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Measures for the Administration of Grassroots Legal Service Workers (2017 Revision) [Effective]
基层法律服务工作者管理办法(2017修订) [现行有效]

Order of the Ministry of Justice 


(No. 138) (第138号)

The Measures for the Administration of Grassroots Legal Service Workers have been revised and adopted at the executive meeting of the Ministry of Justice. The revised Measures for the Administration of Grassroots Legal Service Workers are hereby issued and shall come into force on February 1, 2018. 基层法律服务工作者管理办法》已经司法部部务会议修订通过,现将修订后的《基层法律服务工作者管理办法》公布,自2018年2月1日起施行。
Minister: Zhang Jun 部长  张军
December 25, 2017 2017年12月25日
Measures for the Administration of Grassroots Legal Service Workers 基层法律服务工作者管理办法
(Issued by Order No. 60 of the Ministry of Justice on March 30, 2000 and revised according to Order No. 138 of the Ministry of Justice on December 25, 2017) (2000年3月30日司法部令第60号公布,根据2017年12月25日司法部令第138号修订)
Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总则

Article 1 For the purpose of strengthening the supervision and administration of grassroots legal service workers and protecting the lawful practicing of grassroots legal service workers, these Measures are developed according to the relevant laws and regulations.   第一条 为加强对基层法律服务工作者的监督和管理,保障基层法律服务工作者依法执业,根据有关法律法规,制定本办法。
Article 2 Personnel that meet the practicing conditions as prescribed in these Measures, that obtain the Practicing Certificate of a Grassroots Legal Service Worker upon confirmation by the judicial administrative authority, that practice at grassroots legal service offices, and that provide legal services for the public are grassroots legal service workers.   第二条 符合本办法规定的执业条件,经司法行政机关核准取得《基层法律服务工作者执业证》,在基层法律服务所执业,为社会提供法律服务的人员,是基层法律服务工作者。
Article 3 The duties of grassroots legal service workers are providing legal services, protecting the lawful rights and interests of parties, maintaining the correct implementation of laws, and promoting social stability, economic development and legal construction within the business scope and according to the practicing requirements as prescribed by the Ministry of Justice (“MOJ”).   第三条 基层法律服务工作者的职责是按照司法部规定的业务范围和执业要求,开展法律服务,维护当事人合法权益,维护法律正确实施,促进社会稳定、经济发展和法治建设。
The practice of law by grassroots legal service workers according to the law shall be protected by law, and no organization or individual shall infringe upon the lawful rights and interests thereof. 基层法律服务工作者依法执业受法律保护,任何组织和个人不得侵害其合法权益。
Article 4 Grassroots legal service workers shall take upholding the leadership of the Communist Party of China and the socialist rule of law as the basic requirements for their practice.   第四条 基层法律服务工作者应当把拥护中国共产党领导、拥护社会主义法治作为从业的基本要求。
Article 5 The judicial administrative authority shall manage and direct grassroots legal service workers according to these Measures.   第五条 司法行政机关依据本办法对基层法律服务工作者进行管理和指导。
Chapter II Conditions for Practice of Law 

第二章 执业条件

Article 6 To apply for practice of law, a grassroots legal service worker shall meet the following conditions:   第六条 申请基层法律服务工作者执业,应当具备下列条件:
(1) He or she shall uphold the Constitution of the People's Republic of China. (一)拥护中华人民共和国宪法
(2) He or she has a bachelor's degree in law from an institution of higher education, and has passed the examination organized by the judicial administrative authority of the province, autonomous region, or municipality directly under the Central Government. (二)高等学校法律专业本科毕业,参加省、自治区、直辖市司法行政机关组织的考试合格;
(3) He or she has good character and conduct. (三)品行良好;
(4) He or she is healthy. (四)身体健康;
(5) He or she has completed one-year internship at a grassroots legal service office, except when he or she has two or more years of other legal professional experience. (五) 在基层法律服务所实习满一年,但具有二年以上其他法律职业经历的除外。
Autonomous counties (banners) of all provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government, key counties for development-oriented poverty reduction of the state approved and determined by the State Council, and counties within the jurisdictions of the provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government in the western regions may relax the academic qualification prescribed in subparagraph 2 of the preceding paragraph to associate bachelor's degree in law from a institution of higher education, or bachelor's degree not in law with legal expertise. 各省、自治区、直辖市的自治县(旗),国务院审批确定的国家扶贫开发工作重点县,西部地区省、自治区、直辖市所辖县,可以将前款第二项规定的学历专业条件放宽为高等学校法律专业专科毕业,或者非法律专业本科毕业并具有法律专业知识。
Article 7 A person that has legal professional qualification or has obtained the qualification for practicing as a grassroots legal service worker and that complies with the provisions of subparagraphs 1, 3, 4 and 5 of paragraph 1 of Article 6 of these Measures may also apply for confirmation of practicing as a grassroots legal service worker.   第七条 具有法律职业资格或者曾经取得基层法律服务工作者执业资格的人员,符合本办法第六条第一款第一、三、四、五项规定的,也可以申请基层法律服务工作者执业核准。
Article 8 A person falling under one of the following circumstances shall not take the examination as prescribed in subparagraph 2 of paragraph 1 of Article 6 of these Measures or apply for confirmation of practicing:   第八条 有下列情形之一的人员,不得参加本办法第六条第一款第二项规定的考试或者申请执业核准:
(1) He or she is given criminal punishment for intentional offense. (一)因故意犯罪受到刑事处罚的;
(2) He or she is removed from public office. (二)被开除公职的;
(3) He or she has no civil capacity or limited civil capacity. (三)无民事行为能力或者限制民事行为能力的。
Chapter III Confirmation of Practicing 

第三章 执业核准

Article 9 A judicial administrative authority at the districted city level or a district (county) judicial administrative authority of the municipality directly under the Central Government shall be responsible for the confirmation of practicing of grassroots legal service workers, and issue the Practicing Certificate of a Grassroots Legal Service Worker.   第九条 设区的市级或者直辖市的区(县)司法行政机关负责基层法律服务工作者执业核准,颁发《基层法律服务工作者执业证》。
Article 10 To apply for confirmation of practicing, a grassroots legal service worker shall complete the registration form for application for practicing and submit the following materials:   第十条 申请基层法律服务工作者执业核准的,应当填写申请执业登记表,并提交下列材料:
(1) the diploma and certificate on passing the examination as prescribed in Article 6 of these Measures, or the qualification certificate as prescribed in Article 7 of these Measures; (一)符合本办法第六条规定的学历证书和考试合格证明,或者第七条规定的资格证书;
(2) the appraisal opinions of the grassroots legal service office on the applicant's internship performance, or the certificate on the applicant's two or more years of legal professional experience; (二)基层法律服务所对申请人实习表现的鉴定意见,或者具有二年以上其他法律职业经历的证明;
(3) the certificate issued by a grassroots legal service office on agreeing to accept the applicant; and (三)基层法律服务所出具的同意接收申请人的证明;
(4) the identity certificate of the applicant. (四)申请人的身份证明。
Article 11 The materials on applying for confirmation of practicing shall be submitted by the grassroots legal service office intending to employ the applicant to the judicial administrative authority at the county level where it is located for examination, be submitted to the judicial administrative authority at the districted city level for review after the judicial administrative authority at the county level where it is located issues examination opinions, or be submitted by the grassroots legal service office intending to employ the applicant to the district (county) judicial administrative authority of the municipality directly under the Central Government where it is located for review.   第十一条 申请执业核准材料,由拟聘用申请人的基层法律服务所提交所在地县级司法行政机关审查,由其出具审查意见后报设区的市级司法行政机关审核,或者由拟聘用申请人的基层法律服务所报所在地直辖市的区(县)司法行政机关审核。
Article 12 The practicing confirmation authority shall complete review within 20 days of the date of accepting an application, and make a written decision of approving or disapproving the practicing confirmation. Where practicing confirmation is disapproved, the reasons shall be stated in the decision.   第十二条 执业核准机关应当自决定受理申请之日起二十日内完成审核,作出准予执业核准或者不准予执业核准的书面决定。不准予执业核准的,应当在决定中说明理由。
To an applicant whose practicing confirmation is approved, the practicing confirmation authority shall issue a Practicing Certificate of a Grassroots Legal Service Worker. 对准予执业核准的申请人,由执业核准机关颁发《基层法律服务工作者执业证》。
An applicant with objection to the decision of disapproving the practicing confirmation may, according to the Administrative Reconsideration Law of the People's Republic of China and the relevant provisions of the MOJ, apply for administrative reconsideration. 申请人对不准予执业核准决定有异议的,可以依照《中华人民共和国行政复议法》和司法部有关规定申请行政复议。
Article 13 Where a person applying for practicing confirmation falls under one of the following circumstances, the judicial administrative authority shall make a decision of disapproving the practicing confirmation:   第十三条 对有下列情形之一的申请执业核准的人员,司法行政机关应当作出不准予执业核准的决定:
(1) He or she falls under one of the circumstances as prescribed in Article 8 of these Measures. (一)具有本办法第八条规定情形之一的;
(2) His or her employment contract or labor contract has been terminated by the grassroots legal service office due to serious violation of the law, discipline or regulation. (二)曾因严重违法违纪违规行为被基层法律服务所解除聘用合同或者劳动合同的;
(3) He or she has been subject to suspension of the lawyer's practicing certificate or the term of the penalty of stopping practicing has not expired. (三)曾被吊销律师执业证书或者受到停止执业处罚期限未满的;
(4) He or she has legal professional qualification, qualification of lawyer, or qualification of notary, and has been providing relevant services at a law firm or notary institution. (四)具有法律职业资格或者律师资格、公证员资格并已在律师事务所或者公证机构执业的。
Article 14 Persons that meet the conditions as prescribed in Article 6 or Article 7 of these Measures, that work at the education and scientific research departments, work at private enterprises, or engage in agriculture, and that are employed by grassroots legal service offices may carry out grassroots legal service work on a part-time basis, except the case when persons working at education and scientific research departments are not allowed to take part-time jobs under the relevant provisions. Applicants for practicing confirmation of part-time grassroots legal services shall undergo the formalities according to the conditions and procedures as prescribed in these Measures.   第十四条 符合本办法第六条或者第七条规定的条件,在教育科研部门工作、民营企业工作或者务农的人员,经基层法律服务所聘用,可以兼职从事基层法律服务工作,但在教育科研部门工作的人员按照有关规定不得兼职的除外。申请兼职基层法律服务者执业核准,按照本办法规定的条件和程序办理。
The number of part-time grassroots legal service workers employed by a grassroots legal service office shall not exceed the number of full-time grassroots legal service workers. 基层法律服务所聘用兼职基层法律服务工作者的人数,不得超过专职基层法律服务工作者的人数。
Article 15 To change the office of practice, a grassroots legal service worker shall, upon strength of the certificate on termination of the employment relationship or labor relationship with the original grassroots legal service office where he or she has worked and the certificate proving that the new grassroots legal service office agrees to accept the worker, and under the procedures as prescribed in these Measures, apply for replacing the Practicing Certificate of a Grassroots Legal Service Worker.   第十五条 基层法律服务工作者变更执业机构的,持与原执业的基层法律服务所解除聘用关系、劳动关系的证明和拟变更的基层法律服务所同意接收的证明,按照本办法规定的程序,申请更换《基层法律服务工作者执业证》。
Under one of the following circumstances, a grassroots legal service worker shall not change the office of practice: 有下列情形之一的,基层法律服务工作者不得变更执业机构:
(1) The formalities for the transfer of business or work undertaken by him or her have not been completed. (一)本人承办的业务或者工作交接手续尚未办结;
(2) There is still debtor-creditor relationship between him or her and the grassroots legal service office where he or her works. (二)本人与所在基层法律服务所尚存在债权债务关系;
(3) He or her has acts in violation of the practicing disciplines under investigation. (三)本人有正在接受调查处理的违反执业纪律的行为。
Article 16 Where a grassroots legal service falls under one of the following circumstances, the practicing confirmation authority shall cancel and withdraw the Practicing Certificate of a Grassroots Legal Service Worker:   第十六条 基层法律服务工作者有下列情形之一的,由执业核准机关注销并收回《基层法律服务工作者执业证》:
(1) His or her employment contract or labor contract is terminated by the grassroots legal service office due to his or her serious violation of the law, discipline or regulation. (一)因严重违法违纪违规行为被基层法律服务所解除聘用合同或者劳动合同的;
(2) His or her employment contract or labor contract with the grassroots legal service office is terminated, or the grassroots legal service office where he or she works is deregistered, and he or she is not employed by any other grassroots legal service office within six months. (二)因与基层法律服务所解除聘用合同、劳动合同或者所在的基层法律服务所被注销,在六个月内未被其他基层法律服务所聘用的;
(3) He or she applies for cancellation. (三)因本人申请注销的;
(4) He or she stops practicing for other reasons. (四)因其他原因停止执业的。
Article 17 A grassroots legal service worker shall appropriately keep the Practicing Certificate of a Grassroots Legal Service Worker, and shall not forge, alter, mortgage, lend or lease it.
   第十七条 基层法律服务工作者应当妥善保管《基层法律服务工作者执业证》,不得伪造、涂改、抵押、出借、出租。

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