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Measures for Tourism Administrative Licensing [Effective]
旅游行政许可办法 [现行有效]

Order of the China National Tourism Administration 


(No. 46) (第46号)

The Measures for Tourism Administrative Licensing (see the annex), as deliberated and adopted at the third director's executive meeting of the China National Tourism Administration on March 2, 2018, are hereby issued, and shall come into force on May 1, 2018. 《旅游行政许可办法》(详见附件)已经2018年3月2日国家旅游局第3次局长办公会议审议通过,现予公布,自2018年5月1日起施行。
Li Jinzao Director of the China National Tourism Administration 国家旅游局局长 李金早
March 9, 2018 2018年3月9日
Measures for Tourism Administrative Licensing 旅游行政许可办法
Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总则

Article 1 For the purposes of regulating the conduct of tourism administrative licensing, protecting the lawful rights and interests of citizens, legal persons and other organizations, and guaranteeing and overseeing the effective administration by the China National Tourism Administration, these Measures are developed in accordance with the Administrative License Law, relevant laws, and administrative regulations, taking into account the actual circumstances of tourist work.   第一条 为了规范旅游行政许可行为,保护公民、法人和其他组织的合法权益,保障和监督旅游主管部门有效实施行政管理,根据《行政许可法》及有关法律、行政法规,结合旅游工作实际,制定本办法。
Article 2 For the purpose of these Measures, "tourism administrative licensing" means the conduct that a tourism authority, or any other administrative authority with the power of tourism administrative licensing, upon application of a citizen, legal person or any other organization, with examination according to the law, licenses the applicant to engage in particular activities.   第二条 本办法所称旅游行政许可,是指旅游主管部门及具有旅游行政许可权的其他行政机关根据公民、法人或者其他组织的申请,经依法审查,准予其从事特定活动的行为。
Article 3 Tourism administrative licensing shall be established, implemented, and placed under supervision and inspection pursuant to the Administrative License Law, the Tourism Law, other relevant laws and regulations, and these Measures.   第三条 旅游行政许可的设定、实施和监督检查,应当遵守《行政许可法》《旅游法》及有关法律、法规和本办法的规定。
These Measures shall not apply to the approval by tourism authorities of such matters as personnel, finance and foreign affairs of other authorities or the public institutions directly administered thereby. 旅游主管部门对其他机关或者对其直接管理的事业单位的人事、财务、外事等事项的审批,不适用本办法。
Article 4 Tourism administrative licensing shall be implemented pursuant to legal authority, scope, conditions and procedures, under the principles of openness, fairness, and impartiality.   第四条 实施旅游行政许可,应当依照法定的权限、范围、条件和程序,遵循公开、公平、公正的原则。
Tourism authorities shall disclose administrative licensing items to the public according to the relevant provisions issued by the state, or, failing that, may not implement the relevant administrative licensing. The implementation and results of administrative licensing shall be disclosed, except for those that concern any national secret, trade secret, or individual privacy. 旅游主管部门应当按照国家有关规定将行政许可事项向社会公布,未经公布不得实施相关行政许可。行政许可的实施和结果,除涉及国家秘密、商业秘密或者个人隐私的外,应当公开。
An applicant meeting statutory conditions and standards has an equal right to obtain a tourism administrative license according to the law, free from discrimination by any tourism authority. 符合法定条件、标准的,申请人有依法取得旅游行政许可的平等权利,旅游主管部门不得歧视。
Article 5 Tourism administrative licensing shall be implemented under the principles of convenience for the people and efficiency, with the building of standard administrative licensing as the guideline, by standardization principles and standard methodologies and technology, so as to raise implementation efficiency and provide quality services.   第五条 实施旅游行政许可,应当遵循便民、高效的原则,以行政许可标准化建设为指引,运用标准化原理、方法和技术,提高办事效率,提供优质服务。
The China National Tourism Administration ("CNTA") shall establish and improve a national online approval platform for tourism administrative licensing to gradually boost online processing and approval of tourism administrative licensing items. The local tourism authorities at all levels shall gradually integrate into or connect to the national online approval platform their tourism administrative licensing items for unified implementation. 国家旅游局负责建立完善旅游行政许可全国网上审批平台,逐步推动旅游行政许可事项的网上办理和审批。地方各级旅游主管部门应当逐步将本部门旅游行政许可事项纳入或者接入全国网上审批平台统一实施。
Tourism authorities implementing tourism administrative licensing shall prepare tourism administrative licensing service manuals and establish and carry out a tourism administrative licensing information disclosure system, one-time notification system, initial inquiry responsibility system, replacement system, service undertaking system, accountability system, courteous service system, and other service systems and specifications. 实施行政许可的旅游主管部门应当编制旅游行政许可服务指南,建立和实施旅游行政许可信息公开制、一次性告知制、首问责任制、顶岗补位制、服务承诺制、责任追究制和文明服务制等服务制度和规范。
Article 6 No administrative rule, regulatory document, or any other document relating to tourism may establish administrative licensing.   第六条 旅游行政规章、规范性文件及其他文件一律不得设定行政许可。
Administrative rules on tourism may, to the extent of the administrative licensing items as established by a superordinate law, make specific provisions for the implementation of the administrative licensing, without further establishing administrative licensing; and may not, in relation to the specific provisions on the conditions for an administrative license, set out additional conditions in violation of any superordinate law. 旅游行政规章可以在上位法设定的行政许可事项范围内,对实施该行政许可作出具体规定,但不得增设行政许可;对行政许可条件作出的具体规定,不得增设违反上位法的其他条件。
Article 7 A citizen, a legal person, or any other organization shall, in relation to the implementation of administrative licensing by tourism authorities, have the right to make a statement and defense; have the right to apply for administrative reconsideration, or to file an administrative lawsuit, in accordance with the law; and, if his or its lawful rights and interests are damaged by a tourism authority implementing administrative licensing in violation of the law, have the right to demand compensation in accordance with the law.   第七条 公民、法人或者其他组织对旅游主管部门实施行政许可,享有陈述权、申辩权;有权依法申请行政复议或者提起行政诉讼;其合法权益因旅游主管部门违法实施行政许可受到损害的,有权依法要求赔偿。
Article 8 Once a tourism administrative licensing decision is made according to the law, it shall have legal force and may not be changed unless through statutory procedures.   第八条 旅游行政许可决定依法作出即具有法律效力,非经法定程序不得改变。
Where any law, regulation, or rule as the basis of tourism administrative licensing is amended or repealed, or any objective condition as the basis of administrative licensing undergoes any material change, the tourism authority may, as needed for public interests, modify or withdraw the effective administrative licensing according to the law. A citizen, a legal person, or any other organization shall be compensated according to the law for any damage to his or its property so caused. 旅游行政许可所依据的法律、法规、规章修改或者废止,或者准予行政许可所依据的客观情况发生重大变化的,为了公共利益的需要,旅游主管部门可以依法变更或者撤回已经生效的行政许可。由此给公民、法人或者其他组织造成财产损失的,应当依法给予补偿。
Chapter II Implementation Authorities 

第二章 实施机关

Article 9 Tourism administrative licensing shall be implemented by tourism authorities, or other administrative authorities with the power of tourism administrative licensing, within the scope of their statutory functions and powers.   第九条 旅游行政许可由旅游主管部门或者具有旅游行政许可权的其他行政机关在其法定职权范围内实施。
No internal body, or dispatched office, of a tourism authority may implement administrative licensing in its own name. 旅游主管部门内设机构和派出机构不得以自己的名义实施行政许可。
Article 10 A tourism authority may, within the scope of its statutory functions and powers, authorize a subordinate tourism authority with the power to implement administrative licensing and announce the tourism authority and the tourism administrative licensing items so authorized.   第十条 旅游主管部门可以在其法定职权范围内委托具有权限的下级旅游主管部门实施行政许可,并应当将受委托的旅游主管部门和委托实施的旅游行政许可事项予以公告。
The authorizing tourism authority shall assume legal liability for the consequences of the authorization in accordance with the law. 委托的旅游主管部门对委托行为的后果,依法承担法律责任。
The authorized tourism authority shall, to the extent of the authorization, implement administrative licensing in the name of the authorizing tourism authority and abstain from authorizing any other entity to implement administrative licensing. 受委托的旅游主管部门在委托范围内,以委托的旅游主管部门名义实施行政许可,不得转委托。
Article 11 A tourism authority shall designate an internal body to specifically undertake the processing work on tourism administrative licensing (hereinafter referred to as the "undertaking body"). The main duties of the undertaking body include:   第十一条 旅游主管部门应当确定具体承担旅游行政许可办理工作的内设机构(以下简称承办机构)。承办机构的主要职责包括:
(1) accepting and examining applications for a tourism administrative license and providing the tourism authority with proposals for licensing decisions; (一)受理、审查旅游行政许可申请,并向旅游主管部门提出许可决定建议;
(2) organizing the work of tourism administrative licensing hearings; (二)组织旅游行政许可听证工作;
(3) serving tourism administrative licensing decisions and certificates; (三)送达旅游行政许可决定和证件;
(4) collecting and disclosing information on tourism administrative licensing; (四)旅游行政许可的信息统计、信息公开工作;
(5) managing tourism administrative licensing archives; (五)旅游行政许可档案管理工作;
(6) providing business consulting services in respect of tourism administrative licensing; and (六)提供旅游行政许可业务咨询服务;
(7) conducting supervision and inspection as legally required of the engagement of licensees in activities under tourism administrative licensing items. (七)依法对被许可人从事旅游行政许可事项的活动进行监督检查。
If the undertaking body needs any other business body to assist in the processing, the relevant business body shall vigorously cooperate. 承办机构需要其他业务机构协助办理的,相关业务机构应当积极配合。
Chapter III Application and Acceptance 

第三章 申请与受理

Article 12 Whoever intends to engage in any activity for which tourism administrative licensing is required by the law shall file an application with the administrative authority. If a standard text of written applications is required, the tourism authorities shall provide such standard text and common mistakes for free. The standard text shall not contain anything not directly related to administrative licensing items under application.   第十二条 从事依法需要取得旅游行政许可活动的,应当向行政机关提出申请。申请书需要采用格式文本的,旅游主管部门应当免费提供申请书格式文本和常见错误实例。申请书格式文本中不得包含与申请行政许可事项没有直接关系的内容。
If an applicant authorizes an agent according to the law to file an application for an administrative license, the identity documents of the applicant and the agent and a power of attorney shall be submitted. The power of attorney shall specify matters under the authorization and scope of authorization. 申请人依法委托代理人提出行政许可申请的,应当提交申请人、代理人的身份证明文件和授权委托书。授权委托书应当载明授权委托事项和授权范围。
Article 13 Tourism authorities shall publish tourism administrative licensing items, basis, application conditions, limitation of quantity, business process, time limit for the process, application materials list, and model text of written applications, among others, in their offices, acceptance venues, and government service websites, so as to make it easy for applicants to demand, use and access information.   第十三条 旅游主管部门应当将旅游行政许可事项、依据、申请条件、数量限制、办理流程、办结期限及申请材料目录和申请书示范文本等,在办公场所或者受理场所及政务网站公示,方便申请人索取使用、获取信息。
If an applicant demands a statement on or explanation for whatever is published, the undertaking body shall make a statement or explanation and provide accurate and reliable information. 申请人要求对公示内容予以说明、解释的,承办机构应当说明、解释,提供准确、可靠的信息。
Article 14 A tourism authority shall establish a fixed venue as the window to provide tourism administrative licensing services, assign acceptance personnel possessing great political attributes, strong business capability, and familiar with and skilled at tourism administrative licensing business to accept applications, provide consulting services, and serve decisions in a unified manner, and place signs in conspicuous positions in the office area to direct applicants to go through licensing procedures at the acceptance window.   第十四条 旅游主管部门应当设置一个固定场所作为旅游行政许可业务办理窗口,配备政治素质高、业务能力强、熟悉掌握旅游行政许可业务工作的受理人员,统一受理申请、提供咨询和送达决定,并在办公区域显著位置设立指示标志,引导申请人到受理窗口办理许可业务。
If tourism administrative licensing items are accepted at an administrative service hall in a centralized manner, the relevant provisions and requirements shall prevail. 旅游行政许可事项纳入行政服务大厅集中受理的,按照相关规定和要求执行。
Article 15 An applicant for an administrative license shall faithfully submit relevant materials and report the actual information to the tourism authority and be responsible for the authenticity of the substance of the application materials. The tourism authority may not require the applicant to submit any material irrelevant to the administrative licensing items for which the applicant applies.   第十五条 申请人申请行政许可,应当如实向旅游主管部门提交有关材料和反映真实情况,并对其申请材料实质内容的真实性负责。旅游主管部门不得要求申请人提交与其申请的行政许可事项无关的材料。
Article 16 When accepting an application, the tourism administrative licensing acceptance personnel shall examine the following:   第十六条 受理申请时,旅游行政许可受理人员应当审查下列事项:
(1) Whether the item under the application is within the scope of acceptance of administrative licensing of the authority. (一)申请事项是否属于本部门行政许可受理范围;
(2) Whether the identity documents and power of attorney submitted by the applicant or the agent are lawful and valid, and whether the matters and scope of authorization are determinate. (二)申请人或者代理人提交的身份证件和授权委托书是否合法有效,授权事项及范围是否明确;
(3) Whether the application materials are explicitly signed or sealed by the applicant. (三)申请材料中是否明确附有申请人签名或者盖章;

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