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Provisions on the Supervision and Administration of Insurance Brokers [Effective]
保险经纪人监管规定 [现行有效]

Order of the China Insurance Regulatory Commission 


(No. 3 [2018]) (〔2018〕3号)

The Provisions on the Supervision and Administration of Insurance Brokers, as deliberated and adopted at the 6th Chairman's executive meeting of the China Insurance Regulatory Commission on January 17, 2018, are hereby issued, and shall come into force on May 1, 2018. 《保险经纪人监管规定》已经2018年1月17日中国保险监督管理委员会第6次主席办公会审议通过,现予公布,自2018年5月1日起实施。
Vice Chairman: Chen Wenhui 副主席 陈文辉
February 1, 2018 2018年2月1日
Provisions on the Supervision and Administration of Insurance Brokers 保险经纪人监管规定
Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总 则

Article 1 These Provisions are developed in accordance with the Insurance Law of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the “Insurance Law”) and other laws and administrative regulations for the purposes of regulating the operations of insurance brokers, protecting the lawful rights and interests of insurance applicants, the insured and beneficiaries, and maintaining the market order.   第一条 为了规范保险经纪人的经营行为,保护投保人、被保险人和受益人的合法权益,维护市场秩序,根据《中华人民共和国保险法》(以下简称《保险法》)等法律、行政法规,制定本规定。
Article 2 For the purpose of these Provisions, “insurance brokers” means institutions that provide intermediary services, in the interests of insurance applicants, for insurance applicants to enter into insurance contracts with insurance companies and collect commissions according to the law, including insurance brokerage companies and their branches.   第二条 本规定所称保险经纪人是指基于投保人的利益,为投保人与保险公司订立保险合同提供中介服务,并依法收取佣金的机构,包括保险经纪公司及其分支机构。
For the purpose of these Provisions, “insurance brokerage practitioner” means an employee of an insurance broker who drafts insurance application proposals or handles the insurance application formalities for insurance applicants or the insured or assists insurance applicants or the insured in claiming compensation or who provides clients with disaster or loss prevention or risk assessment or management consulting services or engages in reinsurance brokerage and other business. 本规定所称保险经纪从业人员是指在保险经纪人中,为投保人或者被保险人拟订投保方案、办理投保手续、协助索赔的人员,或者为委托人提供防灾防损、风险评估、风险管理咨询服务、从事再保险经纪等业务的人员。
Article 3 To engage in insurance brokerage business within the territory of the People's Republic of China, an insurance brokerage company shall satisfy the requirements prescribed by the China Insurance Regulatory Commission (“CIRC”) and obtain an insurance brokerage business permit (hereinafter referred to as the “permit”).   第三条 保险经纪公司在中华人民共和国境内经营保险经纪业务,应当符合中国保险监督管理委员会(以下简称中国保监会)规定的条件,取得经营保险经纪业务许可证(以下简称许可证)。
Article 4 An insurance broker shall comply with laws, administrative regulations, and the relevant provisions issued by the CIRC, and follow the principles of free will, good faith and fair competition.   第四条 保险经纪人应当遵守法律、行政法规和中国保监会有关规定,遵循自愿、诚实信用和公平竞争的原则。
Article 5 The CIRC shall supervise and administer insurance brokers as authorized by the State Council in accordance with the Insurance Law.   第五条 中国保监会根据《保险法》和国务院授权,对保险经纪人履行监管职责。
The local offices of the CIRC shall perform their regulatory duties as authorized by the CIRC. 中国保监会派出机构在中国保监会授权范围内履行监管职责。
Chapter II Market Access 

第二章 市场准入

Section 1 Business Permit 

第一节 业务许可

Article 6 Except as otherwise prescribed by the CIRC, an insurance broker shall adopt either of the following forms of organization:   第六条 除中国保监会另有规定外,保险经纪人应当采取下列组织形式:
(1) Limited liability company. (一)有限责任公司;
(2) Joint-stock limited company. (二)股份有限公司。
Article 7 To engage in the insurance brokerage business, an insurance brokerage company shall meet the following conditions:   第七条 保险经纪公司经营保险经纪业务,应当具备下列条件:
(1) Its shareholders satisfy the requirements of these Provisions and make contribution with self-owned, true and legal funds, other than bank loans or any other form of non-self-owned capital. (一)股东符合本规定要求,且出资资金自有、真实、合法,不得用银行贷款及各种形式的非自有资金投资;
(2) Its registered capital satisfies the requirements of Article 10 of these Provisions and is under custody according to the relevant provisions issued by the CIRC. (二)注册资本符合本规定第十条要求,且按照中国保监会的有关规定托管;
(3) The business scope recorded in its business license complies with the relevant provisions issued by the CIRC. (三)营业执照记载的经营范围符合中国保监会的有关规定;
(4) Its bylaws comply with the relevant provisions. (四)公司章程符合有关规定;
(5) Its name satisfies the requirements of these Provisions. (五)公司名称符合本规定要求;
(6) Its senior executives meet the office qualifications as set forth in these Provisions. (六)高级管理人员符合本规定的任职资格条件;
(7) It has a governance structure and internal control system in compliance with the provisions issued by the CIRC, and a scientific and reasonable business model. (七)有符合中国保监会规定的治理结构和内控制度,商业模式科学合理可行;
(8) It has a fixed domicile suitable for its scale of business. (八)有与业务规模相适应的固定住所;
(9) It has business and financial information management systems in compliance with the provisions issued by the CIRC. (九)有符合中国保监会规定的业务、财务信息管理系统;
(10) Other conditions as set forth in laws, administrative regulations, and the provisions issued by the CIRC. (十)法律、行政法规和中国保监会规定的其他条件。
Article 8 An entity or individual falling under any of the following circumstances shall not become a shareholder of any insurance brokerage company:   第八条 单位或者个人有下列情形之一的,不得成为保险经纪公司的股东:
(1) The entity or individual has been subject to criminal punishment or major administrative punishment in the last five years. (一)最近5年内受到刑罚或者重大行政处罚;
(2) The entity or individual is under investigation by the relevant department for being suspected of involvement in any serious violation of law or crime. (二)因涉嫌重大违法犯罪正接受有关部门调查;
(3) The entity or individual is determined by the relevant entity of the state as an object subject to joint punishment for serious dishonesty and shall be subject to corresponding penalties in the insurance field, or has other bad records of serious dishonesty within the last five years. (三)因严重失信行为被国家有关单位确定为失信联合惩戒对象且应当在保险领域受到相应惩戒,或者最近5年内具有其他严重失信不良记录;
(4) The entity or individual cannot invest in any enterprise according to the laws and administrative regulations. (四)依据法律、行政法规不能投资企业;
(5) Other circumstances under which the entity or individual is inappropriate to become a shareholder of an insurance brokerage company as recognized by the CIRC under the principle of prudential regulation. (五)中国保监会根据审慎监管原则认定的其他不适合成为保险经纪公司股东的情形。
Article 9 Where an employee of an insurance company or a practitioner of a professional insurance intermediary institution makes investment in an insurance brokerage company, a written certification showing that his or her employer is aware of the investment shall be provided; and where a director, supervisor or senior executive of an insurance company or professional insurance intermediary institution makes investment in an insurance brokerage company, the consent of the shareholders' meeting or the general meeting of shareholders shall be obtained according to the relevant provisions.   第九条 保险公司的工作人员、保险专业中介机构的从业人员投资保险经纪公司的,应当提供其所在机构知晓投资的书面证明;保险公司、保险专业中介机构的董事、监事或者高级管理人员投资保险经纪公司的,应当根据有关规定取得股东会或者股东大会的同意。
Article 10 The minimum registered capital of an insurance brokerage company that conducts business in regions not limited to the province, autonomous region, municipality directly under the Central Government or city under separate state planning where its industrial and commercial registration formalities are undergone shall be 50 million yuan.   第十条 经营区域不限于工商注册登记地所在省、自治区、直辖市、计划单列市的保险经纪公司的注册资本最低限额为5000万元。
The minimum registered capital of an insurance brokerage company that conducts business in the province, autonomous region, municipality directly under the Central Government or city under separate state planning where its industrial and commercial registration formalities are undergone shall be 10 million yuan. 经营区域为工商注册登记地所在省、自治区、直辖市、计划单列市的保险经纪公司的注册资本最低限额为1000万元。
The registered capital of an insurance brokerage company must be paid-in monetary capital. 保险经纪公司的注册资本必须为实缴货币资本。
Article 11 The name of an insurance broker shall include the words “insurance brokerage.”   第十一条 保险经纪人的名称中应当包含“保险经纪”字样。
The name of an insurance broker shall not be the same as that of an existing professional insurance intermediary institution, except when an insurance broker has the same actual controller as the professional insurance intermediary institution. 保险经纪人的字号不得与现有的保险专业中介机构相同,与保险专业中介机构具有同一实际控制人的保险经纪人除外。
Article 12 To apply for engaging in insurance brokerage business, an insurance brokerage company shall, after obtaining a business license, submit the application materials in a timely manner in accordance with the requirements of the CIRC and disclose the relevant information.   第十二条 保险经纪公司申请经营保险经纪业务,应当在领取营业执照后,及时按照中国保监会的要求提交申请材料,并进行相关信息披露。
The CIRC and its local office shall implement administrative licensing according to the statutory duties and procedures. 中国保监会及其派出机构按照法定的职责和程序实施行政许可。
Article 13 After receiving an application for engaging in insurance brokerage business, the CIRC and its local office shall, by interview, correspondence inquiry, on-site acceptance check and other means, understand and examine the business records of the applicant's shareholders and the applicant's market development strategy, business development plan, internal control system building, personnel structure, information system configuration and operation and other relevant matters, and conduct risk testing and warning.   第十三条 中国保监会及其派出机构收到经营保险经纪业务申请后,应当采取谈话、函询、现场验收等方式了解、审查申请人股东的经营记录以及申请人的市场发展战略、业务发展计划、内控制度建设、人员结构、信息系统配置及运行等有关事项,并进行风险测试和提示。
Article 14 The CIRC and its local office making a decision to grant an approval to an insurance brokerage company to engage in the insurance brokering business shall issue a permit to the applicant. Only after obtaining a permit can an applicant engage in the insurance brokerage business, and an applicant shall register the relevant information in the regulatory information system as prescribed by the CIRC in a timely manner.   第十四条 中国保监会及其派出机构依法作出批准保险经纪公司经营保险经纪业务的决定的,应当向申请人颁发许可证。申请人取得许可证后,方可开展保险经纪业务,并应当及时在中国保监会规定的监管信息系统中登记相关信息。
Where the CIRC and its local office decides to disapprove the application, a written decision shall be made and the reasons shall be explained. An applicant shall, within 15 days of receipt of a written decision of the CIRC and its local office, report to the administrative department for industry and commerce where its industrial and commercial registration formalities are undergone. A company that survives shall not engage in insurance brokerage business, and shall undergo the industrial and commercial modification registration of its name, business scope and bylaws, among others, according to the law, and ensure that there is no such words as “insurance brokerage” in its name. 中国保监会及其派出机构决定不予批准的,应当作出书面决定并说明理由。申请人应当自收到中国保监会及其派出机构书面决定之日起15日内书面报告工商注册登记所在地的工商行政管理部门。公司继续存续的,不得从事保险经纪业务,并应当依法办理名称、营业范围和公司章程等事项的工商变更登记,确保其名称中无“保险经纪”字样。
Article 15 An insurance brokerage company that conducts business in regions not limited to the province, autonomous region, municipality directly under the Central Government or city under separate state planning where its industrial and commercial registration formalities are undergone may carry out insurance brokerage activities within the territory of the People's Republic of China.   第十五条 经营区域不限于工商注册登记地所在省、自治区、直辖市、计划单列市的保险经纪公司可以在中华人民共和国境内从事保险经纪活动。
Where an insurance brokerage company that conducts business in regions not limited to the province, autonomous region, municipality directly under the Central Government or city under separate state planning where its industrial and commercial registration formalities are undergone dispatches insurance brokerage practitioners to a place other than the industrial and commercial registration place to provide services for insurance business under which the insurance applicants and the insured are natural persons shall form a local branch. To form a branch, a provincial branch company shall be formed first to be designated to handle the matters concerning application for administrative licensing, and submission of regulatory reports and statements, among others, and to be responsible for managing other branches. 经营区域不限于工商注册登记地所在省、自治区、直辖市、计划单列市的保险经纪公司向工商注册登记地以外派出保险经纪从业人员,为投保人或者被保险人是自然人的保险业务提供服务的,应当在当地设立分支机构。设立分支机构时应当首先设立省级分公司,指定其负责办理行政许可申请、监管报告和报表提交等相关事宜,并负责管理其他分支机构。
The branches of an insurance brokerage company shall include branch companies and business departments. 保险经纪公司分支机构包括分公司、营业部。
Article 16 To form a new branch to carry out insurance brokerage business, an insurance brokerage company shall meet the following conditions:   第十六条 保险经纪公司新设分支机构经营保险经纪业务,应当符合下列条件:
(1) The insurance brokerage company and its branches have not been subject to criminal punishment or major administrative punishment in the previous year. (一)保险经纪公司及其分支机构最近1年内没有受到刑罚或者重大行政处罚;
(2) The insurance brokerage company and its branches are not under investigation by the relevant department for being suspected of involvement in any violation of law or crime. (二)保险经纪公司及其分支机构未因涉嫌违法犯罪正接受有关部门调查;
(3) The insurance brokerage company and its branches have not caused any mass visits and complaints involving 30 or more persons or abnormal centralized surrender of policies involving 100 or more persons in the previous year. (三)保险经纪公司及其分支机构最近1年内未引发30人以上群访群诉事件或者100人以上非正常集中退保事件;
(4) The branches formed in the last two years do not exit market after operation for less than one year. (四)最近2年内设立的分支机构不存在运营未满1年退出市场的情形;
(5) It has a sound branch management system. (五)具备完善的分支机构管理制度;
(6) The newly formed branch has qualified business premises, business financial information system, and other facilities matching the business operation. (六)新设分支机构有符合要求的营业场所、业务财务信息系统,以及与经营业务相匹配的其他设施;
(7) The primary person in charge of the newly formed branch satisfies the office qualifications as set forth in these Provisions. (七)新设分支机构主要负责人符合本规定的任职条件;
(8) Other conditions as prescribed by the CIRC. (八)中国保监会规定的其他条件。
An insurance brokerage company that is determined by the relevant entity of the state as an object subject to joint punishment for serious dishonesty and shall be subject to corresponding penalties in the insurance field, or has other bad records of serious dishonesty in the last five years shall not form any new branch to carry out insurance brokerage business. 保险经纪公司因严重失信行为被国家有关单位确定为失信联合惩戒对象且应当在保险领域受到相应惩戒的,或者最近5年内具有其他严重失信不良记录的,不得新设分支机构经营保险经纪业务。
Article 17 A branch of an insurance brokerage company shall, within 15 days from the registration date recorded in the business license, report to the local office of the CIRC in writing, register the relevant information in the regulatory information system as prescribed by the CIRC, make public disclosure in accordance with the relevant provisions, and submit the application materials for the confirmation of satisfaction of office qualifications of the primary person in charge or the relevant reporting materials.   第十七条 保险经纪公司分支机构应当在营业执照记载的登记之日起15日内,书面报告中国保监会派出机构,在中国保监会规定的监管信息系统中登记相关信息,按照规定进行公开披露,并提交主要负责人的任职资格核准申请材料或者报告材料。
Article 18 An insurance broker falling under any of the following circumstances shall, within five days of occurrence of such circumstance, report through the regulatory information system as prescribed by the CIRC, and make public disclosure in accordance with the relevant provisions:   第十八条 保险经纪人有下列情形之一的,应当自该情形发生之日起5日内,通过中国保监会规定的监管信息系统报告,并按照规定进行公开披露:
(1) Changing the name, domicile or business premises. (一)变更名称、住所或者营业场所;
(2) Changing the shareholders, registered capital or organizational form. (二)变更股东、注册资本或者组织形式;
(3) Changing the shareholder's name, or amount of contribution. (三)股东变更姓名或者名称、出资额;
(4) Amending the bylaws. (四)修改公司章程;
(5) Making equity investment, and forming an overseas insurance institution or a non-business institution. (五)股权投资,设立境外保险类机构及非营业性机构;
(6) Division, combination and dissolution of the insurance broker, or termination of insurance brokerage business activities by a branch. (六)分立、合并、解散,分支机构终止保险经纪业务活动;
(7) Changing the primary person in charge of a branch other than provincial branch company. (七)变更省级分公司以外分支机构主要负责人;
(8) Being subject to administrative punishment or criminal punishment or under investigation for being suspected of involvement in any violation of law or crime. (八)受到行政处罚、刑罚或者涉嫌违法犯罪正接受调查;
(9) Other reporting matters as prescribed by the CIRC. (九)中国保监会规定的其他报告事项。
An insurance broker falling under the relevant circumstances as prescribed in the preceding paragraph shall comply with the relevant provisions issued by the CIRC. 保险经纪人发生前款规定的相关情形,应当符合中国保监会相关规定。
Article 19 An insurance brokerage company that makes any change involving any matter recorded in the permit shall undergo modification registration of the permit according to the Measures for the Administration of Insurance Permits and other relevant provisions, surrender the original permit, obtain a new one, and make an announcement.   第十九条 保险经纪公司变更事项涉及许可证记载内容的,应当按照《保险许可证管理办法》等有关规定办理许可证变更登记,交回原许可证,领取新许可证,并进行公告。
Section 2 Office Qualifications 

第二节 任职资格

Article 20 For the purposes of these Provisions, “senior executive” of an insurance broker means the following persons:   第二十条 本规定所称保险经纪人高级管理人员是指下列人员:
(1) The general manager and deputy general manager of an insurance brokerage company. (一)保险经纪公司的总经理、副总经理;
(2) The primary person in charge of a provincial branch. (二)省级分公司主要负责人;
(3) Other persons who exercise important functions and powers over the business operation and management of the company. (三)对公司经营管理行使重要职权的其他人员。
A senior executive of an insurance broker shall, before taking office, obtain the office qualifications confirmed by the local office of the CIRC. 保险经纪人高级管理人员应当在任职前取得中国保监会派出机构核准的任职资格。
Article 21 A senior executive of an insurance broker shall meet the following conditions:   第二十一条 保险经纪人高级管理人员应当具备下列条件:
(1) He or she has an educational background of junior college or above. (一)大学专科以上学历;
(2) He or she has three or more years of financial work experience or five or more years of economic work experience. (二)从事金融工作3年以上或者从事经济工作5年以上;
(3) He or she has the business operation and management capability required for performing duties and is familiar with the insurance laws and administrative regulations and the relevant provisions issued by the CIRC. (三)具有履行职责所需的经营管理能力,熟悉保险法律、行政法规及中国保监会的相关规定;
(4) He or she is honest and trustworthy and has good conduct. (四)诚实守信,品行良好。
A person with ten years or more of financial work experience may be exempted from the restriction of item (1) of paragraph 1. 从事金融工作10年以上的人员,学历要求可以不受第一款第(一)项的限制。
A primary person in charge of a branch other than provincial branch company appointed by an insurance broker shall meet the conditions as prescribed in the preceding two paragraphs. 保险经纪人任用的省级分公司以外分支机构主要负责人应当具备前两款规定的条件。
Article 22 A person falling under any of the following circumstances shall not serve as senior executive of an insurance broker or primary person in charge of a branch other than provincial branch company:   第二十二条 有下列情形之一的人员,不得担任保险经纪人高级管理人员和省级分公司以外分支机构主要负责人:
(1) He or she serves as director, supervisor, or senior executive of an insurance company or insurance intermediary institution whose permit has been revoked for violation of laws and is personally or directly liable as a leader for the revocation of permit, and three years have not elapsed since the date of revocation of permit. (一)担任因违法被吊销许可证的保险公司或者保险中介机构的董事、监事或者高级管理人员,并对被吊销许可证负有个人责任或者直接领导责任的,自许可证被吊销之日起未逾3年;
(2) He or she is director, supervisor, or senior executive of a financial institution who has been disqualified for taking office by the financial regulatory authority for his or her violation of laws or discipline, and five years have not elapsed sine the date of disqualification. (二)因违法行为或者违纪行为被金融监管机构取消任职资格的金融机构的董事、监事或者高级管理人员,自被取消任职资格之日起未逾5年;
(3) He or she is prohibited from access to the financial industry during a certain period as decided by the financial regulatory authority, and the period has not expired. (三)被金融监管机构决定在一定期限内禁止进入金融行业的,期限未满;
(4) Two years have not elapsed since a warning is given or a fine is imposed by the financial regulatory authority. (四)受金融监管机构警告或者罚款未逾2年;
(5) He or she is under investigation by the judicial authority, the discipline inspection and supervision department, or the financial regulatory authority. (五)正在接受司法机关、纪检监察部门或者金融监管机构调查;
(6) He or she is determined by the relevant entity of the state as an object subject to joint punishment for serious dishonesty and shall be subject to corresponding penalties in the insurance field, or has other bad records of serious dishonesty within the last five years. (六)因严重失信行为被国家有关单位确定为失信联合惩戒对象且应当在保险领域受到相应惩戒,或者最近5年内具有其他严重失信不良记录;
(7) Other circumstances as set forth in laws, administrative regulations, and the provisions issued by the CIRC. (七)法律、行政法规和中国保监会规定的其他情形。
Article 23 An insurance broker shall establish labor relations with its senior executives and primary persons in charge of branches other than provincial branch companies, and enter into written labor contracts therewith.   第二十三条 保险经纪人应当与其高级管理人员、省级分公司以外分支机构主要负责人建立劳动关系,订立书面劳动合同。
Article 24 Senior executives of an insurance broker and primary persons in charge of a branch other than provincial branch company shall not concurrently serve as primary persons in charge of two or more branches.   第二十四条 保险经纪人高级管理人员和省级分公司以外分支机构主要负责人不得兼任2家以上分支机构的主要负责人。
A senior executive of an insurance broker or a primary person in charge of a branch other than provincial branch company concurrently taking other business management office shall have necessary time to perform the duties. 保险经纪人高级管理人员和省级分公司以外分支机构主要负责人兼任其他经营管理职务的,应当具有必要的时间履行职务。
Article 25 Without approval of the shareholders' meeting or general meeting of shareholders, a senior executive of an insurance broker or a primary person in charge of a branch other than provincial branch company shall not concurrently take office in any institution having conflict of interest with the insurance broker.   第二十五条 非经股东会或者股东大会批准,保险经纪人的高级管理人员和省级分公司以外分支机构主要负责人不得在存在利益冲突的机构中兼任职务。
Article 26 An insurance broker applying to the local office of the CIRC for confirmation of satisfaction of office qualifications for senior executives shall faithfully enter the application form and submit the relevant materials.   第二十六条 保险经纪人向中国保监会派出机构提出高级管理人员任职资格核准申请的,应当如实填写申请表、提交相关材料。
The local office of the CIRC may investigate or interview the proposed senior executives of an insurance broker. 中国保监会派出机构可以对保险经纪人拟任高级管理人员进行考察或者谈话。
Article 27 The senior executives of an insurance broker shall pass the examinations on insurance laws and regulations and relevant knowledge as recognized by the CIRC.   第二十七条 保险经纪人高级管理人员应当通过中国保监会认可的保险法规及相关知识测试。
Article 28 A senior executive of an insurance broker that is transferred to or concurrently holds another post in the same institution is not required to be subject to confirmation of satisfaction of office qualifications.   第二十八条 保险经纪人的高级管理人员在同一保险经纪人内部调任、兼任其他职务,无须重新核准任职资格。
To adjust the posts of a senior executive and primary person in charge of a branch other than provincial branch company or remove the aforesaid persons from office, an insurance broker shall, within five days from the date of making a decision, register relevant information in the regulatory information system as prescribed by the CIRC. 保险经纪人调整、免除高级管理人员和省级分公司以外分支机构主要负责人职务,应当自决定作出之日起5日内在中国保监会规定的监管信息系统中登记相关信息。
Article 29 Where a senior executive of an insurance broker or a primary person in charge of a branch other than provincial branch company is prosecuted for any suspected crime, the insurance broker shall, within five days from the date when he or she is prosecuted and within five days from the date when the case is closed, register the relevant information in the regulatory information system as prescribed by the CIRC.   第二十九条 保险经纪人的高级管理人员和省级分公司以外分支机构主要负责人因涉嫌犯罪被起诉的,保险经纪人应当自其被起诉之日起5日内和结案之日起5日内在中国保监会规定的监管信息系统中登记相关信息。
Article 30 A senior executive of an insurance broker or a primary person in charge of a branch other than provincial branch company that falls under any of the following circumstances shall be removed from office if he or she has been appointed by the insurance broker; and where he or she is confirmed to satisfy the office qualifications, his or her office qualifications shall be automatically invalidated:   第三十条 保险经纪人高级管理人员和省级分公司以外分支机构主要负责人有下列情形之一,保险经纪人已经任命的,应当免除其职务;经核准任职资格的,其任职资格自动失效:
(1) After being confirmed to satisfy office qualifications, he or she is not appointed within two months. (一)获得核准任职资格后,保险经纪人超过2个月未任命;
(2) He or she leaves the insurance broker. (二)从该保险经纪人离职;
(3) The CIRC imposes the administrative punishment of prohibition from access to the insurance industry on him or her. (三)受到中国保监会禁止进入保险业的行政处罚;
(4) It has not been five years since he or she finished serving a criminal sentence for corruption, acceptance of bribes, embezzlement of property, misappropriation of property or disturbance of the socialist market order; or it has not been five years since he or she finished serving a criminal sentence with deprival of political rights for any crime. (四)因贪污、受贿、侵占财产、挪用财产或者破坏社会主义市场秩序,被判处刑罚执行期满未逾5年,或者因犯罪被剥夺政治权利,执行期满未逾5年;
(5) It has not been three years since the completion of the bankruptcy liquidation of a company or enterprise in which he or she serves as director or factory director or manager, and he or she was personally liable for the bankruptcy of the company or enterprise. (五)担任破产清算的公司、企业的董事或者厂长、经理,对该公司、企业的破产负有个人责任的,自该公司、企业破产清算完结之日起未逾3年;
(6) It has not been three years since a company or enterprise in which he or she serves as legal representative forfeited its business license if the company or enterprise forfeited its business license for any violation of law and was ordered to close down, and he or she was personally liable for the forfeiture and closedown. (六)担任因违法被吊销营业执照、责令关闭的公司、企业的法定代表人,并负有个人责任的,自该公司、企业被吊销营业执照之日起未逾3年;
(7) He or she has a relatively large amount of personal debts which have not been paid off upon maturity. (七)个人所负数额较大的债务到期未清偿。
Article 31 An insurance broker falling under any of the following circumstances may appoint a temporary person in charge for a maximum of three months, and shall not continuously appoint the temporary person in charge for the same position:   第三十一条 保险经纪人出现下列情形之一,可以任命临时负责人,但临时负责人任职时间最长不得超过3个月,并且不得就同一职务连续任命临时负责人:
(1) The original person in charge resigns or is removed from office. (一)原负责人辞职或者被撤职;
(2) The original person in charge is unable to normally perform his or her duties for any illness, accident, or other reason. (二)原负责人因疾病、意外事故等原因无法正常履行工作职责;
(3) Any other special circumstance as recognized by the CIRC. (三)中国保监会认可的其他特殊情况。
The temporary person in charge shall have the capability appropriate for performing his or her duties and satisfy the relevant requirements of Articles 21 and 22 of these Provisions. 临时负责人应当具有与履行职责相当的能力,并应当符合本规定第二十一条、第二十二条的相关要求。
To appoint a temporary person in charge, an insurance broker shall, within five days from the date of making a decision, register relevant information in the regulatory information system as prescribed by the CIRC. 保险经纪人任命临时负责人的,应当自决定作出之日起5日内在中国保监会规定的监管信息系统中登记相关信息。
Section 3 Practitioners 

第三节 从业人员

Article 32 An insurance broker shall employ insurance brokerage practitioners with good moral character. An insurance broker shall not employ any insurance brokerage practitioner falling under any of the following circumstances:   第三十二条 保险经纪人应当聘任品行良好的保险经纪从业人员。有下列情形之一的,保险经纪人不得聘任:
(1) It has not been five years since he or she finished serving a criminal sentence for corruption, bribery, embezzlement of property, misappropriation of property or disturbance of the socialist market economic order.

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