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Law of the People's Republic of China on Ports (2017 Amendment) [Revised]
中华人民共和国港口法(2017修正) [已被修订]

Law of the People's Republic of China on Ports



(Adopted at the Third Session of the Standing Committee of the Tenth National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China on June 28, 2003, and amended in accordance with the Decision on Amending the Seven Laws Including the Law of the People's Republic of China on Ports adopted at the Third Session of the Twelfth National People's Congress on April 24, 2015; and amended for the second time in accordance with the Decision of the National People's Congress on Amending Eleven Laws including the Accounting Law of the People's Republic of China at the 30th Session of the Standing Committee of the Twelfth National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China on November 4, 2017) (2003年6月28日第十届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第三次会议通过 根据2015年4月24日第十二届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第十四次会议《关于修改〈中华人民共和国港口法〉等七部法律的决定》第一次修正 根据2017年11月4日第十二届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第三十次会议《关于修改〈中华人民共和国会计法〉等十一部法律的决定》第二次修正)

Contents 目录
Chapter I General Provisions 第一章 总  则
Chapter II Port Planning and Construction 第二章 港口规划与建设
Chapter III Business Operation of Ports 第三章 港口经营
Chapter IV Port Safety and Supervision 第四章 港口安全与监督管理
Chapter V Legal Liabilities 第五章 法律责任
Chapter VI Supplementary Provisions 第六章 附  则
Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总  则

Article 1 The present Law is enacted with a view to strengthening the administration of ports, maintaining the safety and business order of ports, protecting the lawful rights and interests of the parties, and promoting the construction and development of ports.   第一条 为了加强港口管理,维护港口的安全与经营秩序,保护当事人的合法权益,促进港口的建设与发展,制定本法。
Article 2 Whoever engages in port planning, construction, maintenance, business operation, management and the related activities shall be governed by the present Law.   第二条 从事港口规划、建设、维护、经营、管理及其相关活动,适用本法。
Article 3 Port mentioned in the present Law means an area composed of a certain scope of water area and land area, which has the functions for vessels to enter and exit, to berth, to anchor, for passengers to embark and disembark, and for goods to be loaded and unloaded, lightered, stored, etc., and which has the corresponding wharf facilities.   第三条 本法所称港口,是指具有船舶进出、停泊、靠泊,旅客上下,货物装卸、驳运、储存等功能,具有相应的码头设施,由一定范围的水域和陆域组成的区域。
A port may be composed of one or more port areas. 港口可以由一个或者多个港区组成。
Article 4 The State Council and the relevant local people's government at the county level or above shall embody the requirements on development and planning of ports in the plans on national economy and social development, and lawfully protect and reasonably utilize port resources.   第四条 国务院和有关县级以上地方人民政府应当在国民经济和社会发展计划中体现港口的发展和规划要求,并依法保护和合理利用港口资源。
Article 5 The State encourages domestic and foreign economic organizations and individuals to lawfully invest to construct and operate ports, and protects the lawful rights and interests of the investors.   第五条 国家鼓励国内外经济组织和个人依法投资建设、经营港口,保护投资者的合法权益。
Article 6 The administrative department of communications under the State Council shall be in charge of the affairs on ports throughout the country.   第六条 国务院交通主管部门主管全国的港口工作。
The administration by the local people's government of the ports within its own jurisdiction shall be determined in accordance with the provisions of the State Council on port administration system. 地方人民政府对本行政区域内港口的管理,按照国务院关于港口管理体制的规定确定。
In accordance with the port administration system determined in the preceding paragraph, for any port under the administration of the people's government of the city or county where the port is located, the people's government of the city or county shall determine a department to specifically administer it; for any port under the administration of the people's government of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government, the people's government of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government shall determine a department to specifically administer it. 依照前款确定的港口管理体制,由港口所在地的市、县人民政府管理的港口,由市、县人民政府确定一个部门具体实施对港口的行政管理;由省、自治区、直辖市人民政府管理的港口,由省、自治区、直辖市人民政府确定一个部门具体实施对港口的行政管理。
The departments determined in accordance with the preceding paragraph to specifically administer ports are hereinafter uniformly referred to as the administrative department of port. 依照前款确定的对港口具体实施行政管理的部门,以下统称港口行政管理部门。
Chapter II Port Planning and Construction 

第二章 港口规划与建设

Article 7 A port planning shall be worked out in light of the requirements on national economy and social development as well as the needs in national defense building, embody the principle of reasonably utilizing coastline resources, conform to the planning of urban system, and be connected and in line with the overall planning on land utilization, the overall city planning, the planning of river valleys, the planning on prevention and control of floods, the divisions of maritime functions, the development planning on transportation by water and the development planning on other methods of transportation as well as other relevant planning prescribed in laws and administrative regulations.   第七条 港口规划应当根据国民经济和社会发展的要求以及国防建设的需要编制,体现合理利用岸线资源的原则,符合城镇体系规划,并与土地利用总体规划、城市总体规划、江河流域规划、防洪规划、海洋功能区划、水路运输发展规划和其他运输方式发展规划以及法律、行政法规规定的其他有关规划相衔接、协调。
The department that works out the port planning shall invite experts to hold a demonstration, and an appraisal on environmental influence shall be made in accordance with the law. 编制港口规划应当组织专家论证,并依法进行环境影响评价。
Article 8 Port planning includes distribution planning of ports and overall planning of a port.   第八条 港口规划包括港口布局规划和港口总体规划。
Distribution planning of ports means the distribution planning concerning ports, including the distribution planning of ports nationwide and of ports in provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government. 港口布局规划,是指港口的分布规划,包括全国港口布局规划和省、自治区、直辖市港口布局规划。
Overall planning of a port means the specific planning of one port during a certain period, including the scope of water area and land area of the port, the division of port areas, the handling capacity and the types of vessels to the port, the nature and functions of the port, the use of the water area and land area, the construction of port facilities and the use of coastline, the allocation of the land for construction use, as well as the order of construction by stages, etc. 港口总体规划,是指一个港口在一定时期的具体规划,包括港口的水域和陆域范围、港区划分、吞吐量和到港船型、港口的性质和功能、水域和陆域使用、港口设施建设岸线使用、建设用地配置以及分期建设序列等内容。
The overall planning of a port shall conform to the distribution planning of ports. 港口总体规划应当符合港口布局规划。
Article 9 The distribution planning of ports nationwide shall be worked out by the administrative department of communications under the State Council after it has sought opinions from the relevant department under the State Council and the relevant military organ, and be submitted to the State Council for approval before promulgation and implementation.   第九条 全国港口布局规划,由国务院交通主管部门征求国务院有关部门和有关军事机关的意见编制,报国务院批准后公布实施。
The distribution planning of ports in a province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government shall be worked out upon the arrangement by the people's government of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government according to the distribution planning of ports nationwide, and be submitted to the administrative department of communications under the State Council for its opinions. If the administrative department of communications under the State Council fails to render any amendment opinion at the expiry of 30 days as of the receipt of the materials for opinions, the distribution planning of ports shall be promulgated by the relevant people's government of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government for implementation; if the administrative department of communications under the State Council considers that the said planning does not conform to the distribution planning of ports nationwide, it shall, within 30 days as of the receipt of the materials for opinions, render its amendment opinions; if the people's government of the relevant province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government does not agree to the amendment opinions, it shall report to the State Council for decision. 省、自治区、直辖市港口布局规划,由省、自治区、直辖市人民政府根据全国港口布局规划组织编制,并送国务院交通主管部门征求意见。国务院交通主管部门自收到征求意见的材料之日起满三十日未提出修改意见的,该港口布局规划由有关省、自治区、直辖市人民政府公布实施;国务院交通主管部门认为不符合全国港口布局规划的,应当自收到征求意见的材料之日起三十日内提出修改意见;有关省、自治区、直辖市人民政府对修改意见有异议的,报国务院决定。
Article 10 The overall planning of a port shall be worked out by the administrative department of port after it has sought opinions from the relevant department and the relevant military organ.   第十条 港口总体规划由港口行政管理部门征求有关部门和有关军事机关的意见编制。
Article 11 The overall planning of a major port of important location, with large handling capacity, and of wide influence to economic development shall be approved and promulgated for implementation by the administrative department of communications under the State Council jointly with the people's government of the relevant province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government after it has sought opinions from the relevant department under the State Council and the relevant military organ. The directory of the major ports shall be determined and promulgated by the administrative department of communications under the State Council after it has sought opinions from the relevant department under the State Council.   第十一条 地理位置重要、吞吐量较大、对经济发展影响较广的主要港口的总体规划,由国务院交通主管部门征求国务院有关部门和有关军事机关的意见后,会同有关省、自治区、直辖市人民政府批准,并公布实施。主要港口名录由国务院交通主管部门征求国务院有关部门意见后确定并公布。
The people's government of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government shall, after seeking opinions from the administrative department of communications under the State Council, determine the overall planning of the important ports in the region. The overall planning of an important port shall be approved and promulgated for implementation by the people's government of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government after it has sought opinions from the administrative department of communications under the State Council. 省、自治区、直辖市人民政府征求国务院交通主管部门的意见后确定本地区的重要港口。重要港口的总体规划由省、自治区、直辖市人民政府征求国务院交通主管部门意见后批准,公布实施。
The overall planning of the ports other than those prescribed in the preceding two paragraphs shall be promulgated for implementation after being approved by the people's government of the city or county where the port is located, and shall be submitted to the people's government of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government for record. 前两款规定以外的港口的总体规划,由港口所在地的市、县人民政府批准后公布实施,并报省、自治区、直辖市人民政府备案。
The overall planning worked out by the administrative department of port under the people's government of the city or county concerning a port prescribed in Paragraph 1 or 2 of the present article shall, prior to the submission for approval, be examined and consented to by the people's government at the same level. 市、县人民政府港口行政管理部门编制的属于本条第一款、第二款规定范围的港口的总体规划,在报送审批前应当经本级人民政府审核同意。
Article 12 The amendment of a port planning shall be made according to the procedures for making the port planning.   第十二条 港口规划的修改,按照港口规划制定程序办理。
Article 13 If the deep water coastline of a port needs to be used for the construction of port facilities within the port area under the overall planning, it shall be approved by the administrative department of communications under the State Council jointly with the economic comprehensive macro-control department under the State Council; if the non-deep water coastline needs to be used for the construction of port facilities, it shall be approved by the administrative department of port. However, if the coastline of a port needs to be used in a project approved by the State Council or the economic comprehensive macro-control department under the State Council for construction, no approval formalities for using the coastline need to be separately gone through.   第十三条 在港口总体规划区内建设港口设施,使用港口深水岸线的,由国务院交通主管部门会同国务院经济综合宏观调控部门批准;建设港口设施,使用非深水岸线的,由港口行政管理部门批准。但是,由国务院或者国务院经济综合宏观调控部门批准建设的项目使用港口岸线,不再另行办理使用港口岸线的审批手续。
The standards for the deep water coastline of a port shall be formulated by the administrative department of communications under the State Council. 港口深水岸线的标准由国务院交通主管部门制定。
Article 14 The construction of a port shall conform to the port planning. No port facilities shall be constructed in violation of the port planning.   第十四条 港口建设应当符合港口规划。不得违反港口规划建设任何港口设施。
Article 15 For a port construction project that must be approved by the relevant organ in accordance with the provisions of the State, approval formalities shall be gone through in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State, and the relevant standards and technical norms of the State shall be complied with.   第十五条 按照国家规定须经有关机关批准的港口建设项目,应当按照国家有关规定办理审批手续,并符合国家有关标准和技术规范。
For the construction of a port engineering project, the environmental influence appraisal shall be carried out in accordance with the law. 建设港口工程项目,应当依法进行环境影响评价。
The safety facilities and environmental protection facilities of a port construction project must be designed, constructed and put into use simultaneously with the major engineering project. 港口建设项目的安全设施和环境保护设施,必须与主体工程同时设计、同时施工、同时投入使用。
Article 16 The use of land and water area for the construction of a port shall be subject to the relevant laws and administrative regulations on land administration, use and administration of sea area, river course administration, channel administration, protection and administration of military facilities as well as other relevant laws and administrative regulations.   第十六条 港口建设使用土地和水域,应当依照有关土地管理、海域使用管理、河道管理、航道管理、军事设施保护管理的法律、行政法规以及其他有关法律、行政法规的规定办理。
Article 17 The work site of dangerous goods and the special place for sanitary disinfection at a port shall conform to the overall planning of the port and the relevant requirements of the State on safe production, fire prevention, inspection and quarantine as well as environmental protection. The distance of such a site or place to a densely populated area or to the passenger transport facilities of the port shall conform to the provisions of the relevant department under the State Council; it may not be constructed until relevant formalities have been undergone in accordance with the law.   第十七条 港口的危险货物作业场所、实施卫生除害处理的专用场所,应当符合港口总体规划和国家有关安全生产、消防、检验检疫和环境保护的要求,其与人口密集区和港口客运设施的距离应当符合国务院有关部门的规定;经依法办理有关手续后,方可建设。
Article 18 The navigation mark facilities and other auxiliary facilities shall be constructed simultaneously with the port, and must be put into use on time.   第十八条 航标设施以及其他辅助性设施,应当与港口同步建设,并保证按期投入使用。
The construction of the work facilities for the relevant administrative institution within a port shall conform to the overall planning of a port, and the construction expenses shall not be apportioned from among the business operators of the port. 港口内有关行政管理机构办公设施的建设应当符合港口总体规划,建设费用不得向港口经营人摊派。
Article 19 After a project on construction of port facilities is completed, it may not be put into use until it has been inspected as qualified in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State.
   第十九条 港口设施建设项目竣工后,应当按照国家有关规定经验收合格,方可投入使用。

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