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Measures for Implementation of the Law of the People's Republic of China on Maternal and Infant Health Care (2017 Revision) [Revised]
中华人民共和国母婴保健法实施办法(2017修订) [已被修订]

Measures for Implementation of the Law of the People's Republic of China on Maternal and Infant Health Care 


(Issued by Order No. 308 of the State Council of the People's Republic of China on June 20, 2001, and revised in accordance with Decision of the State Council to Amend Certain Administrative Regulations, Order No. 690 of the State Council on November 17, 2017)

 (2001年6月20日中华人民共和国国务院令第308号公布 根据2017年11月17日《国务院关于修改部分行政法规的决定》修订)

Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总则

Article 1 These Measures are formulated in accordance with the Law of the People's Republic of China on Maternal and Infant Health Care (hereinafter referred to as the Law on Maternal and Infant Health Care).   第一条 根据《中华人民共和国母婴保健法》(以下简称母婴保健法),制定本办法。
Article 2 The institutions engaging in maternal and infant health care services within the territory of the People's Republic of China and their staff shall observe the Law on Maternal and Infant Health Care and these Measures.   第二条 在中华人民共和国境内从事母婴保健服务活动的机构及其人员应当遵守母婴保健法和本办法。
The family planning technical services performed by institutions engaging in family planning technical services are governed by the Regulations on Administration of Technical Services for Family Planning. 从事计划生育技术服务的机构开展计划生育技术服务活动,依照《计划生育技术服务管理条例》的规定执行。
Article 3 The technical services for maternal and infant health care mainly include the following items:   第三条 母婴保健技术服务主要包括下列事项:
(1) popular science dissemination, education and consultation of maternal and infant health care; (一)有关母婴保健的科普宣传、教育和咨询;
(2) pre-marital medical examination; (二)婚前医学检查;
(3) prenatal diagnosis and genetic disease diagnosis; (三)产前诊断和遗传病诊断;
(4) skills of midwifery; (四)助产技术;
(5) performance of birth control surgery according to medical needs; (五)实施医学上需要的节育手术;
(6) disease screening for newborn babies; and (六)新生儿疾病筛查;
(7) other reproductive health care services on childbearing, birth control and infertility. (七)有关生育、节育、不育的其他生殖保健服务。
Article 4 The citizens have the right to learn the truth of and to choose maternal and infant health care. The state guarantees citizens' right to have appropriate maternal and infant health care services.   第四条 公民享有母婴保健的知情选择权。国家保障公民获得适宜的母婴保健服务的权利。
Article 5 The maternal and infant health care shall focus on health care for the purpose of safeguarding reproductive health, and implement the policy of combining health care with clinic treatments, meeting the needs of various groups and the needs of citizens at the grass-roots level, and giving priority to prevention.   第五条 母婴保健工作以保健为中心,以保障生殖健康为目的,实行保健和临床相结合,面向群体、面向基层和预防为主的方针。
Article 6 The people's governments at various levels shall include maternal and infant health care into their plans for economic and social development, provide necessary economic, technical and material conditions for the development of maternal and infant health care, and give special support to the maternal and infant health care in areas inhabited by ethnic minorities and in poverty-stricken areas.   第六条 各级人民政府应当将母婴保健工作纳入本级国民经济和社会发展计划,为母婴保健事业的发展提供必要的经济、技术和物质条件,并对少数民族地区、贫困地区的母婴保健事业给予特殊支持。
The people's governments at or above the county level may, in light of the particular conditions and needs of their respective localities, set up special fund for the development of maternal and infant health care undertaking. 县级以上地方人民政府根据本地区的实际情况和需要,可以设立母婴保健事业发展专项资金。
Article 7 The health administrative department under the State Council shall be responsible for the work of maternal and infant health care throughout the country, and perform the following duties:   第七条 国务院卫生行政部门主管全国母婴保健工作,履行下列职责:
(1) to formulate supporting rules and technical norms for the Law on Maternal and Infant Health Care and these Measures; (一)制定母婴保健法及本办法的配套规章和技术规范;
(2) to formulate national development plan and implementing procedures for the maternal and infant health care on the principle of guiding the work in light of the particular conditions of different areas and different administrative levels; (二)按照分级分类指导的原则,制定全国母婴保健工作发展规划和实施步骤;
(3) to organize the popularization of appropriate technologies for maternal and infant health care and other reproductive health services; (三)组织推广母婴保健及其他生殖健康的适宜技术;
(4) to exercise supervision over the work of maternal and infant health care. (四)对母婴保健工作实施监督。
Article 8 The departments of public finance, public security, civil affairs, education, labor security and family planning of the people's governments at or above county level shall, within the scope of their respective functions, coordinate efforts with the health administrative department at the same levels in the work of maternal and infant health care.   第八条 县级以上各级人民政府财政、公安、民政、教育、劳动保障、计划生育等部门应当在各自职责范围内,配合同级卫生行政部门做好母婴保健工作。
Chapter II Pre-marital Health Care 

第二章 婚前保健

Article 9 The pre-marital health instructions as referred to in Article 7 of the Law on Maternal and Infant Health Care include the following items:   第九条 母婴保健法七条所称婚前卫生指导,包括下列事项:
(1) health care and education on sexual hygiene; (一)有关性卫生的保健和教育;
(2) contraception and family planning instructions for newly-married couples; (二)新婚避孕知识及计划生育指导;
(3) pre-conception health care knowledge such as preparation for pregnancy and the influence of environment and diseases on offspring; (三)受孕前的准备、环境和疾病对后代影响等孕前保健知识;
(4) basic knowledge on genetic diseases; (四)遗传病的基本知识;
(5) basic knowledge on diseases affecting the marriage and childbearing; and (五)影响婚育的有关疾病的基本知识;
(6) other knowledge on reproductive health. (六)其他生殖健康知识。
The doctors shall, when conducting pre-marital health consultations, provide scientific information to their clients, give instructions on possible consequences and offer appropriate advice. 医师进行婚前卫生咨询时,应当为服务对象提供科学的信息,对可能产生的后果进行指导,并提出适当的建议。
Article 10 In the regions operating a system of pre-marital medical examination, both the male and the female planning to get married shall, before marriage registration, undergo pre-marital medical examination in medical care or health institutions.   第十条 在实行婚前医学检查的地区,准备结婚的男女双方在办理结婚登记前,应当到医疗、保健机构进行婚前医学检查。
Article 11 The medical care or health institutions conducting pre-marital medical examinations are subject to the examination of the health administrative department of the people's governments of the cities divided into districts where such institutions are located; those medical care or health institutions meeting the requirements shall be given a clear indication on the Practicing License of the Medical Institution.   第十一条 从事婚前医学检查的医疗、保健机构,由其所在地设区的市级人民政府卫生行政部门进行审查;符合条件的,在其《医疗机构执业许可证》上注明。
Article 12 To apply for engaging in the pre-marital medical examination, a medical care or health institution shall meet the following requirements:   第十二条 申请从事婚前医学检查的医疗、保健机构应当具备下列条件:
(1) having separate examination rooms for male and female, and fitted with equipment for routine and special examinations; (一)分别设置专用的男、女婚前医学检查室,配备常规检查和专科检查设备;
(2) having a room for pre-marital reproductive health publicity and education; (二)设置婚前生殖健康宣传教育室;
(3) being staffed with licensed doctors qualified for pre-marital medical examination for male and female. (三)具有符合条件的进行男、女婚前医学检查的执业医师。
Article 13 A pre-marital medical examination includes inquiry on medical history, physical examination and other relevant examinations.   第十三条 婚前医学检查包括询问病史、体格及相关检查。
The pre-marital medical examination shall conform to the work norms for pre-marital health care, and be conducted in accordance with the items of pre-marital medical examination. The work norms of pre-marital health care and the items of pre-marital medical examination shall be provided for by the health administrative department under the State Council. 婚前医学检查应当遵守婚前保健工作规范并按照婚前医学检查项目进行。婚前保健工作规范和婚前医学检查项目由国务院卫生行政部门规定。
Article 14 After a pre-marital medical examination, the medical care or health institution shall issue a pre-marital medical examination certificate to the persons who have undergone such examination.   第十四条 经婚前医学检查,医疗、保健机构应当向接受婚前医学检查的当事人出具婚前医学检查证明。
The pre-marital medical examination certificate shall state whether the following diseases are detected: 婚前医学检查证明应当列明是否发现下列疾病:
(1) designated infectious diseases in the infectious period; (一)在传染期内的指定传染病;
(2) relevant mental diseases in the morbid period; (二)在发病期内的有关精神病;
(3) serious genetic diseases inappropriate for childbearing; (三)不宜生育的严重遗传性疾病;
(4) other diseases that are medically considered inappropriate for marriage. (四)医学上认为不宜结婚的其他疾病。
The doctors shall, upon detection of the diseases referred to in the Item (1), (2) or (3) of the preceding paragraph, explain the situation to the parties concerned, give advice on the prevention and treatment of such diseases, and propose corresponding medical measures. The parties concerned may, in accordance with the medical advice of doctors, postpone the marriage or voluntarily take long-acting contraceptive measures or undergo ligation operations; the medical care or health institution shall provide medical consultations and services for the treatment. 发现前款第(一)项、第(二)项、第(三)项疾病的,医师应当向当事人说明情况,提出预防、治疗以及采取相应医学措施的建议。当事人依据医生的医学意见,可以暂缓结婚,也可以自愿采用长效避孕措施或者结扎手术;医疗、保健机构应当为其治疗提供医学咨询和医疗服务。
Article 15 Where a medical care or health institution, after pre-marital medical examination, fails to make a definite diagnosis, the case shall be transferred to a medical care or health institution designated by the health administrative department under the people's government at or above the level of city divided into districts for a definite diagnosis.   第十五条 经婚前医学检查,医疗、保健机构不能确诊的,应当转到设区的市级以上人民政府卫生行政部门指定的医疗、保健机构确诊。
Article 16 In regions operating a system of pre-marital medical examination, the marriage registration organ shall, when handling marriage registration, examine the pre-marital medical examination certificate or the certificate of medical appraisement prescribed in Article 11 of the Law on Maternal and Infant Health Care.
   第十六条 在实行婚前医学检查的地区,婚姻登记机关在办理结婚登记时,应当查验婚前医学检查证明或者母婴保健法十一条规定的医学鉴定证明。

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