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Regulation on Telecommunications of the People's Republic of China [Revised]
中华人民共和国电信条例 [已被修订]

Decree of the State Council of the People's Republic of China 中华人民共和国国务院令

(No. 291)

The Regulation on Telecommunications of the People's Republic of China has been adopted at the 31st regular meeting of the State Council on September 20, 2000 and is hereby published.

ZHU Rongji(Premier)
总理 朱镕基

September 25, 2000

Regulation on Telecommunications of the People's Republic of China

Section 1. General principles 

第一章 总则

Article 1. This Regulation is formulated to regulate the order of the telecommunications market, to protect the lawful rights and interests of telecommunications users and service providers and to ensure the safety of telecommunications network and information so as to promote the healthy development of telecommunications.   第一条 为了规范电信市场秩序,维护电信用户和电信业务经营者的合法权益,保障电信网络和信息的安全,促进电信业的健康发展,制定本条例。

Article 2. Anyone engaged in telecommunications activities or activities in connection with telecommunications within the territory of the People's Republic of China shall abide by this Regulation.   第二条 在中华人民共和国境内从事电信活动或者与电信有关的活动,必须遵守本条例。

Telecommunications in this Regulation refer to the use of wired or wireless electromagnetic systems, or photoelectric systems, to transmit, emit or receive speech, text, data, graphics or any other form of information.

Article 3. The Ministry of Information Industries (MII) under the State Council is responsible for the nation-wide supervision and administration of telecommunications in accordance with this Regulation.   第三条 国务院信息产业主管部门依照本条例的规定对全国电信业实施监督管理。

The telecommunications administrative authorities of all provinces, autonomous regions and cities under the direct control of the Central Government are responsible, under the guidance of MII, for the supervision and administration of telecommunications in their regions in accordance with this Regulation.

Article 4. The supervision and administration of telecommunications shall be carried out according to the principles of separation of the Government and enterprises, anti-monopoly, development promotion, openness, fairness and impartiality.   第四条 电信监督管理遵循政企分开、破除垄断、鼓励竞争、促进发展和公开、公平、公正的原则。

The telecommunications service providers shall conduct business operation in accordance with the law, observe business ethics, and accept the supervisory  inspection carried out in accordance with the law.

Article 5. The telecommunications service providers shall provide services in accordance with the law and business ethics. They shall be subject to supervision and administration which are conducted in accordance with the law.   第五条 电信业务经营者应当为电信用户提供迅速、准确、安全、方便和价格合理的电信服务。

Article 6. The safety of the telecommunications networks and information is protected by the law. Any organisation or individual shall not be engaged, by using the telecommunication networks, in activities detrimental to State Security, social and public interests or the lawful rights and interests of others.   第六条 电信网络和信息的安全受法律保护。任何组织或者个人不得利用电信网络从事危害国家安全、社会公共利益或者他人合法权益的活动。

Section 2. Telecommunication business and market 

第二章 电信市场

Subsection 1.Telecommunication business licensing 

第一节 电信业务许可

Article 7. The State establishes a licensing system for telecommunications business according to the different categories of business.   第七条 国家对电信业务经营按照电信业务分类,实行许可制度。

Telecommunications business shall be conducted with a licence obtained from MII or the telecommunications administrative authorities of the provinces, autonomous regions and cities under the direct control of the Central Government.

Any organisation or individual that does not obtain a telecommunication business licence shall not be engaged in telecommunications business.

Article 8. Telecommunications business is divided into two categories: basic telecommunications business and value-added telecommunications business.   第八条 电信业务分为基础电信业务和增值电信业务。

Basic telecommunications business refers to the provision of basic facilities of public networks, public data transmission and basic speech communication. Value-added telecommunications business refers to the provision of telecommunication and information services by using the basic facilities of public networks.

For detailed categories of the telecommunications business, please refer to the Appendix of this Regulation: Catalogue of Telecommunications Business. MII may update and renew this Catalogue in accordance with the real situation.

Article 9. Anyone that intends to be engaged in basic telecommunications business shall be approved by MII and obtain a Business Licence for Basic Telecommunications Business.   第九条 经营基础电信业务,须经国务院信息产业主管部门审查批准,取得《基础电信业务经营许可证》。

Anyone that intends to be engaged in value-added telecommunications business covering more than two provinces, autonomous regions or cities under the direct control of the Central Government shall be approved by MII and obtain a Business Licence for Cross-region Value-added Telecommunications Business. Anyone that intends to be engaged in value-added telecommunications business covering only one province, autonomous region or city under the direct control of the Central Government shall be approved by the telecommunications administrative authority of the relevant province, autonomous region or city under the direct control of the Central Government and obtain a Business Licence for Value-added Telecommunications Business.

Anyone that is engaged, by using new technology, in new-type telecommunication business not covered by the Catalogue of Telecommunications Business shall record his business at the telecommunications administrative authority of the relevant province, autonomous region or city under the direct control of the Central Government.

Article 10. A basic telecommunications business provider shall meet the following requirements:   第十条 经营基础电信业务,应当具备下列条件:

(1)being a company established in accordance with the law and specialised in basic telecommunications business and the State-owned equity or shares in the company not lower than 51%; (一)经营者为依法设立的专门从事基础电信业务的公司,且公司中国有股权或者股份不少于51%;

(2)preparing feasibility study report and a plan for the structuring of networks; (二)有可行性研究报告和组网技术方案;

(3)having capital and professionals commensurate to its business; (三)有与从事经营活动相适应的资金和专业人员;

(4)having a fixed place and the corresponding resources for the business; (四)有从事经营活动的场地及相应的资源;

(5)having the credibility and capacity to provide long-term services; (五)有为用户提供长期服务的信誉或者能力;

(6)other requirements provided by the State. (六)国家规定的其他条件。

Article 11. The application for provision of basic telecommunications business shall be addressed to MII together with the relevant documents as provided by Article 10 of this Regulation. MII shall examine the application and approve or disapprove it within 180 days after receiving the application. If approved, a Business Licence for Basic Telecommunication Business shall be granted; if not approved, a written notice explaining the reasons shall be given.   第十一条 申请经营基础电信业务,应当向国务院信息产业主管部门提出申请,并提交本条例第十条规定的相关文件。国务院信息产业主管部门应当自受理申请之日起180日内审查完毕,作出批准或者不予批准的决定。予以批准的,颁发《基础电信业务经营许可证》;不予批准的,应当书面通知申请人并说明理由。

Article 12. When examining applications for provision of basic telecommunications business, MII shall mainly take into consideration of such factors as Stare security, safety of telecommunications networks, sustainable development of telecommunications resources, environmental protection, and competition of the telecommunications market.   第十二条 国务院信息产业主管部门审查经营基础电信业务的申请时,应当考虑国家安全、电信网络安全、电信资源可持续利用、环境保护和电信市场的竞争状况等因素。

The granting of the Business Licences for Basic Telecommunication Business shall use the method of tender.

Article 13. A value-added telecommunications business provider shall meet the following requirements:   第十三条 经营增值电信业务,应当具备下列条件:

(1)being a company established in accordance with the law; (一)经营者为依法设立的公司;

(2)having capital and professionals commensurate to its business; (二)有与开展经营活动相适应的资金和专业人员;

(3)having the credibility and capacity to provide long-term services; (三)有为用户提供长期服务的信誉或者能力;

(4)other requirements provided by the State. (四)国家规定的其他条件。

Article 14. The application for provision of value-added telecommunications business shall, in accordance with Article 9(2) of this Regulation, be addressed to MII or to the administrative authorities of the relevant province, autonomous region or city under the direct control of the Central Government, together with the relevant documents as provided by Article 13 of this Regulation. If the approval of the relevant competent authority is also required by the law, the document of such an approval shall also be provided. MII or the administrative authorities of the relevant province, autonomous region or city under the direct control of the Central Government shall examine the application and approve or disapprove it within 60 days after receiving the application. If approved, a Business Licence for Cross-region Value-added Telecommunications Business or for Value-added Telecommunications Business shall be granted; If not approved, a written notice explaining the reasons shall be given.   第十四条 申请经营增值电信业务,应当根据本条例第九条第二款的规定,向国务院信息产业主管部门或者省、自治区、直辖市电信管理机构提出申请,并提交本条例第十三条规定的相关文件。申请经营的增值电信业务,按照国家有关规定须经有关主管部门审批的,还应当提交有关主管部门审核同意的文件。国务院信息产业主管部门或者省、自治区、直辖市电信管理机构应当自收到申请之日起60日内审查完毕,作出批准或者不予批准的决定。予以批准的,颁发《跨地区增值电信业务经营许可证》或者《增值电信业务经营许可证》;不予批准的,应当书面通知申请人并说明理由。

Article 15. If, during its term of business, a telecommunications business provider intends to change the business provider, business scope or to terminate the business, it shall apply to the original authority granting the Business Licence and go through relevant formalities. In case of termination of business, a settlement shall be made in accordance with State regulations.   第十五条 电信业务经营者在经营过程中,变更经营主体、业务范围或者停止经营的,应当提前90日向原颁发许可证的机关提出申请,并办理相应手续;停止经营的,还应当按照国家有关规定做好善后工作。

Article 16. Upon approval to be engaged in telecommunications business, registration shall be made at the enterprise registration authority by presenting the Business Licence for telecommunications business.   第十六条 经批准经营电信业务的,应当持依法取得的电信业务经营许可证,向企业登记机关办理登记手续。

A work unit operating dedicated telecommunications networks wishing to provide public telecommunications services to the area where it is located, shall file an application in accordance with the requirements and procedures as provided by this Regulation. Upon being approved, it will be granted a Business Licence for Telecommunications business and shall register itself according to provisions in the above paragraph.

Sub-section 2. Link ups between telecommunications networks 

第二节 电信网间互联

Article 17. Linking-up between telecommunications networks shall be carried out according to the principles of technological feasibility, economy, fairness and co-ordination.   第十七条 电信网之间应当按照技术可行、经济合理、公平公正、相互配合的原则,实现互联互通。

Principal public telecommunications business providers shall not reject the requests for link-up of other public telecommunications business providers or dedicated networks operators.

Principal public telecommunications business providers refer to telecommunications business providers that control necessary basic telecommunications facilities and account for a large proportion of the market, thus able to influence substantially the market access of other business providers.

The list of the principal public telecommunications business providers shall be defined by MII.

Article 18. Principal public telecommunications business providers shall, on the basis of non-discrimination and transparency, formulate the link-up rules including the procedure, time limit, and catalogue of non-tied-up network elements. The link-up rules shall be approved by MII and be binding to Principal public telecommunications business providers in their link-ups.   第十八条 主导的电信业务经营者应当按照非歧视和透明化的原则,制定包括网间互联的程序、时限、非捆绑网络元素目录等内容的互联规程。互联规程应当报国务院信息产业主管部门审查同意。该互联规程对主导的电信业务经营者的互联互通活动具有约束力。

Article 19. The inter-network link-up between public networks, and between public and dedicated networks shall be carried out by the parties involved through consultation in accordance with the relevant regulation of MII.   第十九条 公用电信网之间、公用电信网与专用电信网之间的网间互联,由网间互联双方按照国务院信息产业主管部门的网间互联管理规定进行互联协商,并订立网间互联协议。

Agreements on such inter-network link-ups shall also be reached and filed for record at MII.

Article 20. If the two parties can not reach an agreement on the inter-network link-up, within 60 days after one party requests such link-up, either party can apply for co-ordination to MII or to the telecommunications administrative authority at the level of province, autonomous region, or city under the direct control of the Central Government according to the area covered by the link-up. The authority receiving such an application shall conduct co-ordination in accordance with Article 17(2) of this Regulation in order to reach an agreement between the two parties. Despite the co-ordination, in case no agreement can be reached within 45 days after either party applies for co-ordination, the co-ordination authority shall invite, through random selection, telecommunication specialists and other professionals to a public hearing to raise proposals for the link-up. The co-ordination authority shall make a decision of compulsive link-up on the basis of the hearing.   第二十条 网间互联双方经协商未能达成网间互联协议的,自一方提出互联要求之日起60日内,任何一方均可以按照网间互联覆盖范围向国务院信息产业主管部门或者省、自治区、直辖市电信管理机构申请协调;收到申请的机关应当依照本条例第十七条第一款规定的原则进行协调,促使网间互联双方达成协议;自网间互联一方或者双方申请协调之日起45日内经协调仍不能达成协议的,由协调机关随机邀请电信技术专家和其他有关方面专家进行公开论证并提出网间互联方案。协调机关应当根据专家论证结论和提出的网间互联方案作出决定,强制实现互联互通。

Article 21. The link-up shall be made within the time limit as provided in the link-up agreement or decision. Either party shall terminate the link-up without approval by MII. The two parties shall take effective measures to eliminate technological obstacles to link-ups. In case disputes arise during the link-up, the two parties shall settle the disputes in accordance with Article 20 of this Regulation.   第二十一条 网间互联双方必须在协议约定或者决定规定的时限内实现互联互通。未经国务院信息产业主管部门批准,任何一方不得擅自中断互联互通。网间互联遇有通信技术障碍的,双方应当立即采取有效措施予以消除。网间互联双方在互联互通中发生争议的,依照本条例第二十条规定的程序和办法处理。

The communication quality of the link-up shall reach the relevant State standard. The principal telecommunication business providers, when linking up with other telecommunication business providers, the communication quality shall not be lower than that when providing such service within its own network to its subsidiaries or branches.

Article 22. The payment settlement and sharing for inter-network link-up shall be made in accordance with relevant State regulations. No extra expenses shall be charged.   第二十二条 网间互联的费用结算与分摊应当执行国家有关规定,不得在规定标准之外加收费用。

The technological standard, method of payment and regulation measures for inter-network link-up shall be formulated by MII.

Sub-section 3. Charges for telecommunications services 

第三节 电信资费

Article 23. The standard of charges for telecommunications services shall be set on the basis of cost; meanwhile, such factors shall also be taken into consideration as the need for the development of national economy, of the society and of telecommunications industry, and the payment capacity of the customers.   第二十三条 电信资费标准实行以成本为基础的定价原则,同时考虑国民经济与社会发展要求、电信业的发展和电信用户的承受能力等因素。

Article 24. Charges for telecommunications services are set by fixed , guideline or market prices.   第二十四条 电信资费分为市场调节价、政府指导价和政府定价。

Charges for basic telecommunications services can be set by fixed or guideline prices set by the government or by market prices. Charges for value-added telecommunications services can be set by market prices or guideline prices set by the government.

Charges for telecommunications services involving full market competition can be set by market prices.

The Catalogue of Charges for telecommunications services set by fixed, guideline or market prices shall be formulated by MII after consulting the State Planning Commission.

Article 25. MII shall formulate the plan for the standard of charges of important telecommunication services set by fixed prices. After consulting the State Planning Commission, the plan shall be submitted to the State Council for approval.   第二十五条 政府定价的重要的电信业务资费标准,由国务院信息产业主管部门提出方案,经征求国务院价格主管部门意见,报国务院批准后公布施行。

MII shall formulate and implement the plan for the standard of charges of important telecommunication services set by guideline prices, subject to consultation with the State Planning Commission. The service provider can decide its own price within the allowed scope and files it for record at the administrative telecommunication authorities at the level of province, autonomous region or city under the direct control of the Central Government.

Article 26. The standard for fixed and guideline prices shall be formulated by holding hearings in which service providers, end-users and other sectors can exchange their opinion.   第二十六条 制定政府定价和政府指导价的电信业务资费标准,应当采取举行听证会等形式,听取电信业务经营者、电信用户和其他有关方面的意见。

The service providers shall, at the request of MII and other telecommunications administrative authorities, provide complete and correct information and data on the cost of service they provide.

Sub-section 4. Telecommunications resources 

第四节 电信资源

Article 27. The State establishes a system for the unified planning, centralised administration, rational allocation and paid utilisation of the telecommunication resources.   第二十七条 国家对电信资源统一规划、集中管理、合理分配,实行有偿使用制度。

Telecommunications resources refer to such limited resources as wireless radio frequencies, satellite orbit positions and telecommunications network code numbers through which telecommunications functions are realised.

Article 28. The telecommunications business providers shall pay telecommunications resources charges when holding or using such resources. The standard and method of payment shall be formulated by MII, Ministry of Finance and the State Planning Commission and approved by the State Council.   第二十八条 电信业务经营者占有、使用电信资源,应当缴纳电信资源费。具体收费办法由国务院信息产业主管部门会同国务院财政部门、价格主管部门制定,报国务院批准后公布施行。

Article 29. The allocation of telecommunications resources shall take into consideration of the planning, use and expected service capacity of such resources.   第二十九条 电信资源的分配,应当考虑电信资源规划、用途和预期服务能力。

The allocation of telecommunications resources can be done either through distribution or through auction.

After obtaining the right to use certain telecommunications resources, the user shall start to use the resources and reach the minimum use scale within the statutory time limits. Without approval by MII or telecommunications administrative authorities, it shall not use, assign, lease telecommunication resources or change the functions of such resources.

Article 30. After the telecommunications resources user obtain the telecommunications network code numbers, the principal telecommunications service providers and other relevant work units shall take necessary technological measures to accommodate the use of such code numbers by the user.
   第三十条 电信资源使用者依法取得电信网码号资源后,主导的电信业务经营者和其他有关单位有义务采取必要的技术措施,配合电信资源使用者实现其电信网码号资源的功能。

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