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Regulation on the Supervision and Administration of Financing Guarantee Companies [Effective]
融资担保公司监督管理条例 [现行有效]

Order of the State Council 


(No. 683) (第683号)

The Regulation on the Supervision and Administration of Financing Guarantee Companies, as adopted at the 177th executive meeting of the State Council on June 21, 2017, is hereby issued and shall come into force on October 1, 2017. 《融资担保公司监督管理条例》已经2017年6月21日国务院第177次常务会议通过,现予公布,自2017年10月1日起施行。
Premier: Li Keqiang 总 理  李克强
August 2, 2017 2017年8月2日
Regulation on the Supervision and Administration of Financing Guarantee Companies 融资担保公司监督管理条例
Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总  则

Article 1 This Regulation is developed for the purposes of supporting the development of inclusive finance, promoting fund accommodation, regulating the conduct of financing guarantee enterprises, and preventing risks.   第一条 为了支持普惠金融发展,促进资金融通,规范融资担保公司的行为,防范风险,制定本条例。
Article 2 For the purposes of this Regulation, “financing guarantee” means that the guarantor provides security for the secured party's debt financing such as borrowings and issuance of bonds. “Financing guarantee companies” means limited liability companies or joint stock companies that are formed in accordance with the law to conduct the financing guarantee business.   第二条 本条例所称融资担保,是指担保人为被担保人借款、发行债券等债务融资提供担保的行为;所称融资担保公司,是指依法设立、经营融资担保业务的有限责任公司或者股份有限公司。
Article 3 Financing guarantee companies shall conduct businesses in accordance with laws and regulations, conduct prudential operation, have good faith, and shall not damage national interest, public interest or the lawful rights and interests of any other person.   第三条 融资担保公司开展业务,应当遵守法律法规,审慎经营,诚实守信,不得损害国家利益、社会公共利益和他人合法权益。
Article 4 The department determined by the people's government of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government (hereinafter referred to as the “regulatory department”) shall be responsible for the supervision and administration of financing guarantee companies of its region.   第四条 省、自治区、直辖市人民政府确定的部门(以下称监督管理部门)负责对本地区融资担保公司的监督管理。
The people's government of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government shall be responsible for developing policies and measures that promote the development of the financing guarantee industry in its region, handle the risks of financing guarantee companies, and urge regulatory departments to strictly perform functions. 省、自治区、直辖市人民政府负责制定促进本地区融资担保行业发展的政策措施、处置融资担保公司风险,督促监督管理部门严格履行职责。
The State Council shall establish the inter-ministerial joint meeting for the supervision of the financing guarantee business, be responsible for drafting rules for the supervision and administration of financing guarantee companies, coordinate the resolution of major issues in the supervision and administration of financing guarantee companies, and urge and direct local people's governments to conduct the supervision and administration of financing guarantee companies and dispose of risks. The inter-ministerial joint meeting for the supervision of the financing guarantee business shall be led by the banking regulatory authority of the State Council and participated by relevant departments of the State Council. 国务院建立融资性担保业务监管部际联席会议,负责拟订融资担保公司监督管理制度,协调解决融资担保公司监督管理中的重大问题,督促指导地方人民政府对融资担保公司进行监督管理和风险处置。融资性担保业务监管部际联席会议由国务院银行业监督管理机构牵头,国务院有关部门参加。
Article 5 The state shall promote the establishment of the government financing guarantee system, develop financing guarantee companies supported by the government, establish the mechanism for the cooperation of governments, banking financial institutions and financing guarantee companies, enlarge the scale of financing guarantee business for micro and small enterprises, agriculture, rural areas and farmers, and maintain relatively low fee rates.   第五条 国家推动建立政府性融资担保体系,发展政府支持的融资担保公司,建立政府、银行业金融机构、融资担保公司合作机制,扩大为小微企业和农业、农村、农民提供融资担保业务的规模并保持较低的费率水平。
Public finance departments of people's governments at all levels shall, by such methods as making capital investment and establishing the risk assumption mechanism, provide fiscal support for financing guarantee companies that mainly serve micro and small enterprises, agriculture, rural areas and farmers, and the specific measures shall be formulated by the public finance department of the State Council. 各级人民政府财政部门通过资本金投入、建立风险分担机制等方式,对主要为小微企业和农业、农村、农民服务的融资担保公司提供财政支持,具体办法由国务院财政部门制定。
Chapter II Formation, Modification and Termination 

第二章 设立、变更和终止

Article 6 The formation of a financing guarantee company shall be subject to the approval of the regulatory department.   第六条 设立融资担保公司,应当经监督管理部门批准。
The name of the financing guarantee company shall indicate the words financing guarantee. 融资担保公司的名称中应当标明融资担保字样。
Without the approval of the regulatory department, no entity or individual may conduct the financing guarantee business, and no entity may use the words financing guarantee in the name, unless it is otherwise provided for by the state. 未经监督管理部门批准,任何单位和个人不得经营融资担保业务,任何单位不得在名称中使用融资担保字样。国家另有规定的除外。
Article 7 The formation of a financing guarantee company shall comply with the provisions of the Company Law of the People's Republic of China, and meet the following conditions:   第七条 设立融资担保公司,应当符合《中华人民共和国公司法》的规定,并具备下列条件:
(1) Shareholders have good reputation and have no serious violation of law or regulation in the past three years. (一)股东信誉良好,最近3年无重大违法违规记录;
(2) The company's registered capital is not less than 20 million yuan and is paid-in monetary capital. (二)注册资本不低于人民币2000万元,且为实缴货币资本;
(3) The to-be-appointed directors, supervisors and senior executives have a command of the laws and regulations relating to the financing guarantee business, and have the practicing experience and management capability required for the performance of functions. (三)拟任董事、监事、高级管理人员熟悉与融资担保业务相关的法律法规,具有履行职责所需的从业经验和管理能力;
(4) The company has sound business rules and internal management rules for risk control, among others. (四)有健全的业务规范和风险控制等内部管理制度。
The province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government may, in accordance with the economic development of its region and the actual development of the financing guarantee industry, increase the minimum limit of registered capital prescribed in the preceding paragraph. 省、自治区、直辖市根据本地区经济发展水平和融资担保行业发展的实际情况,可以提高前款规定的注册资本最低限额。
Article 8 The applicant that applies for the formation of a financing guarantee company shall submit an application and materials proving that it meets the conditions prescribed in Article 7 of this Regulation to the regulatory department.   第八条 申请设立融资担保公司,应当向监督管理部门提交申请书和证明其符合本条例第七条规定条件的材料。
The regulatory department shall make a decision to approve or disapprove the application within 30 days as of the date of acceptance of the application. If it decides to grant approval, it shall issue the financing guarantee business permit. If it disapproves the application, it shall notify the applicant in writing and explain the reason for disapproval. 监督管理部门应当自受理申请之日起30日内作出批准或者不予批准的决定。决定批准的,颁发融资担保业务经营许可证;不予批准的,书面通知申请人并说明理由。
The financing guarantee company formed with approval shall be announced by the regulatory department. 经批准设立的融资担保公司由监督管理部门予以公告。
Article 9 The business combination, division or reduction of registered capital of a financing guarantee company shall be subject to the approval of the regulatory department.   第九条 融资担保公司合并、分立或者减少注册资本,应当经监督管理部门批准。
Where a financing guarantee company forms a branch office within the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government at the place where it is located, changes its name, changes any shareholder holding 5% or more equities or changes any director, supervisor or senior executive, it shall, within 30 days as of the date of formation of the branch office or the modification of relevant matters, report it to the regulatory department for recordation. The relevant matters after modification shall comply with the provisions of paragraph 2 of Article 6 and Article 7 of this Regulation. 融资担保公司在住所地所在省、自治区、直辖市范围内设立分支机构,变更名称,变更持有5%以上股权的股东或者变更董事、监事、高级管理人员,应当自分支机构设立之日起或者变更相关事项之日起30日内向监督管理部门备案;变更后的相关事项应当符合本条例第六条第二款、第七条的规定。
Article 10 Where a financing guarantee company forms a branch office across provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government, it shall meet the following conditions and obtain the approval of the regulatory department at the place where the to-be-formed branch office is located.   第十条 融资担保公司跨省、自治区、直辖市设立分支机构,应当具备下列条件,并经拟设分支机构所在地监督管理部门批准:
(1) Its registered capital is not less than one billion yuan. (一)注册资本不低于人民币10亿元;
(2) It has conducted the financing guarantee business for three years or more, and has earned profits in the latest two consecutive accounting years. (二)经营融资担保业务3年以上,且最近2个会计年度连续盈利;
(3) It has no record of any serious violation of law or regulation in the last two years. (三)最近2年无重大违法违规记录。
The provision of Article 8 of this Regulation shall apply to the procedures and time limit for granting approval by the regulatory department at the place where the to-be-formed branch office is located. 拟设分支机构所在地监督管理部门审批的程序和期限,适用本条例第八条的规定。
The financing guarantee company shall, within 30 days as of the date of formation of the branch office, report the relevant information to the regulatory department at the place where the company is located. 融资担保公司应当自分支机构设立之日起30日内,将有关情况报告公司住所地监督管理部门。
The routine supervision and administration of a branch office formed by a financing guarantee company across provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall be under the charge of the regulatory department at the place where the branch office is located, and the regulatory department at the place where the financing guarantee company is located shall cooperate. 融资担保公司跨省、自治区、直辖市设立的分支机构的日常监督管理,由分支机构所在地监督管理部门负责,融资担保公司住所地监督管理部门应当予以配合。
Article 11 Where a financing guarantee company is dissolved, it shall form a liquidation group in accordance with the law to conduct liquidation, and make specific arrangements on the assumption of undue financing guarantee responsibility. The liquidation process shall be subject to the supervision of the regulatory department.   第十一条 融资担保公司解散的,应当依法成立清算组进行清算,并对未到期融资担保责任的承接作出明确安排。清算过程应当接受监督管理部门的监督。
Where a financing guarantee company is dissolved or declared bankrupt in accordance with the law, the financing guarantee business permit shall be turned to the regulatory department for cancellation, and be announced by the regulatory department. 融资担保公司解散或者被依法宣告破产的,应当将融资担保业务经营许可证交监督管理部门注销,并由监督管理部门予以公告。
Chapter III Business Rules 

第三章 经营规则

Article 12 In addition to the operation of loan guarantee, guarantee of issued bonds and other financing guarantee businesses, a financing guarantee company that has stable business operation and sound financial conditions may also conduct non-financing guarantee businesses such as bidding guarantee, guarantee for the performance of contracts on projects, and guarantee for preservative measure in litigation and services such as consulting relating to the guarantee business.   第十二条 除经营借款担保、发行债券担保等融资担保业务外,经营稳健、财务状况良好的融资担保公司还可以经营投标担保、工程履约担保、诉讼保全担保等非融资担保业务以及与担保业务有关的咨询等服务业务。
Article 13 A financing guarantee company shall, under the principle of prudential business operations, establish and improve business rules in such aspects as the review of financing guarantee projects, post-guarantee management, and recovery of compensation liability, and internal control rules on risk management, among others.   第十三条 融资担保公司应当按照审慎经营原则,建立健全融资担保项目评审、担保后管理、代偿责任追偿等方面的业务规范以及风险管理等内部控制制度。
The financing guarantee company supported by the government shall enhance the capability to use big data and other modern information technology means to serve the financing demand of micro and small enterprises, agriculture, rural areas and farmers. 政府支持的融资担保公司应当增强运用大数据等现代信息技术手段的能力,为小微企业和农业、农村、农民的融资需求服务。
Article 14 The financing guarantee company shall, according to the risk weight prescribed by the state, measure the balance of guarantee liability.
   第十四条 融资担保公司应当按照国家规定的风险权重,计量担保责任余额。

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