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Notice of the General Office of the Ministry of Finance on Issuing the Guide to the Procurement Administration for Projects Using Loans and Grants from International Financial Organizations and Foreign Governments and the Guide to the Selection and Engagement of Procurement Agencies for Projects Using Loans and Grants from International Financial Organizations and Foreign Governments [Effective]
财政部办公厅关于印发《国际金融组织和外国政府贷款赠款项目采购管理工作指南》和《国际金融组织和外国政府贷款赠款项目采购代理机构选聘指南》的通知 [现行有效]

Notice of the General Office of the Ministry of Finance on Issuing the Guide to the Procurement Administration for Projects Using Loans and Grants from International Financial Organizations and Foreign Governments and the Guide to the Selection and Engagement of Procurement Agencies for Projects Using Loans and Grants from International Financial Organizations and Foreign Governments 


(No. 25 [2017] of the Ministry of Finance) (财办国合〔2017〕25号)

Relevant ministries and commissions of the State Council and the relevant institutions directly under the State Council; and the public finance departments (bureaus) of all provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government and cities under separate state planning (excluding Tibet); the Financial Bureau of Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps; and relevant central enterprises and financial institutions: 国务院有关部委、有关直属机构,各省、自治区、直辖市、计划单列市(不含西藏)财政厅(局),新疆建设兵团财务局,有关中央企业,金融机构:
For the purposes of implementing the Measures for the Administration of Loans and Grants from International Financial Organizations and Foreign Governments (Order No. 85, MOF), strengthening the procurement administration for projects using loans and grants from international financial organizations and foreign governments, and improving the efficiency of the use of funds of loans and grants, the Ministry of Finance has developed the Guide to the Procurement Administration for Projects Using Loans and Grants from International Financial Organizations and Foreign Governments and the Guide to the Selection and Engagement of Procurement Agencies for Projects Using Loans and Grants from International Financial Organizations and Foreign Governments, which are hereby issued to you. Please inform the problems encountered in the implementation thereof to the Ministry of Finance in writing. 为落实《国际金融组织和外国政府贷款赠款管理办法》(财政部令第85号),加强国际金融组织和外国政府贷款赠款项目采购管理工作,提高贷款赠款资金使用效益,现将我部制定的《国际金融组织和外国政府贷款赠款项目采购管理工作指南》和《国际金融组织和外国政府贷款赠款项目采购代理机构选聘指南》印发你单位。执行中如有问题,请函告我部。
Annexes: 附件:
1. Guide to the Procurement Administration for Projects Using Loans and Grants from International Financial Organizations and Foreign Governments 1.国际金融组织和外国政府贷款赠款项目采购管理工作指南
2. Guide to the Selection and Engagement of Procurement Agencies for Projects Using Loans and Grants from International Financial Organizations and Foreign Governments 2.国际金融组织和外国政府贷款赠款项目采购代理机构选聘指南
General Office of the Ministry of Finance 财政部办公厅
December 22, 2017 2017年12月22日
Annex 1 附件1:
Guide to the Procurement Administration for Projects Using Loans and Grants from International Financial Organizations and Foreign Governments 国际金融组织和外国政府贷款赠款项目采购管理工作指南
For the purposes of strengthening the administration of procurement with loans and grants from international financial organizations and foreign governments (hereinafter referred to as the “loans and grants”), regulating the procurement act, guaranteeing the quality of procurement and improving the fund utilization efficiency of loans and grants, this Guide is developed according to the Measures for the Administration of Loans and Grants from International Financial Organizations and Foreign Governments (Order No. 85, MOF) and the relevant laws and regulations. 为了加强国际金融组织和外国政府贷款赠款(以下简称贷款赠款)采购管理,规范采购行为,保证采购质量,提高贷款赠款资金使用效益,根据《国际金融组织和外国政府贷款赠款管理办法》(财政部令第85号)及相关法律法规,制定本指南。
I. Application Scope, Principles and Definitions   一、适用范围、原则及定义
1. For procurement using loans and grants in whole or in part, the project procurement activities shall be carried out according to the legal documents reached by and between the party offering loans and grants and the Chinese party (see Article 84 of the Government Procurement Law of the People's Republic of China and Article 67 of the Bidding Law of the People's Republic of China). (一)全部及部分使用贷款赠款进行的采购,均应遵照贷款赠款方与中方达成的法律文件开展项目采购活动(参见《中华人民共和国政府采购法》第八十四条和《中华人民共和国招标投标法》第六十七条)。
For the purpose of this Guide, “legal documents on loans and grants” means the government agreements, agreements on loans and grants, project agreements, memorandum on the evaluation of loans and grants, and other agreements reached between the party offering loans and grants and the Chinese party. 本指南所称贷款赠款法律文件,是指政府协定、贷款赠款协定、项目协议、贷款赠款评估备忘录等贷款赠款方与中方达成的协议。
2. The procurement with loans and grants shall be administered under the principles of consistency between power and responsibility, legal procedures, openness and transparency, prevention of risks and promoting fair competition and efficiency of procurement activities. (二)贷款赠款采购管理应当遵循权责对等、程序合法、公开透明、防范风险以及促进采购活动公平竞争、高效开展的原则。
3. The term “method of procurement with loans and grants” means bidding and other procurement methods adopted for determining suppliers of goods, projects and services according to the legal documents on loans and grants. (三)贷款赠款采购方式是指根据贷款赠款法律文件规定,确定货物、工程和服务的供应商时所采用的招标和其他采购方式。
4. The procedures for procurement with loans and grants shall generally include three stages, namely preliminary preparation, procurement organization, conclusion and implementation of contracts. (四)贷款赠款采购程序一般包括前期准备、采购组织、合同签订和执行三个阶段。
II. Preliminary Preparation   二、关于前期准备
1. A project implementation entity shall, according to the requirements of the party offering loans and grants and the relevant domestic provisions, develop the feasibility study report, fund application, procurement list, procurement plan and other documents. To modify or adjust the procurement list and procurement plan, a project implementation entity shall undergo the relevant domestic examination and approval formalities. (一)项目实施单位应按贷款赠款方要求及国内有关规定编报可行性研究报告、资金申请报告和采购清单、采购计划等文件。采购清单、采购计划如需变更或调整,项目实施单位应当履行国内相关审批手续。
2. Where the procurement list and modification or adjustment to the procurement list needs to be subject to examination, approval or recordation of the party offering loans and grants, the project implementation entity shall undergo the relevant formalities. (二)采购清单及采购清单变更或调整需经贷款赠款方审批或备案的,项目实施单位应办理相关手续。
3. A project implementation entity shall, according to the procurement list and in consideration of the project implementation progress, develop an annual plan for procurement with loans and grants, mainly including procurement methods, procurement contents, procurement budget, and execution cycle. (三)项目实施单位应当依据采购清单并结合项目实施进度编制年度贷款赠款采购计划,主要包括采购方式、采购内容、采购预算、执行周期等。
4. A project implementation entity that needs a procurement agency to handle the procurement matters or provide relevant procurement services shall select and determine the procurement agency according to the legal rules concerning government procurement and the Guide to the Selection and Engagement of Procurement Agencies for Projects Using Loans and Grants. (四)项目实施单位需要采购代理机构办理采购事宜或提供采购相关服务的,应按照政府采购法律制度及《贷款赠款项目采购代理机构选聘指南》,选择确定采购代理机构。
A project implementation entity may authorize a project coordination institution to select and determine a procurement agency on its behalf according to the relevant administrative provisions on the selection and engagement of agency for procurement with loans and grants. 项目实施单位可委托项目协调机构,按照贷款赠款采购代理机构选聘相关管理规定,代为选择确定采购代理机构。
5. A project implementation entity shall guarantee that the funds for project procurement are put in place, and truthfully specify such funds in the bidding documents and other procurement documents. (五)项目实施单位应当保证项目采购的资金落实到位,并在招标文件等采购文件中如实载明。
6. A project implementation entity shall carry out procurement with loans and grants after an agreement on loans and grants comes into force. Where the legal documents on loans and grants prescribe that retrospective loans and grants may be used for procurement in advance, such provisions shall apply. (六)项目实施单位应当在贷款赠款协议生效后开展贷款赠款采购活动。贷款赠款法律文件规定可使用追溯贷款赠款进行提前采购的,从其规定。
Before carrying out project procurement, a project implementation entity shall undergo the relevant examination and approval formalities at home and abroad, and ensure the implementation of the procurement plan according to the project implementation progress. 在项目采购活动开展前,项目实施单位应当完成国内外相关审批手续,并保证按照项目执行进度实施采购计划。
III. Procurement Organization   三、关于采购组织
1. A project implementation entity shall select appropriate procurement methods according to the relevant provisions of the legal documents on loans and grants. (一)项目实施单位应当按照贷款赠款法律文件的相关规定选择合适的采购方式。
2. A project implementation entity that carries out project procurement by bidding shall develop bidding documents for projects using loans and grants in accordance with the sample bidding documents designated by the party offering loans and grants. (二)项目实施单位通过招标开展项目采购的,应当按照贷款赠款方指定的招标文件范本编制贷款赠款项目招标文件。
“Bidding documents” means the bidding documents as prescribed in the legal documents on loans and grants. The main contents shall include: the commercial part, the technical part and the contract text to be concluded, among others. Where the qualifications of bidders are otherwise prescribed in the legal documents on loans and grants, such provisions shall prevail. 招标文件,是指贷款赠款法律文件规定的招标文件。其主要内容应当包括:商务部分、技术部分和拟签订的合同文本等。贷款赠款法律文件对投标人资格条件另有规定的,从其规定。
After the bidding documents are developed, the project implementation entity shall, according to the relevant laws and regulations issued by the state, submit them to the relevant domestic departments for examination and approval or recordation (if necessary). Where it is otherwise prescribed in the legal documents on loans and grants, the bidding documents shall be submitted to the party offering loans and grants for examination and approval or recordation. 招标文件编制完成后,由项目实施单位按照国家相关法律规定报送国内有关部门审批或备案(如需要)。贷款赠款法律文件另有规定的,招标文件应当报送贷款赠款方审批或备案。
3. A project implementation entity shall, in accordance with the relevant legal provisions issued by the state and the provisions of the legal documents on loans and grants, develop a bidding announcement and issue the bidding announcement through the prescribed media. Where the legal documents on loans and grants stipulates that the bidding announcement shall be submitted to the party offering loans and grants for examination and approval or recordation, the project implementation entity shall submit it in a timely manner. (三)项目实施单位应当按照国家相关法律规定、贷款赠款法律文件的规定编写招标公告,并通过规定的媒介发布招标公告。贷款赠款法律文件规定招标公告应当报送贷款赠款方审批或备案的,项目实施单位应及时办理。
4. Where a project implementation entity conducts procurement with loans and grants at http://www.chinabidding.com/ and https://www.chinabidding.cn/, and on the China Tendering and Bidding Public Service Platform, the provincial electronic tendering and bidding public service platform or the public resources trading platform and other platforms according to the requirements of the relevant domestic departments, the relevant procurement procedures, conditions and review requirements, among others, shall comply with the provisions of the legal documents on loans and grants. (四)项目实施单位根据国内有关部门要求,进入中国国际招标网、中国采购与招标网、中国招标投标公共服务平台、省级电子招标投标公共服务平台或公共资源交易平台等开展贷款赠款采购的,具体的采购程序、条件、评审要求等应当符合贷款赠款法律文件规定。
5. The bid evaluation committee established by the project implementation entity according to the law shall be responsible for the bid evaluation. A bid evaluation committee shall be composed of the representatives of the project implementation entity and review experts. (五)评标由项目实施单位依法组建的评标委员会负责。评标委员会由项目实施单位代表、评审专家组成。
The review experts shall be familiar with the procurement policies, procurement procedures and conditions of the relevant party offering loans and grants and the sample bidding documents of the party offering loans and grants, and have the necessary experience and capabilities for reviewing the specific procurement projects. 评审专家应当熟悉相关贷款赠款方采购政策、采购程序和条件以及贷款赠款方的招标采购文件范本,具备具体采购项目评审所必备的经验和能力。
A project implementation entity that is unable to select appropriate review experts from the existing expert database may select review experts satisfying the requirements for procurement with loans and grants on its own. 项目实施单位难以在现有专家库中选定合适评审专家的,可以自行选定符合贷款赠款采购要求的评审专家。
6. The members of the bid evaluation committee shall, under the principles of objectivity, impartiality and prudence, and according to the bid evaluation procedures, bid evaluation methods and bid evaluation standards determined in the bidding documents, conduct independent bid evaluation. Where it is otherwise prescribed in the legal documents on loans and grants, such provisions shall prevail. (六)评标委员会成员应当按照客观、公正、审慎的原则,根据招标文件确定的评标程序、评标方法和评标标准进行独立评审。贷款赠款法律文件另有规定的,从其规定。
7. A project implementation entity shall determine the bid winner according to the bid evaluation report of the bid evaluation committee, and shall report to the relevant competent department of the state for examination and approval or recordation (if necessary). Where it is otherwise prescribed in the legal documents on loans and grants, the bid evaluation report shall be submitted to the party offering loans and grants for examination and approval or recordation. (七)项目实施单位根据评标委员会的评标报告确定中标人,并按规定报送国家有关主管部门审批或备案(如需要)。贷款赠款法律文件另有规定的,评标报告应当报贷款赠款方审批或备案。
8. A project implementation entity shall publish the bid evaluation results. Where it is otherwise prescribed in the legal documents on loans and grants concerning the publication of the bid evaluation results, such provisions shall apply. (八)项目实施单位应对评标结果进行公示。贷款赠款法律文件对评标结果公示另有规定的,从其规定。
9. Where a bidder, supplier, party offering loans and grants or relevant department of the state raises any question about, or challenge or objection to the bid evaluation result or transaction result, the project implementation entity shall organize and coordinate appropriate handling and response in a timely manner. Where it is otherwise prescribed in the legal documents on loans or grants concerning handling any question about, or challenge or objection to the bid evaluation result, bid winning or transaction result, such provisions shall apply. (九)投标人、供应商、贷款赠款方或国家有关部门对评标结果、成交结果提出疑问、质疑或异议的,项目实施单位应当及时组织、协调作出妥善处理和答复。贷款赠款法律文件对于评标、中标和成交结果及疑问、质疑或异议处理另有规定的,从其规定。
IV. Conclusion and Implementation of Contract   四、关于合同签订和执行
1. After the bid winner is determined through bidding, the project implementation entity shall, according to the relevant provisions of the bidding documents, conclude a contract with the bid winner. The contents of the contract shall be consistent with the relevant contents of the bidding documents, and shall not be changed substantially.

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