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Provisions on the Safety of the Production and Operation of Fireworks and Firecrackers [Effective]
烟花爆竹生产经营安全规定 [现行有效]

Order of the State Administration of Work Safety 


(Order No. 93) (第93号)

The Provisions on the Safety of the Production and Operation of Fireworks and Firecrackers, as deliberated and adopted at the 16th director's executive meeting of the State Administration of Work Safety on December 11, 2017, are hereby issued, and shall come into force on March 1, 2018. 《烟花爆竹生产经营安全规定》已经2017年12月11日国家安全生产监督管理总局第16次局长办公会议审议通过,现予公布,自2018年3月1日起施行。
Director: Wang Yupu 局长 王玉普
January 15, 2018 2018年1月15日
Provisions on the Safety of the Production and Operation of Fireworks and Firecrackers 烟花爆竹生产经营安全规定
Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总则

Article 1 To strengthen the safety of the production and operation of fireworks and firecrackers, and prevent and reduce work safety accidents, these Provisions are developed in accordance with the Work Safety Law of the People's Republic of China, the Regulation on the Safety Administration of Fireworks and Firecrackers and other relevant laws and administrative regulations.   第一条 为了加强烟花爆竹生产经营安全工作,预防和减少生产安全事故,根据《中华人民共和国安全生产法》和《烟花爆竹安全管理条例》等有关法律、行政法规,制定本规定。
Article 2 These Provisions shall apply to the work safety of the production enterprises of fireworks and firecrackers (hereinafter referred to as “production enterprises”), the wholesale enterprises of fireworks and firecrackers (hereinafter referred to as “wholesale enterprises”) and the retailers of fireworks and firecrackers (hereinafter referred to as “retailers”), and the supervision and administration thereof.   第二条 烟花爆竹生产企业(以下简称生产企业)、烟花爆竹批发企业(以下简称批发企业)和烟花爆竹零售经营者(以下简称零售经营者)的安全生产及其监督管理,适用本规定。
Production enterprises, wholesale enterprises and retailers are collectively referred to as “production and operation entities.” 生产企业、批发企业、零售经营者统称生产经营单位。
Article 3 Production and operation entities shall implement their responsibilities for work safety, and the persons chiefly in charge thereof (including legal representative, and actual controllers, here and below) are the first persons responsible for the work safety of these entities who are fully responsible for the work safety of the entities. Other persons in charge shall be responsible for the work safety of these entities within the scope of their respective functions.   第三条 生产经营单位应当落实安全生产主体责任,其主要负责人(包括法定代表人、实际控制人,下同)是本单位安全生产工作的第一责任人,对本单位的安全生产工作全面负责。其他负责人在各自职责范围内对本单位安全生产工作负责。
Article 4 The work safety supervision and administration departments of the local people's governments at or above the county level shall, under the principles of territorial regulation and being responsible by class and grade, conduct supervision and administration of the work safety of the production and operation entities within their respective administrative regions.   第四条 县级以上地方人民政府安全生产监督管理部门按照属地监管、分类分级负责的原则,对本行政区域内生产经营单位安全生产工作实施监督管理。
The work safety supervision and administration departments of the local people's governments at all levels shall, under the unified leadership of the people's governments at the same level, and according to the division of functions, investigate and punish the illegal production and operation of fireworks and firecrackers in accordance with the law in conjunction with other relevant departments 地方各级人民政府安全生产监督管理部门在本级人民政府的统一领导下,按照职责分工,会同其他有关部门依法查处非法生产经营烟花爆竹行为。
Chapter II the Work Safety Guarantee of Production and Operation Entities 

第二章 生产经营单位的安全生产保障

Article 5 Production and operation entities shall meet the work safety conditions as prescribed by the relevant laws and regulations and the national standards or industry standards, and obtain the corresponding administrative licenses in accordance with the law.   第五条 生产经营单位应当具备有关法律、行政法规和国家标准或者行业标准规定的安全生产条件,并依法取得相应行政许可。
Article 6 Production enterprises and wholesale enterprises shall establish and improve the work safety responsibility system for all employees, establish and improve the responsibility system for work safety, and develop and implement the work safety rules and regulations and operating procedures that cnform to the laws and administrative regulations and national standards or industry standards.   第六条 生产企业、批发企业应当建立健全全员安全生产责任制,建立健全安全生产工作责任体系,制定并落实符合法律、行政法规和国家标准或者行业标准的安全生产规章制度和操作规程。
Article 7 Production enterprises and wholesale enterprises shall continuously improve their work safety infrastructures, and constantly guarantee and improve work safety conditions.   第七条 生产企业、批发企业应当不断完善安全生产基础设施,持续保障和提升安全生产条件。
The lightning protection facilities of production enterprises and wholesale enterprises shall be designed and constructed by institutions with corresponding qualifications, so as to ensure that they conform to the provisions of the relevant national standards or industry standards; and the measures preventing electrostatic hazards shall conform to the provisions of the relevant national standards or industry standards. 生产企业、批发企业的防雷设施应当经具有相应资质的机构设计、施工,确保符合相关国家标准或者行业标准的规定;防范静电危害的措施应当符合相关国家标准或者行业标准的规定。
Production enterprises and wholesale enterprises shall, before their technological conditions change or their production and storage scales are expanded and products are put into production, conduct safety evaluation of the overall layouts, technological processes, hazardous workshops (warehouses), safety protection barriers, and fireproof, lightening-proof and static-proof facilities and other infrastructures. 生产企业、批发企业在工艺技术条件发生变化和扩大生产储存规模投入生产前,应当对企业的总体布局、工艺流程、危险性工(库)房、安全防护屏障、防火防雷防静电等基础设施进行安全评价。
After the issuance of new national standards and industry standards, production enterprises and wholesale enterprises shall conduct the compliance inspection of the overall layouts, technological processes, hazardous workshops (warehouses), safety protection barriers, and fireproof, lightening-proof and static-proof facilities and other infrastructures and the safety administration system of the enterprises, and take corresponding improvement measures according to the new national standards and industry standards. 新的国家标准、行业标准公布后,生产企业、批发企业应当对企业的总体布局、工艺流程、危险性工(库)房、安全防护屏障、防火防雷防静电等基础设施以及安全管理制度进行符合性检查,并依据新的国家标准、行业标准采取相应的改进、完善措施。
Production enterprises and wholesale enterprises shall be encouraged to develop and implement the enterprise standards that are stricter than national standards and industry standards. 鼓励生产企业、批发企业制定并实施严于国家标准、行业标准的企业标准。
Article 8 Production enterprises shall actively promote the progress of the production techniques and technologies of fireworks and firecrackers, adopt the mechanical equipment and production techniques with intrinsic safety, reliable performance and high degree of automation, and use safe and eco-friendly production raw materials. It is forbidden to use the production techniques, mechanical equipment and raw materials expressly prohibited or eliminated by the state. Employees are prohibited from entering enterprises with tools and equipment to engage in production operations.   第八条 生产企业应当积极推进烟花爆竹生产工艺技术进步,采用本质安全、性能可靠、自动化程度高的机械设备和生产工艺,使用安全、环保的生产原材料。禁止使用国家明令禁止或者淘汰的生产工艺、机械设备及原材料。禁止从业人员自行携带工具、设备进入企业从事生产作业。
Article 9 Before new technologies and new equipment are applied to the gunpowder-related production process of production enterprises, the institutions and experts with corresponding capabilities shall be organized to conduct the deliberation of safety performance and safety technical requirements.   第九条 生产企业的涉药生产环节采用新工艺、使用新设备前,应当组织具有相应能力的机构、专家进行安全性能、安全技术要求论证。
Article 10 Production enterprises and wholesale enterprises shall ensure the investment of work safety funds required for the following items:   第十条 生产企业、批发企业应当保证下列事项所需安全生产资金投入:
(1) Repair and maintenance of safety equipment and facilities. (一)安全设备设施维修维护;
(2) Renovation of workshops (warehouses) according to the conditions as prescribed by national standards and industry standards. (二)工(库)房按国家标准、行业标准规定的条件改造;
(3) Monitoring of key locations and warehouses. (三)重点部位和库房监控;
(4) Safety risk management and control and the screening, elimination and control of hidden dangers. (四)安全风险管控与隐患排查治理;
(5) Risk evaluation and safety assessment. (五)风险评估与安全评价;
(6) Work safety education and trainings. (六)安全生产教育培训;
(7) Equipment with labor protection supplies. (七)劳动防护用品配备;
(8) Equipment with emergency rescue equipment and supplies. (八)应急救援器材和物资配备;
(9) Emergency rescue trainings and drills. (九)应急救援训练及演练;
(10) Insuring against work safety liability and other work safety items requiring fund investment. (十)投保安全生产责任保险等其他需要投入资金的安全生产事项。
Article 11 Conspicuous safety warning signs shall be set up in the production areas, central warehouse areas, workshops (warehouses) and other production and business premises with large risk factors and on relevant facilities and equipment of production enterprises and wholesale enterprises; and accurate, clear, and conspicuous signs for personnel quota, gunpowder weight quota and grading shall be set up according to the national standards or industry standards.   第十一条 生产企业、批发企业的生产区、总仓库区、工(库)房及其他有较大危险因素的生产经营场所和有关设施设备上,应当设置明显的安全警示标志;所有工(库)房应当按照国家标准或者行业标准的规定设置准确、清晰、醒目的定员、定量、定级标识。
Retail business premises shall set up clear and conspicuous safety signs of “Inflammables and Explosives,” “Smoking or Open Flames Strictly Prohibited in Surrounding Areas,” and “Fireworks and Firecrackers Strictly Prohibited in Surrounding Areas.” 零售经营场所应当设置清晰、醒目的易燃易爆以及周边严禁烟火、严禁燃放烟花爆竹的安全标志。
Article 12 Production and operation entities shall conduct trainings of the employees of these entities on the safety knowledge on fireworks and firecrackers and post operation skills, among others, and the employees who do not receive work safety education and trainings shall not take up their posts. The special operation personnel engaging in dangerous working procedures and operations, among others, shall not take up their posts until they obtain the corresponding qualifications in accordance with the law.   第十二条 生产经营单位应当对本单位从业人员进行烟花爆竹安全知识、岗位操作技能等培训,未经安全生产教育和培训的从业人员,不得上岗作业。危险工序作业等特种作业人员应当依法取得相应资格,方可上岗作业。
The persons chiefly in charge of production and operation entities and work safety administration personnel shall pass the assessment on their work safety knowledge and administration capabilities conducted by the work safety supervision and administration departments. No one may charge fees for the assessment. 生产经营单位的主要负责人和安全生产管理人员应当由安全生产监督管理部门对其进行安全生产知识和管理能力考核合格。考核不得收费。
Article 13 Production enterprises may apply for the establishment of wholesale enterprises and retail business premises in accordance with the law. Wholesale enterprises may apply for the establishment of retail business premises in accordance with the law.   第十三条 生产企业可以依法申请设立批发企业和零售经营场所。批发企业可以依法申请设立零售经营场所。
Production and operation entities shall organize and conduct production and operation activities in strict accordance with the scope approved by work safety permits or operation permits. It is forbidden to engage in the production, operation and storage of fireworks and firecrackers in places other than those specified in the permits, or to continue to engage in production and operation activities after the expiration of the permits. It is forbidden to sell fireworks and firecrackers products that exceed the standards or violate bans, or illegal fireworks and firecrackers products. 生产经营单位应当严格按照安全生产许可或者经营许可批准的范围,组织开展生产经营活动。禁止在许可证载明的场所外从事烟花爆竹生产、经营、储存活动,禁止许可证过期继续从事生产经营活动。禁止销售超标、违禁烟花爆竹产品或者非法烟花爆竹产品。
No production enterprise may sell to other enterprises gunpowder-containing semi-finished products of fireworks and firecrackers, purchase semi-finished products of fireworks and firecrackers containing gunpowder from other enterprises and then process and sell them, or purchase the finished products of fireworks and firecrackers of other enterprises and sell them attaching its own labels.

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