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The General Office of the CPC Central Committee and the General Office of the State Council Issuing the Action Plan for Advancing the Extensive Deployment of Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) [Effective]
中共中央办公厅、国务院办公厅印发《推进互联网协议第六版(IPv6)规模部署行动计划》 [现行有效]

The General Office of the CPC Central Committee and the General Office of the State Council Issuing the Action Plan for Advancing the Extensive Deployment of Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) 


(2017) (2017年)

Recently, the General Office of the CPC Central Committee and the General Office of the State Council issued the Action Plan for Advancing the Extensive Deployment of Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) and a notice requiring all regions and all departments to conscientiously implement it based on the actual circumstances. 近日,中共中央办公厅、国务院办公厅印发了《推进互联网协议第六版(IPv6)规模部署行动计划》,并发出通知,要求各地区各部门结合实际认真贯彻落实。
The full text of the Action Plan for Advancing the Extensive Deployment of Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) is as follows. 《推进互联网协议第六版(IPv6)规模部署行动计划》全文如下。
For the purposes of implementing the strategic arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council for building a strong network country, accelerating the advancement of the extensive deployment of the next-generation Internet based on Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) (hereinafter referred to as "extensive IPv6 deployment"), and promoting the evolution, upgrading, and sound, innovative development of the Internet, this Action Plan is developed according to the Outline of the 13th Five-Year Plan for the National Economic and Social Development of the People's Republic of China, the Outline of the National Information Technology Development Strategy, and the National Information Technology Plan during the "13th Five-Year Plan." 为贯彻落实党中央、国务院关于建设网络强国的战略部署,加快推进基于互联网协议第六版(IPv6)的下一代互联网规模部署(以下简称IPv6规模部署),促进互联网演进升级和健康创新发展,根据《国民经济和社会发展第十三个五年规划纲要》、《国家信息化发展战略纲要》、《“十三五”国家信息化规划》,制定本行动计划。
I. Significance   一、重要意义
The Internet is a major infrastructure relating to the national economic and social development and deeply affects the global economic pattern, interest pattern and security pattern. China, as one of the first countries to conduct IPv6 experiments and application, has achieved major phase achievements in the aspects of research and development of technologies, network building, and application and innovation and has the foundation and conditions for extensive deployment. Seizing the historical opportunities of the accelerating innovation on and change of the global network information technology and accelerating evolution and upgrading of information infrastructures, strengthening overall planning, accelerating the advancement of the extensive IPv6 deployment, and building a high-speed, extensively proliferating, pervasive, and intelligent next-generation Internet are the urgent requirements of accelerating the building of a strong network country, boosting the national progress in information technology, helping economic and social development, and developing new advantages for future international competition. 互联网是关系国民经济和社会发展的重要基础设施,深刻影响着全球经济格局、利益格局和安全格局。我国是世界上较早开展IPv6试验和应用的国家,在技术研发、网络建设、应用创新方面取得了重要阶段性成果,已具备大规模部署的基础和条件。抓住全球网络信息技术加速创新变革、信息基础设施快速演进升级的历史机遇,加强统筹谋划,加快推进IPv6规模部署,构建高速率、广普及、全覆盖、智能化的下一代互联网,是加快网络强国建设、加速国家信息化进程、助力经济社会发展、赢得未来国际竞争新优势的紧迫要求。
1. Inexorable trends in the evolution and upgrading of the Internet (一)互联网演进升级的必然趋势
The global Internet based on the Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4) is facin the restricting problems such as exhausting IP addresses and difficulties in assuring service quality, and IPv6 is able to provide sufficient IP addresses and broad innovation space and is a globally recognized solution to commercial application of the next-generation Internet. Vigorously developing the IPv6-based next-generation Internet is helpful to significantly improve the carrying capacity and services of China's Internet, better integrate into the international Internet, share the achievements in global development, powerfully support economic and social development, and seize the initiative in future development. 基于互联网协议第四版(IPv4)的全球互联网面临网络地址消耗殆尽、服务质量难以保证等制约性问题,IPv6能够提供充足的网络地址和广阔的创新空间,是全球公认的下一代互联网商业应用解决方案。大力发展基于IPv6的下一代互联网,有助于显著提升我国互联网的承载能力和服务水平,更好融入国际互联网,共享全球发展成果,有力支撑经济社会发展,赢得未来发展主动。
2. A material opportunity for the innovative development of technologies and industries (二)技术产业创新发展的重大契机
Advancing extensive IPv6 deployment is a comprehensive upgrading of the Internet technology and industry ecology and has a profound impact on the innovation on and change of network information technology, industries and application. Vigorously developing IPv6-based next-generation Internet is helpful to improve or raise China's capability of indigenous innovation on network information technology and level of high-end development of industries, efficiently support the rapid development of emerging fields such as the mobile networks, the Internet of Things, the industrial Internet, cloud computing, big data, and artificial intelligence, constantly bring new technologies and business types, promote the further prosperity of online application programs, and build an advanced, open next-generation Internet technology and industry ecology. 推进IPv6规模部署是互联网技术产业生态的一次全面升级,深刻影响着网络信息技术、产业、应用的创新和变革。大力发展基于IPv6的下一代互联网,有助于提升我国网络信息技术自主创新能力和产业高端发展水平,高效支撑移动互联网、物联网、工业互联网、云计算、大数据、人工智能等新兴领域快速发展,不断催生新技术新业态,促进网络应用进一步繁荣,打造先进开放的下一代互联网技术产业生态。
3. Urgent need for enhancing cybersecurity capability. (三)网络安全能力强化的迫切需要
Accelerating the extensive IPv6 application provides a new platform to solve cybersecurity problems and new thinking to improve the efficiency of cybersecurity management and innovate on the cybersecurity mechanism. Vigorously developing IPv6-based next-generation Internet is helpful to further innovate on cybersecurity guarantee means, constantly improve the cybersecurity guarantee system, significantly enhance the capability of sensing cybersecurity trends and quick disposition, greatly raise the level of security protection of important data resources and personal information, and further boost the security and trustworthiness of the Internet and the capability of comprehensive governance. 加快IPv6规模应用为解决网络安全问题提供了新平台,为提高网络安全管理效率和创新网络安全机制提供了新思路。大力发展基于IPv6的下一代互联网,有助于进一步创新网络安全保障手段,不断完善网络安全保障体系,显著增强网络安全态势感知和快速处置能力,大幅提升重要数据资源和个人信息安全保护水平,进一步增强互联网的安全可信和综合治理能力。
II. General requirements   二、总体要求
1. Guiding ideology (一)指导思想
We shall comprehensively implement the spirit of the 19th CPC National Congress, follow the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, closely center on overall advancement of the overall layout for "economic, political, cultural, social, and ecological progress" and coordinated advancement of the Four-Pronged Comprehensive Strategy, firmly develop a new development concept, seize the rare opportunity of generational transition of the global network information technology and evolution and upgrading of the network infrastructures, set the coordinated advancement of extensive IPv6 deployment as the main thread, set the transformation of typical application programs and innovation on characteristic application programs as the main direction of endeavors, accelerate the pace of upgrading of network infrastructures and application infrastructures, vigorously build an indigenous technological system and industry ecology, realize evolution and upgrading of the Internet towards IPv6, build high-speed, mobile, secure, and ubiquitous new-generation information infrastructures, promote the deep integration of the Internet with economy and society, develop new advantages for future development, and lay a solid foundation for building a strong network country. 全面贯彻党的十九大精神,以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,紧紧围绕统筹推进“五位一体”总体布局和协调推进“四个全面”战略布局,牢固树立新发展理念,把握全球网络信息技术代际跃迁和网络基础设施演进升级的难得历史机遇,以协同推进IPv6规模部署为主线,以典型应用改造和特色应用创新为主攻方向,加快网络基础设施和应用基础设施升级步伐,积极构建自主技术体系和产业生态,实现互联网向IPv6演进升级,构建高速、移动、安全、泛在的新一代信息基础设施,促进互联网与经济社会深度融合,构筑未来发展新优势,为网络强国建设奠定坚实基础。
2. Basic principles (二)基本原则
-- Overall planning and breakthroughs in key points. Top design and overall planning shall be strengthened, key parts shall be focused on, the weakness in IPv6 application shall be fixed in priority, the role of the application of the Internet in driving demand shall be enhanced, and the collaborative advancement of technologies, industries, networks, and applications shall be realized. --统筹规划、重点突破。加强顶层设计和统筹谋划,聚焦重点环节,着力弥补IPv6应用短板,强化互联网应用的需求拉动作用,实现技术、产业、网络、应用的协同推进。
-- Government guidance and enterprise dominance. The overall coordination, policy support and application guidance by the government shall be strengthened, the development environment shall be optimized, the position and role of enterprises as major players in the development of IPv6 shall be maximized, and the inherent driving force for market demand and enterprise development shall be triggered. --政府引导、企业主导。加强政府的统筹协调、政策扶持和应用引领,优化发展环境,充分发挥企业在IPv6发展中的主体地位作用,激发市场需求和企业发展的内生动力。
-- Innovative development and guaranteed security. Development and security shall be adhered to, the innovation on the integration of the next-generation Internet with each economic and social field shall be vigorously promoted, the planning, building, and operation of the cybersecurity system shall be concurrently promoted, and the secure, reliable and smooth evolution of the Internet shall be guaranteed. --创新发展、保障安全。坚持发展与安全并举,大力促进下一代互联网与经济社会各领域的融合创新,同步推进网络安全系统规划、建设、运行,保障互联网安全可靠、平滑演进。
-- Focusing on the actual effect and benefiting the people. The development thought centering on the people shall be implemented, the expectation and demand of the people shall be closely centered on, the level of online services shall be constantly raised, the content of information services shall be enriched, and the people shall be allowed to share the achievements in the development of the Internet. --注重实效、惠及民生。贯彻以人民为中心的发展思想,紧紧围绕人民群众的期待和需求,不断提升网络服务水平,丰富信息服务内容,让亿万人民共享互联网发展成果。
3. Main objectives (三)主要目标
In five to ten years, an indigenous technological system and industry ecology of the next-generation Internet will be formed, the largest network of commercial application of IPv6 in the world will be built, the deep integrated application of the next-generation Internet in each economic and social field will be realized, and China will become a major leading force for the development of the next-generation Internet across the globe. 用5到10年时间,形成下一代互联网自主技术体系和产业生态,建成全球最大规模的IPv6商业应用网络,实现下一代互联网在经济社会各领域深度融合应用,成为全球下一代互联网发展的重要主导力量。
(1) At the end of 2018, a market-driven positive development environment will be basically formed, active IPv6 users will reach 200 million and account for not less than 20% of Internet users, and IPv6 will be fully supported in the following fields: top 50 domestic commercial websites and application programs in the number of users, the Internet website systems of governments at and above the provincial or ministerial levels and central enterprises, the website systems of provincial and central press, radio and television media outlets, and the networks and application programs in emerging fields including the industrial Internet; the domain name servers of domain hosting service enterprises, top-level domain registry operators and domain name registrars, huge-sized Internet data centers (IDC), top five content delivery networks (CDN), and 50% cloud products of top ten cloud service platforms; and Internet backbones, interconnection systems between backbones, metropolitan area networks, access networks, radio and television backbones, LTE networks and business, and new network equipment, fixed network terminals, and mobile terminals. 1.到2018年末,市场驱动的良性发展环境基本形成,IPv6活跃用户数达到2亿,在互联网用户中的占比不低于20%,并在以下领域全面支持IPv6:国内用户量排名前50位的商业网站及应用,省部级以上政府和中央企业外网网站系统,中央和省级新闻及广播电视媒体网站系统,工业互联网等新兴领域的网络与应用;域名托管服务企业、顶级域运营机构、域名注册服务机构的域名服务器,超大型互联网数据中心(IDC),排名前5位的内容分发网络(CDN),排名前10位云服务平台的50%云产品;互联网骨干网、骨干网网间互联体系、城域网和接入网,广电骨干网,LTE网络及业务,新增网络设备、固定网络终端、移动终端。
(2) At the end of 2020, the market-driven positive development environment will be increasingly sound, active IPv6 users will exceed 500 million and account for more than 50% of Internet users, new IP addresses will cease to be private IPv4 addresses, and IPv6 will be fully supported in the following fields: top 100 domestic commercial websites and application programs in the number of users, the Internet website systems of governments at or above the prefecture-city level, and the website systems of press, radio and television media outlets at or above the prefecture-city level; large-sized Internet data centers, top ten content delivery networks, and all the cloud products of top ten cloud service platforms; and radio and television networks, Fifth-Generation networks and business, various new mobile and fixed terminals, and international Internet gateways. 2.到2020年末,市场驱动的良性发展环境日臻完善,IPv6活跃用户数超过5亿,在互联网用户中的占比超过50%,新增网络地址不再使用私有IPv4地址,并在以下领域全面支持IPv6:国内用户量排名前100位的商业网站及应用,市地级以上政府外网网站系统,市地级以上新闻及广播电视媒体网站系统;大型互联网数据中心,排名前10位的内容分发网络,排名前10位云服务平台的全部云产品;广电网络,5G网络及业务,各类新增移动和固定终端,国际出入口。
(3) At the end of 2025, China's IPv6 networks, users, and traffic will be the largest in the world, networks, application programs and terminals will fully support IPv6, the smooth evolution and upgrading to the next-generation Internet will be comprehensively completed, and a globally leading next-generation Internet technology and industry system will be formed. 3.到2025年末,我国IPv6网络规模、用户规模、流量规模位居世界第一位,网络、应用、终端全面支持IPv6,全面完成向下一代互联网的平滑演进升级,形成全球领先的下一代互联网技术产业体系。
4. Development path (四)发展路径
A development path of pioneering application in typical application programs, concurrent moves in mobile and fixed fields, and driving existing resources with new ones shall be adhered to. With application programs as a starting point and a point for breakthroughs, the IPv6 upgrading of typical Internet application programs with numerous users, extensively used, shall be strengthened in priority, the innovation on IPv6-based characteristic application programs shall be enhanced, and collaborative development of networks and terminals shall be driven. The development opportunity of upgrading of the mobile networks and "substitution of optical cables for copper cables" of fixed networks shall be seized, the IPv6 development of mobile and fixed networks shall be advanced in an overall manner, and the comprehensive upgrading of the networks shall be realized. New network equipment, application programs, and terminals shall fully support IPv6, the accelerated replacement of existing equipment and application programs shall be driven, and the smooth evolution and upgrading of each link of the next-generation Internet shall be realized. 遵循典型应用先行、移动固定并举、增量带动存量的发展路径。以应用为切入点和突破口,重点加强用户多、使用广的典型互联网应用的IPv6升级,强化基于IPv6的特色应用创新,带动网络、终端协同发展。抓住移动网络升级换代和固定网络“光进铜退”发展机遇,统筹推进移动和固定网络的IPv6发展,实现网络全面升级。新增网络设备、应用、终端全面支持IPv6,带动存量设备和应用加速替代,实现下一代互联网各环节平滑演进升级。
III Major tasks   三、重点任务

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