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Provisions of the People's Republic of China on the Conditions for Maritime Administrative Licensing (2017 Amendment) [Revised]
中华人民共和国海事行政许可条件规定(2017修正) [已被修订]

Provisions of the People's Republic of China on the Conditions for Maritime Administrative Licensing



(Issued by the Ministry of Transport on May 29, 2015, amended for the first time in accordance with the Decision of the Ministry of Transport on Amending the Provisions of the People's Republic of China on the Conditions for Maritime Administrative Licensing on September 2, 2016; and amended for the second time in accordance with the Decision of the Ministry of Transport on Amending the Provisions of the People's Republic of China on the Conditions for Maritime AdministrativeLicensing on May 23, 2017) (2015年5月29日交通运输部发布 根据2016年9月2日交通运输部《关于修改〈中华人民共和国海事行政许可条件规定〉的决定》第一次修正 根据2017年5月23日交通运输部《关于修改〈中华人民共和国海事行政许可条件规定〉的决定》第二次修正)

Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总 则

Article 1 For purposes of implementing maritime administrative licensing in accordance with the law, and protecting the lawful rights and interests of all parties to maritime administrative licensing, these Provisions are developed in accordance with the Administrative Licensing Law of the People's Republic of China, the laws and administrative regulations on maritime administration, as well as the relevant international maritime conventions concluded or acceded to by the People's Republic of China.   第一条 为依法实施海事行政许可,维护海事行政许可各方当事人的合法权益,根据《中华人民共和国行政许可法》和有关海事管理的法律、行政法规以及中华人民共和国缔结或者加入的有关国际海事公约,制定本规定。
Article 2 The maritime administrative licensing conditions for applying for, accepting and examining applications for, and deciding on maritime administrative license shall be governed by these Provisions.   第二条 申请及受理、审查、决定海事行政许可所依照的海事行政许可条件,应当遵守本规定。
For the purpose of these Provisions, “maritime administrative license” means the administrative license established by laws, administrative regulations and the decisions of the State Council on maritime administration such as water traffic safety and the prevention and control of vessel-induced pollution to water areas, and implemented by maritime safety administrations, or implemented by the Ministry of Transport and handled specifically by maritime safety administrations. 本规定所称海事行政许可,是指依据有关水上交通安全、防治船舶污染水域等海事管理的法律、行政法规、国务院决定设定的,由海事管理机构实施,或者由交通运输部实施、海事管理机构具体办理的行政许可。
Article 3 No maritime safety administration may increase, decrease, or modify the conditions for maritime administrative licensing without authorization when examining and deciding on maritime administrative license. No decision on granting maritime administrative license may be made to those not complying with the corresponding conditions prescribed in these Provisions.   第三条 海事管理机构在审查、决定海事行政许可时,不得擅自增加、减少或者变更海事行政许可条件。不符合本规定相应条件的,不得做出准予的海事行政许可决定。
Article 4 The conditions for maritime administrative licensing shall be publicized in accordance with the Provisions on the Procedures for Implementing Transport Administrative License. If the applicant requests an explanation on the conditions for maritime administrative licensing, the maritime safety administration shall give an explanation.   第四条 海事行政许可条件应当按照《交通行政许可实施程序规定》予以公示。申请人要求对海事行政许可条件予以说明的,海事管理机构应当予以说明。
Article 5 The national maritime safety administration shall, according to the conditions for maritime administrative licensing, uniformly specify the materials that the applicants should submit. The relevant maritime safety administrations shall publicize the contents of the materials.   第五条 国家海事管理机构应当根据海事行政许可条件,统一明确申请人应当提交的材料。有关海事管理机构应当将材料目录予以公示。
When an applicant applies for maritime administrative license, it shall submit a written application and the relevant materials as required, and shall be responsible for the authenticity and efficiency of the materials submitted. 申请人申请海事行政许可时,应当按照规定提交申请书和相关的材料,并对所提交材料的真实性和有效性负责。
When an applicant applies for modifying any maritime administrative license or extending the time limit for any maritime administrative license, the applicant may only submit the materials relating to the modification matter or circumstances; and if there is no change in the circumstances as stated in the materials submitted, the applicant is not required to submit such materials. 申请变更海事行政许可、延续海事行政许可期限的,申请人可以仅就发生变更的事项或者情况提交相关的材料;已提交过的材料情况未发生变化的可以不再提交。
Chapter II Conditions for Maritime Administrative Licensing 

第二章 海事行政许可条件

Article 6 The conditions for licensing the safe use of shorelines of navigable waters are as follows:   第六条 通航水域岸线安全使用许可的条件:
(1) The feasibility study on the projects, operations, and activities involving the use of shorelines has been completed. (一)涉及使用岸线的工程、作业、活动已完成可行性研究;
(2) The technical specifications and requirements for water traffic safety are complied with as shown by technical assessment on the safe use of shorelines. (二)已经岸线安全使用的技术评估,符合水上交通安全的技术规范和要求;
(3) Measures that may sufficiently eliminate the impacts caused by factors affecting water traffic safety have been developed. (三)对影响水上交通安全的因素,已制定足以消除影响的措施。
Article 7 The conditions for licensing abovewater and underwater activities in navigable waters are as follows:   第七条 通航水域水上水下活动许可的条件:
(1) Other relevant formalities for the abovewater and underwater activities have been undergone in accordance with the law. (一)水上水下活动已依法办理了其他相关手续;
(2) The entities, personnel, vessels and facilities for the abovewater and underwater activities comply with the requirements for safe navigation, berth and operation. (二)水上水下活动的单位、人员、船舶、设施符合安全航行、停泊和作业的要求;
(3) The scheme for the abovewater and underwater activities has been developed, including the starting and ending time, place and scope, and schedule, among others. (三)已制定水上水下活动的方案,包括起止时间、地点和范围、进度安排等;
(4) The abovewater and underwater activities that have a great impact on safety and pollution prevention have passed the navigation safety assessment. (四)对安全和防污染有重大影响的,已通过通航安全评估;
(5) The safety and pollution prevention responsibility system has been established, and the safeguard measures and emergency response plans that comply with the requirements for water traffic safety and pollution prevention have been developed. (五)已建立安全、防污染的责任制,并已制定符合水上交通安全和防污染要求的保障措施和应急预案。
Article 8 The conditions for approving the salvage or dismantling of sunken vessels and articles in coastal waters are as follows:   第八条 打捞或者拆除沿海水域内沉船沉物审批的条件:
(1) The entities and personnel participating in the salvage or dismantling have the corresponding capability. (一)参与打捞或者拆除的单位、人员具备相应能力;
(2) The agreement on salvaging or dismantling sunken vessels and articles has been concluded in accordance with the law. (二)已依法签订沉船沉物打捞或者拆除协议;
(3) The vessels and facilities conducting the salvage or dismantling operation satisfy the requirements for safe navigation, berth and operation. (三)从事打捞或者拆除作业的船舶、设施符合安全航行、停泊和作业的要求;
(4) The plan and scheme for the salvage or dismantling operation have been developed, including the starting and ending time, place and scope, and the schedule, among others. (四)已制定打捞或者拆除作业计划和方案,包括起止时间、地点和范围、进度安排等;
(5) The operations that have a great impact on safety and pollution prevention have passed the navigation safety assessment. (五)对安全和防污染有重大影响的,已通过通航安全评估;
(6) A safety and pollution prevention responsibility system has been established, and the measures and emergency response plans that comply with the requirements for water traffic safety and pollution prevention have been developed. (六)已建立安全和防污染责任制,并已制定符合水上交通安全和防污染要求的措施和应急预案。
Article 9 The conditions for approving the designation of a restricted navigation zone and safe operation zone in coastal waters are as follows:   第九条 沿海水域划定禁航区和安全作业区审批的条件:
(1) There are clear facts and necessary reasons for the demand for designation of the water area. (一)就划定水域的需求,有明确的事实和必要的理由;
(2) The designation complies with the requirements for the protection of military or important civilian targets nearby. (二)符合附近军用或者重要民用目标的保护要求;
(3) The designation that has a great impact on water traffic safety and pollution prevention has passed the technical assessment on navigation safety and environmental impact. (三)对水上交通安全和防污染有重大影响的,已通过通航安全和环境影响技术评估;
(4) Survey or measurement has been conducted on the water areas that are used for setting up navigation routes and anchorage grounds, and the bottom characteristics, hydrogeology, meteorology, and other elements of the water area satisfy the requirements for navigation safety. (四)用于设置航路和锚地的水域已进行勘测或者测量,水域的底质、水文、气象等要素满足通航安全的要求;
(5) The designation complies with the requirements for water traffic safety and pollution prevention, and safety and pollution prevention measures have been developed. (五)符合水上交通安全与防污染要求,并已制定安全、防污染措施。
Article 10 The conditions for licensing a vessel to enter or cross a restricted navigation zone are as follows:   第十条 船舶进入或者穿越禁航区许可的条件:
(1) There are clear facts and necessary reasons for entering or crossing the restricted navigation zone due to safety of life, pollution prevention, security, or any other special need. (一)有因人命安全、防污染、保安等特殊需要进入和穿越禁航区的明确事实和必要理由;
(2) The safety and pollution prevention conditions in the restricted navigation zone are fit for the vessel's entry or crossing. (二)禁航区的安全和防污染条件适合船舶进入或者穿越;
(3) The vessel satisfies the special requirements for water traffic safety and pollution prevention in the restricted navigation zone, and the measures and emergency response plans for safety control, pollution prevention and control, and protection of the restricted navigation zone have been developed. (三)船舶满足禁航区水上交通安全和防污染的特殊要求,并已制定保障安全、防治污染和保护禁航区的措施和应急预案;
(4) Where the vessel enters or crosses a restricted military navigation zone, it shall have been approved by the competent military department. (四)进入或者穿越军事禁航区的,已经军事主管部门同意。
Article 11 The conditions for approving the on-water towing of large installations, movable platform or objects exceeding the limit are as follows:   第十一条 大型设施、移动式平台、超限物体水上拖带审批的条件:
(1) There is real demand for towing and necessary reasons. (一)确有拖带的需求和必要的理由;
(2) The towing vessel has worthiness for navigation and towing, and the seafarers are qualified. (二)拖轮适航、适拖,船员适任;
(3) The towing operations on the sea have passed towage inspection, and have passed the corresponding safety technical assessment when objects exceeding the limit are to be towed in inland waters. (三)海上拖带已经拖航检验,在内河拖带超限物体的,已通过安全技术评估;
(4) The towing plan and scheme have been developed, and there are clear estimated time for starting and ending the towing, the place for towing, and the water areas for navigating through. (四)已制定拖带计划和方案,有明确的拖带预计起止时间和地点及航经的水域;
(5) The requirements for water traffic safety and pollution prevention have been satisfied, and the corresponding measures and emergency response plans for water traffic safety control and pollution prevention have been developed. (五)满足水上交通安全和防污染要求,并已制定保障水上交通安全、防污染的措施以及应急预案。
Article 12 The conditions for approving a foreign vessel or airplane's entry to China to undertake maritime search and rescue are as follows:   第十二条 外国籍船舶或飞机入境从事海上搜救审批的条件:
(1) The entry is for the purpose of searching and rescuing lives at sea. (一)入境是出于海上人命搜寻救助的目的;
(2) There is a clear search and rescue plan and scheme, including the time, place, and scope, as well as the basic information on the vessel or airplane put in for search and rescue. (二)有明确的搜救计划、方案,包括时间、地点、范围以及投入搜救的船舶与飞机的基本情况;
(3) Where the dispatched airplane or vessel for search and rescue is for military use, it shall have been approved by the competent military department. (三)派遣的搜救飞机和船舶如为军用的,已经军事主管部门批准。
Article 13 The conditions for approving the setup, removal, displacement or change of other conditions of a special navigation mark are as follows:   第十三条 专用航标的设置、撤除、位移和其他状况改变审批的条件:
(1) The navigation mark to be set up, removed, displaced or changed in respect of other conditions falls under special navigation marks set up by any citizen, legal person, or any other organization in accordance with the law, and falls under the scope of management functions of the maritime safety administration. (一)拟设置、撤除、位移和其他状况改变的航标属于依法由公民、法人或者其他组织自行设置且属于海事管理机构管理职责范围内的专用航标;
(2) The setup, removal, displacement or change of other conditions of the navigation mark complies with the requirements for navigation safety, economy, and convenience, among others, and the requirements for the normal use of the navigation mark. (二)航标的设置、撤除、位移和其他状况改变符合航行安全、经济、便利等要求及航标正常使用的要求;
(3) The navigation mark and its distribution comply with the relevant technical specifications and standards of the state. (三)航标及其配布符合国家有关技术规范和标准;
(4) The scheme for the design and construction of the navigation mark has been subjected to special technical assessment or expert demonstration. (四)航标设计、施工方案,已经专门的技术评估或者专家论证;
(5) To apply for setting up a navigation mark, a navigation mark maintenance scheme has been developed, and the maintenance entity determined in the scheme has established a quality guarantee system for the maintenance of navigation marks. (五)申请设置航标的,已制定航标维护方案,方案中确定的维护单位已建立航标维护质量保证体系。
Article 14 The conditions for licensing a foreign vessel's entry or temporary entry to a water area that is not open to the outside are as follows:   第十四条 外国籍船舶进入或者临时进入非对外开放水域许可的条件:
(1) The temporary entry of a foreign vessel to the water area that is not open to the outside has been approved by the local port inspection authority, competent military department, and local people's government. (一)外国籍船舶临时进入非对外开放水域已经当地口岸检查机关、军事主管部门、地方人民政府同意;
(2) The water area to be opened temporarily to the outside is fit for the entry of a foreign vessel, and has the safety, pollution prevention, and security conditions for the navigation, berth, and operation of vessels. (二)拟临时对外开放水域适合外国籍船舶进入,具备船舶航行、停泊、作业的安全、防污染和保安条件;
(3) The vessel status satisfies the requirements for water traffic safety, pollution prevention, and security for the water area to be entered. (三)船舶状况满足拟进入水域的水上交通安全、防污染和保安要求;
(4) The vessel has developed the measures and emergency response plans for water traffic safety control, pollution prevention, and security. (四)船舶已制定保障水上交通安全、防污染和保安的措施以及应急预案。
Article 15 The conditions for approving the port entry and exit of a vessel sailing on international routes are as follows:   第十五条 国际航行船舶进出口岸审批的条件:
The conditions for approving the port entry of a vessel sailing on international routes are as follows: 国际航行船舶进口岸审批的条件:
(1) The vessel has complete and valid certificates, documents, and materials. (一)船舶具有齐备、有效的证书、文书与资料;
(2) The manning of the vessel complies with the requirements for minimum safe manning, and the seafarers possess the competency. (二)船舶配员符合最低安全配员的要求,船员具备适任资格;
(3) The vessel status complies with safety, pollution prevention, security and other requirements for navigation, berth, and operation, and various safety, pollution prevention, and security measures and emergency response plans have been developed. If convoy is needed, an application has been filed with the maritime safety administration. (三)船舶状况符合航行、停泊、作业的安全、防污染和保安等要求,并已制定各项安全、防污染和保安措施与应急预案。需要护航的,已经向海事管理机构申请;
(4) The water area for the vessel to enter or pass is open to vessels sailing on international routes, and the wharfs, berths, and spots for loading and unloading outside the port satisfy the safety, pollution prevention, and security requirements. (四)船舶拟进入、通过的水域为对国际航行船舶开放水域,停靠的码头、泊位、港外装卸点满足安全、防污染和保安要求;
(5) The vessel that carries goods complies with the requirements for safe stowage and fastening, and has no goods or articles prohibited by the state from entering China; and the vessel that carries dangerous goods has undergone the declaration formalities for carrying dangerous goods as required. (五)载运货物的船舶,符合安全积载和系固的要求,并且没有国家禁止入境的货物或者物品;载运危险货物的船舶按规定已办理船舶载运危险货物申报手续;
(6) The nuclear-powered vessels or other specific vessels comply with the relevant provisions of China's laws, administrative regulations, and rules. (六)核动力船舶或者其他特定的船舶,符合我国法律、行政法规、规章的相关规定。
The conditions for approving the port exit of a vessel sailing on international routes are as follows: 国际航行船舶出口岸审批的条件:
(1) The vessel has complete and valid certificates, documents, and materials. (一)船舶具有齐备、有效的证书、文书与资料;
(2) The manning of the vessel complies with the requirements for minimum safe manning, and the seafarers possess the competency. (二)船舶配员符合最低安全配员的要求,船员具备适任资格;
(3) The vessel status satisfies safety, pollution prevention, security and other requirements for navigation, berth, and operation, and various safety, pollution prevention, and security measures and emergency response plans have been developed. If convoy is needed, an application has been filed with the maritime safety administration. (三)船舶状况符合航行、停泊、作业的安全、防污染和保安等要求,并已制定各项安全、防污染和保安措施与应急预案。需要护航的,已经向海事管理机构申请;
(4) The certificate of readiness to load has been obtained for the vessel that carries dangerous goods, and the carriage conditions comply with the requirements for safety, pollution prevention, and security management of a vessel that carries dangerous goods. (四)载运危险货物的船舶,已办妥适装许可,载运情况符合船舶载运危险货物的安全、防污染和保安管理要求;
(5) The safety inspection and defect correction of the vessel conducted by the flag state or the port state of the vessel comply with the prescribed requirements, and effective measures have been taken in answer to the warning of the maritime safety administration. (五)船舶船旗国或者港口国对船舶的安全检查情况和缺陷纠正情况符合规定的要求,对海事管理机构的警示,已经采取有效的措施;
(6) Taxes, fees, and other fees that shall be paid before navigation have been paid in accordance with the law, or appropriate security has been provided.

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