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Measures for the Administration of the China National Standardization Technical Committee [Revised]
全国专业标准化技术委员会管理办法 [已被修订]

Order of the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine 


(No. 191) (第191号)

The Measures for the Administration of the China National Standardization Technical Committee, as deliberated and adopted at the executive meeting of the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine on October 10, 2017, are hereby issued and shall come into force on January 1, 2018. 全国专业标准化技术委员会管理办法》已经2017年10月10日国家质量监督检验检疫总局局务会议审议通过,现予公布,自2018年1月1日起施行。
Director: Zhi Shuping 局 长 支树平
October 30, 2017 2017年10月30日
Measures for the Administration of the China National Standardization Technical Committee 全国专业标准化技术委员会管理办法
Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总则

Article 1 For the purposes of strengthening the management of the national standardization technical committees (hereinafter referred to as the “technical committees”), carrying out the standardization work in various professional technical fields in a scientific and fair manner, and improving the quality of the development of standards, these Measures are developed according to the Standardization Law of the People's Republic of China and the Regulation for the Implementation of the Standardization Law of the People's Republic of China.   第一条 为加强全国专业标准化技术委员会(以下简称技术委员会)管理,科学公正开展各专业技术领域标准化工作,提高标准制定质量,根据《中华人民共和国标准化法》《中华人民共和国标准化法实施条例》,制定本办法。
Article 2 A technical committee is an unincorporated technical organization carrying out the drafting of national standards, technical examination and other standardization work in a professional field.   第二条 技术委员会是在一定专业领域内,从事国家标准起草和技术审查等标准化工作的非法人技术组织。
These Measures shall be applicable to the composition, formation, change, adjustment, supervision and management of the technical committees. 本办法适用于技术委员会的构成、组建、换届、调整和监督管理。
Article 3 The General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine (“AQSIQ”) shall be responsible for the unified management of the technical committees.   第三条 国家质量监督检验检疫总局(以下简称国家质检总局)负责技术委员会的统一管理。
The Standardization Administration of the People's Republic of China (“SAC”) shall be responsible for the planning, coordination, formation and management of the technical committees, and perform the following functions: 国家标准化管理委员会(以下简称国家标准委)负责技术委员会的规划、协调、组建和管理,并履行以下职责:
(1) organize and implement the policies and systems on the management of the technical committees; (一)组织实施技术委员会管理相关的政策和制度;
(2) make plans for the construction and layout of the technical committees; (二)规划技术委员会整体建设和布局;
(3) coordinate with and decide on the formation, changing office holders, adjustment, revocation, and cancellation, etc. of the technical committees; (三)协调和决定技术委员会的组建、换届、调整、撤销、注销等事项;
(4) organize the training of relevant personnel of the technical committees; (四)组织技术委员会相关人员的培训;
(5) supervise and inspect the work of the technical committees and organize the examination and assessment of the technical committees; (五)监督检查技术委员会的工作,组织对技术委员会的考核评估;
(6) directly manage the comprehensive and basic technical committees across departments and fields; and (六)直接管理综合性、基础性和跨部门跨领域的技术委员会;
(7) Other responsibilities relevant to the management of the technical committees. (七)其他与技术委员会管理有关的职责。
Article 4 The appropriate administrative departments under the State Council and the relevant industry associations shall, upon commission of the SAC, manage the technical committees under the departments and in the industries, and offer business guidance for the development and revision of the national standards, international standardization and other work.   第四条 国务院有关行政主管部门、有关行业协会受国家标准委委托,管理本部门、本行业的技术委员会,对技术委员会开展国家标准制修订以及国际标准化等工作进行业务指导。
Article 5 The appropriate administrative departments of standardization of the people's governments of the provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall, upon commission of the SAC, assist the SAC in managing the technical committees within their respective administrative regions and create conditions for the work of the technical committees.   第五条 省、自治区、直辖市人民政府标准化行政主管部门受国家标准委委托,协助国家标准委管理本行政区域内的技术委员会,为技术委员会开展工作创造条件。
Article 6 A technical committee shall carry out work in a scientific, rational, open, fair, standardized and transparent manner, and assume the following work responsibilities in the respective professional field:   第六条 技术委员会应当科学合理、公开公正、规范透明地开展工作,在本专业领域内承担以下工作职责:
(1) offer suggestions for the policies and measures on the standardization work in the respective professional field; (一)提出本专业领域标准化工作的政策和措施建议;
(2) develop the national standard system for the professional field, and offer suggestions for the development and revision of the national standards in the professional field; (二)编制本专业领域国家标准体系,根据社会各方的需求,提出本专业领域制修订国家标准项目建议;
(3) draft national standards, solicit comments, make technical reviews and reviews of the national standards, and organize translation and review of the foreign language versions of the national standards; (三)开展国家标准的起草、征求意见、技术审查、复审及国家标准外文版的组织翻译和审查工作;
(4) carry out the publicity and implementation of the national standards in the professional field and training of the drafters of national standards; (四)开展本专业领域国家标准的宣贯和国家标准起草人员的培训工作;
(5) upon commission of the SAC, assume the interpretation work of the centralized national standards; (五)受国家标准委委托,承担归口国家标准的解释工作;
(6) carry out the assessment and research of and analysis on the implementation of the standards; (六)开展标准实施情况的评估、研究分析;
(7) carry out comparative analysis on the consistency between the domestic and international standards, and track and study the development trend and work dynamics of international standardization in the relevant field; (七)组织开展本领域国内外标准一致性比对分析,跟踪、研究相关领域国际标准化的发展趋势和工作动态;
(8) manage the sub-technical committees formed thereunder; and (八)管理下设分技术委员会;
(9) undertake other work assigned by the SAC. (九)承担国家标准委交办的其他工作。
The technical committees may, upon commission of the government departments, social organizations, enterprises and public institutions, carry out relevant standardization work relevant to their respective professional fields. 技术委员会可以接受政府部门、社会团体、企事业单位委托,开展与本专业领域有关的标准化工作。
The responsibilities of the sub-technical committees shall be implemented, mutatis mutandis to, the responsibilities of the technical committees. 分技术委员会的工作职责参照技术委员会的工作职责执行。
Chapter II Organization and Institution 

第二章 组织机构

Article 7 A technical committee shall be composed of members of various backgrounds and highly representative, and may come from manufacturers, operators, users, consumers, and parties of public interests, etc. The number of members from either party shall not exceed 1/2 of the total number of members. The educational and scientific research institutions, appropriate administrative departments, testing and certification institutions, social organizations and other institutions may be the representatives of the parties of public interests.   第七条 技术委员会由委员组成,委员应当具有广泛性和代表性,可以来自生产者、经营者、使用者、消费者、公共利益方等相关方。来自任意一方的委员人数不得超过委员总数的1/2。教育科研机构、有关行政主管部门、检测及认证机构、社会团体等可以作为公共利益方代表。
Article 8 A technical committee shall consist of no less than 25 members, including 1 chairman and not more than 5 vice chairmen.   第八条 技术委员会委员不少于25人,其中主任委员1名,副主任委员不超过5名。
There shall not be more than members from a same entity serving in a same technical committee. The chairman and vice chairman shall not come from a same entity. No person shall concurrently serve as a member of more than 3 technical committees. 同一单位在同一技术委员会任职的委员不得超过3名。主任委员和副主任委员不得来自同一单位。同一人不得同时在3个以上技术委员会担任委员。
Article 9 A member of a technical committee shall:   第九条 技术委员会委员应当具备以下条件:
(1) have an intermediate professional title or above or hold a position corresponding to an intermediate professional title or above; (一)具有中级以上专业技术职称,或者具有与中级以上专业技术职称相对应的职务;
(2) be familiar with the work in the professional field and have solid professional knowledge of high theoretical level and rich practical experience; (二)熟悉本专业领域业务工作,具有较高理论水平、扎实的专业知识和丰富的实践经验;
(3) understand the basic knowledge of standardization, be enthusiastic about the standardization cause, be able to actively participate in the standardization activities, and diligently fulfill the various responsibilities and obligations of the members; (三)掌握标准化基础知识,热心标准化事业,能积极参加标准化活动,认真履行委员的各项职责和义务;
(4) be a person serving for an incorporated organization legally formed within the territory of China and be recommended with the consent of his or her employer; and (四)在我国境内依法设立的法人组织任职的人员,并经其任职单位同意推荐;
(5) meet the other conditions as prescribed in the bylaws of the technical committee. (五)技术委员会章程规定的其他条件。
Article 10 A chairman or a vice chairman of a technical committee shall:   第十条 技术委员会主任委员和副主任委员应当具备以下条件:
(1) be a technical expert in this professional field; (一)本专业领域的技术专家;
(2) enjoy a high reputation and influence in the professional field; (二)在本专业领域内享有较高声誉,具有影响力;
(3) have a senior professional title or above or hold a position corresponding to a senior professional title or above; (三)具有高级以上专业技术职称,或者具有与高级以上专业技术职称相对应的职务;
(4) be familiar with the management procedures and work process of the technical committee; and (四)熟悉技术委员会管理程序和工作流程;
(5) be able to efficiently and impartially perform the functions, and give consideration to the interests of all parties. (五)能够高效、公正履行职责,并能兼顾各方利益。
Article 11 A chairman of a technical committee shall be responsible for the overall work of the technical committee and maintain a fair and impartial position. A chairman shall be responsible for issuing conference resolutions, documents submitted for approval of standards and other important documents of the technical committee. A chairman may allow a vice chairman to issue standard approval documents and other important documents of the technical committee.   第十一条 主任委员负责技术委员会全面工作,应当保持公平公正立场。主任委员负责签发会议决议、标准报批文件等技术委员会重要文件。主任委员可以委托副主任委员签发标准报批文件等重要文件。
Article 12 A technical committee shall set up a secretariat to be responsible for the routine work of the technical committee. The entity serving as the secretariat shall:   第十二条 技术委员会设秘书处,负责技术委员会的日常工作。秘书处承担单位应当符合以下条件:
(1) be an enterprise, public institution or social organization that is legally formed within the territory of China and has independent legal person status; (一)在我国境内依法设立、具有独立法人资格的企事业单位或者社会团体;
(2) have relatively strong technical strength and industry influence; (二)有较强的技术实力和行业影响力;
(3) have more than 3 years of experience in standardization work and have led the drafting of 3 or more international standards, national standards or industrial standards; (三)有连续3年以上开展标准化工作的经验,牵头起草过3项以上国际标准、国家标准或者行业标准;
(4) incorporate the work of the secretariat into the work plan and routine work of the entity and provide necessary funding and office conditions for the work of the secretariat; (四)将秘书处工作纳入本单位工作计划和日常工作,并为秘书处开展工作提供必要的经费和办公条件;
(5) have full-time staff members, be able to supervise the diligent fulfillment of the functions of the secretariat's full-time staff members, and ensure that the work of the secretariat is carried out in a fair and impartial manner; and (五)有专职工作人员,能够督促秘书处专职工作人员认真履行职责,确保秘书处各项工作公正、公平地开展;
(6) meet the other conditions as prescribed by the SCC. (六)国家标准委规定的其他条件。
The specific responsibilities and working system of the secretariat shall be set forth in the bylaws of the technical committee and the detailed working rules of the secretariat. 秘书处具体职责和工作制度,由技术委员会章程和秘书处工作细则规定。
Where two entities serve as co-secretariats, the leading entity and the respective responsibilities shall be specified in the detailed working rules of the secretariat. 两个单位联合承担秘书处,应当在秘书处工作细则中明确牵头承担单位及各自职责。
Article 13 A secretariat of a technical committee shall have 1 secretary-general and no more than 5 deputy secretaries-general. A secretary-general and deputy secretary-general shall be concurrently served by members, but shall not come from a same entity.   第十三条 技术委员会秘书处设秘书长1名,副秘书长不超过5名。秘书长和副秘书长应当由委员兼任,不得来自同一单位。
A technical expert of an entity undertaking a secretariat shall serve as the secretary-general, have relatively strong coordination and communication skills, be familiar with the technical development in this field and the standardization work inside and outside China, and have more than 3 years of experience in standardization work. 秘书长应当由秘书处承担单位技术专家担任,具有较强的组织协调能力,熟悉本领域技术发展情况以及国内外标准化工作情况,具有连续3年以上标准化工作经历。
Article 14 The secretary-general shall be responsible for the routine work of the secretariat of the technical committee and the deputy secretary-general shall assist the secretary-general in carrying out the work. The specific functions of the secretary-general and deputy secretary-general shall be prescribed in the bylaws of the technical committee.   第十四条 秘书长负责技术委员会秘书处日常工作,副秘书长协助秘书长开展工作。秘书长和副秘书长具体职责由技术委员会章程规定。
Article 15 The members of a technical committee shall actively participate in the activities of the technical committee and:   第十五条 技术委员会委员应当积极参加技术委员会的活动,履行以下职责:
(1) give suggestions regarding the development and revision of the standards; (一)提出标准制修订等方面的工作建议;
(2) participate in the technical examination and review of the standards and attend the annual meetings and other work conferences of the technical committee on time; (二)按时参加标准技术审查和标准复审,按时参加技术委员会年会等工作会议;
(3) perform the obligations of voting as members; (三)履行委员投票表决义务;
(4) supervise the work of the chairman, vice chairman, secretary-general, deputy secretary-general and secretariat; (四)监督主任委员、副主任委员、秘书长、副秘书长及秘书处的工作;
(5) supervise the use of the funds of the technical committee; (五)监督技术委员会经费的使用;
(6) report the implementation of the centralized standards of the technical committee in a timely manner; (六)及时反馈技术委员会归口标准实施情况;
(7) participate in the international standardization work in this professional field; (七)参与本专业领域国际标准化工作;
(8) attend the trainings of the SAC and the technical committee; (八)参加国家标准委及技术委员会组织的培训;
(9) undertake the relevant work within the scope of functions of the technical committee; and (九)承担技术委员会职责范围内的相关工作;
(10) fulfill the other functions as prescribed in the bylaws of the technical committee. (十)技术委员会章程规定的其他职责。
Members shall have the right to vote and to obtain the materials and documents of the technical committee. 委员享有表决权,有权获取技术委员会的资料和文件。
Article 16 According to the work needs, the technical committee may appoint no more than 5 consultants. A consultant shall be an expert or scholar in this professional field, be appointed by the technical committee, and have no voting rights.
   第十六条 根据工作需要,技术委员会可以设顾问,顾问不超过5人。顾问应当为本专业领域的专家或者学者,由技术委员会聘任,无表决权。

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