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Agreement for the Implementation of the Provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of 10 December 1982 Relating to the Conservation and Management of Straddling Fish Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks [Not Yet Effective]
执行1982年12月10日《联合国海洋法公约》有关养护和管理跨界鱼类种群和高度洄游鱼类种群的规定的协定 [尚未生效]

Agreement for the Implementation of the Provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of 10 December 1982 Relating to the Conservation and Management of Straddling Fish Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks



The States Parties to this Agreement, 本协定缔约国,
Recalling the relevant provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of 10 December 1982 

Determined to ensure the long—term conservation and sustainable use of addling fish stocks and highly migratory fish stocks, 决心确保跨界鱼类种群和高度洄游鱼类种群的长期养护和可持续利用,
Resolved to improve cooperation between States to that end,Calling for more effective enforcement by flag States,port States and coastal States of the conservation and management measures adopted for such stocks, 决心为此目的改善各国之间的合作,要求船旗国、港口国和沿海国更有效地执行为这些种群所制定的养护和管理措施,
Seeking to address in particular the problems identified in chapter 17,programme area C,of Agenda 21 adopted by the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development,namely,that the management of high seas fisheries is inadequate in many areas and that some resources are over utilized inoting that there are problems of unregulated fishing,over—capitalization,excessive fleet size,vessel re—flagging to escape controls,insufficiently selective gear,unreliable databases and lack of sufficient cooperation between States,Committing themselves to responsible fisheries, 谋求处理特别是联合国环境与发展会议通过的《21世纪议程》第17章方案领域C所指出的各种问题,即对公海渔业的管理在许多方面存在不足及有些资源被过分利用的问题;注意到存在着渔业未受管制、投资过度、船队规模过大、船只改挂船旗以规避管制、渔具选择性不够、数据库不可靠及各国间缺乏充分合作等问题,承诺负责任地开展渔业,
Conscious of the need to avoid adverse impacts on the marine environment,preserve biodiversity,maintain the integrity of marine ecosystems and minimize the risk of long—term or irreversible effects of fishing operations, 意识到有必要避免对海洋环境造成不利影响,保存生物多样性,维持海洋生态系统的完整,并尽量减少捕鱼作业可能产生长期或不可逆转影响的危险,
Recognizing the need for specific assistance,including financial,scientific and technological assistance,in order that developing States can participate effectively in the conservation,management and sustainable use of straddling fish stocks and highly migratory fish stocks, 确认需要特定援助,包括财政、科学和技术援助,以便发展中国家可有效地参加养护、管理和可持续利用跨界鱼类种群和高度洄游鱼类种群,
Convinced that an agreement for the implementation of the relevant provisions of the Convention would best serve these purposes and contribute to the maintenance of international peace and security, 相信一项执行《公约》有关规定的协定最有利于实现这些目的,并且有助于维持国际和平与安全,
Affirming that matters not regulated by the Convention or by this Agreement continue to be governed by the rules and principles of general international law, 确认《公约》或本协定未予规定的事项,应继续以一般国际法的规则和原则为准据,
Have agreed as follows. 经协议如下:
Article 1 Use of terms and scope   第一条 用语和范围
1.For the purposes of this Agreement: 1.为本协定的目的:
(a)“Convention”means the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of 10 December 1982 (a)“《公约》”是指1982年12月10日《联合国海洋法公约》;
(b)“conservation and management measures”means measures to conserve and manage one or more species of living marine resources that are adopted and applied consistent with the relevant rules of international law as reflected in the Convention and this Agreement; (b)“养护和管理措施”是指为养护或管理一种或多种海洋生物资源物种而制定和适用,符合《公约》和本协定所载示的国际法有关规则的措施;
(c)“fish”includes mollusks and crustaceans except those belonging to sedentary species as defined in article 77 of the Convention;and (c)“鱼类”包括软体动物和甲壳动物,但《公约》第七十七条所界定的定居种除外;和
(d) “arrangement”means a cooperative mechanism established in accordance with the Convention and this Agreement by two or more States for the purpose,inter alia,of establishing conservation and management measures in a subregion or region for one or more straddling fish stocks or highly migratory fish stocks (d)“安排”是指两个或两个以上国家根据《公约》和本协定制订的,目的在于除其他外在分区域或区域为一种或多种跨界鱼类种群或高度洄游鱼类种群制订养护和管理措施的合作机制。
2.(a) “States Parties”means States which have consented to be bound by this Agreement and for which the Agreement is in force. 2.(a)“缔约国”是指已同意接受本协定约束且本协定对其生效的国家;
(b) This Agreement applies mutatis mutandis: (b)本协定比照适用于:
(i) to any entity referred to in article 305,paragraph 1 (c),(d) and(e),of the Convention and (一)《公约》第三○五条第1款(c)、(d)和(e)项所指并成为本协定缔约方的实体;和
(ii) subject to article 47,to any entity referred to as an“international organization” in Annex Ⅸ,article 1,of the Convention which becomes a Party to this Agreement,and to that extent “States Parties”refers to those entities. (二)在第四十七条限制下,《公约》附件九第一条称为“国际组织”并成为本协定缔约方的实体。在这种情况下,“缔约国”也指这些实体。
3.This Agreement applies mutatis mutandis to other fishing entities whose vessels fish on the high seas. 3.本协定各项规定应比照适用于属下船只在公海捕鱼的其他捕鱼实体。
Article 2 Objective   第二条 目标
The objective of this Agreement is to ensure the long—term conservation and sustainable use of straddling fish stocks and highly migratory fish stocks through effective implementation of the relevant provisions of the Convention. 本协定的目标是通过有效执行《公约》有关规定以确保跨界鱼类种群和高度洄游鱼类种群的长期养护和可持续利用。
Article 3 Application   第三条 适用
1.Unless otherwise provided,this Agreement applies to the conservation and management of straddling fish stocks and highly migratory fish stocks beyond areas under national jurisdiction,except that articles 6 and 7 apply also to the conservation and management of such stocks within areas under national jurisdiction,subject to the different legal regimes that apply within areas under national jurisdiction and in areas beyond national jurisdiction as provided for in the Convention. 1.除另有规定外,本协定适用于国家管辖地区外跨界鱼类种群和高度洄游鱼类种群的养护和管理,但第六和第七条也适用于国家管辖地区内这些种群的养护和管理,然须遵守《公约》所规定,在国家管辖地区内和国家管辖地区外适用的不同法律制度。
2.In the exercise of its sovereign rights for the purpose of exploring and exploiting,conserving and managing straddling fish stocks and highly migratory fish stocks within areas under national jurisdiction,the coastal State shall apply mutatis mutandis the general principles enumerated in article 5. 2.沿海国为勘查和开发、养护和管理国家管辖地区内的跨界鱼类种群和高度洄游鱼类种群的目的行使其主权权利时,应比照适用第五条所列举的一般原则。
3.States shall give due consideration to the respective capacities of developing States to apply articles 5,6 and 7 within areas under national jurisdiction and their need for assistance as provided for in this Agreement.To this end,Part Ⅶ applies mutatis mutandis in respect of areas under national jurisdiction. 3.各国应适当考虑到发展中国家各自在国家管辖地区内适用第五第六和第七条的能力及他们对本协定规定的援助的需要。为此目的,第七部分比照适用于国家管辖地区。
Article 4 Relationship between this Agreement and the Convention   第四条 本协定和《公约》之间的关系
Nothing in this Agreement shall prejudice the rights,jurisdiction and duties of States under the Convention.This Agreement shall be interpreted and applied in the context of and in a manner consistent with the Convention. 本协定的任何规定均不应妨害《公约》所规定的国家权利、管辖权和义务。本协定应参照《公约》的内容并以符合《公约》的方式予以解释和适用。
Article 5 General principles   第五条 一般原则
In order to conserve and manage straddling fish stocks and highly migratory fish stocks,coastal States and States fishing on the high seas shall,in giving effect to their duty to cooperate in accordance with the Convention. 为了养护和管理跨界鱼类种群和高度洄游鱼类种群,沿海国和在公海捕鱼的国家应根据《公约》履行合作义务:
(a) adopt measures to ensure long—term sustainability of straddling fish stocks and highly migratory fish stocks and promote the objective of their optimum utilization; (a)制定措施确保跨界鱼类种群和高度洄游鱼类种群的长期可持续能力并促进最适度利用的目的;
(b) ensure that such measures are based on the best scientific evidence available and are designed to maintain or restore stocks at levels capable of producing maximum sustainable yield,as qualified by relevant environmental and economic factors,including the special requirements of developing States,and taking into account fishing patterns,the interdependence of stocks and any generally recommended international minimum standards,whether subregional,regional or global; (b)确保这些措施所根据的是可得到的最佳科学证据,目的是在包括发展中国家的特别需要在内的各种有关环境和经济因素的限制下,使种群维持在或恢复到能够产生最高持续产量的水平,并考虑到捕鱼方式、种群的相互依存及任何普遍建议的分区域、区域或全球的国际最低标准;
(c) apply the precautionary approach in accordance with article 6; (c)根据第六条适用预防性做法;
(d) assess the impacts of fishing,other human activities and environmental factors on target stocks and species belonging to the same ecosystem or associated with or dependent upon the target stocks; (d)评估捕鱼、其他人类活动及环境因素对目标种群和属于同一生态系统的物种或从属目标种群或与目标种群相关的物种的影响:
(e) adopt,where necessary,conservation and management measures for species belonging to the same ecosystem or associated with or dependent upon the target stocks,with a view to maintaining or restoring populations of such species above levels at which their reproduction may become seriously threatened; (e)必要时对属于同一生态系统的物种或从属目标种群或与目标种群相关的物种制定养护和管理措施,以保持或恢复这些物种的数量,使其高于物种的繁殖不会受到严重威胁的水平;
(f) minimize pollution,waste,discards,catch by lost or abandoned gear,catch of non—target species,both fish and non——fish species,(hereinafter referred to as non—target species) and impacts on associated or dependent species,in particular endangered species,through measures including,to the extent practicable,the development and use of selective,environmentally safe and cost—effective fishing gear and techniques; (f)采取措施,在切实可行的情况下,包括发展和使用有选择性的、对环境无害和成本效益高的渔具和捕鱼技术,以尽量减少污染、废弃物、遗弃渔具所致的资源损耗量、非目标种(包括鱼种和非鱼种)(下称非目标种)的捕获量及对相关或从属种特别是濒于灭绝物种的影响;
(g) protect biodiversity in the marine environment; (g)保护海洋环境的生物多样性;
(h) take measures to prevent or eliminate overfishing and excess fishing capacity and to ensure that levels of fishing effort do not exceed those commensurate with the sustainable use of fishery resources; (h)采取措施防止或消除渔捞过度和捕鱼能力过大的问题,并确保渔获努力量不高于与渔业资源的可持续利用相称的水平;
(i) take into account the interests of artisanal and subsistence fishers; (i)考虑到个体渔民和自给性渔民的利益;
(j) collect and share,in a timely manner,complete and accurate data concerning fishing activities on,inter alia,vessel position,catch of target and non——target species and fishing effort,as set out in Annex Ⅰ,as well as information from national and international research programmes; (l)及时收集和共用完整而准确的捕鱼活动数据,包括附件一列出的船只位置、目标种和非目标种的捕获量和渔获努力量,以及国家和国际研究方案所提供的资料;
(k) promote and conduct scientific research and develop appropriate technologies in support of fishery conservation and management;and (k)促进并进行科学研究和发展适当技术以支助渔业养护和管理:和
(i) implement and enforce conservation and management measures through effective monitoring,control and surveillance. (m)进行有效的监测、管制和监督,以实施和执行养护和管理措施。
Article 6 Application of the precautionary approach   第六条 预防性做法的适用
1.States shall apply the precautionary approach widely to conservation,management and exploitation of straddling fish stocks and highly migratory fish stocks in order to protect the living marine resources and preserve the marine environment. 1.各国对跨界鱼类种群和高度洄游鱼类种群的养护、管理和开发,应广泛适用预防性做法,以保护海洋生物资源和保全海洋环境。
2.States shall be more cautious when information is uncertain,unreliable or inadequate.The absence of adequate scientific information shall not be used as a reason for postponing or failing to take conservation and management measures. 2.各国在资料不明确、不可靠或不充足时应更为慎重。不得以科学资料不足为由而推迟或不采取养护和管理措施。
3.In implementing the precautionary approach,States shall: 3.各国在实施预防性做法时应:
(a) improve decision—making for fishery resource conservation and management by obtaining and sharing the best scientific information available and implementing improved techniques for dealing with risk and uncertainty; (a)取得和共用可获得的最佳科学资料,并采用关于处理危险和不明确因素的改良技术,以改进养护和管理渔业资源的决策行动;
(b) apply the guidelines set out in Annex Ⅱ and determine,on the basis of the best scientific information available,stock—specific reference points and the action to be taken if they ar exceeded; (b)适用附件二所列的准则并根据可获得的最佳科学资料确定特定物种的参考点,及在逾越参考点时应采取的行动;
(c) take into account,inter alia,uncertainties relating to the size and productivity of the stocks,reference points,stock condition in relation to such reference points,levels and distribution of fishing mortality and the impact of fishing activities on non—target and associated or dependent species,as well as existing and predicted oceanic,environmental and socio—economic conditions;and (c)特别要考虑到关于种群大小和繁殖力的不明确情况、参考点、相对于这种参考点的种群状况、渔捞死亡率的程度和分布、捕鱼活动对非目标和相关或从属种的影响,以及存在①(注①:应为现存的。)和预测的海洋、环境、社会经济状况等;和
(d) develop data collection and research programmes to assess the impact of fishing on non—target and associated or dependent species and their environment,and adopt plans which are necessary to ensure the conservation of such species and to protect habitats of special concern. (d)特定数据收集和研究方案,以评估捕鱼对非目标和相关或从属种及其环境的影响,并制定必要计划,确保养护这些物种和保护特别关切的生境。
4.States shall take measures to ensure that,when reference points are approached,they will not be exceeded.In the event that they are exceeded,States shall,without delay,take the action determined under paragraph 3 (b) to restore the stocks. 4.如已接近参考点,各国应采取措施确保不致逾越参考点。如已逾越参考点,各国应立即采取第3(b)款所确定的行动以恢复种群。
5.Where the status of target stocks or non—target or associated or dependent species is of concern,States shall subject such stocks and species to enhanced monitoring in order to review their status and the efficacy of conservation and management measures.They shall revise those measures regularly in the light of new information. 5.如目标种或非目标或相关或从属种的状况令人关注,各国应对这些种群和物种加强监测,以审查其状况及养护和管理措施的效力。各国应根据新的资料定期修订这些措施。
6.For new or exploratory fisheries,States shall adopt as soon as possible cautious conservation and management measures,including,inter alia,catch limits and effort limits.Such measures shall remain in force until there are sufficient data to allow assessment of the impact of the fisheries on the long—term sustainability of the stocks,whereupon conservation and management measures based on that assessment shall be implemented.The latter measures shall,if appropriate,allow for the gradual development of the fisheries. 6.就新渔业或试捕性渔业而言,各国应尽快制定审慎的养护和管理措施,其中应特别包括捕获量与努力量的极限。这些措施在有足够数据允许就该渔业对种群的长期可持续能力的影响进行评估前应始终生效,其后则应执行以这一评估为基础的养护和管理措施。后一类措施应酌情允许这些渔业逐渐发展。
7.If a natural phenomenon has a significant adverse impact on the status of straddling fish stocks or highly migratory fish stocks,States shall adopt conservation and management measures on an emergency basis to ensure that fishing activity does not exacerbate such adverse impact.States shall also adopt such measures on an emergency basis where fishing activity presents a serious threat to the sustainability of such stocks.Measures taken on an emergency basis shall be temporary and shall be based on the best scientific evidence available. 7.如某种自然现象对跨界鱼类种群或高度洄游鱼类种群的状况有重大的不利影响,各国应紧急采取养护和管理措施,确保捕鱼活动不致使这种不利影响更趋恶化。捕鱼活动对这些种群的可持续能力造成严重威胁时,各国也应紧急采取这种措施。紧急采取的措施应属临时性质,并应以可获得的最佳科学证据为根据。
Article 7 Compatibility of conservation and management measures   第七条 养护和管理措施应互不抵触①(注①:应为养护和管理措施的互不抵触。)
1.Without prejudice to the sovereign rights of coastal States for the purpose of exploring and exploiting,conserving and managing the living marine resources within areas under national jurisdiction as provided for in the Convention,and the right of all States for their nationals to engage in fishing on the high seas in accordance with the Convention. 1.在不妨害沿海国根据《公约》享有的在国家管辖地区内勘查和开发、养护和管理海洋生物资源的主权权利,及所有国家根据《公约》享有的可由其国民在公海上捕鱼的权利的情况下:
(a) with respect to straddling fish stocks,the relevant coastal States and the States whose nationals fish for such stocks in the adjacent high seas area shall seek,either directly or through the appropriate mechanisms for cooperation provided for in Part Ⅲ,to agree upon the measures necessary for the conservation of these stocks in the adjacent high seas area; (a)关于跨界鱼类种群,有关沿海国和本国国民在毗邻公海区内捕捞这些种群的国家应直接地或通过第三部分所规定的适当合作机制,设法议定毗邻公海区内养护这些种群的必要措施;
(b) with respect to highly migratory fish stocks,the relevant coastal States and other States whose nationals fish for such stocks in the region shall cooperate,either directly or through the appropriate mechanisms for cooperation provided for in Part Ⅲ,with a view to ensuring conservation and promoting the objective of optimum utilization of such stocks throughout the region,both within and beyond the areas under national jurisdiction. (b)关于高度洄游鱼类种群,有关沿海国和本国国民在区域内捕捞这些种群的其他国家应直接地或通过第三部分所规定的适当合作机制进行合作,以期确保在整个区域,包括在国家管辖地区内外,养护这些种群并促进最适度利用这些种群的目标;
2.Conservation and management measures established for the high seas and those adopted for areas under national jurisdiction shall be compatible in order to ensure conservation and management of the straddling fish stocks and highly migratory fish stocks in their entirety.To this end,coastal States and States fishing on the high seas have a duty to cooperate for the purpose of achieving compatible measures in respect of such stocks.In determining compatible conservation and management measures,States shall: 2.为公海订立的和为国家管辖地区制定的养护和管理措施应互不抵触,以确保整体养护和管理跨界鱼类种群和高度洄游鱼类种群。为此目的,沿海国和在公海捕鱼的国家有义务进行合作,以便就这些种群达成互不抵触的措施。在确定互不抵触的养护和管理措施时,各国应:
(a) take into account the conservation and management measures adopted and applied in accordance with article 61 of the Convention in respect of the same stocks by coastal States within areas under national jurisdiction and ensure that measures established in respect of such stocks for the high seas do not undermine the effectiveness of such measures; (a)考虑到沿海国根据《公约》第六十一条在国家管辖地区内为同一种群所制定和适用的养护和管理措施,并确保为这些种群订立的公海措施不削弱这些措施的效力;
(b) take into account previously agreed measures established and applied for the high seas in accordance with the Convention in respect of the same stocks by relevant coastal States and States fishing on the high seas; (b)考虑到有关沿海国和在公海捕鱼的国家以前根据《公约》为同一种群订立和适用的议定公海措施;
(c) take into account previously agreed measures established and applied in accordance with the Convention in respect of the same stocks by a subregional or regional fisheries management organization or arrangement;take into account the biological unity and other biological characteristics of the stocks and the relationships between the distribution of the stocks,the fisheries and the geographical particularities of the region concerned,including the extent to which the stocks occur and are fished in areas under national jurisdiction; (c)考虑到分区域或区域渔业管理组织或安排以前根据《公约》为同一种群订立和适用的议定措施;考虑到种群的生物统一性和其他生物特征及鱼类的分布、渔业和有关区域的地理特征之间的关系,包括种群在国家管辖地区内出现和被捕捞的程度;
(d) take into account the respective dependence of the coastal States and the States fishing on the high seas on the stocks concerned;and (d)考虑到沿海国和在公海捕鱼的国家各自对有关种群的依赖程度;
(e) ensure that such measures do not result in harmful impact on the living marine resources as a whole. (e)确保这些措施不致对整体海洋生物资源造成有害影响。
3.In giving effect to their duty to cooperate,States shall make every effort to agree on compatible conservation and management measures within a reasonable period of time. 3.各国在履行合作义务时,应尽力在一段合理时间内就互不抵触的养护和管理措施达成协议。
4.If no agreement can be reached within a reasonable period of time,any of the States concerned may invoke the procedures for the settlement of disputes provided for in Part Ⅷ. 4.如未能在一段合理时间内达成协议,任何有关国家可援引第八部分规定的解决争端程序。
5.Pending agreement on compatible conservation and management measures,the States concerned,in a spirit of understanding and cooperation,shall make every effort to enter into provisional arrangements of a practical nature.In the event that they are unable to agree on such arrangements,any of the States concerned may,for the purpose of obtaining provisional measures,submit the dispute to a court or tribunal in accordance with the procedures for the settlement of disputes provided for in Part Ⅷ. 5.在就互不抵触的养护和管理措施达成协议以前,有关国家应本着谅解和合作精神,尽力作出实际的临时安排。如有关国家无法就这种安排达成协议,任何有关国家可根据第八部分规定的解决争端程序为取得临时措施提出争端。
6.Provisional arrangements or measures entered into or prescribed pursuant to paragraph 5 shall take into account the provisions of this Part,shall have due regard to the rights and obligations of all States concerned,shall not jeopardize or hamper the reaching of final agreement on compatible conservation and management measures and shall be without prejudice to the final outcome of any dispute settlement procedure. 6.按照第5款达成或规定的临时安排或措施应考虑到本部分各项规定,应妥为顾及所有有关国家的权利和义务,不应损害或妨碍就互不抵触的养护和管理措施达成最后协议,并不应妨害任何解决争端程序的最后结果。
7.Coastal States shall regularly inform States fishing on the high seas in the subregion or region,either directly or through appropriate subregional or regional fisheries management organizations or arrangements,or through other appropriate means,of the measures they have adopted for straddling fish stocks and highly migratory fish stocks within areas under their national jurisdiction. 7.沿海国应直接地或通过适当的分区域或区域渔业管理组织或安排,或以任何其他适当方式,定期向在分区域或区域内公海捕鱼的国家通报他们就其国家管辖地区内跨界鱼类种群和高度洄游鱼类种群制定的措施。
8.States fishing on the high seas shall regularly inform other interested States,either directly or through appropriate subregional or regional fisheries management organizations or arrangements,or through other appropriate means,of the measures they have adopted for regulating the activities of vessels flying their flag which fish for such stocks on the high seas. 8.在公海捕鱼的国家应直接地或通过适当的分区域或区域渔业管理组织或安排,或以任何其他适当方式,定期向其他有关国家通报他们为管制悬挂本国国旗①(注①:此处应为“旗帜”。),在公海捕捞这些种群的船只的活动而制定的措施。
Article 8 Cooperation for conservation and management   第八条 养护和管理的合作
1.Coastal States and States fishing on the high seas shall,in accordance with the Convention,pursue cooperation in relation to straddling fish stocks and highly migratory fish stocks either directly or through appropriate subregional or regional fisheries management organizations or arrangements,taking into account the specific characteristics of the subregion or region,to ensure effective conservation and management of such stocks. 1.沿海国和在公海捕鱼的国家应根据《公约》,直接地或通过适当的分区域或区域渔业管理组织或安排,就跨界鱼类种群和高度洄游鱼类种群进行合作,同时考虑到分区域或区域的具体特性,以确保这些种群的有效养护和管理。
2.States shall enter into consultations in good faith and without delay,particularly where there is evidence that the straddling fish stocks and highly migratory fish stocks concerned may be under threat of over—exploitation or where a new fishery is being developed for such stocks.To this end,consultations may be initiated at the request of any interested State with a view to establishing appropriate arrangements to ensure conservation and management of the stocks.Pending agreement on such arrangements,States shall observe the provisions of this Agreement and shall act in good faith and with due regard to the rights,interests and duties of other States. 2.各国应毫不迟延地本着诚意进行协商,特别是在有证据表明有关的跨界鱼类种群或高度洄游鱼类种群可能受到捕捞过度的威胁或受到一种新兴的捕鱼业捕捞时。为此目的,经任何有关国家的请求即可开始进行协商,以期订立适当安排,确保种群的养护和管理,在就这种安排达成协议以前,各国应遵守本协定各项规定,本着诚意行事,并妥为顾及其他国家的权利、利益和义务。
3.Where a subregional or regional fisheries management organization or arrangement has the competence to establish conservation and management measures for particular straddling fish stocks or highly migratory fish stocks,States fishing for the stocks on the high seas and relevant coastal States shall give effect to their duty to cooperate by becoming members of such organization or participants in such arrangement,or by agreeing to apply the conservation and management measures established by such organization or arrangement.States having a real interest in the fisheries concerned may become members of such organization or participants in such arrangement.The terms of participation in such organization or arrangement shall not preclude such States from membership or participation;nor shall they be applied in a manner which discriminates against any State or group of States having a real interest in the fisheries concerned. 3.如某一分区域或区域渔业管理组织或安排有权就某些跨界鱼类种群或高度洄游鱼类种群订立养护和管理措施,在公海捕捞这些种群的国家和有关沿海国均应履行其合作义务,成为这种组织的成员或安排的参与方,或同意适用这种组织或安排所订立的养护和管理措施。对有关渔业真正感兴趣的国家可成为这种组织的成员或这种安排的参与方。这种组织或安排的参加条件不应使这些国家无法成为成员或参加;也不应以歧视对有关渔业真正感兴趣的任何国家或一组国家的方式适用。
4.Only those States which are members of such an organization or participants in such an arrangement,or which agree to apply the conservation and management measures established by such organization or arrangement,shall have access to the fishery resources to which those measures apply. 4.只有属于这种组织的成员或安排的参与方的国家,或同意适用这种组织或安排所订立的养护和管理措施的国家,才可以捕捞适用这些措施的渔业资源。
5.Where there is no subregional or regional fisheries management organization or arrangement to establish conservation and management measures for a particular straddling fish stock or highly migratory fish stock,relevant coastal States and States fishing on the high seas for such stock in the subregion or region shall cooperate to establish such an organization or enter into other appropriate arrangements to ensure conservation and management of such stock and shall participate in the work of the organization or arrangement. 5.如没有分区域或区域渔业管理组织或安排就某种跨界鱼类种群或高度洄游鱼类种群订立养护和管理措施,有关沿海国和在分区域或区域公海捕捞此一种群的国家即应合作设立这种组织或达成其他适当安排,以确保此一种群的有效养护和管理,并应参加组织或安排的工作。
6.Any State intending to propose that action be taken by an intergovernmental organization having competence with respect to living resources should,where such action would have a significant effect on conservation and management measures already established by a competent subregional or regional fisheries management organization or arrangement,consult through that organization or arrangement with its members or participants.To the extent practicable,such consultation should take place prior to the submission of the proposal to the intergovernmental organization. 6.任何国家如有意提议有权管理生物资源的政府间组织采取行动,且这种行动将重大影响某一分区域或区域渔业管理主管组织或安排已订立的养护和管理措施,均应通过该组织或安排同其成员国或参与方协商。在切实可行的情况下,这种协商应在向该政府间组织作出提议之前举行。
Article 9 Subregional and regional fisheries management organizations and arrangements   第九条 分区域和区域渔业管理组织和安排
1.In establishing subregional or regional fisheries management organizations or in entering into subregional or regional fisheries management arrangements for straddling fish stocks and highly migratory fish stocks,States shall agree,inter alia,on: 1.各国在为跨界鱼类种群和高度洄游鱼类种群设立分区域或区域渔业管理组织或订立分区域或区域渔业管理安排时,应特别议定:
(a) the stocks to which conservation and management measures apply,taking into account the biological characteristics of the stocks concerned and the nature of the fisheries involved; (a)养护和管理措施适用的种群,顾及有关种群的生物特征和所涉渔业的性质;
(b)the area of application,taking into account article 7,paragraph 1,and characteristics of the subregion or region,including socio—economic,geographical and environmental factors; (b)适用地区,考虑到第七条第1款和分区域或区域的特征,包括社会经济、地理和环境因素;
(c) the relationship between the work of the new organization or arrangement and the role,objectives and operations of any relevant existing fisheries management organizations or arrangements;and (c)新的组织或安排的工作与任何有关的现有渔业管理组织或安排的作用、目标和业务之间的关系,和
(d) the mechanisms by which the organization or arrangement will obtain scientific advice and review the status of the stocks,including,where appropriate,the establishment of a scientific advisory body. (d)组织或安排获得科学咨询意见并审查种群状况的机制,包括酌情设立科学咨询机关。
2.States cooperating in the formation of a subregional or regional fisheries management organization or arrangement shall inform other States which they are aware have a real interest in the work of the proposed organization or arrangement of such cooperation. 2.合作组成分区域或区域渔业管理组织或安排的国家应通知他们知道对提议的这种合作组织或安排的工作真正感兴趣的其他国家。
Article 10 Functions of subregional and regional fisheries management organizations and arrangements   第十条 分区域和区域渔业管理组织和安排的职能
In fulfilling their obligation to cooperate through subregional or regional fisheries management organizations or arrangements,States shall: 各国通过分区域或区域渔业管理组织或安排履行合作义务时,应:
(a) agree on and comply with conservation and management measures to ensure the long—term sustainability of straddling fish stocks and highly migratory fish stocks; (a)议定和遵守养护和管理措施,以确保跨界鱼类种群和高度洄游鱼类种群的长期可持续能力;
(b) agree,as appropriate,on participatory rights such as allocations of allowable catch or levels of fishing effort; (b)酌情议定各种参与权利,如可捕量的分配或渔获努力量水平;
(c) adopt and apply any generally recommended international minimum standards for the responsible conduct of fishing operations; (c)制定和适用一切普遍建议的关于负责任进行捕鱼作业的最低国际标准;
(d) obtain and evaluate scientific advice,review the status of the stocks and assess the impact of fishing on non—target and associated or dependent species; (d)取得和评价科学咨询意见,审查种群状况,并评估捕鱼对非目标和相关或从属种的影响;
(e) agree on standards for collection,reporting,verification and exchange of data on fisheries for the stocks; (e)议定收集、汇报、核查和交换关于种群的渔业数据的各项标准;
(f) compile and disseminate accurate and complete statistical data,as described in Annex Ⅰ,to ensure that the best scientific evidence is available,while maintaining confidentiality where appropriate; (f)如附件一所述,收集和传播准确而完整的统计数据,以确保备有最佳科学证据①(注①:应为“以确保获得最佳科学证据”。),同时酌情保守机密;
(g) promote and conduct scientific assessments of the stocks and relevant research and disseminate the results thereof; (g)促进和进行关于种群的科学评估和有关研究,并传播其结果;
(h) establish appropriate cooperative mechanisms for effective monitoring,control,surveillance and enforcement; (h)为有效的监测、管制、监督和执法建立适当的合作机制;
(i) agree on means by which the fishing interests of new members of the organization or new participants in the arrangement will be accommodated; (i)议定办法照顾该组织或安排的新成员或新参与方的渔业利益;
(j) agree on decision——making procedures which facilitate the adoption of conservation and management measures in a timely and effective manner; (j)议定有助于及时和有效制定养护和管理措施的决策程序;
(k) promote the peaceful settlement of disputes in accordance with Part Ⅷ; (k)根据第八部分促进和平解决争端;
(l) ensure the full cooperation of their relevant national agencies and industries in implementing the recommendations and decisions of the organization or arrangement;and (l)确保其有关国家机构和工业②(注②:应为行业。)在执行分区域或区域渔业管理组织或安排的建议和决定方面给予充分的合作:和
(m) give due publicity to the conservation and management measures established by the organization or arrangement. (m)妥为公布组织或安排订立的养护和管理措施。
Article 11 New members or participants   第十一条 新成员或参与方
In determining the nature and extent of participatory rights for new members of a subregional or regional fisheries management organization,or for new participants in a subregional or regional fisheries management arrangement,States shall take into account,inter alia: 在决定一个分区域或区域渔业管理组织的新成员或一个分区域或区域渔业管理安排的新参与方的参与权利的性质和范围时,各国应特别考虑到:
(a) the status of the straddling fish stocks and highly migratory fish stocks and the existing level of fishing effort in the fishery; (a)跨界鱼类种群和高度洄游鱼类种群的状况和渔业现有的渔获努力量水平;
(b) the respective interests,fishing patterns and fishing practices of new and existing members or participants; (b)新的和现有的成员或参与方各自的利益、捕鱼方式和习惯捕鱼法;
(c) the respective contributions of new and existing members or participants to conservation and management of the stocks,to the collection and provision of accurate data and to the conduct of scientific research on the stocks; (c)新的和现有的成员或参与方各自对养护和管理种群、收集和提供准确数据及进行关于种群的科学研究所作出的贡献;
(d) the needs of coastal fishing communities which are dependent mainly on fishing for the stocks; (d)主要依赖捕捞这些种群的沿海渔民社区的需要;
(e) the needs of coastal States whose economies are overwhelmingly dependent on the exploitation of living marine resources;and (e)经济严重依赖开发海洋生物资源的沿海国的需要①(注①:应为经济上极为依赖开发海洋生物资源的沿海国的需要。);和
(f) the interests of developing States from the subregion or region in whose areas of national jurisdiction the stocks also occur. (f)种群也在其国家管辖地区内出现的分区域或区域发展中国家的利益。
Article 12 Transparency in activities of subregional and regional fisheries management organizations and arrangements   第十二条 分区域和区域渔业管理组织和安排的活动的透明度
1.States shall provide for transparency in the decision—making process and other activities of subregional and regional fisheries management organizations and arrangements. 1.各国应规定分区域和区域渔业管理组织和安排的决策程序及其他活动应具有透明度。
2.Representatives from other intergovernmental organizations and representatives from non—governmental organizations concerned with straddling fish stocks and highly migratory fish stocks shall be afforded the opportunity to take part in meetings of subregional and regional fisheries management organizations and arrangements as observers or otherwise,as appropriate,in accordance with the procedures of the organization or arrangement concerned.Such procedures shall not be unduly restrictive in this respect.Such intergovernmental organizations and non—governmental organizations shall have timely access to the records and reports of such organizations and arrangements,subject to the procedural rules on access to them. 2.关心跨界鱼类种群和高度洄游鱼类种群的其他政府间组织代表和非政府组织代表应有机会作为观察员。或酌情以其他身份根据有关分区域或区域渔业管理组织安排的程序,参加这些组织和安排的会议。参加程序在这方面不应过分苛刻。政府间组织和非政府组织应可及时取得这些组织和安排的记录和报告,但须遵守有关取得这些记录和报告的程序规则。
Article 13 Strengthening of existing organizations and arrangements   第十三条 加强现有的组织和安排
States shall cooperate to strengthen existing subregional and regional fisheries management organizations and arrangements in order to improve their effectiveness in establishing and implementing conservation and management measures for straddling fish stocks and highly migratory fish stocks. 各国应加强现有的分区域和区域渔业管理组织和安排,以提高其效力,订立和执行跨界鱼类种群和高度洄游鱼类种群的养护和管理措施。
Article 14 Collection and provision of information and cooperation in scientific research   第十四条 收集和提供资料及科学研究方面的合作
1.States shall ensure that fishing vessels flying their flag provide such information as may be necessary in order to fulfil their obligations under this Agreement.To this end,States shall in accordance with Annex Ⅰ: 1.各国应确保悬挂其国旗②(注②:应为旗帜。)的渔船提供必要的资料,以履行本协定规定的义务。为此目的,各国应根据附件一:
(a) collect and exchange scientific,technical and statistical data with respect to fisheries for straddling fish stocks and highly migratory fish stocks; (a)收集和交换跨界鱼类种群和高度洄游鱼类种群渔业方面的科学、技术和统计数据;
(b) ensure that data are collected in sufficient detail to facilitate effective stock assessment and are provided in a timely manner to fulfil the requirements of subregional or regional fisheries management organizations or arrangements;and (b)确保收集的数据足够详细以促进有效的种群评估,并及时提供这种数据,以履行分区域或区域渔业管理组织或安排的规定;和
(c) take appropriate measures to verify the accuracy of such data. (c)采取适当措施以核查这种数据的准确性。
2.States shall cooperate,either directly or through subregional or regional fisheries management organizations or arrangements: 2.各国应直接地或通过分区域或区域渔业管理组织或安排进行合作,以便:
(a) to agree on the specification of data and the format in which they are to be provided to such organizations or arrangements,taking into account the nature of the stocks and the fisheries for those stocks;and (a)议定数据的规格①(注①:应为数据的技术要求。)及将这种数据提供给这些组织或安排的形式,同时考虑到种群的性质和这些种群的渔业;和
(b) to develop and share analytical techniques and stock assessment methodologies to improve measures for the conservation and management of straddling fish stocks and.highly migratory fish stocks. (b)研究和共用分析技术和种群评估方法,以改进跨界鱼类种群和高度洄游鱼类种群的养护和管理措施。
3.Consistent with Part ⅫⅠ of the Convention,States shall cooperate,either directly or through competent international organizations,to strengthen scientific research capacity in the field of fisheries and promote scientific research related to the conservation and management of straddling fish stocks and highly migratory fish stocks for the benefit of all.To this end,a State or the competent international organization conducting such research beyond areas under national jurisdiction shall actively promote the publication and dissemination to any interested States of the results of that research and information relating to its objectives and methods and,to the extent practicable,shall facilitate the participation of scientists from those States in such research. 3.在符合《公约》第十三部分的情况下,各国应直接地或通过主管国际组织进行合作,加强渔业领域的科学研究能力,促进有关养护和管理跨界鱼类种群和高度洄游鱼类种群的科学研究,造福大众。为此目的,在国家管辖地区外进行这种研究的国家或主管国际组织,应积极促进发表和向任何有兴趣的国家传播这种研究的成果,及有关这种研究的目标和方法的资料,并在切实可行的情况下方便这些国家的科学家参与这种研究。
Article 15 Enclosed and semi—enclosed seas   第十五条 闭海和半闭海
In implementing this Agreement in an enclosed or semi——enclosed sea,States shall take into account the natural characteristics of that sea and shall also act in a manner consistent with Part Ⅸ of the Convention and other relevant provisions thereof. 各国在闭海或半闭海执行本协定时,应考虑到有关闭海或半闭海的自然特征,并应以符合《公约》第九部分和《公约》其他有关规定的方式行事。
Article 16 Areas of high seas surrounded entirely by an area under the national jurisdiction of a single State   第十六条 完全被一个国家的国家管辖地区包围的公海区
1.States fishing for straddling fish stocks and highly migratory fish stocks in an area of the high seas surrounded entirely by an area under the national jurisdiction of a single State and the latter State shall cooperate to establish conservation and management measures in respect of those stocks in the high seas area.Having regard to the natural characteristics of the area,States shall pay special attention to the establishment of compatible conservation and management measures for such stocks pursuant to article 7.Measures taken in respect of the high seas shall take into account the rights,duties and interests of the coastal State under the Convention,shall be based on the best scientific evidence available and shall also take into account any conservation and management measures adopted and applied in respect of the same stocks in accordance with article 61 of the Convention by the coastal State in the area under national jurisdiction.States shall also agree on measures for monitoring,control,surveillance and enforcement to ensure compliance with the conservation and management measures in respect of the high seas. 1.在完全被一个国家的国家管辖地区包围的公海区内捕捞跨界鱼类种群和高度洄游鱼类种群的国家应进行合作②(注②:应为在完全被一个国家管辖地区包围的公海区内捕捞跨界鱼类种群和高度洄游鱼类种群的国家应与该国进行合作。),就该公海区内这些种群制定养护和管理措施。在顾及该地区自然特征的情况下,各国应按照第七条特别注意制定养护和管理这些种群的互不抵触措施。就公海制定的措施应考虑到《公约》规定的沿海国权利、义务和利益,应以可得到的最佳科学证据为根据,还应考虑到沿海国在国家管辖地区内根据《公约》第六十一条就同一种群制定和适用的任何养护和管理措施。各国也应议定监测、管制、监督和执法措施,以确保就公海制定的养护和管理措施获得遵守。
2.Pursuant to article 8,States shall act in good faith and make every effort to agree without delay on conservation and management measures to be applied in the carrying out of fishing operations in the area referred to in paragraph 1.If,within a reasonable period of time,the fishing States concerned and the coastal State are unable to agree on such measures,they shall,having regard to paragraph 1,apply article 7,paragraphs 4,5 and 6,relating to provisional arrangements or measures.Pending the establishment of such provisional arrangements or measures,the States concerned shall take measures in respect of vessels flying their flag in order that they not engage in fisheries which could undermine the stocks concerned. 2.各国应按照第8条毫不迟延地本着诚意行事,尽力议定第1款所指的,适用于在该区进行的捕鱼作业的养护和管理措施。如有关捕鱼国和沿海国未能在一段合理时间内议定这些措施,他们应根据本条第1款适用关于临时安排或措施的第7条第4第5和第6款。在制定这些临时安排或措施以前,有关国家应对悬挂本国国旗①(注①:应为旗帜。)的船只采取措施,使其不从事可能损害有关种群的捕鱼作业。


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