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Provisions on the Quality Supervision and Administration of Highway and Water Transport Projects [Effective]
公路水运工程质量监督管理规定 [现行有效]

Order of the Ministry of Transport 


(No. 28 [2017]) (2017年第28号)

The Provisions on the Quality Supervision and Administration of Highway and Water Transport Projects, as adopted at the 14th executive meeting on August 29, 2017, are hereby issued and shall come into force on December 1, 2017. 《公路水运工程质量监督管理规定》已于2017年8月29日经第14次部务会议通过,现予公布,自2017年12月1日起施行。
Minister: Li Xiaopeng 部长 李小鹏
September 4, 2017 2017年9月4日
Provisions on the Quality Supervision and Administration of Highway and Water Transport Projects 公路水运工程质量监督管理规定
Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总则

Article 1 For the purposes of strengthening the quality supervision and administration of highway and water transport projects, and guaranteeing the quality of projects, these Provisions are developed in accordance with the Highway Law of the People's Republic of China, the Law of the People's Republic of China on Ports, the Waterway Law of the People's Republic of China, the Regulation on the Quality Administration of Construction Projects and other laws and administrative regulations.   第一条 为了加强公路水运工程质量监督管理,保证工程质量,根据《中华人民共和国公路法》《中华人民共和国港口法》《中华人民共和国航道法》《建设工程质量管理条例》等法律、行政法规,制定本规定。
Article 2 The quality supervision and administration of highway and water transport projects shall be governed by these Provisions.   第二条 公路水运工程质量监督管理,适用本规定。
Article 3 For the purpose of these Provisions, “highway and water transport projects” means the new construction, reconstruction, expansion and other construction projects of highway and water transport infrastructure approved, verified or recorded according to the law.   第三条 本规定所称公路水运工程,是指经依法审批、核准或者备案的公路、水运基础设施的新建、改建、扩建等建设项目。
For the purpose of these Provisions, “quality of highway and water transport projects” means the comprehensive requirements of the laws, regulations, rules, technical standards, approved design documents and project contracts on the construction of highway and water transport projects for the safety, application, economical efficiency, appearance and other characteristics of the construction of the highway and water transport projects. 本规定所称公路水运工程质量,是指有关公路水运工程建设的法律、法规、规章、技术标准、经批准的设计文件以及工程合同对建设公路水运工程的安全、适用、经济、美观等特性的综合要求。
For the purpose of these Provisions, “practicing entities” means the entities engaging in the building, survey, design, construction, supervision, experiment, testing and other business activities of the highway and water transport projects. 本规定所称从业单位,是指从事公路、水运工程建设、勘察、设计、施工、监理、试验检测等业务活动的单位。
Article 4 The Ministry of Transport (“MOT”) shall be responsible for the quality supervision and administration of highway and water transport projects. The Yangtze River Navigation Authority of the MOT shall, according to the functions as prescribed, supervise and administer the quality of the Yangtze River trunk waterway projects.   第四条 交通运输部负责全国公路水运工程质量监督管理工作。交通运输部长江航务管理局按照规定的职责对长江干线航道工程质量监督管理。
The competent transport departments of the local people's governments at or above the county level shall, according to the functions as prescribed, be responsible for the quality supervision and administration of highway and water transport projects in their respective administrative regions. 县级以上地方人民政府交通运输主管部门按照规定的职责负责本行政区域内的公路水运工程质量监督管理工作。
The quality supervision and administration of highway and water transport projects may be specifically implemented by the construction project quality supervision institutions entrusted by the competent transport departments. 公路水运工程质量监督管理,可以由交通运输主管部门委托的建设工程质量监督机构具体实施。
Article 5 The competent transport departments shall develop and improve the system, policies and measures for the quality supervision and administration of highway and water transport projects, strengthen the supervision and administration of the quality according to the law, and improve the level of the supervision and administration of the quality.   第五条 交通运输主管部门应当制定完善公路水运工程质量监督管理制度、政策措施,依法加强质量监督管理,提高质量监督管理水平。
Article 6 The promotion and application of the new concepts, new technologies and new methods for the administration of quality shall be encouraged and supported in the field of the construction of highway and water transport projects.   第六条 公路水运工程建设领域鼓励和支持质量管理新理念、新技术、新方法的推广应用。
Chapter II Quality Administration Responsibilities and Obligations 

第二章 质量管理责任和义务

Article 7 The practicing entities shall establish and improve the project quality assurance system, develop the quality administration rules, strengthen the project quality administration measures, and improve the project quality objective assurance mechanism.   第七条 从业单位应当建立健全工程质量保证体系,制定质量管理制度,强化工程质量管理措施,完善工程质量目标保障机制。
The system of lifelong guarantee for the quality responsibility shall be implemented for the highway and water transport projects. The building, investigation, design, construction, supervision and other entities shall specify the corresponding responsible persons for the project and responsible persons for the quality in writing. The relevant personnel of a practicing entity shall, in accordance with the laws, regulations and relevant provisions of the state and within the rational service life period of a project, assume corresponding quality responsibility. 公路水运工程施行质量责任终身制。建设、勘察、设计、施工、监理等单位应当书面明确相应的项目负责人和质量负责人。从业单位的相关人员按照国家法律法规和有关规定在工程合理使用年限内承担相应的质量责任。
Article 8 To assume the administration responsibility for the quality of a project, a construction entity shall scientifically conduct organization and administration, implement the laws and regulations of the state and provisions on the mandatory standards for project construction, strictly implement the relevant project construction administration procedures of the state, establish and improve the project administration responsibility system, improve the project project administration system, and strictly implement the quality responsibility system.   第八条 建设单位对工程质量负管理责任,应当科学组织管理,落实国家法律、法规、工程建设强制性标准的规定,严格执行国家有关工程建设管理程序,建立健全项目管理责任机制,完善工程项目管理制度,严格落实质量责任制。
Article 9 A construction entity shall specify the project quality objectives, and the quality administration responsibilities and requirements in the contracts with the survey, design, construction, supervision and other entities, strengthen the contractual performance administration of the key personnel, construction equipment and other respects involving the quality, organize and conduct quality examination, and urge the relevant entities to make rectification of the quality problems in a timely manner.   第九条 建设单位应当与勘察、设计、施工、监理等单位在合同中明确工程质量目标、质量管理责任和要求,加强对涉及质量的关键人员、施工设备等方面的合同履约管理,组织开展质量检查,督促有关单位及时整改质量问题。
Article 10 The survey and design entities shall be responsible for the quality of survey and design, conduct survey and design in accordance with the relevant provisions and mandatory standards, and ensure the depth and quality of the survey and design work. The documents on the survey achievements provided by the surveying entities shall meet the needs of project design. The design entities shall conduct project design according to the documents on the survey achievements.   第十条 勘察、设计单位对勘察、设计质量负责,应当按照有关规定、强制性标准进行勘察、设计,保证勘察、设计工作深度和质量。勘察单位提供的勘察成果文件应当满足工程设计的需要。设计单位应当根据勘察成果文件进行工程设计。
Article 11 A design entity shall, in accordance with the relevant provisions, effectively submit design documents, change design and provide subsequent services, guarantee that the design purposes are implemented in the construction, and handle the design-related quality and technical problems in the construction in a timely manner.   第十一条 设计单位应当按照相关规定,做好设计交底、设计变更和后续服务工作,保障设计意图在施工中得以贯彻落实,及时处理施工中与设计相关的质量技术问题。
Article 12 Before the handover and acceptance of a highway and water transport project, the design entity shall conduct comprehensive inspection, analysis and assessment on whether the project construction contents meet the design requirements, whether achieve the use function and other respects, and issue the project design conformity assessment opinions to the construction entity.   第十二条 公路水运工程交工验收前,设计单位应当对工程建设内容是否满足设计要求、是否达到使用功能等方面进行综合检查和分析评价,向建设单位出具工程设计符合性评价意见。
Article 13 A construction entity shall be responsible for the construction quality of the project, set up an on-site quality administration institution and appoint project technical personnel and quality administration personnel as agreed in the contract, and implement the project construction responsibility system.   第十三条 施工单位对工程施工质量负责,应当按合同约定设立现场质量管理机构、配备工程技术人员和质量管理人员,落实工程施工质量责任制。
Article 14 A construction entity shall conduct construction in strict accordance with the project design drawings, technical standards for construction and contractual agreement, and examine the raw materials, mixture, component, project entity, electromechanical equipment, etc.; carry out the quality control procedures of self-inspection by teams, handover inspection of working procedures and inspection by full-time quality inspectors; and conduct quality self-assessment of the itemized, sectionalized and unit projects. A project failing to pass the inspection or self-assessment shall not enter the next procedure or be put into use.   第十四条 施工单位应当严格按照工程设计图纸、施工技术标准和合同约定施工,对原材料、混合料、构配件、工程实体、机电设备等进行检验;按规定施行班组自检、工序交接检、专职质检员检验的质量控制程序;对分项工程、分部工程和单位工程进行质量自评。检验或者自评不合格的,不得进入下道工序或者投入使用。
Article 15 A construction entity shall strengthen the quality control of the construction process, form complete and traceable construction quality administration materials, and keep videos for the construction of the hidden parts of the main project. A construction entity shall be responsible for rework of the project in which quality problem is found in the construction or that fails to pass the inspection; and assume the warranty obligations for the project that has quality problem within the scope of warranty and within the prescribed time limit for warranty.   第十五条 施工单位应当加强施工过程质量控制,并形成完整、可追溯的施工质量管理资料,主体工程的隐蔽部位施工还应当保留影像资料。对施工中出现的质量问题或者验收不合格的工程,应当负责返工处理;对在保修范围和保修期限内发生质量问题的工程,应当履行保修义务。
Article 16 The survey, design and construction entities shall standardize the subcontracting according to the law and assume the overall liability for the project quality assumed respectively, and the subcontracting entity shall be responsible for the project quality within the scope of the subcontracting contract.   第十六条 勘察、设计、施工单位应当依法规范分包行为,并对各自承担的工程质量负总责,分包单位对分包合同范围内的工程质量负责。
Article 17 A supervision entity shall assume the responsibility of supervision for the construction quality, establish on-site supervision institution according to the contract, carry out examination, inspection and acceptance of the project quality according to the prescribed procedures and standards, and urge the rectification of the quality problems found in a timely manner, without lowering the project quality standards.   第十七条 监理单位对施工质量负监理责任,应当按合同约定设立现场监理机构,按规定程序和标准进行工程质量检查、检测和验收,对发现的质量问题及时督促整改,不得降低工程质量标准。
Before the handover and acceptance of a highway and water transport project, the supervision entity shall, according to the relevant standards and specifications, conduct examination and verification, develop a project quality evaluation or assessment report, and submit it to the construction entity. 公路水运工程交工验收前,监理单位应当根据有关标准和规范要求对工程质量进行检查验证,编制工程质量评定或者评估报告,并提交建设单位。
Article 18 The construction and supervision entities shall, in accordance with the contract, establish a temporary laboratory at the construction site, and conduct experiment and testing within the scope of the verified experiment and testing parameters in strict accordance with the standards for project technology and testing specifications and procedures.   第十八条 施工、监理单位应当按照合同约定设立工地临时试验室,严格按照工程技术标准、检测规范和规程,在核定的试验检测参数范围内开展试验检测活动。
The construction and supervision entities shall be responsible for the authenticity, objectivity and accuracy of the experiment and testing data and reports issued by the temporary laboratory at the construction site established by them. 施工、监理单位应当对其设立的工地临时试验室所出具的试验检测数据和报告的真实性、客观性、准确性负责。
Article 19 The supply entities of materials and equipment shall be responsible for the quality of their products or services in accordance with the relevant provisions and the contractual agreement.   第十九条 材料和设备的供应单位应当按照有关规定和合同约定对其产品或者服务质量负责。
Chapter III Supervision and Administration 

第三章 监督管理

Article 20 The quality supervision and administration system shall be implemented for the highway and water transport projects.   第二十条 公路水运工程实行质量监督管理制度。
The competent transport department and the construction project quality supervision institution entrusted by it shall, according to the laws, regulations, mandatory standards, etc., conduct quality supervision and administration of highway and water transport projects in a scientific, regulated and impartial manner. No entity or individual may illegally intervene in or obstruct the quality supervision and administration work. 交通运输主管部门及其委托的建设工程质量监督机构应当依据法律、法规和强制性标准等,科学、规范、公正地开展公路水运工程质量监督管理工作。任何单位和个人不得非法干预或者阻挠质量监督管理工作。
Article 21 A construction project quality supervision institution entrusted by the competent transport department shall meet the following basic conditions:
   第二十一条 交通运输主管部门委托的建设工程质量监督机构应当满足以下基本条件:

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