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Detailed Rules for the Implementation of the Law of the People's Republic of China on Chinese-Foreign Contractual Joint Ventures (2017 Second Revision) [Expired]
中华人民共和国中外合作经营企业法实施细则(2017第二次修订) [失效]

Detailed Rules for the Implementation of the Law of the People's Republic of China on Chinese-Foreign Contractual Joint Ventures 


(Approved by the State Council on August 7, 1995, promulgated by the Order No. 6 of the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade of the People's Republic of China on September 4, 1995; amended for the first time in accordance with the Decision of the State Council on Abolishing and Amending Some Administrative Regulations on February 19, 2014; amended for the second time in accordance with the Decision of the State Council to Amend and Repeal Certain Administrative Regulations on March 1, 2017; and amended for the third time in accordance with Decision of the State Council to Amend Certain Administrative Regulations on November 17, 2017)

 (1995年8月7日国务院批准 1995年9月4日对外贸易经济合作部令第6号发布 根据2014年2月19日《国务院关于废止和修改部分行政法规的决定》第一次修订 根据2017年3月1日《国务院关于修改和废止部分行政法规的决定》第二次修订 根据2017年11月17日《国务院关于修改部分行政法规的决定》第三次修订)
Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总  则

Article 1 This set of rules have been formulated in accordance with the Law of the People's Republic of China on Sino-Foreign Joint Cooperative Ventures.   第一条 根据《中华人民共和国中外合作经营企业法》,制定本实施细则。
Article 2 The establishment of Sino-Foreign joint cooperative ventures (referred to hereinafter as joint ventures) in the territories of China shall be in line with the country's development and industrial policies as well as regulations guiding foreign investment in China.   第二条 在中国境内举办中外合作经营企业(以下简称合作企业),应当符合国家的发展政策和产业政策,遵守国家关于指导外商投资方向的规定。
Article 3 The joint ventures can, according to the law, independently undertake their operations and management and business activities within the limits as set under the approved agreements, contracts and articles of associations of the ventures without interference from any organizations or individuals.   第三条 合作企业在批准的合作企业协议、合同、章程范围内,依法自主地开展业务、进行经营管理活动,不受任何组织或者个人的干涉。
Article 4 The joint ventures referred to here include those with and without Chinese legal person status.   第四条 合作企业包括依法取得中国法人资格的合作企业和不具有法人资格的合作企业。
Special provisions in Chapter 9 of these Rules shall be followed by joint ventures without Chinese legal person status. 不具有法人资格的合作企业,本实施细则第九章有特别规定的,从其规定。
Article 5 Departments in charge of the Chinese operators shall be in charge of the joint ventures. If a joint venture has two or more Chinese operators, the examination and approval departments shall, with consultations with other related departments, designate one specific department in charge for the administration of the joint venture, unless otherwise stipulated under the law or other administrative rules and regulations.   第五条 合作企业的主管部门为中国合作者的主管部门。合作企业有2个以上中国合作者的,由审查批准机关会同有关部门协商确定一个主管部门。但是,法律、行政法规另有规定的除外。
The departments in charge of the joint venture shall provide consultation and assistance in related affairs of the joint ventures. 合作企业的主管部门对合作企业的有关事宜依法进行协调、提供协助。
Chapter II Establishment of the Joint Ventures 

第二章 合作企业的设立

Article 6 The establishment of a joint venture shall have the approval of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation (MOFTEC) or other departments and local governments authorized by the State Council.   第六条 设立合作企业由对外贸易经济合作部或者国务院授权的部门和地方人民政府审查批准。
The establishment of joint ventures in the following occasions shall be examined and approved by the departments or local governments authorized by the State Council: 设立合作企业属于下列情形的,由国务院授权的部门或者地方人民政府审查批准:
1. The total investment to the venture is within the range of those that should be examined and approved by the departments or local governments authorized by the State Council; (一)投资总额在国务院规定由国务院授权的部门或者地方人民政府审批的投资限额以内的;
2. The capital has been raised by the applicants themselves and whose construction and production facilities do not need to be balanced by the State. (二)自筹资金,并且不需要国家平衡建设、生产条件的;
3. The export of its products does not need a quota or export license from departments in charge of the State, or when a quota or export license is needed, the export has been approved in advance by related departments in charge of the State prior to the submission of the project proposal. (三)产品出口不需要领取国家有关主管部门发放的出口配额、许可证,或者虽需要领取,但在报送项目建议书前已征得国家有关主管部门同意的;
4. Other circumstances that should be examined and approved by the departments or local governments authorized by the State Council as set under the law and administrative rules and regulations. (四)有法律、行政法规规定由国务院授权的部门或者地方人民政府审查批准的其他情形的。
Article 7 The following documents shall be presented by the Chinese partners in applying for the establishment of a joint venture.   第七条 设立合作企业,应当由中国合作者向审查批准机关报送下列文件:
1. Project proposal of the joint venture together with the approval documents of department in charge; (一)设立合作企业的项目建议书,并附送主管部门审查同意的文件;
2. The feasibility study report as prepared by all sides involved in the joint venture, together with approval documents of departments in charge; (二)合作各方共同编制的可行性研究报告,并附送主管部门审查同意的文件;
3. The joint venture's agreements, contracts and articles of association as signed by the cooperators' legal representatives or authorized representatives; (三)由合作各方的法定代表人或其授权的代表签署的合作企业协议、合同、章程;
4. The partners business licenses, registration documents, capital credibility reports and other valid documents of the legal representatives. If a partner is a foreign natural person, the partner shall also present valid documents on its identification, biographical data and capital credibility; (四)合作各方的营业执照或者注册登记证明、资信证明及法定代表人的有效证明文件,外国合作者是自然人的,应当提供有关其身份、履历和资信情况的有效证明文件;
5. A roster of the Chairman and Deputy Chairmen of the Board of Directors, members of the Board of Directors or a name list of the Chairman and Deputy Chairmen of the Joint Management Committee and members of the Joint Management Committee; (五)合作各方协商确定的合作企业董事长、副董事长、董事或者联合管理委员会主任、副主任、委员的人选名单;
6. Other documents as deemed necessary by the examination and approval departments. (六)审查批准机关要求报送的其他文件。
The previously listed documents, except documents submitted by the foreign partners as stated in item 4, shall have Chinese versions. Documents stated in items 2, 3 and 5 may also have copies in another foreign language as agreed upon by partners of the proposed joint venture. 前款所列文件,除第四项中所列外国合作者提供的文件外,必须报送中文本,第二项、第三项和第五项所列文件可以同时报送合作各方商定的一种外文本。
The examination and approval departments shall decide whether or not approve the establishment within 45 days since the date when all necessary documents are received. In case the examination and approval departments decide that a certain document submitted is incomplete or with inappropriate contents, the departments have the right to request a revision or amendment within a certain period of time. 审查批准机关应当自收到规定的全部文件之日起45天内决定批准或者不批准;审查批准机关认为报送的文件不全或者有不当之处的,有权要求合作各方在指定期间内补全或者修正。
Article 8 The approval documents shall be issued by the MOFTEC if the joint ventures are approved by the MOFTEC or departments authorized by the State Council.   第八条 对外贸易经济合作部和国务院授权的部门批准设立的合作企业,由对外贸易经济合作部颁发批准证书。
The approval documents of joint ventures approved by the local governments shall be issued by the approving local governments and be registered with the MOFTEC for the record within 30 days following the date of approval. 国务院授权的地方人民政府批准设立的合作企业,由有关地方人民政府颁发批准证书,并自批准之日起30天内将有关批准文件报送对外贸易经济合作部备案。
The joint ventures established after approval shall register with the administrative departments in charge of industry and commerce and apply for business licenses. 批准设立的合作企业应当依法向工商行政管理机关申请登记,领取营业执照。
Article 9 Applications on the establishment of joint ventures will not be approved in one of the following occasions:   第九条 申请设立合作企业,有下列情形之一的,不予批准:
1. The proposed joint venture would make harm to China's sovereignty or social welfare; (一)损害国家主权或者社会公共利益的;
2. The proposed joint venture would make harm to China's national security; (二)危害国家安全的;
3. The proposed joint venture would cause pollution to the environment; (三)对环境造成污染损害的;
4. Other occasions that are against the laws or administrative rules and regulations and the State's industrial policy. (四)有违反法律、行政法规或者国家产业政策的其他情形的。
Article 10 The joint venture cooperation agreements referred to in this set of detailed rules are the written document jointly formulated by the partners of the joint ventures on the ventures' principles and other major matters.   第十条 本实施细则所称合作企业协议,是指合作各方对设立合作企业的原则和主要事项达成一致意见后形成的书面文件。
The joint venture contracts referred to in this set of detailed rules are the written documents jointly formulated by the partners of the joint ventures on the rights and obligations between the partners. 本实施细则所称合作企业合同,是指合作各方为设立合作企业就相互之间的权利、义务关系达成一致意见后形成的书面文件。
The joint venture articles of association referred to in this set of detailed rules are the written documents jointly formulated by the partners of the joint venture on the organization, operation and management and other matters of the venture in accordance with the contracts. 本实施细则所称合作企业章程,是指按照合作企业合同的约定,经合作各方一致同意,约定合作企业的组织原则、经营管理方法等事项的书面文件。
If there are discrepancies between the joint venture's cooperation agreement and its articles of association on the one hand and the contract on the other hand, the stipulations in the contract shall be followed. 合作企业协议、章程的内容与合作企业合同不一致的,以合作企业合同为准。
The partners of the joint venture may choose not to formulate a cooperation agreement. 合作各方可以不订立合作企业协议。
Article 11 The joint ventures' agreements, contracts and articles of association shall enter into force as of the date of the issuance of the establishment approval documents by the examination and approval departments. Any major revises in the agreements, contracts and articles of association during the cooperation period shall be approved by the examination and approval departments.   第十一条 合作企业协议、合同、章程自审查批准机关颁发批准证书之日起生效。在合作期限内,合作企业协议、合同、章程有重大变更的,须经审查批准机关批准。
Article 12 The joint ventures' contracts shall include the following data:   第十二条 合作企业合同应当载明下列事项:
1. Title, place of the registration, residence and names, titles and nationalities of the legal representatives of the partners. (If the partner is a foreign natural person, his/her name, nationality and residence shall also be included); (一)合作各方的名称、注册地、住所及法定代表人的姓名、职务、国籍(外国合作者是自然人的,其姓名、国籍和住所);
2. The joint venture's name, site and scope of operation; (二)合作企业的名称、住所、经营范围;
3. Total investment, registered capital, investment by each partner or forms and terms of cooperation; (三)合作企业的投资总额,注册资本,合作各方投资或者提供合作条件的方式、期限;
4. The transfer of investment by each partner and other cooperative terms; (四)合作各方投资或者提供的合作条件的转让;
5. The distribution of the profits or products as well as the sharing of the risks and losses; (五)合作各方收益或者产品的分配,风险或者亏损的分担;
6. The cooperation of the joint venture's Board of Directors or Joint Management Committee, the distribution of the members of the board or the committee and the responsibilities, recruitment and dismissal of the general manager and other senior managerial staff; (六)合作企业董事会或者联合管理委员会的组成以及董事或者联合管理委员会委员名额的分配,总经理及其他高级管理人员的职责和聘任、解聘办法;
7. Major equipment, production technologies adopted and their sources; (七)采用的主要生产设备、生产技术及其来源;
8. Arrangements on the sales of the joint venture's products inside China and overseas; (八)产品在中国境内销售和境外销售的安排;
9. Arrangements on the income and expenditure of foreign exchange; (九)合作企业外汇收支的安排;
10. Operation term dismissal and liquidation of the joint venture; (十)合作企业的期限、解散和清算;
11. Other obligations and responsibilities of the partners in case of violation of the contracts; (十一)合作各方其他义务以及违反合同的责任;
12. Principles guiding the management of the joint venture's finance, accounting and auditing; (十二)财务、会计、审计的处理原则;
13. The settlement of disputes between/among the partners; (十三)合作各方之间争议的处理;
14. The procedures of revising the joint ventures' contracts. (十四)合作企业合同的修改程序。
Article 13 The joint venture's articles of association shall include the following items:   第十三条 合作企业章程应当载明下列事项:
1. The name and site of the joint venture; (一)合作企业名称及住所;
2. The scope of operation and cooperation term of the joint venture; (二)合作企业的经营范围和合作期限;
3. The names, register sites, residence of the partners as well as the names, titles and nationalities of their legal representatives (if the foreign partner is a foreign natural person, his/her name, nationality and residence shall also be included); (三)合作各方的名称、注册地、住所及法定代表人的姓名、职务和国籍(外国合作者是自然人的,其姓名、国籍和住所);
4. The total investment and registered capital of the joint venture, the amount of capital subscription by each party to the joint venture, and the form and period of investment or provision of cooperation conditions; (四)合作企业的投资总额,注册资本,合作各方认缴出资额、投资或者提供合作条件的方式、期限;
5. The distribution of the profits or products as well as the sharing of the risks and losses; (五)合作各方收益或者产品的分配,风险或者亏损的分担;
6. The composition, responsibilities and the rules of procedures of the joint venture's Board of Directors or Joint Management Committee; the term of members of the Board of Directors or Joint Management Committee and the power and responsibilities of the chairman and the deputy chairmen of the Board of Directors or the chairman and deputy chairmen of the Joint Management Committee; (六)合作企业董事会或者联合管理委员会的组成、职权和议事规则,董事会董事或者联合管理委员会委员的任期,董事长、副董事长或者联合管理委员会主任、副主任的职责;
7.The setup, responsibilities, rules of procedures of the joint venture's management and the power, responsibilities, recruitment and dismissal of the general manager and other senior managerial staff; (七)经营管理机构的设置、职权、办事规则,总经理及其他高级管理人员的职责和聘任、解聘办法;
8. Provisions on recruitment, training, formulation of employment contracts, salary, social insurance, welfare, job safety and health etc. of the employees; (八)有关职工招聘、培训、劳动合同、工资、社会保险、福利、职业安全卫生等劳动管理事项的规定;
9. Financial, accounting and auditing systems of the joint venture;

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