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Notice of the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission on Issuing the Guidelines for the Data Management of Banking Financial Institutions [Effective]
中国银行保险监督管理委员会关于印发银行业金融机构数据治理指引的通知 [现行有效]

Notice of the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission on Issuing the Guidelines for the Data Management of Banking Financial Institutions 


(No. 22 [2018] of the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission) (银保监发〔2018〕22号)

All local offices of the China Banking Regulatory Commission (“CBRC”); all departments of the CBRC; all policy banks, large banks, joint-stock banks, postal saving banks, foreign-funded banks, financial asset management companies; and other financial institutions administered by the CBRC: 各银监局,机关各部门,各政策性银行、大型银行、股份制银行,邮储银行,外资银行,金融资产管理公司,其他会管金融机构:
The Guidelines for the Data Management of Banking Financial Institutions are hereby issued to you for your compliance and implementation. 现将《银行业金融机构数据治理指引》印发给你们,请遵照执行。
May 21, 2018 2018年5月21日
Guidelines for the Data Management of Banking Financial Institutions 银行业金融机构数据治理指引
Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总则

Article 1 For the purposes of directing banking financial institutions to strengthen data management, improving data quality, playing data value, and improving their business management capabilities, these Guidelines are developed in accordance with the Banking Supervision Law of the People's Republic of China and other relevant laws and regulations.   第一条 为指导银行业金融机构加强数据治理,提高数据质量,发挥数据价值,提升经营管理能力,根据《中华人民共和国银行业监督管理法》等法律法规,制定本指引。
Article 2 These Guidelines shall apply to banking financial institutions formed with the approval of banking regulatory authorities within the territory of the People's Republic of China.   第二条 本指引适用于中华人民共和国境内经银行业监督管理机构批准设立的银行业金融机构。
For the purposes of these Guidelines, “banking financial institutions” means commercial banks, rural credit cooperatives and other financial institutions which absorb public savings, policy banks and the China Development Bank which are formed within the territory of the People's Republic of China. 本指引所称银行业金融机构,是指在中华人民共和国境内设立的商业银行、农村信用合作社等吸收公众存款的金融机构、政策性银行以及国家开发银行。
Article 3 “Data management” means the dynamic process through which banking financial institutions specify the requirements for the functions of the board of directors, the board of supervisors, the senior management and internal departments, among others, by establishing the organizational structure, develop and implement systematic rules, procedures and methods so as to ensure the uniform management and efficient operation of data and maximize their value in business management.   第三条 数据治理是指银行业金融机构通过建立组织架构,明确董事会、监事会、高级管理层及内设部门等职责要求,制定和实施系统化的制度、流程和方法,确保数据统一管理、高效运行,并在经营管理中充分发挥价值的动态过程。
Article 4 A banking financial institution shall include data management in corporate governance, and establish a top-down and coordinated data management system.   第四条 银行业金融机构应当将数据治理纳入公司治理范畴,建立自上而下、协调一致的数据治理体系。
Article 5 The following basic principles shall be observed for the data management of banking financial institutions:   第五条 银行业金融机构数据治理应当遵循以下基本原则:
(1) Full coverage principle. Data management shall cover the full life cycle of data, cover all data in business operations, risk management and internal control flow, cover internal data and external data, cover regulatory data, and cover all branches and affiliates. (一)全覆盖原则。数据治理应当覆盖数据的全生命周期,覆盖业务经营、风险管理和内部控制流程中的全部数据,覆盖内部数据和外部数据,覆盖监管数据,覆盖所有分支机构和附属机构。
(2) Principle of matching. Data management shall be commensurate with its management mode, business scale, and risk status, among others, and be adjusted according to the changes of circumstances. (二)匹配性原则。数据治理应当与管理模式、业务规模、风险状况等相适应,并根据情况变化进行调整。
(3) Principle of continuity. Data management shall be conducted in a continuous manner and a long-term effect mechanism shall be established. (三)持续性原则。数据治理应当持续开展,建立长效机制。
(4)Principle of effectiveness. Data management shall promote the authenticate, accurate and objective reflection of the actual circumstances of banking financial institutions by data, and be effectively applied in business management. (四)有效性原则。数据治理应当推动数据真实准确客观反映银行业金融机构实际情况,并有效应用于经营管理。
Article 6 A banking financial institution shall include regulatory data in data management, establish work mechanisms and procedures, ensure effective organization and implementation of the submission of regulatory data, and continuously improve the quality of regulatory data.   第六条 银行业金融机构应当将监管数据纳入数据治理,建立工作机制和流程,确保监管数据报送工作有效组织开展,监管数据质量持续提升。
The legal representative or principal person in charge shall assume ultimate responsibility for the quality of regulatory data. 法定代表人或主要负责人对监管数据质量承担最终责任。
Article 7 Banking regulatory authorities shall oversee the data management of banking financial institutions in accordance with these Guidelines.   第七条 银行业监督管理机构依据本指引对银行业金融机构数据治理情况实施监管。
Chapter II Data Management Structure 

第二章 数据治理架构

Article 8 A banking financial institution shall establish a data management structure with a sound organization structure and clear functions and duties, specify the division of functions of the board of directors, the board of supervisors, the senior management and the relevant departments, and establish a multi-level and mutually connected operation mechanism.   第八条 银行业金融机构应当建立组织架构健全、职责边界清晰的数据治理架构,明确董事会、监事会、高级管理层和相关部门的职责分工,建立多层次、相互衔接的运行机制。
Article 9 The board of directors of a banking financial institution shall formulate data strategies, approve or authorize the approval of major matters relating to data management, urge the senior management to improve the effectiveness of data management, and assume ultimate responsibility for data management.   第九条 银行业金融机构董事会应当制定数据战略,审批或授权审批与数据治理相关的重大事项,督促高级管理层提升数据治理有效性,对数据治理承担最终责任。
Article 10 The board of supervisors of a banking financial institution shall be responsible for the supervision and evaluation of the performance of duties by the board of directors and the senior management in data management.   第十条 银行业金融机构监事会负责对董事会和高级管理层在数据治理方面的履职尽责情况进行监督评价。
Article 11 The senior management of a banking financial institution shall be responsible for establishing a data management system, ensuring the allocation of data management resources, formulating and implementing accountability and incentive mechanisms, establishing a data quality control mechanism, organizing the evaluation of the effectiveness and implementation of data management, and reporting to the board of directors on a periodical basis.   第十一条 银行业金融机构高级管理层负责建立数据治理体系,确保数据治理资源配置,制定和实施问责和激励机制,建立数据质量控制机制,组织评估数据治理的有效性和执行情况,并定期向董事会报告。
The banking financial institution may set the chief data officer according to the actual circumstances. Whether the chief data officer is included in senior executives shall be determined by the banking financial institution according to its business status. If the chief officer is included in senior executives for management, the requirements of the relevant administrative licensing matters shall be complied with. 银行业金融机构可根据实际情况设立首席数据官。首席数据官是否纳入高级管理人员由银行业金融机构根据经营状况确定;纳入高级管理人员管理的,应当符合相关行政许可事项的要求。
Article 12 A banking financial institution shall determine and authorize the centralized administrative department to take the lead in the construction of the data management system, coordinate the implementation of the data management operating mechanism, organize and promote the role of data in the business management process, take charge of the work on regulatory data, and set up full-time posts related to regulatory data.   第十二条 银行业金融机构应当确定并授权归口管理部门牵头负责实施数据治理体系建设,协调落实数据管理运行机制,组织推动数据在经营管理流程中发挥作用,负责监管数据相关工作,设置监管数据相关工作专职岗位。
Article 13 The business department shall be responsible for data management in its business fields, manage the data sources of business lines, ensure accurate records and maintenance in a timely manner, implement the data quality control mechanism, implement the relevant work requirements for regulatory data, strengthen data application, and realize data value.   第十三条 业务部门应当负责本业务领域的数据治理,管理业务条线数据源,确保准确记录和及时维护,落实数据质量控制机制,执行监管数据相关工作要求,加强数据应用,实现数据价值。
Article 14 A banking financial institution shall set up full-time posts at the data management administrative department to satisfy the work needs, and set up full-time or part-time posts in other relevant business departments.   第十四条 银行业金融机构应当在数据治理归口管理部门设立满足工作需要的专职岗位,在其他相关业务部门设置专职或兼职岗位。
Article 15 A banking financial institution shall establish a professional team satisfying the requirements for data management, conduct systematic training of the personnel at least on an annual basis, make scientific plans on career growth channels, and determine reasonable remuneration level.   第十五条 银行业金融机构应当建立一支满足数据治理工作需要的专业队伍,至少按年度对人员进行系统培训,科学规划职业成长通道,确定合理薪酬水平。
Article 16 A banking financial institution shall establish a good data culture, establish the concepts and guidelines that important assets and data shall be true and objective, reinforce the sense of use of data, and follow the professional ethics of use of data according to relevant regulations and scientific use of data.   第十六条 银行业金融机构应当建立良好的数据文化,树立数据是重要资产和数据应真实客观的理念与准则,强化用数意识,遵循依规用数、科学用数的职业操守。
Chapter III Data Management 

第三章 数据管理


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