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Decision of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on Accelerating the Development of Forestry [Effective]
中共中央、国务院关于加快林业发展的决定 [现行有效]

Decision of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on Accelerating the Development of Forestry 


(June 25th 2003)

It is a common theme faced by mankind in the 21st Century as well as an important basis for the sustainable economic and social development of China to strengthen eco-construction and maintain eco-safety. To build a well-off society in an all-round way and accelerate the socialist modernization, it is a must to take the road of civilized development featuring the increased productivity, improved living standards and sound eco-conditions, make economic development compatible with population, resources and environment, and realize harmonious coexistence between man and nature. Forest is a principal part of the land eco-system; as an important public welfare undertaking and one of the primary industries, forestry carries the burden of eco-construction and forest products supplies. Therefore, strengthening the work of forestry is of great significance. With a view to accelerating the development of forestry, achieving the goal of beautifying the mountains and rivers, and promoting the national economic and social development, the decision is hereby made as follows:

I.Strengthened the Construction of Forestry Is An Urgent Need for Sustainable Economic and Social Development   一、加强林业建设是经济社会可持续发展的迫切要求

1.China has made great achievements in the construction of forestry. Since the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949, especially since the adoption of the reform and opening-up policies, the CPC Central Committee and the State Council have attached great importance to forestry and have taken a series of relevant policies and measures, which have effectively propelled the development of forestry: the national tree-planting campaign has been going on in depth; a new situation is being created in which all walks of life afford support for forestry and everybody participates in forestation, the construction of such eco-projects as the “Three-North Shelterbelt” has achieved conspicuously good results; such key projects that are implemented in recent years as natural forest protection, restoration of farmland to forest, and desertification prevention & control has been showing smooth progress; the eco-conditions has been improved remarkably in some regions; the protection of forest, wetland and wildlife resources has been strengthened; the restructuring of forestry has been making progress; the construction of commodity forest bases of various kinds is in the ascendant; the forest products industry has been consolidated; the industries of economic forest, bamboo, rattan and flowers have been growing rapidly; and the comprehensive development of mountainous areas are moving in depth. A more complete organization, legal and work system is being formed for the cultivation, conservation and utilization of forest resources. Since 1949, the forestry sector has provided an accumulative total of over 5 billion cubic meters of timber; at present, the national forest coverage rate has reached 16.55%, and China's plantation acreage ranks the first in the world. Forestry has contributed significantly to the construction of the national economy and the improvement of the eco-conditions, and has played a growingly important role in promoting the development of the agriculture and the rural economy, expanding the employment both in urban and rural areas, and in increasing the farmer's income. 1.我国林业建设取得了巨大成就。建国以来,特别是改革开放以来,党中央、国务院对林业工作十分重视,采取了一系列政策措施,有力地促进了林业发展,全民义务植树运动深入开展,全社会办林业、全民搞绿化的局面正在形成,“三北”防护林等生态工程建设成效明显,近几年实施的天然林保护、退耕还林、防沙治沙等重点工程进展顺利,部分地区的生态状况明显改善,森林、湿地和野生动植物资源保护得到加强。林业产业结构调整取得进展,各类商品林基地建设方兴未艾,林产工业得到加强,经济林、竹藤花卉产业和生态旅游快速发展,山区综合开发向纵深推进。森林资源的培育、管护和利用逐渐形成较为完整的组织、法制和工作体系。建国以来,林业累计提供木材50多亿立方米,目前全国森林覆盖率已达到16.55%,人工林面积居世界第一位。林业为国家经济建设和生态状况改善作出了重要贡献,对促进新阶段农业和农村经济的发展,扩大城乡就业,增加农民收入,发挥着越来越重要的作用。

2.A drastic transformation of forestry is urgently needed to sustain China's economic and social development. With economic and social development and improved living standards, the acceleration of forestry development and the improvement of eco-conditions are urgently demanded by the society all the more, and forestry has become more and more prominent in the economic and social development. Forestry satisfies not only the society's diversified need for forest products such as timber, but also the needs for improving the eco-conditions and ensuring the eco-safety of the land. The eco-need has, among other needs that the society places on forestry, become the primary one. China's forestry is undergoing an important period of transformation and transition and standing at a historical turning point from the timber production-oriented pattern to the eco-construction-oriented one. 2.经济社会可持续发展迫切要求我国林业有一个大转变。随着经济发展、社会进步和人民生活水平的提高,社会对加快林业发展、改善生态状况的要求越来越迫切,林业在经济社会发展中的地位和作用越来越突出。林业不仅要满足社会对木材等林产品的多样化需求,更要满足改善生态状况、保障国土生态安全的需要,生态需求已成为社会对林业的第一需求,我国林业正处在一个重要的变革和转折时期,正经历着由以木材生产为主向以生态建设为主的历史性转变。

3.The situation for accelerating the development of forestry is still not optimistic. At present, the trend of the eco-conditions featuring improvement in some regions and deterioration in the country as a whole has not been radically reversed; such problems as desertification, wetland decrease and bio-diversity destruction have gained momentum; such phenomena as reckless and excessive felling of trees, unauthorized cultivation and unrestricted occupation of forested land, indiscriminate catching and wanton hunting of wild animals, and unauthorized collection of and unrestrained digging for wild plants cannot be checked effectively despite repeated crackdown; the threat of forest fires, plant diseases and insect pests is still serious. The administration and operation mechanism of forestry is still incapable of meeting the requirement of changing situations; with a small scale, low content of science and technology and an irrational structure, the forestry industry are confused by a sharp conflict between supply and demand of timber, slow income increase for employees in the forestry sector as well as other people in the forest areas, and retarded development of social undertakings. From an overall perspective, China is still a country lacking forest resources; in China, the gross forest resources are far from being sufficient, the overall functions of the forest eco-system remain weak and are in sharp conflict with the social needs; and the task of forestry reform and development has been arduous than ever before. 3.加快林业发展面临的形势依然严峻。目前我国生态状况局部改善、整体恶化的趋势尚未根本扭转,土地沙化、湿地减少,生物多样性遭破坏等仍呈加剧趋势。乱砍滥伐林木、乱垦滥占林地、乱捕滥猎野生动物、乱采滥挖野生植物等现象屡禁不止,森林火灾和病虫害对林业的威胁仍很严重。林业管理和经营体制还不适应形势发展的需要,林业产业规模小、科技含量低,结构不合理,木材供需矛盾突出,林业职工和林区群众的收入增长缓慢,社会事业发展滞后。从整体上讲,我国仍然是一个林业资源缺乏的国家,森林资源总量严重不足,森林生态系统的整体功能还非常脆弱,与社会需求之间的矛盾日益尖锐,林业改革和发展的任务比以往任何时候都更加繁重。

4.Forestry construction should be placed in a more prominent position. In the course of building a well-off society in an all-round way and propelling the socialist modernization in a faster pace, we should pay sufficient attention to and strengthen the work of forestry, and work for bigger development of China's forestry. We should give to forestry an important place in the implementation of the strategy of sustainable development, a leading position in the eco-construction, and a basic status in the development of China's western regions. 4.必须把林业建设放在更加突出的位置。在全面建设小康社会、加快推进社会主义现代化的进程中,必须高度重视和加强林业工作,努力使我国林业有一个大的发展。在贯彻可持续发展战略中,要赋予林业以重要地位;在生态建设中,要赋予林业以首要地位,在西部大开发中,要赋予林业以基础地位。

II.The Guiding Thought, Basic Principles and Major Tasks in Accelerating the Development of Forestry   二、加快林业发展的指导思想、基本方针和主要任务

5.Guidlines. We should take the Deng Xiaoping Theory and the Important Thought of the “Three Represents” as the guide, implement the spirit of the 16th CPC National Congress in depth, form the eco-construction-focused pattern of sustainable development for forestry, establish the land eco-safety system which takes forest and vegetation as the main part and integrates forest with grass, build a eco-civilized society with beautiful mountains and rivers, protect, cultivate and rationally utilize the forest resources, and realize the leap-forward development, in a way that forestry can better serve the national economy and the social development. 5.指导思想。以邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想为指导,深入贯彻十六大精神,确立以生态建设为主的林业可持续发展道路,建立以森林植被为主体、林草结合的国土生态安全体系,建设山川秀美的生态文明社会,大力保护、培育和合理利用森林资源,实现林业跨越式发展,使林业更好地为国民经济和杜会发展服务。

6.Basic Principles 6.基本方针。

---Stick to mobilization of the whole nation, participation of every citizen, and sponsorship for forestry from all walks of life;

---Stick to integration of ecological, economic and social benefits, while giving priority to eco-benefits;

---Stick to strict protection, active furtherance, scientific operation, and sustained utilization of forest resources;

---Stick to combination of government dominance and market regulation, and apply classified operation and administration to forestry;

---Stick to respect for natural and economic law, adjust measures to local conditions, rationally configure arbor, shrubbery and herbage, and coordinate the development of forestry in urban and rural areas;

---Stick to rejuvenation of the country through science and education;

---Stick to rule of law in forestry.

7. Major Tasks. We should strengthen the administration of the existing forests, expand new forests, and do a good job in the restoration of farmland to forest, so as to increase forest resources, consolidate the overall functions of the forest eco-system, increase the effective supply of forest products, and raise the income of the employees in the forestry sector as well as the farmers. We should strive to accomplish by 2010 a national forest coverage rate of not less than 19%, moderate soil and water losses in the basins of big rivers as well as the desertification of major sand areas, and check the trend of overall deterioration of the eco-conditions nationwide on a preliminary basis, and rationalize the industrial structure of forestry. By 2020, we should accomplish a national forest coverage rate of not less than 23%, basically solve the eco-problems in key areas, remarkably improve the eco-conditions nationwide, and conspicuously enhance the strength of the forest industry. By 2050, we should accomplish and stabilize a national forest coverage rate of not less than 26%, basically realize the beautification of mountains and rivers, the stepping of the eco-conditions into a benign cycle and the moderation of the conflict between supply of and demand for forest products, and establish a relatively complete forest eco-system and a relatively advanced forest industrial system. 7.主要任务。通过管好现有林,扩大新造林,抓好退耕还林,优化林业结构,增加森林资源,增强森林生态系统的整体功能,增加林产品有效供给,增加林业职工和农民收入。力争到2010年,使我国森林覆盖率达到19%以上,大江大河流域的水土流失和主要风沙区的沙漠化有所缓解,全国生态状况整体恶化的趋势得到初步遏制,林业产业结构趋于合理,到2020年,使森林覆盖率达到23%以上,重点地区的生态问题基本解决,全国的生态状况明显改善,林业产业实力显著增强;到2050年,使森林覆盖率达到并稳定在26%以上,基本实现山川秀美,生态状况步入良性循环,林产品供需矛盾得到缓解,建成比较完备的森林生态体系和比较发达的林业产业体系。

To achieve the above goals, we should intensify our efforts in protecting natural forests, wildlife resources, wetland, and aged and precious trees; in building the waterhead self-restraint forest, water & soil conservation forest, shelter and sand-fixation forest, and embankment shelterbelt in (on) major river basins, sandy land fringes and coastal areas; in planting trees in the undeveloped hills usable for afforestation, the open fields and the surrounding areas of cities and villages, and on both sides of roads and channels; in constructing the bases of economic forests as well as commodity forests for timber, firewood, flowers, etc; in developing forest parks, urban forests, and other recreational forests. At the same time, we should accelerate the restructuring of forestry, improve the economic efficiency of forestry, step up innovation for the administration and operation mechanisms of forestry, and bring into full play the initiative from all walks of life in developing forestry.

III.Handle Well the Key Projects and Propel the Eco-construction   三、抓好重点工程,推动生态建设

8.Continuously handling well the construction of key forestry projects. While intensifying our efforts in implementing the natural forest protection project, tightening the control over tree-felling in natural forests, and protecting, restoring and developing the natural forest resources in the upper reaches of Yangtze River, the middle and lower reaches of Yellow River, and in such regions as Northeast China, Inner Mongolia, etc. we should handle well the project of restoring farmland to forest (grassland), performing the relevant policies on compensation to the farmers for the restoration, encouraging the development of follow-up industries which have market potentials by combing the restructuring of agriculture with the development of unique industries, and settling the long-term livelihood of such farmers. We should continue to push forward the construction of shelterbelt systems in such key regions as “Three-North” (Northwest China, North China and Northeast China) and Yangtze Basin, adjust our measures to suit local conditions, set up defense against different hazards, build the shelterbelt systems of various kinds, deal with the various eco-disasters of in these regions, handle well the desertification prevention & control project, e.g. the treatment of sources of sand storms around Beijing and Tianjin, protect and increase vegetation through such comprehensive measures as designating the sealed conservation zones, planting trees and grass, conducting eco-treatment in minor basins, confining livestock to pens, immigrate people for eco-consideration, and rationally utilizing water resources, in an effort to effectively curb the sand storms in the capital area as well as other major areas troubled with sand storms. We should pay sufficient attention to the protection of wildlife and the construction of the nature protection zones, intensify our efforts in saving the precious and rare species on the brink of extinction, restore the typical eco-systems, enlarge the areas of nature protection, improve the protection level, strengthen the protection of wildlife, wetland and biodiversity in our country, accelerate the construction of the forest industry bases mainly focused on the rapid-growing & productive timber forest. We should develop the intensive forestry in the regions where the conditions permit, accelerate the construction of various kinds of timber forest and other commodity forest, increase the effective supply of forest products such as timber, and ease the tension in eco-construction. 8.坚持不懈地搞好林业重点工程建设。要加大力度实施天然林保护工程,严格天然林采伐管理,进一步保护、恢复和发展长江上游、黄河上中游地区和东北、内蒙古等地区的天然林资源,认真抓好退耕还林(草)工程,切实落实对退耕农民的有关补偿政策,鼓励结合农业结构调整和特色产业开发,发展有市场、有潜力的后续产业,解决好退耕农民的长远生计问题。继续推进“三北”、长江等重点地区的防护林体系工程建设,因地制宜、因害设防,营造各种防护林体系,集中治理好这些地区不同类型的生态灾害,切实搞好京津风沙源治理等防沙治沙工程,通过划定封禁保护区,种树种草,小流域治理,舍饲圈养、生态移民、合理利用水资源等综合措施,保护和增加林草植被,尽快使首都及主要风沙区的风沙危害得到有效遏制。高度重视野生动植物保护及自然保护区工程建设,抓紧抢救濒危珍稀物种,修复典型生态系统,扩大自然保护面积,提高保护水平,切实保护好我国的野生动植物资源、湿地资源和生物多样性,加快建设以速生丰产用材林为主的林业产业基地工程,在条件具备的适宜地区,发展集约林业,加快建设各种用材林和其他商品林基地,增加木材等林产品的有效供给,减轻生态建设压力。

9.Pushing forward the all-china voluntary tree-planting campaign and furthering public afforestation in diverse forms. We should keep on diversifying and improving the forms of voluntary tree planting, expand the voluntary groups of right-age citizens, and improve the effectiveness of voluntary tree planting. Region-based administration will be applied to the voluntary tree planting, which is to be organized by town (township) in the rural areas and by neighborhood in the urban areas, with the registration and appraisal systems being established and improved. We should further specify the scope of responsibility for departments and organizations in afforestation, implement the responsibility system based on division of functions, and strengthen the supervision and inspection. The green passageway projects should be planned with road construction and channel rectification, distributed rationally and constructed at a faster pace. We should combine city afforestation with both environmental beautification and eco-functional enhancement, and raise the construction level step-by-step. We should encourage military forces, social groups, foreign investors, and the masses to contribute to afforestation, and form an afforestation pattern with multi-parts, layers and forms.

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