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Interim Measures for the Administration of Online Games (2017 Revision) [Expired]
网络游戏管理暂行办法(2017修订) [失效]

Interim Measures for the Administration of Online Games



(deliberated and adopted at the executive meeting of the Ministry of Culture on March 17, 2010 and shall come into force on August 1, 2010; and revised in accordance with the Decision of the Ministry of Culture on Repealing and Modifying Some Regulatory Documents (Order No. 57 of the Ministry of Culture) issued on December 15, 2017) (2010年3月17日文化部部务会议审议通过,自2010年8月1日起施行 根据2017年12月15日发布的《文化部关于废止和修改部分部门规章的决定》(文化部令第57号)修订)

Article 1 In order to strengthen the administration of online games, regulate the business operations of online games and maintain the healthy development of the online game industry, these Measures are developed in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Cybersecurity Law of the People's Republic of China, the Decision of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress on Maintaining Internet Security, the Measures for the Administration of Internet Information Services and other laws and regulations issued by the state.   第一条 为加强网络游戏管理,规范网络游戏经营秩序,维护网络游戏行业的健康发展,根据《中华人民共和国网络安全法》、《全国人民代表大会常务委员会关于维护互联网安全的决定》和《互联网信息服务管理办法》等国家法律法规有关规定,制定本办法。
Article 2 These Measures shall apply to the R&D and production of online games, operation of online games, distribution of virtual currency of online games, virtual currency trading services of online games, and other forms of business operations of online games.   第二条 从事网络游戏研发生产、网络游戏运营、网络游戏虚拟货币发行、网络游戏虚拟货币交易服务等形式的经营活动,适用本办法。
The term “online games” as mentioned in these Measures refers to game products and services consisting of software programs and information data, which are provided via information networks such as the Internet and mobile communication networks. 本办法所称网络游戏是指由软件程序和信息数据构成,通过互联网、移动通信网等信息网络提供的游戏产品和服务。
The term ‘operation of online games' means the provision of game products and services via an information network to obtain gains. 网络游戏运营是指通过信息网络提供网络游戏产品和服务,并取得收益的行为。
The term “virtual currency of online games” refers to an virtual exchange tool existing outside the game program, stored in the server in the form of electromagnetic record and represented in specific digital units, which is distributed by an online game business entity and directly or indirectly purchased by the online game users with legal tenders according to a certain proportion. 网络游戏虚拟货币是指由网络游戏经营单位发行,网络游戏用户使用法定货币按一定比例直接或者间接购买,存在于游戏程序之外,以电磁记录方式存储于服务器内,并以特定数字单位表现的虚拟兑换工具。
Article 3 The culture administrative department of the State Council shall be the department in charge of online games, and the culture administrative departments of the people's governments at and above the county level shall be responsible for the supervision and administration of online games within their respective administrative regions according to their respective functions.   第三条 国务院文化行政部门是网络游戏的主管部门,县级以上人民政府文化行政部门依照职责分工负责本行政区域内网络游戏的监督管理。
Article 4 Entities engaging in online game business operations shall abide by the Constitution, laws and administrative regulations, give priority to social benefits and protection of the minors, carry forward thoughts, cultures and ethics embodying developments in the current era and social advancement, follow the principles of protection of public health and moderate game play, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of online game users pursuant to law, and promote the overall development of a person as well as social harmony.   第四条 从事网络游戏经营活动应当遵守宪法、法律、行政法规,坚持社会效益优先,保护未成年人优先,弘扬体现时代发展和社会进步的思想文化和道德规范,遵循有利于保护公众健康及适度游戏的原则,依法维护网络游戏用户的合法权益,促进人的全面发展与社会和谐。
Article 5 Industrial associations of online games and other social groups and organizations shall be subject to the guidance of the culture administrative departments, formulate industrial self-discipline rules in accordance with laws, administrative regulations and bylaws, strengthen education on professional ethics, direct and supervise the business operations of members, protect the legitimate rights and interests of members, and promote fair competition.   第五条 网络游戏行业协会等社团组织应当接受文化行政部门的指导,依照法律、行政法规及章程制定行业自律规范,加强职业道德教育,指导、监督成员的经营活动,维护成员的合法权益,促进公平竞争。
Article 6 An entity that applies for engaging in the business operations of online games, including but not limited to the operation of online games, distribution of virtual currencies of online games and virtual currency trading services of online games, shall meet the following conditions and obtain a Permit for Cyber Culture Business Operations:   第六条 申请从事网络游戏运营、网络游戏虚拟货币发行和网络游戏虚拟货币交易服务等网络游戏经营活动,应当具备以下条件,并取得《网络文化经营许可证》:
(1) Having the title, domicile, organizational structure and bylaws of an entity; (一)有单位的名称、住所、组织机构和章程;
(2) Having a well-defined scope of online games; (二)有确定的网络游戏经营范围;
(3) Having the professionals, equipment and workplaces that can satisfy the needs of business operations of online games as well as the corresponding management and technical measures; (三)有从事网络游戏经营活动所需的必要的专业人员、设备、场所以及管理技术措施;
(4) Having a well-defined domain name; and (四)有确定的域名;
(5) Meeting other conditions as prescribed by laws, administrative regulations and the relevant provisions of the state. (五)符合法律、行政法规和国家有关规定的其他条件。
Article 7 An entity shall apply to the culture administrative department of a province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government for an Internet Culture Business Permit. The culture administrative department of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government shall make a decision on approval or disapproval within 20 days after receiving the application. In case of approval, it shall issue an Internet Culture Business Permit to the applicant and announce it to the public; or in case of disapproval, it shall notify the applicant in writing of the disapproval and reasons for the disapproval.   第七条 申请《网络文化经营许可证》,应当向省、自治区、直辖市文化行政部门提出申请。省、自治区、直辖市文化行政部门自收到申请之日起20日内做出批准或者不批准的决定。批准的,核发《网络文化经营许可证》,并向社会公告;不批准的,应当书面通知申请人并说明理由。
An Internet Culture Business Permit shall be valid for three years. An entity which needs to continue its online game business operations after its Internet Culture Business Permit expires shall apply for a renewal at least 30 days before its Internet Culture Business Permit expires. 《网络文化经营许可证》有效期为3年。有效期届满,需继续从事经营的,应当于有效期届满30日前申请续办。
Article 8 Where a business operator of online games that obtains a Permit for Cyber Culture Business Operations changes its name, website domain name, legal representative or primary person-in-charge, registered address, business premise, equity structure or permitted scope of business, it shall, within 20 days as of the date of change, undergo the modification or recordation formalities with the original permit-issuing authority.   第八条 获得《网络文化经营许可证》的网络游戏经营单位变更单位名称、域名、法定代表人或者主要负责人、注册地址、经营地址、股权结构以及许可经营范围的,应当自变更之日起20日内向原发证机关办理变更或者备案手续。
A business operator of online games shall engage in online game business operations in accordance with the approved business scope. 网络游戏经营单位应当按照批准的业务范围从事网络游戏经营活动。
A business operator of online games shall indicate the electronic tagging for its Permit for Cyber Culture Business Operations and other information in a conspicuous position of its enterprise website, client software of products, customer service center, etc. 网络游戏经营单位应当在企业网站、产品客户端、用户服务中心等显著位置标示《网络文化经营许可证》电子标签等信息。
Article 9 No online game shall contain anything:   第九条 网络游戏不得含有以下内容:
1. violating the basic principles determined in the Constitution; (一)违反宪法确定的基本原则的;
2. compromising the unity, sovereignty or territorial integrity of the state; (二)危害国家统一、主权和领土完整的;
3. divulging a national secret, jeopardizing the national security or damaging the honor and interests of the state; (三)泄露国家秘密、危害国家安全或者损害国家荣誉和利益的;
4. instigating hatred or discrimination among ethnic groups, undermining the solidarity among ethnic groups, or disrespecting ethnic customs and practices; (四)煽动民族仇恨、民族歧视,破坏民族团结,或者侵害民族风俗、习惯的;
5. advocating cult or superstition; (五)宣扬邪教、迷信的;
6. spreading rumors to disrupt the public order and social stability; (六)散布谣言,扰乱社会秩序,破坏社会稳定的;
7. advocating obscenity, pornography, gambling or violence, or abetting the commission of a crime; (七)宣扬淫秽、色情、赌博、暴力,或者教唆犯罪的;
8. insulting or defaming others and injuring the legitimate rights and interests of others; (八)侮辱、诽谤他人,侵害他人合法权益的;
9. breaching social morality; or (九)违背社会公德的;
10. otherwise prohibited by any law, administrative regulation or provision of the state. (十)有法律、行政法规和国家规定禁止的其他内容的。
Article 10 The culture administrative department of the State Council shall be responsible for the content examination of online games, and retain relevant experts to carry out the relevant consulting and routine work on the examination, filing and authentication of contents of online games.   第十条 国务院文化行政部门负责网络游戏内容审查,并聘请有关专家承担网络游戏内容审查、备案与鉴定的有关咨询和事务性工作。
The culture administrative department of the State Council shall no longer conduct re-examination of any online game publication pre-approved by the relevant department, and shall permit the operation of such a publication. 经有关部门前置审批的网络游戏出版物,国务院文化行政部门不再进行重复审查,允许其运营。
Article 11 The culture administrative department of the State Council shall examine the contents of imported online games in accordance with the law. An imported online game may not be put into operation until approval of the culture administrative department of the State Council has been obtained with respect to its contents. An applicant for content examination shall submit the following materials:   第十一条 国务院文化行政部门依法对进口网络游戏进行内容审查。进口网络游戏应当在获得国务院文化行政部门内容审查批准后,方可运营。申请进行内容审查需提交下列材料:
(1) a content description of the imported online game (in both Chinese and the foreign languages), a product manual (in both Chinese and the foreign language), and the descriptive text, dialogue, asides, and lyrics text (in both Chinese and the foreign languages);

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