察院公诉人出庭举证质证工作指引》(以下简称《指引》)已经2018年5月2日最高人民检察院第十三届检察委员会第一次会议通过。现印发你们,供参考。现提出如下工作要求。
I. Fully understanding the significance of strengthening the production of evidence and cross-examination. Appearing in court to support public prosecution is the leader of the criminal public prosecution work, and production of evidence and cross-examination is the core of appearing in court to support public prosecution. The quality of the production of evidence and cross-examination directly affects the quality of the alleged crimes and the effect of appearing in court to support public prosecution. With the continuous development of and changes in the legislation and practice in criminal litigation, especially the in-depth promotion of the reform of the trial-oriented criminal procedural system, and the pilot program of the system for imposing lenient punishments on those confessing to their crimes and accepting punishments in criminal cases, the work of public prosecutors' appearing in court to support public prosecution including production of evidence and cross-examination faces new higher requirements, and public prosecutors face new challenges in pre-trial examination predictions and preparations, grasping the initiative in court trial, effective response to changes in court trial, and other respects. Strengthening the work of production of evidence and cross-examination in court is of great significance for the procuratorial authorities to deepen the reform of the litigation system, fully implement the rules of evidentiary adjudication, and effectively respond to the substantive nature of court trial. The people's procuratorates at all levels shall effectively strengthen the production of evidence and cross-examination work, more effectively maximize the functional role of public prosecutors in court trials, focus on improving the quality and effectiveness of public prosecution in court, and continuously improve the judicial credibility.   一、充分认识加强举证质证工作的重要意义。出席法庭支持公诉是刑事公诉工作的龙头,举证质证是出庭支持公诉的核心环节。举证质证的质量,直接影响指控犯罪的质量和出庭支持公诉的效果。随着刑事诉讼立法和实践的不断发展变化,特别是以审判为中心的刑事诉讼制度改革、刑事案件认罪认罚从宽制度试点的深入推进,包括举证质证工作在内的公诉人出庭支持公诉工作面临着新的更高要求,公诉人在庭前审查预测和准备、把握庭审主动权、有效应对庭审变化等方面面临新挑战。加强出庭举证质证工作,对于检察机关深化诉讼制度改革,全面贯彻证据裁判规则,有效应对庭审实质化具有重要意义。各级人民检察院要切实加强举证质证工作,更好发挥公诉人在庭审中的职能作用,着力提高出庭公诉质量和效果,不断提升司法公信力。
II. Fully and accurately understanding the contents of these Guidelines. These Guidelines adapt to the needs of establishing and improving a multi-level litigation system, focus on the establishment of a model of appearance in court for public prosecution with pre-trial preparation as the basis, with charge and verification of crimes in court as the core, and with distinction of guilt-admission cases and cases without admission of guilt, have enhanced the level of public prosecutors' appearance in court for production of evidence and cross-examination, have prescribed the concept and connotation, objectives and tasks, principles, basic requirements for, general methods, among others, of production of evidence and cross-examination, and have provided basic rules for public prosecutors' production of evidence and cross-examination. The contents of these Guidelines shall be comprehensively understood and accurately grasped, the principles and methods of production of evidence and cross-examination shall be proficiently mastered and utilized, and the functions of charging crimes shall be more effectively fulfilled. Seeking truth from facts shall be adhered to, an objective and impartial standpoint shall be abided by, the defense shall be respected, the court shall be obeyed, and the rational and civilized principle shall be followed. Separation of complicated cases from simple ones shall be promoted, the allocation of judicial resources shall be optimized, production of evidence and cross-examination shall be conducted for difficult and complicated cases according to the requirements for substantive nature of court trial, and the production of evidence and cross-examination shall be simplified for simple cases. The preparation for production of evidence and cross-examination shall be strengthened, and especially pretrial conferences shall be effectively utilized to review the issues, resolve the disputes, and determine the methods of production of evidence, among others. The production of evidence and proof of the legality of evidence shall be strengthened, the cross-examination and defense shall be actively conducted, the objectivity, impartiality and procedural justice of public prosecution cases shall be guaranteed. All kinds of methods of production of evidence and cross-examination shall be proficiently mastered and applied, to prove the public prosecution claims by constructing the evidence system, effectively refute the defense, obtain the initiative in court trial, and ensure effective charging of crimes.   二、全面理解和准确把握《指引》的内容。《指引》适应建立完善多层次诉讼体系需要,着眼于构建以庭前准备为基础,以当庭指控证实犯罪为核心,认罪与不认罪案件相区别的出庭公诉模式,提升公诉人出庭举证质证水平,对举证质证的概念内涵、目标任务、遵循原则、基本要求、一般方法等作了规定,为公诉人出庭举证质证工作提供了基本遵循。要全面理解和准确把握《指引》内容,熟练掌握运用举证质证原则和方法,更好履行指控犯罪职能。要坚持实事求是,恪守客观公正立场,尊重辩方,服从法庭,理性文明。要推进繁简分流,优化司法资源配置,疑难复杂案件按照庭审实质化要求举证质证,简单案件简化举证质证。要加强举证质证的准备,特别是有效运用庭前会议整理争点、解决争议、确定举证方式等。要加强证据合法性的举证和证明,积极质证答辩,保证公诉案件客观公正,符合程序正义。要熟练掌握和运用各类举证质证方法,通过构建证据体系,证明公诉主张,有效反驳辩解,掌握庭审主动权,确保指控犯罪有力。
III. Effectively organizing the study and training of these Guidelines. These Guidelines have fully absorbed the practical experience of the public prosecution departments at all levels and outstanding public prosecutors, have basically covered the common problems in the whole process of the production of evidence and cross-examination, and play an important guiding role in the improvement of the overall level of public prosecutors' appearance in court. The people's procuratorates at all levels shall attach great importance, regard these Guidelines as the important contents of the study and training, educate and direct public prosecutors to accurately master the working principles, basic requirements and common methods of the production of evidence and cross-examination through holding business training courses, conducting court trial observation, and listening to court trial and conducting appraisal, among others, regulate the acts of appearance in court and performance of duties, effectively improve the quality of the production of evidence and cross-examination by centering on ensuring that court trials play a decisive role in finding out the facts, determination of evidence, protection of the right of action, and fair judgment, and vigorously charge and prove crimes. They shall strengthen the study of the new situations and new problems of the production of evidence and cross-examination in judicial practice, summarize and promote outstanding public prosecutors' experience in successful handling of cases, and constantly enrich and improve the methods and strategies of production of evidence and cross-examination. They shall strengthen case guidance, focus on collecting and compiling cases that public prosecutors appear in court for production of evidence and cross-examination and that have typical significance, and play a demonstration and leading role of the typical cases.   三、切实抓好《指引》的学习培训。《指引》充分吸收了各级公诉部门和优秀公诉人实践经验,基本涵盖了举证质证工作全过程的常见问题,对于提升公诉人出庭整体水平具有重要指导作用。各级人民检察院要高度重视,将《指引》作为学习培训的重要内容,通过举办业务培训班、开展庭审观摩、听庭评议等,教育引导公诉人准确掌握举证质证工作理念原则、基本要求和常用方法,规范出庭履职行为,围绕保证庭审在查明事实、认定证据、保护诉权、公正裁判中发挥决定性作用,有效提高举证质证工作质量,有力指控和证明犯罪。要加强对司法实践中举证质证新情况新问题的研究,及时总结推广优秀公诉人的成功办案经验,不断丰富完善举证质证方法策略。要加强案例指导,注重收集和编发具有典型意义的公诉人出庭举证质证案例,发挥典型案例的示范引领作用。
The major circumstances and problems encountered in the implementation of these Guidelines shall be reported to the Public Prosecution Office of the Supreme People's Procuratorate in a timely manner. 执行《指引》过程中遇到的重要情况和问题,请及时报告最高人民检察院公诉厅。
Supreme People's Procuratorate 最高人民检察院
July 3, 2018 2018年7月3日
Guidelines for the Production of Evidence and Cross-Examination in Court by Public Prosecutors of the People's Procuratorates 人民检察院公诉人出庭举证质证工作指引
(Adopted at the 1st session of the Thirteenth Procuratorial Committee of the Supreme People's Procuratorate on May 2, 2018) (2018年5月2日最高人民检察院第十三届检察委员会第一次会议通过)
Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总 则

Article 1 For the purposes of satisfying the new requirements for the reform of the trial-oriented criminal procedural system, comprehensively implementing the rules of evidentiary adjudication, further strengthening and improving public prosecutors' appearance in court for production of evidence and cross-examination, establishing a model of appearance in court for public prosecution distinguishing guilt-admission cases and cases without admission of guilt, and enhancing the effect of charging crimes, these Guidelines are developed according to the Criminal Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China and relevant provisions and in light of the actual procuratorial work.   第一条 为适应以审判为中心的刑事诉讼制度改革新要求,全面贯彻证据裁判规则,进一步加强和改进公诉人出庭举证质证工作,构建认罪和不认罪案件相区别的出庭公诉模式,增强指控犯罪效果,根据《中华人民共和国刑事诉讼法》和相关规定,结合检察工作实际,制定本工作指引。
Article 2 Production of evidence refers to the litigation activities that the public prosecutor produces, reads out, plays and explains the relevant evidentiary materials, and interrogates witnesses testifying in court during the process of appearing in court to support the public prosecution, so as to prove that the public prosecution claims are well-founded.   第二条 举证是指在出庭支持公诉过程中,公诉人向法庭出示、宣读、播放有关证据材料并予以说明,对出庭作证人员进行询问,以证明公诉主张成立的诉讼活动。
Cross-examination refers to the litigation activities that the prosecution and defense mutually question and refute the competence of evidence and probative force of the evidentiary materials produced and the testimonial evidence of witnesses testifying in court under the charge of the judges, to confirm whether or not to admit them as the basis for deciding a case. 质证是指在审判人员的主持下,由控辩双方对所出示证据材料及出庭作证人员的言词证据的证据能力和证明力相互进行质疑和辩驳,以确认是否作为定案依据的诉讼活动。
Article 3 The public prosecutor appearing in court for the production of evidence and cross-examination shall follow the guidance of the dialectical materialism epistemology, take the facts as the basis and laws as the criterion, pay attention to utilizing the rules of logic and the rule of thumb, effectively reveal and prove the crime, enhance the quality, efficiency and effectiveness of evidence, respect and protect the right of action of the criminal suspects, defendants and other participants of litigation, and strive to make the public feel the fairness and justice in every judicial case.   第三条 公诉人出庭举证质证,应当以辩证唯物主义认识论为指导,以事实为根据,以法律为准绳,注意运用逻辑法则和经验法则,有力揭示和有效证实犯罪,提高举证质证的质量、效率和效果,尊重和保障犯罪嫌疑人、被告人和其他诉讼参与人诉讼权利,努力让人民群众在每一个司法案件中感受到公平正义。
Article 4 The public prosecutor shall conduct production of evidence and cross-examination under the following principles:   第四条 公诉人举证质证,应当遵循下列原则:
(1) seeking truth from facts, and being objective and impartial; (一)实事求是,客观公正;
(2) highlighting the focus and ensuring targeted advancement; (二)突出重点,有的放矢;
(3) respecting the defense and being rational and civilized; and (三)尊重辩方,理性文明;
(4) following the legal procedures and obeying the command of the court. (四)遵循法定程序,服从法庭指挥。
Article 5 The public prosecutor may, according to the defendant's admission of guilt or not, adopt different models of production of evidence and cross-examination.   第五条 公诉人可以根据被告人是否认罪,采取不同的举证质证模式。
In a case in which the defendant admits guilt, upon consensus of the prosecution and defense and with the consent of the court, the production of evidence and cross-examination may be simplified. 被告人认罪的案件,经控辩双方协商一致并经法庭同意,举证质证可以简化。
In a case in which the defendant does not admit guilt or the defense enters a plea of not guilty, comprehensive and detailed productionof evidence and cross-examination shall be generally conducted. However, for evidence against which no objection is raised by the defense, upon consensus of the prosecution and defense and with the consent of the court, the production of evidence and cross-examination may also be simplified. 被告人不认罪或者辩护人作无罪辩护的案件,一般应当全面详细举证质证。但对辩护方无异议的证据,经控辩双方协商一致并经法庭同意,举证质证也可以简化。
Article 6 During the production of evidence and cross-examination, the public prosecutor shall pay attention to the integration of modern scientific and technological means, and actively utilize production of evidence by multimedia, electronic case files, and platform for integrated court appearance, among others, to enhance the effect of charging crime in court trial.   第六条 公诉人举证质证,应当注重与现代科技手段相融合,积极运用多媒体示证、电子卷宗、出庭一体化平台等,增强庭审指控犯罪效果。
Chapter II Preparation for Production of Evidence and Cross-Examination 

第二章 举证质证的准备

Article 7 When examining a case, the public prosecutor shall fully consider the needs of making preparations for appearing in court and the production of evidence and cross-examination in court trials, and develop examination reports in a targeted manner.   第七条 公诉人审查案件时,应当充分考虑出庭准备和庭审举证质证工作的需要,有针对性地制作审查报告。
Article 8 The public prosecutor may, on the basis of the needs of making preparations for appearing in court and the productionof evidence and cross-examination in court trials, obtain the relevant case materials and evidence from the people's court before the opening of a court session, or consult the electronic case files.   第八条 公诉人基于出庭准备和庭审举证质证工作的需要,可以在开庭前从人民法院取回有关案卷材料和证据,或者查阅电子卷宗。
Article 9 Before the opening of a court session for a public prosecution case, the public prosecutor shall be further familiar with the case details, understand the evidence, thoroughly study the legal and policy issues related to the case, be familiar with the professional knowledge that may be involved in the trial, develop an outline for the production of evidence and cross-examination by centering on the criminal facts and circumstances charged in the charging document, and effectively make preparation for the production of evidence and cross-examination.   第九条 公诉案件开庭前,公诉人应当进一步熟悉案情,掌握证据情况,深入研究与本案有关的法律政策问题,熟悉审判可能涉及的专业知识,围绕起诉书指控的犯罪事实和情节,制作举证质证提纲,做好举证质证准备。
In the development of an outline for the production of evidence and cross-examination, attention shall be paid to the following respects: 制作举证质证提纲应当注意以下方面:
(1) Whether the evidence is obtained conforming to the legal provisions. (一)证据的取得是否符合法律规定;
(2) Whether the evidence conforms to the legal form. (二)证据是否符合法定形式;
(3) Whether the evidence is the original document or the original object, and whether the photographs, videos, photocopies, and duplicates, among others, are consistent with the original documents and the original objects. (三)证据是否为原件、原物,照片、录像、复制件、副本等与原件、原物是否相符;
(4) The objective environment at the time of discovering the evidence. (四)发现证据时的客观环境;
(5) The reasons for the formation of evidence. (五)证据形成的原因;
(6) Whether the witness or the person providing evidence has any interest relationship with this case. (六)证人或者提供证据的人与本案有无利害关系;
(7) The relationship between the evidence and the facts to be proved. (七)证据与待证事实之间的关联关系;
(8) The mutual relationship between the evidence. (八)证据之间的相互关系;
(9) Whether the evidence points to a same fact to be proved, whether there are contradictions that cannot be excluded and doubts that cannot be explained, whether the evidence in the whole case forms a complete proof system, whether the facts determined according to the evidence in the whole case are sufficient to exclude reasonable doubts, and whether the conclusion is unique. (九)证据是否共同指向同一待证事实,有无无法排除的矛盾和无法解释的疑问,全案证据是否形成完整的证明体系,根据全案证据认定的事实是否足以排除合理怀疑,结论是否具有唯一性;
(10) Other issues whether the evidence has the competence of evidence and probative force. (十)证据是否具有证据能力及其证明力的其他问题。
Article 10 The public prosecutor shall, by attending a pretrial conference, understand the evidence provided by the defense in a timely manner, comprehensively understand the main objection of the defendant and his defender to the evidence, conduct communication on the issues of the case and the methods for producing evidence, among others, under the charge of the judges, and determine the order and method of production of evidence. According to the need of production of evidence, the public prosecutor may apply for appearance in court of witnesses, authentication experts, criminal investigators, and persons with specialized knowledge, and raise an objection to the list of the defense's persons appearing in court.   第十条 公诉人应当通过参加庭前会议,及时掌握辩护方提供的证据,全面了解被告人及其辩护人对证据的主要异议,并在审判人员主持下,就案件的争议焦点、证据的出示方式等进行沟通,确定举证顺序、方式。根据举证需要,公诉人可以申请证人、鉴定人、侦查人员、有专门知识的人出庭,对辩护方出庭人员名单提出异议。
Where a judge organizes and shows evidence at a pretrial conference, the public prosecutor shall produce the evidence intended to be produced in a court trial, review the evidence in dispute, and request the opinions of the defendant and his defender. 审判人员在庭前会议中组织展示证据的,公诉人应当出示拟在庭审中出示的证据,梳理存在争议的证据,听取被告人及其辩护人的意见。
Where a defendant and his defender apply for exclusion of illegally obtained evidence before opening of a court trial, and provide relevant clues or materials in accordance with the laws and regulations, and the public prosecutor finds upon investigation and verification that there is no illegal collection of evidence, explain the legality of the evidence obtainment in a targeted manner through producing relevant evidentiary materials at the pretrial conference and other methods. 被告人及其辩护人在开庭审理前申请排除非法证据,并依照法律规定提供相关线索或者材料的,公诉人经查证认为不存在非法取证行为的,应当在庭前会议中通过出示有关证据材料等方式,有针对性地对证据收集的合法性作出说明。
The public prosecutor may withdraw relevant evidence at a pretrial conference. The evidence withdrawn shall not be produced in the court trial without any new reason. 公诉人可以在庭前会议中撤回有关证据。撤回的证据,没有新的理由,不得在庭审中出示。
The public prosecutor shall, according to the consensus reached on the method of production of evidence at a pretrial conference, revise and improve the outline for production of evidence. 公诉人应当根据庭前会议上就举证方式达成的一致意见,修改完善举证提纲。
Article 11 The public prosecutor receiving the written materials forwarded by the people's court or submitted by the defendant and his defender, the victim, and the witnesses, among others, prior to the opening of a court session, reflecting that the evidence is illegally obtained shall conduct examination. Where it has been put forward and has been examined and verified that there is no illegal collection of evidence during the period of arrest examination and prosecution examination, the people's court shall be notified, or the relevant parties and defense shall be notified, and preparations for court trials shall be effectively made according to the situation examined and verified. For new materials or clues, the investigation organ may be required to explain the legality of the collection of evidence or provide the relevant supporting materials, and investigation and verification may be conducted on one's own if necessary.   第十一条 公诉人在开庭前收到人民法院转交或者被告人及其辩护人、被害人、证人等递交的反映证据系非法取得的书面材料的,应当进行审查。对于审查逮捕、审查起诉期间已经提出并经查证不存在非法取证行为的,应当通知人民法院,或者告知有关当事人和辩护人,并按照查证的情况做好庭审准备。对于新的材料或者线索,可以要求侦查机关对证据收集的合法性进行说明或者提供相关证明材料,必要时可以自行调查核实。
Article 12 The evidence collected by the public prosecutor according to the law after the pretrial conference shall be transferred to the people's court in a timely manner before the opening of a court session, and the public prosecutor shall know whether the defendant or his defender has submitted new evidence. Where there is new evidence, the public prosecutor shall examine the evidence.   第十二条 公诉人在庭前会议后依法收集的证据,在开庭前应当及时移送人民法院,并了解被告人或者其辩护人是否提交新的证据。如果有新的证据,公诉人应当对该证据进行审查。
Article 13 Before the opening of a court session, the public prosecutor shall, by interrogating the defendant, requesting the opinions of the defender, attending the pretrial conference, communicating with the court, and other methods, understand the relevant materials collected by the defense, proving that the defendant's innocence or the pettiness of a crime or reflecting illegal obtainment of evidence, be further familiar with the relevant evidence to be produced in court trial, comprehensively predict the cross-examination opinions that the defendant and the defender may put forward by focusing on the authenticity, relevance and legality of the evidence, and develop and improve the outline for cross-examination in a targeted manner.   第十三条 公诉人在开庭前,应当通过讯问被告人、听取辩护人意见、参加庭前会议、与法庭沟通等方式,了解掌握辩护方所收集的证明被告人无罪、罪轻或者反映存在非法取证行为的相关材料情况,进一步熟悉拟在庭审中出示的相关证据,围绕证据的真实性、关联性、合法性,全面预测被告人、辩护人可能提出的质证观点,有针对性地制作和完善质证提纲。
Chapter III Production of Evidence 

第三章 举 证

Section 1 Basic requirements for production of evidence 

第一节 举证的基本要求

Article 14 The public prosecutor shall generally conduct production of evidence according to the following requirements:   第十四条 公诉人举证,一般应当遵循下列要求:
(1) In production of evidence, the public prosecutor shall generally produce the evidence in a comprehensive manner, and generally produce all the contents of the evidence, when producing, reading out, and playing each copy (group) of evidence. According to the normal procedures, summary procedures, method of producing evidence determined at the pretrial conference and specific case details, evidence may also be produced in a simplified manner, without arbitrary deletion or deliberate misinterpretation out of context. Where no pretrial conference is held, the public prosecutor may consult with the defense in court and determine the method of producing evidence with permission of the court. (一)公诉人举证,一般应当全面出示证据;出示、宣读、播放每一份(组)证据时,一般应当出示证据的全部内容。根据普通程序、简易程序以及庭前会议确定的举证方式和案件的具体情况,也可以简化出示,但不得随意删减、断章取义。没有召开庭前会议的,公诉人可以当庭与辩护方协商,并经法庭许可确定举证方式。
(2) Prior to the production of evidence, the public prosecutor shall firstly explain the method of producing evidence; and jointly make explanation, where consensus has been reached on simplified production of evidence at a pretrial conference. (二)公诉人举证前,应当先就举证方式作出说明;庭前会议对简化出示证据达成一致意见的,一并作出说明。
(3) Before producing, reading out, and playing each copy (group) of evidence, the public prosecutor shall, in general, firstly give a general explanation to the court on the proof direction of evidence, the types, names, collection subjects and time of the evidence, and the contents to be proved. (三)出示、宣读、播放每一份(组)证据前,公诉人一般应当先就证据证明方向,证据的种类、名称、收集主体和时间以及所要证明的内容向法庭作概括说明。
(4) For non-critical evidence to which the prosecution and defense have no objection, the name of evidence and the matters proved may only be explained in production of evidence; and the key evidence that may affect the conviction and sentencing, the evidence to which the prosecution and defense have objection, and the evidence that the court deems it necessary to be investigated and verified shall be produced in detail. (四)对于控辩双方无异议的非关键性证据,举证时可以仅就证据的名称及所证明的事项作出说明;对于可能影响定罪量刑的关键证据和控辩双方存在争议的证据,以及法庭认为有必要调查核实的证据,应当详细出示。
(5) After production of evidence is completed, the evidence produced shall be summarized, and the proof purpose shall be specified. (五)举证完毕后,应当对出示的证据进行归纳总结,明确证明目的。
(6) Where multimedia is used to produce evidence, production of evidence by the public prosecutor shall be conducted concurrently. (六)使用多媒体示证的,应当与公诉人举证同步进行。
Article 15 In production of evidence, the public prosecutor shall mainly focus on the following facts, and the issues between the prosecution and defense:   第十五条 公诉人举证,应当主要围绕下列事实,重点围绕控辩双方争议的内容进行:
(1) the identity of the defendant; (一)被告人的身份;
(2) whether the charged criminal facts exist and whether they were committed by the defendant; (二)指控的犯罪事实是否存在,是否为被告人所实施;
(3) the time, place, method, means and result of the carrying out of the criminal acts, and the performance of the defendant after committing a crime, among others; (三)实施犯罪行为的时间、地点、方法、手段、结果,被告人犯罪后的表现等;
(4) the respective status of and responsibilities to be assumed by the criminals in a criminal group or other joint criminal cases; (四)犯罪集团或者其他共同犯罪案件中参与犯罪人员的各自地位和应负的责任;
(5) whether the defendant possesses the criminal capacity, whether the defendant commits the act intentionally or negligently, and the motive and purpose of the act; (五)被告人有无刑事责任能力,有无故意或者过失,行为的动机、目的;
(6) whether there is any situation where no criminal liability should be imposed according to the law, and whether there is any circumstance under which severer, lighter, mitigated or exempted penalty should be imposed according to the law; (六)有无依法不应当追究刑事责任的情形,有无法定从重或者从轻、减轻以及免除处罚的情节;
(7) the main characteristics of the object of crime and the means of committing a crime, and the source, quantity and direction of the property related to the crime; (七)犯罪对象、作案工具的主要特征,与犯罪有关的财物的来源、数量以及去向;
(8) whether the basis and grounds for the denial are well-founded, where the defendant denies the criminal facts charged in the charging document, in whole or in part; and (八)被告人全部或者部分否认起诉书指控的犯罪事实的,否认的根据和理由能否成立;
(9) other facts related to the conviction and sentencing. (九)与定罪、量刑有关的其他事实。
Article 16 The evidence that is produced by the public prosecutor in a simplified manner, and that is required by the defender to be produced by the public prosecutor in detail may be handled under different circumstances. Under one of the following circumstances, the public prosecutor shall produce evidence in detail:   第十六条 对于公诉人简化出示的证据,辩护人要求公诉人详细出示的,可以区分不同情况作出处理。具有下列情形之一的,公诉人应当详细出示:
(1) The judges require detailed production. (一)审判人员要求详细出示的;
(2) The defense requires detailed production and the court has granted consent. (二)辩护方要求详细出示并经法庭同意的;
(3) Simplified production of evidence may affect the effectiveness of the evidence. (三)简化出示证据可能影响举证效果的。
Under one of the following circumstances, the public prosecutor may explain the reasons to the court, and with the court's consent, evidence is no longer required to be produced in a detailed manner: 具有下列情形之一的,公诉人可以向法庭说明理由,经法庭同意后,可以不再详细出示:
(1) The public prosecutor has produced the relevant evidence in detail, and the defense repeatedly requires it. (一)公诉人已经详细出示过相关证据,辩护方重复要求的;
(2) The evidence produced by the public prosecutor in a simplified manner is able to prove the facts of the case and refute the objection of the defense. (二)公诉人简化出示的证据能够证明案件事实并反驳辩护方异议的;
(3) The content required by the defense to be produced in detail is irrelevant to the facts found in the charging document. (三)辩护方所要求详细出示的内容与起诉书认定事实无关的;
(4) The charged criminal facts and circumstances are admitted by the defendant. (四)被告人承认指控的犯罪事实和情节的。
Article 17 The defense applying in court for the public prosecutor's reading out the evidence in the case file that is in favor of the defendant, but that is not admitted by the public prosecutor may suggest that the court should decide to make the defense read out and produce the evidence, and explain the reasons for no admission. Where the court accepts the application of the defense and requires the public prosecutor to read out and produce the evidence, the public prosecutor shall produce the evidence.   第十七条 辩护方当庭申请公诉人宣读出示案卷中对被告人有利但未被公诉人采信的证据的,可以建议法庭决定由辩护方宣读出示,并说明不采信的理由。法庭采纳辩护方申请要求公诉人宣读出示的,公诉人应当出示。
Article 18 Where the public prosecutor, the defendant and his defender do not reach consensus on whether the defendant's confessions collected are lawful, and the people's court conducts investigation on the legality of the evidence in court trial, the public prosecutor may, according to the interrogation transcripts, custody records, records of interrogation, health examination records when entering or exiting the detention house, medical records of the hospital, minutes of talks of jailors and custodial officers, legal documents on the compulsory measures or investigative measures taken, evidentiary materials of the investigation organ on the legality of the interrogation process, conclusions of the investigation organ or procuratorial organ on the investigation and verification of the legality of evidence collection, and verification conclusions of the prosecutors stationed in the detention house on the legality of the interrogation prior to the ending of criminal investigation, among others, prove the legality of pretrial interrogation on defendants, require the court to play the simultaneous interrogation audio and video recordings, and apply to the court for notifying the criminal investigators or other personnel of the explanation on appearance in court if necessary.   第十八条 公诉人、被告人及其辩护人对收集被告人供述是否合法未达成一致意见,人民法院在庭审中对证据合法性进行调查的,公诉人可以根据讯问笔录、羁押记录、提讯登记、出入看守所的健康检查记录、医院病历、看守管教人员的谈话记录、采取强制措施或者侦查措施的法律文书、侦查机关对讯问过程合法性的证明材料、侦查机关或者检察机关对证据收集合法性调查核实的结论、驻看守所检察人员在侦查终结前对讯问合法性的核查结论等,对庭前讯问被告人的合法性进行证明,可以要求法庭播放讯问同步录音、录像,必要时可以申请法庭通知侦查人员或者其他人员出庭说明情况。
Where the prosecution and defense have disputes over the legality of the collection of witness testimony, statement of victim, collection of physical evidence, and documentary evidence, among others, and other procedural facts, the public prosecutor may, mutatis mutandis to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, produce and read out the relevant legal documents, and transcripts of criminal investigation or examination and litigation activities, among others. If necessary, the court may be suggested to notify the person in charge of criminal investigation and the witnesses of the search, sealing up, seizure, freezing, investigation and inspection, examination, identification, investigative experiment and other activities of the relevant situation of appearance in court and statements. 控辩双方对收集证人证言、被害人陈述、收集物证、书证等的合法性以及其他程序事实发生争议的,公诉人可以参照前款规定出示、宣读有关法律文书、侦查或者审查起诉活动笔录等予以证明。必要时,可以建议法庭通知负责侦查的人员以及搜查、查封、扣押、冻结、勘验、检查、辨认、侦查实验等活动的见证人出庭陈述有关情况。
Section 2 General methods of production of evidence 

第二节 举证的一般方法

Article 19 In general, production of evidence shall be conducted once for a crime and a fact, and be clear in order and level.
   第十九条 举证一般应当一罪名一举证、一事实一举证,做到条理清楚、层次分明。

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