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Decision of the General Administration of Customs to Amend Some Rules (2018) [Partially Invalid]
海关总署关于修改部分规章的决定(2018) [部分失效]

Order of the General Administration of Customs 


(No. 238) (第238号)

The Decision of the General Administration of Customs to Amend Some Rules, as deliberated and adopted at the executive meeting of the General Administration of Customs on April 27, 2018, is hereby issued, and shall come into force on May 1, 2018. 《海关总署关于修改部分规章的决定》已于2018年4月27日经海关总署署务会议审议通过,现予公布,自2018年5月1日起施行。
Director: Ni Yuefeng 署  长  倪岳峰
April 28, 2018 2018年4月28日
Decision of the General Administration of Customs to Amend Some Rules 海关总署关于修改部分规章的决定
For the purposes of implementing the Plan of the CPC Central Committee on Deepening Reform of Party and State Institutions and the Decision on the State Council Institutional Reform Plan as deliberated and adopted at the First Session of the Thirteenth National People's Congress, and revising the rules that affect the legitimacy of institutions and the legitimacy of law enforcement due to reform as soon as possible, the General Administration of Customs has decided to amend 71 Rules including the Measures of the Customs of the People's Republic of China for the Disposition of Import Goods Undeclared within the Time Limit, Misdischarged or Over-Discharged Entry Goods and Abandoned Import Goods, and the specific contents are as follows: 为贯彻落实中共中央《深化党和国家机构改革方案》和十三届全国人大一次会议审议通过的《关于国务院机构改革方案的决定》,对因改革影响机构合法性和执法合法性的规章尽快予以修订,海关总署决定对《中华人民共和国海关关于超期未报关进口货物、误卸或者溢卸的进境货物和放弃进口货物的处理办法》等71部规章进行修改,具体内容如下:
I. The Measures of the Customs of the People's Republic of China for the Disposition of Import Goods Undeclared within the Time Limit, Misdischarged or Over-Discharged Entry Goods and Abandoned Import Goods (Issued by Order No. 91, GACC, and amended according to Orders No. 198 and No. 218, GACC) are amended as follows:   一、 对《中华人民共和国海关关于超期未报关进口货物、误卸或者溢卸的进境货物和放弃进口货物的处理办法》(海关总署令第91号公布,根据海关总署令第198号和第218号修改)作如下修改:
In Article 6, “Catalogue of Entry-Exit Commodities subject to Inspection and Quarantine by Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Institutions” is replaced with “Catalogue of Entry-Exit Commodities subject to Inspection and Quarantine by the Customs”, and “the Customs shall file a request with the entry-exit inspection and quarantine institution for inspection and quarantine of such goods before they are sold off” is replaced with “the Customs shall conduct inspection and quarantine of such goods before they are sold off”. 将第六条中的“《出入境检验检疫机构实施检验检疫的进出境商品目录》”修改为“海关实施检验检疫的进出境商品目录”,“由海关在变卖前提请出入境检验检疫机构进行检验、检疫”修改为“海关应当在变卖前进行检验、检疫”。
II. The Interim Measures of the Customs of the People's Republic of China for Assessing the Evaded or Dodged Taxes on Suspected Smuggled Goods and Articles (Issued by Order No. 97, GACC, and amended according to Order No. 198, GACC) are amended as follows:   二、 对《中华人民共和国海关计核涉嫌走私的货物、物品偷逃税款暂行办法》(海关总署令第97号公布,根据海关总署令第198号修改)作如下修改:
In Article 18, “quality supervision, inspection and quarantine authority of the state” is replaced with “qualified institution”. 将第十八条中的“国家质量监督检验检疫机构”修改为“具备资质的机构”。
III. The Provisions of the Customs of the People's Republic of China on the Administration of Declaration of Imported and Exported Goods (Issued by Order No. 103, GACC, and amended according to Orders No. 198, No. 218, and No. 235, GACC) are amended as follows:   三、 对《中华人民共和国海关进出口货物申报管理规定》(海关总署令第103号公布,根据海关总署令第198号、第218号和第235号修改)作如下修改:
In paragraph 2 of Article 13, “Where any of the sampled goods involves any animal or plant or the product thereof or any other product that requires a quarantine certificate according to the law, the goods shall, according to the relevant laws of the state, be sampled after the acquisition of a written approval certificate from the relevant administrative department” is replaced with “Where any of the sampled goods involves any animal or plant or the product thereof or any other product that requires a quarantine certificate according to the law, the goods shall be sampled after the acquisition of the relevant approval certificate according to the law”. 将第十三条第二款中的“提取货样的货物涉及动植物及产品以及其他须依法提供检疫证明的,应当按照国家的有关法律规定,在取得主管部门签发的书面批准证明后提取”修改为“提取货样的货物涉及动植物及产品以及其他须依法提供检疫证明的,应当在依法取得有关批准证明后提取”。
IV. The Measures of the Customs of the People's Republic of China for the Administration of Leftover Materials, Surplus Materials, Defective Products, Byproducts, and Disaster-Damaged Bonded Goods in Processing Trade (Issued by Order No. 111, GACC, and amended according to Orders No. 198, No. 218 and No. 235, GACC) are amended as follows:   四、 对《中华人民共和国海关关于加工贸易边角料、剩余料件、残次品、副产品和受灾保税货物的管理办法》(海关总署令第111号公布,根据海关总署令第198号、第218号和第235号修改)作如下修改:
In items (1) and (2) of Article 9, “the notice of insurance indemnity issued by the insurance company or the relevant inspection and quarantine certification documents issued by the department of inspection and quarantine” is replaced with “the relevant inspection and quarantine certification documents or the notice of insurance indemnity issued by the insurance company”. 将第九条第(一)项、第(二)项中的“保险公司出具的保险赔款通知书或者检验检疫部门出具的有关检验检疫证明文件”修改为“有关检验检疫证明文件或者保险公司出具的保险赔款通知书”。
V. The Provisions on the Standards for Substantial Changes in the Non-preferential Rules of Origin (Issued by Order No. 122, GACC) are amended as follows:   五、 对《关于非优惠原产地规则中实质性改变标准的规定》(海关总署令第122号公布)作如下修改:
In Article 8, “General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine” is deleted. 删去第八条中的“国家质量监督检验检疫总局”。
VI. The Measures of the Customs of the People's Republic of China for the Administration of Direct Return of Imported Goods (Issued by Order No. 217, GACC) are amended as follows:   六、 对《中华人民共和国海关进口货物直接退运管理办法》(海关总署令第217号公布)作如下修改:
(1) Item (5) of Article 3 is amended to read: “The goods are damaged or fail to pass the inspection and quarantine of the state, and the relevant inspection certification document can be provided.” (一)将第三条第(五)项修改为“货物残损或者国家检验检疫不合格,能够提供相关检验证明文书的”。
(2) Item (2) of Article 6 is amended to read: “The import of such goods violates any policy or regulation of the state, and the Customs has handled it according to the law.” (二)将第六条第(二)项修改为“违反国家检验检疫政策法规,已经海关依法处理的”。
VII. The Measures of the Customs of the People's Republic of China for the Administration of the Amendment and Cancellation of the Customs Declaration Forms for Imported and Exported Goods (Issued by Order No. 220, GACC) are amended as follows:   七、 对《中华人民共和国海关进出口货物报关单修改和撤销管理办法》(海关总署令第220号公布)作如下修改:
Item (2) of Article 6 is amended to read: “Under the circumstance in item (2) of Article 5, the supporting materials issued by the relevant department shall be submitted.” 将第六条第(二)项修改为“符合第五条第(二)项情形的,应当提交相关部门出具的证明材料”。
VIII. The Measures for the Administration of the Inspection on Imported Vehicles (Issued by Order No. 1, SAEEIQ) are amended as follows:   八、 对《进口汽车检验管理办法》(国家出入境检验检疫局令第1号公布)作如下修改:
(1) In Articles 2, 8, 15, 18 and 19, “the State Administration for Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine (hereinafter referred to as the ‘SAEEIQ')” and “the SAEEIQ” are replaced with “the General Administration of Customs”. (一)将第二条、第八条、第十五条、第十八条、第十九条中的“国家出入境检验检疫局(以下简称国家检验检疫局)”“国家检验检疫局”修改为“海关总署”。
(2) In Articles 2 through 5, 9 through 14, 16, and 17, “inspection and quarantine institutions” is replaced with “the Customs”. (二)将第二条至第五条、第九条至第十四条、第十六条、第十七条中的“检验检疫机构”修改为“海关”。
(3) In Article 4, “the port inspection and quarantine institution shall issue a ‘Customs Clearance Form for Entry Goods' after examination” is deleted. (三)删去第四条中的“口岸检验检疫机构审核后签发‘入境货物通关单'”。
(4) In Article 8, “inspection and quarantine institutions” is replaced with “competent customs offices”. (四)将第八条中的“检验检疫机构”修改为“主管海关”。
(5) In Articles 15 and 18, “inspection and quarantine bureaus directly under the SAEEIQ” and “inspection and quarantine institutions directly under the SAEEIQ” are replaced with “customs offices directly under the General Administration of Customs”. (五)将第十五条、第十八条中的“直属检验检疫局”“直属检验检疫机构”修改为“直属海关”。
IX. The Measures for the Inspection, Quarantine and Administration of Live Sheep Supplied to Hong Kong and Macao (Issued by Order No. 3, SAEEIQ) are amended as follows:   九、 对《供港澳活羊检验检疫管理办法》(国家出入境检验检疫局令第3号公布)作如下修改:
(1) In Articles 3, 4, 7 through 12, 14, 16, 19, 21 through 32, and 36, “the State Administration for Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine (hereinafter referred to as the ‘SAEEIQ')” and “the SAEEIQ” are replaced with “the General Administration of Customs”, “all local entry-exit inspection and quarantine institutions directly under the SAEEIQ (hereinafter referred to as ‘inspection and quarantine institutions directly under the SAEEIQ')” and “inspection and quarantine institutions directly under the SAEEIQ” are replaced with “customs offices directly under the General Administration of Customs”, and “inspection and quarantine institutions” is replaced with “the Customs”. (一)将第三条、第四条、第七条至第十二条、第十四条、第十六条、第十九条、第二十一条至第三十二条、第三十六条、第三十七条中的“国家出入境检验检疫局(以下简称国家检验检疫局)”“国家检验检疫局”修改为“海关总署”,“国家检验检疫局设在各地的直属出入境检验检疫机构(以下简称直属检验检疫机构)”“直属检验检疫机构”修改为“直属海关”,“检验检疫机构”修改为“海关”。
(2) “(See Annex 1)” in Article 5, “(See Annex 2)” in Article 6, “(See Annex 3)” in Article 7, “(See Annex 4)” in Article 14, “(See Annex 5)” in Article 30, and “(See Annex 6)” in Article 34 are deleted. (二)删去第五条中的“(见附件1)”、第六条中的“(见附件2)”、第七条中的“(见附件3)”、第十四条中的“(见附件4)”、第三十条中的“(见附件5)”、第三十四条中的“(见附件6)”。
(3) In Article 18, “the SAEEIQ” is deleted. (三)删去第十八条中的“国家检验检疫局”。
(4) In Article 27, “and shall issue a Customs Clearance Form for Exit Goods” is deleted. (四)删去第二十七条中的“出具《出境货物通关单》”。
(5) In paragraph 2 of Article 34, “Shenzhen, Zhuhai, Ningbo and Xiamen Inspection and Quarantine Bureaus” is replaced with “Shenzhen, Gongbei, Ningbo, and Xiamen Customs”. (五)将第三十四条第二款中的“深圳、珠海、宁波、厦门检验检疫局”修改为“深圳、拱北、宁波、厦门海关”。
(6) One article is added as Article 36: “The documents as prescribed in these Measures shall be developed and issued by the General Administration of Customs separately.” (六)增加一条,作为第三十六条“本办法所规定的文书由海关总署另行制定并且发布。”
(7) The numbering of clauses is adjusted accordingly. (七)对条文顺序作相应调整。
(8) The Annexes are deleted. (八)删去附件。
X. The Measures for the Inspection, Quarantine and Administration of Live Cattle Supplied to Hong Kong and Macao (Issued by Order No. 4, SAEEIQ) are amended as follows:   十、 对《供港澳活牛检验检疫管理办法》(国家出入境检验检疫局令第4号公布)作如下修改:
(1) In Articles 4, 5, 9 through 12, 15, 19, 21, 23, 25 through 39, and 43, “the State Administration for Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine (hereinafter referred to as the ‘SAEEIQ')” and “the SAEEIQ” are replaced with “the General Administration of Customs”, “all local entry-exit inspection and quarantine institutions directly under the SAEEIQ (hereinafter referred to as ‘inspection and quarantine institutions directly under the SAEEIQ')” and “inspection and quarantine institutions directly under the SAEEIQ” are replaced with the “customs offices directly under the General Administration of Customs”, and “inspection and quarantine institutions” is replaced with “the Customs”. (一)将第四条、第五条、第九条至第十二条、第十五条、第十九条、第二十一条、第二十三条、第二十五条至第三十九条、第四十三条、第四十四条中的“国家出入境检验检疫局(以下简称国家检验检疫局)”“国家检验检疫局”修改为“海关总署”,“国家检验检疫局设在各地的直属出入境检验检疫机构(以下简称直属检验检疫机构)”“直属检验检疫机构”修改为“直属海关”,“检验检疫机构”修改为“海关”。
(2) “(See Annex 1)” in Article 6, “(See Annex 2)” in Article 7, “(See Annex 3)” in Article 8, “(See Annex 4)” in Article 9, “(See Annex 5)” in Article 14, “(See Annex 6)” in Article 15, “(See Annex 7)” and “(See Annex 8)” in Article 36, and “(See Annex 9)” in Article 41 are deleted. (二)删去第六条中的“(见附件1)”、第七条中的“(见附件2)”、第八条中的“(见附件3)”、第九条中的“(见附件4)”、第十四条中的“(见附件5)”、第十五条中的“(见附件6)”、第三十六条中的“(见附件7)”和“(见附件8)”、第四十一条中的“(见附件9)”。
(3) In Article 22, “the SAEEIQ” is deleted. (三)删去第二十二条中的“国家检验检疫局”。
(4) In Article 33, “shall issue a Customs Clearance Form for Exit Goods” is deleted. (四)删去第三十三条中的“出具《出境货物通关单》”。
(5) In paragraph 2 of Article 41, “Shenzhen, Zhuhai, Ningbo and Xiamen Inspection and Quarantine Bureaus” is replaced with “Shenzhen, Gongbei, Ningbo, and Xiamen Customs”. (五)将第四十一条第二款中的“深圳、珠海、宁波、厦门检验检疫局”修改为“深圳、拱北、宁波、厦门海关”。
(6) One article is added as Article 43: “The documents as prescribed in these Measures shall be developed and issued by the General Administration of Customs separately.” (六)增加一条,作为第四十三条“本办法所规定的文书由海关总署另行制定并且发布。”
(7) The numbering of clauses is adjusted accordingly. (七)对条文顺序作相应调整。
(8) The Annexes are deleted. (八)删去附件。
XI. The Measures for the Inspection and Administration of Exported Fireworks and Firecrackers (Issued by Order No. 9, SAEEIQ) are amended as follows:   十一、 对《出口烟花爆竹检验管理办法》(国家出入境检验检疫局令第9号公布)作如下修改:
(1) In Articles 2, 4, 12, 14 and 15, “the State Administration for Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine (hereinafter referred to as the ‘SAEEIQ')” and “the SAEEIQ” are replaced with “the General Administration of Customs”, and “the entry-exit inspection and quarantine institutions formed by the SAEEIQ at all localities (hereinafter referred to as ‘all local inspection and quarantine institutions')” and “all local inspection and quarantine institutions” are replaced with “the competent customs offices”. (一)将第二条、第四条、第十二条、第十四条、第十五条中的“国家出入境检验检疫局(以下简称国家检验检疫局)”“国家检验检疫局”修改为“海关总署”,“国家检验检疫局设在各地的出入境检验检疫机构(以下简称各地检验检疫机构)”“各地检验检疫机构”修改为“主管海关”。
(2) “See Annex 1” and “(See Annex 2)” in Article 4 and “(See Annex 3)” in Article 6 are deleted. (二)删去第四条中的“(见附件1)”和“(见附件2)”、第六条中的“(见附件3)”。
(3) In Articles 6, and 8 through 11, “inspection and quarantine institutions” and “all local inspection and quarantine institutions” are replaced with “the Customs”. (三)将第六条、第八条至第十一条中的“检验检疫机构”“各地检验检疫机构”修改为“海关”。
(4) In Article 12, “all bureaus” is replaced with “all customs offices”. (四)将第十二条中的“各局”修改为“各关”。
(5) One article is added as Article 14: “The documents as prescribed in these Measures shall be developed and issued by the General Administration of Customs separately.” (五)增加一条,作为第十四条“本办法所规定的文书由海关总署另行制定并且发布。”
(6) The numbering of clauses is adjusted accordingly. (六)对条文顺序作相应调整。
(7) The Annexes are deleted. (七)删去附件。
XII. The Measures for the Quarantine and Administration of Propagation Materials for Plants Entering China (Issued by Order No. 10, SAEEIQ) are amended as follows:   十二、 对《进境植物繁殖材料检疫管理办法》(国家出入境检验检疫局令第10号公布)作如下修改:
(1) In Articles 3, 5 through 9, 17, and 28, “the State Administration for Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine (hereinafter referred to as the ‘SAEEIQ')” and “the SAEEIQ” are replaced with “the General Administration of Customs”, “the entry-exit inspection and quarantine institutions formed by the SAEEIQ at all localities (hereinafter referred to as ‘inspection and quarantine institutions')” is replaced with “competent customs offices”, and “inspection and quarantine institutions directly under the SAEEIQ” is replaced with “customs offices directly under the General Administration of Customs”. (一)将第三条、第五条至第九条、第十七条、第二十八条中的“国家出入境检验检疫局(以下简称国家检验检疫局)”“国家检验检疫局”修改为“海关总署”,“国家检验检疫局设在各地的出入境检验检疫机构(以下简称检验检疫机构)”修改为“主管海关”,“直属检验检疫机构”修改为“直属海关”。
(2) In Articles 10, 14 through 16, and 18 through 26, “inspection and quarantine institutions directly under the SAEEIQ” is replaced with “customs offices directly under the General Administration of Customs”, and “inspection and quarantine institutions” is replaced with “the Customs”. (二)将第十条、第十四条至第十六条、第十八条至第二十六条中的“直属检验检疫机构”修改为“直属海关”,“检验检疫机构”修改为“海关”。
(3) In Article 12, “the provisions of the SAEEIQ” is replaced with “relevant provisions”. (三)将第十二条中的“国家检验检疫局的规定”修改为“相关规定”。
(4) In Article 16, “developed by the SAEEIQ” is deleted. (四)删去第十六条中的“国家检验检疫局制定的”。
XIII. The Measures for the Administration of Quarantine Nurseries for Propagation Materials for Plants Entering China (Issued by Order No. 11, SAEEIQ) are amended as follows:   十三、 对《进境植物繁殖材料隔离检疫圃管理办法》(国家出入境检验检疫局令第11号公布)作如下修改:
(1) In Article 2, items (1) and (2) of Article 6, and Article 15, “the State Administration for Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine (hereinafter referred to as the ‘SAEEIQ')” and “the SAEEIQ” are replaced with “the General Administration of Customs”, and “the entry-exit inspection and quarantine bureaus directly under the SAEEIQ (hereinafter referred to as ‘inspection and quarantine institutions directly under the SAEEIQ')” and “inspection and quarantine institutions directly under the SAEEIQ” are replaced with “customs offices directly under the General Administration of Customs”. (一)将第二条、第六条第(一)项和第(二)项、第十五条中的“国家出入境检验检疫局(以下简称国家检验检疫局)”“国家检验检疫局”修改为“海关总署”,“国家检验检疫局直属的出入境检验检疫局(以下简称直属检验检疫机构)”“直属检验检疫机构”修改为“直属海关”。
(2) In Article 3, item (3) of Article 6, and Articles 7, 9, 10 and 12, “entry-exit inspection and quarantine institutions (hereinafter referred to as ‘inspection and quarantine institutions')” and “inspection and quarantine institutions” are replaced with “the Customs”. (二)将第三条、第六条第(三)项、第七条、第九条、第十条、第十二条中的“出入境检验检疫机构(以下简称检验检疫机构)”“检验检疫机构”修改为“海关”。
(3) Paragraph 2 of Article 4 is deleted. (三)删去第四条第二款。
XIV. The Measures for the Administration of the Quarantine of Entry Cultivation Media (Issued by Order No. 13, SAEEIQ, and amended according to Order No. 196, AQSIQ) are amended as follows:   十四、 对《进境栽培介质检疫管理办法》(国家出入境检验检疫局令第13号公布,根据国家质量监督检验检疫总局令第196号修改)作如下修改:
(1) In Articles 3, 6, 7, 9, 12 through 14, and 17, “the State Administration for Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine (hereinafter referred to as the ‘SAEEIQ')” and “the SAEEIQ” are replaced with “the General Administration of Customs”, and “the entry-exit inspection and quarantine institutions formed by the SAEEIQ at all localities (hereinafter referred to as ‘inspection and quarantine institutions')” and “inspection and quarantine institutions” are replaced with “the competent customs offices”. (一)将第三条、第六条、第七条、第九条、第十二条至第十四条、第十七条中的“国家出入境检验检疫局(以下简称国家检验检疫局)”“国家检验检疫局”修改为“海关总署”,“国家检验检疫局设在各地的出入境检验检疫机构(以下简称检验检疫机构)”“检验检疫机构”修改为“主管海关”。
(2) In Article 6, “Application Form for the Permit of the State Administration for Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China for the Quarantine of Entry Animals and Plants” is replaced with “the Application Form for the Permit of the Customs for the Quarantine of Entry Animals and Plants”. (二)将第六条中的“《中华人民共和国国家出入境检验检疫局进境动植物检疫许可证申请表》”修改为“海关进境动植物检疫许可证申请表”。
(3) In Article 7, “Permit of the State Administration for Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China for the Quarantine of Entry Animals and Plants” is replaced with “Permit of the Customs for the Quarantine of Entry Animals and Plants”. (三)将第七条中的“《中华人民共和国国家出入境检验检疫局进境动植物检疫许可证》”修改为“海关进境动植物检疫许可证”。
(4) In Articles 8 and 15, “inspection and quarantine institutions” is replaced with “the Customs”. (四)将第八条、第十五条中的“检验检疫机构”修改为“海关”。
XV. The Provisions on the Declaration for Exit-Entry Inspection and Quarantine (Issued by Order No. 16, SAEEIQ, and amended according to Order No. 196, AQSIQ) are amended as follows:   十五、 对《出入境检验检疫报检规定》(国家出入境检验检疫局令第16号公布,根据国家质量监督检验检疫总局令第196号修改)作如下修改:
(1) In Article 1, “Food Hygiene Law of the People's Republic of China” is replaced with “Food Safety Law of the People's Republic of China”. (一)将第一条中的“《中华人民共和国食品卫生法》”修改为“《中华人民共和国食品安全法》”。
(2) Item (1) of Article 3 is amended to read: “those that must be subject to inspection and quarantine as prescribed by the laws and regulations of the state”; and item (2) is amended to read: “those the entry of which is granted upon the strength of the inspection and quarantine certificate as prescribed by the importing country or region.” (二)将第三条第(一)项修改为“国家法律法规规定须经检验检疫的”,第(二)项修改为“输入国家或地区规定必须凭检验检疫证书方准入境的”。
(3) In Articles 5, 6, 7, 10, 12, 17, 18, 23 and 26, “inspection and quarantine institutions” is replaced with “the Customs”. (三)将第五条、第六条、第七条、第十二条、第十七条、第十八条、第二十三条、第二十六条中的“检验检疫机构”修改为“海关”。
(4) In Item (3) of Article 10, “inspection and quarantine institutions” is replaced with “competent customs offices”, and, in items (9) and (12), “the SAEEIQ” is replaced with “the General Administration of Customs”. (四)将第十条第(三)项中的“检验检疫机构”修改为“主管海关”,第(九)项、第(十二)项中的“国家检验检疫局”修改为“海关总署”。
(5) In Article 28, “the State Administration for Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine” is replaced with “the General Administration of Customs”. (五)将第二十八条中的“国家出入境检验检疫局”修改为“海关总署”。
XVI. The Measures for the Inspection, Quarantine and Administration of Entry and Exit Containers (Issued by Order No. 17, SAEEIQ) are amended as follows:   十六、 对《进出境集装箱检验检疫管理办法》(国家出入境检验检疫局令第17号公布)作如下修改:
(1) In Article 1, “Food Hygiene Law of the People's Republic of China” is replaced with “Food Safety Law of the People's Republic of China”. (一)将第一条中的“《中华人民共和国食品卫生法》”修改为“《中华人民共和国食品安全法》”。
(2) in Articles 3, 20 and 26, “the State Administration for Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine (hereinafter referred to as the ‘SAEEIQ')” and “the SAEEIQ” are replaced with “the General Administration of Customs”, and “the entry-exit inspection and quarantine institutions formed by the SAEEIQ at all localities (hereinafter referred to as ‘inspection and quarantine institutions')” is replaced with “the competent customs offices”. (二)将第三条、第二十条、第二十六条中的“国家出入境检验检疫局(以下简称国家检验检疫局)”“国家检验检疫局”修改为“海关总署”,“国家检验检疫局设在各地的出入境检验检疫机构(以下简称检验检疫机构)”修改为“主管海关”。
(3) In Articles 4, 5, 7, 9 through 11, 13, 15 through 17, 21, 22, and 24, “inspection and quarantine institutions” is replaced with “the Customs”. (三)将第四条、第五条、第七条、第九条至第十一条、第十三条、第十五条至第十七条、第二十一条、第二十二条、第二十四条中的“检验检疫机构”修改为“海关”。
(4) In Article 7, “before undergoing the customs formalities” is deleted. (四)删去第七条中的“在办理海关手续前”。
(5) In Article 11, “the local customs office” is deleted. (五)删去第十一条中的“当地海关”。
XVII. The Measures for the Inspection, Quarantine and Administration of Exported Honey (Issued by Order No. 20, SAEEIQ) are amended as follows:   十七、 对《出口蜂蜜检验检疫管理办法》(国家出入境检验检疫局令第20号公布)作如下修改:
(1) In Article 1, “Food Hygiene Law of the People's Republic of China” is replaced with “Food Safety Law of the People's Republic of China”. (一)将第一条中的“《中华人民共和国食品卫生法》”修改为“《中华人民共和国食品安全法》”。
(2) In Articles 3, 21 and 24, “the State Administration for Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine (hereinafter referred to as the ‘SAEEIQ')” and “the SAEEIQ” are replaced with “the General Administration of Customs”, and “the entry-exit inspection and quarantine institutions formed by the SAEEIQ at all localities (hereinafter referred to as ‘inspection and quarantine institutions')” and “inspection and quarantine institutions” are replaced with “the competent customs offices”. (二)将第三条、第二十一条、第二十四条中的“国家出入境检验检疫局(以下简称国家检验检疫局)”“国家检验检疫局”修改为“海关总署”,“国家检验检疫局设在各地的出入境检验检疫机构(以下简称检验检疫机构)”“检验检疫机构”修改为“主管海关”。
(3) In Articles 6 through 10, and 13 through 15, “inspection and quarantine institutions” is replaced with “the Customs”. (三)将第六条至第十条、第十三条至第十五条中的“检验检疫机构”修改为“海关”。
(4) In Articles 7, 8 and 17, “as prescribed by the SAEEIQ” is deleted. (四)删去第七条、第八条、第十七条中的“国家检验检疫局规定的”。
(5) Article 11 is amended to read: “The customs office at the port of departure shall conduct inspection, and release the exported honey that passes the inspection. The exported honey that has not been subject to the inspection by the customs office at the place of origin shall not be released.” (五)将第十一条修改为“离境口岸海关进行查验,经查验合格的予以放行。未经产地海关检验的出口蜂蜜不得放行。”
(6) “See Annex 1 for the numbering method of production batches” in Article 14 and “(See Annex 2)” in Article 25 are deleted. (六)删去第十四条中的“生产批次的编号方法见附件1”和第二十五条中的“(见附件2)”。
(7) The Annexes are deleted. (七)删去附件。
XVIII. The Measures for the Administration of Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Seals (Issued by Order No. 22, SAEEIQ) are amended as follows:   十八、 对《出入境检验检疫封识管理办法》(国家出入境检验检疫局令第22号公布)作如下修改:
(1) In Article 1, “Food Hygiene Law of the People's Republic of China” is replaced with “Food Safety Law of the People's Republic of China”. (一)将第一条中的“中华人民共和国食品卫生法”修改为“中华人民共和国食品安全法”。
(2) In Articles 3, and 8 through 13, “entry-exit inspection and quarantine institutions” and “inspection and quarantine institutions” are replaced with “the Customs”. (二)将第三条、第八条至第十三条中的“出入境检验检疫机构”“检验检疫机构”修改为“海关”。
(3) In Articles 4, 5, 16 and 17, “the State Administration for Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine (hereinafter referred to as the ‘SAEEIQ')” and “the SAEEIQ” are replaced with “the General Administration of Customs”, and “the entry-exit inspection and quarantine institutions formed by the SAEEIQ at all localities (hereinafter referred to as ‘all local inspection and quarantine institutions')” and “all local inspection and quarantine institutions” are replaced with “the competent customs offices”. (三)将第四条、第五条、第十六条、第十七条中的“国家出入境检验检疫局(以下简称国家检验检疫局)”“国家检验检疫局”修改为“海关总署”,“国家检验检疫局设在各地的出入境检验检疫机构(以下简称检验检疫机构)”“各地检验检疫机构”修改为“主管海关”。
(4) Article 6 is amended to read: “Seals shall be marked with the abbreviations of the relevant customs office directly under the General Administration of Customs.” (四)将第六条修改为“封识应当标有各直属海关的简称字样。”
(5) In Article 11, “Notice of Sealing by the Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China (Annex 2)” is replaced with “Notice of Sealing”. (五)将第十一条中的“《中华人民共和国出入境检验检疫施封通知书》(附件2)”修改为“施封通知书”。
(6) In Article 13, “Notice of Unsealing by the Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China (Annex 3)” is replaced with “Notice of Unsealing”. (六)将第十三条中的“《中华人民共和国出入境检验检疫启封通知书》(附件3)”修改为“启封通知书”。
(7) One article is added as Article 16: “The documents as prescribed in these Measures shall be developed and issued by the General Administration of Customs separately”. (七)增加一条,作为第十六条“本办法所规定的文书由海关总署另行制定并且发布。”
(8) The numbering of clauses is adjusted accordingly. (八)对条文顺序作相应调整。
(9) The Annexes are deleted. (九)删去附件。
XIX. The Measures for the Administration of Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Signs (Issued by Order No. 23, SAEEIQ) are amended as follows:   十九、 对《出入境检验检疫标志管理办法》(国家出入境检验检疫局令第23号公布)作如下修改:
(1) In Articles 3, 10, 12 through 18, 21, and 22 “entry-exit inspection and quarantine institutions” and “inspection and quarantine institutions” are replaced with “the Customs”. (一)将第三条、第十条、第十二条至第十八条、第二十一条、第二十二条中的“出入境检验检疫机构”“检验检疫机构”修改为“海关”。
(2) In Articles 4, 6 through 9, 11, 23, and 25, “the State Administration for Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine (hereinafter referred to as the ‘SAEEIQ')” and “the SAEEIQ” are replaced with “the General Administration of Customs”, and “the entry-exit inspection and quarantine institutions formed by the SAEEIQ at all localities (hereinafter referred to as ‘inspection and quarantine institutions')” is replaced with “the competent customs offices”. (二)将第四条、第六条至第九条、第十一条、第二十三条、第二十五条中的“国家出入境检验检疫局(以下简称国家检验检疫局)”“国家检验检疫局”修改为“海关总署”,“国家检验检疫局设在各地的出入境检验检疫机构(以下简称检验检疫机构)”修改为“主管海关”。
(3) In paragraph 1 of Article 7, “‘China Inspection and Quarantine' and its English abbreviation ‘CIQ'” are replaced with “China Customs”. (三)将第七条第一款中的“‘中国检验检疫'及其英文缩写‘CIQ'”修改为“中国海关”。
(4) Article 9 is amended to read: “The General Administration of Customs shall authorize the Research Center for International Inspection and Quarantine Standards and Technical Regulations (hereinafter referred to as the “Center for Standards and Regulations”) to take charge of the supervision over the making of, safekeeping, distribution and registration of signs and other work.” (四)将第九条修改为“海关总署授权国际检验检疫标准与技术法规研究中心(简称标准法规中心)负责标志的监制、保管、分发、登记等工作。”
XX. The Measures for the Inspection, Quarantine and Administration of Live Poultry Supplied to Hong Kong and Macao (Issued by Order No. 26, SAEEIQ) are amended as follows:   二十、 对《供港澳活禽检验检疫管理办法》(国家出入境检验检疫局令第26号公布)作如下修改:
(1) In Articles 3, 4, 6, 9, 11 through 13, 17, 18 through 23, and 27 through 39, “the State Administration for Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine (hereinafter referred to as the ‘SAEEIQ')” and “the SAEEIQ” are replaced with “the General Administration of Customs”, “all local entry-exit inspection and quarantine institutions directly under the SAEEIQ (hereinafter referred to as ‘inspection and quarantine institutions directly under the SAEEIQ')” and “inspection and quarantine institutions directly under the SAEEIQ” are replaced with “customs offices directly under the General Administration of Customs”, and “inspection and quarantine institutions” is replaced with “the Customs”. (一)将第三条、第四条、第六条、第九条、第十一条至十三条、第十七条、第十八条、第二十三条、第二十七条至第三十九条中的“国家出入境检验检疫局(以下简称国家检验检疫局)”“国家检验检疫局”修改为“海关总署”,“国家检验检疫局设在各地的直属出入境检验检疫机构(以下简称直属检验检疫机构)”“直属检验检疫机构”修改为“直属海关”,“检验检疫机构”修改为“海关”。
(2) “(See Annex 5 for numbering formats)” in Article 6, “(See Annex 2)” in Article 7, “(See Annex 1)” in Article 8, “(See Annex 3)” in Article 9, and “(See Annex 4)” in Article 13 are deleted. (二)删去第六条中的“(编号格式见附件5)”、第七条中的“(附件二)”、第八条中的“(附件1)”、第九条中的“附件3”、第十三条中的“附件4”。
(3) In Article 19, “inspection and quarantine institutions” is replaced with “competent customs offices”. (三)将第十九条中的“检验检疫机构”修改为“主管海关”。
(4) In Article 36, “and shall issue a Customs Clearance Form for Exit Goods” is deleted. (四)删去第三十六条中的“并出具《出境货物通关单》”。
(5) One article is added as Article 38: “The documents as prescribed in these Measures shall be developed and issued by the General Administration of Customs separately.” (五)增加一条,作为第三十八条“本办法所规定的文书由海关总署另行制定并且发布。”
(6) The numbering of clauses is adjusted accordingly. (六)对条文顺序作相应调整。
(7) The Annexes are deleted. (七)删去附件。
XXI. The Measures for the Inspection, Quarantine and Administration of Live Pigs Supplied to Hong Kong and Macao (Issued by Order No. 27, SAEEIQ) are amended as follows:   二十一、 对《供港澳活猪检验检疫管理办法》(国家出入境检验检疫局令第27号公布)作如下修改:
(1) In Articles 3, 4, 7, 10 through 14, 18, 21 through 27, and 29 through 41, “the State Administration for Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine (hereinafter referred to as the ‘SAEEIQ')” and “the SAEEIQ” are replaced with “the General Administration of Customs”, “all local entry-exit inspection and quarantine institutions directly under the SAEEIQ (hereinafter referred to as ‘inspection and quarantine institutions directly under the SAEEIQ')” and “inspection and quarantine institutions directly under the SAEEIQ” are replaced with “customs offices directly under the General Administration of Customs”, and “inspection and quarantine institutions” is replaced with “the Customs”. (一)将第三条、第四条、第七条、第十条至第十四条、第十八条、第二十一条至第二十七条、第二十九条至第四十一条中的“国家出入境检验检疫局(以下简称国家检验检疫局)”“国家检验检疫局”修改为“海关总署”,“国家检验检疫局设在各地的直属出入境检验检疫机构(以下简称直属检验检疫机构)”“直属检验检疫机构”修改为“直属海关”,“检验检疫机构”修改为“海关”。
(2) “(See Annex 1 for numbering formats)” in Article 7, “(See Annex 2)” in Article 8, “(See Annex 3)” in Article 9, “(See Annex 4)” in Article 10, and “(See Annex 5)” in Article 14 are deleted. (二)删去第七条中的“(编号格式见附件1)”、第八条中的“(附件2)”、第九条中的“(附件3)”、第十条中的“附件4”、第十四条中的“附件5”。
(3) In Article 36, “and shall issue a Customs Clearance Form for Exit Goods” in item (1) and “shall issue a Customs Clearance Form for Exit Goods” in item (2) are deleted. (三)删去第三十六条第(一)项中的“并出具《出境货物通关单》”和第(二)项中的“出具《出境货物通关单》”。
(4) One article is added as Article 40: “The documents as prescribed in these Measures shall be developed and issued by the General Administration of Customs separately.” (四)增加一条,作为第四十条“本办法所规定的文书由海关总署另行制定并且发布。”
(5) The numbering of clauses is adjusted accordingly. (五)对条文顺序作相应调整。
(6) The Annexes are deleted. (六)删去附件。
XXII. The Provisions on the Administration of Risk Early Warning and Rapid Response in Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine (Issued by Order No. 1, AQSIQ) are amended as follows:   二十二、 对《出入境检验检疫风险预警及快速反应管理规定》(国家质量监督检验检疫总局令第1号公布)作如下修改:
(1) In Articles 3, 4, 7, 8, 10, 13, 14 and 17, “the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine (hereinafter referred to as the ‘AQSIQ')” and “the AQSIQ” are replaced with “the General Administration of Customs”. (一)将第三条、第四条、第七条、第八条、第十条、第十三条、第十四条、第十七条中的“国家质量监督检验检疫总局(以下简称国家质检总局)”“国家质检总局”修改为“海关总署”。
(2) In Articles 9 and 15, “all local entry-exit inspection and quarantine institutions (hereinafter referred to as ‘inspection and quarantine institutions')” and “inspection and quarantine institutions” are replaced with “the Customs”. (二)将第九条、第十五条中的“各地出入境检验检疫机构(以下简称检验检疫机构)”“检验检疫机构”修改为“海关”。
XXIII. The Measures for the Inspection, Quarantine and Administration of Entry-Exit Express Deliveries (Issued by Order No. 3, AQSIQ) are amended as follows:   二十三、 对《出入境快件检验检疫管理办法》(国家质量监督检验检疫总局令第3号公布)作如下修改:
(1) In Article 3, “Catalogue of Entry-Exit Commodities Subject to Inspection and Quarantine by Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Institutions” is replaced with “Catalogue of Entry-Exit Commodities Subject to Inspection and Quarantine by the Customs”. (一)将第三条中的“《出入境检验检疫机构实施检验检疫的进出境商品目录》”修改为“海关实施检验检疫的进出境商品目录”。
(2) In Articles 4, 14 and 31, “the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine (hereinafter referred to as the ‘AQSIQ')” and “the AQSIQ” are replaced with “the General Administration of Customs”, and “the entry-exit inspection and quarantine institutions formed by the AQSIQ at all localities (hereinafter referred to as ‘inspection and quarantine institutions')” is replaced with “the competent customs offices”. (二)将第四条、第十四条、第三十一条中的“国家质量监督检验检疫总局(以下简称国家质检总局)”“国家质检总局”修改为“海关总署”,“国家质检总局设在各地的出入境检验检疫机构(以下简称检验检疫机构)”修改为“主管海关”。
(3) Articles 5, 6, and 9 through 12 are deleted. (三)删去第五条、第六条、第九条至第十二条。
(4) Article 13 is amended to read: “An express delivery operator shall undergo the formalities for application for inspection with the Customs in accordance with the relevant provisions.” (四)将第十三条修改为“快件运营人应按有关规定向海关办理报检手续。”
(5) In Articles 14 through 18, 21, 22, 24, and 26 through 28, “inspection and quarantine institutions” is replaced with “the Customs”. (五)将第十四条至第十八条、第二十一条、第二十二条、第二十四条、第二十六条至第二十八条中的“检验检疫机构”修改为“海关”。
(6) In Article 19, “as prescribed by the AQSIQ” is replaced with “relevant”. (六)将第十九条中的“国家质检总局规定的”修改为“相关”。
(7) The numbering of chapters, sections and articles is adjusted accordingly. (七)对章节、条文顺序作相应调整。
XXIV. The Measures for the Administration of the Entry Verification of Civilian Commodities under the Import License System (Issued by Order No. 6, AQSIQ) are amended as follows:   二十四、 对《进口许可制度民用商品入境验证管理办法》(国家质量监督检验检疫总局令第6号公布)作如下修改:
(1) In Articles 3, 6 through 8, and 10, “entry-exit inspection and quarantine institutions (hereinafter referred to as ‘inspection and quarantine institutions')” and “inspection and quarantine institutions” are replaced with “the Customs”. (一)将第三条、第六条至第八条、第十条中的“出入境检验检疫机构(以下简称检验检疫机构)”“检验检疫机构”修改为“海关”。
(2) In Articles 4, 5, 9 and 11, “the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine (hereinafter referred to as the ‘AQSIQ')” and “the AQSIQ” are replaced with the “General Administration of Customs”, and “the inspection and quarantine institutions formed by the AQSIQ at all localities” and “inspection and quarantine institutions” are replaced with “the competent customs offices”. (二)将第四条、第五条、第九条、第十一条中的“国家质量监督检验检疫总局(以下简称国家质检总局)”“国家质检总局”修改为“海关总署”,“国家质检总局设在各地的检验检疫机构”“检验检疫机构”修改为“主管海关”。
(3) In Article 5, “Catalogue of the Civilian Commodities under the Import License System Subject to the Entry Verification by Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Institutions” is replaced with “Catalogue of the Civilian Commodities under the Import License System Subject to the Entry Verification by the Customs”. (三)将第五条中的“《出入境检验检疫机构实施入境验证的进口许可制度民用商品目录》”修改为“海关实施入境验证的进口许可制度民用商品目录”。
(4) In Article 7, “Where the certification documents are verified to meet the provisions, the Customs Clearance Form for Entry Goods shall be issued; otherwise, the Customs Clearance Form for Entry Goods shall not be issued” is deleted. (四)删去第七条中的“对经查实证明文件符合规定的,签发《入境货物通关单》,不符合规定的,不予签发《入境货物通关单》”。
XXV. The Measures for the Inspection, Supervision and Administration of Imported Coatings (Issued by Order No. 18, AQSIQ) are amended as follows:   二十五、 对《进口涂料检验监督管理办法》(国家质量监督检验检疫总局令第18号公布)作如下修改:
(1) “(See Annex 1 for specific commodity names and codes)” in Article 2, “(Annex 2)” in Article 7, “(Annex 3)” in Article 8, “(see Annex 4 for contents included in the report)” in Article 10 and “(Annex 5)” in Article 11 are deleted. (一)删去第二条中的“(具体商品名称及编码见附件1)”、第七条中的“(附件2)”、第八条中的“(附件3)”、第十条中的“(报告包含内容见附件4)”、第十一条中的“(附件5)”。
(2) In Articles 3, 5, 14, and 18 through 20, “the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine (hereinafter referred to as the ‘AQSIQ')” and “the AQSIQ” are replaced with the “General Administration of Customs”, and “the entry-exit inspection and quarantine institutions formed by the AQSIQ at ports (hereinafter referred to as ‘inspection and quarantine institutions')” and “inspection and quarantine institutions” are replaced with “the competent customs offices”. (二)将第三条、第五条、第十四条、第十八条至第二十条中的“国家质量监督检验检疫总局(以下简称国家质检总局)”“国家质检总局”修改为“海关总署”,“国家质检总局设在口岸的出入境检验检疫机构(以下简称检验检疫机构)”“检验检疫机构”修改为“主管海关”。
(3) In Articles 13, and 15 through 17, "inspection and quarantine institutions” is replaced with “the Customs”. (三)将第十三条、第十五条至第十七条中的“检验检疫机构”修改为“海关”。
(4) In Article 14, “http://www.aqsiq.gov.cn” is replaced with “www.customs.gov.cn”. (四)将第十四条中的“http://www.aqsiq.gov.cn”修改为“www.customs.gov.cn”。
(5) One article is added as Article 19: “The documents as prescribed in these Measures shall be developed and issued by the General Administration of Customs separately.” (五)增加一条,作为第十九条“本办法所规定的文书由海关总署另行制定并且发布。”
(6) The numbering of clauses is adjusted accordingly. (六)对条文顺序作相应调整。
(7) The Annexes are deleted. (七)删去附件。
XXVI. The Measures for the Exemption of Import and Export Commodities from Inspection (Issued by Order No. 23, AQSIQ) are amended as follows:   二十六、 对《进出口商品免验办法》(国家质量监督检验检疫总局令第23号公布)作如下修改:
(1) In Article 2, “the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine (hereinafter referred to as the ‘AQSIQ')” is replaced with “the General Administration of Customs”. (一)将第二条中的“国家质量监督检验检疫总局(以下简称国家质检总局)”修改为“海关总署”。
(2) In Articles 3, 7 through 10, 12, 16, and 28, “the AQSIQ” is replaced with the “General Administration of Customs”, and “the entry-exit inspection and quarantine institutions formed by the AQSIQ at ports (hereinafter referred to as ‘inspection and quarantine institutions')” and “inspection and quarantine institutions” are replaced with “the competent customs offices”. (二)将第三条、第七条至第十条、第十二条、第十六条、第二十八条中的“国家质检总局”修改为“海关总署”,“国家质检总局设在口岸的出入境检验检疫机构(以下简称检验检疫机构)”“检验检疫机构”修改为“主管海关”。
(3) In Articles 5, 13, 15, 18 through 21, and 25, “inspection and quarantine institutions” is replaced with “the Customs”. (三)将第五条、第十三条、第十五条、第十八条至第二十一条、第二十五条中的“检验检疫机构”修改为“海关”。
(4) In item (5) of Article 5, “(See Annex 1)” is deleted. (四)删去第五条第(五)项中的“(见附一)”。
(5) In Articles 7, 22 and 23, “the AQSIQ” is replaced with “the General Administration of Customs”, and “inspection and quarantine bureaus directly under the AQSIQ” is replaced with “customs offices directly under the General Administration of Customs”. (五)将第七条、第二十二条、第二十三条中的“国家质检总局”修改为“海关总署”,“直属检验检疫局”修改为“直属海关”。
(6) In item (2) of Article 7, “(See Annex 2)” is deleted. (六)删去第七条第(二)项中的“(见附二)”。
(7) In item (2) of Article 11, “inspection and quarantine institutions” is replaced with “customs offices directly under the General Administration of Customs”; in item (6), “the AQSIQ” is replaced with “the General Administration of Customs”; and “(See Annex 3)” in item (6) is deleted. (七)将第十一条第(二)项中的“检验检疫机构”修改为“直属海关”,第(六)项中的“国家质检总局”修改为“海关总署”,删去第(六)项中的“(见附三)”。
(8) In Article 27, “inspection and quarantine staff members” is replaced with “customs officers”. (八)将第二十七条中的“检验检疫工作人员”修改为“海关工作人员”。
(9) One article is added as Article 28: “The documents as prescribed in these Measures shall be developed and issued by the General Administration of Customs separately.” (九)增加一条,作为第二十八条“本办法所规定的文书由海关总署另行制定并且发布。”
(10) The numbering of clauses is adjusted accordingly. (十)对条文顺序作相应调整。
(11) The Annexes are deleted. (十一)删去附件。
XXVII. The Measures for the Administration of the Quarantine Approval of Imported Animals and Plants (Issued by Order No. 25, AQSIQ, and amended according to Order No. 170, AQSIQ) are amended as follows:   二十七、 对《进境动植物检疫审批管理办法》(国家质量监督检验检疫总局令第25号公布,国家质量监督检验检疫总局令第170号修改)作如下修改:
(1) In Articles 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 10 through 12, 16, 19 and 21, “the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine (hereinafter referred to as the ‘AQSIQ')” and “the AQSIQ” are replaced with “the General Administration of Customs”. (一)将第二条、第三条、第五条、第六条、第八条、第十条至第十二条、第十六条、第十九条、第二十一条中的“国家质量监督检验检疫总局(以下简称国家质检总局)”“国家质检总局”修改为“海关总署”。
(2) In Articles 3 and 19, “entry-exit inspection and quarantine institutions directly under the AQSIQ” is replaced with “customs offices directly under the General Administration of Customs”. (二)将第三条、第十九条中的“直属出入境检验检疫机构”修改为“直属海关”。
(3) In Articles 14, 17, 18 and 20, “inspection and quarantine institutions” is replaced with “the Customs”. (三)将第十四条、第十七条、第十八条、第二十条中的“检验检疫机构”修改为“海关”。
XXVIII. The Measures for the Entry-Exit Inspection, Quarantine and Administration of Vessels on International Voyages (Issued by Order No. 38, AQSIQ, and amended according to Order No. 196, AQSIQ) are amended as follows:   二十八、 对《国际航行船舶出入境检验检疫管理办法》(国家质量监督检验检疫总局令第38号公布,根据国家质量监督检验检疫总局令第196号修改)作如下修改:
(1) In Articles 3, 22, 34 and 37, “the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine (hereinafter referred to as the ‘AQSIQ')” and “the AQSIQ” are replaced with the “General Administration of Customs”, and “the entry-exit inspection and quarantine institutions formed by the AQSIQ at all localities (hereinafter referred to as ‘inspection and quarantine institutions')” is replaced with “the competent customs offices”. (一)将第三条、第二十二条、第三十四条、第三十七条中的“国家质量监督检验检疫总局(以下简称国家质检总局)”“国家质检总局”修改为“海关总署”,“国家质检总局设在各地的出入境检验检疫机构(以下简称检验检疫机构)”修改为“主管海关”。
(2) In Articles 6 through 16, 18, 20, 21, 27 through 30, 32, and 33, “inspection and quarantine institutions” is replaced with “the Customs”. (二)将第六条至第十六条、第十八条、第二十条、第二十一条、第二十七条至第三十条、第三十二条、第三十三条中的“检验检疫机构”修改为“海关”。
XXIX. The Measures for the Random Inspection and Administration of Imported and Exported Commodities (Issued by Order No. 39, AQSIQ) are amended as follows:   二十九、 对《进出口商品抽查检验管理办法》(国家质量监督检验检疫总局令第39号公布)作如下修改:
(1) In Articles 4 through 6, 10 and 31, “the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine (hereinafter referred to as the ‘AQSIQ')” and “the AQSIQ” are replaced with the “General Administration of Customs”, and “the entry-exit inspection and quarantine institutions formed by the AQSIQ at all localities (hereinafter referred to as ‘inspection and quarantine institutions')” is replaced with “the competent customs offices”. (一)将第四条至第六条、第十条、第三十一条中的“国家质量监督检验检疫总局(以下简称国家质检总局)”“国家质检总局”修改为“海关总署”,“国家质检总局设在各地的出入境检验检疫机构(以下简称检验检疫机构)”修改为“主管海关”。
(2) In Articles 7, 8, 14, 16, 18, 21, 22, 25, 26, 28 and 29, “inspection and quarantine institutions” is replaced with “the Customs”. (二)将第七条、第八条、第十四条、第十六条、第十八条、第二十一条、第二十二条、第二十五条、第二十六条、第二十八条、第二十九条中的“检验检疫机构”修改为“海关”。
(3) In Article 9, “relevant inspection and quarantine personnel” is replaced with “relevant customs personnel”. (三)将第九条中的“检验检疫有关人员”修改为“海关有关人员”。
(4) Article 11 is amended to read: “The competent customs offices shall, according to the random inspection plans, upon necessary investigations, and in light of the actual information on the relevant imported and exported commodities in local areas, determine the entities subject to random inspections, develop specific implementation plans, and report them to the General Administration of Customs for recordation.” (四)将第十一条修改为“主管海关根据抽查检验计划,经过必要调查,结合本地区相关进出口商品实际情况,确定被抽查检验单位,制订具体实施方案,并报海关总署备案。”
(5) Article 12 is amended to read: “The competent customs offices shall, according to the unified arrangements and requirements for random inspections, conscientiously organize the implementation of the random inspections in local areas.” (五)将第十二条修改为“主管海关应当按照对抽查检验工作的统一部署和要求,认真组织实施本地区的抽查检验。”
(6) Article 23 is amended to read: “After completing the task of a random inspection, the competent customs office shall report the results of the random inspection within a prescribed time limit, and archive the information on and results of the random inspection and other relevant materials; and shall not disclose the results of the random inspection and relevant materials without approval.” (六)将第二十三条修改为“主管海关在完成抽查检验任务后,应当在规定的时间内上报抽查结果,并将抽查情况及结果等有关资料进行立卷归档,未经同意,不得擅自将抽查结果及有关材料对外泄露。”
(7) In Article 24, “an inspection and quarantine institution shall notify in a timely manner the published results of the random inspection, and early warning announcement, among others, to the relevant departments in the local area and enterprises” is replaced with “the competent customs office shall notify in a timely manner the published results of the random inspection, and early warning announcement, among others, to the relevant departments in the local area and enterprises”. (七)将第二十四条中的“检验检疫机构应当将国家质检总局公布的抽查检验结果、预警通告等及时通报给当地有关部门和企业”修改为“主管海关应当将公布的抽查检验结果、预警通告等及时通报给当地有关部门和企业”。
(8) In Article 27, “the enterprises that refuse to accept random inspections shall be disclosed to the public according to the provisions of the AQSIQ” is replaced with “the enterprises that refuse to accept random inspections shall be disclosed to the public according to the relevant provisions”. (八)将第二十七条中的“根据国家质检总局规定对拒绝接受抽查检验的企业予以公开曝光”修改为“根据相关规定对拒绝接受抽查检验的企业予以公开曝光”。
XXX. The Provisions on the Administration of Risk Analysis of Entry Animals and Animal Products (Issued by Order No. 40, AQSIQ) are amended as follows:   三十、 对《进境动物和动物产品风险分析管理规定》(国家质量监督检验检疫总局令第40号公布)作如下修改:
In Articles 3, 5, 19 and 26, “the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine (hereinafter referred to as the ‘AQSIQ')” and “the AQSIQ” are replaced with “the General Administration of Customs”. 将第三条、第五条、第十九条、第二十六条中的“国家质量监督检验检疫总局(以下简称国家质检总局)”“国家质检总局”修改为“海关总署”。
XXXI. The Provisions on the Administration of Risk Analysis of Entry Plants and Plant Products (Issued by Order No. 41, AQSIQ) are amended as follows:   三十一、 对《进境植物和植物产品风险分析管理规定》(国家质量监督检验检疫总局令第41号公布)作如下修改:
In Articles 3, 5, 8 through 10, 12, 14, 19, 20, 22 through 24, and 27, “the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine (hereinafter referred to as the ‘AQSIQ')” and “the AQSIQ” are replaced with “the General Administration of Customs”, and “inspection and quarantine institutions” is replaced with “the Customs”. 将第三条、第五条、第八条至第十条、第十二条、第十四条、第十九条、第二十条、第二十二条至第二十四条、第二十七条中的“国家质量监督检验检疫总局(以下简称国家质检总局)”“国家质检总局”修改为“海关总署”,“检验检疫机构”修改为“海关”。
XXXII. The Provisions of the People's Republic of China on the Administration of the Implementation of the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme (Issued by Order No. 42, AQSIQ, and amended according to Orders No. 184 and No. 196, AQSIQ) are amended as follows:   三十二、 对《中华人民共和国实施金伯利进程国际证书制度管理规定》(国家质量监督检验检疫总局令第42号公布,根据国家质量监督检验检疫总局令第184号和第196号修改)作如下修改:
(1) In Articles 3, 16 and 22, “the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine (hereinafter referred to as the ‘AQSIQ')” and “the AQSIQ” are replaced with the “General Administration of Customs”, and “entry-exit inspection and quarantine institutions (hereinafter referred to as ‘inspection and quarantine institutions')” is replaced with “the competent customs offices”. (一)将第三条、第十六条、第二十二条中的“中华人民共和国国家质量监督检验检疫总局(以下简称国家质检总局)”“国家质检总局”修改为“海关总署”,“出入境检验检疫机构(以下简称检验检疫机构)”修改为“主管海关”。
(2) In Articles 5, 7 through 15, 18 and 19, “inspection and quarantine institutions” is replaced with “the Customs”. (二)将第五条、第七条至第十五条、第十八条、第十九条中的“检验检疫机构”修改为“海关”。
(3) Article 6 is amended to read: “The acceptance of declarations for imported and exported rough diamond and the verification and inspection thereof shall be handled by the competent customs offices.” (三)将第六条修改为“进出口毛坯钻石的受理申报、核查检验,由主管海关办理。”
(4) Paragraph 2 of Article 9 is deleted. (四)删去第九条第二款。
(5) Paragraph 1 of Article 13 is amended to read: “After the Customs accepts the declaration, it shall, at the designated location and in the presence of the declarer, verify the authenticity of the place of origin of the rough diamonds, among others, inspect the carat weight (quantity) of the rough diamonds, and verify the declared amount. After confirming that the contents declared by the declarer are correct, the Customs shall seal the rough diamonds that meet the requirements of the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme and their packaging containers, affix the registered mark of origin, and issue the Kimberley Process Certificate.” (五)将第十三条第一款修改为“海关受理申报后,应当在指定地点及申报人在场的情况下,对毛坯钻石原产地的真实性等进行核实,对毛坯钻石的克拉重量(数量)进行检验,并对申报金额进行核定。在确认申报人所申报的内容正确无误后,对符合金伯利进程国际证书制度要求的毛坯钻石及其包装容器进行封识,加施原产地注册标记,并签发《金伯利进程国际证书》”。
(6) “(Annex 3)” in Article 7, “(Annex 4)” in Article 12, and “(Annex 5)” in Article 21 are deleted. (六)删去第七条中的“(附件3)”、第十二条中的“(附件4)”、第二十一条中的“附件5”。
(7) One article is added as Article 22: “The documents as prescribed in these Measures shall be developed and issued by the General Administration of Customs separately.” (七)增加一条,作为第二十二条“本办法所规定的文书由海关总署另行制定并且发布。”
(8) The numbering of clauses is adjusted accordingly. (八)对条文顺序作相应调整。
(9) The Annexes are deleted. (九)删去附件。
XXXIII. The Measures for the Quarantine and Administration of Exit Bamboo, Wood and Grass Products (Issued by Order No. 45, AQSIQ) are amended as follows:   三十三、 对《出境竹木草制品检疫管理办法》(国家质量监督检验检疫总局令第45号公布)作如下修改:
(1) In Articles 3, 4 and 26, “the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine (hereinafter referred to as the ‘AQSIQ')” and “the AQSIQ” are replaced with the “General Administration of Customs”, and “the entry-exit inspection and quarantine institutions formed by the AQSIQ at all localities (hereinafter referred to as ‘inspection and quarantine institutions')” is replaced with “the competent customs offices”. (一)将第三条、第四条、第二十六条中的“国家质量监督检验检疫总局(以下简称国家质检总局)”“国家质检总局”修改为“海关总署”,“国家质检总局设在各地的出入境检验检疫机构(以下简称检验检疫机构)”修改为“主管海关”。
(2) In Articles 6 through 8, 10 through 12, 17, 19 through 22, 24, and 25, “inspection and quarantine institutions” and “entry-exit inspection and quarantine bureaus” are replaced with “the Customs”. (二)将第六条至第八条、第十条至第十二条、第十七条、第十九条至第二十二条、第二十四条、第二十五条中的“检验检疫机构”“出入境检验检疫局”修改为“海关”。
(3) “(Annex 1)” in Article 10, “(Annex 2)” in Article 15, and “(Annex 3)” in Article 20 are deleted. (三)删去第十条中的“(附件1)”、第十五条中的“(附件2)”、第二十条中的“(附件3)”。
(4) In Articles 12, “inspection and quarantine bureaus directly under the AQSIQ” is replaced with “customs offices directly under the General Administration of Customs”. (四)将第十二条中的“直属检验检疫局”修改为“直属海关”。
(5) One article is added as Article 26: “The documents as prescribed in these Measures shall be developed and issued by the General Administration of Customs separately.” (五)增加一条,作为第二十六条“本办法所规定的文书由海关总署另行制定并且发布。”
(6) The numbering of clauses is adjusted accordingly. (六)对条文顺序作相应调整。
(7) The Annexes are deleted. (七)删去附件。
XXXIV. The Measures for the Quarantine and Administration of Hereditary Substance of Entry Animals (Issued by Order No. 47, AQSIQ) are amended as follows:   三十四、 对《进境动物遗传物质检疫管理办法》(国家质量监督检验检疫总局令第47号公布)作如下修改:
(1) In Articles 4, 5, 8 through 10, 21 and 25, “the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine (hereinafter referred to as the ‘AQSIQ')” and “the AQSIQ” are replaced with the “General Administration of Customs”, and “the entry-exit inspection and quarantine institutions formed by the AQSIQ at all localities (hereinafter referred to as ‘inspection and quarantine institutions')” is replaced with “the competent customs offices”. (一)将第四条、第五条、第八条至第十条、第二十一条、第二十五条中的“国家质量监督检验检疫总局(以下简称国家质检总局)”“国家质检总局”修改为“海关总署”,“国家质检总局设在各地的出入境检验检疫机构(以下简称检验检疫机构)”修改为“主管海关”。
(2) In Articles 7, 8, 19 and 21, “inspection and quarantine bureaus directly under the AQSIQ” is replaced with “customs offices directly under the General Administration of Customs”. (二)将第七条、第八条、第十九条、第二十一条中的“直属检验检疫局”修改为“直属海关”。
(3) In Articles 12, 13, 17, 18, and 22 through 24, "inspection and quarantine institutions” is replaced with “the Customs”. (三)将第十二条、第十三条、第十七条、第十八条、第二十二条至第二十四条中的“检验检疫机构”修改为“海关”。
(4) Article 15 is amended to read: “The hereditary substance that passes on-site quarantine shall be transferred to place designated by the Quarantine Permit for quarantine.” (四)将第十五条修改为“现场检疫合格的,调往《检疫许可证》指定的地点实施检疫。”
(5) Article 16 is amended to read: “If the hereditary substance of animals needs to be taken away from the port of entry, the owner or the agent thereof shall declare to the customs office at the destination, and provide the photocopies of the documents as prescribed in Article 12 of these Measures.” (五)将第十六条修改为“动物遗传物质需调离进境口岸的,货主或其代理人应当向目的地海关申报,并提供本办法第十二条规定的单证复印件。”
(6) “(Annex 1)” in Article 20 and “(Annex 2)” in Article 22 are deleted. (六)删去第二十条中的“(附件1)”、第二十二条中的“(附件2)”。
(7) One article is added as Article 25: “The documents as prescribed in these Measures shall be developed and issued by the General Administration of Customs separately.” (七)增加一条,作为第二十五条“本办法所规定的文书由海关总署另行制定并且发布。”
(8) The numbering of clauses is adjusted accordingly. (八)对条文顺序作相应调整。
(9) The Annexes are deleted. (九)删去附件。
XXXV. The Provisions on the Inspection, Quarantine and Administration of the Articles Entering or Leaving Shatoujiao Border Special Administrative Area (Issued by Order No. 55, AQSIQ) are amended as follows:   三十五、 对《沙头角边境特别管理区进出物品检验检疫管理规定》(国家质量监督检验检疫总局令第55号公布)作如下修改:
(1) In Articles 3 through 12, and 14 through 21, “inspection and quarantine institutions” is replaced with “the Customs”. (一)将第三条至第十二条、第十四条至第二十一条中的“检验检疫机构”修改为“海关”。
(2) In Articles 23 and 25, “the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine (hereinafter referred to as the ‘AQSIQ')” and “the AQSIQ” are replaced with the “General Administration of Customs”, and “Shenzhen Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau” is replaced with “Shenzhen Customs”. (二)将第二十三条、第二十五条中的“国家质量监督检验检疫总局”“国家质检总局”修改为“海关总署”,“深圳出入境检验检疫局”修改为“深圳海关”。
XXXVI. The Provisions on the Emergency Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Handling of Public Health Emergencies at Frontier Ports (Issued by Order No. 57, AQSIQ) are amended as follows:   三十六、 对《国境口岸突发公共卫生事件出入境检验检疫应急处理规定》(国家质量监督检验检疫总局令第57号公布)作如下修改:
(1) In Articles 5, and 11 through 13, “inspection and quarantine institutions at all levels” is replaced with “the Customs”. (一)将第五条、第十一条至第十三条中的“各级检验检疫机构”修改为“海关”。
(2) Article 6 is amended to read: “The Customs shall establish the emergency commanding system in respect of entry-exit inspection and quarantine for emergencies at frontier ports.” (二)将第六条修改为“海关建立国境口岸突发事件出入境检验检疫应急指挥体系。”
(3) In Article 7, “the AQSIQ” is replaced with “the General Administration of Customs”, and “inspection and quarantine institutions” and “inspection and quarantine institutions at all levels” are replaced with “the customs offices across the country”. (三)将第七条中的“国家质检总局”修改为“海关总署”,“检验检疫机构”“各级检验检疫机构”修改为“全国海关”。
(4) In Articles 8, 14, 24 and 25, “the AQSIQ” is replaced with “the General Administration of Customs”; “inspection and quarantine bureaus directly under the AQSIQ” is replaced with “the customs offices directly under the General Administration of Customs”; “inspection and quarantine institutions within their jurisdictions” is replaced with “customs districts under their jurisdictions”; and “the Customs” in item (4), paragraph 1 of Article 8 is deleted. (四)将第八条、第十四条、第二十四条、第二十五条中的“国家质检总局”修改为“海关总署”,“直属检验检疫局”修改为“直属海关”,“所辖检验检疫机构”修改为“所辖关区”,删去第八条第一款第(四)项中的“海关”。
(5) In Articles 9 and 15, “inspection and quarantine bureaus directly under the AQSIQ” is replaced with “customs offices directly under the General Administration of Customs”, and “branches” is replaced with “subordinate customs offices”. (五)将第九条、第十五条中的“直属检验检疫局”修改为“直属海关”,“分支机构”修改为“隶属海关”。
(6) In Articles 10, 16, 20, 21, 23 and 35, “the AQSIQ is replaced with the “General Administration of Customs”, “inspection and quarantine institutions at all levels” is replaced with “competent customs offices”, and “institutions at the next high level” is replaced with “customs offices at the next higher level”.

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